path: root/plugins/supereq/nsfft-1.00/dft/DFTUndiff.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/supereq/nsfft-1.00/dft/DFTUndiff.c')
1 files changed, 1807 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/supereq/nsfft-1.00/dft/DFTUndiff.c b/plugins/supereq/nsfft-1.00/dft/DFTUndiff.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4985da33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/supereq/nsfft-1.00/dft/DFTUndiff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1807 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "SIMDBase.h"
+#include "SIMDBaseUndiff.h"
+#include "DFT.h"
+#include "DFTUndiff.h"
+#define SIN(x) sin(x)
+#define COS(x) cos(x)
+#define SQRT2_2 .7071067811865475244008443621048490392848359376884740365883398689953L
+#ifndef M_PIl
+#define M_PIl 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307L
+static inline void srBut2(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0, t1;
+ t0 = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o ], &s[o+2]); t1 = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o ], &s[o+2]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o ], t0); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+2], t1);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o+1], &s[o+3]); t1 = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o+1], &s[o+3]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+1], t0); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+3], t1);
+static inline void srButForward4(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i, t2r, t2i, t3r, t3i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o+0], &s[o+4]); t2r = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o+0], &s[o+4]);
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o+1], &s[o+5]); t2i = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o+1], &s[o+5]);
+ t1r = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o+2], &s[o+6]); t3i = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o+2], &s[o+6]);
+ t1i = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o+7], &s[o+3]); t3r = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o+7], &s[o+3]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(t0r, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(t0i, t1i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+2], SIMDBase_SUBi(t0r, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+3], SIMDBase_SUBi(t0i, t1i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(t2r, t3r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+5], SIMDBase_SUBi(t2i, t3i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(t2r, t3r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(t2i, t3i));
+static inline void srButBackward4(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+ SIMDBase_VECT s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+0]), s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+1]), s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+2]), s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+3]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s2); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s2); s0 = t0r; s2 = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s1, s3); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s1, s3); s1 = t0r; s3 = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o+4], &s[o+6]); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o+4], &s[o+6]);
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDm(&s[o+7], &s[o+5]); t1r = SIMDBase_SUBm(&s[o+7], &s[o+5]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+5], SIMDBase_SUBi(s1, t0i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+6], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+7], SIMDBase_SUBi(s3, t1i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s1, t0i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s3, t1i));
+static inline void srButForward8(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i, t2r, t2i, t3r, t3i;
+ SIMDBase_VECT s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 0]), s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 1]), s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 2]), s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 3]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT s4 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 4]), s5 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 5]), s6 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 6]), s7 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 7]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT s8 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 8]), s9 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 9]), sa = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+10]) ,sb = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+11]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT sc = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+12]), sd = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+13]), se = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+14]), sf = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+15]);
+ t2r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s8); t2i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s1, s9);
+ t3r = SIMDBase_SUBi(sd, s5); t3i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s4, sc);
+ s0 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s8); s1 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s1, s9);
+ s4 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s4, sc); s5 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s5, sd);
+ s8 = SIMDBase_SUBi(t2r, t3r); s9 = SIMDBase_SUBi(t2i, t3i);
+ sc = SIMDBase_ADDi(t2r, t3r); sd = SIMDBase_ADDi(t2i, t3i);
+ t2r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, sa); t2i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s3, sb);
+ t3r = SIMDBase_SUBi(sf, s7); t3i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s6, se);
+ s2 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, sa); s3 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s3, sb);
+ s6 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s6, se); s7 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s7, sf);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(t2r, t3r); t1r = SIMDBase_ADDi(t2r, t3r);
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(t2i, t3i); t1i = SIMDBase_ADDi(t2i, t3i);
+ sa = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_ADDi(t0r, t0i), SIMDBase_SET1( SQRT2_2));
+ sb = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_SUBi(t0i, t0r), SIMDBase_SET1( SQRT2_2));
+ se = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_SUBi(t1i, t1r), SIMDBase_SET1( SQRT2_2));
+ sf = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_ADDi(t1r, t1i), SIMDBase_SET1(-SQRT2_2));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 8], SIMDBase_ADDi(s8, sa)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 9], SIMDBase_ADDi(s9, sb));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+10], SIMDBase_SUBi(s8, sa)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+11], SIMDBase_SUBi(s9, sb));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+12], SIMDBase_ADDi(sc, se)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+13], SIMDBase_ADDi(sd, sf));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+14], SIMDBase_SUBi(sc, se)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+15], SIMDBase_SUBi(sd, sf));
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s4); t2r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s4);
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(s1, s5); t2i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s1, s5);
+ t1r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s6); t3i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s6);
+ t1i = SIMDBase_ADDi(s3, s7); t3r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s7, s3);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(t0r, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(t0i, t1i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+2], SIMDBase_SUBi(t0r, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+3], SIMDBase_SUBi(t0i, t1i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(t2r, t3r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+5], SIMDBase_SUBi(t2i, t3i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(t2r, t3r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(t2i, t3i));
+static void srButBackward8(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+ SIMDBase_VECT s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 0]), s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 1]), s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 2]), s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 3]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT s4 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 4]), s5 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 5]), s6 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 6]), s7 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 7]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT s8 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 8]), s9 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+ 9]), sa = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+10]) ,sb = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+11]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT sc = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+12]), sd = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+13]), se = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+14]), sf = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[o+15]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s8, sa); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s8, sa); s8 = t0r; sa = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s9, sb); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s9, sb); s9 = t0r; sb = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(sc, se); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(sc, se); sc = t0r; se = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(sd, sf); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(sd, sf); sd = t0r; sf = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s2); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s2); s0 = t0r; s2 = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s1, s3); t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s1, s3); s1 = t0r; s3 = t0i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s4, s6); t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(s7, s5);
+ t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s7, s5); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s4, s6);
+ s4 = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r); s5 = SIMDBase_SUBi(s1, t0i);
+ s6 = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t1r); s7 = SIMDBase_SUBi(s3, t1i);
+ s0 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r); s1 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s1, t0i);
+ s2 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t1r); s3 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s3, t1i);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(s8, sc); t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(s9, sd);
+ t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(sd, s9); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s8, sc);
+ s8 = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r); s9 = SIMDBase_SUBi(s1, t0i);
+ sc = SIMDBase_SUBi(s4, t1r); sd = SIMDBase_SUBi(s5, t1i);
+ s0 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r); s1 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s1, t0i);
+ s4 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s4, t1r); s5 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s5, t1i);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_SUBi(sa, sb), SIMDBase_SET1( SQRT2_2));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_ADDi(sa, sb), SIMDBase_SET1( SQRT2_2));
+ t1r = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_ADDi(se, sf), SIMDBase_SET1(-SQRT2_2));
+ t1i = SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_SUBi(se, sf), SIMDBase_SET1( SQRT2_2));
+ sa = t0r; sb = t0i; se = t1r; sf = t1i;
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(sa, se); t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(sb, sf);
+ t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(sf, sb); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(sa, se);
+ sa = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0r); sb = SIMDBase_SUBi(s3, t0i);
+ se = SIMDBase_SUBi(s6, t1r); sf = SIMDBase_SUBi(s7, t1i);
+ s2 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0r); s3 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s3, t0i);
+ s6 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s6, t1r); s7 = SIMDBase_ADDi(s7, t1i);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 0], s0); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 1], s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 2], s2); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 3], s3);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 4], s4); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 5], s5); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 6], s6); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 7], s7);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 8], s8); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+ 9], s9); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+10], sa); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+11], sb);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+12], sc); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+13], sd); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+14], se); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[o+15], sf);
+#if 0
+static inline void srButForwardSub(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ SIMDBase_REAL *tbl = p->ptTable[p->log2butlen];
+ int32_t i0 = p->offset1;
+ int32_t i1 = i0 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i2 = i1 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i3 = i2 + p->stride;
+ int32_t im = i1;
+ int32_t p0 = p->offset2 & (p->butlen*4-1);
+ while(i0 < im) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+ SIMDBase_VECT s00, s01, s10, s11, s20, s21, s30, s31;
+ SIMDBase_VECT a0, a1, a2, a3;
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+0]), s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+1]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+0]), s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+1]);
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+0]), s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+1]);
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+0]), s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+1]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ t1r = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t1i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+0]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+1]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+2]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+3]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0 ], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, s20)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, s21));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1 ], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, s30)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, s31));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2 ], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3 ], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a3)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a3), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2 ], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t0i, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t0r, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3 ], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t1i, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+1], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t1r, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ i0 += 2; i1 += 2; i2 += 2; i3 += 2;
+ p0 += 4;
+ }
+#if 0
+static inline void srButBackwardSub(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ SIMDBase_REAL *tbl = p->ptTable[p->log2butlen];
+ int32_t i0 = p->offset1;
+ int32_t i1 = i0 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i2 = i1 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i3 = i2 + p->stride;
+ int32_t im = i1;
+ int32_t p0 = p->offset2 & (p->butlen*4-1);
+ while(i0 < im) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i, u, v;
+ SIMDBase_VECT s00, s01, s10, s11, s20, s21, s30, s31;
+ SIMDBase_VECT a0, a1, a2, a3;
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+0]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+1]);
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+0]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+1]);
+ u = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+0]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+1]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+2]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+3]);
+ v = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ u = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+0]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+1]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+0]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+1]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+0], SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, t0i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+0], SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, t1r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s11, t1i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, t1i));
+ i0 += 2; i1 += 2; i2 += 2; i3 += 2;
+ p0 += 4;
+ }
+static void srButBackwardSubUnrolled(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ srButBackwardSub(p);
+static inline void srButForwardSubUnrolled(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ SIMDBase_REAL *tbl = p->ptTable[p->log2butlen];
+ int32_t i0 = p->offset1;
+ int32_t i1 = i0 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i2 = i1 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i3 = i2 + p->stride;
+ int32_t im = i1;
+ int32_t p0 = p->offset2 & (p->butlen*4-1);
+ while(i0 < im) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+ SIMDBase_VECT s00, s01, s10, s11, s20, s21, s30, s31;
+ SIMDBase_VECT a0, a1, a2, a3;
+ //
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+0]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+1]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+0]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+1]);
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+0]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+1]);
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+0]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+1]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ t1r = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t1i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+0]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+1]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+2]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+3]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0 ], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, s20)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, s21));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1 ], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, s30)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, s31));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2 ], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3 ], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a3)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a3), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2 ], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t0i, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t0r, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3 ], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t1i, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+1], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t1r, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ //
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+2]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+3]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+2]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+3]);
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+2]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+3]);
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+2]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+3]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ t1r = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t1i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+4]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+5]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+6]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+7]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, s20)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, s21));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, s30)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, s31));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+2], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+2], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a3)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a3), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+2], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t0i, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+3], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t0r, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+2], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t1i, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+3], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t1r, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ //
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+4]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+5]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+4]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+5]);
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+4]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+5]);
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+4]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+5]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ t1r = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t1i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 8]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 9]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+10]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+11]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, s20)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, s21));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, s30)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, s31));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a3)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a3), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+4], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t0i, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+5], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t0r, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+4], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t1i, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+5], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t1r, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ //
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+6]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+7]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+6]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+7]);
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+6]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+7]);
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+6]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+7]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ t1r = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s20), SIMDBase_SUBi(s31, s11));
+ t1i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, s21), SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, s30));
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+12]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+13]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+14]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+15]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, s20)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, s21));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, s30)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, s31));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+6], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+6], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a3)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a3), SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+6], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t0i, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+7], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t0r, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, a0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+6], SIMDBase_FMSUBi(t1i, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1r, a2)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+7], SIMDBase_FMADDi(t1r, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(t1i, a2)));
+ //
+ i0 += 8; i1 += 8; i2 += 8; i3 += 8;
+ p0 += 16;
+ }
+#if 1
+static void srButBackwardSubUnrolled(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ SIMDBase_REAL *tbl = p->ptTable[p->log2butlen];
+ int32_t i0 = p->offset1;
+ int32_t i1 = i0 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i2 = i1 + p->stride;
+ int32_t i3 = i2 + p->stride;
+ int32_t im = i1;
+ int32_t p0 = p->offset2 & (p->butlen*4-1);
+ while(i0 < im) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i, u, v;
+ SIMDBase_VECT s00, s01, s10, s11, s20, s21, s30, s31;
+ SIMDBase_VECT a0, a1, a2, a3;
+ //
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 0]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 1]);
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 0]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 1]);
+ u = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s20, a0, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 0]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 1]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 2]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 3]);
+ v = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s30, a2, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ u = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s30, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s20, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 0]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 1]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 0]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 1]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 0], SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, t0i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 0], SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, t1r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s11, t1i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, t1i));
+ //
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 2]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 3]);
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 4]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 5]);
+ u = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s20, a0, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 2]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 3]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 6]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 7]);
+ v = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s30, a2, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ u = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s30, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s20, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 2]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 3]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 2]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 3]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 2], SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 3], SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, t0i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 2], SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, t1r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 3], SIMDBase_SUBi(s11, t1i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, t1i));
+ //
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 4]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 5]);
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 8]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+ 9]);
+ u = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s20, a0, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 4]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 5]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+10]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+11]);
+ v = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s30, a2, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ u = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s30, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s20, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 4]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 5]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 4]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 5]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 4], SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 5], SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, t0i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 4], SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, t1r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 5], SIMDBase_SUBi(s11, t1i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, t1i));
+ //
+ s20 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 6]); s21 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+ 7]);
+ a0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+12]); a1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+13]);
+ u = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s20, a0, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a1));
+ s30 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 6]); s31 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i3+ 7]);
+ a2 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+14]); a3 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[p0+15]);
+ v = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMADDi(s30, a2, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a3));
+ t0r = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1i = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ u = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2), SIMDBase_MULi(s30, a3));
+ v = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0), SIMDBase_MULi(s20, a1));
+ u = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s30, a3, SIMDBase_MULi(s31, a2));
+ v = SIMDBase_FMSUBi(s20, a1, SIMDBase_MULi(s21, a0));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(u, v); t1r = SIMDBase_SUBi(u, v);
+ s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 6]); s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+ 7]);
+ s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 6]); s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i1+ 7]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 6], SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s00, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+ 7], SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+ 7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, t0i));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 6], SIMDBase_SUBi(s10, t1r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, t1r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i3+ 7], SIMDBase_SUBi(s11, t1i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i1+ 7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s11, t1i));
+ //
+ i0 += 8; i1 += 8; i2 += 8; i3 += 8;
+ p0 += 16;
+ }
+static void r2ButForwardSub(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ SIMDBase_REAL *tbl = p->ptTable[p->log2butlen];
+ int32_t i0 = p->offset1;
+ int32_t i2 = i0 + p->stride*2;
+ int32_t cp = 0, sp = p->butlen/4;
+ do {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, s0, s1, s2, s3, t0, t1;
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+0]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+1]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+0]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+1]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-0]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1)));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+2]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+3]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+2]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+3]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+1]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-1]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+3], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1)));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+4]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+5]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+4]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+5]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+2]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-2]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+4], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+5], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1)));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+6]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+7]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+6]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+7]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+3]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-3]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+7], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1)));
+ //
+ i0 += 8; i2 += 8; cp += 4; sp -= 4;
+ } while(sp > 0);
+ do {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, s0, s1, s2, s3, t0, t1;
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+0]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+1]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+0]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+1]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+0]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+0], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1))));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+2]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+3]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+2]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+3]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-1]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+1]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+2], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+3], SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1))));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+4]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+5]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+4]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+5]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-2]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+2]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+5], SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1))));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+6]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+7]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+6]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+7]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-3]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+3]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, s1); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, s1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, s3); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, s3));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+6], SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t0)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+7], SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(t0i, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(t0r, t1))));
+ //
+ i0 += 8; i2 += 8; cp -= 4; sp += 4;
+ } while(cp > 0);
+static void r2ButBackwardSub(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ SIMDBase_REAL *tbl = p->ptTable[p->log2butlen];
+ int i0 = p->offset1;
+ int i2 = i0 + p->stride*2;
+ int cp = 0, sp = p->butlen/4;
+ do {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, s0, s1, s2, s3, t0, t1;
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+0]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+1]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+0]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+1]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-0]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+0], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+2]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+3]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+2]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+3]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+1]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-1]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+2], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+3], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+4]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+5]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+4]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+5]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+2]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-2]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+5], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+6]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+7]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+6]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+7]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp+3]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp-3]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+6], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+7], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ i0 += 8; i2 += 8; cp += 4; sp -= 4;
+ } while(sp > 0);
+ do {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0r, t0i, s0, s1, s2, s3, t0, t1;
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+0]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+1]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+0]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+1]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+0]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1)));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+0], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+1], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+2]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+3]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+2]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+3]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-1]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+1]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1)));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+2], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+2], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+3], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+3], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+4]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+5]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+4]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+5]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-2]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+2]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1)));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+4], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+4], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+5], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+5], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ s0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+6]); s2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i0+7]);
+ s1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+6]); s3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[i2+7]);
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[cp-3]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&tbl[sp+3]);
+ t0r = SIMDBase_NEGi(SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t0), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t1)));
+ t0i = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(s1, t1), SIMDBase_MULi(s3, t0));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+6], SIMDBase_SUBi(s0, t0r)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+6], SIMDBase_ADDi(s0, t0r));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i2+7], SIMDBase_SUBi(s2, t0i)); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[i0+7], SIMDBase_ADDi(s2, t0i));
+ i0 += 8; i2 += 8; cp -= 4; sp += 4;
+ } while(cp > 0);
+static void srButForward16(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ p->butlen = 16; p->log2butlen = 4; p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ srButForwardSubUnrolled(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + 16*6/4;
+ srButForward4(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + 16*4/4;
+ srButForward4(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ srButForward8(p);
+static void srButBackward16(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ p->offset1 = o + 16*6/4;
+ srButBackward4(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + 16*4/4;
+ srButBackward4(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ srButBackward8(p);
+ p->butlen = 16; p->log2butlen = 4; p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ srButBackwardSubUnrolled(p);
+static void srButForward32(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ p->butlen = 32; p->log2butlen = 5; p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ srButForwardSubUnrolled(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + 32*6/4;
+ srButForward8 (p);
+ p->offset1 = o + 32*4/4;
+ srButForward8 (p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ srButForward16(p);
+static void srButBackward32(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ p->offset1 = o + 32*6/4;
+ srButBackward8 (p);
+ p->offset1 = o + 32*4/4;
+ srButBackward8 (p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ srButBackward16(p);
+ p->butlen = 32; p->log2butlen = 5; p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ srButBackwardSubUnrolled(p);
+#if 1
+static inline void bitReversalUnit(SIMDBase_VECT *p, SIMDBase_VECT *q) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT w, x, y, z;
+ w = SIMDBase_LOAD(p); x = SIMDBase_LOAD(p+1);
+ y = SIMDBase_LOAD(q); z = SIMDBase_LOAD(q+1);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(q, w); SIMDBase_STOR(q+1, x);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(p, y); SIMDBase_STOR(p+1, z);
+#define bitReversalUnit(p0, q0) { \
+ SIMDBase_VECT *px = (p0), *qx = (q0); \
+ SIMDBase_VECT wx, xx, yx, zx; \
+ \
+ wx = SIMDBase_LOAD(px); xx = SIMDBase_LOAD(px+1); \
+ yx = SIMDBase_LOAD(qx); zx = SIMDBase_LOAD(qx+1); \
+ \
+ SIMDBase_STOR(qx, wx); SIMDBase_STOR(qx+1, xx); \
+ SIMDBase_STOR(px, yx); SIMDBase_STOR(px+1, zx); \
+static inline void bitReversal4s(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *p = &s[o1*2], *q = &s[o2*2];
+ int b1 = sc*2*1, b2 = b1*2;
+ p += b1; q += b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q);
+static inline void bitReversal8s(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *p = &s[o1*2], *q = &s[o2*2];
+ int b1 = sc*2*1, b2 = b1*2, b4 = b2*2;
+ p += b1; q += b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2; q += b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q);
+static inline void bitReversal8d(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *p = &s[o1*2], *q = &s[o2*2];
+ int32_t b1 = sc*2*1, b2 = b1*2, b4 = b2*2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1; q += b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2; q += b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b4; q += b1;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1; q += b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b2; q -= b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q);
+static inline void bitReversal16s(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *p = &s[o1*2], *q = &s[o2*2];
+ int32_t b1 = sc*2*1, b2 = b1*2, b4 = b2*2, b8 = b4*2;
+ p += b1; q += b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2; q += b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1 + b4; q += b2 + b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b2; q -= b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2 + b4; q += b1 + b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q);
+static inline void bitReversal16d(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *p = &s[o1*2], *q = &s[o2*2];
+ int32_t b1 = sc*2*1, b2 = b1*2, b4 = b2*2, b8 = b4*2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1; q += b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2; q += b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b4; q += b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1; q += b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b2; q -= b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b8; q += b1;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1; q += b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2; q += b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b4; q -= b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1; q += b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b2; q -= b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q);
+static inline void bitReversal32s(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *p = &s[o1*2], *q = &s[o2*2];
+ int32_t b1 = sc*2*1, b2 = b1*2, b4 = b2*2, b8 = b4*2, b16 = b8*2;
+ p += b1; q += b16;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2; q += b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b1; q -= b16;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b4; q += b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b1; q += b16;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b2; q -= b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b8; q += b2;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b2; q += b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b4; q -= b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b2; q -= b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p += b16 - b2; q += b1 + b2 + b8;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q); p -= b4; q -= b4;
+ bitReversalUnit(p, q);
+static void bitReversal32d(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ const int32_t k = 32;
+ bitReversal8d(s,2*sc, sc*(k/2 )+o1, sc* 1 +o2);
+ bitReversal8d(s,2*sc, sc* 0 +o1, sc* 0 +o2);
+ bitReversal8d(s,2*sc, sc* 1 +o1, sc*(k/2 )+o2);
+ bitReversal8d(s,2*sc, sc*(k/2+1)+o1, sc*(k/2+1)+o2);
+static void bitReversalRecursive(SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t n, int32_t sc, int32_t o1, int32_t o2) {
+ if (n >= 64) {
+ if (o1 != o2) bitReversalRecursive(s, n/4, 2*sc, sc*(n/2)+o1, sc*1+o2);
+ bitReversalRecursive(s, n/4, 2*sc, sc* 0 +o1, sc* 0 +o2);
+ bitReversalRecursive(s, n/4, 2*sc, sc* 1 +o1, sc*(n/2 )+o2);
+ bitReversalRecursive(s, n/4, 2*sc, sc*(n/2+1)+o1, sc*(n/2+1)+o2);
+ } else {
+ if (o1 == o2) {
+ switch(n) {
+ case 4: bitReversal4s (s,sc,o1,o2); return;
+ case 8: bitReversal8s (s,sc,o1,o2); return;
+ case 16: bitReversal16s(s,sc,o1,o2); return;
+ case 32: bitReversal32s(s,sc,o1,o2); return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch(n) {
+ case 8: bitReversal8d (s,sc,o1,o2); return;
+ case 16: bitReversal16d(s,sc,o1,o2); return;
+ case 32: bitReversal32d(s,sc,o1,o2); return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static int bitR(int a, int logN) {
+ int ret = 0;
+ int i,j,k;
+ for(i=0,j=1,k=1<<(logN-1);i<logN;i++,j=j<<1,k=k>>1) {
+ if ((a & j) != 0) ret |= k;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void bitReversalCobraInplace(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = p->s;
+ int cobraQ = p->cobraQ;
+ SIMDBase_VECT *cobraT = p->cobraT;
+ int *cobraR = p->cobraR;
+ int logN = p->log2len;
+ int b;
+ for(b=0;b<(1 << (logN-2*cobraQ));b++) {
+ int a,c;
+ int b2 = bitR(b, logN-2*cobraQ);
+ if (b2 < b) continue;
+ if (b2 == b) {
+ for(a=0;a<(1 << cobraQ);a++) {
+ int abc = ((a << (logN-2*cobraQ)) | b) << (cobraQ + 1);
+ int a2c = (cobraR[a] << cobraQ) << 1, a2cm = a2c+(1 << cobraQ)*2;
+ while(a2c < a2cm) {
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ }
+ }
+ for(c=0;c<(1 << cobraQ);c++) {
+ int c2 = cobraR[c];
+ int c2b2a2 = ((c2 << (logN-2*cobraQ)) | b2) << (cobraQ+1);
+ int a2c = c << 1;
+ int a2ci = 1 << (cobraQ+1);
+ int c2b2a2m = c2b2a2 + (1 << cobraQ)*2;
+ while(c2b2a2 < c2b2a2m) {
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); a2c += a2ci;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(a=0;a<(1 << cobraQ);a++) {
+ int a2c = (cobraR[a] << cobraQ) << 1, a2cm = a2c+(1 << cobraQ)*2;
+ int abc = ((a << (logN-2*cobraQ)) | b) << (cobraQ + 1);
+ while(a2c < a2cm) {
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[abc++]));
+ }
+ }
+ for(c=0;c<(1 << cobraQ);c++) {
+ int c2 = cobraR[c];
+ int c2b2a2 = ((c2 << (logN-2*cobraQ)) | b2) << (cobraQ+1);
+ int a2c = c << 1;
+ int a2ci = 1 << (cobraQ+1);
+ int c2b2a2m = c2b2a2 + (1 << cobraQ)*2;
+ while(c2b2a2 < c2b2a2m) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+1]);
+ t2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+2]); t3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+3]);
+ t4 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+4]); t5 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+5]);
+ t6 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+6]); t7 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+7]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t0);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t1); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t2);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t3); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t4);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t5); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t6);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t7); a2c += a2ci;
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+1]);
+ t2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+2]); t3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+3]);
+ t4 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+4]); t5 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+5]);
+ t6 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+6]); t7 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+7]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t0);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t1); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t2);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t3); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t4);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t5); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t6);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t7); a2c += a2ci;
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+1]);
+ t2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+2]); t3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+3]);
+ t4 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+4]); t5 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+5]);
+ t6 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+6]); t7 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+7]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t0);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t1); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t2);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t3); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t4);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t5); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t6);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t7); a2c += a2ci;
+ t0 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+0]); t1 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+1]);
+ t2 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+2]); t3 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+3]);
+ t4 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+4]); t5 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+5]);
+ t6 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+6]); t7 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[c2b2a2+7]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t0);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t1); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t2);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t3); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t4);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t5); a2c += a2ci;
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c ])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c ], t6);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[c2b2a2++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c+1])); SIMDBase_STOR(&cobraT[a2c+1], t7); a2c += a2ci;
+ }
+ }
+ for(a=0;a<(1 << cobraQ);a++) {
+ int a2c = (cobraR[a] << cobraQ) << 1, a2cm = a2c+(1 << cobraQ)*2;
+ int abc = ((a << (logN-2*cobraQ)) | b) << (cobraQ + 1);
+ while(a2c < a2cm) {
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++])); SIMDBase_STOR(&s[abc++], SIMDBase_LOAD(&cobraT[a2c++]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void srForwardMain2(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ int32_t butlen = p->butlen;
+ int32_t log2butlen = p->log2butlen;
+ if (butlen >= p->radix2thres) {
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ r2ButForwardSub(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srForwardMain2(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srForwardMain2(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (butlen >= 256) {
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ srButForwardSubUnrolled(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*6/4;
+ p->butlen = butlen/4;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-2;
+ srForwardMain2(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ p->butlen = butlen/4;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-2;
+ srForwardMain2(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srForwardMain2(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (butlen == 128) {
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ srButForwardSubUnrolled(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*6/4;
+ srButForward32(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ srButForward32(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srForwardMain2 (p);
+ return;
+ }
+ // butlen == 64
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ srButForwardSubUnrolled(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*6/4;
+ srButForward16(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ srButForward16(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ srButForward32(p);
+static void srBackwardMain2(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ int32_t o = p->offset1;
+ int32_t butlen = p->butlen;
+ int32_t log2butlen = p->log2butlen;
+ if (butlen >= p->radix2thres) {
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srBackwardMain2(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srBackwardMain2(p);
+ p->butlen = butlen;
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen;
+ r2ButBackwardSub(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (butlen >= 256) {
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*6/4;
+ p->butlen = butlen/4;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-2;
+ srBackwardMain2(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ p->butlen = butlen/4;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-2;
+ srBackwardMain2(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srBackwardMain2(p);
+ p->butlen = butlen;
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen;
+ srButBackwardSubUnrolled(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (butlen == 128) {
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*6/4;
+ srButBackward32(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ srButBackward32(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ p->butlen = butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen-1;
+ srBackwardMain2 (p);
+ p->butlen = butlen;
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen;
+ srButBackwardSubUnrolled(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ // butlen == 64
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*6/4;
+ srButBackward16(p);
+ p->offset1 = o + butlen*4/4;
+ srButBackward16(p);
+ p->offset1 = o;
+ srButBackward32(p);
+ p->butlen = butlen;
+ p->stride = p->butlen/2;
+ p->log2butlen = log2butlen;
+ srButBackwardSubUnrolled(p);
+static void srForwardMain(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ if (p->length >= 64) {
+ p->butlen = p->length;
+ p->log2butlen = p->log2len;
+ p->offset1 = p->offset2 = 0;
+ srForwardMain2(p);
+ } else {
+ switch(p->length) {
+ case 32:
+ srButForward32(p);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ srButForward16(p);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ srButForward8(p);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ srButForward4(p);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ srBut2(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void srBackwardMain(DFTUndiff *p) {
+ if (p->length >= 64) {
+ p->butlen = p->length;
+ p->log2butlen = p->log2len;
+ p->offset1 = p->offset2 = 0;
+ srBackwardMain2(p);
+ } else {
+ switch(p->length) {
+ case 32:
+ srButBackward32(p);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ srButBackward16(p);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ srButBackward8(p);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ srButBackward4(p);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ srBut2(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void realSub0(DFTUndiff *p, SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t ts) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT tr, ti, ur, ui, mr, mi;
+ int32_t n = p->length*2;
+ int32_t k;
+ for(k=1;k<n/4;k++) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[k*2+0]), s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[k*2+1]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[(n/2-k)*2+0]), s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[(n/2-k)*2+1]);
+ tr = SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s10); ti = SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, s11);
+ ur = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&(p->rtTable[ts][k*2+0]));
+ ui = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&(p->rtTable[ts][k*2+1]));
+ mr = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(tr, ur), SIMDBase_MULi(ti, ui));
+ mi = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(tr, ui), SIMDBase_MULi(ti, ur));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[k*2+0], SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, mr));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[k*2+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s01, mi));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[(n/2-k)*2+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(s10, mr));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[(n/2-k)*2+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(s11, mi));
+ }
+ tr = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[0]); ti = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[1]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[0], SIMDBase_ADDi(tr, ti));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[1], SIMDBase_SUBi(tr, ti));
+static void realSub1(DFTUndiff *p, SIMDBase_VECT *s, int32_t ts) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT tr, ti, ur, ui, mr, mi;
+ int32_t n = p->length*2;
+ int32_t k;
+ tr = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[0]); ti = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[1]);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[0], SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_ADDi(tr, ti), SIMDBase_SET1(0.5)));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[1], SIMDBase_MULi(SIMDBase_SUBi(tr, ti), SIMDBase_SET1(0.5)));
+ for(k=1;k<n/4;k++) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT s00 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[k*2+0]), s01 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[k*2+1]);
+ SIMDBase_VECT s10 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[(n/2-k)*2+0]), s11 = SIMDBase_LOAD(&s[(n/2-k)*2+1]);
+ tr = SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, s10); ti = SIMDBase_ADDi(s01, s11);
+ ur = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&(p->rtTable[ts][k*2+0]));
+ ui = SIMDBase_LOAD1(&(p->rtTable[ts][k*2+1]));
+ mr = SIMDBase_SUBi(SIMDBase_MULi(tr, ur), SIMDBase_MULi(ti, ui));
+ mi = SIMDBase_ADDi(SIMDBase_MULi(tr, ui), SIMDBase_MULi(ti, ur));
+ tr = SIMDBase_SUBi(s00, mr); ti = SIMDBase_SUBi(mi, s01);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[k*2+0], SIMDBase_ADDi(mr, s10));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[k*2+1], SIMDBase_SUBi(mi, s11));
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[(n/2-k)*2+0], tr);
+ SIMDBase_STOR(&s[(n/2-k)*2+1], ti);
+ }
+void DFTUndiff_EXECUTE(void *p2, void *s2, int32_t dir) {
+ DFTUndiff *p = (DFTUndiff *)p2;
+ SIMDBase_VECT *s = (SIMDBase_VECT *)s2;
+ if (p->magic != MAGIC_DFT) abort();
+ p->s = s;
+ if (dir == -1) {
+ if ((p->flags & DFT_FLAG_ALT_REAL) != 0) {
+ realSub1(p, s, 0);
+ }
+ srForwardMain(p);
+ if ((p->flags & DFT_FLAG_NO_BITREVERSAL) == 0) {
+ if (p->useCobra) {
+ bitReversalCobraInplace(p);
+ } else {
+ bitReversalRecursive(p->s, p->length, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((p->flags & DFT_FLAG_REAL) != 0) {
+ realSub0(p, s, 0);
+ s[p->length+1] = SIMDBase_NEGi(s[p->length+1]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((p->flags & DFT_FLAG_REAL) != 0) {
+ s[p->length+1] = SIMDBase_NEGi(s[p->length+1]);
+ realSub1(p, s, 1);
+ }
+ if ((p->flags & DFT_FLAG_NO_BITREVERSAL) == 0) {
+ if (p->useCobra) {
+ bitReversalCobraInplace(p);
+ } else {
+ bitReversalRecursive(p->s, p->length, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ srBackwardMain(p);
+ if ((p->flags & DFT_FLAG_ALT_REAL) != 0) {
+ realSub0(p, s, 1);
+ }
+ }
+void DFTUndiff_DESTROYPLAN(void *p2) {
+ DFTUndiff *plan = (DFTUndiff *)p2;
+ if (plan->magic != MAGIC_DFT) abort();
+ free(*(plan->ptTable));
+ free(plan->ptTable);
+ free(plan->cobraT);
+ free(plan->cobraR);
+ //free(plan->t);
+ if (plan->rtTable != NULL) {
+ free(plan->rtTable[0]);
+ free(plan->rtTable[1]);
+ free(plan->rtTable);
+ }
+ plan->magic = 0;
+ free(plan);
+DFTUndiff *DFTUndiff_MAKEPLANSUB(uint64_t n, int32_t radix2thres, int32_t useCobra, uint64_t flags) {
+ int32_t i, j, k;
+ uint32_t linesize = SIMDBase_sizeOfCachelineInByte();
+ uint32_t cachesize = SIMDBase_sizeOfDataCacheInByte();
+ //
+ if ((flags & DFT_FLAG_REAL) != 0 || (flags & DFT_FLAG_ALT_REAL) != 0) n /= 2;
+ DFTUndiff *d = calloc(1, sizeof(DFTUndiff));
+ d->magic = MAGIC_DFT;
+ d->mode = SIMDBase_MODE;
+ d->flags = flags;
+ d->radix2thres = radix2thres;
+ d->useCobra = useCobra;
+ d->length = (uint32_t) n;
+ d->log2len = DFT_ilog2((uint32_t) n);
+ //
+ SIMDBase_REAL *trigTable = SIMDBase_alignedMalloc(sizeof(SIMDBase_REAL)*n*2);
+ d->ptTable = malloc(sizeof(SIMDBase_REAL *) * (d->log2len+1));
+ SIMDBase_REAL *p = trigTable, **pp = d->ptTable;
+ for(j=0;j<(int32_t)d->log2len+1;j++) {
+ *pp++ = p;
+ if ((1 << j) >= d->radix2thres) {
+ for(i=0;i<(1 << j)/4+1;i++) {
+ *p++ = (SIMDBase_REAL)COS(-2*M_PIl*i/(1 << j));
+ }
+ const int32_t step = linesize / sizeof(SIMDBase_REAL);
+ p += (step - (p - trigTable) % step) % step;
+ } else {
+ for(i=0;i<(1 << j)/4;i++) {
+ *p++ = (SIMDBase_REAL)COS(-2*M_PIl*i/(1 << j));
+ *p++ = (SIMDBase_REAL)SIN(-2*M_PIl*i/(1 << j));
+ *p++ = (SIMDBase_REAL)COS(-6*M_PIl*i/(1 << j));
+ *p++ = (SIMDBase_REAL)SIN(-6*M_PIl*i/(1 << j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ int32_t cobraQ;
+ cobraQ = linesize / (sizeof(SIMDBase_VECT) * 2);
+ for(;;) {
+ if (1 << (cobraQ*2) >
+ (cachesize / (sizeof(SIMDBase_VECT) * 2)/2))
+ break;
+ cobraQ++;
+ }
+ cobraQ--;
+ d->cobraQ = cobraQ;
+ if (cobraQ >= 4 && d->log2len >= 2*cobraQ) {
+ SIMDBase_VECT *cobraT;
+ int32_t *cobraR;
+ if (d->log2len <= 2*cobraQ) cobraQ = d->log2len / 2;
+ cobraT = SIMDBase_alignedMalloc(sizeof(SIMDBase_VECT)*2 * (1 << (cobraQ*2)));
+ cobraR = (int32_t *)SIMDBase_alignedMalloc(sizeof(int32_t) * (1 << cobraQ));
+ for(i=0;i<(1 << cobraQ);i++) cobraR[i] = bitR(i, cobraQ);
+ d->cobraT = cobraT; d->cobraR = cobraR;
+ } else {
+ d->useCobra = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ if ((d->flags & DFT_FLAG_REAL) != 0 || (d->flags & DFT_FLAG_ALT_REAL) != 0) {
+ int32_t m = n*2;
+ d->rtTable = malloc(sizeof(SIMDBase_REAL *)*2);
+ d->rtTable[0] = SIMDBase_alignedMalloc(sizeof(SIMDBase_REAL)*m/2);
+ d->rtTable[1] = SIMDBase_alignedMalloc(sizeof(SIMDBase_REAL)*m/2);
+ for(k=0;k<m/4;k++) {
+ d->rtTable[0][k*2+0] = 0.5-0.5*SIN(-2*M_PIl*k/m);
+ d->rtTable[0][k*2+1] = 0.5*COS(-2*M_PIl*k/m);
+ d->rtTable[1][k*2+0] = 0.5-0.5*SIN( 2*M_PIl*k/m);
+ d->rtTable[1][k*2+1] = 0.5*COS( 2*M_PIl*k/m);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ return (void *)d;
+void *DFTUndiff_MAKEPLAN(uint64_t n, uint64_t flags) {
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("\n--------------------------------\n");
+ printf("Making plan, mode = %s, dft length = %d\n", SIMDBase_NAME, (int)n);
+ printf("Processor : %s\n", SIMDBase_getProcessorNameString());
+ printf("Cache size (L2 + L3) : %d kbytes / thread\n", SIMDBase_sizeOfDataCacheInByte() / 1024);
+ printf("Cache Line Size : %d bytes\n", SIMDBase_sizeOfCachelineInByte());
+ }
+ if (n <= 256 || (flags & 3) == 0) {
+ return DFTUndiff_MAKEPLANSUB(n, n*2, (flags & DFT_FLAG_FORCE_COBRA) != 0, flags);
+ }
+ SIMDBase_REAL *s1 = SIMDBase_alignedMalloc(sizeof(SIMDBase_VECT)*n*2);
+ int32_t i, j, ts, tsbest, useCobra = 0;
+ double tick, tickmin;
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("\nWarming up before calibration ...");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ // warming up
+ tick = DFT_timeofday();
+ while(DFT_timeofday() - tick < 0.5)
+ ;
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf(" done\n");
+ }
+ int32_t ntimes = 20000000.0 / n / DFT_ilog2(n);
+ if (ntimes == 0) ntimes = 1;
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("nTimes = %d\n", ntimes);
+ }
+ //
+ DFTUndiff *plan = DFTUndiff_MAKEPLANSUB(n, n*2, 0, flags);
+ for(i=0;i<n*2*SIMDBase_VECTLEN;i++) {
+ s1[i] = 0;
+ }
+ plan->s = (SIMDBase_VECT *)s1;
+ if (plan->cobraT != NULL) {
+ double tcobra = 0, trecur = 0;
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("\nChecking which bit-reversal method is faster\n");
+ }
+ //
+ bitReversalCobraInplace(plan);
+ tick = DFT_timeofday();
+ for(j=0;j<ntimes*4;j++) {
+ bitReversalCobraInplace(plan);
+ }
+ tcobra += DFT_timeofday() - tick;
+ //
+ bitReversalRecursive(plan->s, plan->length, 1, 0, 0);
+ tick = DFT_timeofday();
+ for(j=0;j<ntimes*4;j++) {
+ bitReversalRecursive(plan->s, plan->length, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ trecur += DFT_timeofday() - tick;
+ //
+ bitReversalCobraInplace(plan);
+ tick = DFT_timeofday();
+ for(j=0;j<ntimes*4;j++) {
+ bitReversalCobraInplace(plan);
+ }
+ tcobra += DFT_timeofday() - tick;
+ //
+ bitReversalRecursive(plan->s, plan->length, 1, 0, 0);
+ tick = DFT_timeofday();
+ for(j=0;j<ntimes*4;j++) {
+ bitReversalRecursive(plan->s, plan->length, 1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ trecur += DFT_timeofday() - tick;
+ //
+ useCobra = tcobra < trecur;
+ if ((flags & DFT_FLAG_FORCE_RECURSIVE) != 0) useCobra = 0;
+ if ((flags & DFT_FLAG_FORCE_COBRA) != 0) useCobra = 1;
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("cobra : %g\n", tcobra);
+ printf("recur : %g\n", trecur);
+ if (useCobra) {
+ printf("will use Cobra\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("will use the recursive reverser\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DFTUndiff_DESTROYPLAN(plan);
+ //
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("\nDetermining radix 2 threshold\n");
+ }
+ plan = DFTUndiff_MAKEPLANSUB(n, n*2, useCobra, flags);
+ for(j=0;j<ntimes;j++) {
+ DFTUndiff_EXECUTE(plan, s1, -1);
+ DFTUndiff_EXECUTE(plan, s1, 1);
+ }
+ DFTUndiff_DESTROYPLAN(plan);
+ tsbest = -1;
+ tickmin = 0;
+ for(ts = 1024;ts <= n*2;ts *= 2) {
+ plan = DFTUndiff_MAKEPLANSUB(n, ts, useCobra, flags);
+ tick = DFT_timeofday();
+ for(j=0;j<ntimes;j++) {
+ DFTUndiff_EXECUTE(plan, s1, -1);
+ DFTUndiff_EXECUTE(plan, s1, 1);
+ }
+ tick = DFT_timeofday() - tick;
+ DFTUndiff_DESTROYPLAN(plan);
+ if (tickmin == 0) tickmin = tick;
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("%d : %g\n",ts, (double)tick);
+ }
+ if (tick < tickmin) {
+ tickmin = tick;
+ tsbest = ts;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tsbest == -1) tsbest = n*2;;
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ //printf("forcing tsbest = 1024\n");
+ //tsbest = 1024;
+ printf("radix 2 threshold : %d\n\n", tsbest);
+ double t = tickmin / ntimes / 2;
+ double nf = 5 * n * log(n) / log(2) / (t * 1000000);
+ printf("nFlops = %d x %g\n", SIMDBase_VECTLEN, nf);
+ }
+ plan = DFTUndiff_MAKEPLANSUB(n, tsbest, useCobra, flags);
+ if (flags & DFT_FLAG_VERBOSE) {
+ printf("\nDone making plan\n--------------------------------\n");
+ }
+ return plan;