path: root/src
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authorGravatar Ziv Scully <>2015-06-28 12:46:51 -0700
committerGravatar Ziv Scully <>2015-06-28 12:46:51 -0700
commit24edb607ef64db1ab12b3d5b9ccd3848c50780d1 (patch)
tree933a65e83f09da4b6d061a0bc2335cebb087d70d /src
parentca3efa1458583772a9826198ed4b99eec381f2de (diff)
Progress on LRU cache but still more known bugs to fix.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 381 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/c/urweb.c b/src/c/urweb.c
index 53344c5e..e0fd503c 100644
--- a/src/c/urweb.c
+++ b/src/c/urweb.c
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "types.h"
+#include "uthash.h"
uw_unit uw_unit_v = 0;
@@ -4494,3 +4496,148 @@ int uw_remoteSock(uw_context ctx) {
void uw_set_remoteSock(uw_context ctx, int sock) {
ctx->remoteSock = sock;
+// Sqlcache
+void listDelete(CacheList *list, CacheEntry *entry) {
+ if (list->first == entry) {
+ list->first = entry->next;
+ }
+ if (list->last == entry) {
+ list->last = entry->prev;
+ }
+ if (entry->prev) {
+ entry->prev->next = entry->next;
+ }
+ if (entry->next) {
+ entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
+ }
+ entry->prev = NULL;
+ entry->next = NULL;
+ --(list->size);
+void listAdd(CacheList *list, CacheEntry *entry) {
+ if (list->last) {
+ list->last->next = entry;
+ entry->prev = list->last;
+ list->last = entry;
+ } else {
+ list->first = entry;
+ list->last = entry;
+ }
+ ++(list->size);
+void listBump(CacheList *list, CacheEntry *entry) {
+ listDelete(list, entry);
+ listAdd(list, entry);
+// TODO: deal with time properly.
+time_t getTimeNow() {
+ return time(NULL);
+time_t timeMax(time_t x, time_t y) {
+ return difftime(x, y) > 0 ? x : y;
+void freeCacheValue(CacheValue *value) {
+ if (value) {
+ free(value->result);
+ free(value->output);
+ free(value);
+ }
+void delete(Cache *cache, CacheEntry* entry) {
+ //listDelete(cache->lru, entry);
+ HASH_DELETE(hh, cache->table, entry);
+ freeCacheValue(entry->value);
+ free(entry->key);
+ free(entry);
+CacheValue *checkHelper(Cache *cache, char **keys, int timeInvalid) {
+ char *key = keys[cache->height];
+ CacheEntry *entry;
+ HASH_FIND(hh, cache->table, key, strlen(key), entry);
+ timeInvalid = timeMax(timeInvalid, cache->timeInvalid);
+ if (entry && difftime(entry->timeValid, timeInvalid) > 0) {
+ if (cache->height == 0) {
+ // At height 0, entry->value is the desired value.
+ //listBump(cache->lru, entry);
+ return entry->value;
+ } else {
+ // At height n+1, entry->value is a pointer to a cache at heignt n.
+ return checkHelper(entry->value, keys, timeInvalid);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+CacheValue *check(Cache *cache, char **keys) {
+ return checkHelper(cache, keys, 0);
+void storeHelper(Cache *cache, char **keys, CacheValue *value, int timeNow) {
+ CacheEntry *entry;
+ char *key = keys[cache->height];
+ HASH_FIND(hh, cache->table, key, strlen(key), entry);
+ if (!entry) {
+ entry = malloc(sizeof(CacheEntry));
+ entry->key = strdup(key);
+ entry->value = NULL;
+ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, cache->table, entry->key, strlen(entry->key), entry);
+ }
+ entry->timeValid = timeNow;
+ if (cache->height == 0) {
+ //listAdd(cache->lru, entry);
+ freeCacheValue(entry->value);
+ entry->value = value;
+ //if (cache->lru->size > MAX_SIZE) {
+ //delete(cache, cache->lru->first);
+ // TODO: return flushed value.
+ //}
+ } else {
+ if (!entry->value) {
+ Cache *newCache = malloc(sizeof(Cache));
+ newCache->table = NULL;
+ newCache->timeInvalid = timeNow;
+ newCache->lru = cache->lru;
+ newCache->height = cache->height - 1;
+ entry->value = newCache;
+ }
+ storeHelper(entry->value, keys, value, timeNow);
+ }
+void store(Cache *cache, char **keys, CacheValue *value) {
+ storeHelper(cache, keys, value, getTimeNow());
+void flushHelper(Cache *cache, char **keys, int timeNow) {
+ CacheEntry *entry;
+ char *key = keys[cache->height];
+ if (key) {
+ HASH_FIND(hh, cache->table, key, strlen(key), entry);
+ if (entry) {
+ if (cache->height == 0) {
+ delete(cache, entry);
+ } else {
+ flushHelper(entry->value, keys, timeNow);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Null key means invalidate the entire subtree.
+ cache->timeInvalid = timeNow;
+ }
+void flush(Cache *cache, char **keys) {
+ flushHelper(cache, keys, getTimeNow());
diff --git a/src/lru_cache.sml b/src/lru_cache.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87e939fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lru_cache.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+structure LruCache : sig
+ val cache : Cache.cache
+end = struct
+(* Mono *)
+open Mono
+val dummyLoc = ErrorMsg.dummySpan
+val stringTyp = (TFfi ("Basis", "string"), dummyLoc)
+val optionStringTyp = (TOption stringTyp, dummyLoc)
+fun withTyp typ = map (fn exp => (exp, typ))
+fun ffiAppCache' (func, index, argTyps) =
+ EFfiApp ("Sqlcache", func ^ Int.toString index, argTyps)
+fun check (index, keys) =
+ ffiAppCache' ("check", index, withTyp stringTyp keys)
+fun store (index, keys, value) =
+ ffiAppCache' ("store", index, (value, stringTyp) :: withTyp stringTyp keys)
+fun flush (index, keys) =
+ ffiAppCache' ("flush", index, withTyp optionStringTyp keys)
+(* Cjr *)
+open Print
+open Print.PD
+fun setupQuery {index, params} =
+ let
+ val i = Int.toString index
+ fun paramRepeat itemi sep =
+ let
+ fun f n =
+ if n < 0 then ""
+ else if n = 0 then itemi (Int.toString 0)
+ else f (n-1) ^ sep ^ itemi (Int.toString n)
+ in
+ f (params - 1)
+ end
+ fun paramRepeatRev itemi sep =
+ let
+ fun f n =
+ if n < 0 then ""
+ else if n = 0 then itemi (Int.toString 0)
+ else itemi (Int.toString n) ^ sep ^ f (n-1)
+ in
+ f (params - 1)
+ end
+ fun paramRepeatInit itemi sep =
+ if params = 0 then "" else sep ^ paramRepeat itemi sep
+ val typedArgs = paramRepeatInit (fn p => "uw_Basis_string p" ^ p) ", "
+ val revArgs = paramRepeatRev (fn p => "p" ^ p) ", "
+ in
+ [string ("static Cache cacheStruct" ^ i ^ " = {"),
+ newline,
+ string " .table = NULL,",
+ newline,
+ string " .timeInvalid = 0,",
+ newline,
+ string " .lru = NULL,",
+ newline,
+ string (" .height = " ^ Int.toString (params - 1) ^ "};"),
+ newline,
+ string ("static Cache *cache" ^ i ^ " = &cacheStruct" ^ i ^ ";"),
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static uw_Basis_string uw_Sqlcache_check" ^ i),
+ string ("(uw_context ctx" ^ typedArgs ^ ") {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" char *ks[] = {" ^ revArgs ^ "};"),
+ newline,
+ string (" CacheValue *v = check(cache" ^ i ^ ", ks);"),
+ newline,
+ string " if (v) {",
+ newline,
+ string (" puts(\"SQLCACHE: hit " ^ i ^ ".\");"),
+ newline,
+ string " uw_write(ctx, v->output);",
+ newline,
+ string " return v->result;",
+ newline,
+ string " } else {",
+ newline,
+ string (" puts(\"SQLCACHE: miss " ^ i ^ ".\");"),
+ newline,
+ string " uw_recordingStart(ctx);",
+ newline,
+ string " return NULL;",
+ newline,
+ string " }",
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static uw_unit uw_Sqlcache_store" ^ i),
+ string ("(uw_context ctx, uw_Basis_string s" ^ typedArgs ^ ") {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" char *ks[] = {" ^ revArgs ^ "};"),
+ newline,
+ string (" CacheValue *v = malloc(sizeof(CacheValue));"),
+ newline,
+ string " v->result = strdup(s);",
+ newline,
+ string " v->output = uw_recordingRead(ctx);",
+ newline,
+ string (" puts(\"SQLCACHE: stored " ^ i ^ ".\");"),
+ newline,
+ string (" store(cache" ^ i ^ ", ks, v);"),
+ newline,
+ string " return uw_unit_v;",
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline,
+ string ("static uw_unit uw_Sqlcache_flush" ^ i),
+ string ("(uw_context ctx" ^ typedArgs ^ ") {"),
+ newline,
+ string (" char *ks[] = {" ^ revArgs ^ "};"),
+ newline,
+ string (" flush(cache" ^ i ^ ", ks);"),
+ newline,
+ string " return uw_unit_v;",
+ newline,
+ string "}",
+ newline,
+ newline]
+ end
+val setupGlobal = string "/* No global setup for LRU cache. */"
+(* Bundled up. *)
+(* For now, use the toy implementation if there are no arguments. *)
+fun toyIfNoKeys numKeys implLru implToy args =
+ if numKeys args = 0
+ then implToy args
+ else implLru args
+val cache =
+ let
+ val {check = toyCheck,
+ store = toyStore,
+ flush = toyFlush,
+ setupQuery = toySetupQuery,
+ ...} = ToyCache.cache
+ in
+ {check = toyIfNoKeys (length o #2) check toyCheck,
+ store = toyIfNoKeys (length o #2) store toyStore,
+ flush = toyIfNoKeys (length o #2) flush toyFlush,
+ setupQuery = toyIfNoKeys #params setupQuery toySetupQuery,
+ setupGlobal = setupGlobal}
+ end
diff --git a/src/sources b/src/sources
index aaf640ca..0608d710 100644
--- a/src/sources
+++ b/src/sources
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ $(SRC)/multimap_fn.sml
diff --git a/src/sqlcache.sml b/src/sqlcache.sml
index 3082904c..bf9ee77a 100644
--- a/src/sqlcache.sml
+++ b/src/sqlcache.sml
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ val ffiEffectful =
andalso not (m = "Basis" andalso SS.member (fs, f))
-val cache = ref ToyCache.cache
+val cache = ref LruCache.cache
fun setCache c = cache := c
fun getCache () = !cache
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ fun effectful doPrint (effs : IS.set) (inFunction : bool) (bound : int) : exp ->
false, then expression is definitely not effectful if effs is fully
populated. The intended pattern is to use this a number of times equal
to the number of declarations in a file, Bellman-Ford style. *)
- (* TODO: make incrementing of bound less janky, probably by using [MonoUtil]
- instead of all this. *)
+ (* TODO: make incrementing of the number of bound variables cleaner,
+ probably by using [MonoUtil] instead of all this. *)
(* DEBUG: remove printing when done. *)
fun tru msg = if doPrint then (print (msg ^ "\n"); true) else true
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ val effectfulMap =
(* Boolean formula normalization. *)
-datatype normalForm = Cnf | Dnf
+datatype junctionType = Conj | Disj
datatype 'atom formula =
Atom of 'atom
| Negate of 'atom formula
- | Combo of normalForm * 'atom formula list
+ | Combo of junctionType * 'atom formula list
-val flipNf = fn Cnf => Dnf | Dnf => Cnf
+val flipJt = fn Conj => Disj | Disj => Conj
fun bind xs f = List.concat (map f xs)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ val rec cartesianProduct : 'a list list -> 'a list list =
fun pushNegate (negate : 'atom -> 'atom) (negating : bool) =
fn Atom x => Atom (if negating then negate x else x)
| Negate f => pushNegate negate (not negating) f
- | Combo (n, fs) => Combo (if negating then flipNf n else n, map (pushNegate negate negating) fs)
+ | Combo (n, fs) => Combo (if negating then flipJt n else n, map (pushNegate negate negating) fs)
val rec flatten =
fn Combo (n, fs) =>
@@ -170,17 +170,17 @@ val rec flatten =
(map flatten fs))
| f => f
-fun normalize' (negate : 'atom -> 'atom) (norm : normalForm) =
+fun normalize' (negate : 'atom -> 'atom) (junc : junctionType) =
fn Atom x => [[x]]
- | Negate f => map (map negate) (normalize' negate (flipNf norm) f)
- | Combo (n, fs) =>
+ | Negate f => map (map negate) (normalize' negate (flipJt junc) f)
+ | Combo (j, fs) =>
- val fss = bind fs (normalize' negate n)
+ val fss = bind fs (normalize' negate j)
- if n = norm then fss else cartesianProduct fss
+ if j = junc then fss else cartesianProduct fss
-fun normalize negate norm = normalize' negate norm o flatten o pushNegate negate false
+fun normalize negate junc = normalize' negate junc o flatten o pushNegate negate false
fun mapFormula mf =
fn Atom x => Atom (mf x)
@@ -200,36 +200,29 @@ datatype atomExp =
| Prim of Prim.t
| Field of string * string
-val equalAtomExp =
- let
- val isEqual = fn EQUAL => true | _ => false
- in
- fn (QueryArg n1, QueryArg n2) => n1 = n2
- | (DmlRel n1, DmlRel n2) => n1 = n2
- | (Prim p1, Prim p2) => isEqual ( (p1, p2))
- | (Field (t1, f1), Field (t2, f2)) => isEqual ( (t1 ^ "." ^ f1, t2 ^ "." ^ f2))
- | _ => false
- end
structure AtomExpKey : ORD_KEY = struct
-type ord_key = atomExp
-val compare =
- fn (QueryArg n1, QueryArg n2) => (n1, n2)
- | (QueryArg _, _) => LESS
- | (_, QueryArg _) => GREATER
- | (DmlRel n1, DmlRel n2) => (n1, n2)
- | (DmlRel _, _) => LESS
- | (_, DmlRel _) => GREATER
- | (Prim p1, Prim p2) => (p1, p2)
- | (Prim _, _) => LESS
- | (_, Prim _) => GREATER
- | (Field (t1, f1), Field (t2, f2)) => (t1 ^ "." ^ f1, t2 ^ "." ^ f2)
+ type ord_key = atomExp
+ val compare =
+ fn (QueryArg n1, QueryArg n2) => (n1, n2)
+ | (QueryArg _, _) => LESS
+ | (_, QueryArg _) => GREATER
+ | (DmlRel n1, DmlRel n2) => (n1, n2)
+ | (DmlRel _, _) => LESS
+ | (_, DmlRel _) => GREATER
+ | (Prim p1, Prim p2) => (p1, p2)
+ | (Prim _, _) => LESS
+ | (_, Prim _) => GREATER
+ | (Field (t1, f1), Field (t2, f2)) =>
+ case (t1, t2) of
+ EQUAL => (f1, f2)
+ | ord => ord
structure UF = UnionFindFn(AtomExpKey)
val conflictMaps : (Sql.cmp * Sql.sqexp * Sql.sqexp) formula
* (Sql.cmp * Sql.sqexp * Sql.sqexp) formula
-> atomExp list =
@@ -246,7 +239,9 @@ val conflictMaps : (Sql.cmp * Sql.sqexp * Sql.sqexp) formula
o List.mapPartial toKnownEquality
fun addToEqs (eqs, n, e) =
case IM.find (eqs, n) of
- (* Comparing to a constant seems better? *)
+ (* Comparing to a constant is probably better than comparing to
+ a variable? Checking that an existing constant matches a new
+ one is handled by [accumulateEqs]. *)
SOME (Prim _) => eqs
| _ => IM.insert (eqs, n, e)
val accumulateEqs =
@@ -263,6 +258,9 @@ val conflictMaps : (Sql.cmp * Sql.sqexp * Sql.sqexp) formula
(* TODO: deal with equalities involving just [DmlRel]s and [Prim]s.
This would involve guarding the invalidation with a check for the
relevant comparisons. *)
+ (* DEBUG: remove these print statements. *)
+ (* | ((DmlRel r, Prim p), eqso) => (print ("sadness " ^ Int.toString r ^ " = " ^ Prim.toString p ^ "\n"); eqso) *)
+ (* | ((Prim p, DmlRel r), eqso) => (print ("sadness " ^ Int.toString r ^ " = " ^ Prim.toString p ^ "\n"); eqso) *)
| (_, eqso) => eqso
val eqsOfClass : atomExp list -> atomExp option =
List.foldl accumulateEqs (SOME IM.empty)
@@ -275,7 +273,8 @@ val conflictMaps : (Sql.cmp * Sql.sqexp * Sql.sqexp) formula
| Sql.Field tf => SOME (Field tf)
| Sql.Inj (EPrim p, _) => SOME (Prim p)
| Sql.Inj (ERel n, _) => SOME (rel n)
- (* We can't deal with anything else. *)
+ (* We can't deal with anything else, e.g., CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
+ becomes Sql.Unmodeled, which becomes NONE here. *)
| _ => NONE
(cmp, qa e1, qa e2)
@@ -302,17 +301,17 @@ val conflictMaps : (Sql.cmp * Sql.sqexp * Sql.sqexp) formula
List.foldr (fn (SOME eqs, SOME acc) => SOME (IM.unionWith #1 (eqs, acc)) | _ => NONE)
(SOME IM.empty)
fun dnf (fQuery, fDml) =
- normalize negateCmp Dnf (Combo (Cnf, [markQuery fQuery, markDml fDml]))
+ normalize negateCmp Disj (Combo (Conj, [markQuery fQuery, markDml fDml]))
List.mapPartial (mergeEqs o map eqsOfClass o equivClasses) o dnf
val rec sqexpToFormula =
- fn Sql.SqTrue => Combo (Cnf, [])
- | Sql.SqFalse => Combo (Dnf, [])
+ fn Sql.SqTrue => Combo (Conj, [])
+ | Sql.SqFalse => Combo (Disj, [])
| Sql.SqNot e => Negate (sqexpToFormula e)
| Sql.Binop (Sql.RCmp c, e1, e2) => Atom (c, e1, e2)
- | Sql.Binop (Sql.RLop l, p1, p2) => Combo (case l of Sql.And => Cnf | Sql.Or => Dnf,
+ | Sql.Binop (Sql.RLop l, p1, p2) => Combo (case l of Sql.And => Conj | Sql.Or => Disj,
[sqexpToFormula p1, sqexpToFormula p2])
(* ASK: any other sqexps that can be props? *)
| _ => raise Match
@@ -332,13 +331,13 @@ fun renameTables tablePairs =
val rec queryToFormula =
- fn Sql.Query1 {Where = NONE, ...} => Combo (Cnf, [])
+ fn Sql.Query1 {Where = NONE, ...} => Combo (Conj, [])
| Sql.Query1 {From = tablePairs, Where = SOME e, ...} =>
renameTables tablePairs (sqexpToFormula e)
- | Sql.Union (q1, q2) => Combo (Dnf, [queryToFormula q1, queryToFormula q2])
+ | Sql.Union (q1, q2) => Combo (Disj, [queryToFormula q1, queryToFormula q2])
fun valsToFormula (table, vals) =
- Combo (Cnf, map (fn (field, v) => Atom (Sql.Eq, Sql.Field (table, field), v)) vals)
+ Combo (Conj, map (fn (field, v) => Atom (Sql.Eq, Sql.Field (table, field), v)) vals)
val rec dmlToFormula =
fn Sql.Insert (table, vals) => valsToFormula (table, vals)
@@ -354,8 +353,8 @@ val rec dmlToFormula =
val mark = mapFormula (fn (cmp, e1, e2) => (cmp, markField e1, markField e2))
renameTables [(table, "T")]
- (Combo (Dnf, [Combo (Cnf, [fVals, mark fWhere]),
- Combo (Cnf, [mark fVals, fWhere])]))
+ (Combo (Disj, [Combo (Conj, [fVals, mark fWhere]),
+ Combo (Conj, [mark fVals, fWhere])]))
val rec tablesQuery =
@@ -370,6 +369,13 @@ val tableDml =
(* Program instrumentation. *)
+val varName =
+ let
+ val varNumber = ref 0
+ in
+ fn s => (varNumber := !varNumber + 1; s ^ Int.toString (!varNumber))
+ end
val {check, store, flush, ...} = getCache ()
val dummyLoc = ErrorMsg.dummySpan
@@ -412,8 +418,8 @@ fun cacheWrap (query, i, urlifiedRel0, resultTyp, args) =
ECase (check,
[((PNone stringTyp, loc),
- (ELet ("q", resultTyp, query, (ESeq (store, rel0), loc)), loc)),
- ((PSome (stringTyp, (PVar ("hit", stringTyp), loc)), loc),
+ (ELet (varName "q", resultTyp, query, (ESeq (store, rel0), loc)), loc)),
+ ((PSome (stringTyp, (PVar (varName "hit", stringTyp), loc)), loc),
(* Boolean is false because we're not unurlifying from a cookie. *)
(EUnurlify (rel0, resultTyp, false), loc))],
{disc = stringTyp, result = resultTyp})
@@ -454,7 +460,7 @@ fun factorOutNontrivial text =
fun wrapLets e' =
(* Important that this is foldl (to oppose foldr above). *)
- List.foldl (fn (v, e') => ELet ("sqlArg", stringTyp, v, (e', loc)))
+ List.foldl (fn (v, e') => ELet (varName "sqlArg", stringTyp, v, (e', loc)))
val numArgs = length newVariables
@@ -482,6 +488,7 @@ fun addChecking file =
exps = exps},
val (EQuery {query = queryText, ...}, _) = queryExp
+ (* DEBUG: we can remove the following line at some point. *)
val () = Print.preface ("sqlcache> ", (MonoPrint.p_exp MonoEnv.empty queryText))
val args = List.tabulate (numArgs, fn n => (ERel n, dummyLoc))
fun bind x f = Option.mapPartial f x
@@ -530,9 +537,11 @@ fun invalidations ((query, numArgs), dml) =
(* Tests if [ys] makes [xs] a redundant cache invalidation. [NONE] here
represents unknown, which means a wider invalidation. *)
val rec madeRedundantBy : atomExp option list * atomExp option list -> bool =
- fn ([], []) => true
+ fn ([], []) => (print "hey!\n"; true)
| (NONE :: xs, _ :: ys) => madeRedundantBy (xs, ys)
- | (SOME x :: xs, SOME y :: ys) => equalAtomExp (x, y) andalso madeRedundantBy (xs, ys)
+ | (SOME x :: xs, SOME y :: ys) => (case (x, y) of
+ EQUAL => madeRedundantBy (xs, ys)
+ | _ => false)
| _ => false
fun removeRedundant' (xss, yss) =
case xss of