path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar Simon Van Casteren <>2019-12-14 12:47:27 +0100
committerGravatar Simon Van Casteren <>2019-12-14 12:47:27 +0100
commit91d154f3fa8634698faea010c9d965009a76fbcb (patch)
tree502ac565ac0c945205f756199d97163b88f85af3 /src
parentaee7b6df39b763518dead8f160725c06fb8c7d66 (diff)
Refactored state into its own module
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 121 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/src/lsp.sml b/src/lsp.sml
index 4259c9ec..23b54a28 100644
--- a/src/lsp.sml
+++ b/src/lsp.sml
@@ -18,14 +18,68 @@ type state =
{ urpPath : string
, fileStates : fileState
+(* Wrapping this in structure as an attempt to not get concurrency bugs *)
+structure State :
+ sig
+ val init: state -> unit
+ val insertText: string -> string -> unit
+ val insertElabRes: string -> ElabEnv.env -> Elab.decl list -> unit
+ val removeFile: string -> unit
+ val withState: (state -> 'a) -> 'a
+ end = struct
val stateRef = ref (NONE: state option)
+fun init (s: state) =
+ stateRef := SOME s
+fun withState (f: state -> 'a): 'a =
+ case !stateRef of
+ NONE => raise LspSpec.LspError LspSpec.ServerNotInitialized
+ | SOME s => f s
+fun insertText (fileName: string) (text: string) =
+ withState (fn oldS =>
+ stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath oldS
+ , fileStates =
+ case SM.find (#fileStates oldS, fileName) of
+ NONE => SM.insert ( #fileStates oldS
+ , fileName
+ , { text = text
+ , decls = []
+ , envBeforeThisModule = ElabEnv.empty })
+ | SOME oldfs =>
+ SM.insert ( #fileStates oldS
+ , fileName
+ , { text = text
+ , decls = #decls oldfs
+ , envBeforeThisModule = #envBeforeThisModule oldfs })
+ }
+ )
+fun insertElabRes (fileName: string) (env: ElabEnv.env) decls =
+ withState (fn oldS =>
+ stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath oldS
+ , fileStates =
+ case SM.find (#fileStates oldS, fileName) of
+ NONE => raise Fail ("No text found for file " ^ fileName)
+ | SOME oldfs =>
+ SM.insert ( #fileStates oldS
+ , fileName
+ , { text = #text oldfs
+ , decls = decls
+ , envBeforeThisModule = env })
+ }
+ )
+fun removeFile (fileName: string) =
+ withState (fn oldS =>
+ stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath oldS
+ , fileStates = #1 (SM.remove (#fileStates oldS, fileName))
+ }
+ )
-fun insertFileState (state: state) (fileName: string) (fs: fileState) =
- stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
- , fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
- , fileName
- , fs)
- }
fun scanDir (f: string -> bool) (path: string) =
@@ -204,41 +258,16 @@ fun elabFile (state: state) (fileName: string): ({ decls: Elab.decl list, envBef
-(* TODO Bad API: text0 = NONE is Save, text0 = SOME is open *)
-(* TODO whole function isn't great, could use a refactor *)
-fun handleDocumentSavedOrOpened (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (documentUri: LspSpec.documentUri) (textO: string option) =
+fun elabFileAndSendDiags (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (documentUri: LspSpec.documentUri): unit =
val fileName = #path documentUri
- val previousState = SM.find (#fileStates state, fileName)
- val text = case textO of
- NONE => (case previousState of
- NONE => ((#showMessage toclient) ("No previous state for file " ^ fileName) 2; NONE)
- | SOME previousState => SOME (#text previousState))
- | SOME text => SOME text
+ val res = elabFile state fileName
- case text of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME text =>
- let
- (* Insert text before elabFile since that can fail *)
- val () = insertFileState state fileName { text = text
- , envBeforeThisModule = case previousState of
- NONE => ElabEnv.empty
- | SOME p => #envBeforeThisModule p
- , decls = case previousState of
- NONE => []
- | SOME p => #decls p
- }
- val res = elabFile state fileName
- in
- (case #1 res of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME fs =>
- (insertFileState state fileName { text = text
- , envBeforeThisModule = #envBeforeThisModule fs
- , decls = #decls fs });
- #publishDiagnostics toclient { uri = documentUri , diagnostics = #2 res})
- end
+ (case #1 res of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME fs =>
+ (State.insertElabRes fileName (#envBeforeThisModule fs) (#decls fs));
+ #publishDiagnostics toclient { uri = documentUri , diagnostics = #2 res})
fun scanDir (f: string -> bool) (path: string) =
@@ -518,79 +547,56 @@ fun handleDocumentDidChange (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (p: LspS
(debug ("Got change event for file that isn't open: " ^ fileName);
(#showMessage toclient) ("Got change event for file that isn't open: " ^ fileName) 1)
| SOME s =>
- let
- val newtext = List.foldl applyContentChange (#text s) (#contentChanges p)
- in
- insertFileState state fileName { text = newtext
- , decls = #decls s
- , envBeforeThisModule = #envBeforeThisModule s}
- end
+ State.insertText fileName (List.foldl applyContentChange (#text s) (#contentChanges p))
-fun handleDocumentDidClose (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (p: LspSpec.didCloseParams): unit =
- let
- val fileName = #path (#uri (#textDocument p))
- val s = SM.find (#fileStates state, fileName)
- in
- stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
- , fileStates = (#1 (SM.remove (#fileStates state, fileName))) handle ex => #fileStates state
- }
- end
+fun handleRequest (requestMessage: LspSpec.message) =
+ case requestMessage of
+ LspSpec.Notification n =>
+ (LspSpec.matchNotification
+ n
+ { initialized = fn () => ()
+ , textDocument_didOpen =
+ fn (p, toclient) => State.withState (fn state =>
+ (State.insertText (#path (#uri (#textDocument p))) (#text (#textDocument p)) ;
+ elabFileAndSendDiags state toclient (#uri (#textDocument p))))
+ , textDocument_didChange =
+ fn (p, toclient) => State.withState (fn state => handleDocumentDidChange state toclient p)
+ , textDocument_didSave =
+ fn (p, toclient) => State.withState (fn state => elabFileAndSendDiags state toclient (#uri (#textDocument p)))
+ , textDocument_didClose =
+ fn (p, toclient) => State.removeFile (#path (#uri (#textDocument p)))
+ })
+ | LspSpec.RequestMessage m =>
+ (* TODO should error handling here be inside handleMessage? *)
+ (LspSpec.matchMessage
+ m
+ { initialize = fn p =>
+ (let val st = initState p
+ in
+ State.init st;
+ LspSpec.Success
+ { capabilities =
+ { hoverProvider = true
+ , completionProvider = SOME { triggerCharacters = ["."]}
+ , textDocumentSync = { openClose = true
+ , change = 2
+ , save = SOME { includeText = false }
+ }}
+ }
+ end)
+ , shutdown = fn () => LspSpec.Success ()
+ , textDocument_hover = fn toclient => State.withState handleHover
+ , textDocument_completion = State.withState handleCompletion
+ })
fun serverLoop () =
- val state = !stateRef
val requestMessage =
LspSpec.readRequestFromStdIO ()
handle ex => (debug (General.exnMessage ex) ; raise ex)
- case state of
- NONE =>
- (case requestMessage of
- LspSpec.RequestMessage m =>
- LspSpec.handleMessage
- m
- { initialize = fn p =>
- (let val st = initState p
- in
- stateRef := SOME st;
- LspSpec.Success
- { capabilities =
- { hoverProvider = true
- , completionProvider = SOME { triggerCharacters = ["."]}
- , textDocumentSync = { openClose = true
- , change = 2
- , save = SOME { includeText = false }
- }}
- }
- end)
- handle (Fail str) => LspSpec.Error (~32602, str)
- , shutdown = fn () => LspSpec.Error (~32002, "Server not initialized")
- , textDocument_hover = fn toclient => fn _ => LspSpec.Error (~32002, "Server not initialized")
- , textDocument_completion = fn _ => LspSpec.Error (~32002, "Server not initialized")
- }
- | LspSpec.Notification n => ())
- | SOME state =>
- (case requestMessage of
- LspSpec.Notification n =>
- (LspSpec.handleNotification
- n
- { initialized = fn () => ()
- , textDocument_didOpen = fn toclient => fn p => handleDocumentSavedOrOpened state toclient (#uri (#textDocument p)) (SOME (#text (#textDocument p)))
- , textDocument_didChange = handleDocumentDidChange state
- , textDocument_didSave = fn toclient => fn p => handleDocumentSavedOrOpened state toclient (#uri (#textDocument p)) NONE
- , textDocument_didClose = fn toclient => fn p => handleDocumentDidClose state toclient p
- })
- | LspSpec.RequestMessage m =>
- (* TODO should error handling here be inside handleMessage? *)
- (LspSpec.handleMessage
- m
- { initialize = fn _ => LspSpec.Error (~32600, "Server already initialized")
- , shutdown = fn () => LspSpec.Success ()
- , textDocument_hover = fn toclient => handleHover state
- , textDocument_completion = handleCompletion state
- })
- )
+ handleRequest requestMessage
fun startServer () = while true do serverLoop ()
diff --git a/src/lspspec.sml b/src/lspspec.sml
index fe1711f0..bbc78606 100644
--- a/src/lspspec.sml
+++ b/src/lspspec.sml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
structure LspSpec = struct
datatype lspError = InternalError of string
+ | ServerNotInitialized
exception LspError of lspError
fun debug (str: string): unit =
@@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ structure LspSpec = struct
val toclient: toclient = {showMessage = showMessage, publishDiagnostics = publishDiagnostics}
- fun handleMessage
+ fun matchMessage
(requestMessage: {id: Json.json, method: string, params: Json.json})
(handlers: messageHandlers)
: unit =
@@ -393,6 +394,7 @@ structure LspSpec = struct
| method => (debug ("Method not supported: " ^ method);
Error (~32601, "Method not supported: " ^ method)))
handle LspError (InternalError str) => Error (~32603, str)
+ | LspError ServerNotInitialized => Error (~32002, "Server not initialized")
| ex => Error (~32603, (General.exnMessage ex))
(* val () = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "Got result: " ^ (case result of Success _ => "success\n" *)
@@ -427,23 +429,24 @@ structure LspSpec = struct
type notificationHandlers =
{ initialized: unit -> unit
- , textDocument_didOpen: toclient -> didOpenParams -> unit
- , textDocument_didChange: toclient -> didChangeParams -> unit
- , textDocument_didSave: toclient -> didSaveParams -> unit
- , textDocument_didClose: toclient -> didCloseParams -> unit
+ , textDocument_didOpen: (didOpenParams * toclient) -> unit
+ , textDocument_didChange: (didChangeParams * toclient) -> unit
+ , textDocument_didSave: (didSaveParams * toclient) -> unit
+ , textDocument_didClose: (didCloseParams * toclient) -> unit
- fun handleNotification
+ fun matchNotification
(notification: {method: string, params: Json.json})
(handlers: notificationHandlers)
(case #method notification of
"initialized" => (#initialized handlers) ()
- | "textDocument/didOpen" => (#textDocument_didOpen handlers) toclient (parseDidOpenParams (#params notification))
- | "textDocument/didChange" => (#textDocument_didChange handlers) toclient (parseDidChangeParams (#params notification))
- | "textDocument/didSave" => (#textDocument_didSave handlers) toclient (parseDidSaveParams (#params notification))
- | "textDocument/didClose" => (#textDocument_didClose handlers) toclient (parseDidCloseParams (#params notification))
+ | "textDocument/didOpen" => (#textDocument_didOpen handlers) (parseDidOpenParams (#params notification), toclient)
+ | "textDocument/didChange" => (#textDocument_didChange handlers) (parseDidChangeParams (#params notification), toclient)
+ | "textDocument/didSave" => (#textDocument_didSave handlers) (parseDidSaveParams (#params notification), toclient)
+ | "textDocument/didClose" => (#textDocument_didClose handlers) (parseDidCloseParams (#params notification), toclient)
| m => debug ("Notification method not supported: " ^ m))
handle LspError (InternalError str) => showMessage str 1
+ | LspError ServerNotInitialized => showMessage "Server not initialized" 1
| ex => showMessage (General.exnMessage ex) 1