path: root/theories7/Arith/Wf_nat.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Wf_nat.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:25 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(** Well-founded relations and natural numbers *)
+Require Lt.
+V7only [Import nat_scope.].
+Open Local Scope nat_scope.
+Implicit Variables Type m,n,p:nat.
+Chapter Well_founded_Nat.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable f : A -> nat.
+Definition ltof := [a,b:A](lt (f a) (f b)).
+Definition gtof := [a,b:A](gt (f b) (f a)).
+Theorem well_founded_ltof : (well_founded A ltof).
+Cut (n:nat)(a:A)(lt (f a) n)->(Acc A ltof a).
+Intros H a; Apply (H (S (f a))); Auto with arith.
+NewInduction n.
+Intros; Absurd (lt (f a) O); Auto with arith.
+Intros a ltSma.
+Apply Acc_intro.
+Unfold ltof; Intros b ltfafb.
+Apply IHn.
+Apply lt_le_trans with (f a); Auto with arith.
+Theorem well_founded_gtof : (well_founded A gtof).
+Proof well_founded_ltof.
+(** It is possible to directly prove the induction principle going
+ back to primitive recursion on natural numbers ([induction_ltof1])
+ or to use the previous lemmas to extract a program with a fixpoint
+ ([induction_ltof2])
+the ML-like program for [induction_ltof1] is : [[
+ let induction_ltof1 F a = indrec ((f a)+1) a
+ where rec indrec =
+ function 0 -> (function a -> error)
+ |(S m) -> (function a -> (F a (function y -> indrec y m)));;
+the ML-like program for [induction_ltof2] is : [[
+ let induction_ltof2 F a = indrec a
+ where rec indrec a = F a indrec;;
+]] *)
+Theorem induction_ltof1
+ : (P:A->Set)((x:A)((y:A)(ltof y x)->(P y))->(P x))->(a:A)(P a).
+Intros P F; Cut (n:nat)(a:A)(lt (f a) n)->(P a).
+Intros H a; Apply (H (S (f a))); Auto with arith.
+NewInduction n.
+Intros; Absurd (lt (f a) O); Auto with arith.
+Intros a ltSma.
+Apply F.
+Unfold ltof; Intros b ltfafb.
+Apply IHn.
+Apply lt_le_trans with (f a); Auto with arith.
+Theorem induction_gtof1
+ : (P:A->Set)((x:A)((y:A)(gtof y x)->(P y))->(P x))->(a:A)(P a).
+Exact induction_ltof1.
+Theorem induction_ltof2
+ : (P:A->Set)((x:A)((y:A)(ltof y x)->(P y))->(P x))->(a:A)(P a).
+Exact (well_founded_induction A ltof well_founded_ltof).
+Theorem induction_gtof2
+ : (P:A->Set)((x:A)((y:A)(gtof y x)->(P y))->(P x))->(a:A)(P a).
+Exact induction_ltof2.
+(** If a relation [R] is compatible with [lt] i.e. if [x R y => f(x) < f(y)]
+ then [R] is well-founded. *)
+Variable R : A->A->Prop.
+Hypothesis H_compat : (x,y:A) (R x y) -> (lt (f x) (f y)).
+Theorem well_founded_lt_compat : (well_founded A R).
+Cut (n:nat)(a:A)(lt (f a) n)->(Acc A R a).
+Intros H a; Apply (H (S (f a))); Auto with arith.
+NewInduction n.
+Intros; Absurd (lt (f a) O); Auto with arith.
+Intros a ltSma.
+Apply Acc_intro.
+Intros b ltfafb.
+Apply IHn.
+Apply lt_le_trans with (f a); Auto with arith.
+End Well_founded_Nat.
+Lemma lt_wf : (well_founded nat lt).
+Proof (well_founded_ltof nat [m:nat]m).
+Lemma lt_wf_rec1 : (p:nat)(P:nat->Set)
+ ((n:nat)((m:nat)(lt m n)->(P m))->(P n)) -> (P p).
+Exact [p:nat][P:nat->Set][F:(n:nat)((m:nat)(lt m n)->(P m))->(P n)]
+ (induction_ltof1 nat [m:nat]m P F p).
+Lemma lt_wf_rec : (p:nat)(P:nat->Set)
+ ((n:nat)((m:nat)(lt m n)->(P m))->(P n)) -> (P p).
+Exact [p:nat][P:nat->Set][F:(n:nat)((m:nat)(lt m n)->(P m))->(P n)]
+ (induction_ltof2 nat [m:nat]m P F p).
+Lemma lt_wf_ind : (p:nat)(P:nat->Prop)
+ ((n:nat)((m:nat)(lt m n)->(P m))->(P n)) -> (P p).
+Intro p; Intros; Elim (lt_wf p); Auto with arith.
+Lemma gt_wf_rec : (p:nat)(P:nat->Set)
+ ((n:nat)((m:nat)(gt n m)->(P m))->(P n)) -> (P p).
+Exact lt_wf_rec.
+Lemma gt_wf_ind : (p:nat)(P:nat->Prop)
+ ((n:nat)((m:nat)(gt n m)->(P m))->(P n)) -> (P p).
+Proof lt_wf_ind.
+Lemma lt_wf_double_rec :
+ (P:nat->nat->Set)
+ ((n,m:nat)((p,q:nat)(lt p n)->(P p q))->((p:nat)(lt p m)->(P n p))->(P n m))
+ -> (p,q:nat)(P p q).
+Intros P Hrec p; Pattern p; Apply lt_wf_rec.
+Intros n H q; Pattern q; Apply lt_wf_rec; Auto with arith.
+Lemma lt_wf_double_ind :
+ (P:nat->nat->Prop)
+ ((n,m:nat)((p,q:nat)(lt p n)->(P p q))->((p:nat)(lt p m)->(P n p))->(P n m))
+ -> (p,q:nat)(P p q).
+Intros P Hrec p; Pattern p; Apply lt_wf_ind.
+Intros n H q; Pattern q; Apply lt_wf_ind; Auto with arith.
+Hints Resolve lt_wf : arith.
+Hints Resolve well_founded_lt_compat : arith.
+Section LT_WF_REL.
+Variable A :Set.
+Variable R:A->A->Prop.
+(* Relational form of inversion *)
+Variable F : A -> nat -> Prop.
+Definition inv_lt_rel
+ [x,y]:=(EX n | (F x n) & (m:nat)(F y m)->(lt n m)).
+Hypothesis F_compat : (x,y:A) (R x y) -> (inv_lt_rel x y).
+Remark acc_lt_rel :
+ (x:A)(EX n | (F x n))->(Acc A R x).
+Intros x (n,fxn); Generalize x fxn; Clear x fxn.
+Pattern n; Apply lt_wf_ind; Intros.
+Constructor; Intros.
+Case (F_compat y x); Trivial; Intros.
+Apply (H x0); Auto.
+Theorem well_founded_inv_lt_rel_compat : (well_founded A R).
+Constructor; Intros.
+Case (F_compat y a); Trivial; Intros.
+Apply acc_lt_rel; Trivial.
+Exists x; Trivial.
+Lemma well_founded_inv_rel_inv_lt_rel
+ : (A:Set)(F:A->nat->Prop)(well_founded A (inv_lt_rel A F)).
+Intros; Apply (well_founded_inv_lt_rel_compat A (inv_lt_rel A F) F); Trivial.