path: root/src/lsp.sml
diff options
authorGravatar Simon Van Casteren <>2020-01-10 02:25:45 +0100
committerGravatar Simon Van Casteren <>2020-01-10 02:25:45 +0100
commitce6bae891c6d1e22e61a1fb54ce3ecd08ca31891 (patch)
treee6681735be997d9d6e2c34d6adb327638fcc2ee1 /src/lsp.sml
parent028f15cce127360f29afa41754aab3816718492f (diff)
Refactor to do all matching on strings, more precise and faster
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lsp.sml')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/src/lsp.sml b/src/lsp.sml
index 856b7ab8..e29589c2 100644
--- a/src/lsp.sml
+++ b/src/lsp.sml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-structure C = Compiler
structure Lsp :> LSP = struct
+structure C = Compiler
+structure P = Print
val debug = LspSpec.debug
structure SK = struct
@@ -317,6 +318,35 @@ fun ppToString (pp: Print.PD.pp_desc) (width: int): string =
+fun getStringAtCursor
+ (stopAtCursor: bool)
+ (text: string)
+ (pos: LspSpec.position)
+ : string
+ =
+ let
+ val line = List.nth (Substring.fields (fn c => c = #"\n") (Substring.full text), #line pos)
+ val chars = [ (* #".", *) #"(", #")", #"{", #"}", #"[", #"]", #"<", #">", #"-", #"=", #":"
+ , #" ", #"\n", #"#", #",", #"*", #"\"", #"|", #"&", #"$", #"^", #"+", #";"]
+ val lineUntilCursor = Substring.slice (line, 0, SOME (#character pos))
+ val beforeCursor = Substring.string (Substring.taker (fn c => not (List.exists (fn c' => c = c') chars)) lineUntilCursor)
+ val afterCursor = if stopAtCursor
+ then ""
+ else let
+ val lineAfterCursor = Substring.slice (line, #character pos, NONE)
+ in
+ Substring.string (Substring.takel (fn c => not (List.exists (fn c' => c = c') (#"." :: chars))) lineAfterCursor)
+ end
+ in
+ beforeCursor ^ afterCursor
+ end
+fun formatTypeBox (a: P.PD.pp_desc, b: P.PD.pp_desc) =
+ P.PD.hvBox (P.PD.PPS.Rel 0, [a,
+ P.PD.string ": ",
+ P.PD.break {nsp = 0, offset = 2},
+ b])
fun handleHover (state: state) (p: LspSpec.hoverReq): LspSpec.hoverResp LspSpec.result =
val fileName = #path (#uri (#textDocument p))
@@ -326,177 +356,27 @@ fun handleHover (state: state) (p: LspSpec.hoverReq): LspSpec.hoverResp LspSpec.
NONE => LspSpec.Success NONE
| SOME s =>
+ val searchString = getStringAtCursor false (#text s) (#position p)
val env = #envBeforeThisModule s
val decls = #decls s
val loc = #position p
- val result = GetInfo.getInfo env (Elab.StrConst decls) fileName { line = #line loc + 1
- , character = #character loc + 1}
+ val (env, prefix, found) = GetInfo.findStringInEnv env (Elab.StrConst decls) fileName { line = #line loc + 1
+ , char = #character loc + 1} searchString
- case #smallestgoodpart result of
+ case found of
NONE => LspSpec.Success NONE
- | SOME {desc = desc, ...} =>
- LspSpec.Success (SOME {contents = ppToString desc 50})
+ | SOME f =>
+ let
+ val desc = case f of
+ GetInfo.FoundStr (x, (_, sgn)) => formatTypeBox (P.PD.string (prefix ^ x), P.PD.string "module")
+ | GetInfo.FoundCon (x, kind) => formatTypeBox (P.PD.string (prefix ^ x), ElabPrint.p_kind env kind)
+ | GetInfo.FoundExp (x, con) => formatTypeBox (P.PD.string (prefix ^ x), ElabPrint.p_con env con)
+ in
+ LspSpec.Success (SOME {contents = ppToString desc 50})
+ end
-fun getCompletionsFromFields (env: ElabEnv.env) (prefix: string) (searchStr: string) (fields: (Elab.con * Elab.con) list): LspSpec.completionItem list =
- let
- fun mapF (c1, c2) =
- case c1 of
- (Elab.CName fieldName, _) =>
- if String.isPrefix searchStr fieldName
- then SOME { label = prefix ^ fieldName
- , kind = LspSpec.Field
- , detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env c2) 200
- }
- else NONE
- | _ => NONE
- in
- List.mapPartial mapF fields
- end
-fun getCompletionsFromSignatureItems (env: ElabEnv.env) (prefix: string) (searchStr: string) (items: Elab.sgn_item list): LspSpec.completionItem list =
- let
- fun mapF item =
- case item of
- (Elab.SgiVal (name, _, con), _) =>
- if String.isPrefix searchStr name
- then [{ label = prefix ^ name
- , kind = LspSpec.Value
- , detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env con) 200
- }]
- else []
- | (Elab.SgiCon (name, _, _, con), _) =>
- if String.isPrefix searchStr name
- then [{ label = prefix ^ name
- , kind = LspSpec.Value
- , detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env con) 200
- }]
- else []
- | (Elab.SgiDatatype cs, _) =>
- (List.concat
- ( (fn (constr as (dtName, n, xs, constrs)) =>
- (* Copied from elab_print *)
- let
- val k = (Elab.KType, ErrorMsg.dummySpan)
- val env = ElabEnv.pushCNamedAs env dtName n k NONE
- val env = List.foldl (fn (x, env) => ElabEnv.pushCRel env x k) env xs
- val typeVarsString = List.foldl (fn (x, acc) => acc ^ " " ^ x) "" xs
- in
- List.mapPartial (fn (constrName, _, conO) =>
- if String.isPrefix searchStr constrName
- then SOME { label = prefix ^ constrName
- , kind = LspSpec.Function
- , detail = case conO of
- NONE => dtName ^ typeVarsString
- | SOME con => ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env con) 200 ^ " -> " ^ dtName ^ typeVarsString
- }
- else NONE) constrs
- end)
- cs))
- | (Elab.SgiDatatypeImp _, _) =>
- (* TODO ??? no idea what this is *)
- []
- | (Elab.SgiStr (_, name, _, _), _) =>
- if String.isPrefix searchStr name
- then [{ label = prefix ^ name
- , kind = LspSpec.Module
- , detail = ""
- }]
- else []
- | (Elab.SgiClass (name, _, _, con), _) =>
- if String.isPrefix searchStr name
- then [{ label = prefix ^ name
- , kind = LspSpec.Class
- , detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env con) 200
- }]
- else []
- | _ => []
- in
- List.concat ( mapF items)
- end
-(* TODO TOCHECK look at con's to specify "kind" more accurately *)
-fun findMatchingStringInEnv (env: ElabEnv.env) (str: string): LspSpec.completionItem list =
- let
- val splitted = Substring.fields (fn c => c = #".") (Substring.full str)
- in
- case splitted of
- (_ :: []) =>
- if str = ""
- then []
- else
- let
- val matchingEs = ElabEnv.matchEByPrefix env str (* function params, let bindings and top-level bindings. Should we discern between Rel and Named? *)
- val expressionCompletions = (fn (name,con) =>
- { label = name
- , kind = LspSpec.Value
- , detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env con) 200
- }) matchingEs
- val matchingStrs = ElabEnv.matchStrByPrefix env str
- val structureCompletions = (fn (name,(_,sgn)) =>
- { label = name
- , kind = LspSpec.Module
- , detail = ""
- }) matchingStrs
- val matchingCons = ElabEnv.matchCByPrefix env str
- val conCompletions = (fn (name,kind) =>
- { label = name
- , kind = LspSpec.Constructor (* TODO probably wrong... *)
- , detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_kind env kind) 200
- }) matchingCons
- in
- expressionCompletions @ structureCompletions @ conCompletions
- end
- | (r :: str :: []) =>
- if Char.isUpper (Substring.sub (r, 0))
- then
- (* Completing STRUCTURE *)
- let
- (* TODO PERF SMALL: first match and then equal is not perfect *)
- val foundStrs = ElabEnv.matchStrByPrefix env (Substring.string r)
- val filteredStrs = List.filter (fn (name,_) => name = Substring.string r) foundStrs
- in
- (case (fn (name, (i, sgn)) => (name, ElabEnv.hnormSgn env sgn)) filteredStrs of
- [] => []
- | (name, (Elab.SgnConst sgis, _)) :: _ =>
- getCompletionsFromSignatureItems env (name ^ ".") (Substring.string str) sgis
- | _ => [])
- end
- else
- (* Completing RECORD *)
- (* TODO TOCHECK is it correct to first try RelE and then NamedE? *)
- let
- (* TODO PERF SMALL: first match and then equal is not perfect *)
- val foundEs = ElabEnv.matchEByPrefix env (Substring.string r)
- val filteredEs = List.filter (fn (name,_) => name = Substring.string r) foundEs
- val reduced = (fn (name, c) =>
- (name, ElabOps.reduceCon env c)
- handle ex => (name, (Elab.CUnit, ErrorMsg.dummySpan)))
- filteredEs
- in
- case reduced of
- [] => []
- | (name, (Elab.TRecord (Elab.CRecord (_, fields), l2_), l1_)) :: _ =>
- getCompletionsFromFields env (name ^ ".") (Substring.string str) fields
- | (name,
- ( ( Elab.CApp
- ( ( (Elab.CApp
- ( ( Elab.CModProj (_, _, "sql_table")
- , l4_)
- , ( Elab.CRecord (_, fields)
- , l3_)))
- , l2_)
- , _))
- , l1_)) :: _ =>
- getCompletionsFromFields env (name ^ ".") (Substring.string str) fields
- | _ => []
- end
- | _ =>
- (* TODO NOTIMPLEMENTED submodules / nested records *)
- []
- end
(* TODO IDEA can we use the real parser to figure out what we're typing (exp, con, field, etc) to predict better? *)
fun handleCompletion (state: state) (p: LspSpec.completionReq) =
@@ -508,19 +388,20 @@ fun handleCompletion (state: state) (p: LspSpec.completionReq) =
| SOME s =>
val pos = #position p
- val line = List.nth (Substring.fields (fn c => c = #"\n") (Substring.full (#text s)), #line pos)
- val chars = [ (* #".", *) #"(", #")", #"{", #"}", #"[", #"]", #"<", #">", #"-", #"=", #":"
- , #" ", #"\n", #"#", #",", #"*", #"\"", #"|", #"&", #"$", #"^", #"+", #";"]
- val lineUntilPos = Substring.slice (line, 0, SOME (#character pos))
- val searchStr = Substring.string (Substring.taker (fn c => not (List.exists (fn c' => c = c') chars)) lineUntilPos)
+ val searchStr = getStringAtCursor true (#text s) pos
val env = #envBeforeThisModule s
val decls = #decls s
- val getInfoRes = GetInfo.getInfo env (Elab.StrConst decls) fileName { line = #line pos + 1
- , character = #character pos + 1}
- val envOfSmallest = #env (#smallest getInfoRes)
+ val (env, prefix, foundItems) = GetInfo.matchStringInEnv env (Elab.StrConst decls) fileName { line = #line pos + 1, char = #character pos + 1} searchStr
+ val completions =
+ (fn f => case f of
+ GetInfo.FoundStr (x, _) => {label = prefix ^ x, kind = LspSpec.Module, detail = ""}
+ | GetInfo.FoundCon (x, k) => {label = prefix ^ x, kind = LspSpec.Constructor, detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_kind env k) 200}
+ | GetInfo.FoundExp (x, c) => {label = prefix ^ x, kind = LspSpec.Value, detail = ppToString (ElabPrint.p_con env c) 200}
+ )
+ foundItems
LspSpec.Success { isIncomplete = false
- , items = findMatchingStringInEnv envOfSmallest searchStr}
+ , items = completions }