path: root/vernac/
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1 files changed, 993 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/ b/vernac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0404d015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vernac/
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
+(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+(* This file is about the automatic generation of schemes about
+ decidable equality, created by Vincent Siles, Oct 2007 *)
+open CErrors
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Term
+open Constr
+open Vars
+open Termops
+open Declarations
+open Names
+open Globnames
+open Inductiveops
+open Tactics
+open Ind_tables
+open Misctypes
+open Proofview.Notations
+module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
+(* Generic synthesis of boolean equality *)
+let quick_chop n l =
+ let rec kick_last = function
+ | t::[] -> []
+ | t::q -> t::(kick_last q)
+ | [] -> failwith "kick_last"
+and aux = function
+ | (0,l') -> l'
+ | (n,h::t) -> aux (n-1,t)
+ | _ -> failwith "quick_chop"
+ in
+ if n > (List.length l) then failwith "quick_chop args"
+ else kick_last (aux (n,l) )
+let deconstruct_type t =
+ let l,r = decompose_prod t in
+ (List.rev_map snd l)@[r]
+exception EqNotFound of inductive * inductive
+exception EqUnknown of string
+exception UndefinedCst of string
+exception InductiveWithProduct
+exception InductiveWithSort
+exception ParameterWithoutEquality of global_reference
+exception NonSingletonProp of inductive
+exception DecidabilityMutualNotSupported
+exception NoDecidabilityCoInductive
+let constr_of_global g = lazy (Universes.constr_of_global g)
+(* Some pre declaration of constant we are going to use *)
+let bb = constr_of_global Coqlib.glob_bool
+let andb_prop = fun _ -> Universes.constr_of_global (Coqlib.build_bool_type()).Coqlib.andb_prop
+let andb_true_intro = fun _ ->
+ Universes.constr_of_global
+ (Coqlib.build_bool_type()).Coqlib.andb_true_intro
+let tt = constr_of_global Coqlib.glob_true
+let ff = constr_of_global Coqlib.glob_false
+let eq = constr_of_global Coqlib.glob_eq
+let sumbool () = Universes.constr_of_global (Coqlib.build_coq_sumbool ())
+let andb = fun _ -> Universes.constr_of_global (Coqlib.build_bool_type()).Coqlib.andb
+let induct_on c = induction false None c None None
+let destruct_on c = destruct false None c None None
+let destruct_on_using c id =
+ destruct false None c
+ (Some (CAst.make @@ IntroOrPattern [[CAst.make @@ IntroNaming IntroAnonymous];
+ [CAst.make @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)]]))
+ None
+let destruct_on_as c l =
+ destruct false None c (Some (CAst.make l)) None
+let inj_flags = Some {
+ Equality.keep_proof_equalities = true; (* necessary *)
+ injection_in_context = true; (* does not matter here *)
+ Equality.injection_pattern_l2r_order = true; (* does not matter here *)
+ }
+let my_discr_tac = Equality.discr_tac false None
+let my_inj_tac x = Equality.inj inj_flags None false None (EConstr.mkVar x,NoBindings)
+(* reconstruct the inductive with the correct de Bruijn indexes *)
+let mkFullInd (ind,u) n =
+ let mib = Global.lookup_mind (fst ind) in
+ let nparams = mib.mind_nparams in
+ let nparrec = mib.mind_nparams_rec in
+ (* params context divided *)
+ let lnonparrec,lnamesparrec =
+ context_chop (nparams-nparrec) mib.mind_params_ctxt in
+ if nparrec > 0
+ then mkApp (mkIndU (ind,u),
+ Array.of_list(Context.Rel.to_extended_list mkRel (nparrec+n) lnamesparrec))
+ else mkIndU (ind,u)
+let check_bool_is_defined () =
+ try let _ = Global.type_of_global_in_context (Global.env ()) Coqlib.glob_bool in ()
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> raise (UndefinedCst "bool")
+let beq_scheme_kind_aux = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Undefined")
+let build_beq_scheme mode kn =
+ check_bool_is_defined ();
+ (* fetching global env *)
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ (* fetching the mutual inductive body *)
+ let mib = Global.lookup_mind kn in
+ (* number of inductives in the mutual *)
+ let nb_ind = Array.length mib.mind_packets in
+ (* number of params in the type *)
+ let nparams = mib.mind_nparams in
+ let nparrec = mib.mind_nparams_rec in
+ (* params context divided *)
+ let lnonparrec,lnamesparrec =
+ context_chop (nparams-nparrec) mib.mind_params_ctxt in
+ (* predef coq's boolean type *)
+ (* rec name *)
+ let rec_name i =(Id.to_string (Array.get mib.mind_packets i).mind_typename)^
+ "_eqrec"
+ in
+ (* construct the "fun A B ... N, eqA eqB eqC ... N => fixpoint" part *)
+ let create_input c =
+ let myArrow u v = mkArrow u (lift 1 v)
+ and eqName = function
+ | Name s -> Id.of_string ("eq_"^(Id.to_string s))
+ | Anonymous -> Id.of_string "eq_A"
+ in
+ let ext_rel_list = Context.Rel.to_extended_list mkRel 0 lnamesparrec in
+ let lift_cnt = ref 0 in
+ let eqs_typ = (fun aa ->
+ let a = lift !lift_cnt aa in
+ incr lift_cnt;
+ myArrow a (myArrow a (Lazy.force bb))
+ ) ext_rel_list in
+ let eq_input = List.fold_left2
+ ( fun a b decl -> (* mkLambda(n,b,a) ) *)
+ (* here I leave the Naming thingy so that the type of
+ the function is more readable for the user *)
+ mkNamedLambda (eqName (RelDecl.get_name decl)) b a )
+ c (List.rev eqs_typ) lnamesparrec
+ in
+ List.fold_left (fun a decl ->(* mkLambda(n,t,a)) eq_input rel_list *)
+ (* Same here , hoping the auto renaming will do something good ;) *)
+ mkNamedLambda
+ (match RelDecl.get_name decl with Name s -> s | Anonymous -> Id.of_string "A")
+ (RelDecl.get_type decl) a) eq_input lnamesparrec
+ in
+ let make_one_eq cur =
+ let u = Univ.Instance.empty in
+ let ind = (kn,cur),u (* FIXME *) in
+ (* current inductive we are working on *)
+ let cur_packet = mib.mind_packets.(snd (fst ind)) in
+ (* Inductive toto : [rettyp] := *)
+ let rettyp = Inductive.type_of_inductive env ((mib,cur_packet),u) in
+ (* split rettyp in a list without the non rec params and the last ->
+ e.g. Inductive vec (A:Set) : nat -> Set := ... will do [nat] *)
+ let rettyp_l = quick_chop nparrec (deconstruct_type rettyp) in
+ (* give a type A, this function tries to find the equality on A declared
+ previously *)
+ (* nlist = the number of args (A , B , ... )
+ eqA = the de Bruijn index of the first eq param
+ ndx = how much to translate due to the 2nd Case
+ *)
+ let compute_A_equality rel_list nlist eqA ndx t =
+ let lifti = ndx in
+ let sigma = Evd.empty (** FIXME *) in
+ let rec aux c =
+ let (c,a) = Reductionops.whd_betaiota_stack Evd.empty c in
+ match EConstr.kind sigma c with
+ | Rel x -> mkRel (x-nlist+ndx), Safe_typing.empty_private_constants
+ | Var x ->
+ let eid = Id.of_string ("eq_"^(Id.to_string x)) in
+ let () =
+ try ignore (Environ.lookup_named eid env)
+ with Not_found -> raise (ParameterWithoutEquality (VarRef x))
+ in
+ mkVar eid, Safe_typing.empty_private_constants
+ | Cast (x,_,_) -> aux (EConstr.applist (x,a))
+ | App _ -> assert false
+ | Ind ((kn',i as ind'),u) (*FIXME: universes *) ->
+ if MutInd.equal kn kn' then mkRel(eqA-nlist-i+nb_ind-1), Safe_typing.empty_private_constants
+ else begin
+ try
+ let eq, eff =
+ let c, eff = find_scheme ~mode (!beq_scheme_kind_aux()) (kn',i) in
+ mkConst c, eff in
+ let eqa, eff =
+ let eqa, effs = List.split ( aux a) in
+ Array.of_list eqa,
+ List.fold_left Safe_typing.concat_private eff (List.rev effs)
+ in
+ let args =
+ Array.append
+ (Array.of_list ( (fun x -> lift lifti (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr x)) a)) eqa in
+ if Int.equal (Array.length args) 0 then eq, eff
+ else mkApp (eq, args), eff
+ with Not_found -> raise(EqNotFound (ind', fst ind))
+ end
+ | Sort _ -> raise InductiveWithSort
+ | Prod _ -> raise InductiveWithProduct
+ | Lambda _-> raise (EqUnknown "abstraction")
+ | LetIn _ -> raise (EqUnknown "let-in")
+ | Const (kn, u) ->
+ let u = EConstr.EInstance.kind sigma u in
+ (match Environ.constant_opt_value_in env (kn, u) with
+ | None -> raise (ParameterWithoutEquality (ConstRef kn))
+ | Some c -> aux (EConstr.applist (EConstr.of_constr c,a)))
+ | Proj _ -> raise (EqUnknown "projection")
+ | Construct _ -> raise (EqUnknown "constructor")
+ | Case _ -> raise (EqUnknown "match")
+ | CoFix _ -> raise (EqUnknown "cofix")
+ | Fix _ -> raise (EqUnknown "fix")
+ | Meta _ -> raise (EqUnknown "meta-variable")
+ | Evar _ -> raise (EqUnknown "existential variable")
+ in
+ aux t
+ in
+ (* construct the predicate for the Case part*)
+ let do_predicate rel_list n =
+ List.fold_left (fun a b -> mkLambda(Anonymous,b,a))
+ (mkLambda (Anonymous,
+ mkFullInd ind (n+3+(List.length rettyp_l)+nb_ind-1),
+ (Lazy.force bb)))
+ (List.rev rettyp_l) in
+ (* make_one_eq *)
+ (* do the [| C1 ... => match Y with ... end
+ ...
+ Cn => match Y with ... end |] part *)
+ let ci = make_case_info env (fst ind) MatchStyle in
+ let constrs n = get_constructors env (make_ind_family (ind,
+ Context.Rel.to_extended_list mkRel (n+nb_ind-1) mib.mind_params_ctxt)) in
+ let constrsi = constrs (3+nparrec) in
+ let n = Array.length constrsi in
+ let ar = Array.make n (Lazy.force ff) in
+ let eff = ref Safe_typing.empty_private_constants in
+ for i=0 to n-1 do
+ let nb_cstr_args = List.length constrsi.(i).cs_args in
+ let ar2 = Array.make n (Lazy.force ff) in
+ let constrsj = constrs (3+nparrec+nb_cstr_args) in
+ for j=0 to n-1 do
+ if Int.equal i j then
+ ar2.(j) <- let cc = (match nb_cstr_args with
+ | 0 -> Lazy.force tt
+ | _ -> let eqs = Array.make nb_cstr_args (Lazy.force tt) in
+ for ndx = 0 to nb_cstr_args-1 do
+ let cc = RelDecl.get_type (List.nth constrsi.(i).cs_args ndx) in
+ let eqA, eff' = compute_A_equality rel_list
+ nparrec
+ (nparrec+3+2*nb_cstr_args)
+ (nb_cstr_args+ndx+1)
+ (EConstr.of_constr cc)
+ in
+ eff := Safe_typing.concat_private eff' !eff;
+ Array.set eqs ndx
+ (mkApp (eqA,
+ [|mkRel (ndx+1+nb_cstr_args);mkRel (ndx+1)|]
+ ))
+ done;
+ Array.fold_left
+ (fun a b -> mkApp (andb(),[|b;a|]))
+ (eqs.(0))
+ (Array.sub eqs 1 (nb_cstr_args - 1))
+ )
+ in
+ (List.fold_left (fun a decl -> mkLambda (RelDecl.get_name decl, RelDecl.get_type decl, a)) cc
+ (constrsj.(j).cs_args)
+ )
+ else ar2.(j) <- (List.fold_left (fun a decl ->
+ mkLambda (RelDecl.get_name decl, RelDecl.get_type decl, a)) (Lazy.force ff) (constrsj.(j).cs_args) )
+ done;
+ ar.(i) <- (List.fold_left (fun a decl -> mkLambda (RelDecl.get_name decl, RelDecl.get_type decl, a))
+ (mkCase (ci,do_predicate rel_list nb_cstr_args,
+ mkVar (Id.of_string "Y") ,ar2))
+ (constrsi.(i).cs_args))
+ done;
+ mkNamedLambda (Id.of_string "X") (mkFullInd ind (nb_ind-1+1)) (
+ mkNamedLambda (Id.of_string "Y") (mkFullInd ind (nb_ind-1+2)) (
+ mkCase (ci, do_predicate rel_list 0,mkVar (Id.of_string "X"),ar))),
+ !eff
+ in (* build_beq_scheme *)
+ let names = Array.make nb_ind Anonymous and
+ types = Array.make nb_ind mkSet and
+ cores = Array.make nb_ind mkSet in
+ let eff = ref Safe_typing.empty_private_constants in
+ let u = Univ.Instance.empty in
+ for i=0 to (nb_ind-1) do
+ names.(i) <- Name (Id.of_string (rec_name i));
+ types.(i) <- mkArrow (mkFullInd ((kn,i),u) 0)
+ (mkArrow (mkFullInd ((kn,i),u) 1) (Lazy.force bb));
+ let c, eff' = make_one_eq i in
+ cores.(i) <- c;
+ eff := Safe_typing.concat_private eff' !eff
+ done;
+ (Array.init nb_ind (fun i ->
+ let kelim = Inductive.elim_sorts (mib,mib.mind_packets.(i)) in
+ if not (Sorts.List.mem InSet kelim) then
+ raise (NonSingletonProp (kn,i));
+ let fix = match mib.mind_finite with
+ | CoFinite ->
+ raise NoDecidabilityCoInductive;
+ | Finite ->
+ mkFix (((Array.make nb_ind 0),i),(names,types,cores))
+ | BiFinite ->
+ (** If the inductive type is not recursive, the fixpoint is not
+ used, so let's replace it with garbage *)
+ let subst = List.init nb_ind (fun _ -> mkProp) in
+ Vars.substl subst cores.(i)
+ in
+ create_input fix),
+ UState.make (Global.universes ())),
+ !eff
+let beq_scheme_kind = declare_mutual_scheme_object "_beq" build_beq_scheme
+let _ = beq_scheme_kind_aux := fun () -> beq_scheme_kind
+(* This function tryies to get the [inductive] between a constr
+ the constr should be Ind i or App(Ind i,[|args|])
+let destruct_ind sigma c =
+ let open EConstr in
+ try let u,v = destApp sigma c in
+ let indc = destInd sigma u in
+ indc,v
+ with DestKO -> let indc = destInd sigma c in
+ indc,[||]
+ In the following, avoid is the list of names to avoid.
+ If the args of the Inductive type are A1 ... An
+ then avoid should be
+ [| lb_An ... lb _A1 (resp. bl_An ... bl_A1)
+ eq_An .... eq_A1 An ... A1 |]
+so from Ai we can find the correct eq_Ai bl_ai or lb_ai
+(* used in the leib -> bool side*)
+let do_replace_lb mode lb_scheme_key aavoid narg p q =
+ let open EConstr in
+ let avoid = Array.of_list aavoid in
+ let do_arg sigma v offset =
+ try
+ let x = narg*offset in
+ let s = destVar sigma v in
+ let n = Array.length avoid in
+ let rec find i =
+ if Id.equal avoid.(n-i) s then avoid.(n-i-x)
+ else (if i<n then find (i+1)
+ else user_err ~hdr:"AutoIndDecl.do_replace_lb"
+ (str "Var " ++ Id.print s ++ str " seems unknown.")
+ )
+ in mkVar (find 1)
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ (* if this happen then the args have to be already declared as a
+ Parameter*)
+ (
+ let mp,dir,lbl = Constant.repr3 (fst (destConst sigma v)) in
+ mkConst (Constant.make3 mp dir (Label.make (
+ if Int.equal offset 1 then ("eq_"^(Label.to_string lbl))
+ else ((Label.to_string lbl)^"_lb")
+ )))
+ )
+ in
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let type_of_pq = Tacmach.New.pf_unsafe_type_of gl p in
+ let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
+ let env = Tacmach.New.pf_env gl in
+ let u,v = destruct_ind sigma type_of_pq
+ in let lb_type_of_p =
+ try
+ let c, eff = find_scheme ~mode lb_scheme_key (fst u) (*FIXME*) in
+ Proofview.tclUNIT (mkConst c, eff)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* spiwack: the format of this error message should probably
+ be improved. *)
+ let err_msg =
+ (str "Leibniz->boolean:" ++
+ str "You have to declare the" ++
+ str "decidability over " ++
+ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma type_of_pq ++
+ str " first.")
+ in
+ Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG err_msg
+ in
+ lb_type_of_p >>= fun (lb_type_of_p,eff) ->
+ Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
+ let lb_args = Array.append (Array.append
+ ( (fun x -> x) v)
+ ( (fun x -> do_arg sigma x 1) v))
+ ( (fun x -> do_arg sigma x 2) v)
+ in let app = if Array.is_empty lb_args
+ then lb_type_of_p else mkApp (lb_type_of_p,lb_args)
+ in
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
+ Proofview.tclEFFECTS eff;
+ Equality.replace p q ; apply app ; Auto.default_auto]
+ end
+(* used in the bool -> leib side *)
+let do_replace_bl mode bl_scheme_key (ind,u as indu) aavoid narg lft rgt =
+ let open EConstr in
+ let avoid = Array.of_list aavoid in
+ let do_arg sigma v offset =
+ try
+ let x = narg*offset in
+ let s = destVar sigma v in
+ let n = Array.length avoid in
+ let rec find i =
+ if Id.equal avoid.(n-i) s then avoid.(n-i-x)
+ else (if i<n then find (i+1)
+ else user_err ~hdr:"AutoIndDecl.do_replace_bl"
+ (str "Var " ++ Id.print s ++ str " seems unknown.")
+ )
+ in mkVar (find 1)
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ (* if this happen then the args have to be already declared as a
+ Parameter*)
+ (
+ let mp,dir,lbl = Constant.repr3 (fst (destConst sigma v)) in
+ mkConst (Constant.make3 mp dir (Label.make (
+ if Int.equal offset 1 then ("eq_"^(Label.to_string lbl))
+ else ((Label.to_string lbl)^"_bl")
+ )))
+ )
+ in
+ let rec aux l1 l2 =
+ match (l1,l2) with
+ | (t1::q1,t2::q2) ->
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let tt1 = Tacmach.New.pf_unsafe_type_of gl t1 in
+ let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
+ let env = Tacmach.New.pf_env gl in
+ if EConstr.eq_constr sigma t1 t2 then aux q1 q2
+ else (
+ let u,v = try destruct_ind sigma tt1
+ (* trick so that the good sequence is returned*)
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> indu,[||]
+ in if eq_ind (fst u) ind
+ then Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [Equality.replace t1 t2; Auto.default_auto ; aux q1 q2 ]
+ else (
+ let bl_t1, eff =
+ try
+ let c, eff = find_scheme bl_scheme_key (fst u) (*FIXME*) in
+ mkConst c, eff
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* spiwack: the format of this error message should probably
+ be improved. *)
+ let err_msg =
+ (str "boolean->Leibniz:" ++
+ str "You have to declare the" ++
+ str "decidability over " ++
+ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma tt1 ++
+ str " first.")
+ in
+ user_err err_msg
+ in let bl_args =
+ Array.append (Array.append
+ ( (fun x -> x) v)
+ ( (fun x -> do_arg sigma x 1) v))
+ ( (fun x -> do_arg sigma x 2) v )
+ in
+ let app = if Array.is_empty bl_args
+ then bl_t1 else mkApp (bl_t1,bl_args)
+ in
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
+ Proofview.tclEFFECTS eff;
+ Equality.replace_by t1 t2
+ (Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (apply app) (Auto.default_auto)) ;
+ aux q1 q2 ]
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ | ([],[]) -> Proofview.tclUNIT ()
+ | _ -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Both side of the equality must have the same arity.")
+ in
+ Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
+ begin try Proofview.tclUNIT (destApp sigma lft)
+ with DestKO -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "replace failed.")
+ end >>= fun (ind1,ca1) ->
+ begin try Proofview.tclUNIT (destApp sigma rgt)
+ with DestKO -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "replace failed.")
+ end >>= fun (ind2,ca2) ->
+ begin try Proofview.tclUNIT (fst (destInd sigma ind1))
+ with DestKO ->
+ begin try Proofview.tclUNIT (fst (fst (destConstruct sigma ind1)))
+ with DestKO -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "The expected type is an inductive one.")
+ end
+ end >>= fun (sp1,i1) ->
+ begin try Proofview.tclUNIT (fst (destInd sigma ind2))
+ with DestKO ->
+ begin try Proofview.tclUNIT (fst (fst (destConstruct sigma ind2)))
+ with DestKO -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "The expected type is an inductive one.")
+ end
+ end >>= fun (sp2,i2) ->
+ if not (MutInd.equal sp1 sp2) || not (Int.equal i1 i2)
+ then Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Eq should be on the same type")
+ else aux (Array.to_list ca1) (Array.to_list ca2)
+ create, from a list of ids [i1,i2,...,in] the list
+ [(in,eq_in,in_bl,in_al),,...,(i1,eq_i1,i1_bl_i1_al )]
+let list_id l = List.fold_left ( fun a decl -> let s' =
+ match RelDecl.get_name decl with
+ Name s -> Id.to_string s
+ | Anonymous -> "A" in
+ (Id.of_string s',Id.of_string ("eq_"^s'),
+ Id.of_string (s'^"_bl"),
+ Id.of_string (s'^"_lb"))
+ ::a
+ ) [] l
+ build the right eq_I A B.. N eq_A .. eq_N
+let eqI ind l =
+ let list_id = list_id l in
+ let eA = Array.of_list(( (fun (s,_,_,_) -> mkVar s) list_id)@
+ ( (fun (_,seq,_,_)-> mkVar seq) list_id ))
+ and e, eff =
+ try let c, eff = find_scheme beq_scheme_kind ind in mkConst c, eff
+ with Not_found -> user_err ~hdr:"AutoIndDecl.eqI"
+ (str "The boolean equality on " ++ MutInd.print (fst ind) ++ str " is needed.");
+ in (if Array.equal Constr.equal eA [||] then e else mkApp(e,eA)), eff
+(* Boolean->Leibniz *)
+open Namegen
+let compute_bl_goal ind lnamesparrec nparrec =
+ let eqI, eff = eqI ind lnamesparrec in
+ let list_id = list_id lnamesparrec in
+ let avoid = List.fold_right (Nameops.Name.fold_right (fun id l -> Id.Set.add id l)) ( RelDecl.get_name lnamesparrec) Id.Set.empty in
+ let create_input c =
+ let x = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "x") avoid and
+ y = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "y") avoid in
+ let bl_typ = (fun (s,seq,_,_) ->
+ mkNamedProd x (mkVar s) (
+ mkNamedProd y (mkVar s) (
+ mkArrow
+ ( mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|(Lazy.force bb);mkApp(mkVar seq,[|mkVar x;mkVar y|]);(Lazy.force tt)|]))
+ ( mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|mkVar s;mkVar x;mkVar y|]))
+ ))
+ ) list_id in
+ let bl_input = List.fold_left2 ( fun a (s,_,sbl,_) b ->
+ mkNamedProd sbl b a
+ ) c (List.rev list_id) (List.rev bl_typ) in
+ let eqs_typ = (fun (s,_,_,_) ->
+ mkProd(Anonymous,mkVar s,mkProd(Anonymous,mkVar s,(Lazy.force bb)))
+ ) list_id in
+ let eq_input = List.fold_left2 ( fun a (s,seq,_,_) b ->
+ mkNamedProd seq b a
+ ) bl_input (List.rev list_id) (List.rev eqs_typ) in
+ List.fold_left (fun a decl -> mkNamedProd
+ (match RelDecl.get_name decl with Name s -> s | Anonymous -> next_ident_away (Id.of_string "A") avoid)
+ (RelDecl.get_type decl) a) eq_input lnamesparrec
+ in
+ let n = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "x") avoid and
+ m = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "y") avoid in
+ let u = Univ.Instance.empty in
+ create_input (
+ mkNamedProd n (mkFullInd (ind,u) nparrec) (
+ mkNamedProd m (mkFullInd (ind,u) (nparrec+1)) (
+ mkArrow
+ (mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|(Lazy.force bb);mkApp(eqI,[|mkVar n;mkVar m|]);(Lazy.force tt)|]))
+ (mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|mkFullInd (ind,u) (nparrec+3);mkVar n;mkVar m|]))
+ ))), eff
+let compute_bl_tact mode bl_scheme_key ind lnamesparrec nparrec =
+ let list_id = list_id lnamesparrec in
+ let avoid = ref [] in
+ let first_intros =
+ ( (fun (s,_,_,_) -> s ) list_id ) @
+ ( (fun (_,seq,_,_ ) -> seq) list_id ) @
+ ( (fun (_,_,sbl,_ ) -> sbl) list_id )
+ in
+ let fresh_id s gl =
+ let fresh = fresh_id_in_env (Id.Set.of_list !avoid) s (Proofview.Goal.env gl) in
+ avoid := fresh::(!avoid); fresh
+ in
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let fresh_first_intros = (fun id -> fresh_id id gl) first_intros in
+ let freshn = fresh_id (Id.of_string "x") gl in
+ let freshm = fresh_id (Id.of_string "y") gl in
+ let freshz = fresh_id (Id.of_string "Z") gl in
+ (* try with *)
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [ intros_using fresh_first_intros;
+ intro_using freshn ;
+ induct_on (EConstr.mkVar freshn);
+ intro_using freshm;
+ destruct_on (EConstr.mkVar freshm);
+ intro_using freshz;
+ intros;
+ Tacticals.New.tclTRY (
+ Tacticals.New.tclORELSE reflexivity my_discr_tac
+ );
+ simpl_in_hyp (freshz,Locus.InHyp);
+repeat ( apply andb_prop in z;let z1:= fresh "Z" in destruct z as [z1 z]).
+ Tacticals.New.tclREPEAT (
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
+ Simple.apply_in freshz (EConstr.of_constr (andb_prop()));
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let fresht = fresh_id (Id.of_string "Z") gl in
+ destruct_on_as (EConstr.mkVar freshz)
+ (IntroOrPattern [[CAst.make @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier fresht);
+ CAst.make @@ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier freshz)]])
+ end
+ ]);
+ Ci a1 ... an = Ci b1 ... bn
+ replace bi with ai; auto || replace bi with ai by apply typeofbi_prod ; auto
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
+ let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
+ match EConstr.kind sigma concl with
+ | App (c,ca) -> (
+ match EConstr.kind sigma c with
+ | Ind (indeq, u) ->
+ if eq_gr (IndRef indeq) Coqlib.glob_eq
+ then
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHEN
+ (do_replace_bl mode bl_scheme_key ind
+ (!avoid)
+ nparrec (ca.(2))
+ (ca.(1)))
+ Auto.default_auto
+ else
+ Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Failure while solving Boolean->Leibniz.")
+ | _ -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str" Failure while solving Boolean->Leibniz.")
+ )
+ | _ -> Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Failure while solving Boolean->Leibniz.")
+ end
+ ]
+ end
+let bl_scheme_kind_aux = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Undefined")
+let side_effect_of_mode = function
+ | Declare.UserAutomaticRequest -> false
+ | Declare.InternalTacticRequest -> true
+ | Declare.UserIndividualRequest -> false
+let make_bl_scheme mode mind =
+ let mib = Global.lookup_mind mind in
+ if not (Int.equal (Array.length mib.mind_packets) 1) then
+ user_err
+ (str "Automatic building of boolean->Leibniz lemmas not supported");
+ let ind = (mind,0) in
+ let nparams = mib.mind_nparams in
+ let nparrec = mib.mind_nparams_rec in
+ let lnonparrec,lnamesparrec = (* TODO subst *)
+ context_chop (nparams-nparrec) mib.mind_params_ctxt in
+ let bl_goal, eff = compute_bl_goal ind lnamesparrec nparrec in
+ let ctx = UState.make (Global.universes ()) in
+ let side_eff = side_effect_of_mode mode in
+ let bl_goal = EConstr.of_constr bl_goal in
+ let (ans, _, ctx) = Pfedit.build_by_tactic ~side_eff (Global.env()) ctx bl_goal
+ (compute_bl_tact mode (!bl_scheme_kind_aux()) (ind, EConstr.EInstance.empty) lnamesparrec nparrec)
+ in
+ ([|ans|], ctx), eff
+let bl_scheme_kind = declare_mutual_scheme_object "_dec_bl" make_bl_scheme
+let _ = bl_scheme_kind_aux := fun () -> bl_scheme_kind
+(* Leibniz->Boolean *)
+let compute_lb_goal ind lnamesparrec nparrec =
+ let list_id = list_id lnamesparrec in
+ let eq = Lazy.force eq and tt = Lazy.force tt and bb = Lazy.force bb in
+ let avoid = List.fold_right (Nameops.Name.fold_right (fun id l -> Id.Set.add id l)) ( RelDecl.get_name lnamesparrec) Id.Set.empty in
+ let eqI, eff = eqI ind lnamesparrec in
+ let create_input c =
+ let x = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "x") avoid and
+ y = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "y") avoid in
+ let lb_typ = (fun (s,seq,_,_) ->
+ mkNamedProd x (mkVar s) (
+ mkNamedProd y (mkVar s) (
+ mkArrow
+ ( mkApp(eq,[|mkVar s;mkVar x;mkVar y|]))
+ ( mkApp(eq,[|bb;mkApp(mkVar seq,[|mkVar x;mkVar y|]);tt|]))
+ ))
+ ) list_id in
+ let lb_input = List.fold_left2 ( fun a (s,_,_,slb) b ->
+ mkNamedProd slb b a
+ ) c (List.rev list_id) (List.rev lb_typ) in
+ let eqs_typ = (fun (s,_,_,_) ->
+ mkProd(Anonymous,mkVar s,mkProd(Anonymous,mkVar s,bb))
+ ) list_id in
+ let eq_input = List.fold_left2 ( fun a (s,seq,_,_) b ->
+ mkNamedProd seq b a
+ ) lb_input (List.rev list_id) (List.rev eqs_typ) in
+ List.fold_left (fun a decl -> mkNamedProd
+ (match (RelDecl.get_name decl) with Name s -> s | Anonymous -> Id.of_string "A")
+ (RelDecl.get_type decl) a) eq_input lnamesparrec
+ in
+ let n = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "x") avoid and
+ m = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "y") avoid in
+ let u = Univ.Instance.empty in
+ create_input (
+ mkNamedProd n (mkFullInd (ind,u) nparrec) (
+ mkNamedProd m (mkFullInd (ind,u) (nparrec+1)) (
+ mkArrow
+ (mkApp(eq,[|mkFullInd (ind,u) (nparrec+2);mkVar n;mkVar m|]))
+ (mkApp(eq,[|bb;mkApp(eqI,[|mkVar n;mkVar m|]);tt|]))
+ ))), eff
+let compute_lb_tact mode lb_scheme_key ind lnamesparrec nparrec =
+ let list_id = list_id lnamesparrec in
+ let avoid = ref [] in
+ let first_intros =
+ ( (fun (s,_,_,_) -> s ) list_id ) @
+ ( (fun (_,seq,_,_) -> seq) list_id ) @
+ ( (fun (_,_,_,slb) -> slb) list_id )
+ in
+ let fresh_id s gl =
+ let fresh = fresh_id_in_env (Id.Set.of_list !avoid) s (Proofview.Goal.env gl) in
+ avoid := fresh::(!avoid); fresh
+ in
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let fresh_first_intros = (fun id -> fresh_id id gl) first_intros in
+ let freshn = fresh_id (Id.of_string "x") gl in
+ let freshm = fresh_id (Id.of_string "y") gl in
+ let freshz = fresh_id (Id.of_string "Z") gl in
+ (* try with *)
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [ intros_using fresh_first_intros;
+ intro_using freshn ;
+ induct_on (EConstr.mkVar freshn);
+ intro_using freshm;
+ destruct_on (EConstr.mkVar freshm);
+ intro_using freshz;
+ intros;
+ Tacticals.New.tclTRY (
+ Tacticals.New.tclORELSE reflexivity my_discr_tac
+ );
+ my_inj_tac freshz;
+ intros; simpl_in_concl;
+ Auto.default_auto;
+ Tacticals.New.tclREPEAT (
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [apply (EConstr.of_constr (andb_true_intro()));
+ simplest_split ;Auto.default_auto ]
+ );
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gls ->
+ let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gls in
+ let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
+ (* assume the goal to be eq (eq_type ...) = true *)
+ match EConstr.kind sigma concl with
+ | App(c,ca) -> (match (EConstr.kind sigma ca.(1)) with
+ | App(c',ca') ->
+ let n = Array.length ca' in
+ do_replace_lb mode lb_scheme_key
+ (!avoid)
+ nparrec
+ ca'.(n-2) ca'.(n-1)
+ | _ ->
+ Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Failure while solving Leibniz->Boolean.")
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Failure while solving Leibniz->Boolean.")
+ end
+ ]
+ end
+let lb_scheme_kind_aux = ref (fun () -> failwith "Undefined")
+let make_lb_scheme mode mind =
+ let mib = Global.lookup_mind mind in
+ if not (Int.equal (Array.length mib.mind_packets) 1) then
+ user_err
+ (str "Automatic building of Leibniz->boolean lemmas not supported");
+ let ind = (mind,0) in
+ let nparams = mib.mind_nparams in
+ let nparrec = mib.mind_nparams_rec in
+ let lnonparrec,lnamesparrec =
+ context_chop (nparams-nparrec) mib.mind_params_ctxt in
+ let lb_goal, eff = compute_lb_goal ind lnamesparrec nparrec in
+ let ctx = UState.make (Global.universes ()) in
+ let side_eff = side_effect_of_mode mode in
+ let lb_goal = EConstr.of_constr lb_goal in
+ let (ans, _, ctx) = Pfedit.build_by_tactic ~side_eff (Global.env()) ctx lb_goal
+ (compute_lb_tact mode (!lb_scheme_kind_aux()) ind lnamesparrec nparrec)
+ in
+ ([|ans|], ctx), eff
+let lb_scheme_kind = declare_mutual_scheme_object "_dec_lb" make_lb_scheme
+let _ = lb_scheme_kind_aux := fun () -> lb_scheme_kind
+(* Decidable equality *)
+let check_not_is_defined () =
+ try ignore (Coqlib.build_coq_not ())
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> raise (UndefinedCst "not")
+(* {n=m}+{n<>m} part *)
+let compute_dec_goal ind lnamesparrec nparrec =
+ check_not_is_defined ();
+ let eq = Lazy.force eq and tt = Lazy.force tt and bb = Lazy.force bb in
+ let list_id = list_id lnamesparrec in
+ let avoid = List.fold_right (Nameops.Name.fold_right (fun id l -> Id.Set.add id l)) ( RelDecl.get_name lnamesparrec) Id.Set.empty in
+ let create_input c =
+ let x = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "x") avoid and
+ y = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "y") avoid in
+ let lb_typ = (fun (s,seq,_,_) ->
+ mkNamedProd x (mkVar s) (
+ mkNamedProd y (mkVar s) (
+ mkArrow
+ ( mkApp(eq,[|mkVar s;mkVar x;mkVar y|]))
+ ( mkApp(eq,[|bb;mkApp(mkVar seq,[|mkVar x;mkVar y|]);tt|]))
+ ))
+ ) list_id in
+ let bl_typ = (fun (s,seq,_,_) ->
+ mkNamedProd x (mkVar s) (
+ mkNamedProd y (mkVar s) (
+ mkArrow
+ ( mkApp(eq,[|bb;mkApp(mkVar seq,[|mkVar x;mkVar y|]);tt|]))
+ ( mkApp(eq,[|mkVar s;mkVar x;mkVar y|]))
+ ))
+ ) list_id in
+ let lb_input = List.fold_left2 ( fun a (s,_,_,slb) b ->
+ mkNamedProd slb b a
+ ) c (List.rev list_id) (List.rev lb_typ) in
+ let bl_input = List.fold_left2 ( fun a (s,_,sbl,_) b ->
+ mkNamedProd sbl b a
+ ) lb_input (List.rev list_id) (List.rev bl_typ) in
+ let eqs_typ = (fun (s,_,_,_) ->
+ mkProd(Anonymous,mkVar s,mkProd(Anonymous,mkVar s,bb))
+ ) list_id in
+ let eq_input = List.fold_left2 ( fun a (s,seq,_,_) b ->
+ mkNamedProd seq b a
+ ) bl_input (List.rev list_id) (List.rev eqs_typ) in
+ List.fold_left (fun a decl -> mkNamedProd
+ (match RelDecl.get_name decl with Name s -> s | Anonymous -> Id.of_string "A")
+ (RelDecl.get_type decl) a) eq_input lnamesparrec
+ in
+ let n = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "x") avoid and
+ m = next_ident_away (Id.of_string "y") avoid in
+ let eqnm = mkApp(eq,[|mkFullInd ind (2*nparrec+2);mkVar n;mkVar m|]) in
+ create_input (
+ mkNamedProd n (mkFullInd ind (2*nparrec)) (
+ mkNamedProd m (mkFullInd ind (2*nparrec+1)) (
+ mkApp(sumbool(),[|eqnm;mkApp (Universes.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.build_coq_not(),[|eqnm|])|])
+ )
+ )
+ )
+let compute_dec_tact ind lnamesparrec nparrec =
+ let eq = Lazy.force eq and tt = Lazy.force tt
+ and ff = Lazy.force ff and bb = Lazy.force bb in
+ let list_id = list_id lnamesparrec in
+ let eqI, eff = eqI ind lnamesparrec in
+ let avoid = ref [] in
+ let eqtrue x = mkApp(eq,[|bb;x;tt|]) in
+ let eqfalse x = mkApp(eq,[|bb;x;ff|]) in
+ let first_intros =
+ ( (fun (s,_,_,_) -> s ) list_id ) @
+ ( (fun (_,seq,_,_) -> seq) list_id ) @
+ ( (fun (_,_,sbl,_) -> sbl) list_id ) @
+ ( (fun (_,_,_,slb) -> slb) list_id )
+ in
+ let fresh_id s gl =
+ let fresh = fresh_id_in_env (Id.Set.of_list !avoid) s (Proofview.Goal.env gl) in
+ avoid := fresh::(!avoid); fresh
+ in
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let fresh_first_intros = (fun id -> fresh_id id gl) first_intros in
+ let freshn = fresh_id (Id.of_string "x") gl in
+ let freshm = fresh_id (Id.of_string "y") gl in
+ let freshH = fresh_id (Id.of_string "H") gl in
+ let eqbnm = mkApp(eqI,[|mkVar freshn;mkVar freshm|]) in
+ let arfresh = Array.of_list fresh_first_intros in
+ let xargs = Array.sub arfresh 0 (2*nparrec) in
+ begin try
+ let c, eff = find_scheme bl_scheme_kind ind in
+ Proofview.tclUNIT (mkConst c,eff) with
+ Not_found ->
+ Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Error during the decidability part, boolean to leibniz equality is required.")
+ end >>= fun (blI,eff') ->
+ begin try
+ let c, eff = find_scheme lb_scheme_kind ind in
+ Proofview.tclUNIT (mkConst c,eff) with
+ Not_found ->
+ Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG (str "Error during the decidability part, leibniz to boolean equality is required.")
+ end >>= fun (lbI,eff'') ->
+ let eff = (Safe_typing.concat_private eff'' (Safe_typing.concat_private eff' eff)) in
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
+ Proofview.tclEFFECTS eff;
+ intros_using fresh_first_intros;
+ intros_using [freshn;freshm];
+ (*we do this so we don't have to prove the same goal twice *)
+ assert_by (Name freshH) (EConstr.of_constr (
+ mkApp(sumbool(),[|eqtrue eqbnm; eqfalse eqbnm|])
+ ))
+ (Tacticals.New.tclTHEN (destruct_on (EConstr.of_constr eqbnm)) Auto.default_auto);
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let freshH2 = fresh_id (Id.of_string "H") gl in
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENS (destruct_on_using (EConstr.mkVar freshH) freshH2) [
+ (* left *)
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
+ simplest_left;
+ apply (EConstr.of_constr (mkApp(blI, x->mkVar x) xargs)));
+ Auto.default_auto
+ ]
+ ;
+ (*right *)
+ Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
+ let freshH3 = fresh_id (Id.of_string "H") gl in
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
+ simplest_right ;
+ unfold_constr (Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_not_ref);
+ intro;
+ Equality.subst_all ();
+ assert_by (Name freshH3)
+ (EConstr.of_constr (mkApp(eq,[|bb;mkApp(eqI,[|mkVar freshm;mkVar freshm|]);tt|])))
+ (Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
+ apply (EConstr.of_constr (mkApp(lbI, (fun x->mkVar x) xargs)));
+ Auto.default_auto
+ ]);
+ Equality.general_rewrite_bindings_in true
+ Locus.AllOccurrences true false
+ (List.hd !avoid)
+ ((EConstr.mkVar (List.hd ( !avoid))),
+ NoBindings
+ )
+ true;
+ my_discr_tac
+ ]
+ end
+ ]
+ end
+ ]
+ end
+let make_eq_decidability mode mind =
+ let mib = Global.lookup_mind mind in
+ if not (Int.equal (Array.length mib.mind_packets) 1) then
+ raise DecidabilityMutualNotSupported;
+ let ind = (mind,0) in
+ let nparams = mib.mind_nparams in
+ let nparrec = mib.mind_nparams_rec in
+ let u = Univ.Instance.empty in
+ let ctx = UState.make (Global.universes ()) in
+ let lnonparrec,lnamesparrec =
+ context_chop (nparams-nparrec) mib.mind_params_ctxt in
+ let side_eff = side_effect_of_mode mode in
+ let (ans, _, ctx) = Pfedit.build_by_tactic ~side_eff (Global.env()) ctx
+ (EConstr.of_constr (compute_dec_goal (ind,u) lnamesparrec nparrec))
+ (compute_dec_tact ind lnamesparrec nparrec)
+ in
+ ([|ans|], ctx), Safe_typing.empty_private_constants
+let eq_dec_scheme_kind =
+ declare_mutual_scheme_object "_eq_dec" make_eq_decidability
+(* The eq_dec_scheme proofs depend on the equality and discr tactics
+ but the inj tactics, that comes with discr, depends on the
+ eq_dec_scheme... *)
+let _ = Equality.set_eq_dec_scheme_kind eq_dec_scheme_kind