path: root/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs b/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
index 14d4f31f..0ac1ecf6 100644
--- a/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
@@ -2,131 +2,11 @@
open Ast
open AstUtils
+open FixpointSolver
open PrintUtils
open Resolver
open Utils
-exception CannotUnify
-type UnifDirection = LTR | RTL
-let rec UnifyImplies lhs rhs dir unifs =
- ///
- let __AddOrNone unifs name e = Some(unifs |> Utils.MapAddNew name e)
- ///
- let __UnifLists lstL lstR =
- if List.length lstL = List.length lstR then
- try
- let unifs2 = List.fold2 (fun acc elL elR -> match UnifyImplies elL elR dir acc with
- | Some(u) -> u
- | None -> raise CannotUnify) unifs lstL lstR
- Some(unifs2)
- with
- | CannotUnify -> None
- else
- None
- ///
- let __ApplyUnifs unifs exprList =
- exprList |> List.fold (fun acc e ->
- let e' = e |> Rewrite (fun e ->
- match e with
- | VarLiteral(id) when Map.containsKey id unifs -> Some(unifs |> Map.find id)
- | _ -> None)
- acc |> Set.add e'
- ) Set.empty
- if lhs = FalseLiteral || rhs = TrueLiteral then
- Some(unifs)
- else
- try
- let l,r = match dir with
- | LTR -> lhs,rhs
- | RTL -> rhs,lhs
- match l, r with
- | VarLiteral(vname), rhs -> __AddOrNone unifs vname rhs
- | IntLiteral(nL), IntLiteral(nR) when nL = nR ->
- Some(unifs)
- | BoolLiteral(bL), BoolLiteral(bR) when bL = bR ->
- Some(unifs)
- | SetExpr(elistL), SetExpr(elistR) ->
- let s1 = elistL |> __ApplyUnifs unifs
- let s2 = elistR |> Set.ofList
- if (s1 = s2) then
- Some(unifs)
- else
- __UnifLists elistL elistR
- | SequenceExpr(elistL), SequenceExpr(elistR) when List.length elistL = List.length elistR ->
- __UnifLists elistL elistR
- | _ when l = r ->
- Some(unifs)
- | _ ->
- let __InvOps op1 op2 = match op1, op2 with "<" , ">" | ">" , "<" | "<=", ">=" | ">=", "<=" -> true | _ -> false
- let __ImpliesOp op1 op2 =
- match op1, op2 with
- | "<" , "!=" | ">" , "!=" -> true
- | "=" , ">=" | "=" , "<=" -> true
- | _ -> false
- let __CommOp op = match op with "=" | "!=" -> true | _ -> false
- let __TryUnifyPair x1 a1 x2 a2 unifs =
- let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(None)
- builder {
- let! unifsLhs = UnifyImplies x1 a1 dir unifs
- let! unifsRhs = UnifyImplies x2 a2 dir unifsLhs
- return Some(unifsRhs)
- }
- // target implies candidate!
- let rec ___f2 consequence premise unifs =
- match consequence, premise with
- // same operators + commutative -> try both
- | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when opT = opC && __CommOp opT ->
- match __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs with
- | Some(x) -> Some(x)
- | None -> __TryUnifyPair lhsC rhsT rhsC lhsT unifs
- // operators are the same
- | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when opC = opT ->
- __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs
- // operators are exactly the invers of one another
- | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when __InvOps opC opT ->
- __TryUnifyPair lhsC rhsT rhsC lhsT unifs
- //
- | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when __ImpliesOp opC opT ->
- __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs
- | UnaryExpr(opC, subC), UnaryExpr(opP, subP) when opC = opP ->
- UnifyImplies subP subC dir unifs
- | _ -> None
- let rec ___f1 targetLst candidateLst unifs =
- match targetLst, candidateLst with
- | targetExpr :: targetRest, candExpr :: candRest ->
- // trying to find a unification for "targetExpr"
- let uOpt = match ___f2 targetExpr candExpr unifs with
- // found -> just return
- | Some(unifs2) -> Some(unifs2)
- // not found -> keep looking in the rest of the candidate expressions
- | None -> ___f1 [targetExpr] candRest unifs
- match uOpt with
- // found -> try find for the rest of the target expressions
- | Some(unifs2) -> ___f1 targetRest candidateLst unifs2
- // not found -> fail
- | None -> None
- | targetExpr :: _, [] ->
- // no more candidates for unification for this targetExpr -> fail
- None
- | [], _ ->
- // we've found unifications for all target expressions -> return the current unifications map
- Some(unifs)
- let __HasSetExpr e = DescendExpr2 (fun ex acc -> if acc then true else match ex with SetExpr(_) -> true | _ -> false) e false
- let __PreprocSplitSort e = e |> DesugarAndRemove |> DistributeNegation |> SplitIntoConjunts |> List.sortBy (fun e -> if __HasSetExpr e then 1 else 0)
- let lhsConjs = lhs |> __PreprocSplitSort
- let rhsConjs = rhs |> __PreprocSplitSort
- ___f1 rhsConjs lhsConjs unifs
- with
- | KeyAlreadyExists
- | CannotUnify -> None
let TryUnify targetMthd candMethod =
let targetPre,targetPost = GetMethodPrePost targetMthd
let candPre,candPost = GetMethodPrePost candMethod
@@ -181,6 +61,9 @@ let ApplyMethodUnifs receiver (c,m) unifs =
let mcall = ArbitraryStatement(Assign(VarDeclExpr(retVars, true), mcallExpr))
mcall :: asgs
+// ====================================================
+// ====================================================
let TryFindExistingAndConvertToSolution indent comp m cond callGraph =
let __Calls caller callee =
let keyOpt = callGraph |> Map.tryFindKey (fun (cc,mm) mset -> CheckSameMethods (comp,caller) (cc,mm))
@@ -207,12 +90,14 @@ let TryFindExistingAndConvertToSolution indent comp m cond callGraph =
let modObjs = if IsModifiableObj obj m then Set.singleton obj else Set.empty
let body = ApplyMethodUnifs ThisLiteral (comp,m') unifs
let hInst = { objs = Utils.MapSingleton obj;
- modifiableObjs = modObjs;
- assignments = body;
- concreteValues = body;
- methodArgs = Map.empty;
- methodRetVals = Map.empty;
- globals = Map.empty }
+ modifiableObjs = modObjs;
+ assignments = body;
+ concreteValues = body;
+ methodArgs = Map.empty;
+ methodRetVals = Map.empty;
+ concreteMethodRetVals = Map.empty;
+ globals = Map.empty }
Some(Map.empty |> Map.add (comp,m) [cond, hInst]
|> Map.add (comp,m') [])
- | None -> None \ No newline at end of file
+ | None -> None