path: root/plugins/gme/game-music-emu-0.6pre/gme/Blip_Buffer.h
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1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/gme/game-music-emu-0.6pre/gme/Blip_Buffer.h b/plugins/gme/game-music-emu-0.6pre/gme/Blip_Buffer.h
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/plugins/gme/game-music-emu-0.6pre/gme/Blip_Buffer.h
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+// Band-limited sound synthesis buffer
+// Blip_Buffer 0.4.0
+#ifndef BLIP_BUFFER_H
+#define BLIP_BUFFER_H
+#include "blargg_common.h"
+#include "Blip_Buffer_impl.h"
+typedef int blip_time_t; // Source clocks in current time frame
+typedef BOOST::int16_t blip_sample_t; // 16-bit signed output sample
+int const blip_default_length = 1000 / 4; // Default Blip_Buffer length (1/4 second)
+//// Sample buffer for band-limited synthesis
+class Blip_Buffer : public Blip_Buffer_ {
+ // Sets output sample rate and resizes and clears sample buffer
+ blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( int samples_per_sec, int msec_length = blip_default_length );
+ // Sets number of source time units per second
+ void clock_rate( int clocks_per_sec );
+ // Clears buffer and removes all samples
+ void clear();
+ // Use Blip_Synth to add waveform to buffer
+ // Resamples to time t, then subtracts t from current time. Appends result of resampling
+ // to buffer for reading.
+ void end_frame( blip_time_t t );
+ // Number of samples available for reading with read_samples()
+ int samples_avail() const;
+ // Reads at most n samples to out [0 to n-1] and returns number actually read. If stereo
+ // is true, writes to out [0], out [2], out [4] etc. instead.
+ int read_samples( blip_sample_t out [], int n, bool stereo = false );
+// More features
+ // Sets flag that tells some Multi_Buffer types that sound was added to buffer,
+ // so they know that it needs to be mixed in. Only needs to be called once
+ // per time frame that sound was added. Not needed if not using Multi_Buffer.
+ void set_modified() { modified_ = true; }
+ // Sets high-pass filter frequency, from 0 to 20000 Hz, where higher values reduce bass more
+ void bass_freq( int frequency );
+ int length() const; // Length of buffer in milliseconds
+ int sample_rate() const; // Current output sample rate
+ int clock_rate() const; // Number of source time units per second
+ int output_latency() const; // Number of samples delay from offset() to read_samples()
+// Low-level features
+ // Removes the first n samples
+ void remove_samples( int n );
+ // Returns number of clocks needed until n samples will be available.
+ // If buffer cannot even hold n samples, returns number of clocks
+ // until buffer becomes full.
+ blip_time_t count_clocks( int n ) const;
+ // Number of samples that should be mixed before calling end_frame( t )
+ int count_samples( blip_time_t t ) const;
+ // Mixes n samples into buffer
+ void mix_samples( const blip_sample_t in [], int n );
+// Resampled time (sorry, poor documentation right now)
+ // Resampled time is fixed-point, in terms of output samples.
+ // Converts clock count to resampled time
+ blip_resampled_time_t resampled_duration( int t ) const { return t * factor_; }
+ // Converts clock time since beginning of current time frame to resampled time
+ blip_resampled_time_t resampled_time( blip_time_t t ) const { return t * factor_ + offset_; }
+ // Returns factor that converts clock rate to resampled time
+ blip_resampled_time_t clock_rate_factor( int clock_rate ) const;
+// State save/load
+ // Saves state, including high-pass filter and tails of last deltas.
+ // All samples must have been read from buffer before calling this
+ // (that is, samples_avail() must return 0).
+ void save_state( blip_buffer_state_t* out );
+ // Loads state. State must have been saved from Blip_Buffer with same
+ // settings during same run of program; states can NOT be stored on disk.
+ // Clears buffer before loading state.
+ void load_state( const blip_buffer_state_t& in );
+ // noncopyable
+ Blip_Buffer( const Blip_Buffer& );
+ Blip_Buffer& operator = ( const Blip_Buffer& );
+// Implementation
+ Blip_Buffer();
+ ~Blip_Buffer();
+ void remove_silence( int n );
+//// Adds amplitude changes to Blip_Buffer
+template<int quality,int range> class Blip_Synth;
+typedef Blip_Synth<8, 1> Blip_Synth_Fast; // faster, but less equalizer control
+typedef Blip_Synth<12,1> Blip_Synth_Norm; // good for most things
+typedef Blip_Synth<16,1> Blip_Synth_Good; // sharper filter cutoff
+template<int quality,int range>
+class Blip_Synth {
+ // Sets volume of amplitude delta unit
+ void volume( double v ) { impl.volume_unit( 1.0 / range * v ); }
+ // Configures low-pass filter
+ void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq ) { impl.treble_eq( eq ); }
+ // Gets/sets default Blip_Buffer
+ Blip_Buffer* output() const { return impl.buf; }
+ void output( Blip_Buffer* b ) { impl.buf = b; impl.last_amp = 0; }
+ // Extends waveform to time t at current amplitude, then changes its amplitude to a
+ // Using this requires a separate Blip_Synth for each waveform.
+ void update( blip_time_t t, int a );
+// Low-level interface
+ // If no Blip_Buffer* is specified, uses one set by output() above
+ // Adds amplitude transition at time t. Delta can be positive or negative.
+ // The actual change in amplitude is delta * volume.
+ void offset( blip_time_t t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
+ void offset( blip_time_t t, int delta ) const { offset( t, delta, impl.buf ); }
+ // Same as offset(), except code is inlined for higher performance
+ void offset_inline( blip_time_t t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* buf ) const { offset_resampled( buf->to_fixed( t ), delta, buf ); }
+ void offset_inline( blip_time_t t, int delta ) const { offset_resampled( impl.buf->to_fixed( t ), delta, impl.buf ); }
+ // Works directly in terms of fractional output samples. Use resampled time functions in Blip_Buffer
+ // to convert clock counts to resampled time.
+ void offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
+// Implementation
+ Blip_Synth_Fast_ impl;
+ typedef char coeff_t;
+ Blip_Synth_ impl;
+ typedef short coeff_t;
+ // Left halves of first difference of step response for each possible phase
+ coeff_t phases [quality / 2 * blip_res];
+ Blip_Synth() : impl( phases, quality ) { }
+//// Low-pass equalization parameters
+class blip_eq_t {
+ double treble, kaiser;
+ int rolloff_freq, sample_rate, cutoff_freq;
+ // Logarithmic rolloff to treble dB at half sampling rate. Negative values reduce
+ // treble, small positive values (0 to 5.0) increase treble.
+ blip_eq_t( double treble_db = 0 );
+ // See blip_buffer.txt
+ blip_eq_t( double treble, int rolloff_freq, int sample_rate, int cutoff_freq = 0,
+ double kaiser = 5.2 );
+ // Generate center point and right half of impulse response
+ virtual void generate( float out [], int count ) const;
+ virtual ~blip_eq_t() { }
+ enum { oversample = blip_res };
+ static int calc_count( int quality ) { return (quality - 1) * (oversample / 2) + 1; }
+#include "Blip_Buffer_impl2.h"