diff options
authorGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2009-02-24 13:46:08 -0500
committerGravatar Adam Chlipala <>2009-02-24 13:46:08 -0500
commit541bd325e7e0be52aa27dd56f16f489c44e05d2b (patch)
parent7865cb372d95c42542d59cbcf83ba541b0ab3f8a (diff)
Top.Fold.concat elaborates
8 files changed, 129 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ur/basis.urs b/lib/ur/basis.urs
index cd2468ba..c2a55168 100644
--- a/lib/ur/basis.urs
+++ b/lib/ur/basis.urs
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ val sql_current_timestamp : sql_nfunc time
(*** Executing queries *)
val query : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
- -> fn [tables ~ exps] =>
+ -> [tables ~ exps] =>
state ::: Type
-> sql_query tables exps
-> ($(exps ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ val insert : fields ::: {Type}
-> dml
val update : unchanged ::: {Type} -> changed :: {Type} ->
- fn [changed ~ unchanged] =>
+ [changed ~ unchanged] =>
$(map (fn t :: Type => sql_exp [T = changed ++ unchanged] [] [] t) changed)
-> sql_table (changed ++ unchanged)
-> sql_exp [T = changed ++ unchanged] [] [] bool
@@ -326,23 +326,23 @@ val tag : attrsGiven ::: {Type} -> attrsAbsent ::: {Type}
-> ctxOuter ::: {Unit} -> ctxInner ::: {Unit}
-> useOuter ::: {Type} -> useInner ::: {Type}
-> bindOuter ::: {Type} -> bindInner ::: {Type}
- -> fn [attrsGiven ~ attrsAbsent]
- [useOuter ~ useInner]
- [bindOuter ~ bindInner] =>
- $attrsGiven
- -> tag (attrsGiven ++ attrsAbsent)
- ctxOuter ctxInner useOuter bindOuter
- -> xml ctxInner useInner bindInner
- -> xml ctxOuter (useOuter ++ useInner) (bindOuter ++ bindInner)
+ -> [attrsGiven ~ attrsAbsent] =>
+ [useOuter ~ useInner] =>
+ [bindOuter ~ bindInner] =>
+ $attrsGiven
+ -> tag (attrsGiven ++ attrsAbsent)
+ ctxOuter ctxInner useOuter bindOuter
+ -> xml ctxInner useInner bindInner
+ -> xml ctxOuter (useOuter ++ useInner) (bindOuter ++ bindInner)
val join : ctx ::: {Unit}
-> use1 ::: {Type} -> bind1 ::: {Type} -> bind2 ::: {Type}
- -> fn [use1 ~ bind1] [bind1 ~ bind2] =>
+ -> [use1 ~ bind1] => [bind1 ~ bind2] =>
xml ctx use1 bind1
-> xml ctx (use1 ++ bind1) bind2
-> xml ctx use1 (bind1 ++ bind2)
val useMore : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use1 ::: {Type} -> use2 ::: {Type}
-> bind ::: {Type}
- -> fn [use1 ~ use2] =>
+ -> [use1 ~ use2] =>
xml ctx use1 bind
-> xml ctx (use1 ++ use2) bind
@@ -370,11 +370,11 @@ val title : unit -> tag [] head [] [] []
val body : unit -> tag [] html body [] []
con bodyTag = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
ctx ::: {Unit} ->
- fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+ [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []
con bodyTagStandalone = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
ctx ::: {Unit}
- -> fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+ -> [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] []
val br : bodyTagStandalone []
@@ -399,12 +399,12 @@ val hr : bodyTag []
val a : bodyTag [Link = transaction page, Onclick = transaction unit]
val form : ctx ::: {Unit} -> bind ::: {Type}
- -> fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+ -> [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
xml form [] bind
-> xml ([Body] ++ ctx) [] []
con formTag = fn (ty :: Type) (inner :: {Unit}) (attrs :: {Type}) =>
ctx ::: {Unit}
- -> fn [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
+ -> [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
nm :: Name -> unit
-> tag attrs ([Form] ++ ctx) inner [] [nm = ty]
val textbox : formTag string [] [Value = string, Size = int, Source = source string]
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ val select : formTag string select []
val option : unit -> tag [Value = string, Selected = bool] select [] [] []
val submit : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type}
- -> fn [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
+ -> [[Form] ~ ctx] =>
-> tag [Value = string, Action = $use -> transaction page]
([Form] ++ ctx) ([Form] ++ ctx) use []
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ val submit : ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type}
con cformTag = fn (attrs :: {Type}) =>
ctx ::: {Unit}
- -> fn [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
+ -> [[Body] ~ ctx] =>
unit -> tag attrs ([Body] ++ ctx) [] [] []
val ctextbox : cformTag [Value = string, Size = int, Source = source string]
@@ -439,13 +439,13 @@ val button : cformTag [Value = string, Onclick = transaction unit]
(*** Tables *)
-val tabl : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Table]] =>
+val tabl : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Body, Table]] =>
unit -> tag [Border = int] ([Body] ++ other) ([Body, Table] ++ other) [] []
-val tr : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Table, Tr]] =>
+val tr : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Body, Table, Tr]] =>
unit -> tag [] ([Body, Table] ++ other) ([Body, Tr] ++ other) [] []
-val th : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Tr]] =>
+val th : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Body, Tr]] =>
unit -> tag [] ([Body, Tr] ++ other) ([Body] ++ other) [] []
-val td : other ::: {Unit} -> fn [other ~ [Body, Tr]] =>
+val td : other ::: {Unit} -> [other ~ [Body, Tr]] =>
unit -> tag [] ([Body, Tr] ++ other) ([Body] ++ other) [] []
diff --git a/lib/ur/top.ur b/lib/ur/top.ur
index 79d30354..0fca0a5b 100644
--- a/lib/ur/top.ur
+++ b/lib/ur/top.ur
@@ -3,32 +3,32 @@
con folder = K ==> fn r :: {K} =>
tf :: ({K} -> Type)
-> (nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> tf r
- -> fn [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
+ -> [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
-> tf [] -> tf r
structure Folder = struct
fun nil K (tf :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> tf r
- -> fn [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
+ -> [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
(i : tf []) = i
fun cons K (r ::: {K}) (nm :: Name) (v :: K) [[nm] ~ r] (fold : folder r)
(tf :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> tf r
- -> fn [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
- (i : tf []) = f [nm] [v] [r] (fold [tf] f i)
+ -> [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
+ (i : tf []) = f [nm] [v] [r] (fold [tf] f i) !
fun concat K (r1 ::: {K}) (r2 ::: {K}) [r1 ~ r2]
(f1 : folder r1) (f2 : folder r2)
(tf :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> tf r
- -> fn [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
+ -> [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
(i : tf []) =
- f1 [fn r1' [r1' ~ r2] => tf (r1' ++ r2)] 0
- (*(fn (nm :: Name) (v :: K) (r1' :: {K}) (acc : fn [r1' ~ r2] => tf (r1' ++ r2))
+ f1 [fn r1' => [r1' ~ r2] => tf (r1' ++ r2)]
+ (fn (nm :: Name) (v :: K) (r1' :: {K}) (acc : [r1' ~ r2] => tf (r1' ++ r2))
[[nm] ~ r1'] [[nm = v] ++ r1' ~ r2] =>
- f [nm] [v] [r1' ++ r2] acc)
- (f2 [tf] f i)*)
+ f [nm] [v] [r1' ++ r2] acc !)
+ (fn [[] ~ r2] => f2 [tf] f i) !
@@ -59,74 +59,74 @@ fun txt (t ::: Type) (ctx ::: {Unit}) (use ::: {Type}) (_ : show t) (v : t) =
fun foldUR (tf :: Type) (tr :: {Unit} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf -> tr rest -> tr ([nm] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r ::: {Unit}) (fold : folder r)=
fold [fn r :: {Unit} => $(mapUT tf r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: Unit) (rest :: {Unit}) acc
[[nm] ~ rest] r =>
- f [nm] [rest] r.nm (acc (r -- nm)))
+ f [nm] [rest] ! r.nm (acc (r -- nm)))
(fn _ => i)
fun foldUR2 (tf1 :: Type) (tf2 :: Type) (tr :: {Unit} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 -> tf2 -> tr rest -> tr ([nm] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r ::: {Unit}) (fold : folder r) =
fold [fn r :: {Unit} => $(mapUT tf1 r) -> $(mapUT tf2 r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: Unit) (rest :: {Unit}) acc
[[nm] ~ rest] r1 r2 =>
- f [nm] [rest] r1.nm r2.nm (acc (r1 -- nm) (r2 -- nm)))
+ f [nm] [rest] ! r1.nm r2.nm (acc (r1 -- nm) (r2 -- nm)))
(fn _ _ => i)
fun foldURX2 (tf1 :: Type) (tf2 :: Type) (ctx :: {Unit})
(f : nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 -> tf2 -> xml ctx [] []) =
foldUR2 [tf1] [tf2] [fn _ => xml ctx [] []]
(fn (nm :: Name) (rest :: {Unit}) [[nm] ~ rest] v1 v2 acc =>
- <xml>{f [nm] [rest] v1 v2}{acc}</xml>)
+ <xml>{f [nm] [rest] ! v1 v2}{acc}</xml>)
fun foldR K (tf :: K -> Type) (tr :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf t -> tr rest -> tr ([nm = t] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r ::: {K}) (fold : folder r) =
fold [fn r :: {K} => $(map tf r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K}) (acc : _ -> tr rest)
[[nm] ~ rest] r =>
- f [nm] [t] [rest] r.nm (acc (r -- nm)))
+ f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r.nm (acc (r -- nm)))
(fn _ => i)
fun foldR2 K (tf1 :: K -> Type) (tf2 :: K -> Type) (tr :: {K} -> Type)
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 t -> tf2 t -> tr rest -> tr ([nm = t] ++ rest))
(i : tr []) (r ::: {K}) (fold : folder r) =
fold [fn r :: {K} => $(map tf1 r) -> $(map tf2 r) -> tr r]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K})
(acc : _ -> _ -> tr rest) [[nm] ~ rest] r1 r2 =>
- f [nm] [t] [rest] r1.nm r2.nm (acc (r1 -- nm) (r2 -- nm)))
+ f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r1.nm r2.nm (acc (r1 -- nm) (r2 -- nm)))
(fn _ _ => i)
fun foldRX K (tf :: K -> Type) (ctx :: {Unit})
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf t -> xml ctx [] []) =
foldR [tf] [fn _ => xml ctx [] []]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K}) [[nm] ~ rest] r acc =>
- <xml>{f [nm] [t] [rest] r}{acc}</xml>)
+ <xml>{f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r}{acc}</xml>)
fun foldRX2 K (tf1 :: K -> Type) (tf2 :: K -> Type) (ctx :: {Unit})
(f : nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 t -> tf2 t -> xml ctx [] []) =
foldR2 [tf1] [tf2] [fn _ => xml ctx [] []]
(fn (nm :: Name) (t :: K) (rest :: {K}) [[nm] ~ rest]
r1 r2 acc =>
- <xml>{f [nm] [t] [rest] r1 r2}{acc}</xml>)
+ <xml>{f [nm] [t] [rest] ! r1 r2}{acc}</xml>)
fun queryX (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type}) (ctx ::: {Unit})
@@ -148,13 +148,14 @@ fun queryX' (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type}) (ctx ::: {Unit})
fun oneOrNoRows (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type})
- (q : sql_query tables exps) [tables ~ exps] =
+ [tables ~ exps]
+ (q : sql_query tables exps) =
query q
(fn fs _ => return (Some fs))
fun oneRow (tables ::: {{Type}}) (exps ::: {Type})
- (q : sql_query tables exps) [tables ~ exps] =
+ [tables ~ exps] (q : sql_query tables exps) =
o <- oneOrNoRows q;
return (case o of
None => error <xml>Query returned no rows</xml>
diff --git a/lib/ur/top.urs b/lib/ur/top.urs
index 563f6afd..a32a87a3 100644
--- a/lib/ur/top.urs
+++ b/lib/ur/top.urs
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
con folder = K ==> fn r :: {K} =>
tf :: ({K} -> Type)
-> (nm :: Name -> v :: K -> r :: {K} -> tf r
- -> fn [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
+ -> [[nm] ~ r] => tf ([nm = v] ++ r))
-> tf [] -> tf r
structure Folder : sig
val nil : K --> folder (([]) :: {K})
val cons : K --> r ::: {K} -> nm :: Name -> v :: K
- -> fn [[nm] ~ r] => folder r -> folder ([nm = v] ++ r)
+ -> [[nm] ~ r] => folder r -> folder ([nm = v] ++ r)
val concat : K --> r1 ::: {K} -> r2 ::: {K}
- -> fn [r1 ~ r2] => folder r1 -> folder r2 -> folder (r1 ++ r2)
+ -> [r1 ~ r2] => folder r1 -> folder r2 -> folder (r1 ++ r2)
@@ -40,78 +40,78 @@ val txt : t ::: Type -> ctx ::: {Unit} -> use ::: {Type} -> show t -> t
val foldUR : tf :: Type -> tr :: ({Unit} -> Type)
-> (nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf -> tr rest -> tr ([nm] ++ rest))
-> tr [] -> r ::: {Unit} -> folder r -> $(mapUT tf r) -> tr r
val foldUR2 : tf1 :: Type -> tf2 :: Type -> tr :: ({Unit} -> Type)
-> (nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 -> tf2 -> tr rest -> tr ([nm] ++ rest))
-> tr [] -> r ::: {Unit} -> folder r -> $(mapUT tf1 r) -> $(mapUT tf2 r) -> tr r
val foldURX2: tf1 :: Type -> tf2 :: Type -> ctx :: {Unit}
-> (nm :: Name -> rest :: {Unit}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 -> tf2 -> xml ctx [] [])
-> r ::: {Unit} -> folder r -> $(mapUT tf1 r) -> $(mapUT tf2 r) -> xml ctx [] []
val foldR : K --> tf :: (K -> Type) -> tr :: ({K} -> Type)
-> (nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf t -> tr rest -> tr ([nm = t] ++ rest))
-> tr [] -> r ::: {K} -> folder r -> $(map tf r) -> tr r
val foldR2 : K --> tf1 :: (K -> Type) -> tf2 :: (K -> Type)
-> tr :: ({K} -> Type)
-> (nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 t -> tf2 t -> tr rest -> tr ([nm = t] ++ rest))
-> tr []
-> r ::: {K} -> folder r -> $(map tf1 r) -> $(map tf2 r) -> tr r
val foldRX : K --> tf :: (K -> Type) -> ctx :: {Unit}
-> (nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf t -> xml ctx [] [])
-> r ::: {K} -> folder r -> $(map tf r) -> xml ctx [] []
val foldRX2 : K --> tf1 :: (K -> Type) -> tf2 :: (K -> Type) -> ctx :: {Unit}
-> (nm :: Name -> t :: K -> rest :: {K}
- -> fn [[nm] ~ rest] =>
+ -> [[nm] ~ rest] =>
tf1 t -> tf2 t -> xml ctx [] [])
-> r ::: {K} -> folder r
-> $(map tf1 r) -> $(map tf2 r) -> xml ctx [] []
val queryX : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> ctx ::: {Unit}
-> sql_query tables exps
- -> fn [tables ~ exps] =>
+ -> [tables ~ exps] =>
($(exps ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
-> xml ctx [] [])
-> transaction (xml ctx [] [])
val queryX' : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type} -> ctx ::: {Unit}
-> sql_query tables exps
- -> fn [tables ~ exps] =>
+ -> [tables ~ exps] =>
($(exps ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
-> transaction (xml ctx [] []))
-> transaction (xml ctx [] [])
val oneOrNoRows : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
- -> sql_query tables exps
- -> fn [tables ~ exps] =>
- transaction
- (option
- $(exps
- ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables))
+ -> [tables ~ exps] =>
+ sql_query tables exps
+ -> transaction
+ (option
+ $(exps
+ ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables))
val oneRow : tables ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
- -> sql_query tables exps
- -> fn [tables ~ exps] =>
- transaction
- $(exps
- ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
+ -> [tables ~ exps] =>
+ sql_query tables exps
+ -> transaction
+ $(exps
+ ++ map (fn fields :: {Type} => $fields) tables)
val eqNullable : tables ::: {{Type}} -> agg ::: {{Type}} -> exps ::: {Type}
-> t ::: Type -> sql_injectable (option t)
-> sql_exp tables agg exps (option t)
diff --git a/src/elaborate.sml b/src/elaborate.sml
index 6c55626f..201b9150 100644
--- a/src/elaborate.sml
+++ b/src/elaborate.sml
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
val enD = map Disjoint
- fun elabHead env infer (e as (_, loc)) t =
+ fun elabHead (env, denv) infer (e as (_, loc)) t =
fun unravel (t, e) =
case hnormCon env t of
@@ -1059,6 +1059,16 @@
(e, t, [])
+ | (L'.TDisjoint (r1, r2, t'), loc) =>
+ if infer <> L.TypesOnly then
+ let
+ val gs = D.prove env denv (r1, r2, loc)
+ val (e, t, gs') = unravel (t', e)
+ in
+ (e, t, enD gs @ gs')
+ end
+ else
+ (e, t, [])
| t => (e, t, [])
case infer of
@@ -1185,7 +1195,7 @@ fun c2s c =
| Datatype _ => "Datatype"
| Record _ => "Record"
-fun exhaustive (env, t, ps) =
+fun exhaustive (env, t, ps, loc) =
fun depth (p, _) =
case p of
@@ -1364,7 +1374,8 @@ fun exhaustive (env, t, ps) =
| L'.CError => true
| c =>
- (prefaces "Not a datatype" [("c", p_con env (c, ErrorMsg.dummySpan))];
+ (prefaces "Not a datatype" [("loc", PD.string (ErrorMsg.spanToString loc)),
+ ("c", p_con env (c, ErrorMsg.dummySpan))];
raise Fail "isTotal: Not a datatype")
| Record _ => List.all (fn c2 => coverageImp (c, c2)) (enumerateCases depth t)
@@ -1437,8 +1448,8 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
E.NotBound =>
(expError env (UnboundExp (loc, s));
(eerror, cerror, []))
- | E.Rel (n, t) => elabHead env infer (L'.ERel n, loc) t
- | E.Named (n, t) => elabHead env infer (L'.ENamed n, loc) t)
+ | E.Rel (n, t) => elabHead (env, denv) infer (L'.ERel n, loc) t
+ | E.Named (n, t) => elabHead (env, denv) infer (L'.ENamed n, loc) t)
| L.EVar (m1 :: ms, s, infer) =>
(case E.lookupStr env m1 of
NONE => (expError env (UnboundStrInExp (loc, m1));
@@ -1457,7 +1468,7 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
| SOME t => t
- elabHead env infer (L'.EModProj (n, ms, s), loc) t
+ elabHead (env, denv) infer (L'.EModProj (n, ms, s), loc) t
| L.EWild =>
@@ -1566,6 +1577,20 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
(e', (L'.TDisjoint (c1', c2', t), loc), enD gs1 @ enD gs2 @ gs3)
+ | L.EDisjointApp e =>
+ let
+ val (e', t, gs1) = elabExp (env, denv) e
+ val k1 = kunif loc
+ val c1 = cunif (loc, (L'.KRecord k1, loc))
+ val k2 = kunif loc
+ val c2 = cunif (loc, (L'.KRecord k2, loc))
+ val t' = cunif (loc, ktype)
+ val () = checkCon env e' t (L'.TDisjoint (c1, c2, t'), loc)
+ val gs2 = D.prove env denv (c1, c2, loc)
+ in
+ (e', t', enD gs2 @ gs1)
+ end
| L.ERecord xes =>
@@ -1617,11 +1642,10 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
val ft = cunif (loc, ktype)
val rest = cunif (loc, ktype_record)
val first = (L'.CRecord (ktype, [(c', ft)]), loc)
+ val () = checkCon env e' et
+ (L'.TRecord (L'.CConcat (first, rest), loc), loc);
val gs3 = D.prove env denv (first, rest, loc)
- checkCon env e' et
- (L'.TRecord (L'.CConcat (first, rest), loc), loc);
((L'.EField (e', c', {field = ft, rest = rest}), loc), ft, gs1 @ enD gs2 @ enD gs3)
@@ -1633,10 +1657,11 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
val r1 = cunif (loc, ktype_record)
val r2 = cunif (loc, ktype_record)
+ val () = checkCon env e1' e1t (L'.TRecord r1, loc)
+ val () = checkCon env e2' e2t (L'.TRecord r2, loc)
val gs3 = D.prove env denv (r1, r2, loc)
- checkCon env e1' e1t (L'.TRecord r1, loc);
- checkCon env e2' e2t (L'.TRecord r2, loc);
((L'.EConcat (e1', r1, e2', r2), loc),
(L'.TRecord ((L'.CConcat (r1, r2), loc)), loc),
gs1 @ gs2 @ enD gs3)
@@ -1649,11 +1674,12 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
val ft = cunif (loc, ktype)
val rest = cunif (loc, ktype_record)
val first = (L'.CRecord (ktype, [(c', ft)]), loc)
+ val () = checkCon env e' et
+ (L'.TRecord (L'.CConcat (first, rest), loc), loc)
val gs3 = D.prove env denv (first, rest, loc)
- checkCon env e' et
- (L'.TRecord (L'.CConcat (first, rest), loc), loc);
((L'.ECut (e', c', {field = ft, rest = rest}), loc), (L'.TRecord rest, loc),
gs1 @ enD gs2 @ enD gs3)
@@ -1663,11 +1689,12 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
val (c', ck, gs2) = elabCon (env, denv) c
val rest = cunif (loc, ktype_record)
+ val () = checkCon env e' et
+ (L'.TRecord (L'.CConcat (c', rest), loc), loc)
val gs3 = D.prove env denv (c', rest, loc)
- checkCon env e' et
- (L'.TRecord (L'.CConcat (c', rest), loc), loc);
((L'.ECutMulti (e', c', {rest = rest}), loc), (L'.TRecord rest, loc),
gs1 @ enD gs2 @ enD gs3)
@@ -1681,15 +1708,15 @@ fun elabExp (env, denv) (eAll as (e, loc)) =
val ((p', pt), (env, _)) = elabPat (p, (env, SS.empty))
- val (e', et, gs1) = elabExp (env, denv) e
+ val (e', et', gs1) = elabExp (env, denv) e
checkPatCon env p' pt et;
- checkCon env e' et result;
+ checkCon env e' et' result;
((p', e'), gs1 @ gs)
gs1 pes
- if exhaustive (env, et, map #1 pes') then
+ if exhaustive (env, et, map #1 pes', loc) then
expError env (Inexhaustive loc);
@@ -1722,10 +1749,11 @@ and elabEdecl denv (dAll as (d, loc), (env, gs)) =
val (e', et, gs2) = elabExp (env, denv) e
+ val () = checkCon env e' et c'
val c' = normClassConstraint env c'
val env' = E.pushERel env x c'
- checkCon env e' et c';
((L'.EDVal (x, c', e'), loc), (env', enD gs1 @ gs2 @ gs))
| L.EDValRec vis =>
@@ -2958,10 +2986,12 @@ fun elabDecl (dAll as (d, loc), (env, denv, gs)) =
| SOME c => elabCon (env, denv) c
val (e', et, gs2) = elabExp (env, denv) e
+ val () = checkCon env e' et c'
val c = normClassConstraint env c'
val (env', n) = E.pushENamed env x c'
- checkCon env e' et c';
(*prefaces "DVal" [("x", Print.PD.string x),
("c'", p_con env c')];*)
([(L'.DVal (x, n, c', e'), loc)], (env', denv, enD gs1 @ gs2 @ gs))
diff --git a/src/source.sml b/src/source.sml
index 6c117777..9ef14fd9 100644
--- a/src/source.sml
+++ b/src/source.sml
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ datatype exp' =
| ECApp of exp * con
| ECAbs of explicitness * string * kind * exp
| EDisjoint of con * con * exp
+ | EDisjointApp of exp
| EKAbs of string * exp
diff --git a/src/source_print.sml b/src/source_print.sml
index 4453454d..8d8b28c3 100644
--- a/src/source_print.sml
+++ b/src/source_print.sml
@@ -267,6 +267,9 @@ fun p_exp' par (e, _) =
string "=>",
p_exp e])
+ | EDisjointApp e => parenIf par (box [p_exp e,
+ space,
+ string "!"])
| ERecord xes => box [string "{",
p_list (fn (x, e) =>
diff --git a/src/urweb.grm b/src/urweb.grm
index 86e8a5df..43c9947a 100644
--- a/src/urweb.grm
+++ b/src/urweb.grm
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ fun tagIn bt =
| LET | IN
@@ -710,6 +710,7 @@ ident : CSYMBOL (CName CSYMBOL, s (CSYMBOLleft, CSYMBOLr
eapps : eterm (eterm)
| eapps eterm (EApp (eapps, eterm), s (eappsleft, etermright))
| eapps LBRACK cexp RBRACK (ECApp (eapps, cexp), s (eappsleft, RBRACKright))
+ | eapps BANG (EDisjointApp eapps, s (eappsleft, BANGright))
eexp : eapps (eapps)
| FN eargs DARROW eexp (let
diff --git a/src/urweb.lex b/src/urweb.lex
index bb57f03d..cbbf2a52 100644
--- a/src/urweb.lex
+++ b/src/urweb.lex
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ notags = [^<{\n]+;
<INITIAL> "*" => (Tokens.STAR (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext));
<INITIAL> "<-" => (Tokens.LARROW (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext));
<INITIAL> ";" => (Tokens.SEMI (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext));
+<INITIAL> "!" => (Tokens.BANG (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext));
<INITIAL> "+" => (Tokens.PLUS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext));
<INITIAL> "-" => (Tokens.MINUS (pos yypos, pos yypos + size yytext));