path: root/tools/apbuild/Apbuild
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/apbuild/Apbuild')
2 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/apbuild/Apbuild/ b/tools/apbuild/Apbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4246148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/apbuild/Apbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+# Various gcc-related functions
+package Apbuild::GCC;
+use strict;
+use Apbuild::Utils;
+use IPC::Open3;
+######## Special constants; used for parsing GCC parameters ########
+# Parameters that require an extra parameter
+our $extraTypes = 'o|u|Xlinker|b|V|MF|MT|MQ|I|L|R|Wl,-rpath|isystem|D|x';
+# Linker parameters
+our $linkerTypes = 'L|Wl|o$|l|s|n|R';
+# Files with these extensions are objects
+our $staticLibTypes = 'a|al';
+our $objectTypes = "o|os|so(\\.\\d+)*|la|lo|$staticLibTypes";
+our $headerTypes = 'h|hpp';
+# Source file types
+our $cTypes = 'c|C';
+our $cxxTypes = 'cpp|cxx|cc|c\+\+';
+our $srcTypes = "$cTypes|$cxxTypes";
+######## Methods ########
+# Apbuild::GCC->new(gcc_command)
+# gcc_command: The command for invoking GCC.
+# Create a new Apbuild:GCC object.
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $gcc) = @_;
+ my %self;
+ $self{gcc} = $gcc;
+ $self{gcc_file} = checkCommand($gcc);
+ if (!defined $self{gcc_file}) {
+ error "$gcc: command not found\n";
+ exit 127;
+ }
+ # FIXME: should use gcc -print-search-paths.
+ $self{searchPaths} = ["/usr/lib", "/usr/local/lib"];
+ foreach (reverse(split(/:/, $ENV{LIBRARY_PATH}))) {
+ push @{$self{searchPaths}}, $_;
+ }
+ bless \%self, $class;
+ return \%self;
+# $gcc->capabilities()
+# Returns: a hash with capabilities for this compiler.
+# Check GCC's capabilities. This function will return
+# a hash with the following keys:
+# libgcc : Is 1 if gcc supports the parameter -{shared,static}-libgcc.
+# as_needed: Is 1 if gcc's linker supports --as-needed.
+# abi2 : Is 1 if gcc supports -fabi-version=2.
+# This function takes care of caching results.
+sub capabilities {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my (%capabilities, %cache);
+ my $gcc = $self->{gcc};
+ my $gcc_file = $self->{gcc_file};
+ # First, check the cache
+ my @stat = stat $gcc_file;
+ my $gcc_mtime = $stat[9];
+ my $home = homeDir();
+ if (-f "$home/.apbuild") {
+ parseDataFile("$home/.apbuild", \%cache);
+ if ($cache{version} != 2) {
+ # Cache file version incompatible; delete cache
+ %cache = ();
+ } else {
+ if ($cache{"mtime_$gcc_file"} != $gcc_mtime) {
+ # Cache out of date for this compiler; update cache
+ delete $cache{"libgcc_$gcc_file"};
+ delete $cache{"abi2_$gcc_file"};
+ delete $cache{"as_needed_$gcc_file"};
+ delete $cache{"hash_style_$gcc_file"};
+ delete $cache{"stack_protector_$gcc_file"};
+ delete $cache{"fortify_source_$gcc_file"};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $lc_all = $ENV{LC_ALL};
+ $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
+ if (exists $cache{"libgcc_$gcc_file"} && exists $cache{"abi2_$gcc_file"}) {
+ $capabilities{libgcc} = $cache{"libgcc_$gcc_file"};
+ $capabilities{abi2} = $cache{"abi2_$gcc_file"};
+ } else {
+ # Get output from 'gcc -v'
+ my ($r, $w, $e);
+ my $pid = open3($w, $r, $e, $gcc_file, '-v');
+ close $w if ($w);
+ close $e if ($e);
+ my @output = <$r>;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ # Check whether gcc >= 3.0
+ my ($major, $minor) = $output[@output - 1] =~ /version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/;
+ if ($major >= 3) {
+ $capabilities{libgcc} = 1;
+ $cache{"libgcc_$gcc_file"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $capabilities{libgcc} = 0;
+ $cache{"libgcc_$gcc_file"} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($major > 3 || ($major >= 3 && $minor >= 4)) {
+ $capabilities{abi2} = 1;
+ $cache{"abi2_$gcc_file"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $capabilities{abi2} = 0;
+ $cache{"abi2_$gcc_file"} = 0;
+ }
+ $cache{"mtime_$gcc_file"} = $gcc_mtime;
+ }
+ if (exists $cache{"as_needed_$gcc_file"}) {
+ $capabilities{as_needed} = $cache{"as_needed_$gcc_file"};
+ } else {
+ my ($r, $w, $e);
+ my $pid = open3($w, $r, $e, $gcc_file, '-Wl,--help');
+ close $w if ($w);
+ close $e if ($e);
+ local($/);
+ my $output = <$r>;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ if ($output =~ /--as-needed/) {
+ $capabilities{as_needed} = 1;
+ $cache{"as_needed_$gcc_file"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $capabilities{as_needed} = 0;
+ $cache{"as_needed_$gcc_file"} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $cache{"hash_style_$gcc_file"}) {
+ $capabilities{hash_style} = $cache{"hash_style_$gcc_file"};
+ } else {
+ my ($r, $w, $e);
+ my $pid = open3($w, $r, $e, $gcc_file, '-Wl,--help');
+ close $w if ($w);
+ close $e if ($e);
+ local($/);
+ my $output = <$r>;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ if ($output =~ /--hash-style/) {
+ $capabilities{hash_style} = 1;
+ $cache{"hash_style_$gcc_file"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $capabilities{hash_style} = 0;
+ $cache{"hash_style_$gcc_file"} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $cache{"stack_protector_$gcc_file"}) {
+ $capabilities{stack_protector} = $cache{"stack_protector_$gcc_file"};
+ } else {
+ # Get output from 'gcc -v'
+ my ($r, $w, $e);
+ my $pid = open3($w, $r, $e, $gcc_file, '-v');
+ close $w if ($w);
+ close $e if ($e);
+ my @output = <$r>;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ # Check whether gcc >= 3.0
+ my ($major, $minor) = $output[@output - 1] =~ /version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/;
+ if ($major >= 4 && $minor >= 1) {
+ $capabilities{stack_protector} = 1;
+ $cache{"stack_protector_$gcc_file"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $capabilities{stack_protector} = 0;
+ $cache{"stack_protector_$gcc_file"} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $cache{"fortify_source_$gcc_file"}) {
+ $capabilities{fortify_source} = $cache{"fortify_source_$gcc_file"};
+ } else {
+ # Get output from 'gcc -v'
+ my ($r, $w, $e);
+ my $pid = open3($w, $r, $e, $gcc_file, '-v');
+ close $w if ($w);
+ close $e if ($e);
+ my @output = <$r>;
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ # Check whether gcc >= 4.1
+ my ($major, $minor) = $output[@output - 1] =~ /version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/;
+ if ($major >= 4 && $minor >= 1) {
+ $capabilities{fortify_source} = 1;
+ $cache{"fortify_source_$gcc_file"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $capabilities{fortify_source} = 0;
+ $cache{"fortify_source_$gcc_file"} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $lc_all) {
+ $ENV{LC_ALL} = $lc_all;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
+ }
+ $cache{version} = 2;
+ writeDataFile("$home/.apbuild", \%cache);
+ return %capabilities;
+# $gcc->command()
+# Returns the GCC command associated with this Apbuild::GCC object.
+sub command {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{gcc};
+# $gcc->foreach(args, callback)
+# args: a reference to an array which contains GCC parameters.
+# callback: the callback function which will be called in every iteration of the loop.
+# Iterate through each GCC parameter. $callback will be called as follows:
+# $callback->(type, args...);
+# $type is the current parameter's type, either "param" or "file" (source file).
+# args is an array of parameters. If this parameter is a parameter which excepts
+# another parameter (such as -o, it expects a filename), then the expected
+# parameter will also be passed to the callback function.
+sub foreach {
+ my ($self, $args, $callback) = @_;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$args}; $i++) {
+ $_ = $args->[$i];
+ if (/^-/ || /\.($objectTypes|$headerTypes)$/ || /.*\.so\.?$/) {
+ # Parameter
+ if (/^-($extraTypes)$/) {
+ # This parameter expects another parameter
+ $callback->("param", $_, $args->[$i + 1]);
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $callback->("param", $_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # File
+ $callback->("file", $_);
+ }
+ }
+# $gcc->splitParams(args, files, params)
+# args: a reference to an array which contains GCC parameters.
+# files: a reference to an array, or undef.
+# params: a reference to an array, or undef.
+# Parse GCC's parameters. Seperate files and arguments.
+# A list of files will be stored in the array referenced to by $file,
+# a list of non-file parameters will be stored in the array referenced to by $params.
+sub splitParams {
+ my ($self, $args, $files, $params) = @_;
+ my $callback = sub {
+ my $type = shift;
+ if ($type eq "param") {
+ push @{$params}, @_ if ($params);
+ } elsif ($type eq "file") {
+ push @{$files}, $_[0] if ($files);
+ }
+ };
+ $self->foreach($args, $callback);
+sub stripLinkerParams {
+ my ($self, $r_params, $linking) = @_;
+ my @params;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $callback = sub {
+ my $type = shift;
+ if ($type eq 'param' && $_[0] =~ /^-($linkerTypes)/) {
+ push @{$linking}, @_;
+ } else {
+ push @params, @_;
+ }
+ };
+ $self->foreach($r_params, $callback);
+ @{$r_params} = @params;
+sub addSearchPaths {
+ my ($self, $dir) = @_;
+ push @{$self->{searchPaths}}, $dir;
+# Parse $args and extract library search paths from it.
+# Those paths, along with paths added by addSearchPaths(),
+# will be appended to $paths.
+sub getSearchPaths {
+ my ($self, $args, $paths) = @_;
+ my $callback = sub {
+ my $type = shift;
+ return if ($type ne "param");
+ if ($_[0] eq "-L") {
+ push @{$paths}, $_[1];
+ } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-L(.+)/ || $_[0] =~ /^--library-path=(.+)/) {
+ push @{$paths}, $1;
+ }
+ };
+ $self->foreach($args, $callback);
+ push @{$paths}, @{$self->{searchPaths}};
+# $gcc->isLibrary(arg, libname)
+# Check whether $arg is a (dynamic) library argument.
+# The base library name will be stored in $$libname.
+sub isLibrary {
+ my ($self, $arg, $libname) = @_;
+ if ($arg =~ /^-l(.+)/ || $arg =~ /^--library=(.+)/ || $arg =~ /^(?:.*\/)?lib([^\/]+)\.so/) {
+ $$libname = $1 if ($libname);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+# $gcc->isObject(arg)
+# Check whether $arg is an object. This includes static libraries.
+sub isObject {
+ my ($self, $arg) = @_;
+ return $arg !~ /^-/ && $arg =~ /\.($objectTypes)$/;
+sub isStaticLib {
+ my ($self, $arg) = @_;
+ return $arg !~ /^-/ && $arg =~ /\.($staticLibTypes)$/;
+# $gcc->isSource(file)
+# Checks whether $file is a source file.
+sub isSource {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return $file =~ /\.($srcTypes)$/;
+# $gcc->isCxxSource(file)
+# Checks whether $file is a C++ source file.
+sub isCxxSource {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ return $file =~ /\.($cxxTypes)$/;
+# I wish I know how to explain what these functions do, but I can't. :(
+# If you know a better way to name these, please do tell me.
+sub sourceOrderIsImportant {
+ my ($self, $arg) = @_;
+ return $arg =~ /^-(x)$/;
+sub linkOrderIsImportant {
+ my ($self, $arg) = @_;
+ return $arg =~ /^-(Wl,--whole-archive|Wl,--no-whole-archive)$/;
+# $gcc->getOutputFile(args)
+# args: a reference to an array which contains GCC parameters.
+# Returns: a filename.
+# Parse the GCC arguments and detect the output filename.
+sub getOutputFile {
+ my ($gcc, $args) = @_;
+ my ($output, $compilingToObject, $source);
+ my $callback = sub {
+ my $type = shift;
+ if ($type eq 'param' && $_[0] eq '-o') {
+ $output = $_[1];
+ } elsif ($type eq 'param' && $_[0] eq '-c') {
+ $compilingToObject = 1;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'file' && $gcc->isSource($_[0])) {
+ $source = $_[0];
+ }
+ };
+ $gcc->foreach($args, $callback);
+ if (defined $output) {
+ return $output;
+ } elsif ($compilingToObject) {
+ $source =~ s/\.[^.]*?$/.o/;
+ return $source;
+ } else {
+ return "a.out";
+ }
+# $gcc->setOutputFile(args, new_output_file)
+# args: a reference to an array which contains GCC parameters.
+# new_output_file: the new output filename.
+# Parse the GCC arguments and change the output filename.
+# The array referenced by $args will be modified.
+sub setOutputFile {
+ my ($gcc, $args, $new_output_file) = @_;
+ my (@newArgs, $changed);
+ my $callback = sub {
+ my $type = shift;
+ if ($type eq 'param' && $_[0] eq '-o') {
+ push @newArgs, "-o", $new_output_file;
+ $changed = 1;
+ } else {
+ push @newArgs, @_;
+ }
+ };
+ $gcc->foreach($args, $callback);
+ if (!$changed) {
+ push @newArgs, "-o", $new_output_file if (!$changed);
+ }
+ @{$args} = @newArgs;
+# $gcc->situation(args)
+# args: a reference to an array which contains GCC arguments.
+# Returns: 'compile', 'depcheck', 'compile and link', 'linking' or 'other'.
+# Detect the situation in which the compiler is used.
+# Basically, there are 5 situations in which the compiler is used:
+# 1) Compilation (to an object file).
+# 2) Linking.
+# 3) Compilation and linking.
+# 4) Dependancy checking with -M* or -E.
+# 5) None of the above. Compiler is invoked with --help or something.
+# Note that source files may also contain non-C/C++ files.
+sub situation {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my $files = 0;
+ for (@{$args}) {
+ $files++ if (!(/^-/));
+ }
+ for (@{$args}) {
+ if (/^-c$/) {
+ # Situation 1
+ return 'compile';
+ } elsif (/^-M(|M|G)$/ || /^-E$/) {
+ # Situation 4
+ return 'depcheck';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($files == 1)
+ {
+ my $i = 0;
+ for (@{$args})
+ {
+ if (!(/^-/) && (/\.($headerTypes)$/))
+ {
+ print($args->[$i], "\n");
+ return 'precompiled header';
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ my $i = 0;
+ for (@{$args}) {
+ if (!(/^-/) && !(/\.($objectTypes)$/)) {
+ if ($i > 0 && $args->[$i - 1] =~ /^-($extraTypes)$/) {
+ $i++;
+ next;
+ } else {
+ # Situation 3
+ return 'compile and link';
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if ($files == 0) {
+ # Situation 5
+ return 'other';
+ } else {
+ # Situation 2
+ return 'linking';
+ }
diff --git a/tools/apbuild/Apbuild/ b/tools/apbuild/Apbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5089299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/apbuild/Apbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+package Apbuild::Utils;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Exporter;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+use IO::Handle;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use POSIX;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+our @EXPORT = qw(debug error checkCommand empty homeDir searchLib searchStaticLib soname run parseDataFile writeDataFile);
+our $debugOpened = 0;
+# debug(message)
+# If the environment variable $APBUILD_DEBUG is set to 1,
+# then print a debugging message to /dev/tty (not stdout or stderr).
+sub debug {
+ return if (empty($ENV{APBUILD_DEBUG}) || !$ENV{APBUILD_DEBUG});
+ if (!$debugOpened) {
+ if (open DEBUG, '>/dev/tty') {
+ $debugOpened = 1;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ my @args = split /\n/, "@_";
+ foreach (@args) {
+ $_ = '# ' . $_;
+ $_ .= "\n";
+ }
+ print DEBUG "\033[1;33m";
+ print DEBUG join '', @args;
+ print DEBUG "\033[0m";
+ DEBUG->flush;
+# error(message)
+# Print an error message to stderr. It will be displayed in red.
+sub error {
+ print STDERR "\033[1;31m";
+ print STDERR $_[0];
+ print STDERR "\033[0m";
+ STDERR->flush;
+# checkCommand(file)
+# file: an command's filename.
+# Returns: the full path to $file, or undef if $file is not a valid command.
+# Checks whether $file is an executable which is in $PATH or the working directory.
+# Example:
+# checkCommand('gcc'); # Returns "/usr/bin/gcc"
+sub checkCommand {
+ my ($file, $file2) = split / /, $_[0];
+ $file = $file2 if ($file =~ /ccache/);
+ return abs_path($file) if (-x $file);
+ foreach my $dir (split /:+/, $ENV{PATH}) {
+ if (-x "$dir/$file") {
+ return "$dir/$file";
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+# empty(str)
+# Checks whether $str is undefined or empty.
+sub empty {
+ return !defined($_[0]) || $_[0] eq '';
+# homeDir()
+# Returns the user's home folder.
+sub homeDir {
+ if (!$ENV{HOME}) {
+ my $user = getpwuid(POSIX::getuid());
+ $ENV{HOME} = (getpwnam($user))[7];
+ }
+ return $ENV{HOME};
+# searchLib(basename, [extra_paths])
+# basename: the base name of the library.
+# extra_paths: a reference to an array, which contains extra folders in which to look for the library.
+# Returns: the absolute path to the library, or undef if not found.
+# Get the absolute path of a (static or shared) library.
+# Example:
+# searchLib(""); # Returns "/usr/lib/"
+sub searchLib {
+ my ($basename, $extra_paths) = @_;
+ if ($extra_paths) {
+ foreach my $path (reverse(@{$extra_paths})) {
+ return "$path/$basename" if (-f "$path/$basename");
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $path ('/usr/local/lib', '/lib', '/usr/lib') {
+ return "$path/$basename" if (-f "$path/$basename");
+ }
+ return undef;
+# soname(lib)
+# lib: a filename to a shared library.
+# Returns: the soname.
+# Get the soname of the specified shared library by reading
+# the SONAME section of the shared library file.
+sub soname {
+ my ($lib) = @_;
+ my ($r, $w);
+ if (open2($r, $w, 'objdump', '-p', $lib)) {
+ close $w;
+ my @lines = <$r>;
+ close $r;
+ my ($soname) = grep {/SONAME/} @lines;
+ $soname =~ s/.*?SONAME[ \t]+//;
+ $soname =~ s/\n//gs;
+ return $soname;
+ } else {
+ my ($soname) = $lib =~ /.*\/lib(.+)\.so/;
+ return $soname;
+ }
+# run(args...)
+# Returns: the command's exit code.
+# Run a command with system().
+sub run {
+ # split the first item in @_ into "words". The `printf ...`
+ # takes care of respecting ' and " quotes so we don't split a
+ # quoted string that contains whitespace. If $cmd itself
+ # contains \n, this will still go wrong.
+ my $cmd = shift @_;
+ my @words = `printf '%s\n' $cmd`;
+ chomp @words;
+ my $status = system(@words, @_);
+ return 127 if ($status == -1);
+ return $status / 256 if ($status != 0);
+ return 0;
+sub parseDataFile {
+ my ($file, $r_hash) = @_;
+ %{$r_hash} = ();
+ return if (!open FILE, "< $file");
+ foreach (<FILE>) {
+ next if (/^#/);
+ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ next if (length($_) == 0);
+ my ($key, $value) = split / /, $_, 2;
+ $r_hash->{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ close FILE;
+sub writeDataFile {
+ my ($file, $r_hash) = @_;
+ return if (!open FILE, "> $file");
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys %{$r_hash})) {
+ print FILE "$key $r_hash->{$key}\n";
+ }
+ close FILE;