path: root/bin/lsrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/lsrc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/bin/lsrc b/bin/lsrc
deleted file mode 100755
index 9055eec..0000000
--- a/bin/lsrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-: ${RCM_LIB:=$(dirname "$0")/../share/rcm}
-. "$RCM_LIB/"
-pushdir() {
- $DEBUG "cd'ing to $1 from $PWD with stack $DIR_STACK"
- cd "$1"
-popdir() {
- current="$(echo "$DIR_STACK" | sed -e 's/.*://g')"
- prior="$(echo "$DIR_STACK" | sed -e "s|:$current$||" | sed -e 's/.*://g')"
- DIR_STACK="$(echo "$DIR_STACK" | sed -e 's/:[^:]*$//')"
- $DEBUG "cd'ing to $prior from $PWD with stack $DIR_STACK"
- cd "$prior"
-build_path() {
- local dest="$1"
- local file="$2"
- local dotted=$3
- if [ $dotted -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "$dest/$file"
- else
- echo "$dest/.$file"
- fi
-file_join() {
- local result=
- for file; do
- if [ "x$file" != "x." ]; then
- if [ "x$result" = "x" ]; then
- result="$file"
- else
- result="$result/$file"
- fi
- fi
- done
- echo "$result"
-show_dir() {
- local dir="$1"
- local dest_dir="$2"
- local dotfiles_dir="$3"
- local dotfiles_subdir="$4"
- local dotted=$5
- local exclude_file_globs="$6"
- local include_file_globs="$7"
- local symlink_dirs_file_globs="$8"
- local dest_path="$(build_path "$dest_dir" "$dir" $dotted)"
- $DEBUG "show_dir $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8"
- $VERBOSE "recurring on $dest_path"
- pushdir "$dir"
- for f in *; do
- $DEBUG "handling the file $f"
- next_dir="$(file_join "$dotfiles_subdir" "$dir")"
- handle_file "$f" "$dest_path" "$dotfiles_dir" "$next_dir" 1 "$exclude_file_globs" "$include_file_globs" "$symlink_dirs_file_globs"
- done
- popdir
-sigil_for() {
- local file="$1"
- local symlink_dirs_file_globs="$2"
- local copy_always=0
- local symlink_dirs=0
- for copy_file in $COPY_ALWAYS; do
- $DEBUG "copy_file: $copy_file"
- $DEBUG "file: $file"
- case "$file" in
- $copy_file)
- copy_always=1
- break
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ -n "$symlink_dirs_file_globs" ]; then
- symlink_dirs=1
- fi
- if [ $copy_always -eq 1 ]; then
- echo 'X'
- elif [ $symlink_dirs -eq 1 ]; then
- echo '$'
- else
- echo '@'
- fi
-show_file() {
- local file="$1"
- local dest_dir="$2"
- local dotfiles_dir="$3"
- local dotfiles_subdir="$4"
- local dotted=$5
- local symlink_dirs_file_globs="$6"
- local dest_file="$(build_path "$dest_dir" "$file" $dotted)"
- if echo "$DEST_STACK" | grep -vq ":$dest_file"; then
- DEST_STACK="$DEST_STACK:$dest_file"
- src_file="$(file_join "$dotfiles_subdir" "$file")"
- abs_src_file="$(file_join "$dotfiles_dir" "$src_file")"
- output="$dest_file:$abs_src_file"
- if [ $SHOW_SIGILS -eq 1 ]; then
- sigil="$(sigil_for "$src_file" "$symlink_dirs_file_globs")"
- output="$output:$sigil"
- fi
- $PRINT "$output"
- fi
-handle_file() {
- local file="$1"
- local dest_dir="$2"
- local dotfiles_dir="$3"
- local dotfiles_subdir="$4"
- local dotted=$5
- local exclude_file_globs="$6"
- local include_file_globs="$7"
- local symlink_dirs_file_globs="$8"
- $DEBUG "handle_file $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8"
- if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then
- $VERBOSE "skipping non-existent file $file"
- elif is_excluded "$file" "$exclude_file_globs" "$include_file_globs"; then
- $VERBOSE "skipping excluded file $file"
- elif [ -d "$file" ] && is_excluded $file "$symlink_dirs_file_globs"; then
- show_file "$file" "$dest_dir" "$dotfiles_dir" "$dotfiles_subdir" $dotted "$symlink_dirs_file_globs"
- elif [ -d "$file" ]; then
- show_dir "$file" "$dest_dir" "$dotfiles_dir" "$dotfiles_subdir" $dotted "$exclude_file_globs" "$include_file_globs" "$symlink_dirs_file_globs"
- else
- show_file "$file" "$dest_dir" "$dotfiles_dir" "$dotfiles_subdir" $dotted
- fi
-is_metafile() {
- host_portion="$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/host-.*/host-/')"
- tag_portion="$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/tag-.*/tag-/')"
- [ "x$host_portion" = 'xhost-' -o "x$tag_portion" = 'xtag-' -o "x$1" = "xhooks" ]
-dotfiles_dir_excludes() {
- local dotfiles_dir="$1"
- local excludes="$2"
- $DEBUG "dotfiles_dir_excludes $dotfiles_dir"
- $DEBUG " with excludes: $excludes"
- for exclude in $excludes; do
- if echo "$exclude" | grep -q ':'; then
- dotfiles_dir_pat="$(echo "$exclude" | sed 's/:.*//')"
- file_glob="$(echo "$exclude" | sed 's/.*://')"
- if [ "x$dotfiles_dir_pat" != "x*" ] && is_relative "$dotfiles_dir_pat"; then
- dotfiles_dir_pat="$PWD/$dotfiles_dir_pat"
- fi
- if [ "x$dotfiles_dir_pat" = "x*" -o "x$dotfiles_dir_pat" = "x$dotfiles_dir" ]; then
- echo "$file_glob"
- fi
- else
- echo "$exclude"
- fi
- done
-is_excluded() {
- local file="$1"
- local exclude_file_globs="$2"
- local include_file_globs="$3"
- $DEBUG "is_excluded $file $exclude_file_globs $include_file_globs"
- for exclude_file_glob in $exclude_file_globs; do
- $DEBUG "file: $file"
- $DEBUG "exclude_file_glob: $exclude_file_glob"
- case "$file" in
- $exclude_file_glob)
- for include_file_glob in $include_file_globs; do
- case "$file" in
- $include_file_glob) return 1;;
- esac
- done
- return 0
- ;;
- esac
- done
- return 1
-show_help() {
- local exit_code=${1:-0}
- $PRINT "Usage: lsrc [-FVqvh] [-I EXCL_PAT] [-x EXCL_PAT] [-N EXCL_PAT ] [-t TAG] [-d DOT_DIR]"
- $PRINT "see lsrc(1) and rcm(5) for more details"
- exit $exit_code
-handle_command_line() {
- local arg_tags=
- local verbosity=0
- local version=0
- local show_sigils=0
- local dotfiles_dirs=
- local excludes=
- local includes=
- local symlink_dirs=
- while getopts FVqvhI:x:S:t:d: opt; do
- case "$opt" in
- F) show_sigils=1;;
- h) show_help ;;
- I) includes="$includes $OPTARG";;
- t) arg_tags="$arg_tags $OPTARG";;
- v) verbosity=$(($verbosity + 1));;
- q) verbosity=$(($verbosity - 1));;
- d) dotfiles_dirs="$dotfiles_dirs $OPTARG";;
- V) version=1;;
- x) excludes="$excludes $OPTARG";;
- S) symlink_dirs="$symlink_dirs $OPTARG";;
- esac
- done
- shift $(($OPTIND-1))
- handle_common_flags lsrc $version $verbosity
- SHOW_SIGILS=$show_sigils
- TAGS="${arg_tags:-$TAGS}"
- DOTFILES_DIRS="${dotfiles_dirs:-$DOTFILES_DIRS}"
- EXCLUDES="${excludes:-$EXCLUDES}"
- INCLUDES="${includes:-$INCLUDES}"
- SYMLINK_DIRS="${symlink_dirs:-$SYMLINK_DIRS}"
- FILES="$@"
-handle_command_line "$@"
-: ${COPY_ALWAYS:=""}
-: ${SYMLINK_DIRS:=""}
- cd "$relative_root_dir"
- if is_relative $DOTFILES_DIR; then
- fi
- if [ ! -d "$DOTFILES_DIR" ]; then
- $VERBOSE "skipping non-existent directory: $DOTFILES_DIR"
- continue
- fi
- exclude_file_globs="$(dotfiles_dir_excludes "$DOTFILES_DIR" "$EXCLUDES")"
- $DEBUG "exclude_file_globs: $exclude_file_globs"
- include_file_globs="$(dotfiles_dir_excludes "$DOTFILES_DIR" "$INCLUDES")"
- symlink_dirs_file_globs="$(dotfiles_dir_excludes "$DOTFILES_DIR" "$SYMLINK_DIRS")"
- $DEBUG "symlink_dirs_file_globs: $symlink_dirs_file_globs"
- for file in ${FILES:-*}; do
- if is_metafile "$file"; then
- continue
- fi
- handle_file "$file" "$DEST_DIR" "$DOTFILES_DIR" . 0 "$exclude_file_globs" "$include_file_globs" "$symlink_dirs_file_globs"
- done
- host_files="$DOTFILES_DIR/host-$HOSTNAME"
- if [ -d "$host_files" ]; then
- pushdir "$(basename "$host_files")"
- for file in ${FILES:-*}; do
- handle_file "$file" "$DEST_DIR" "$host_files" . 0 "$exclude_file_globs" "$include_file_globs" "$symlink_dirs_file_globs"
- done
- popdir
- fi
- for tag in $TAGS; do
- if [ -d "tag-$tag" ]; then
- pushdir "$(basename "tag-$tag")"
- for file in ${FILES:-*}; do
- $DEBUG "TAG: $tag, exclude_file_globs: $exclude_file_globs"
- handle_file "$file" "$DEST_DIR" "$DOTFILES_DIR/tag-$tag" . 0 "$exclude_file_globs" "$include_file_globs" "$symlink_dirs_file_globs"
- done
- popdir
- fi
- done