path: root/g_src/renderer_2d.hpp
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2015-09-05 09:32:30 -0400
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2015-09-05 09:32:30 -0400
commitea76b6988ccafaa6a4d4ed90f2489d0e49e1f180 (patch)
treeb01dd19f5c53406d9d636b18bc49916bfdd6d3bc /g_src/renderer_2d.hpp
Imported Upstream version 0.40.24upstream/0.40.24upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'g_src/renderer_2d.hpp')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/g_src/renderer_2d.hpp b/g_src/renderer_2d.hpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d088162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/g_src/renderer_2d.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#include "enabler.h"
+#include "init.h"
+#include "resize++.h"
+#include "ttf_manager.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+void report_error(const char*, const char*);
+class renderer_2d_base : public renderer {
+ SDL_Surface *screen;
+ map<texture_fullid, SDL_Surface*> tile_cache;
+ int dispx, dispy, dimx, dimy;
+ // We may shrink or enlarge dispx/dispy in response to zoom requests. dispx/y_z are the
+ // size we actually display tiles at.
+ int dispx_z, dispy_z;
+ // Viewport origin
+ int origin_x, origin_y;
+ SDL_Surface *tile_cache_lookup(texture_fullid &id, bool convert=true) {
+ map<texture_fullid, SDL_Surface*>::iterator it = tile_cache.find(id);
+ if (it != tile_cache.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ } else {
+ // Create the colorized texture
+ SDL_Surface *tex = enabler.textures.get_texture_data(id.texpos);
+ SDL_Surface *color;
+ color = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
+ tex->w, tex->h,
+ tex->format->BitsPerPixel,
+ tex->format->Rmask,
+ tex->format->Gmask,
+ tex->format->Bmask,
+ 0);
+ if (!color) {
+ MessageBox (NULL, "Unable to create texture!", "Fatal error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
+ abort();
+ }
+ // Fill it
+ Uint32 color_fgi = SDL_MapRGB(color->format, id.r*255, id.g*255, id.b*255);
+ Uint8 *color_fg = (Uint8*) &color_fgi;
+ Uint32 color_bgi = SDL_MapRGB(color->format,*255,*255,*255);
+ Uint8 *color_bg = (Uint8*) &color_bgi;
+ SDL_LockSurface(tex);
+ SDL_LockSurface(color);
+ Uint8 *pixel_src, *pixel_dst;
+ for (int y = 0; y < tex->h; y++) {
+ pixel_src = ((Uint8*)tex->pixels) + (y * tex->pitch);
+ pixel_dst = ((Uint8*)color->pixels) + (y * color->pitch);
+ for (int x = 0; x < tex->w; x++, pixel_src+=4, pixel_dst+=4) {
+ float alpha = pixel_src[3] / 255.0;
+ for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ float fg = color_fg[c] / 255.0, bg = color_bg[c] / 255.0, tex = pixel_src[c] / 255.0;
+ pixel_dst[c] = ((alpha * (tex * fg)) + ((1 - alpha) * bg)) * 255;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(color);
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(tex);
+ SDL_Surface *disp = convert ?
+ SDL_Resize(color, dispx_z, dispy_z) : // Convert to display format; deletes color
+ color; // color is not deleted, but we don't want it to be.
+ // Insert and return
+ tile_cache[id] = disp;
+ return disp;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual bool init_video(int w, int h) {
+ // Get ourselves a 2D SDL window
+ Uint32 flags = init.display.flag.has_flag(INIT_DISPLAY_FLAG_2DHW) ? SDL_HWSURFACE : SDL_SWSURFACE;
+ flags |= init.display.flag.has_flag(INIT_DISPLAY_FLAG_2DASYNC) ? SDL_ASYNCBLIT : 0;
+ // Set it up for windowed or fullscreen, depending.
+ if (enabler.is_fullscreen()) {
+ flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
+ } else {
+ if (!init.display.flag.has_flag(INIT_DISPLAY_FLAG_NOT_RESIZABLE))
+ flags |= SDL_RESIZABLE;
+ }
+ // (Re)create the window
+ screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, flags);
+ if (screen == NULL) cout << "INIT FAILED!" << endl;
+ return screen != NULL;
+ }
+ list<pair<SDL_Surface*,SDL_Rect> > ttfs_to_render;
+ void update_tile(int x, int y) {
+ // Figure out where to blit
+ SDL_Rect dst;
+ dst.x = dispx_z * x + origin_x;
+ dst.y = dispy_z * y + origin_y;
+ // Read tiles from gps, create cached texture
+ Either<texture_fullid,texture_ttfid> id = screen_to_texid(x, y);
+ SDL_Surface *tex;
+ if (id.isL) { // Ordinary tile, cached here
+ tex = tile_cache_lookup(id.left);
+ // And blit.
+ SDL_BlitSurface(tex, NULL, screen, &dst);
+ } else { // TTF, cached in ttf_manager so no point in also caching here
+ tex = ttf_manager.get_texture(id.right);
+ // Blit later
+ ttfs_to_render.push_back(make_pair(tex, dst));
+ }
+ }
+ void update_all() {
+ SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
+ for (int x = 0; x < gps.dimx; x++)
+ for (int y = 0; y < gps.dimy; y++)
+ update_tile(x, y);
+ }
+ virtual void render() {
+ // Render the TTFs, which we left for last
+ for (auto it = ttfs_to_render.begin(); it != ttfs_to_render.end(); ++it) {
+ SDL_BlitSurface(it->first, NULL, screen, &it->second);
+ }
+ ttfs_to_render.clear();
+ // And flip out.
+ SDL_Flip(screen);
+ }
+ virtual ~renderer_2d_base() {
+ for (auto it = tile_cache.cbegin(); it != tile_cache.cend(); ++it)
+ SDL_FreeSurface(it->second);
+ for (auto it = ttfs_to_render.cbegin(); it != ttfs_to_render.cend(); ++it)
+ SDL_FreeSurface(it->first);
+ }
+ void grid_resize(int w, int h) {
+ dimx = w; dimy = h;
+ // Only reallocate the grid if it actually changes
+ if (init.display.grid_x != dimx || init.display.grid_y != dimy)
+ gps_allocate(dimx, dimy);
+ // But always force a full display cycle
+ gps.force_full_display_count = 1;
+ enabler.flag |= ENABLERFLAG_RENDER;
+ }
+ renderer_2d_base() {
+ zoom_steps = forced_steps = 0;
+ }
+ int zoom_steps, forced_steps;
+ int natural_w, natural_h;
+ void compute_forced_zoom() {
+ forced_steps = 0;
+ pair<int,int> zoomed = compute_zoom();
+ while (zoomed.first < MIN_GRID_X || zoomed.second < MIN_GRID_Y) {
+ forced_steps++;
+ zoomed = compute_zoom();
+ }
+ while (zoomed.first > MAX_GRID_X || zoomed.second > MAX_GRID_Y) {
+ forced_steps--;
+ zoomed = compute_zoom();
+ }
+ }
+ pair<int,int> compute_zoom(bool clamp = false) {
+ const int dispx = enabler.is_fullscreen() ?
+ init.font.large_font_dispx :
+ init.font.small_font_dispx;
+ const int dispy = enabler.is_fullscreen() ?
+ init.font.large_font_dispy :
+ init.font.small_font_dispy;
+ int w, h;
+ if (dispx < dispy) {
+ w = natural_w + zoom_steps + forced_steps;
+ h = double(natural_h) * (double(w) / double(natural_w));
+ } else {
+ h = natural_h + zoom_steps + forced_steps;
+ w = double(natural_w) * (double(h) / double(natural_h));
+ }
+ if (clamp) {
+ }
+ return make_pair(w,h);
+ }
+ void resize(int w, int h) {
+ // We've gotten resized.. first step is to reinitialize video
+ cout << "New window size: " << w << "x" << h << endl;
+ init_video(w, h);
+ dispx = enabler.is_fullscreen() ?
+ init.font.large_font_dispx :
+ init.font.small_font_dispx;
+ dispy = enabler.is_fullscreen() ?
+ init.font.large_font_dispy :
+ init.font.small_font_dispy;
+ cout << "Font size: " << dispx << "x" << dispy << endl;
+ // If grid size is currently overridden, we don't change it
+ if (enabler.overridden_grid_sizes.size() == 0) {
+ // (Re)calculate grid-size
+ dimx = MIN(MAX(w / dispx, MIN_GRID_X), MAX_GRID_X);
+ dimy = MIN(MAX(h / dispy, MIN_GRID_Y), MAX_GRID_Y);
+ cout << "Resizing grid to " << dimx << "x" << dimy << endl;
+ grid_resize(dimx, dimy);
+ }
+ // Calculate zoomed tile size
+ natural_w = MAX(w / dispx,1);
+ natural_h = MAX(h / dispy,1);
+ compute_forced_zoom();
+ reshape(compute_zoom(true));
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ void reshape(pair<int,int> max_grid) {
+ int w = max_grid.first,
+ h = max_grid.second;
+ // Compute the largest tile size that will fit this grid into the window, roughly maintaining aspect ratio
+ double try_x = dispx, try_y = dispy;
+ try_x = screen->w / w;
+ try_y = MIN(try_x / dispx * dispy, screen->h / h);
+ try_x = MIN(try_x, try_y / dispy * dispx);
+ dispx_z = MAX(1,try_x); dispy_z = MAX(try_y,1);
+ cout << "Resizing font to " << dispx_z << "x" << dispy_z << endl;
+ // Remove now-obsolete tile catalog
+ for (map<texture_fullid, SDL_Surface*>::iterator it = tile_cache.begin();
+ it != tile_cache.end();
+ ++it)
+ SDL_FreeSurface(it->second);
+ tile_cache.clear();
+ // Recompute grid based on the new tile size
+ w = CLAMP(screen->w / dispx_z, MIN_GRID_X, MAX_GRID_X);
+ h = CLAMP(screen->h / dispy_z, MIN_GRID_Y, MAX_GRID_Y);
+ // Reset grid size
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ cout << "Resizing grid to " << w << "x" << h << endl;
+ gps_allocate(w,h);
+ // Force redisplay
+ gps.force_full_display_count = 1;
+ // Calculate viewport origin, for centering
+ origin_x = (screen->w - dispx_z * w) / 2;
+ origin_y = (screen->h - dispy_z * h) / 2;
+ // Reset TTF rendering
+ ttf_manager.init(dispy_z, dispx_z);
+ }
+ void set_fullscreen() {
+ if (enabler.is_fullscreen()) {
+ init.display.desired_windowed_width = screen->w;
+ init.display.desired_windowed_height = screen->h;
+ resize(init.display.desired_fullscreen_width,
+ init.display.desired_fullscreen_height);
+ } else {
+ resize(init.display.desired_windowed_width, init.display.desired_windowed_height);
+ }
+ }
+ bool get_mouse_coords(int &x, int &y) {
+ int mouse_x, mouse_y;
+ SDL_GetMouseState(&mouse_x, &mouse_y);
+ mouse_x -= origin_x; mouse_y -= origin_y;
+ if (mouse_x < 0 || mouse_x >= dispx_z*dimx ||
+ mouse_y < 0 || mouse_y >= dispy_z*dimy)
+ return false;
+ x = mouse_x / dispx_z;
+ y = mouse_y / dispy_z;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void zoom(zoom_commands cmd) {
+ pair<int,int> before = compute_zoom(true);
+ int before_steps = zoom_steps;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case zoom_in: zoom_steps -= init.input.zoom_speed; break;
+ case zoom_out: zoom_steps += init.input.zoom_speed; break;
+ case zoom_reset:
+ zoom_steps = 0;
+ case zoom_resetgrid:
+ compute_forced_zoom();
+ break;
+ }
+ pair<int,int> after = compute_zoom(true);
+ if (after == before && (cmd == zoom_in || cmd == zoom_out))
+ zoom_steps = before_steps;
+ else
+ reshape(after);
+ }
+class renderer_2d : public renderer_2d_base {
+ renderer_2d() {
+ // Disable key repeat
+ SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0, 0);
+ // Set window title/icon.
+ SDL_Surface *icon = IMG_Load("data/art/icon.png");
+ if (icon != NULL) {
+ SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon, NULL);
+ // The icon's surface doesn't get used past this point.
+ SDL_FreeSurface(icon);
+ }
+ // Find the current desktop resolution if fullscreen resolution is auto
+ if (init.display.desired_fullscreen_width == 0 ||
+ init.display.desired_fullscreen_height == 0) {
+ const struct SDL_VideoInfo *info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
+ init.display.desired_fullscreen_width = info->current_w;
+ init.display.desired_fullscreen_height = info->current_h;
+ }
+ // Initialize our window
+ bool worked = init_video(enabler.is_fullscreen() ?
+ init.display.desired_fullscreen_width :
+ init.display.desired_windowed_width,
+ enabler.is_fullscreen() ?
+ init.display.desired_fullscreen_height :
+ init.display.desired_windowed_height);
+ // Fallback to windowed mode if fullscreen fails
+ if (!worked && enabler.is_fullscreen()) {
+ enabler.fullscreen = false;
+ report_error("SDL initialization failure, trying windowed mode", SDL_GetError());
+ worked = init_video(init.display.desired_windowed_width,
+ init.display.desired_windowed_height);
+ }
+ // Quit if windowed fails
+ if (!worked) {
+ report_error("SDL initialization failure", SDL_GetError());
+ }
+ }
+class renderer_offscreen : public renderer_2d_base {
+ virtual bool init_video(int, int);
+ virtual ~renderer_offscreen();
+ renderer_offscreen(int, int);
+ void update_all(int, int);
+ void save_to_file(const string &file);