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3 files changed, 79 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
index 1700198f..28077842 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
@@ -5893,15 +5893,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var fld = BplBoundVar("fld", predef.FieldName(tok, a), ivars);
var inner_forall = new Bpl.ForallExpr(tok, Singleton(a), ivars, BplImp(
- BplAnd(new List<Expr> {
+ BplAnd(
Bpl.Expr.Neq(o, predef.Null),
- IsAlloced(tok, h0, o),
- IsAlloced(tok, h1, o),
+ // Note, the MkIsAlloc conjunct of "isness" implies that everything in the reads frame is allocated in "h0", which by HeapSucc(h0,h1) also implies the frame is allocated in "h1"
new Bpl.NAryExpr(tok, new Bpl.MapSelect(tok, 1), new List<Bpl.Expr> {
FunctionCall(tok, Reads(ad.Arity), objset_ty, Concat(types, Cons(f, Cons(hN, boxes)))),
FunctionCall(tok, BuiltinFunction.Box, null, o)
- }),
+ ),
Bpl.Expr.Eq(ReadHeap(tok, h0, o, fld), ReadHeap(tok, h1, o, fld))));
Func<Bpl.Expr, Bpl.Expr> fn = h => FunctionCall(tok, fname, Bpl.Type.Bool, Concat(types, Cons(f, Cons<Bpl.Expr>(h, boxes))));
@@ -5922,42 +5921,86 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
AddFrameForFunction(h1, Apply(ad.Arity));
- // consequence axiom
+ // $Is and $IsAlloc axioms
- forall t0..tN+1 : Ty, h : Heap, f : Handle, bx1 .. bxN : Box,
- GoodHeap(h)
- && Is&IsAllocBox(bxI, tI, h)
- && Is&IsAlloc(f, Func(t1,..,tN, tN+1), h)
- ==> Is&IsAllocBox(Apply(f,h0,bxs)))
- */
+ axiom (forall f: HandleType, t0: Ty, t1: Ty ::
+ { $Is(f, Tclass._System.___hFunc1(t0, t1)) }
+ $Is(f, Tclass._System.___hFunc1(t0, t1))
+ <==> (forall h: Heap, bx0: Box ::
+ { Apply1(t0, t1, f, h, bx0) }
+ $IsGoodHeap(h) && $IsBox(bx0, t0)
+ && precondition of f(bx0) holds in h
+ ==> $IsBox(Apply1(t0, t1, f, h, bx0), t1)));
+ */
- var bvars = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
- var types = Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity + 1), i => BplBoundVar("t" + i, predef.Ty, bvars));
- var h = BplBoundVar("h", predef.HeapType, bvars);
+ var bvarsOuter = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
+ var f = BplBoundVar("f", predef.HandleType, bvarsOuter);
+ var types = Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity + 1), i => BplBoundVar("t" + i, predef.Ty, bvarsOuter));
+ var Is = MkIs(f, ClassTyCon(ad, types));
+ var bvarsInner = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
+ var h = BplBoundVar("h", predef.HeapType, bvarsInner);
+ var boxes = Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity), i => BplBoundVar("bx" + i, predef.BoxType, bvarsInner));
var goodHeap = FunctionCall(tok, BuiltinFunction.IsGoodHeap, null, h);
+ var isBoxes = BplAnd(Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity), i => MkIs(boxes[i], types[i], true)));
+ var pre = FunctionCall(tok, Requires(ad.Arity), predef.BoxType, Concat(types, Cons(f, Cons<Bpl.Expr>(h, boxes))));
+ var applied = FunctionCall(tok, Apply(ad.Arity), predef.BoxType, Concat(types, Cons(f, Cons<Bpl.Expr>(h, boxes))));
+ var applied_is = MkIs(applied, types[ad.Arity], true);
- var f = BplBoundVar("f", predef.HandleType, bvars);
- var boxes = Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity), i => BplBoundVar("bx" + i, predef.BoxType, bvars));
- var isness = BplAnd(
- Snoc(Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity), i =>
- BplAnd(MkIs(boxes[i], types[i], true),
- MkIsAlloc(boxes[i], types[i], h, true))),
- BplAnd(MkIs(f, ClassTyCon(ad, types)),
- MkIsAlloc(f, ClassTyCon(ad, types), h))));
+ sink.AddTopLevelDeclaration(new Axiom(tok,
+ BplForall(bvarsOuter, BplTrigger(Is),
+ BplIff(Is,
+ BplForall(bvarsInner, BplTrigger(applied),
+ BplImp(BplAnd(BplAnd(goodHeap, isBoxes), pre), applied_is))))));
+ }
+ /*
+ axiom (forall f: HandleType, t0: Ty, t1: Ty, h: Heap ::
+ { $IsAlloc(f, Tclass._System.___hFunc1(t0, t1), h) }
+ $IsGoodHeap(h)
+ ==>
+ (
+ $IsAlloc(f, Tclass._System.___hFunc1(t0, t1), h)
+ <==>
+ (forall bx0: Box ::
+ { Apply1(t0, t1, f, h, bx0) } { Reads1(t0, t1, f, h, bx0) }
+ $IsAllocBox(bx0, t0, h)
+ && precondition of f(bx0) holds in h
+ ==>
+ (everything in reads set of f(bx0) is allocated in h) &&
+ $IsAllocBox(Apply1(t0, t1, f, h, bx0), t1, h))
+ ));
+ */
+ {
+ var bvarsOuter = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
+ var f = BplBoundVar("f", predef.HandleType, bvarsOuter);
+ var types = Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity + 1), i => BplBoundVar("t" + i, predef.Ty, bvarsOuter));
+ var h = BplBoundVar("h", predef.HeapType, bvarsOuter);
+ var goodHeap = FunctionCall(tok, BuiltinFunction.IsGoodHeap, null, h);
+ var isAlloc = MkIsAlloc(f, ClassTyCon(ad, types), h);
+ var bvarsInner = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
+ var boxes = Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity), i => BplBoundVar("bx" + i, predef.BoxType, bvarsInner));
+ var isAllocBoxes = BplAnd(Map(Enumerable.Range(0, arity), i => MkIsAlloc(boxes[i], types[i], h, true)));
+ var pre = FunctionCall(tok, Requires(ad.Arity), predef.BoxType, Concat(types, Cons(f, Cons<Bpl.Expr>(h, boxes))));
var applied = FunctionCall(tok, Apply(ad.Arity), predef.BoxType, Concat(types, Cons(f, Cons<Bpl.Expr>(h, boxes))));
+ var applied_isAlloc = MkIsAlloc(applied, types[ad.Arity], h, true);
- var applied_is = BplAnd(MkIs(applied, types[ad.Arity], true), MkIsAlloc(applied, types[ad.Arity], h, true));
+ // (forall r: ref :: {Reads1(t0, t1, f, h, bx0)[$Box(r)]} r != null && Reads1(t0, t1, f, h, bx0)[$Box(r)] ==> h[r, alloc])
+ var bvarsR = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
+ var r = BplBoundVar("r", predef.RefType, bvarsR);
+ var rNonNull = Bpl.Expr.Neq(r, predef.Null);
+ var reads = FunctionCall(tok, Reads(ad.Arity), predef.BoxType, Concat(types, Cons(f, Cons<Bpl.Expr>(h, boxes))));
+ var rInReads = Bpl.Expr.Select(reads, FunctionCall(tok, BuiltinFunction.Box, null, r));
+ var rAlloc = IsAlloced(tok, h, r);
+ var isAllocReads = BplForall(bvarsR, BplTrigger(rInReads), BplImp(BplAnd(rNonNull, rInReads), rAlloc));
sink.AddTopLevelDeclaration(new Axiom(tok,
- BplForall(bvars,
- new Bpl.Trigger(tok, true, new List<Bpl.Expr> {applied}),
- BplImp(BplAnd(goodHeap, isness), applied_is))));
+ BplForall(bvarsOuter, BplTrigger(isAlloc),
+ BplImp(goodHeap,
+ BplIff(isAlloc,
+ BplForall(bvarsInner,
+ new Bpl.Trigger(tok, true, new List<Bpl.Expr> { applied }, BplTrigger(reads)),
+ BplImp(BplAnd(isAllocBoxes, pre), BplAnd(isAllocReads, applied_isAlloc))))))));
diff --git a/Test/hofs/OneShot.dfy b/Test/hofs/OneShot.dfy
index 286be898..e920530a 100644
--- a/Test/hofs/OneShot.dfy
+++ b/Test/hofs/OneShot.dfy
@@ -10,16 +10,15 @@ method OneShot() {
var i : Ref<int>;
i := new Ref;
- g := () -> true;
+ g := () reads i -> true; // using a (deprecated) one-shot arrow here means "g" acquires
+ // a precondition that says it can only be applied in this heap
assert g();
i.val := i.val + 1; // heap changes
if * {
- assert g(); // should fail
+ assert g(); // error: precondition violation
} else {
- assert !g(); // should fail
+ assert !g(); // error: precondition violation
diff --git a/Test/hofs/VectorUpdate.dfy b/Test/hofs/VectorUpdate.dfy
index ca6b20b3..6fb25a87 100644
--- a/Test/hofs/VectorUpdate.dfy
+++ b/Test/hofs/VectorUpdate.dfy
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: %dafny /compile:3 "%s" > "%t"
+// RUN: %dafny /compile:3 /autoTriggers:1 "%s" > "%t"
// RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t"
// this is a rather verbose version of the VectorUpdate method