diff options
authorGravatar Simon Van Casteren <>2019-12-11 12:31:50 +0100
committerGravatar Simon Van Casteren <simonvancasteren@localhost.localdomain>2019-12-13 11:46:57 +0100
commita0efdaf11337df1fb1a5478f9a193a2737b2665b (patch)
parent96c72b6bd8bbb2e31da5664172c05a1bcfb41b64 (diff)
Fixed parsing errors and loading of interfaces
2 files changed, 163 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/src/json.sml b/src/json.sml
index cc9ea6ae..656d28ff 100644
--- a/src/json.sml
+++ b/src/json.sml
@@ -271,7 +271,9 @@ fun print (ast: json): string =
s ^
| Bool b => if b then "true" else "false"
- | Int i => Int.toString i
+ | Int i => if i >= 0
+ then (Int.toString i)
+ else "-" ^ (Int.toString (Int.abs i)) (* default printing uses ~ instead of - *)
| Obj l => "{"
^ List.foldl (fn ((k, v), acc) => acc ^ (if acc = "" then "" else ", ") ^ "\"" ^ k ^ "\": " ^ print v ) "" l
^ "}"
diff --git a/src/lsp.sml b/src/lsp.sml
index 658ca7a6..34209231 100644
--- a/src/lsp.sml
+++ b/src/lsp.sml
@@ -294,8 +294,7 @@ structure LspSpec (* :> LSPSPEC *) = struct
val toPrint = "Content-Length:" ^ Int.toString (String.size jsonToPrint) ^ "\r\n\r\n" ^ jsonToPrint
- (debug ("Sending diagnostics: " ^ toPrint);
- TextIO.print toPrint)
+ TextIO.print toPrint
val toclient: toclient = {showMessage = showMessage, publishDiagnostics = publishDiagnostics}
@@ -375,6 +374,42 @@ end
structure Lsp :> LSP = struct
+datatype lspError = InternalError of string
+exception LspError of lspError
+fun handleLspErrorInNotification (e: lspError) : unit =
+ let
+ fun print (message: string) =
+ let
+ val jsonStr = Json.print (Json.Obj [ ("jsonrpc", Json.String "2.0")
+ , ("method", Json.String "window/showMessage")
+ , ("params", Json.Obj [ ("type", Json.Int 1 (* Error*))
+ , ("message", Json.String message)])
+ ])
+ in
+ TextIO.print ("Content-Length:" ^ Int.toString (String.size jsonStr) ^ "\r\n\r\n" ^ jsonStr)
+ end
+ in
+ case e of
+ InternalError str => print str
+ end
+fun handleLspErrorInRequest (id: Json.json) (e: lspError): unit =
+ let
+ fun print (code: int) (message: string) =
+ let
+ val jsonStr = Json.print (Json.Obj [ ("jsonrpc", Json.String "2.0")
+ , ("id", id)
+ , ("error", Json.Obj [ ("code", Json.Int code (* Error*))
+ , ("message", Json.String message)])
+ ])
+ in
+ TextIO.print ("Content-Length:" ^ Int.toString (String.size jsonStr) ^ "\r\n\r\n" ^ jsonStr)
+ end
+ in
+ case e of
+ InternalError str => print (~32603) str
+ end
structure SK = struct
type ord_key = string
val compare =
@@ -411,7 +446,6 @@ fun initState (initParams: LspSpec.initializeParams): state =
val rootPath = case #rootUri initParams of
NONE => raise Fail "No rootdir found"
| SOME a => #path a
- (* val () = debug ("Scanning dir: " ^ rootPath) *)
val foundUrps = scanDir (fn fname => OS.Path.ext fname = SOME "urp") rootPath
{ urpPath = case foundUrps of
@@ -438,110 +472,126 @@ fun addSgnToEnv (env: ElabEnv.env) (sgn: Source.sgn_item list) (fileName: string
val (env', n) = ElabEnv.pushStrNamed env moduleName sgn
val (_, env') = if addUnprefixed
then Elaborate.dopen env' {str = n, strs = [], sgn = sgn}
- else ([], env)
+ else ([], env')
-(* TODO: Any parse error -> valOf fails, throws and server crashes *)
-fun calculateFileState (state: state) (fileName: string): (fileState * LspSpec.diagnostic list) =
+fun errorToDiagnostic (err: { span: ErrorMsg.span , message: string }): LspSpec.diagnostic =
+ { range = { start = { line = #line (#first (#span err)) - 1
+ , character = #char (#first (#span err))
+ }
+ , end_ = { line = #line (#last (#span err)) - 1
+ , character = #char (#last (#span err))
+ }
+ }
+ , severity = 1
+ , source = "UrWeb"
+ , message = #message err
+ }
+(* TODO FFI modules ? Check compiler.sml -> parse -> parseFfi *)
+(* TODO Optim: cache parsed urp file? *)
+fun calculateFileState (state: state) (fileName: string): (fileState option * LspSpec.diagnostic list) =
- (* TODO Optim: cache parsed urp file? *)
val () = if (OS.Path.ext fileName = SOME "ur")
then ()
else raise Fail ("Can only handle .ur files for now")
val () = Elaborate.unifyMore := true
- val job = valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrp "parseUrp") (#urpPath state))
- fun entryInUrpToFileName (entry: string) (ext: string) = (#urpPath state) ^ "/" ^ entry ^ ext
- val modulesBeforeAndAfterThisFile =
- List.partition (fn entry => entryInUrpToFileName entry ".ur" = fileName) (#sources job)
- val () = case #2 modulesBeforeAndAfterThisFile of
- [] =>
- (* Module we're handling should always be in here *)
- raise Fail ("Couldn't find file " ^ fileName ^ " referenced in .urp file at " ^ (#urpPath state))
- | _ => ()
+ (* Parsing .urp *)
+ val job = case (C.transform C.parseUrp "parseUrp") (#urpPath state) of
+ NONE => raise LspError (InternalError ("Couldn't parse .urp file at " ^ (#urpPath state)))
+ | SOME a => a
+ val moduleSearchRes =
+ List.foldl
+ (fn (entry, acc) => if #2 acc
+ then acc
+ else
+ if entry ^ ".ur" = fileName
+ then (List.rev (#1 acc), true)
+ else (entry :: #1 acc, false))
+ ([] (* modules before *), false (* module found *))
+ (#sources job)
+ val modulesBeforeThisFile = #1 moduleSearchRes
+ val () = if #2 moduleSearchRes
+ then ()
+ else raise LspError (InternalError ("Couldn't find file " ^ fileName ^ " referenced in .urp file at " ^ (#urpPath state)))
+ (* Parsing .urs files of previous modules *)
val parsedUrss = (fn entry =>
- val fileName = entryInUrpToFileName entry ".urs"
+ val fileName = entry ^ ".urs"
{ fileName = fileName
, parsed =
if OS.FileSys.access (fileName, [])
- then raise (Fail ("Couldn't find an .urs file for " ^ fileName))
- else valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") fileName)}
+ then case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") fileName of
+ NONE => raise LspError (InternalError ("Failed to parse .urs file at " ^ fileName))
+ | SOME a => a
+ else raise LspError (InternalError ("Couldn't find an .urs file for " ^ fileName))
+ }
- (#1 modulesBeforeAndAfterThisFile)
- val parsedBasisUrs = valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (Settings.libFile "basis.urs"))
- val parsedTopUrs = valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (Settings.libFile "top.urs"))
+ modulesBeforeThisFile
+ (* Parsing Basis and Top .urs *)
+ val parsedBasisUrs =
+ case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (Settings.libFile "basis.urs") of
+ NONE => raise LspError (InternalError ("Failed to parse basis.urs file at " ^ (Settings.libFile "basis.urs")))
+ | SOME a => a
+ val parsedTopUrs =
+ case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (Settings.libFile "top.urs") of
+ NONE => raise LspError (InternalError ("Failed to parse top.urs file at " ^ (Settings.libFile "top.urs")))
+ | SOME a => a
+ (* Building env with previous .urs files *)
val envWithStdLib =
(addSgnToEnv ElabEnv.empty parsedBasisUrs (Settings.libFile "basis.urs") true)
parsedTopUrs (Settings.libFile "top.urs") true
val envBeforeThisFile = List.foldl (fn (sgn, env) => addSgnToEnv env (#parsed sgn) (#fileName sgn) false) envWithStdLib parsedUrss
- val (parsedUr: Source.decl list) =
- valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUr "parseUr") fileName)
+ (* Parsing .ur and .urs of current file *)
val (parsedUrs: (Source.sgn_item list) option) =
- if OS.FileSys.access (fileName ^ "s", []) then
- SOME (valOf ( (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (fileName ^ "s")))
- else
+ (if OS.FileSys.access (fileName ^ "s", [])
+ then
+ case (C.transform C.parseUrs "parseUrs") (fileName ^ "s") of
+ | SOME a => SOME a
+ else
+ NONE) handle ex => NONE
val () = ErrorMsg.resetErrors ()
- val (str, sgn', gs) =
- Elaborate.elabStr
- (envBeforeThisFile, Disjoint.empty)
- (Source.StrConst parsedUr, {file = fileName, first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
- (* TODO definitely not sure about this one, just copied from "top" processing *)
- (* val () = case gs of *)
- (* [] => () *)
- (* | _ => app (fn Elaborate.Disjoint (loc, env, denv, c1, c2) => *)
- (* (case Disjoint.prove env denv (c1, c2, loc) of *)
- (* [] => () *)
- (* | _ => *)
- (* (Print.prefaces "Unresolved constraint in top.ur" *)
- (* [("loc", Print.PD.string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc)), *)
- (* ("c1", ElabPrint.p_con env c1), *)
- (* ("c2", ElabPrint.p_con env c2)]; *)
- (* raise Fail "Unresolved constraint in top.ur")) *)
- (* | Elaborate.TypeClass (env, c, r, loc) => *)
- (* let *)
- (* val c = normClassKey env c *)
- (* in *)
- (* case resolveClass env c of *)
- (* SOME e => r := SOME e *)
- (* | NONE => expError env (Unresolvable (loc, c)) *)
- (* end *)
- (* ) gs *)
- val (sgn, gs) = Elaborate.elabSgn
- (envBeforeThisFile, Disjoint.empty)
- ( Source.SgnConst (case parsedUrs of NONE => [] | SOME a => a)
- , {file = fileName ^ "s", first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
- val () = case gs of [] => () | _ => raise Fail ("Unresolved disjointness constraints in " ^ fileName) (* TODO not sure? *)
- val () = Elaborate.subSgn envBeforeThisFile ErrorMsg.dummySpan sgn' sgn
- val errors = ErrorMsg.readErrorLog ()
- val decls = case str of
- (Elab.StrConst decls, _) => decls
- | _ => raise Fail ("Impossible: Source.StrConst did not become Elab.StrConst after elaboration")
- val () = debug ("Finished calculateFileState for " ^ fileName ^ " with " ^ Int.toString (List.length errors) ^ " errors. " ^ Int.toString (List.length decls) ^ " decls found")
+ val (parsedUrO: (Source.decl list) option) =
+ (C.transform C.parseUr "parseUr") fileName
- ({ envOfPreviousModules = envBeforeThisFile
- , decls = decls
- },
- (fn err => { range = { start = { line = #line (#first (#span err)) - 1
- , character = #char (#first (#span err))
- }
- , end_ = { line = #line (#last (#span err)) - 1
- , character = #char (#last (#span err))
- }
- }
- , severity = 1
- , source = "UrWeb"
- , message = #message err
- }
- )
- errors
- )
+ case parsedUrO of
+ NONE => (* Parse error *) (NONE, errorToDiagnostic (ErrorMsg.readErrorLog ()))
+ | SOME parsedUr =>
+ (* .ur file found -> typecheck *)
+ let
+ val (str, sgn', gs) =
+ Elaborate.elabStr
+ (envBeforeThisFile, Disjoint.empty)
+ (Source.StrConst parsedUr, {file = fileName, first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos})
+ val () =
+ (* .urs file found -> check and compare with .ur file *)
+ (case parsedUrs of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME parsedUrs =>
+ let
+ val (sgn, gs) = Elaborate.elabSgn
+ (envBeforeThisFile, Disjoint.empty)
+ ( Source.SgnConst parsedUrs
+ , {file = fileName ^ "s", first = ErrorMsg.dummyPos, last = ErrorMsg.dummyPos});
+ in
+ Elaborate.subSgn envBeforeThisFile ErrorMsg.dummySpan sgn' sgn
+ end)
+ (* report back errors (as Diagnostics) *)
+ val errors = ErrorMsg.readErrorLog ()
+ val decls = case str of
+ (Elab.StrConst decls, _) => decls
+ | _ => raise Fail ("Impossible: Source.StrConst did not become Elab.StrConst after elaboration")
+ in
+ (SOME { envOfPreviousModules = envBeforeThisFile
+ , decls = decls
+ },
+ errorToDiagnostic errors)
+ end
fun handleFullDocument (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (documentUri: LspSpec.documentUri) =
@@ -549,11 +599,14 @@ fun handleFullDocument (state: state) (toclient: LspSpec.toclient) (documentUri:
val path = #path documentUri
val res = calculateFileState state path
- stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
- , fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
- , path
- , #1 res)
- };
+ (case #1 res of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME fs =>
+ stateRef := SOME { urpPath = #urpPath state
+ , fileStates = SM.insert ( #fileStates state
+ , path
+ , fs)
+ }) ;
#publishDiagnostics toclient { uri = documentUri , diagnostics = #2 res}
@@ -590,21 +643,26 @@ fun serverLoop () =
| SOME state =>
(case requestMessage of
LspSpec.Notification n =>
- LspSpec.handleNotification
- n
- { initialized = fn () => ()
- , textDocument_didOpen = fn ctx => fn p => handleFullDocument state ctx (#uri (#textDocument p))
- , textDocument_didChange = fn ctx => fn didChangeParams => ()
- , textDocument_didSave = fn ctx => fn p => handleFullDocument state ctx (#uri (#textDocument p))
- }
+ ((LspSpec.handleNotification
+ n
+ { initialized = fn () => ()
+ , textDocument_didOpen = fn ctx => fn p => handleFullDocument state ctx (#uri (#textDocument p))
+ , textDocument_didChange = fn ctx => fn didChangeParams => ()
+ , textDocument_didSave = fn ctx => fn p => handleFullDocument state ctx (#uri (#textDocument p))
+ })
+ handle LspError e => handleLspErrorInNotification e
+ | ex => handleLspErrorInNotification (InternalError (General.exnMessage ex)))
| LspSpec.RequestMessage m =>
- LspSpec.handleMessage
- m
- { initialize = fn _ => LspSpec.Error (~32600, "Server already initialized")
- , shutdown = fn () => LspSpec.Success ()
- , textDocument_hover = fn ctx => fn _ => LspSpec.Success NONE
- }
- ) handle ex => (debug (General.exnMessage ex); raise ex)
+ (* TODO should error handling here be inside handleMessage? *)
+ ((LspSpec.handleMessage
+ m
+ { initialize = fn _ => LspSpec.Error (~32600, "Server already initialized")
+ , shutdown = fn () => LspSpec.Success ()
+ , textDocument_hover = fn ctx => fn _ => LspSpec.Success NONE
+ })
+ handle LspError e => handleLspErrorInRequest (#id m) e
+ | ex => handleLspErrorInRequest (#id m) (InternalError (General.exnMessage ex)))
+ )
fun startServer () = while true do serverLoop ()