path: root/toplevel/
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1 files changed, 51 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 41783faa..f733a3d5 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11309 2008-08-06 10:30:35Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 11784 2009-01-14 11:36:32Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -312,7 +312,13 @@ let explain_occur_check env ev rhs =
str "Cannot define " ++ str id ++ str " with term" ++ brk(1,1) ++
pt ++ spc () ++ str "that would depend on itself."
-let explain_hole_kind env = function
+let pr_ne_context_of header footer env =
+ if Environ.rel_context env = empty_rel_context &
+ Environ.named_context env = empty_named_context
+ then footer
+ else pr_ne_context_of header env
+let explain_hole_kind env evi = function
| QuestionMark _ -> str "this placeholder"
| CasesType ->
str "the type of this pattern-matching problem"
@@ -326,7 +332,12 @@ let explain_hole_kind env = function
pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str "of" ++
spc () ++ Nametab.pr_global_env Idset.empty c
| InternalHole ->
- str "an internal placeholder"
+ str "an internal placeholder" ++
+ Option.cata (fun evi ->
+ let env = Evd.evar_env evi in
+ str " of type " ++ pr_lconstr_env env evi.evar_concl ++
+ pr_ne_context_of (str " in environment:"++ fnl ()) (mt ()) env)
+ (mt ()) evi
| TomatchTypeParameter (tyi,n) ->
str "the " ++ nth n ++
str " argument of the inductive type (" ++ pr_inductive env tyi ++
@@ -340,7 +351,7 @@ let explain_not_clean env ev t k =
let env = make_all_name_different env in
let id = Evd.string_of_existential ev in
let var = pr_lconstr_env env t in
- str "Tried to instantiate " ++ explain_hole_kind env k ++
+ str "Tried to instantiate " ++ explain_hole_kind env None k ++
str " (" ++ str id ++ str ")" ++ spc () ++
str "with a term using variable " ++ var ++ spc () ++
str "which is not in its scope."
@@ -350,25 +361,20 @@ let explain_unsolvability = function
| Some (SeveralInstancesFound n) ->
strbrk " (several distinct possible instances found)"
-let pr_ne_context_of header footer env =
- if Environ.rel_context env = empty_rel_context &
- Environ.named_context env = empty_named_context then footer
- else pr_ne_context_of header env
let explain_typeclass_resolution env evi k =
match k with
- InternalHole | ImplicitArg _ ->
- (match Typeclasses.class_of_constr evi.evar_concl with
- | Some c ->
- let env = Evd.evar_env evi in
- fnl () ++ str "Could not find an instance for " ++
- pr_lconstr_env env evi.evar_concl ++
- pr_ne_context_of (str " in environment:"++ fnl ()) (str ".") env
- | None -> mt())
- | _ -> mt()
+ | GoalEvar | InternalHole | ImplicitArg _ ->
+ (match Typeclasses.class_of_constr evi.evar_concl with
+ | Some c ->
+ let env = Evd.evar_env evi in
+ fnl () ++ str "Could not find an instance for " ++
+ pr_lconstr_env env evi.evar_concl ++
+ pr_ne_context_of (str " in environment:"++ fnl ()) (str ".") env
+ | None -> mt())
+ | _ -> mt()
let explain_unsolvable_implicit env evi k explain =
- str "Cannot infer " ++ explain_hole_kind env k ++
+ str "Cannot infer " ++ explain_hole_kind env (Some evi) k ++
explain_unsolvability explain ++ str "." ++
explain_typeclass_resolution env evi k
@@ -500,7 +506,7 @@ let explain_no_instance env (_,id) l =
str "applied to arguments" ++ spc () ++
prlist_with_sep pr_spc (pr_lconstr_env env) l
-let pr_constraints env evm =
+let pr_constraints printenv env evm =
let l = Evd.to_list evm in
let (ev, evi) = List.hd l in
if List.for_all (fun (ev', evi') ->
@@ -508,7 +514,7 @@ let pr_constraints env evm =
let pe = pr_ne_context_of (str "In environment:") (mt ())
(reset_with_named_context evi.evar_hyps env) in
- pe ++ fnl () ++
+ (if printenv then pe ++ fnl () else mt ()) ++
prlist_with_sep (fun () -> fnl ())
(fun (ev, evi) -> str(string_of_existential ev)++ str " == " ++ pr_constr evi.evar_concl) l
@@ -518,13 +524,13 @@ let explain_unsatisfiable_constraints env evd constr =
let evm = Evd.evars_of evd in
match constr with
| None ->
- str"Unable to satisfy the following typeclass constraints:" ++ fnl() ++
- pr_constraints env evm
+ str"Unable to satisfy the following constraints:" ++ fnl() ++
+ pr_constraints true env evm
| Some (evi, k) ->
explain_unsolvable_implicit env evi k None ++ fnl () ++
if List.length (Evd.to_list evm) > 1 then
- str"With the following meta variables:" ++
- fnl() ++ Evd.pr_evar_map evm
+ str"With the following constraints:" ++ fnl() ++
+ pr_constraints false env evm
else mt ()
let explain_mismatched_contexts env c i j =
@@ -572,6 +578,10 @@ let explain_non_linear_proof c =
str "Cannot refine with term" ++ brk(1,1) ++ pr_lconstr c ++
spc () ++ str "because a metavariable has several occurrences."
+let explain_meta_in_type c =
+ str "In refiner, a meta appears in the type " ++ brk(1,1) ++ pr_lconstr c ++
+ str " of another meta"
let explain_refiner_error = function
| BadType (arg,ty,conclty) -> explain_refiner_bad_type arg ty conclty
| UnresolvedBindings t -> explain_refiner_unresolved_bindings t
@@ -580,6 +590,7 @@ let explain_refiner_error = function
| IntroNeedsProduct -> explain_intro_needs_product ()
| DoesNotOccurIn (c,hyp) -> explain_does_not_occur_in c hyp
| NonLinearProof c -> explain_non_linear_proof c
+ | MetaInType c -> explain_meta_in_type c
(* Inductive errors *)
@@ -618,8 +629,8 @@ let error_bad_ind_parameters env c n v1 v2 =
let pc = pr_lconstr_env_at_top env c in
let pv1 = pr_lconstr_env env v1 in
let pv2 = pr_lconstr_env env v2 in
- str "The " ++ nth n ++ str " argument of " ++ pv2 ++ brk(1,1) ++
- str "must be " ++ pv1 ++ str " in" ++ brk(1,1) ++ pc ++ str "."
+ str "Last occurrence of " ++ pv2 ++ str " must have " ++ pv1 ++
+ str " as " ++ nth n ++ str " argument in " ++ brk(1,1) ++ pc ++ str "."
let error_same_names_types id =
str "The name" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++
@@ -640,17 +651,16 @@ let error_not_an_arity id =
let error_bad_entry () =
str "Bad inductive definition."
-let error_not_allowed_case_analysis dep kind i =
- str (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non dependent") ++
- str " case analysis on sort: " ++ pr_sort kind ++ fnl () ++
- str "is not allowed for inductive definition: " ++
- pr_inductive (Global.env()) i ++ str "."
+let error_large_non_prop_inductive_not_in_type () =
+ str "Large non-propositional inductive types must be in Type."
-let error_bad_induction dep indid kind =
- str (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non dependent") ++
- str " induction for type " ++ pr_id indid ++
- str " and sort " ++ pr_sort kind ++ spc () ++
- str "is not allowed."
+(* Recursion schemes errors *)
+let error_not_allowed_case_analysis isrec kind i =
+ str (if isrec then "Induction" else "Case analysis") ++
+ strbrk " on sort " ++ pr_sort kind ++
+ strbrk " is not allowed for inductive definition " ++
+ pr_inductive (Global.env()) i ++ str "."
let error_not_mutual_in_scheme ind ind' =
if ind = ind' then
@@ -674,13 +684,13 @@ let explain_inductive_error = function
| SameNamesOverlap idl -> error_same_names_overlap idl
| NotAnArity id -> error_not_an_arity id
| BadEntry -> error_bad_entry ()
+ | LargeNonPropInductiveNotInType -> error_large_non_prop_inductive_not_in_type ()
(* Recursion schemes errors *)
let explain_recursion_scheme_error = function
- | NotAllowedCaseAnalysis (dep,k,i) ->
- error_not_allowed_case_analysis dep k i
- | BadInduction (dep,indid,kind) -> error_bad_induction dep indid kind
+ | NotAllowedCaseAnalysis (isrec,k,i) ->
+ error_not_allowed_case_analysis isrec k i
| NotMutualInScheme (ind,ind')-> error_not_mutual_in_scheme ind ind'
(* Pattern-matching errors *)