path: root/Test/dafny4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny4')
2 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny4/FlyingRobots.dfy b/Test/dafny4/FlyingRobots.dfy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c80d310d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny4/FlyingRobots.dfy
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+// RUN: %dafny /compile:3 /dprint:"%t.dprint" /autoTriggers:1 "%s" > "%t"
+// RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t"
+// The flying robots examples from an F* tutorial. It demonstrates how to specify
+// mutable data structures in the heap.
+class Cell {
+ var val:int
+ constructor (v:int)
+ modifies this
+ ensures val == v
+ {
+ val := v;
+ }
+class Point {
+ ghost var Value: (int, int, int)
+ ghost var Repr: set<object>
+ predicate Valid()
+ reads this, Repr
+ {
+ this in Repr && null !in Repr &&
+ {x,y,z} <= Repr &&
+ x != y && y != z && z != x &&
+ Value == (x.val, y.val, z.val)
+ }
+ var x:Cell, y:Cell, z:Cell
+ constructor (a:int, b:int, c:int)
+ modifies this
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this})
+ ensures Value == (a, b, c)
+ {
+ x := new Cell(a);
+ y := new Cell(b);
+ z := new Cell(c);
+ Repr := {this};
+ Repr := Repr + {x, y, z};
+ Value := (a, b, c);
+ }
+ method Mutate(a:int, b:int, c:int)
+ requires Valid()
+ modifies Repr
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr))
+ ensures Value == (a, b, c)
+ {
+ x.val, y.val, z.val := a, b, c;
+ Value := (a, b, c);
+ }
+class Arm {
+ ghost var Value: (int, int)
+ ghost var Repr: set<object>
+ predicate Valid()
+ reads this, Repr
+ {
+ this in Repr && null !in Repr &&
+ {polar, azim} <= Repr &&
+ polar != azim &&
+ Value == (polar.val, azim.val)
+ }
+ var polar:Cell
+ var azim:Cell
+ constructor (polar_in:int, azim_in:int)
+ modifies this
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this})
+ ensures Value == (polar_in, azim_in)
+ {
+ polar := new Cell(polar_in);
+ azim := new Cell(azim_in);
+ Repr := {this};
+ Repr := Repr + {polar, azim};
+ Value := (polar_in, azim_in);
+ }
+ method Mutate(polar_in:int, azim_in:int)
+ requires Valid()
+ modifies Repr
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr))
+ ensures Value == (polar_in, azim_in)
+ {
+ polar.val, azim.val := polar_in, azim_in;
+ Value := (polar_in, azim_in);
+ }
+class Bot {
+ ghost var Repr: set<object>
+ predicate {:opaque} Valid()
+ reads this, Repr
+ ensures Valid() ==> this in Repr && null !in Repr
+ {
+ this in Repr && null !in Repr &&
+ pos in Repr && {left, right} <= Repr &&
+ left != right &&
+ pos.Repr <= Repr && left.Repr <= Repr && right.Repr <= Repr &&
+ pos.Repr !! left.Repr !! right.Repr &&
+ pos.Valid() && left.Valid() && right.Valid()
+ }
+ var pos:Point
+ var left:Arm
+ var right:Arm
+ constructor ()
+ modifies this
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this})
+ {
+ pos := new Point(0, 0, 0);
+ left := new Arm(0, 0);
+ right := new Arm(0, 0);
+ Repr := {this};
+ Repr := Repr + pos.Repr + left.Repr + right.Repr;
+ reveal_Valid();
+ }
+ predicate flying()
+ requires (reveal_Valid(); Valid())
+ reads Repr
+ {
+ pos.z.val > 0
+ }
+ predicate arms_up()
+ requires (reveal_Valid(); Valid())
+ reads Repr
+ {
+ left.polar.val == right.polar.val == 0
+ }
+ predicate robot_inv()
+ requires (reveal_Valid(); Valid())
+ reads Repr
+ {
+ flying() ==> arms_up()
+ }
+ method Fly()
+ requires Valid()
+ modifies Repr
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr))
+ ensures robot_inv() && flying()
+ {
+ reveal_Valid();
+ left.polar.val, right.polar.val := 0, 0;
+ pos.z.val := 100;
+ right.azim.val := 17;
+ pos.Value := (pos.Value.0, pos.Value.1, 100);
+ left.Value, right.Value := (0, left.Value.1), (0, 17);
+ reveal_Valid();
+ }
+// This method tests that Fly operates independently on disjoint robots
+method FlyRobots(b0:Bot, b1:Bot)
+ requires b0 != null && b0.Valid()
+ requires b1 != null && b1.Valid()
+ requires b0 != b1 ==> b0.Repr !! b1.Repr
+ modifies b0.Repr, b1.Repr
+ ensures b0.Valid() && fresh(b0.Repr - old(b0.Repr))
+ ensures b1.Valid() && fresh(b1.Repr - old(b1.Repr))
+ ensures b0 != b1 ==> b0.Repr !! b1.Repr
+ ensures b0.robot_inv() && b1.robot_inv()
+ ensures b0.flying() && b1.flying()
+ b0.Fly();
+ b1.Fly();
+// ----- robot armies ----------
+// The union of .Repr for the robots in "bots"
+function ArmyRepr(bots:seq<Bot>) : set<object>
+ reads set b | b in bots
+ set b,o | b in bots && b != null && o in b.Repr :: o
+// An army is a sequence of disjoint, valid robots
+predicate ValidArmy(bots:seq<Bot>)
+ reads set b | b in bots
+ reads ArmyRepr(bots)
+ (forall i :: 0 <= i < |bots| ==> bots[i] != null && bots[i].Valid())
+ && (forall i,j :: 0 <= i < j < |bots| ==> bots[i].Repr !! bots[j].Repr)
+method FlyRobotArmy(bots:seq<Bot>)
+ requires ValidArmy(bots)
+ modifies ArmyRepr(bots)
+ ensures ValidArmy(bots) && fresh(ArmyRepr(bots) - old(ArmyRepr(bots)))
+ ensures forall b :: b in bots ==> b.Valid() && b.robot_inv() && b.flying()
+ if * {
+ // fly recursively
+ FlyRobotArmy_Recursively(bots);
+ } else {
+ // fly iteratively
+ var n := 0;
+ while n < |bots|
+ invariant 0 <= n <= |bots|
+ invariant ValidArmy(bots)
+ invariant forall j :: 0 <= j < n ==> bots[j].Valid() && bots[j].robot_inv() && bots[j].flying()
+ invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < |bots| ==> fresh(bots[i].Repr - old(bots[i].Repr))
+ {
+ FlyOne(bots, n);
+ n := n + 1;
+ }
+ }
+method FlyRobotArmy_Recursively(bots:seq<Bot>)
+ requires ValidArmy(bots)
+ modifies ArmyRepr(bots)
+ ensures ValidArmy(bots)
+ ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < |bots| ==> fresh(bots[i].Repr - old(bots[i].Repr))
+ ensures forall b :: b in bots ==> b.robot_inv() && b.flying()
+ if bots != [] {
+ FlyOne(bots, 0);
+ FlyRobotArmy_Recursively(bots[1..]);
+ }
+// This method is intended to be called in each loop iteration of FlyRobotArmy
+method FlyOne(bots:seq<Bot>, n:int)
+ requires 0 <= n < |bots|
+ requires forall j :: 0 <= j < |bots| ==> bots[j] != null && bots[j].Valid()
+ requires forall i,j :: 0 <= i < j < |bots| ==> bots[i].Repr !! bots[j].Repr
+ requires forall j :: 0 <= j < n ==> bots[j].robot_inv() && bots[j].flying()
+ modifies bots[n].Repr
+ ensures forall j :: 0 <= j < |bots| ==> bots[j].Valid()
+ ensures fresh(bots[n].Repr - old(bots[n].Repr))
+ ensures bots[n].robot_inv() && bots[n].flying()
+ ensures forall j :: 0 <= j < |bots| && j != n ==> bots[j].Repr == old(bots[j].Repr)
+ ensures forall j :: 0 <= j < n ==> bots[j].robot_inv() && bots[j].flying()
+ bots[n].Fly();
+// This method makes sure FlyRobotArmy is callable and callable again
+method FormArmy(b0:Bot, b1:Bot, b2:Bot)
+ requires null !in {b0, b1, b2}
+ requires b0.Valid() && b1.Valid() && b2.Valid()
+ requires b0.Repr !! b1.Repr !! b2.Repr
+ modifies b0.Repr, b1.Repr, b2.Repr
+ ensures b0.Valid() && b1.Valid() && b2.Valid()
+ ensures b0.Repr !! b1.Repr !! b2.Repr
+ ensures fresh(b0.Repr + b1.Repr + b2.Repr - old(b0.Repr + b1.Repr + b2.Repr))
+ var army := [b0, b1, b2];
+ ArmyRepr3(army);
+ FlyRobotArmy(army);
+ FlyRobotArmy(army); // do it again
+ ArmyRepr3(army);
+lemma ArmyRepr3(army:seq<Bot>)
+ requires null !in army && |army| == 3
+ ensures ArmyRepr(army) == army[0].Repr + army[1].Repr + army[2].Repr
+// ----- Make sure everything is callable ----------
+method Main()
+ var b0 := new Bot();
+ var b1 := new Bot();
+ FlyRobots(b0, b1);
+ FlyRobots(b0, b1);
+ FlyRobots(b1, b0);
+ var b2 := new Bot();
+ FormArmy(b0, b1, b2);
+ FormArmy(b2, b0, b1);
diff --git a/Test/dafny4/FlyingRobots.dfy.expect b/Test/dafny4/FlyingRobots.dfy.expect
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99cdc3cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny4/FlyingRobots.dfy.expect
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Dafny program verifier finished with 37 verified, 0 errors
+Program compiled successfully