path: root/theories/Reals/Rtopology.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Reals/Rtopology.v')
1 files changed, 1611 insertions, 1564 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Reals/Rtopology.v b/theories/Reals/Rtopology.v
index 84f3b081..aa47d72f 100644
--- a/theories/Reals/Rtopology.v
+++ b/theories/Reals/Rtopology.v
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Rtopology.v 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: Rtopology.v 9245 2006-10-17 12:53:34Z notin $ i*)
Require Import Rbase.
Require Import Rfunctions.
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ Require Import RList.
Require Import Classical_Prop.
Require Import Classical_Pred_Type. Open Local Scope R_scope.
+(** * General definitions and propositions *)
Definition included (D1 D2:R -> Prop) : Prop := forall x:R, D1 x -> D2 x.
Definition disc (x:R) (delta:posreal) (y:R) : Prop := Rabs (y - x) < delta.
Definition neighbourhood (V:R -> Prop) (x:R) : Prop :=
- exists delta : posreal, included (disc x delta) V.
+ exists delta : posreal, included (disc x delta) V.
Definition open_set (D:R -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall x:R, D x -> neighbourhood D x.
Definition complementary (D:R -> Prop) (c:R) : Prop := ~ D c.
@@ -28,15 +31,17 @@ Definition union_domain (D1 D2:R -> Prop) (c:R) : Prop := D1 c \/ D2 c.
Definition interior (D:R -> Prop) (x:R) : Prop := neighbourhood D x.
Lemma interior_P1 : forall D:R -> Prop, included (interior D) D.
-intros; unfold included in |- *; unfold interior in |- *; intros;
- unfold neighbourhood in H; elim H; intros; unfold included in H0;
- apply H0; unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *;
- rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; apply (cond_pos x0).
+ intros; unfold included in |- *; unfold interior in |- *; intros;
+ unfold neighbourhood in H; elim H; intros; unfold included in H0;
+ apply H0; unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *;
+ rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; apply (cond_pos x0).
Lemma interior_P2 : forall D:R -> Prop, open_set D -> included D (interior D).
-intros; unfold open_set in H; unfold included in |- *; intros;
- assert (H1 := H _ H0); unfold interior in |- *; apply H1.
+ intros; unfold open_set in H; unfold included in |- *; intros;
+ assert (H1 := H _ H0); unfold interior in |- *; apply H1.
Definition point_adherent (D:R -> Prop) (x:R) : Prop :=
@@ -45,94 +50,100 @@ Definition point_adherent (D:R -> Prop) (x:R) : Prop :=
Definition adherence (D:R -> Prop) (x:R) : Prop := point_adherent D x.
Lemma adherence_P1 : forall D:R -> Prop, included D (adherence D).
-intro; unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold adherence in |- *;
- unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros; exists x;
- unfold intersection_domain in |- *; split.
-unfold neighbourhood in H0; elim H0; intros; unfold included in H1; apply H1;
- unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
- rewrite Rabs_R0; apply (cond_pos x0).
-apply H.
+ intro; unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold adherence in |- *;
+ unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros; exists x;
+ unfold intersection_domain in |- *; split.
+ unfold neighbourhood in H0; elim H0; intros; unfold included in H1; apply H1;
+ unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
+ rewrite Rabs_R0; apply (cond_pos x0).
+ apply H.
Lemma included_trans :
- forall D1 D2 D3:R -> Prop,
- included D1 D2 -> included D2 D3 -> included D1 D3.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; apply H0; apply H; apply H1.
+ forall D1 D2 D3:R -> Prop,
+ included D1 D2 -> included D2 D3 -> included D1 D3.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; apply H0; apply H; apply H1.
Lemma interior_P3 : forall D:R -> Prop, open_set (interior D).
-intro; unfold open_set, interior in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *;
- intros; elim H; intros.
-exists x0; unfold included in |- *; intros.
-set (del := x0 - Rabs (x - x1)).
-cut (0 < del).
-intro; exists (mkposreal del H2); intros.
-cut (included (disc x1 (mkposreal del H2)) (disc x x0)).
-intro; assert (H5 := included_trans _ _ _ H4 H0).
-apply H5; apply H3.
-unfold included in |- *; unfold disc in |- *; intros.
-apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x3 - x1) + Rabs (x1 - x)).
-replace (x3 - x) with (x3 - x1 + (x1 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-replace (pos x0) with (del + Rabs (x1 - x)).
-do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x1 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
- apply H4.
-unfold del in |- *; rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x - x1)); rewrite Ropp_minus_distr;
- ring.
-unfold del in |- *; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (Rabs (x - x1));
- rewrite Rplus_0_r;
- replace (Rabs (x - x1) + (x0 - Rabs (x - x1))) with (pos x0);
- [ idtac | ring ].
-unfold disc in H1; rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H1.
+ intro; unfold open_set, interior in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *;
+ intros; elim H; intros.
+ exists x0; unfold included in |- *; intros.
+ set (del := x0 - Rabs (x - x1)).
+ cut (0 < del).
+ intro; exists (mkposreal del H2); intros.
+ cut (included (disc x1 (mkposreal del H2)) (disc x x0)).
+ intro; assert (H5 := included_trans _ _ _ H4 H0).
+ apply H5; apply H3.
+ unfold included in |- *; unfold disc in |- *; intros.
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x3 - x1) + Rabs (x1 - x)).
+ replace (x3 - x) with (x3 - x1 + (x1 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ replace (pos x0) with (del + Rabs (x1 - x)).
+ do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x1 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
+ apply H4.
+ unfold del in |- *; rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x - x1)); rewrite Ropp_minus_distr;
+ ring.
+ unfold del in |- *; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (Rabs (x - x1));
+ rewrite Rplus_0_r;
+ replace (Rabs (x - x1) + (x0 - Rabs (x - x1))) with (pos x0);
+ [ idtac | ring ].
+ unfold disc in H1; rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H1.
Lemma complementary_P1 :
- forall D:R -> Prop,
- ~ (exists y : R, intersection_domain D (complementary D) y).
-intro; red in |- *; intro; elim H; intros;
- unfold intersection_domain, complementary in H0; elim H0;
- intros; elim H2; assumption.
+ forall D:R -> Prop,
+ ~ (exists y : R, intersection_domain D (complementary D) y).
+ intro; red in |- *; intro; elim H; intros;
+ unfold intersection_domain, complementary in H0; elim H0;
+ intros; elim H2; assumption.
Lemma adherence_P2 :
- forall D:R -> Prop, closed_set D -> included (adherence D) D.
-unfold closed_set in |- *; unfold open_set, complementary in |- *; intros;
- unfold included, adherence in |- *; intros; assert (H1 := classic (D x));
- elim H1; intro.
-assert (H3 := H _ H2); assert (H4 := H0 _ H3); elim H4; intros;
- unfold intersection_domain in H5; elim H5; intros;
- elim H6; assumption.
+ forall D:R -> Prop, closed_set D -> included (adherence D) D.
+ unfold closed_set in |- *; unfold open_set, complementary in |- *; intros;
+ unfold included, adherence in |- *; intros; assert (H1 := classic (D x));
+ elim H1; intro.
+ assumption.
+ assert (H3 := H _ H2); assert (H4 := H0 _ H3); elim H4; intros;
+ unfold intersection_domain in H5; elim H5; intros;
+ elim H6; assumption.
Lemma adherence_P3 : forall D:R -> Prop, closed_set (adherence D).
-intro; unfold closed_set, adherence in |- *;
- unfold open_set, complementary, point_adherent in |- *;
- intros;
- set
- (P :=
- fun V:R -> Prop =>
- neighbourhood V x -> exists y : R, intersection_domain V D y);
- assert (H0 := not_all_ex_not _ P H); elim H0; intros V0 H1;
- unfold P in H1; assert (H2 := imply_to_and _ _ H1);
- unfold neighbourhood in |- *; elim H2; intros; unfold neighbourhood in H3;
- elim H3; intros; exists x0; unfold included in |- *;
- intros; red in |- *; intro.
-assert (H8 := H7 V0);
- cut (exists delta : posreal, (forall x:R, disc x1 delta x -> V0 x)).
-intro; assert (H10 := H8 H9); elim H4; assumption.
-cut (0 < x0 - Rabs (x - x1)).
-intro; set (del := mkposreal _ H9); exists del; intros;
- unfold included in H5; apply H5; unfold disc in |- *;
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x2 - x1) + Rabs (x1 - x)).
-replace (x2 - x) with (x2 - x1 + (x1 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-replace (pos x0) with (del + Rabs (x1 - x)).
-do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x1 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
- apply H10.
-unfold del in |- *; simpl in |- *; rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x - x1));
- rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; ring.
-apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (Rabs (x - x1)); rewrite Rplus_0_r;
- replace (Rabs (x - x1) + (x0 - Rabs (x - x1))) with (pos x0);
- [ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H6 | ring ].
+ intro; unfold closed_set, adherence in |- *;
+ unfold open_set, complementary, point_adherent in |- *;
+ intros;
+ set
+ (P :=
+ fun V:R -> Prop =>
+ neighbourhood V x -> exists y : R, intersection_domain V D y);
+ assert (H0 := not_all_ex_not _ P H); elim H0; intros V0 H1;
+ unfold P in H1; assert (H2 := imply_to_and _ _ H1);
+ unfold neighbourhood in |- *; elim H2; intros; unfold neighbourhood in H3;
+ elim H3; intros; exists x0; unfold included in |- *;
+ intros; red in |- *; intro.
+ assert (H8 := H7 V0);
+ cut (exists delta : posreal, (forall x:R, disc x1 delta x -> V0 x)).
+ intro; assert (H10 := H8 H9); elim H4; assumption.
+ cut (0 < x0 - Rabs (x - x1)).
+ intro; set (del := mkposreal _ H9); exists del; intros;
+ unfold included in H5; apply H5; unfold disc in |- *;
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x2 - x1) + Rabs (x1 - x)).
+ replace (x2 - x) with (x2 - x1 + (x1 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ replace (pos x0) with (del + Rabs (x1 - x)).
+ do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x1 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
+ apply H10.
+ unfold del in |- *; simpl in |- *; rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x - x1));
+ rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; ring.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (Rabs (x - x1)); rewrite Rplus_0_r;
+ replace (Rabs (x - x1) + (x0 - Rabs (x - x1))) with (pos x0);
+ [ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H6 | ring ].
Definition eq_Dom (D1 D2:R -> Prop) : Prop :=
@@ -141,231 +152,243 @@ Definition eq_Dom (D1 D2:R -> Prop) : Prop :=
Infix "=_D" := eq_Dom (at level 70, no associativity).
Lemma open_set_P1 : forall D:R -> Prop, open_set D <-> D =_D interior D.
-intro; split.
-intro; unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-apply interior_P2; assumption.
-apply interior_P1.
-intro; unfold eq_Dom in H; elim H; clear H; intros; unfold open_set in |- *;
- intros; unfold included, interior in H; unfold included in H0;
- apply (H _ H1).
+ intro; split.
+ intro; unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ apply interior_P2; assumption.
+ apply interior_P1.
+ intro; unfold eq_Dom in H; elim H; clear H; intros; unfold open_set in |- *;
+ intros; unfold included, interior in H; unfold included in H0;
+ apply (H _ H1).
Lemma closed_set_P1 : forall D:R -> Prop, closed_set D <-> D =_D adherence D.
-intro; split.
-intro; unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-apply adherence_P1.
-apply adherence_P2; assumption.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold included in |- *; intros;
- assert (H0 := adherence_P3 D); unfold closed_set in H0;
- unfold closed_set in |- *; unfold open_set in |- *;
- unfold open_set in H0; intros; assert (H2 : complementary (adherence D) x).
-unfold complementary in |- *; unfold complementary in H1; red in |- *; intro;
- elim H; clear H; intros _ H; elim H1; apply (H _ H2).
-assert (H3 := H0 _ H2); unfold neighbourhood in |- *;
- unfold neighbourhood in H3; elim H3; intros; exists x0;
- unfold included in |- *; unfold included in H4; intros;
- assert (H6 := H4 _ H5); unfold complementary in H6;
- unfold complementary in |- *; red in |- *; intro;
- elim H; clear H; intros H _; elim H6; apply (H _ H7).
+ intro; split.
+ intro; unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ apply adherence_P1.
+ apply adherence_P2; assumption.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold included in |- *; intros;
+ assert (H0 := adherence_P3 D); unfold closed_set in H0;
+ unfold closed_set in |- *; unfold open_set in |- *;
+ unfold open_set in H0; intros; assert (H2 : complementary (adherence D) x).
+ unfold complementary in |- *; unfold complementary in H1; red in |- *; intro;
+ elim H; clear H; intros _ H; elim H1; apply (H _ H2).
+ assert (H3 := H0 _ H2); unfold neighbourhood in |- *;
+ unfold neighbourhood in H3; elim H3; intros; exists x0;
+ unfold included in |- *; unfold included in H4; intros;
+ assert (H6 := H4 _ H5); unfold complementary in H6;
+ unfold complementary in |- *; red in |- *; intro;
+ elim H; clear H; intros H _; elim H6; apply (H _ H7).
Lemma neighbourhood_P1 :
- forall (D1 D2:R -> Prop) (x:R),
- included D1 D2 -> neighbourhood D1 x -> neighbourhood D2 x.
-unfold included, neighbourhood in |- *; intros; elim H0; intros; exists x0;
- intros; unfold included in |- *; unfold included in H1;
- intros; apply (H _ (H1 _ H2)).
+ forall (D1 D2:R -> Prop) (x:R),
+ included D1 D2 -> neighbourhood D1 x -> neighbourhood D2 x.
+ unfold included, neighbourhood in |- *; intros; elim H0; intros; exists x0;
+ intros; unfold included in |- *; unfold included in H1;
+ intros; apply (H _ (H1 _ H2)).
Lemma open_set_P2 :
- forall D1 D2:R -> Prop,
- open_set D1 -> open_set D2 -> open_set (union_domain D1 D2).
-unfold open_set in |- *; intros; unfold union_domain in H1; elim H1; intro.
-apply neighbourhood_P1 with D1.
-unfold included, union_domain in |- *; tauto.
-apply H; assumption.
-apply neighbourhood_P1 with D2.
-unfold included, union_domain in |- *; tauto.
-apply H0; assumption.
+ forall D1 D2:R -> Prop,
+ open_set D1 -> open_set D2 -> open_set (union_domain D1 D2).
+ unfold open_set in |- *; intros; unfold union_domain in H1; elim H1; intro.
+ apply neighbourhood_P1 with D1.
+ unfold included, union_domain in |- *; tauto.
+ apply H; assumption.
+ apply neighbourhood_P1 with D2.
+ unfold included, union_domain in |- *; tauto.
+ apply H0; assumption.
Lemma open_set_P3 :
- forall D1 D2:R -> Prop,
- open_set D1 -> open_set D2 -> open_set (intersection_domain D1 D2).
-unfold open_set in |- *; intros; unfold intersection_domain in H1; elim H1;
- intros.
-assert (H4 := H _ H2); assert (H5 := H0 _ H3);
- unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in H4, H5;
- elim H4; clear H; intros del1 H; elim H5; clear H0;
- intros del2 H0; cut (0 < Rmin del1 del2).
-intro; set (del := mkposreal _ H6).
-exists del; unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold included in H, H0;
- unfold disc in H, H0, H7.
-apply H; apply Rlt_le_trans with (pos del).
-apply H7.
-unfold del in |- *; simpl in |- *; apply Rmin_l.
-apply H0; apply Rlt_le_trans with (pos del).
-apply H7.
-unfold del in |- *; simpl in |- *; apply Rmin_r.
-unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec del1 del2); intro.
-apply (cond_pos del1).
-apply (cond_pos del2).
+ forall D1 D2:R -> Prop,
+ open_set D1 -> open_set D2 -> open_set (intersection_domain D1 D2).
+ unfold open_set in |- *; intros; unfold intersection_domain in H1; elim H1;
+ intros.
+ assert (H4 := H _ H2); assert (H5 := H0 _ H3);
+ unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in H4, H5;
+ elim H4; clear H; intros del1 H; elim H5; clear H0;
+ intros del2 H0; cut (0 < Rmin del1 del2).
+ intro; set (del := mkposreal _ H6).
+ exists del; unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold included in H, H0;
+ unfold disc in H, H0, H7.
+ split.
+ apply H; apply Rlt_le_trans with (pos del).
+ apply H7.
+ unfold del in |- *; simpl in |- *; apply Rmin_l.
+ apply H0; apply Rlt_le_trans with (pos del).
+ apply H7.
+ unfold del in |- *; simpl in |- *; apply Rmin_r.
+ unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec del1 del2); intro.
+ apply (cond_pos del1).
+ apply (cond_pos del2).
Lemma open_set_P4 : open_set (fun x:R => False).
-unfold open_set in |- *; intros; elim H.
+ unfold open_set in |- *; intros; elim H.
Lemma open_set_P5 : open_set (fun x:R => True).
-unfold open_set in |- *; intros; unfold neighbourhood in |- *.
-exists (mkposreal 1 Rlt_0_1); unfold included in |- *; intros; trivial.
+ unfold open_set in |- *; intros; unfold neighbourhood in |- *.
+ exists (mkposreal 1 Rlt_0_1); unfold included in |- *; intros; trivial.
Lemma disc_P1 : forall (x:R) (del:posreal), open_set (disc x del).
-intros; assert (H := open_set_P1 (disc x del)).
-elim H; intros; apply H1.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included, interior, disc in |- *; intros;
- cut (0 < del - Rabs (x - x0)).
-intro; set (del2 := mkposreal _ H3).
-exists del2; unfold included in |- *; intros.
-apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - x0) + Rabs (x0 - x)).
-replace (x1 - x) with (x1 - x0 + (x0 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-replace (pos del) with (del2 + Rabs (x0 - x)).
-do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x0 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
-apply H4.
-unfold del2 in |- *; simpl in |- *; rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x - x0));
- rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; ring.
-apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (Rabs (x - x0)); rewrite Rplus_0_r;
- replace (Rabs (x - x0) + (del - Rabs (x - x0))) with (pos del);
- [ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H2 | ring ].
-apply interior_P1.
+ intros; assert (H := open_set_P1 (disc x del)).
+ elim H; intros; apply H1.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included, interior, disc in |- *; intros;
+ cut (0 < del - Rabs (x - x0)).
+ intro; set (del2 := mkposreal _ H3).
+ exists del2; unfold included in |- *; intros.
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - x0) + Rabs (x0 - x)).
+ replace (x1 - x) with (x1 - x0 + (x0 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ replace (pos del) with (del2 + Rabs (x0 - x)).
+ do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x0 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
+ apply H4.
+ unfold del2 in |- *; simpl in |- *; rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x - x0));
+ rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; ring.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (Rabs (x - x0)); rewrite Rplus_0_r;
+ replace (Rabs (x - x0) + (del - Rabs (x - x0))) with (pos del);
+ [ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H2 | ring ].
+ apply interior_P1.
Lemma continuity_P1 :
- forall (f:R -> R) (x:R),
- continuity_pt f x <->
- (forall W:R -> Prop,
+ forall (f:R -> R) (x:R),
+ continuity_pt f x <->
+ (forall W:R -> Prop,
neighbourhood W (f x) ->
- exists V : R -> Prop,
+ exists V : R -> Prop,
neighbourhood V x /\ (forall y:R, V y -> W (f y))).
-intros; split.
-intros; unfold neighbourhood in H0.
-elim H0; intros del1 H1.
-unfold continuity_pt in H; unfold continue_in in H; unfold limit1_in in H;
- unfold limit_in in H; simpl in H; unfold R_dist in H.
-assert (H2 := H del1 (cond_pos del1)).
-elim H2; intros del2 H3.
-elim H3; intros.
-exists (disc x (mkposreal del2 H4)).
-intros; unfold included in H1; split.
-unfold neighbourhood, disc in |- *.
-exists (mkposreal del2 H4).
-unfold included in |- *; intros; assumption.
-intros; apply H1; unfold disc in |- *; case (Req_dec y x); intro.
-rewrite H7; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
- apply (cond_pos del1).
-apply H5; split.
-unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split.
-apply (sym_not_eq (A:=R)); apply H7.
-unfold disc in H6; apply H6.
-intros; unfold continuity_pt in |- *; unfold continue_in in |- *;
- unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
- intros.
-assert (H1 := H (disc (f x) (mkposreal eps H0))).
-cut (neighbourhood (disc (f x) (mkposreal eps H0)) (f x)).
-intro; assert (H3 := H1 H2).
-elim H3; intros D H4; elim H4; intros; unfold neighbourhood in H5; elim H5;
- intros del1 H7.
-exists (pos del1); split.
-apply (cond_pos del1).
-intros; elim H8; intros; simpl in H10; unfold R_dist in H10; simpl in |- *;
- unfold R_dist in |- *; apply (H6 _ (H7 _ H10)).
-unfold neighbourhood, disc in |- *; exists (mkposreal eps H0);
- unfold included in |- *; intros; assumption.
+ intros; split.
+ intros; unfold neighbourhood in H0.
+ elim H0; intros del1 H1.
+ unfold continuity_pt in H; unfold continue_in in H; unfold limit1_in in H;
+ unfold limit_in in H; simpl in H; unfold R_dist in H.
+ assert (H2 := H del1 (cond_pos del1)).
+ elim H2; intros del2 H3.
+ elim H3; intros.
+ exists (disc x (mkposreal del2 H4)).
+ intros; unfold included in H1; split.
+ unfold neighbourhood, disc in |- *.
+ exists (mkposreal del2 H4).
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; assumption.
+ intros; apply H1; unfold disc in |- *; case (Req_dec y x); intro.
+ rewrite H7; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
+ apply (cond_pos del1).
+ apply H5; split.
+ unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split.
+ trivial.
+ apply (sym_not_eq (A:=R)); apply H7.
+ unfold disc in H6; apply H6.
+ intros; unfold continuity_pt in |- *; unfold continue_in in |- *;
+ unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
+ intros.
+ assert (H1 := H (disc (f x) (mkposreal eps H0))).
+ cut (neighbourhood (disc (f x) (mkposreal eps H0)) (f x)).
+ intro; assert (H3 := H1 H2).
+ elim H3; intros D H4; elim H4; intros; unfold neighbourhood in H5; elim H5;
+ intros del1 H7.
+ exists (pos del1); split.
+ apply (cond_pos del1).
+ intros; elim H8; intros; simpl in H10; unfold R_dist in H10; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold R_dist in |- *; apply (H6 _ (H7 _ H10)).
+ unfold neighbourhood, disc in |- *; exists (mkposreal eps H0);
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; assumption.
Definition image_rec (f:R -> R) (D:R -> Prop) (x:R) : Prop := D (f x).
Lemma continuity_P2 :
- forall (f:R -> R) (D:R -> Prop),
- continuity f -> open_set D -> open_set (image_rec f D).
-intros; unfold open_set in H0; unfold open_set in |- *; intros;
- assert (H2 := continuity_P1 f x); elim H2; intros H3 _;
- assert (H4 := H3 (H x)); unfold neighbourhood, image_rec in |- *;
- unfold image_rec in H1; assert (H5 := H4 D (H0 (f x) H1));
- elim H5; intros V0 H6; elim H6; intros; unfold neighbourhood in H7;
- elim H7; intros del H9; exists del; unfold included in H9;
- unfold included in |- *; intros; apply (H8 _ (H9 _ H10)).
+ forall (f:R -> R) (D:R -> Prop),
+ continuity f -> open_set D -> open_set (image_rec f D).
+ intros; unfold open_set in H0; unfold open_set in |- *; intros;
+ assert (H2 := continuity_P1 f x); elim H2; intros H3 _;
+ assert (H4 := H3 (H x)); unfold neighbourhood, image_rec in |- *;
+ unfold image_rec in H1; assert (H5 := H4 D (H0 (f x) H1));
+ elim H5; intros V0 H6; elim H6; intros; unfold neighbourhood in H7;
+ elim H7; intros del H9; exists del; unfold included in H9;
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; apply (H8 _ (H9 _ H10)).
Lemma continuity_P3 :
- forall f:R -> R,
- continuity f <->
- (forall D:R -> Prop, open_set D -> open_set (image_rec f D)).
-intros; split.
-intros; apply continuity_P2; assumption.
-intros; unfold continuity in |- *; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
- unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
- unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
- intros; cut (open_set (disc (f x) (mkposreal _ H0))).
-intro; assert (H2 := H _ H1).
-unfold open_set, image_rec in H2; cut (disc (f x) (mkposreal _ H0) (f x)).
-intro; assert (H4 := H2 _ H3).
-unfold neighbourhood in H4; elim H4; intros del H5.
-exists (pos del); split.
-apply (cond_pos del).
-intros; unfold included in H5; apply H5; elim H6; intros; apply H8.
-unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
- rewrite Rabs_R0; apply H0.
-apply disc_P1.
+ forall f:R -> R,
+ continuity f <->
+ (forall D:R -> Prop, open_set D -> open_set (image_rec f D)).
+ intros; split.
+ intros; apply continuity_P2; assumption.
+ intros; unfold continuity in |- *; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
+ unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
+ unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
+ intros; cut (open_set (disc (f x) (mkposreal _ H0))).
+ intro; assert (H2 := H _ H1).
+ unfold open_set, image_rec in H2; cut (disc (f x) (mkposreal _ H0) (f x)).
+ intro; assert (H4 := H2 _ H3).
+ unfold neighbourhood in H4; elim H4; intros del H5.
+ exists (pos del); split.
+ apply (cond_pos del).
+ intros; unfold included in H5; apply H5; elim H6; intros; apply H8.
+ unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
+ rewrite Rabs_R0; apply H0.
+ apply disc_P1.
Theorem Rsepare :
- forall x y:R,
- x <> y ->
+ forall x y:R,
+ x <> y ->
exists V : R -> Prop,
- (exists W : R -> Prop,
+ (exists W : R -> Prop,
neighbourhood V x /\
neighbourhood W y /\ ~ (exists y : R, intersection_domain V W y)).
-intros x y Hsep; set (D := Rabs (x - y)).
-cut (0 < D / 2).
-intro; exists (disc x (mkposreal _ H)).
-exists (disc y (mkposreal _ H)); split.
-unfold neighbourhood in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ H); unfold included in |- *;
- tauto.
-unfold neighbourhood in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ H); unfold included in |- *;
- tauto.
-red in |- *; intro; elim H0; intros; unfold intersection_domain in H1;
- elim H1; intros.
-cut (D < D).
-intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H4).
-change (Rabs (x - y) < D) in |- *;
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x - x0) + Rabs (x0 - y)).
-replace (x - y) with (x - x0 + (x0 - y)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-rewrite (double_var D); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
-rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H2.
-apply H3.
-unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
-unfold D in |- *; apply Rabs_pos_lt; apply (Rminus_eq_contra _ _ Hsep).
-apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
+ intros x y Hsep; set (D := Rabs (x - y)).
+ cut (0 < D / 2).
+ intro; exists (disc x (mkposreal _ H)).
+ exists (disc y (mkposreal _ H)); split.
+ unfold neighbourhood in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ H); unfold included in |- *;
+ tauto.
+ split.
+ unfold neighbourhood in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ H); unfold included in |- *;
+ tauto.
+ red in |- *; intro; elim H0; intros; unfold intersection_domain in H1;
+ elim H1; intros.
+ cut (D < D).
+ intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H4).
+ change (Rabs (x - y) < D) in |- *;
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x - x0) + Rabs (x0 - y)).
+ replace (x - y) with (x - x0 + (x0 - y)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ rewrite (double_var D); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
+ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H2.
+ apply H3.
+ unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
+ unfold D in |- *; apply Rabs_pos_lt; apply (Rminus_eq_contra _ _ Hsep).
+ apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
Record family : Type := mkfamily
{ind : R -> Prop;
- f :> R -> R -> Prop;
- cond_fam : forall x:R, (exists y : R, f x y) -> ind x}.
+ f :> R -> R -> Prop;
+ cond_fam : forall x:R, (exists y : R, f x y) -> ind x}.
Definition family_open_set (f:family) : Prop := forall x:R, open_set (f x).
Definition domain_finite (D:R -> Prop) : Prop :=
- exists l : Rlist, (forall x:R, D x <-> In x l).
+ exists l : Rlist, (forall x:R, D x <-> In x l).
Definition family_finite (f:family) : Prop := domain_finite (ind f).
@@ -379,897 +402,913 @@ Definition covering_finite (D:R -> Prop) (f:family) : Prop :=
covering D f /\ family_finite f.
Lemma restriction_family :
- forall (f:family) (D:R -> Prop) (x:R),
- (exists y : R, (fun z1 z2:R => f z1 z2 /\ D z1) x y) ->
- intersection_domain (ind f) D x.
-intros; elim H; intros; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; elim H0; intros;
- split.
-apply (cond_fam f0); exists x0; assumption.
+ forall (f:family) (D:R -> Prop) (x:R),
+ (exists y : R, (fun z1 z2:R => f z1 z2 /\ D z1) x y) ->
+ intersection_domain (ind f) D x.
+ intros; elim H; intros; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; elim H0; intros;
+ split.
+ apply (cond_fam f0); exists x0; assumption.
+ assumption.
Definition subfamily (f:family) (D:R -> Prop) : family :=
mkfamily (intersection_domain (ind f) D) (fun x y:R => f x y /\ D x)
- (restriction_family f D).
+ (restriction_family f D).
Definition compact (X:R -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall f:family,
covering_open_set X f ->
- exists D : R -> Prop, covering_finite X (subfamily f D).
+ exists D : R -> Prop, covering_finite X (subfamily f D).
Lemma family_P1 :
- forall (f:family) (D:R -> Prop),
- family_open_set f -> family_open_set (subfamily f D).
-unfold family_open_set in |- *; intros; unfold subfamily in |- *;
- simpl in |- *; assert (H0 := classic (D x)).
-elim H0; intro.
-cut (open_set (f0 x) -> open_set (fun y:R => f0 x y /\ D x)).
-intro; apply H2; apply H.
-unfold open_set in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; intros; elim H3;
- intros; assert (H6 := H2 _ H4); elim H6; intros; exists x1;
- unfold included in |- *; intros; split.
-apply (H7 _ H8).
-cut (open_set (fun y:R => False) -> open_set (fun y:R => f0 x y /\ D x)).
-intro; apply H2; apply open_set_P4.
-unfold open_set in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; intros; elim H3;
- intros; elim H1; assumption.
+ forall (f:family) (D:R -> Prop),
+ family_open_set f -> family_open_set (subfamily f D).
+ unfold family_open_set in |- *; intros; unfold subfamily in |- *;
+ simpl in |- *; assert (H0 := classic (D x)).
+ elim H0; intro.
+ cut (open_set (f0 x) -> open_set (fun y:R => f0 x y /\ D x)).
+ intro; apply H2; apply H.
+ unfold open_set in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; intros; elim H3;
+ intros; assert (H6 := H2 _ H4); elim H6; intros; exists x1;
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; split.
+ apply (H7 _ H8).
+ assumption.
+ cut (open_set (fun y:R => False) -> open_set (fun y:R => f0 x y /\ D x)).
+ intro; apply H2; apply open_set_P4.
+ unfold open_set in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; intros; elim H3;
+ intros; elim H1; assumption.
Definition bounded (D:R -> Prop) : Prop :=
- exists m : R, (exists M : R, (forall x:R, D x -> m <= x <= M)).
+ exists m : R, (exists M : R, (forall x:R, D x -> m <= x <= M)).
Lemma open_set_P6 :
- forall D1 D2:R -> Prop, open_set D1 -> D1 =_D D2 -> open_set D2.
-unfold open_set in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; intros.
-unfold eq_Dom in H0; elim H0; intros.
-assert (H4 := H _ (H3 _ H1)).
-elim H4; intros.
-exists x0; apply included_trans with D1; assumption.
+ forall D1 D2:R -> Prop, open_set D1 -> D1 =_D D2 -> open_set D2.
+ unfold open_set in |- *; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; intros.
+ unfold eq_Dom in H0; elim H0; intros.
+ assert (H4 := H _ (H3 _ H1)).
+ elim H4; intros.
+ exists x0; apply included_trans with D1; assumption.
Lemma compact_P1 : forall X:R -> Prop, compact X -> bounded X.
-intros; unfold compact in H; set (D := fun x:R => True);
- set (g := fun x y:R => Rabs y < x);
- cut (forall x:R, (exists y : _, g x y) -> True);
- [ intro | intro; trivial ].
-set (f0 := mkfamily D g H0); assert (H1 := H f0);
- cut (covering_open_set X f0).
-intro; assert (H3 := H1 H2); elim H3; intros D' H4;
- unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; intros; unfold family_finite in H6;
- unfold domain_finite in H6; elim H6; intros l H7;
- unfold bounded in |- *; set (r := MaxRlist l).
-exists (- r); exists r; intros.
-unfold covering in H5; assert (H9 := H5 _ H8); elim H9; intros;
- unfold subfamily in H10; simpl in H10; elim H10; intros;
- assert (H13 := H7 x0); simpl in H13; cut (intersection_domain D D' x0).
-elim H13; clear H13; intros.
-assert (H16 := H13 H15); unfold g in H11; split.
-cut (x0 <= r).
-intro; cut (Rabs x < r).
-intro; assert (H19 := Rabs_def2 x r H18); elim H19; intros; left; assumption.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with x0; assumption.
-apply (MaxRlist_P1 l x0 H16).
-cut (x0 <= r).
-intro; apply Rle_trans with (Rabs x).
-apply RRle_abs.
-apply Rle_trans with x0.
-left; apply H11.
-apply (MaxRlist_P1 l x0 H16).
-unfold intersection_domain, D in |- *; tauto.
-unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; intros; simpl in |- *; exists (Rabs x + 1);
- unfold g in |- *; pattern (Rabs x) at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r;
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Rlt_0_1.
-unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; case (Rtotal_order 0 x); intro.
-apply open_set_P6 with (disc 0 (mkposreal _ H2)).
-apply disc_P1.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *;
- unfold g, disc in |- *; split.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold Rminus in H3; rewrite Ropp_0 in H3;
- rewrite Rplus_0_r in H3; apply H3.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Ropp_0;
- rewrite Rplus_0_r; apply H3.
-apply open_set_P6 with (fun x:R => False).
-apply open_set_P4.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H3.
-unfold included, f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *; intros; elim H2;
- intro;
- [ rewrite <- H4 in H3; assert (H5 := Rabs_pos x0);
- elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H5 H3))
- | assert (H6 := Rabs_pos x0); assert (H7 := Rlt_trans _ _ _ H3 H4);
- elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H6 H7)) ].
+ intros; unfold compact in H; set (D := fun x:R => True);
+ set (g := fun x y:R => Rabs y < x);
+ cut (forall x:R, (exists y : _, g x y) -> True);
+ [ intro | intro; trivial ].
+ set (f0 := mkfamily D g H0); assert (H1 := H f0);
+ cut (covering_open_set X f0).
+ intro; assert (H3 := H1 H2); elim H3; intros D' H4;
+ unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; intros; unfold family_finite in H6;
+ unfold domain_finite in H6; elim H6; intros l H7;
+ unfold bounded in |- *; set (r := MaxRlist l).
+ exists (- r); exists r; intros.
+ unfold covering in H5; assert (H9 := H5 _ H8); elim H9; intros;
+ unfold subfamily in H10; simpl in H10; elim H10; intros;
+ assert (H13 := H7 x0); simpl in H13; cut (intersection_domain D D' x0).
+ elim H13; clear H13; intros.
+ assert (H16 := H13 H15); unfold g in H11; split.
+ cut (x0 <= r).
+ intro; cut (Rabs x < r).
+ intro; assert (H19 := Rabs_def2 x r H18); elim H19; intros; left; assumption.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with x0; assumption.
+ apply (MaxRlist_P1 l x0 H16).
+ cut (x0 <= r).
+ intro; apply Rle_trans with (Rabs x).
+ apply RRle_abs.
+ apply Rle_trans with x0.
+ left; apply H11.
+ assumption.
+ apply (MaxRlist_P1 l x0 H16).
+ unfold intersection_domain, D in |- *; tauto.
+ unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; intros; simpl in |- *; exists (Rabs x + 1);
+ unfold g in |- *; pattern (Rabs x) at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r;
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Rlt_0_1.
+ unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; case (Rtotal_order 0 x); intro.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (disc 0 (mkposreal _ H2)).
+ apply disc_P1.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold g, disc in |- *; split.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold Rminus in H3; rewrite Ropp_0 in H3;
+ rewrite Rplus_0_r in H3; apply H3.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Ropp_0;
+ rewrite Rplus_0_r; apply H3.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (fun x:R => False).
+ apply open_set_P4.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H3.
+ unfold included, f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *; intros; elim H2;
+ intro;
+ [ rewrite <- H4 in H3; assert (H5 := Rabs_pos x0);
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H5 H3))
+ | assert (H6 := Rabs_pos x0); assert (H7 := Rlt_trans _ _ _ H3 H4);
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H6 H7)) ].
Lemma compact_P2 : forall X:R -> Prop, compact X -> closed_set X.
-intros; assert (H0 := closed_set_P1 X); elim H0; clear H0; intros _ H0;
- apply H0; clear H0.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-apply adherence_P1.
-unfold included in |- *; unfold adherence in |- *;
- unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros; unfold compact in H;
- assert (H1 := classic (X x)); elim H1; clear H1; intro.
-cut (forall y:R, X y -> 0 < Rabs (y - x) / 2).
-intro; set (D := X);
- set (g := fun y z:R => Rabs (y - z) < Rabs (y - x) / 2 /\ D y);
- cut (forall x:R, (exists y : _, g x y) -> D x).
-intro; set (f0 := mkfamily D g H3); assert (H4 := H f0);
- cut (covering_open_set X f0).
-intro; assert (H6 := H4 H5); elim H6; clear H6; intros D' H6.
-unfold covering_finite in H6; decompose [and] H6;
- unfold covering, subfamily in H7; simpl in H7;
- unfold family_finite, subfamily in H8; simpl in H8;
- unfold domain_finite in H8; elim H8; clear H8; intros l H8;
- set (alp := MinRlist (AbsList l x)); cut (0 < alp).
-intro; assert (H10 := H0 (disc x (mkposreal _ H9)));
- cut (neighbourhood (disc x (mkposreal alp H9)) x).
-intro; assert (H12 := H10 H11); elim H12; clear H12; intros y H12;
- unfold intersection_domain in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
- intros; assert (H14 := H7 _ H13); elim H14; clear H14;
- intros y0 H14; elim H14; clear H14; intros; unfold g in H14;
- elim H14; clear H14; intros; unfold disc in H12; simpl in H12;
- cut (alp <= Rabs (y0 - x) / 2).
-intro; assert (H18 := Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H12 H17);
- cut (Rabs (y0 - x) < Rabs (y0 - x)).
-intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H19).
-apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (y0 - y) + Rabs (y - x)).
-replace (y0 - x) with (y0 - y + (y - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-rewrite (double_var (Rabs (y0 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat; assumption.
-apply (MinRlist_P1 (AbsList l x) (Rabs (y0 - x) / 2)); apply AbsList_P1;
- elim (H8 y0); clear H8; intros; apply H8; unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
- split; assumption.
-assert (H11 := disc_P1 x (mkposreal alp H9)); unfold open_set in H11;
- apply H11.
-unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
- rewrite Rabs_R0; apply H9.
-unfold alp in |- *; apply MinRlist_P2; intros;
- assert (H10 := AbsList_P2 _ _ _ H9); elim H10; clear H10;
- intros z H10; elim H10; clear H10; intros; rewrite H11;
- apply H2; elim (H8 z); clear H8; intros; assert (H13 := H12 H10);
- unfold intersection_domain, D in H13; elim H13; clear H13;
- intros; assumption.
-unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; intros; exists x0; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
- split.
-unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
- unfold Rminus in H2; apply (H2 _ H5).
-apply H5.
-unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
- elim (classic (D x0)); intro.
-apply open_set_P6 with (disc x0 (mkposreal _ (H2 _ H5))).
-apply disc_P1.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included, disc in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; split.
-rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x0 - x1)); rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H6.
-apply H5.
-unfold included, disc in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; elim H6; intros;
- rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x1 - x0)); rewrite Ropp_minus_distr;
- apply H7.
-apply open_set_P6 with (fun z:R => False).
-apply open_set_P4.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H6.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H6; intros; elim H5; assumption.
-intros; elim H3; intros; unfold g in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros _ H4;
- apply H4.
-intros; unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
-apply Rabs_pos_lt; apply Rminus_eq_contra; red in |- *; intro;
- rewrite H3 in H2; elim H1; apply H2.
-apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
+ intros; assert (H0 := closed_set_P1 X); elim H0; clear H0; intros _ H0;
+ apply H0; clear H0.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ apply adherence_P1.
+ unfold included in |- *; unfold adherence in |- *;
+ unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros; unfold compact in H;
+ assert (H1 := classic (X x)); elim H1; clear H1; intro.
+ assumption.
+ cut (forall y:R, X y -> 0 < Rabs (y - x) / 2).
+ intro; set (D := X);
+ set (g := fun y z:R => Rabs (y - z) < Rabs (y - x) / 2 /\ D y);
+ cut (forall x:R, (exists y : _, g x y) -> D x).
+ intro; set (f0 := mkfamily D g H3); assert (H4 := H f0);
+ cut (covering_open_set X f0).
+ intro; assert (H6 := H4 H5); elim H6; clear H6; intros D' H6.
+ unfold covering_finite in H6; decompose [and] H6;
+ unfold covering, subfamily in H7; simpl in H7;
+ unfold family_finite, subfamily in H8; simpl in H8;
+ unfold domain_finite in H8; elim H8; clear H8; intros l H8;
+ set (alp := MinRlist (AbsList l x)); cut (0 < alp).
+ intro; assert (H10 := H0 (disc x (mkposreal _ H9)));
+ cut (neighbourhood (disc x (mkposreal alp H9)) x).
+ intro; assert (H12 := H10 H11); elim H12; clear H12; intros y H12;
+ unfold intersection_domain in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
+ intros; assert (H14 := H7 _ H13); elim H14; clear H14;
+ intros y0 H14; elim H14; clear H14; intros; unfold g in H14;
+ elim H14; clear H14; intros; unfold disc in H12; simpl in H12;
+ cut (alp <= Rabs (y0 - x) / 2).
+ intro; assert (H18 := Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H12 H17);
+ cut (Rabs (y0 - x) < Rabs (y0 - x)).
+ intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H19).
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (y0 - y) + Rabs (y - x)).
+ replace (y0 - x) with (y0 - y + (y - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ rewrite (double_var (Rabs (y0 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat; assumption.
+ apply (MinRlist_P1 (AbsList l x) (Rabs (y0 - x) / 2)); apply AbsList_P1;
+ elim (H8 y0); clear H8; intros; apply H8; unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
+ split; assumption.
+ assert (H11 := disc_P1 x (mkposreal alp H9)); unfold open_set in H11;
+ apply H11.
+ unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
+ rewrite Rabs_R0; apply H9.
+ unfold alp in |- *; apply MinRlist_P2; intros;
+ assert (H10 := AbsList_P2 _ _ _ H9); elim H10; clear H10;
+ intros z H10; elim H10; clear H10; intros; rewrite H11;
+ apply H2; elim (H8 z); clear H8; intros; assert (H13 := H12 H10);
+ unfold intersection_domain, D in H13; elim H13; clear H13;
+ intros; assumption.
+ unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; intros; exists x0; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
+ split.
+ unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
+ unfold Rminus in H2; apply (H2 _ H5).
+ apply H5.
+ unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
+ elim (classic (D x0)); intro.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (disc x0 (mkposreal _ (H2 _ H5))).
+ apply disc_P1.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included, disc in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; split.
+ rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x0 - x1)); rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H6.
+ apply H5.
+ unfold included, disc in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; elim H6; intros;
+ rewrite <- (Rabs_Ropp (x1 - x0)); rewrite Ropp_minus_distr;
+ apply H7.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (fun z:R => False).
+ apply open_set_P4.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H6.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H6; intros; elim H5; assumption.
+ intros; elim H3; intros; unfold g in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros _ H4;
+ apply H4.
+ intros; unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
+ apply Rabs_pos_lt; apply Rminus_eq_contra; red in |- *; intro;
+ rewrite H3 in H2; elim H1; apply H2.
+ apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
Lemma compact_EMP : compact (fun _:R => False).
-unfold compact in |- *; intros; exists (fun x:R => False);
- unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; intros; elim H0.
-unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *; exists nil; intro.
-simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intros; elim H0.
-elim H0; clear H0; intros _ H0; elim H0.
-simpl in |- *; intro; elim H0.
+ unfold compact in |- *; intros; exists (fun x:R => False);
+ unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; intros; elim H0.
+ unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *; exists nil; intro.
+ split.
+ simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intros; elim H0.
+ elim H0; clear H0; intros _ H0; elim H0.
+ simpl in |- *; intro; elim H0.
Lemma compact_eqDom :
- forall X1 X2:R -> Prop, compact X1 -> X1 =_D X2 -> compact X2.
-unfold compact in |- *; intros; unfold eq_Dom in H0; elim H0; clear H0;
- unfold included in |- *; intros; assert (H3 : covering_open_set X1 f0).
-unfold covering_open_set in |- *; unfold covering_open_set in H1; elim H1;
- clear H1; intros; split.
-unfold covering in H1; unfold covering in |- *; intros;
- apply (H1 _ (H0 _ H4)).
-apply H3.
-elim (H _ H3); intros D H4; exists D; unfold covering_finite in |- *;
- unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; intros; split.
-unfold covering in H5; unfold covering in |- *; intros;
- apply (H5 _ (H2 _ H7)).
-apply H6.
+ forall X1 X2:R -> Prop, compact X1 -> X1 =_D X2 -> compact X2.
+ unfold compact in |- *; intros; unfold eq_Dom in H0; elim H0; clear H0;
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; assert (H3 : covering_open_set X1 f0).
+ unfold covering_open_set in |- *; unfold covering_open_set in H1; elim H1;
+ clear H1; intros; split.
+ unfold covering in H1; unfold covering in |- *; intros;
+ apply (H1 _ (H0 _ H4)).
+ apply H3.
+ elim (H _ H3); intros D H4; exists D; unfold covering_finite in |- *;
+ unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; intros; split.
+ unfold covering in H5; unfold covering in |- *; intros;
+ apply (H5 _ (H2 _ H7)).
+ apply H6.
-(* Borel-Lebesgue's lemma *)
+(** Borel-Lebesgue's lemma *)
Lemma compact_P3 : forall a b:R, compact (fun c:R => a <= c <= b).
-intros; case (Rle_dec a b); intro.
-unfold compact in |- *; intros;
- set
- (A :=
- fun x:R =>
- a <= x <= b /\
- (exists D : R -> Prop,
- covering_finite (fun c:R => a <= c <= x) (subfamily f0 D)));
- cut (A a).
-intro; cut (bound A).
-intro; cut (exists a0 : R, A a0).
-intro; assert (H3 := completeness A H1 H2); elim H3; clear H3; intros m H3;
- unfold is_lub in H3; cut (a <= m <= b).
-intro; unfold covering_open_set in H; elim H; clear H; intros;
- unfold covering in H; assert (H6 := H m H4); elim H6;
- clear H6; intros y0 H6; unfold family_open_set in H5;
- assert (H7 := H5 y0); unfold open_set in H7; assert (H8 := H7 m H6);
- unfold neighbourhood in H8; elim H8; clear H8; intros eps H8;
- cut (exists x : R, A x /\ m - eps < x <= m).
-intro; elim H9; clear H9; intros x H9; elim H9; clear H9; intros;
- case (Req_dec m b); intro.
-rewrite H11 in H10; rewrite H11 in H8; unfold A in H9; elim H9; clear H9;
- intros; elim H12; clear H12; intros Dx H12;
- set (Db := fun x:R => Dx x \/ x = y0); exists Db;
- unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
- intros; unfold covering in H12; case (Rle_dec x0 x);
- intro.
-cut (a <= x0 <= x).
-intro; assert (H16 := H12 x0 H15); elim H16; clear H16; intros; exists x1;
- simpl in H16; simpl in |- *; unfold Db in |- *; elim H16;
- clear H16; intros; split; [ apply H16 | left; apply H17 ].
-elim H14; intros; assumption.
-exists y0; simpl in |- *; split.
-apply H8; unfold disc in |- *; rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr;
- rewrite Rabs_right.
-apply Rlt_trans with (b - x).
-unfold Rminus in |- *; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_gt_contravar;
- auto with real.
-elim H10; intros H15 _; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (x - eps);
- replace (x - eps + (b - x)) with (b - eps);
- [ replace (x - eps + eps) with x; [ apply H15 | ring ] | ring ].
-apply Rge_minus; apply Rle_ge; elim H14; intros _ H15; apply H15.
-unfold Db in |- *; right; reflexivity.
-unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
- unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
- intros; unfold family_finite in H13; unfold domain_finite in H13;
- elim H13; clear H13; intros l H13; exists (cons y0 l);
- intro; split.
-intro; simpl in H14; unfold intersection_domain in H14; elim (H13 x0);
- clear H13; intros; case (Req_dec x0 y0); intro.
-simpl in |- *; left; apply H16.
-simpl in |- *; right; apply H13.
-simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold Db in H14;
- decompose [and or] H14.
-split; assumption.
-elim H16; assumption.
-intro; simpl in H14; elim H14; intro; simpl in |- *;
- unfold intersection_domain in |- *.
-apply (cond_fam f0); rewrite H15; exists m; apply H6.
-unfold Db in |- *; right; assumption.
-simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; elim (H13 x0).
-intros _ H16; assert (H17 := H16 H15); simpl in H17;
- unfold intersection_domain in H17; split.
-elim H17; intros; assumption.
-unfold Db in |- *; left; elim H17; intros; assumption.
-set (m' := Rmin (m + eps / 2) b); cut (A m').
-intro; elim H3; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H13;
- assert (H15 := H13 m' H12); cut (m < m').
-intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H15 H16)).
-unfold m' in |- *; unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec (m + eps / 2) b); intro.
-pattern m at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
- unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
- [ apply (cond_pos eps) | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
-elim H4; intros.
-elim H17; intro.
-elim H11; assumption.
-unfold A in |- *; split.
-apply Rle_trans with m.
-elim H4; intros; assumption.
-unfold m' in |- *; unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec (m + eps / 2) b); intro.
-pattern m at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; apply Rplus_le_compat_l; left;
- unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
- [ apply (cond_pos eps) | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
-elim H4; intros.
-elim H13; intro.
-elim H11; assumption.
-unfold m' in |- *; apply Rmin_r.
-unfold A in H9; elim H9; clear H9; intros; elim H12; clear H12; intros Dx H12;
- set (Db := fun x:R => Dx x \/ x = y0); exists Db;
- unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
- intros; unfold covering in H12; case (Rle_dec x0 x);
- intro.
-cut (a <= x0 <= x).
-intro; assert (H16 := H12 x0 H15); elim H16; clear H16; intros; exists x1;
- simpl in H16; simpl in |- *; unfold Db in |- *.
-elim H16; clear H16; intros; split; [ apply H16 | left; apply H17 ].
-elim H14; intros; split; assumption.
-exists y0; simpl in |- *; split.
-apply H8; unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rabs in |- *; case (Rcase_abs (x0 - m));
- intro.
-rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply Rlt_trans with (m - x).
-unfold Rminus in |- *; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_gt_contravar;
- auto with real.
-apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (x - eps);
- replace (x - eps + (m - x)) with (m - eps).
-replace (x - eps + eps) with x.
-elim H10; intros; assumption.
-apply Rle_lt_trans with (m' - m).
-unfold Rminus in |- *; do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (- m));
- apply Rplus_le_compat_l; elim H14; intros; assumption.
-apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with m; replace (m + (m' - m)) with m'.
-apply Rle_lt_trans with (m + eps / 2).
-unfold m' in |- *; apply Rmin_l.
-apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with 2.
-unfold Rdiv in |- *; rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (/ 2)); rewrite <- Rmult_assoc;
- rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
-rewrite Rmult_1_l; pattern (pos eps) at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r;
- rewrite double; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply (cond_pos eps).
-unfold Db in |- *; right; reflexivity.
-unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
- unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
- intros; unfold family_finite in H13; unfold domain_finite in H13;
- elim H13; clear H13; intros l H13; exists (cons y0 l);
- intro; split.
-intro; simpl in H14; unfold intersection_domain in H14; elim (H13 x0);
- clear H13; intros; case (Req_dec x0 y0); intro.
-simpl in |- *; left; apply H16.
-simpl in |- *; right; apply H13; simpl in |- *;
- unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold Db in H14;
- decompose [and or] H14.
-split; assumption.
-elim H16; assumption.
-intro; simpl in H14; elim H14; intro; simpl in |- *;
- unfold intersection_domain in |- *.
-apply (cond_fam f0); rewrite H15; exists m; apply H6.
-unfold Db in |- *; right; assumption.
-elim (H13 x0); intros _ H16.
-assert (H17 := H16 H15).
-simpl in H17.
-unfold intersection_domain in H17.
-elim H17; intros; assumption.
-unfold Db in |- *; left; elim H17; intros; assumption.
-elim (classic (exists x : R, A x /\ m - eps < x <= m)); intro.
-elim H3; intros; cut (is_upper_bound A (m - eps)).
-intro; assert (H13 := H11 _ H12); cut (m - eps < m).
-intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H13 H14)).
-pattern m at 2 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; unfold Rminus in |- *;
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_cancel; rewrite Ropp_involutive;
- rewrite Ropp_0; apply (cond_pos eps).
-set (P := fun n:R => A n /\ m - eps < n <= m);
- assert (H12 := not_ex_all_not _ P H9); unfold P in H12;
- unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros;
- assert (H14 := not_and_or _ _ (H12 x)); elim H14;
- intro.
-elim H15; apply H13.
-elim (not_and_or _ _ H15); intro.
-case (Rle_dec x (m - eps)); intro.
-elim H16; auto with real.
-unfold is_upper_bound in H10; assert (H17 := H10 x H13); elim H16; apply H17.
-elim H3; clear H3; intros.
-unfold is_upper_bound in H3.
-apply (H3 _ H0).
-apply (H4 b); unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros; unfold A in H5; elim H5;
- clear H5; intros H5 _; elim H5; clear H5; intros _ H5;
- apply H5.
-exists a; apply H0.
-unfold bound in |- *; exists b; unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros;
- unfold A in H1; elim H1; clear H1; intros H1 _; elim H1;
- clear H1; intros _ H1; apply H1.
-unfold A in |- *; split.
-split; [ right; reflexivity | apply r ].
-unfold covering_open_set in H; elim H; clear H; intros; unfold covering in H;
- cut (a <= a <= b).
-intro; elim (H _ H1); intros y0 H2; set (D' := fun x:R => x = y0); exists D';
- unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; cut (x = a).
-intro; exists y0; split.
-rewrite H4; apply H2.
-unfold D' in |- *; reflexivity.
-elim H3; intros; apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
-unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
- exists (cons y0 nil); intro; split.
-simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intro; elim H3; clear H3;
- intros; unfold D' in H4; left; apply H4.
-simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intro; elim H3; intro.
-split; [ rewrite H4; apply (cond_fam f0); exists a; apply H2 | apply H4 ].
-elim H4.
-split; [ right; reflexivity | apply r ].
-apply compact_eqDom with (fun c:R => False).
-apply compact_EMP.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H; clear H; intros;
- assert (H1 := Rle_trans _ _ _ H H0); elim n; apply H1.
+ intros; case (Rle_dec a b); intro.
+ unfold compact in |- *; intros;
+ set
+ (A :=
+ fun x:R =>
+ a <= x <= b /\
+ (exists D : R -> Prop,
+ covering_finite (fun c:R => a <= c <= x) (subfamily f0 D)));
+ cut (A a).
+ intro; cut (bound A).
+ intro; cut (exists a0 : R, A a0).
+ intro; assert (H3 := completeness A H1 H2); elim H3; clear H3; intros m H3;
+ unfold is_lub in H3; cut (a <= m <= b).
+ intro; unfold covering_open_set in H; elim H; clear H; intros;
+ unfold covering in H; assert (H6 := H m H4); elim H6;
+ clear H6; intros y0 H6; unfold family_open_set in H5;
+ assert (H7 := H5 y0); unfold open_set in H7; assert (H8 := H7 m H6);
+ unfold neighbourhood in H8; elim H8; clear H8; intros eps H8;
+ cut (exists x : R, A x /\ m - eps < x <= m).
+ intro; elim H9; clear H9; intros x H9; elim H9; clear H9; intros;
+ case (Req_dec m b); intro.
+ rewrite H11 in H10; rewrite H11 in H8; unfold A in H9; elim H9; clear H9;
+ intros; elim H12; clear H12; intros Dx H12;
+ set (Db := fun x:R => Dx x \/ x = y0); exists Db;
+ unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
+ intros; unfold covering in H12; case (Rle_dec x0 x);
+ intro.
+ cut (a <= x0 <= x).
+ intro; assert (H16 := H12 x0 H15); elim H16; clear H16; intros; exists x1;
+ simpl in H16; simpl in |- *; unfold Db in |- *; elim H16;
+ clear H16; intros; split; [ apply H16 | left; apply H17 ].
+ split.
+ elim H14; intros; assumption.
+ assumption.
+ exists y0; simpl in |- *; split.
+ apply H8; unfold disc in |- *; rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr;
+ rewrite Rabs_right.
+ apply Rlt_trans with (b - x).
+ unfold Rminus in |- *; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_gt_contravar;
+ auto with real.
+ elim H10; intros H15 _; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (x - eps);
+ replace (x - eps + (b - x)) with (b - eps);
+ [ replace (x - eps + eps) with x; [ apply H15 | ring ] | ring ].
+ apply Rge_minus; apply Rle_ge; elim H14; intros _ H15; apply H15.
+ unfold Db in |- *; right; reflexivity.
+ unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
+ unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
+ intros; unfold family_finite in H13; unfold domain_finite in H13;
+ elim H13; clear H13; intros l H13; exists (cons y0 l);
+ intro; split.
+ intro; simpl in H14; unfold intersection_domain in H14; elim (H13 x0);
+ clear H13; intros; case (Req_dec x0 y0); intro.
+ simpl in |- *; left; apply H16.
+ simpl in |- *; right; apply H13.
+ simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold Db in H14;
+ decompose [and or] H14.
+ split; assumption.
+ elim H16; assumption.
+ intro; simpl in H14; elim H14; intro; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold intersection_domain in |- *.
+ split.
+ apply (cond_fam f0); rewrite H15; exists m; apply H6.
+ unfold Db in |- *; right; assumption.
+ simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; elim (H13 x0).
+ intros _ H16; assert (H17 := H16 H15); simpl in H17;
+ unfold intersection_domain in H17; split.
+ elim H17; intros; assumption.
+ unfold Db in |- *; left; elim H17; intros; assumption.
+ set (m' := Rmin (m + eps / 2) b); cut (A m').
+ intro; elim H3; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H13;
+ assert (H15 := H13 m' H12); cut (m < m').
+ intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H15 H16)).
+ unfold m' in |- *; unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec (m + eps / 2) b); intro.
+ pattern m at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
+ unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
+ [ apply (cond_pos eps) | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
+ elim H4; intros.
+ elim H17; intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim H11; assumption.
+ unfold A in |- *; split.
+ split.
+ apply Rle_trans with m.
+ elim H4; intros; assumption.
+ unfold m' in |- *; unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec (m + eps / 2) b); intro.
+ pattern m at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; apply Rplus_le_compat_l; left;
+ unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
+ [ apply (cond_pos eps) | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
+ elim H4; intros.
+ elim H13; intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim H11; assumption.
+ unfold m' in |- *; apply Rmin_r.
+ unfold A in H9; elim H9; clear H9; intros; elim H12; clear H12; intros Dx H12;
+ set (Db := fun x:R => Dx x \/ x = y0); exists Db;
+ unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
+ intros; unfold covering in H12; case (Rle_dec x0 x);
+ intro.
+ cut (a <= x0 <= x).
+ intro; assert (H16 := H12 x0 H15); elim H16; clear H16; intros; exists x1;
+ simpl in H16; simpl in |- *; unfold Db in |- *.
+ elim H16; clear H16; intros; split; [ apply H16 | left; apply H17 ].
+ elim H14; intros; split; assumption.
+ exists y0; simpl in |- *; split.
+ apply H8; unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rabs in |- *; case (Rcase_abs (x0 - m));
+ intro.
+ rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply Rlt_trans with (m - x).
+ unfold Rminus in |- *; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_gt_contravar;
+ auto with real.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (x - eps);
+ replace (x - eps + (m - x)) with (m - eps).
+ replace (x - eps + eps) with x.
+ elim H10; intros; assumption.
+ ring.
+ ring.
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (m' - m).
+ unfold Rminus in |- *; do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (- m));
+ apply Rplus_le_compat_l; elim H14; intros; assumption.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with m; replace (m + (m' - m)) with m'.
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (m + eps / 2).
+ unfold m' in |- *; apply Rmin_l.
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with 2.
+ prove_sup0.
+ unfold Rdiv in |- *; rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (/ 2)); rewrite <- Rmult_assoc;
+ rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
+ rewrite Rmult_1_l; pattern (pos eps) at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r;
+ rewrite double; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply (cond_pos eps).
+ discrR.
+ ring.
+ unfold Db in |- *; right; reflexivity.
+ unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
+ unfold covering_finite in H12; elim H12; clear H12;
+ intros; unfold family_finite in H13; unfold domain_finite in H13;
+ elim H13; clear H13; intros l H13; exists (cons y0 l);
+ intro; split.
+ intro; simpl in H14; unfold intersection_domain in H14; elim (H13 x0);
+ clear H13; intros; case (Req_dec x0 y0); intro.
+ simpl in |- *; left; apply H16.
+ simpl in |- *; right; apply H13; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold Db in H14;
+ decompose [and or] H14.
+ split; assumption.
+ elim H16; assumption.
+ intro; simpl in H14; elim H14; intro; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold intersection_domain in |- *.
+ split.
+ apply (cond_fam f0); rewrite H15; exists m; apply H6.
+ unfold Db in |- *; right; assumption.
+ elim (H13 x0); intros _ H16.
+ assert (H17 := H16 H15).
+ simpl in H17.
+ unfold intersection_domain in H17.
+ split.
+ elim H17; intros; assumption.
+ unfold Db in |- *; left; elim H17; intros; assumption.
+ elim (classic (exists x : R, A x /\ m - eps < x <= m)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim H3; intros; cut (is_upper_bound A (m - eps)).
+ intro; assert (H13 := H11 _ H12); cut (m - eps < m).
+ intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H13 H14)).
+ pattern m at 2 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; unfold Rminus in |- *;
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_cancel; rewrite Ropp_involutive;
+ rewrite Ropp_0; apply (cond_pos eps).
+ set (P := fun n:R => A n /\ m - eps < n <= m);
+ assert (H12 := not_ex_all_not _ P H9); unfold P in H12;
+ unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros;
+ assert (H14 := not_and_or _ _ (H12 x)); elim H14;
+ intro.
+ elim H15; apply H13.
+ elim (not_and_or _ _ H15); intro.
+ case (Rle_dec x (m - eps)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim H16; auto with real.
+ unfold is_upper_bound in H10; assert (H17 := H10 x H13); elim H16; apply H17.
+ elim H3; clear H3; intros.
+ unfold is_upper_bound in H3.
+ split.
+ apply (H3 _ H0).
+ apply (H4 b); unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros; unfold A in H5; elim H5;
+ clear H5; intros H5 _; elim H5; clear H5; intros _ H5;
+ apply H5.
+ exists a; apply H0.
+ unfold bound in |- *; exists b; unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros;
+ unfold A in H1; elim H1; clear H1; intros H1 _; elim H1;
+ clear H1; intros _ H1; apply H1.
+ unfold A in |- *; split.
+ split; [ right; reflexivity | apply r ].
+ unfold covering_open_set in H; elim H; clear H; intros; unfold covering in H;
+ cut (a <= a <= b).
+ intro; elim (H _ H1); intros y0 H2; set (D' := fun x:R => x = y0); exists D';
+ unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; cut (x = a).
+ intro; exists y0; split.
+ rewrite H4; apply H2.
+ unfold D' in |- *; reflexivity.
+ elim H3; intros; apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
+ unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
+ exists (cons y0 nil); intro; split.
+ simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intro; elim H3; clear H3;
+ intros; unfold D' in H4; left; apply H4.
+ simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intro; elim H3; intro.
+ split; [ rewrite H4; apply (cond_fam f0); exists a; apply H2 | apply H4 ].
+ elim H4.
+ split; [ right; reflexivity | apply r ].
+ apply compact_eqDom with (fun c:R => False).
+ apply compact_EMP.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H; clear H; intros;
+ assert (H1 := Rle_trans _ _ _ H H0); elim n; apply H1.
Lemma compact_P4 :
- forall X F:R -> Prop, compact X -> closed_set F -> included F X -> compact F.
-unfold compact in |- *; intros; elim (classic (exists z : R, F z));
- intro Hyp_F_NE.
-set (D := ind f0); set (g := f f0); unfold closed_set in H0.
-set (g' := fun x y:R => f0 x y \/ complementary F y /\ D x).
-set (D' := D).
-cut (forall x:R, (exists y : R, g' x y) -> D' x).
-intro; set (f' := mkfamily D' g' H3); cut (covering_open_set X f').
-intro; elim (H _ H4); intros DX H5; exists DX.
-unfold covering_finite in |- *; unfold covering_finite in H5; elim H5;
- clear H5; intros.
-unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering in H5; intros.
-elim (H5 _ (H1 _ H7)); intros y0 H8; exists y0; simpl in H8; simpl in |- *;
- elim H8; clear H8; intros.
-unfold g' in H8; elim H8; intro.
-apply H10.
-elim H10; intros H11 _; unfold complementary in H11; elim H11; apply H7.
-apply H9.
-unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
- unfold family_finite in H6; unfold domain_finite in H6;
- elim H6; clear H6; intros l H6; exists l; intro; assert (H7 := H6 x);
- elim H7; clear H7; intros.
-intro; apply H7; simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
- simpl in H9; unfold intersection_domain in H9; unfold D' in |- *;
- apply H9.
-intro; assert (H10 := H8 H9); simpl in H10; unfold intersection_domain in H10;
- simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
- unfold D' in H10; apply H10.
-unfold covering_open_set in |- *; unfold covering_open_set in H2; elim H2;
- clear H2; intros.
-unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering in H2; intros.
-elim (classic (F x)); intro.
-elim (H2 _ H6); intros y0 H7; exists y0; simpl in |- *; unfold g' in |- *;
- left; assumption.
-cut (exists z : R, D z).
-intro; elim H7; clear H7; intros x0 H7; exists x0; simpl in |- *;
- unfold g' in |- *; right.
-unfold complementary in |- *; apply H6.
-apply H7.
-elim Hyp_F_NE; intros z0 H7.
-assert (H8 := H2 _ H7).
-elim H8; clear H8; intros t H8; exists t; apply (cond_fam f0); exists z0;
- apply H8.
-unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; simpl in |- *; unfold g' in |- *;
- elim (classic (D x)); intro.
-apply open_set_P6 with (union_domain (f0 x) (complementary F)).
-apply open_set_P2.
-unfold family_open_set in H4; apply H4.
-apply H0.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included, union_domain, complementary in |- *; intros.
-elim H6; intro; [ left; apply H7 | right; split; assumption ].
-unfold included, union_domain, complementary in |- *; intros.
-elim H6; intro; [ left; apply H7 | right; elim H7; intros; apply H8 ].
-apply open_set_P6 with (f0 x).
-unfold family_open_set in H4; apply H4.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included, complementary in |- *; intros; left; apply H6.
-unfold included, complementary in |- *; intros.
-elim H6; intro.
-apply H7.
-elim H7; intros _ H8; elim H5; apply H8.
-intros; elim H3; intros y0 H4; unfold g' in H4; elim H4; intro.
-apply (cond_fam f0); exists y0; apply H5.
-elim H5; clear H5; intros _ H5; apply H5.
+ forall X F:R -> Prop, compact X -> closed_set F -> included F X -> compact F.
+ unfold compact in |- *; intros; elim (classic (exists z : R, F z));
+ intro Hyp_F_NE.
+ set (D := ind f0); set (g := f f0); unfold closed_set in H0.
+ set (g' := fun x y:R => f0 x y \/ complementary F y /\ D x).
+ set (D' := D).
+ cut (forall x:R, (exists y : R, g' x y) -> D' x).
+ intro; set (f' := mkfamily D' g' H3); cut (covering_open_set X f').
+ intro; elim (H _ H4); intros DX H5; exists DX.
+ unfold covering_finite in |- *; unfold covering_finite in H5; elim H5;
+ clear H5; intros.
+ split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering in H5; intros.
+ elim (H5 _ (H1 _ H7)); intros y0 H8; exists y0; simpl in H8; simpl in |- *;
+ elim H8; clear H8; intros.
+ split.
+ unfold g' in H8; elim H8; intro.
+ apply H10.
+ elim H10; intros H11 _; unfold complementary in H11; elim H11; apply H7.
+ apply H9.
+ unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
+ unfold family_finite in H6; unfold domain_finite in H6;
+ elim H6; clear H6; intros l H6; exists l; intro; assert (H7 := H6 x);
+ elim H7; clear H7; intros.
+ split.
+ intro; apply H7; simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
+ simpl in H9; unfold intersection_domain in H9; unfold D' in |- *;
+ apply H9.
+ intro; assert (H10 := H8 H9); simpl in H10; unfold intersection_domain in H10;
+ simpl in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
+ unfold D' in H10; apply H10.
+ unfold covering_open_set in |- *; unfold covering_open_set in H2; elim H2;
+ clear H2; intros.
+ split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; unfold covering in H2; intros.
+ elim (classic (F x)); intro.
+ elim (H2 _ H6); intros y0 H7; exists y0; simpl in |- *; unfold g' in |- *;
+ left; assumption.
+ cut (exists z : R, D z).
+ intro; elim H7; clear H7; intros x0 H7; exists x0; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold g' in |- *; right.
+ split.
+ unfold complementary in |- *; apply H6.
+ apply H7.
+ elim Hyp_F_NE; intros z0 H7.
+ assert (H8 := H2 _ H7).
+ elim H8; clear H8; intros t H8; exists t; apply (cond_fam f0); exists z0;
+ apply H8.
+ unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; simpl in |- *; unfold g' in |- *;
+ elim (classic (D x)); intro.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (union_domain (f0 x) (complementary F)).
+ apply open_set_P2.
+ unfold family_open_set in H4; apply H4.
+ apply H0.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included, union_domain, complementary in |- *; intros.
+ elim H6; intro; [ left; apply H7 | right; split; assumption ].
+ unfold included, union_domain, complementary in |- *; intros.
+ elim H6; intro; [ left; apply H7 | right; elim H7; intros; apply H8 ].
+ apply open_set_P6 with (f0 x).
+ unfold family_open_set in H4; apply H4.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included, complementary in |- *; intros; left; apply H6.
+ unfold included, complementary in |- *; intros.
+ elim H6; intro.
+ apply H7.
+ elim H7; intros _ H8; elim H5; apply H8.
+ intros; elim H3; intros y0 H4; unfold g' in H4; elim H4; intro.
+ apply (cond_fam f0); exists y0; apply H5.
+ elim H5; clear H5; intros _ H5; apply H5.
(* Cas ou F est l'ensemble vide *)
-cut (compact F).
-intro; apply (H3 f0 H2).
-apply compact_eqDom with (fun _:R => False).
-apply compact_EMP.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H3.
-assert (H3 := not_ex_all_not _ _ Hyp_F_NE); unfold included in |- *; intros;
- elim (H3 x); apply H4.
+ cut (compact F).
+ intro; apply (H3 f0 H2).
+ apply compact_eqDom with (fun _:R => False).
+ apply compact_EMP.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; split.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H3.
+ assert (H3 := not_ex_all_not _ _ Hyp_F_NE); unfold included in |- *; intros;
+ elim (H3 x); apply H4.
Lemma compact_P5 : forall X:R -> Prop, closed_set X -> bounded X -> compact X.
-intros; unfold bounded in H0.
-elim H0; clear H0; intros m H0.
-elim H0; clear H0; intros M H0.
-assert (H1 := compact_P3 m M).
-apply (compact_P4 (fun c:R => m <= c <= M) X H1 H H0).
+ intros; unfold bounded in H0.
+ elim H0; clear H0; intros m H0.
+ elim H0; clear H0; intros M H0.
+ assert (H1 := compact_P3 m M).
+ apply (compact_P4 (fun c:R => m <= c <= M) X H1 H H0).
Lemma compact_carac :
- forall X:R -> Prop, compact X <-> closed_set X /\ bounded X.
-intro; split.
-intro; split; [ apply (compact_P2 _ H) | apply (compact_P1 _ H) ].
-intro; elim H; clear H; intros; apply (compact_P5 _ H H0).
+ forall X:R -> Prop, compact X <-> closed_set X /\ bounded X.
+ intro; split.
+ intro; split; [ apply (compact_P2 _ H) | apply (compact_P1 _ H) ].
+ intro; elim H; clear H; intros; apply (compact_P5 _ H H0).
Definition image_dir (f:R -> R) (D:R -> Prop) (x:R) : Prop :=
- exists y : R, x = f y /\ D y.
+ exists y : R, x = f y /\ D y.
Lemma continuity_compact :
- forall (f:R -> R) (X:R -> Prop),
- (forall x:R, continuity_pt f x) -> compact X -> compact (image_dir f X).
-unfold compact in |- *; intros; unfold covering_open_set in H1.
-elim H1; clear H1; intros.
-set (D := ind f1).
-set (g := fun x y:R => image_rec f0 (f1 x) y).
-cut (forall x:R, (exists y : R, g x y) -> D x).
-intro; set (f' := mkfamily D g H3).
-cut (covering_open_set X f').
-intro; elim (H0 f' H4); intros D' H5; exists D'.
-unfold covering_finite in H5; elim H5; clear H5; intros;
- unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
-unfold covering, image_dir in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold covering in H5;
- intros; elim H7; intros y H8; elim H8; intros; assert (H11 := H5 _ H10);
- simpl in H11; elim H11; intros z H12; exists z; unfold g in H12;
- unfold image_rec in H12; rewrite H9; apply H12.
-unfold family_finite in H6; unfold domain_finite in H6;
- unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
- elim H6; intros l H7; exists l; intro; elim (H7 x);
- intros; split; intro.
-apply H8; simpl in H10; simpl in |- *; apply H10.
-apply (H9 H10).
-unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; intros; simpl in |- *; unfold covering in H1;
- unfold image_dir in H1; unfold g in |- *; unfold image_rec in |- *;
- apply H1.
-exists x; split; [ reflexivity | apply H4 ].
-unfold family_open_set in |- *; unfold family_open_set in H2; intro;
- simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
- cut ((fun y:R => image_rec f0 (f1 x) y) = image_rec f0 (f1 x)).
-intro; rewrite H4.
-apply (continuity_P2 f0 (f1 x) H (H2 x)).
-intros; apply (cond_fam f1); unfold g in H3; unfold image_rec in H3; elim H3;
- intros; exists (f0 x0); apply H4.
+ forall (f:R -> R) (X:R -> Prop),
+ (forall x:R, continuity_pt f x) -> compact X -> compact (image_dir f X).
+ unfold compact in |- *; intros; unfold covering_open_set in H1.
+ elim H1; clear H1; intros.
+ set (D := ind f1).
+ set (g := fun x y:R => image_rec f0 (f1 x) y).
+ cut (forall x:R, (exists y : R, g x y) -> D x).
+ intro; set (f' := mkfamily D g H3).
+ cut (covering_open_set X f').
+ intro; elim (H0 f' H4); intros D' H5; exists D'.
+ unfold covering_finite in H5; elim H5; clear H5; intros;
+ unfold covering_finite in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering, image_dir in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold covering in H5;
+ intros; elim H7; intros y H8; elim H8; intros; assert (H11 := H5 _ H10);
+ simpl in H11; elim H11; intros z H12; exists z; unfold g in H12;
+ unfold image_rec in H12; rewrite H9; apply H12.
+ unfold family_finite in H6; unfold domain_finite in H6;
+ unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
+ elim H6; intros l H7; exists l; intro; elim (H7 x);
+ intros; split; intro.
+ apply H8; simpl in H10; simpl in |- *; apply H10.
+ apply (H9 H10).
+ unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; intros; simpl in |- *; unfold covering in H1;
+ unfold image_dir in H1; unfold g in |- *; unfold image_rec in |- *;
+ apply H1.
+ exists x; split; [ reflexivity | apply H4 ].
+ unfold family_open_set in |- *; unfold family_open_set in H2; intro;
+ simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
+ cut ((fun y:R => image_rec f0 (f1 x) y) = image_rec f0 (f1 x)).
+ intro; rewrite H4.
+ apply (continuity_P2 f0 (f1 x) H (H2 x)).
+ reflexivity.
+ intros; apply (cond_fam f1); unfold g in H3; unfold image_rec in H3; elim H3;
+ intros; exists (f0 x0); apply H4.
Lemma Rlt_Rminus : forall a b:R, a < b -> 0 < b - a.
-intros; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with a; rewrite Rplus_0_r;
- replace (a + (b - a)) with b; [ assumption | ring ].
+ intros; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with a; rewrite Rplus_0_r;
+ replace (a + (b - a)) with b; [ assumption | ring ].
Lemma prolongement_C0 :
- forall (f:R -> R) (a b:R),
- a <= b ->
- (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt f c) ->
+ forall (f:R -> R) (a b:R),
+ a <= b ->
+ (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt f c) ->
exists g : R -> R,
- continuity g /\ (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> g c = f c).
-intros; elim H; intro.
- (h :=
- fun x:R =>
- match Rle_dec x a with
- | left _ => f0 a
- | right _ =>
- match Rle_dec x b with
- | left _ => f0 x
- | right _ => f0 b
- end
- end).
-assert (H2 : 0 < b - a).
-apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
-exists h; split.
-unfold continuity in |- *; intro; case (Rtotal_order x a); intro.
-unfold continuity_pt in |- *; unfold continue_in in |- *;
- unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
- simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *; intros; exists (a - x);
- split.
-change (0 < a - x) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
-intros; elim H5; clear H5; intros _ H5; unfold h in |- *.
-case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
-case (Rle_dec x0 a); intro.
-unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; assumption.
-elim n; left; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- x);
- do 2 rewrite (Rplus_comm (- x)); apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x0 - x)).
-apply RRle_abs.
-elim n; left; assumption.
-elim H3; intro.
-assert (H5 : a <= a <= b).
-split; [ right; reflexivity | left; assumption ].
-assert (H6 := H0 _ H5); unfold continuity_pt in H6; unfold continue_in in H6;
- unfold limit1_in in H6; unfold limit_in in H6; simpl in H6;
- unfold R_dist in H6; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
- unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
- unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
- intros; elim (H6 _ H7); intros; exists (Rmin x0 (b - a));
- split.
-unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (b - a)); intro.
-elim H8; intros; assumption.
-change (0 < b - a) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
-intros; elim H9; clear H9; intros _ H9; cut (x1 < b).
-intro; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
-case (Rle_dec x1 a); intro.
-unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; assumption.
-case (Rle_dec x1 b); intro.
-elim H8; intros; apply H12; split.
-unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split.
-red in |- *; intro; elim n; right; symmetry in |- *; assumption.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
-rewrite H4 in H9; apply H9.
-apply Rmin_l.
-elim n0; left; assumption.
-elim n; right; assumption.
-apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- a); do 2 rewrite (Rplus_comm (- a));
- rewrite H4 in H9; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - a)).
-apply RRle_abs.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
-apply Rmin_r.
-case (Rtotal_order x b); intro.
-assert (H6 : a <= x <= b).
-split; left; assumption.
-assert (H7 := H0 _ H6); unfold continuity_pt in H7; unfold continue_in in H7;
- unfold limit1_in in H7; unfold limit_in in H7; simpl in H7;
- unfold R_dist in H7; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
- unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
- unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
- intros; elim (H7 _ H8); intros; elim H9; clear H9;
- intros.
-assert (H11 : 0 < x - a).
-apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
-assert (H12 : 0 < b - x).
-apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
-exists (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))); split.
-unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec (x - a) (b - x)); intro.
-case (Rle_dec x0 (x - a)); intro.
-case (Rle_dec x0 (b - x)); intro.
-intros; elim H13; clear H13; intros; cut (a < x1 < b).
-intro; elim H15; clear H15; intros; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a);
- intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H4)).
-case (Rle_dec x b); intro.
-case (Rle_dec x1 a); intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r0 H15)).
-case (Rle_dec x1 b); intro.
-apply H10; split.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))).
-apply Rmin_l.
-elim n1; left; assumption.
-elim n0; left; assumption.
-apply Ropp_lt_cancel; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with x;
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - x)).
-rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply RRle_abs.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))).
-apply Rle_trans with (Rmin (x - a) (b - x)).
-apply Rmin_r.
-apply Rmin_l.
-apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- x); do 2 rewrite (Rplus_comm (- x));
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - x)).
-apply RRle_abs.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))).
-apply Rle_trans with (Rmin (x - a) (b - x)); apply Rmin_r.
-elim H5; intro.
-assert (H7 : a <= b <= b).
-split; [ left; assumption | right; reflexivity ].
-assert (H8 := H0 _ H7); unfold continuity_pt in H8; unfold continue_in in H8;
- unfold limit1_in in H8; unfold limit_in in H8; simpl in H8;
- unfold R_dist in H8; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
- unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
- unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
- intros; elim (H8 _ H9); intros; exists (Rmin x0 (b - a));
- split.
-unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (b - a)); intro.
-elim H10; intros; assumption.
-change (0 < b - a) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
-intros; elim H11; clear H11; intros _ H11; cut (a < x1).
-intro; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H4)).
-case (Rle_dec x1 a); intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H12)).
-case (Rle_dec x b); intro.
-case (Rle_dec x1 b); intro.
-rewrite H6; elim H10; intros; elim r0; intro.
-apply H14; split.
-unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split.
-red in |- *; intro; rewrite <- H16 in H15; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H15).
-rewrite H6 in H11; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
-apply H11.
-apply Rmin_l.
-rewrite H15; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
- assumption.
-rewrite H6; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
- assumption.
-elim n1; right; assumption.
-rewrite H6 in H11; apply Ropp_lt_cancel; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with b;
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - b)).
-rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply RRle_abs.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
-apply Rmin_r.
-unfold continuity_pt in |- *; unfold continue_in in |- *;
- unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
- simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *; intros; exists (x - b);
- split.
-change (0 < x - b) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
-intros; elim H8; clear H8; intros.
-assert (H10 : b < x0).
-apply Ropp_lt_cancel; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with x;
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x0 - x)).
-rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply RRle_abs.
-unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H4)).
-case (Rle_dec x b); intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H6)).
-case (Rle_dec x0 a); intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_trans _ _ _ H1 (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H10 r))).
-case (Rle_dec x0 b); intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H10)).
-unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; assumption.
-intros; elim H3; intros; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec c a); intro.
-elim r; intro.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H4 H6)).
-rewrite H6; reflexivity.
-case (Rle_dec c b); intro.
-elim n0; assumption.
-exists (fun _:R => f0 a); split.
-apply derivable_continuous; apply (derivable_const (f0 a)).
-intros; elim H2; intros; rewrite H1 in H3; cut (b = c).
-intro; rewrite <- H5; rewrite H1; reflexivity.
-apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
+ continuity g /\ (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> g c = f c).
+ intros; elim H; intro.
+ set
+ (h :=
+ fun x:R =>
+ match Rle_dec x a with
+ | left _ => f0 a
+ | right _ =>
+ match Rle_dec x b with
+ | left _ => f0 x
+ | right _ => f0 b
+ end
+ end).
+ assert (H2 : 0 < b - a).
+ apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
+ exists h; split.
+ unfold continuity in |- *; intro; case (Rtotal_order x a); intro.
+ unfold continuity_pt in |- *; unfold continue_in in |- *;
+ unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
+ simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *; intros; exists (a - x);
+ split.
+ change (0 < a - x) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
+ intros; elim H5; clear H5; intros _ H5; unfold h in |- *.
+ case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
+ case (Rle_dec x0 a); intro.
+ unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; assumption.
+ elim n; left; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- x);
+ do 2 rewrite (Rplus_comm (- x)); apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x0 - x)).
+ apply RRle_abs.
+ assumption.
+ elim n; left; assumption.
+ elim H3; intro.
+ assert (H5 : a <= a <= b).
+ split; [ right; reflexivity | left; assumption ].
+ assert (H6 := H0 _ H5); unfold continuity_pt in H6; unfold continue_in in H6;
+ unfold limit1_in in H6; unfold limit_in in H6; simpl in H6;
+ unfold R_dist in H6; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
+ unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
+ unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
+ intros; elim (H6 _ H7); intros; exists (Rmin x0 (b - a));
+ split.
+ unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (b - a)); intro.
+ elim H8; intros; assumption.
+ change (0 < b - a) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
+ intros; elim H9; clear H9; intros _ H9; cut (x1 < b).
+ intro; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
+ case (Rle_dec x1 a); intro.
+ unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; assumption.
+ case (Rle_dec x1 b); intro.
+ elim H8; intros; apply H12; split.
+ unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split.
+ trivial.
+ red in |- *; intro; elim n; right; symmetry in |- *; assumption.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
+ rewrite H4 in H9; apply H9.
+ apply Rmin_l.
+ elim n0; left; assumption.
+ elim n; right; assumption.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- a); do 2 rewrite (Rplus_comm (- a));
+ rewrite H4 in H9; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - a)).
+ apply RRle_abs.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
+ assumption.
+ apply Rmin_r.
+ case (Rtotal_order x b); intro.
+ assert (H6 : a <= x <= b).
+ split; left; assumption.
+ assert (H7 := H0 _ H6); unfold continuity_pt in H7; unfold continue_in in H7;
+ unfold limit1_in in H7; unfold limit_in in H7; simpl in H7;
+ unfold R_dist in H7; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
+ unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
+ unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
+ intros; elim (H7 _ H8); intros; elim H9; clear H9;
+ intros.
+ assert (H11 : 0 < x - a).
+ apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
+ assert (H12 : 0 < b - x).
+ apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
+ exists (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))); split.
+ unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec (x - a) (b - x)); intro.
+ case (Rle_dec x0 (x - a)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ case (Rle_dec x0 (b - x)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ intros; elim H13; clear H13; intros; cut (a < x1 < b).
+ intro; elim H15; clear H15; intros; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a);
+ intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H4)).
+ case (Rle_dec x b); intro.
+ case (Rle_dec x1 a); intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r0 H15)).
+ case (Rle_dec x1 b); intro.
+ apply H10; split.
+ assumption.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))).
+ assumption.
+ apply Rmin_l.
+ elim n1; left; assumption.
+ elim n0; left; assumption.
+ split.
+ apply Ropp_lt_cancel; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with x;
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - x)).
+ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply RRle_abs.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))).
+ assumption.
+ apply Rle_trans with (Rmin (x - a) (b - x)).
+ apply Rmin_r.
+ apply Rmin_l.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- x); do 2 rewrite (Rplus_comm (- x));
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - x)).
+ apply RRle_abs.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (Rmin (x - a) (b - x))).
+ assumption.
+ apply Rle_trans with (Rmin (x - a) (b - x)); apply Rmin_r.
+ elim H5; intro.
+ assert (H7 : a <= b <= b).
+ split; [ left; assumption | right; reflexivity ].
+ assert (H8 := H0 _ H7); unfold continuity_pt in H8; unfold continue_in in H8;
+ unfold limit1_in in H8; unfold limit_in in H8; simpl in H8;
+ unfold R_dist in H8; unfold continuity_pt in |- *;
+ unfold continue_in in |- *; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
+ unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *;
+ intros; elim (H8 _ H9); intros; exists (Rmin x0 (b - a));
+ split.
+ unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (b - a)); intro.
+ elim H10; intros; assumption.
+ change (0 < b - a) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
+ intros; elim H11; clear H11; intros _ H11; cut (a < x1).
+ intro; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H4)).
+ case (Rle_dec x1 a); intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H12)).
+ case (Rle_dec x b); intro.
+ case (Rle_dec x1 b); intro.
+ rewrite H6; elim H10; intros; elim r0; intro.
+ apply H14; split.
+ unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split.
+ trivial.
+ red in |- *; intro; rewrite <- H16 in H15; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H15).
+ rewrite H6 in H11; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
+ apply H11.
+ apply Rmin_l.
+ rewrite H15; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
+ assumption.
+ rewrite H6; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
+ assumption.
+ elim n1; right; assumption.
+ rewrite H6 in H11; apply Ropp_lt_cancel; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with b;
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x1 - b)).
+ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply RRle_abs.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (b - a)).
+ assumption.
+ apply Rmin_r.
+ unfold continuity_pt in |- *; unfold continue_in in |- *;
+ unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
+ simpl in |- *; unfold R_dist in |- *; intros; exists (x - b);
+ split.
+ change (0 < x - b) in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; assumption.
+ intros; elim H8; clear H8; intros.
+ assert (H10 : b < x0).
+ apply Ropp_lt_cancel; apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with x;
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x0 - x)).
+ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply RRle_abs.
+ assumption.
+ unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec x a); intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H4)).
+ case (Rle_dec x b); intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H6)).
+ case (Rle_dec x0 a); intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_trans _ _ _ H1 (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H10 r))).
+ case (Rle_dec x0 b); intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ r H10)).
+ unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0; assumption.
+ intros; elim H3; intros; unfold h in |- *; case (Rle_dec c a); intro.
+ elim r; intro.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H4 H6)).
+ rewrite H6; reflexivity.
+ case (Rle_dec c b); intro.
+ reflexivity.
+ elim n0; assumption.
+ exists (fun _:R => f0 a); split.
+ apply derivable_continuous; apply (derivable_const (f0 a)).
+ intros; elim H2; intros; rewrite H1 in H3; cut (b = c).
+ intro; rewrite <- H5; rewrite H1; reflexivity.
+ apply Rle_antisym; assumption.
Lemma continuity_ab_maj :
- forall (f:R -> R) (a b:R),
- a <= b ->
- (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt f c) ->
+ forall (f:R -> R) (a b:R),
+ a <= b ->
+ (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt f c) ->
exists Mx : R, (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> f c <= f Mx) /\ a <= Mx <= b.
- cut
- (exists g : R -> R,
- continuity g /\ (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> g c = f0 c)).
-intro HypProl.
-elim HypProl; intros g Hcont_eq.
-elim Hcont_eq; clear Hcont_eq; intros Hcont Heq.
-assert (H1 := compact_P3 a b).
-assert (H2 := continuity_compact g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) Hcont H1).
-assert (H3 := compact_P2 _ H2).
-assert (H4 := compact_P1 _ H2).
-cut (bound (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b))).
-cut (exists x : R, image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) x).
-intros; assert (H7 := completeness _ H6 H5).
-elim H7; clear H7; intros M H7; cut (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) M).
-intro; unfold image_dir in H8; elim H8; clear H8; intros Mxx H8; elim H8;
- clear H8; intros; exists Mxx; split.
-intros; rewrite <- (Heq c H10); rewrite <- (Heq Mxx H9); intros;
- rewrite <- H8; unfold is_lub in H7; elim H7; clear H7;
- intros H7 _; unfold is_upper_bound in H7; apply H7;
- unfold image_dir in |- *; exists c; split; [ reflexivity | apply H10 ].
-apply H9.
-elim (classic (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) M)); intro.
- (exists eps : posreal,
- (forall y:R,
- ~
- intersection_domain (disc M eps)
- (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) y)).
-intro; elim H9; clear H9; intros eps H9; unfold is_lub in H7; elim H7;
- clear H7; intros;
- cut (is_upper_bound (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) (M - eps)).
-intro; assert (H12 := H10 _ H11); cut (M - eps < M).
-intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H12 H13)).
-pattern M at 2 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; unfold Rminus in |- *;
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_cancel; rewrite Ropp_0;
- rewrite Ropp_involutive; apply (cond_pos eps).
-unfold is_upper_bound, image_dir in |- *; intros; cut (x <= M).
-intro; case (Rle_dec x (M - eps)); intro.
-apply r.
-elim (H9 x); unfold intersection_domain, disc, image_dir in |- *; split.
-rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; rewrite Rabs_right.
-apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (x - eps);
- replace (x - eps + (M - x)) with (M - eps).
-replace (x - eps + eps) with x.
-auto with real.
-apply Rge_minus; apply Rle_ge; apply H12.
-apply H11.
-apply H7; apply H11.
- (exists V : R -> Prop,
- neighbourhood V M /\
- (forall y:R,
- ~ intersection_domain V (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) y)).
-intro; elim H9; intros V H10; elim H10; clear H10; intros.
-unfold neighbourhood in H10; elim H10; intros del H12; exists del; intros;
- red in |- *; intro; elim (H11 y).
-unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in H13;
- elim H13; clear H13; intros; split.
-apply (H12 _ H13).
-apply H14.
-cut (~ point_adherent (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) M).
-intro; unfold point_adherent in H9.
- (H10 :=
- not_all_ex_not _
- (fun V:R -> Prop =>
- neighbourhood V M ->
+ intros;
+ cut
+ (exists g : R -> R,
+ continuity g /\ (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> g c = f0 c)).
+ intro HypProl.
+ elim HypProl; intros g Hcont_eq.
+ elim Hcont_eq; clear Hcont_eq; intros Hcont Heq.
+ assert (H1 := compact_P3 a b).
+ assert (H2 := continuity_compact g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) Hcont H1).
+ assert (H3 := compact_P2 _ H2).
+ assert (H4 := compact_P1 _ H2).
+ cut (bound (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b))).
+ cut (exists x : R, image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) x).
+ intros; assert (H7 := completeness _ H6 H5).
+ elim H7; clear H7; intros M H7; cut (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) M).
+ intro; unfold image_dir in H8; elim H8; clear H8; intros Mxx H8; elim H8;
+ clear H8; intros; exists Mxx; split.
+ intros; rewrite <- (Heq c H10); rewrite <- (Heq Mxx H9); intros;
+ rewrite <- H8; unfold is_lub in H7; elim H7; clear H7;
+ intros H7 _; unfold is_upper_bound in H7; apply H7;
+ unfold image_dir in |- *; exists c; split; [ reflexivity | apply H10 ].
+ apply H9.
+ elim (classic (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b) M)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ cut
+ (exists eps : posreal,
+ (forall y:R,
+ ~
+ intersection_domain (disc M eps)
+ (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) y)).
+ intro; elim H9; clear H9; intros eps H9; unfold is_lub in H7; elim H7;
+ clear H7; intros;
+ cut (is_upper_bound (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) (M - eps)).
+ intro; assert (H12 := H10 _ H11); cut (M - eps < M).
+ intro; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ H12 H13)).
+ pattern M at 2 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r; unfold Rminus in |- *;
+ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Ropp_lt_cancel; rewrite Ropp_0;
+ rewrite Ropp_involutive; apply (cond_pos eps).
+ unfold is_upper_bound, image_dir in |- *; intros; cut (x <= M).
+ intro; case (Rle_dec x (M - eps)); intro.
+ apply r.
+ elim (H9 x); unfold intersection_domain, disc, image_dir in |- *; split.
+ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; rewrite Rabs_right.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (x - eps);
+ replace (x - eps + (M - x)) with (M - eps).
+ replace (x - eps + eps) with x.
+ auto with real.
+ ring.
+ ring.
+ apply Rge_minus; apply Rle_ge; apply H12.
+ apply H11.
+ apply H7; apply H11.
+ cut
+ (exists V : R -> Prop,
+ neighbourhood V M /\
+ (forall y:R,
+ ~ intersection_domain V (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) y)).
+ intro; elim H9; intros V H10; elim H10; clear H10; intros.
+ unfold neighbourhood in H10; elim H10; intros del H12; exists del; intros;
+ red in |- *; intro; elim (H11 y).
+ unfold intersection_domain in |- *; unfold intersection_domain in H13;
+ elim H13; clear H13; intros; split.
+ apply (H12 _ H13).
+ apply H14.
+ cut (~ point_adherent (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) M).
+ intro; unfold point_adherent in H9.
+ assert
+ (H10 :=
+ not_all_ex_not _
+ (fun V:R -> Prop =>
+ neighbourhood V M ->
exists y : R,
- intersection_domain V (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) y) H9).
-elim H10; intros V0 H11; exists V0; assert (H12 := imply_to_and _ _ H11);
- elim H12; clear H12; intros.
-apply H12.
-apply (not_ex_all_not _ _ H13).
-red in |- *; intro; cut (adherence (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) M).
-intro; elim (closed_set_P1 (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)));
- intros H11 _; assert (H12 := H11 H3).
-elim H8.
-unfold eq_Dom in H12; elim H12; clear H12; intros.
-apply (H13 _ H10).
-apply H9.
-exists (g a); unfold image_dir in |- *; exists a; split.
-split; [ right; reflexivity | apply H ].
-unfold bound in |- *; unfold bounded in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros m H4;
- elim H4; clear H4; intros M H4; exists M; unfold is_upper_bound in |- *;
- intros; elim (H4 _ H5); intros _ H6; apply H6.
-apply prolongement_C0; assumption.
+ intersection_domain V (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) y) H9).
+ elim H10; intros V0 H11; exists V0; assert (H12 := imply_to_and _ _ H11);
+ elim H12; clear H12; intros.
+ split.
+ apply H12.
+ apply (not_ex_all_not _ _ H13).
+ red in |- *; intro; cut (adherence (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)) M).
+ intro; elim (closed_set_P1 (image_dir g (fun c:R => a <= c <= b)));
+ intros H11 _; assert (H12 := H11 H3).
+ elim H8.
+ unfold eq_Dom in H12; elim H12; clear H12; intros.
+ apply (H13 _ H10).
+ apply H9.
+ exists (g a); unfold image_dir in |- *; exists a; split.
+ reflexivity.
+ split; [ right; reflexivity | apply H ].
+ unfold bound in |- *; unfold bounded in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros m H4;
+ elim H4; clear H4; intros M H4; exists M; unfold is_upper_bound in |- *;
+ intros; elim (H4 _ H5); intros _ H6; apply H6.
+ apply prolongement_C0; assumption.
Lemma continuity_ab_min :
- forall (f:R -> R) (a b:R),
- a <= b ->
- (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt f c) ->
+ forall (f:R -> R) (a b:R),
+ a <= b ->
+ (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt f c) ->
exists mx : R, (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> f mx <= f c) /\ a <= mx <= b.
-cut (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt (- f0) c).
-intro; assert (H2 := continuity_ab_maj (- f0)%F a b H H1); elim H2;
- intros x0 H3; exists x0; intros; split.
-intros; rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (f0 x0));
- rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (f0 c)); apply Ropp_le_contravar;
- elim H3; intros; unfold opp_fct in H5; apply H5; apply H4.
-elim H3; intros; assumption.
-assert (H2 := H0 _ H1).
-apply (continuity_pt_opp _ _ H2).
+ intros.
+ cut (forall c:R, a <= c <= b -> continuity_pt (- f0) c).
+ intro; assert (H2 := continuity_ab_maj (- f0)%F a b H H1); elim H2;
+ intros x0 H3; exists x0; intros; split.
+ intros; rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (f0 x0));
+ rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (f0 c)); apply Ropp_le_contravar;
+ elim H3; intros; unfold opp_fct in H5; apply H5; apply H4.
+ elim H3; intros; assumption.
+ intros.
+ assert (H2 := H0 _ H1).
+ apply (continuity_pt_opp _ _ H2).
-(* Proof of Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem *)
+(** * Proof of Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem *)
Definition ValAdh (un:nat -> R) (x:R) : Prop :=
@@ -1280,66 +1319,69 @@ Definition intersection_family (f:family) (x:R) : Prop :=
forall y:R, ind f y -> f y x.
Lemma ValAdh_un_exists :
- forall (un:nat -> R) (D:=fun x:R => exists n : nat, x = INR n)
- (f:=
- fun x:R =>
- adherence
+ forall (un:nat -> R) (D:=fun x:R => exists n : nat, x = INR n)
+ (f:=
+ fun x:R =>
+ adherence
(fun y:R => (exists p : nat, y = un p /\ x <= INR p) /\ D x))
- (x:R), (exists y : R, f x y) -> D x.
-intros; elim H; intros; unfold f in H0; unfold adherence in H0;
- unfold point_adherent in H0;
- assert (H1 : neighbourhood (disc x0 (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1)) x0).
-unfold neighbourhood, disc in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
- unfold included in |- *; trivial.
-elim (H0 _ H1); intros; unfold intersection_domain in H2; elim H2; intros;
- elim H4; intros; apply H6.
+ (x:R), (exists y : R, f x y) -> D x.
+ intros; elim H; intros; unfold f in H0; unfold adherence in H0;
+ unfold point_adherent in H0;
+ assert (H1 : neighbourhood (disc x0 (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1)) x0).
+ unfold neighbourhood, disc in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
+ unfold included in |- *; trivial.
+ elim (H0 _ H1); intros; unfold intersection_domain in H2; elim H2; intros;
+ elim H4; intros; apply H6.
Definition ValAdh_un (un:nat -> R) : R -> Prop :=
let D := fun x:R => exists n : nat, x = INR n in
- let f :=
- fun x:R =>
- adherence
+ let f :=
+ fun x:R =>
+ adherence
(fun y:R => (exists p : nat, y = un p /\ x <= INR p) /\ D x) in
- intersection_family (mkfamily D f (ValAdh_un_exists un)).
+ intersection_family (mkfamily D f (ValAdh_un_exists un)).
Lemma ValAdh_un_prop :
- forall (un:nat -> R) (x:R), ValAdh un x <-> ValAdh_un un x.
-intros; split; intro.
-unfold ValAdh in H; unfold ValAdh_un in |- *;
- unfold intersection_family in |- *; simpl in |- *;
- intros; elim H0; intros N H1; unfold adherence in |- *;
- unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros; elim (H V N H2);
- intros; exists (un x0); unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
- elim H3; clear H3; intros; split.
-exists x0; split; [ reflexivity | rewrite H1; apply (le_INR _ _ H3) ].
-exists N; assumption.
-unfold ValAdh in |- *; intros; unfold ValAdh_un in H;
- unfold intersection_family in H; simpl in H;
- assert
- (H1 :
- adherence
- (fun y0:R =>
- (exists p : nat, y0 = un p /\ INR N <= INR p) /\
- (exists n : nat, INR N = INR n)) x).
-apply H; exists N; reflexivity.
-unfold adherence in H1; unfold point_adherent in H1; assert (H2 := H1 _ H0);
- elim H2; intros; unfold intersection_domain in H3;
- elim H3; clear H3; intros; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
- elim H4; clear H4; intros; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
- exists x1; split.
-apply (INR_le _ _ H6).
-rewrite H4 in H3; apply H3.
+ forall (un:nat -> R) (x:R), ValAdh un x <-> ValAdh_un un x.
+ intros; split; intro.
+ unfold ValAdh in H; unfold ValAdh_un in |- *;
+ unfold intersection_family in |- *; simpl in |- *;
+ intros; elim H0; intros N H1; unfold adherence in |- *;
+ unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros; elim (H V N H2);
+ intros; exists (un x0); unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
+ elim H3; clear H3; intros; split.
+ assumption.
+ split.
+ exists x0; split; [ reflexivity | rewrite H1; apply (le_INR _ _ H3) ].
+ exists N; assumption.
+ unfold ValAdh in |- *; intros; unfold ValAdh_un in H;
+ unfold intersection_family in H; simpl in H;
+ assert
+ (H1 :
+ adherence
+ (fun y0:R =>
+ (exists p : nat, y0 = un p /\ INR N <= INR p) /\
+ (exists n : nat, INR N = INR n)) x).
+ apply H; exists N; reflexivity.
+ unfold adherence in H1; unfold point_adherent in H1; assert (H2 := H1 _ H0);
+ elim H2; intros; unfold intersection_domain in H3;
+ elim H3; clear H3; intros; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
+ elim H4; clear H4; intros; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
+ exists x1; split.
+ apply (INR_le _ _ H6).
+ rewrite H4 in H3; apply H3.
Lemma adherence_P4 :
- forall F G:R -> Prop, included F G -> included (adherence F) (adherence G).
-unfold adherence, included in |- *; unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros;
- elim (H0 _ H1); unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
- intros; elim H2; clear H2; intros; exists x0; split;
- [ assumption | apply (H _ H3) ].
+ forall F G:R -> Prop, included F G -> included (adherence F) (adherence G).
+ unfold adherence, included in |- *; unfold point_adherent in |- *; intros;
+ elim (H0 _ H1); unfold intersection_domain in |- *;
+ intros; elim H2; clear H2; intros; exists x0; split;
+ [ assumption | apply (H _ H3) ].
Definition family_closed_set (f:family) : Prop :=
@@ -1355,471 +1397,476 @@ Definition intersection_vide_finite_in (D:R -> Prop)
Lemma compact_P6 :
- forall X:R -> Prop,
- compact X ->
- (exists z : R, X z) ->
- forall g:family,
- family_closed_set g ->
- intersection_vide_in X g ->
+ forall X:R -> Prop,
+ compact X ->
+ (exists z : R, X z) ->
+ forall g:family,
+ family_closed_set g ->
+ intersection_vide_in X g ->
exists D : R -> Prop, intersection_vide_finite_in X (subfamily g D).
-intros X H Hyp g H0 H1.
-set (D' := ind g).
-set (f' := fun x y:R => complementary (g x) y /\ D' x).
-assert (H2 : forall x:R, (exists y : R, f' x y) -> D' x).
-intros; elim H2; intros; unfold f' in H3; elim H3; intros; assumption.
-set (f0 := mkfamily D' f' H2).
-unfold compact in H; assert (H3 : covering_open_set X f0).
-unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; intros; unfold intersection_vide_in in H1;
- elim (H1 x); intros; unfold intersection_family in H5;
- assert
- (H6 := not_ex_all_not _ (fun y:R => forall y0:R, ind g y0 -> g y0 y) H5 x);
- assert (H7 := not_all_ex_not _ (fun y0:R => ind g y0 -> g y0 x) H6);
- elim H7; intros; exists x0; elim (imply_to_and _ _ H8);
- intros; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold f' in |- *;
- split; [ apply H10 | apply H9 ].
-unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; elim (classic (D' x)); intro.
-apply open_set_P6 with (complementary (g x)).
-unfold family_closed_set in H0; unfold closed_set in H0; apply H0.
-unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold f' in |- *; unfold eq_Dom in |- *;
- split.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; split; [ apply H4 | apply H3 ].
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H4; intros; assumption.
-apply open_set_P6 with (fun _:R => False).
-apply open_set_P4.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold included in |- *; split; intros;
- [ elim H4
- | simpl in H4; unfold f' in H4; elim H4; intros; elim H3; assumption ].
-elim (H _ H3); intros SF H4; exists SF;
- unfold intersection_vide_finite_in in |- *; split.
-unfold intersection_vide_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; split.
-intros; unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold intersection_vide_in in H1;
- elim (H1 x); intros; elim H6; intros; apply H7.
-unfold intersection_domain in H5; elim H5; intros; assumption.
-elim (classic (exists y : R, intersection_domain (ind g) SF y)); intro Hyp'.
-red in |- *; intro; elim H5; intros; unfold intersection_family in H6;
- simpl in H6.
-cut (X x0).
-intro; unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros H4 _;
- unfold covering in H4; elim (H4 x0 H7); intros; simpl in H8;
- unfold intersection_domain in H6; cut (ind g x1 /\ SF x1).
-intro; assert (H10 := H6 x1 H9); elim H10; clear H10; intros H10 _; elim H8;
- clear H8; intros H8 _; unfold f' in H8; unfold complementary in H8;
- elim H8; clear H8; intros H8 _; elim H8; assumption.
-apply (cond_fam f0).
-exists x0; elim H8; intros; assumption.
-elim H8; intros; assumption.
-unfold intersection_vide_in in H1; elim Hyp'; intros; assert (H8 := H6 _ H7);
- elim H8; intros; cut (ind g x1).
-intro; elim (H1 x1); intros; apply H12.
-apply H11.
-apply H9.
-apply (cond_fam g); exists x0; assumption.
-unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros H4 _;
- cut (exists z : R, X z).
-intro; elim H5; clear H5; intros; unfold covering in H4; elim (H4 x0 H5);
- intros; simpl in H6; elim Hyp'; exists x1; elim H6;
- intros; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; split.
-apply (cond_fam f0); exists x0; apply H7.
-apply H8.
-apply Hyp.
-unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
- unfold family_finite in H5; unfold domain_finite in H5;
- unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
- elim H5; clear H5; intros l H5; exists l; intro; elim (H5 x);
- intros; split; intro;
- [ apply H6; simpl in |- *; simpl in H8; apply H8 | apply (H7 H8) ].
+ intros X H Hyp g H0 H1.
+ set (D' := ind g).
+ set (f' := fun x y:R => complementary (g x) y /\ D' x).
+ assert (H2 : forall x:R, (exists y : R, f' x y) -> D' x).
+ intros; elim H2; intros; unfold f' in H3; elim H3; intros; assumption.
+ set (f0 := mkfamily D' f' H2).
+ unfold compact in H; assert (H3 : covering_open_set X f0).
+ unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; intros; unfold intersection_vide_in in H1;
+ elim (H1 x); intros; unfold intersection_family in H5;
+ assert
+ (H6 := not_ex_all_not _ (fun y:R => forall y0:R, ind g y0 -> g y0 y) H5 x);
+ assert (H7 := not_all_ex_not _ (fun y0:R => ind g y0 -> g y0 x) H6);
+ elim H7; intros; exists x0; elim (imply_to_and _ _ H8);
+ intros; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold f' in |- *;
+ split; [ apply H10 | apply H9 ].
+ unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; elim (classic (D' x)); intro.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (complementary (g x)).
+ unfold family_closed_set in H0; unfold closed_set in H0; apply H0.
+ unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold f' in |- *; unfold eq_Dom in |- *;
+ split.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; split; [ apply H4 | apply H3 ].
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H4; intros; assumption.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (fun _:R => False).
+ apply open_set_P4.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold included in |- *; split; intros;
+ [ elim H4
+ | simpl in H4; unfold f' in H4; elim H4; intros; elim H3; assumption ].
+ elim (H _ H3); intros SF H4; exists SF;
+ unfold intersection_vide_finite_in in |- *; split.
+ unfold intersection_vide_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; split.
+ intros; unfold included in |- *; intros; unfold intersection_vide_in in H1;
+ elim (H1 x); intros; elim H6; intros; apply H7.
+ unfold intersection_domain in H5; elim H5; intros; assumption.
+ assumption.
+ elim (classic (exists y : R, intersection_domain (ind g) SF y)); intro Hyp'.
+ red in |- *; intro; elim H5; intros; unfold intersection_family in H6;
+ simpl in H6.
+ cut (X x0).
+ intro; unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros H4 _;
+ unfold covering in H4; elim (H4 x0 H7); intros; simpl in H8;
+ unfold intersection_domain in H6; cut (ind g x1 /\ SF x1).
+ intro; assert (H10 := H6 x1 H9); elim H10; clear H10; intros H10 _; elim H8;
+ clear H8; intros H8 _; unfold f' in H8; unfold complementary in H8;
+ elim H8; clear H8; intros H8 _; elim H8; assumption.
+ split.
+ apply (cond_fam f0).
+ exists x0; elim H8; intros; assumption.
+ elim H8; intros; assumption.
+ unfold intersection_vide_in in H1; elim Hyp'; intros; assert (H8 := H6 _ H7);
+ elim H8; intros; cut (ind g x1).
+ intro; elim (H1 x1); intros; apply H12.
+ apply H11.
+ apply H9.
+ apply (cond_fam g); exists x0; assumption.
+ unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros H4 _;
+ cut (exists z : R, X z).
+ intro; elim H5; clear H5; intros; unfold covering in H4; elim (H4 x0 H5);
+ intros; simpl in H6; elim Hyp'; exists x1; elim H6;
+ intros; unfold intersection_domain in |- *; split.
+ apply (cond_fam f0); exists x0; apply H7.
+ apply H8.
+ apply Hyp.
+ unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
+ unfold family_finite in H5; unfold domain_finite in H5;
+ unfold family_finite in |- *; unfold domain_finite in |- *;
+ elim H5; clear H5; intros l H5; exists l; intro; elim (H5 x);
+ intros; split; intro;
+ [ apply H6; simpl in |- *; simpl in H8; apply H8 | apply (H7 H8) ].
Theorem Bolzano_Weierstrass :
- forall (un:nat -> R) (X:R -> Prop),
- compact X -> (forall n:nat, X (un n)) -> exists l : R, ValAdh un l.
-intros; cut (exists l : R, ValAdh_un un l).
-intro; elim H1; intros; exists x; elim (ValAdh_un_prop un x); intros;
- apply (H4 H2).
-assert (H1 : exists z : R, X z).
-exists (un 0%nat); apply H0.
-set (D := fun x:R => exists n : nat, x = INR n).
- (g :=
- fun x:R =>
- adherence (fun y:R => (exists p : nat, y = un p /\ x <= INR p) /\ D x)).
-assert (H2 : forall x:R, (exists y : R, g x y) -> D x).
-intros; elim H2; intros; unfold g in H3; unfold adherence in H3;
- unfold point_adherent in H3.
-assert (H4 : neighbourhood (disc x0 (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1)) x0).
-unfold neighbourhood in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
- unfold included in |- *; trivial.
-elim (H3 _ H4); intros; unfold intersection_domain in H5; decompose [and] H5;
- assumption.
-set (f0 := mkfamily D g H2).
-assert (H3 := compact_P6 X H H1 f0).
-elim (classic (exists l : R, ValAdh_un un l)); intro.
-cut (family_closed_set f0).
-intro; cut (intersection_vide_in X f0).
-intro; assert (H7 := H3 H5 H6).
-elim H7; intros SF H8; unfold intersection_vide_finite_in in H8; elim H8;
- clear H8; intros; unfold intersection_vide_in in H8;
- elim (H8 0); intros _ H10; elim H10; unfold family_finite in H9;
- unfold domain_finite in H9; elim H9; clear H9; intros l H9;
- set (r := MaxRlist l); cut (D r).
-intro; unfold D in H11; elim H11; intros; exists (un x);
- unfold intersection_family in |- *; simpl in |- *;
- unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intros; split.
-unfold g in |- *; apply adherence_P1; split.
-exists x; split;
- [ reflexivity
- | rewrite <- H12; unfold r in |- *; apply MaxRlist_P1; elim (H9 y); intros;
- apply H14; simpl in |- *; apply H13 ].
-elim H13; intros; assumption.
-elim H13; intros; assumption.
-elim (H9 r); intros.
-simpl in H12; unfold intersection_domain in H12; cut (In r l).
-intro; elim (H12 H13); intros; assumption.
-unfold r in |- *; apply MaxRlist_P2;
- cut (exists z : R, intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z).
-intro; elim H13; intros; elim (H9 x); intros; simpl in H15;
- assert (H17 := H15 H14); exists x; apply H17.
-elim (classic (exists z : R, intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z)); intro.
-elim (H8 0); intros _ H14; elim H1; intros;
- assert
- (H16 :=
- not_ex_all_not _ (fun y:R => intersection_family (subfamily f0 SF) y) H14);
- assert
- (H17 :=
- not_ex_all_not _ (fun z:R => intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z) H13);
- assert (H18 := H16 x); unfold intersection_family in H18;
- simpl in H18;
- assert
- (H19 :=
- not_all_ex_not _ (fun y:R => intersection_domain D SF y -> g y x /\ SF y)
- H18); elim H19; intros; assert (H21 := imply_to_and _ _ H20);
- elim (H17 x0); elim H21; intros; assumption.
-unfold intersection_vide_in in |- *; intros; split.
-intro; simpl in H6; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
- apply included_trans with (adherence X).
-apply adherence_P4.
-unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H7; intros; elim H8; intros; elim H10;
- intros; rewrite H11; apply H0.
-apply adherence_P2; apply compact_P2; assumption.
-apply H4.
-unfold family_closed_set in |- *; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *;
- unfold g in |- *; intro; apply adherence_P3.
+ forall (un:nat -> R) (X:R -> Prop),
+ compact X -> (forall n:nat, X (un n)) -> exists l : R, ValAdh un l.
+ intros; cut (exists l : R, ValAdh_un un l).
+ intro; elim H1; intros; exists x; elim (ValAdh_un_prop un x); intros;
+ apply (H4 H2).
+ assert (H1 : exists z : R, X z).
+ exists (un 0%nat); apply H0.
+ set (D := fun x:R => exists n : nat, x = INR n).
+ set
+ (g :=
+ fun x:R =>
+ adherence (fun y:R => (exists p : nat, y = un p /\ x <= INR p) /\ D x)).
+ assert (H2 : forall x:R, (exists y : R, g x y) -> D x).
+ intros; elim H2; intros; unfold g in H3; unfold adherence in H3;
+ unfold point_adherent in H3.
+ assert (H4 : neighbourhood (disc x0 (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1)) x0).
+ unfold neighbourhood in |- *; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
+ unfold included in |- *; trivial.
+ elim (H3 _ H4); intros; unfold intersection_domain in H5; decompose [and] H5;
+ assumption.
+ set (f0 := mkfamily D g H2).
+ assert (H3 := compact_P6 X H H1 f0).
+ elim (classic (exists l : R, ValAdh_un un l)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ cut (family_closed_set f0).
+ intro; cut (intersection_vide_in X f0).
+ intro; assert (H7 := H3 H5 H6).
+ elim H7; intros SF H8; unfold intersection_vide_finite_in in H8; elim H8;
+ clear H8; intros; unfold intersection_vide_in in H8;
+ elim (H8 0); intros _ H10; elim H10; unfold family_finite in H9;
+ unfold domain_finite in H9; elim H9; clear H9; intros l H9;
+ set (r := MaxRlist l); cut (D r).
+ intro; unfold D in H11; elim H11; intros; exists (un x);
+ unfold intersection_family in |- *; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold intersection_domain in |- *; intros; split.
+ unfold g in |- *; apply adherence_P1; split.
+ exists x; split;
+ [ reflexivity
+ | rewrite <- H12; unfold r in |- *; apply MaxRlist_P1; elim (H9 y); intros;
+ apply H14; simpl in |- *; apply H13 ].
+ elim H13; intros; assumption.
+ elim H13; intros; assumption.
+ elim (H9 r); intros.
+ simpl in H12; unfold intersection_domain in H12; cut (In r l).
+ intro; elim (H12 H13); intros; assumption.
+ unfold r in |- *; apply MaxRlist_P2;
+ cut (exists z : R, intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z).
+ intro; elim H13; intros; elim (H9 x); intros; simpl in H15;
+ assert (H17 := H15 H14); exists x; apply H17.
+ elim (classic (exists z : R, intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim (H8 0); intros _ H14; elim H1; intros;
+ assert
+ (H16 :=
+ not_ex_all_not _ (fun y:R => intersection_family (subfamily f0 SF) y) H14);
+ assert
+ (H17 :=
+ not_ex_all_not _ (fun z:R => intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z) H13);
+ assert (H18 := H16 x); unfold intersection_family in H18;
+ simpl in H18;
+ assert
+ (H19 :=
+ not_all_ex_not _ (fun y:R => intersection_domain D SF y -> g y x /\ SF y)
+ H18); elim H19; intros; assert (H21 := imply_to_and _ _ H20);
+ elim (H17 x0); elim H21; intros; assumption.
+ unfold intersection_vide_in in |- *; intros; split.
+ intro; simpl in H6; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
+ apply included_trans with (adherence X).
+ apply adherence_P4.
+ unfold included in |- *; intros; elim H7; intros; elim H8; intros; elim H10;
+ intros; rewrite H11; apply H0.
+ apply adherence_P2; apply compact_P2; assumption.
+ apply H4.
+ unfold family_closed_set in |- *; unfold f0 in |- *; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold g in |- *; intro; apply adherence_P3.
-(* Proof of Heine's theorem *)
+(** * Proof of Heine's theorem *)
Definition uniform_continuity (f:R -> R) (X:R -> Prop) : Prop :=
forall eps:posreal,
- exists delta : posreal,
+ exists delta : posreal,
(forall x y:R,
- X x -> X y -> Rabs (x - y) < delta -> Rabs (f x - f y) < eps).
+ X x -> X y -> Rabs (x - y) < delta -> Rabs (f x - f y) < eps).
Lemma is_lub_u :
- forall (E:R -> Prop) (x y:R), is_lub E x -> is_lub E y -> x = y.
-unfold is_lub in |- *; intros; elim H; elim H0; intros; apply Rle_antisym;
- [ apply (H4 _ H1) | apply (H2 _ H3) ].
+ forall (E:R -> Prop) (x y:R), is_lub E x -> is_lub E y -> x = y.
+ unfold is_lub in |- *; intros; elim H; elim H0; intros; apply Rle_antisym;
+ [ apply (H4 _ H1) | apply (H2 _ H3) ].
Lemma domain_P1 :
- forall X:R -> Prop,
- ~ (exists y : R, X y) \/
- (exists y : R, X y /\ (forall x:R, X x -> x = y)) \/
- (exists x : R, (exists y : R, X x /\ X y /\ x <> y)).
-intro; elim (classic (exists y : R, X y)); intro.
-right; elim H; intros; elim (classic (exists y : R, X y /\ y <> x)); intro.
-right; elim H1; intros; elim H2; intros; exists x; exists x0; intros.
- [ assumption
- | split; [ assumption | apply (sym_not_eq (A:=R)); assumption ] ].
-left; exists x; split.
-intros; case (Req_dec x0 x); intro.
-elim H1; exists x0; split; assumption.
-left; assumption.
+ forall X:R -> Prop,
+ ~ (exists y : R, X y) \/
+ (exists y : R, X y /\ (forall x:R, X x -> x = y)) \/
+ (exists x : R, (exists y : R, X x /\ X y /\ x <> y)).
+ intro; elim (classic (exists y : R, X y)); intro.
+ right; elim H; intros; elim (classic (exists y : R, X y /\ y <> x)); intro.
+ right; elim H1; intros; elim H2; intros; exists x; exists x0; intros.
+ split;
+ [ assumption
+ | split; [ assumption | apply (sym_not_eq (A:=R)); assumption ] ].
+ left; exists x; split.
+ assumption.
+ intros; case (Req_dec x0 x); intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim H1; exists x0; split; assumption.
+ left; assumption.
Theorem Heine :
- forall (f:R -> R) (X:R -> Prop),
- compact X ->
- (forall x:R, X x -> continuity_pt f x) -> uniform_continuity f X.
-intros f0 X H0 H; elim (domain_P1 X); intro Hyp.
+ forall (f:R -> R) (X:R -> Prop),
+ compact X ->
+ (forall x:R, X x -> continuity_pt f x) -> uniform_continuity f X.
+ intros f0 X H0 H; elim (domain_P1 X); intro Hyp.
(* X est vide *)
-unfold uniform_continuity in |- *; intros; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
- intros; elim Hyp; exists x; assumption.
-elim Hyp; clear Hyp; intro Hyp.
+ unfold uniform_continuity in |- *; intros; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
+ intros; elim Hyp; exists x; assumption.
+ elim Hyp; clear Hyp; intro Hyp.
(* X possède un seul élément *)
-unfold uniform_continuity in |- *; intros; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
- intros; elim Hyp; clear Hyp; intros; elim H4; clear H4;
- intros; assert (H6 := H5 _ H1); assert (H7 := H5 _ H2);
- rewrite H6; rewrite H7; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
- rewrite Rabs_R0; apply (cond_pos eps).
+ unfold uniform_continuity in |- *; intros; exists (mkposreal _ Rlt_0_1);
+ intros; elim Hyp; clear Hyp; intros; elim H4; clear H4;
+ intros; assert (H6 := H5 _ H1); assert (H7 := H5 _ H2);
+ rewrite H6; rewrite H7; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
+ rewrite Rabs_R0; apply (cond_pos eps).
(* X possède au moins deux éléments distincts *)
- (X_enc :
- exists m : R, (exists M : R, (forall x:R, X x -> m <= x <= M) /\ m < M)).
-assert (H1 := compact_P1 X H0); unfold bounded in H1; elim H1; intros;
- elim H2; intros; exists x; exists x0; split.
-apply H3.
-elim Hyp; intros; elim H4; intros; decompose [and] H5;
- assert (H10 := H3 _ H6); assert (H11 := H3 _ H8);
- elim H10; intros; elim H11; intros; case (total_order_T x x0);
- intro.
-elim s; intro.
-rewrite b in H13; rewrite b in H7; elim H9; apply Rle_antisym;
- apply Rle_trans with x0; assumption.
-elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ (Rle_trans _ _ _ H13 H14) r)).
-elim X_enc; clear X_enc; intros m X_enc; elim X_enc; clear X_enc;
- intros M X_enc; elim X_enc; clear X_enc Hyp; intros X_enc Hyp;
- unfold uniform_continuity in |- *; intro;
- assert (H1 : forall t:posreal, 0 < t / 2).
-intro; unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
- [ apply (cond_pos t) | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
- (g :=
- fun x y:R =>
- X x /\
- (exists del : posreal,
- (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < del -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2) /\
- is_lub
- (fun zeta:R =>
+ assert
+ (X_enc :
+ exists m : R, (exists M : R, (forall x:R, X x -> m <= x <= M) /\ m < M)).
+ assert (H1 := compact_P1 X H0); unfold bounded in H1; elim H1; intros;
+ elim H2; intros; exists x; exists x0; split.
+ apply H3.
+ elim Hyp; intros; elim H4; intros; decompose [and] H5;
+ assert (H10 := H3 _ H6); assert (H11 := H3 _ H8);
+ elim H10; intros; elim H11; intros; case (total_order_T x x0);
+ intro.
+ elim s; intro.
+ assumption.
+ rewrite b in H13; rewrite b in H7; elim H9; apply Rle_antisym;
+ apply Rle_trans with x0; assumption.
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rle_lt_trans _ _ _ (Rle_trans _ _ _ H13 H14) r)).
+ elim X_enc; clear X_enc; intros m X_enc; elim X_enc; clear X_enc;
+ intros M X_enc; elim X_enc; clear X_enc Hyp; intros X_enc Hyp;
+ unfold uniform_continuity in |- *; intro;
+ assert (H1 : forall t:posreal, 0 < t / 2).
+ intro; unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
+ [ apply (cond_pos t) | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
+ set
+ (g :=
+ fun x y:R =>
+ X x /\
+ (exists del : posreal,
+ (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < del -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2) /\
+ is_lub
+ (fun zeta:R =>
0 < zeta <= M - m /\
(forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < zeta -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2))
- del /\ disc x (mkposreal (del / 2) (H1 del)) y)).
-assert (H2 : forall x:R, (exists y : R, g x y) -> X x).
-intros; elim H2; intros; unfold g in H3; elim H3; clear H3; intros H3 _;
- apply H3.
-set (f' := mkfamily X g H2); unfold compact in H0;
- assert (H3 : covering_open_set X f').
-unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
-unfold covering in |- *; intros; exists x; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
- split.
-assert (H4 := H _ H3); unfold continuity_pt in H4; unfold continue_in in H4;
- unfold limit1_in in H4; unfold limit_in in H4; simpl in H4;
- unfold R_dist in H4; elim (H4 (eps / 2) (H1 eps));
- intros;
- set
- (E :=
- fun zeta:R =>
- 0 < zeta <= M - m /\
- (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < zeta -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2));
- assert (H6 : bound E).
-unfold bound in |- *; exists (M - m); unfold is_upper_bound in |- *;
- unfold E in |- *; intros; elim H6; clear H6; intros H6 _;
- elim H6; clear H6; intros _ H6; apply H6.
-assert (H7 : exists x : R, E x).
-elim H5; clear H5; intros; exists (Rmin x0 (M - m)); unfold E in |- *; intros;
- split.
-unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (M - m)); intro.
-apply H5.
-apply Rlt_Rminus; apply Hyp.
-apply Rmin_r.
-intros; case (Req_dec x z); intro.
-rewrite H9; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
- apply (H1 eps).
-apply H7; split.
-unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split; [ trivial | assumption ].
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (M - m)); [ apply H8 | apply Rmin_l ].
-assert (H8 := completeness _ H6 H7); elim H8; clear H8; intros;
- cut (0 < x1 <= M - m).
-intro; elim H8; clear H8; intros; exists (mkposreal _ H8); split.
-intros; cut (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x1 /\ E alp).
-intros; elim H11; intros; elim H12; clear H12; intros; unfold E in H13;
- elim H13; intros; apply H15.
-elim H12; intros; assumption.
-elim (classic (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x1 /\ E alp)); intro.
- (H12 :=
- not_ex_all_not _ (fun alp:R => Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x1 /\ E alp) H11);
- unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros; cut (is_upper_bound E (Rabs (z - x))).
-intro; assert (H16 := H14 _ H15);
- elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H10 H16)).
-unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H13;
- assert (H16 := H13 _ H15); case (Rle_dec x2 (Rabs (z - x)));
- intro.
-elim (H12 x2); split; [ split; [ auto with real | assumption ] | assumption ].
-apply p.
-unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
- rewrite Rabs_R0; simpl in |- *; unfold Rdiv in |- *;
- apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [ apply H8 | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
-elim H7; intros; unfold E in H8; elim H8; intros H9 _; elim H9; intros H10 _;
- unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H12;
- unfold is_upper_bound in H11; split.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with x2; [ assumption | apply (H11 _ H8) ].
-apply H12; intros; unfold E in H13; elim H13; intros; elim H14; intros;
- assumption.
-unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; simpl in |- *; elim (classic (X x));
- intro.
-unfold g in |- *; unfold open_set in |- *; intros; elim H4; clear H4;
- intros _ H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros; elim H4; clear H4;
- intros; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; case (Req_dec x x0);
- intro.
-exists (mkposreal _ (H1 x1)); rewrite <- H6; unfold included in |- *; intros;
- split.
-exists x1; split.
-apply H4.
-elim H5; intros; apply H8.
-apply H7.
-set (d := x1 / 2 - Rabs (x0 - x)); assert (H7 : 0 < d).
-unfold d in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; elim H5; clear H5; intros;
- unfold disc in H7; apply H7.
-exists (mkposreal _ H7); unfold included in |- *; intros; split.
-exists x1; split.
-apply H4.
-elim H5; intros; split.
-unfold disc in H8; simpl in H8; unfold disc in |- *; simpl in |- *;
- unfold disc in H10; simpl in H10;
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x2 - x0) + Rabs (x0 - x)).
-replace (x2 - x) with (x2 - x0 + (x0 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-replace (x1 / 2) with (d + Rabs (x0 - x)); [ idtac | unfold d in |- *; ring ].
-do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x0 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
- apply H8.
-apply open_set_P6 with (fun _:R => False).
-apply open_set_P4.
-unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold included in |- *; intros; split.
-intros; elim H4.
-intros; unfold g in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros H4 _; elim H3; apply H4.
-elim (H0 _ H3); intros DF H4; unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4;
- intros; unfold family_finite in H5; unfold domain_finite in H5;
- unfold covering in H4; simpl in H4; simpl in H5; elim H5;
- clear H5; intros l H5; unfold intersection_domain in H5;
- cut
- (forall x:R,
- In x l ->
- exists del : R,
- 0 < del /\
- (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < del -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2) /\
- included (g x) (fun z:R => Rabs (z - x) < del / 2)).
- assert
- (H7 :=
- Rlist_P1 l
- (fun x del:R =>
- 0 < del /\
- (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < del -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2) /\
- included (g x) (fun z:R => Rabs (z - x) < del / 2)) H6);
- elim H7; clear H7; intros l' H7; elim H7; clear H7;
- intros; set (D := MinRlist l'); cut (0 < D / 2).
-intro; exists (mkposreal _ H9); intros; assert (H13 := H4 _ H10); elim H13;
- clear H13; intros xi H13; assert (H14 : In xi l).
-unfold g in H13; decompose [and] H13; elim (H5 xi); intros; apply H14; split;
- assumption.
-elim (pos_Rl_P2 l xi); intros H15 _; elim (H15 H14); intros i H16; elim H16;
- intros; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (f0 x - f0 xi) + Rabs (f0 xi - f0 y)).
-replace (f0 x - f0 y) with (f0 x - f0 xi + (f0 xi - f0 y));
- [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-rewrite (double_var eps); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
-assert (H19 := H8 i H17); elim H19; clear H19; intros; rewrite <- H18 in H20;
- elim H20; clear H20; intros; apply H20; unfold included in H21;
- apply Rlt_trans with (pos_Rl l' i / 2).
-apply H21.
-elim H13; clear H13; intros; assumption.
-unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with 2.
-rewrite Rmult_comm; rewrite Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
-rewrite Rmult_1_r; pattern (pos_Rl l' i) at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r;
- rewrite double; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply H19.
-assert (H19 := H8 i H17); elim H19; clear H19; intros; rewrite <- H18 in H20;
- elim H20; clear H20; intros; rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp;
- rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H20; unfold included in H21;
- elim H13; intros; assert (H24 := H21 x H22);
- apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (y - x) + Rabs (x - xi)).
-replace (y - xi) with (y - x + (x - xi)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
-rewrite (double_var (pos_Rl l' i)); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with (D / 2).
-rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H12.
-unfold Rdiv in |- *; do 2 rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (/ 2));
- apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
-left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
-unfold D in |- *; apply MinRlist_P1; elim (pos_Rl_P2 l' (pos_Rl l' i));
- intros; apply H26; exists i; split;
- [ rewrite <- H7; assumption | reflexivity ].
-unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
- [ unfold D in |- *; apply MinRlist_P2; intros; elim (pos_Rl_P2 l' y); intros;
- elim (H10 H9); intros; elim H12; intros; rewrite H14;
- rewrite <- H7 in H13; elim (H8 x H13); intros;
- apply H15
- | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
-intros; elim (H5 x); intros; elim (H8 H6); intros;
- set
- (E :=
- fun zeta:R =>
- 0 < zeta <= M - m /\
- (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < zeta -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2));
- assert (H11 : bound E).
-unfold bound in |- *; exists (M - m); unfold is_upper_bound in |- *;
- unfold E in |- *; intros; elim H11; clear H11; intros H11 _;
- elim H11; clear H11; intros _ H11; apply H11.
-assert (H12 : exists x : R, E x).
-assert (H13 := H _ H9); unfold continuity_pt in H13;
- unfold continue_in in H13; unfold limit1_in in H13;
- unfold limit_in in H13; simpl in H13; unfold R_dist in H13;
- elim (H13 _ (H1 eps)); intros; elim H12; clear H12;
- intros; exists (Rmin x0 (M - m)); unfold E in |- *;
- intros; split.
- [ unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (M - m)); intro;
- [ apply H12 | apply Rlt_Rminus; apply Hyp ]
- | apply Rmin_r ].
-intros; case (Req_dec x z); intro.
-rewrite H16; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
- apply (H1 eps).
-apply H14; split;
- [ unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split; [ trivial | assumption ]
- | apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (M - m)); [ apply H15 | apply Rmin_l ] ].
-assert (H13 := completeness _ H11 H12); elim H13; clear H13; intros;
- cut (0 < x0 <= M - m).
-intro; elim H13; clear H13; intros; exists x0; split.
-intros; cut (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x0 /\ E alp).
-intros; elim H16; intros; elim H17; clear H17; intros; unfold E in H18;
- elim H18; intros; apply H20; elim H17; intros; assumption.
-elim (classic (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x0 /\ E alp)); intro.
- (H17 :=
- not_ex_all_not _ (fun alp:R => Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x0 /\ E alp) H16);
- unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros; cut (is_upper_bound E (Rabs (z - x))).
-intro; assert (H21 := H19 _ H20);
- elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H15 H21)).
-unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H18;
- assert (H21 := H18 _ H20); case (Rle_dec x1 (Rabs (z - x)));
- intro.
-elim (H17 x1); split.
-split; [ auto with real | assumption ].
-unfold included, g in |- *; intros; elim H15; intros; elim H17; intros;
- decompose [and] H18; cut (x0 = x2).
-intro; rewrite H20; apply H22.
-unfold E in p; eapply is_lub_u.
-apply p.
-apply H21.
-elim H12; intros; unfold E in H13; elim H13; intros H14 _; elim H14;
- intros H15 _; unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros;
- unfold is_upper_bound in H16; unfold is_upper_bound in H17;
- split.
-apply Rlt_le_trans with x1; [ assumption | apply (H16 _ H13) ].
-apply H17; intros; unfold E in H18; elim H18; intros; elim H19; intros;
- assumption.
+ del /\ disc x (mkposreal (del / 2) (H1 del)) y)).
+ assert (H2 : forall x:R, (exists y : R, g x y) -> X x).
+ intros; elim H2; intros; unfold g in H3; elim H3; clear H3; intros H3 _;
+ apply H3.
+ set (f' := mkfamily X g H2); unfold compact in H0;
+ assert (H3 : covering_open_set X f').
+ unfold covering_open_set in |- *; split.
+ unfold covering in |- *; intros; exists x; simpl in |- *; unfold g in |- *;
+ split.
+ assumption.
+ assert (H4 := H _ H3); unfold continuity_pt in H4; unfold continue_in in H4;
+ unfold limit1_in in H4; unfold limit_in in H4; simpl in H4;
+ unfold R_dist in H4; elim (H4 (eps / 2) (H1 eps));
+ intros;
+ set
+ (E :=
+ fun zeta:R =>
+ 0 < zeta <= M - m /\
+ (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < zeta -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2));
+ assert (H6 : bound E).
+ unfold bound in |- *; exists (M - m); unfold is_upper_bound in |- *;
+ unfold E in |- *; intros; elim H6; clear H6; intros H6 _;
+ elim H6; clear H6; intros _ H6; apply H6.
+ assert (H7 : exists x : R, E x).
+ elim H5; clear H5; intros; exists (Rmin x0 (M - m)); unfold E in |- *; intros;
+ split.
+ split.
+ unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (M - m)); intro.
+ apply H5.
+ apply Rlt_Rminus; apply Hyp.
+ apply Rmin_r.
+ intros; case (Req_dec x z); intro.
+ rewrite H9; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
+ apply (H1 eps).
+ apply H7; split.
+ unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split; [ trivial | assumption ].
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (M - m)); [ apply H8 | apply Rmin_l ].
+ assert (H8 := completeness _ H6 H7); elim H8; clear H8; intros;
+ cut (0 < x1 <= M - m).
+ intro; elim H8; clear H8; intros; exists (mkposreal _ H8); split.
+ intros; cut (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x1 /\ E alp).
+ intros; elim H11; intros; elim H12; clear H12; intros; unfold E in H13;
+ elim H13; intros; apply H15.
+ elim H12; intros; assumption.
+ elim (classic (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x1 /\ E alp)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ assert
+ (H12 :=
+ not_ex_all_not _ (fun alp:R => Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x1 /\ E alp) H11);
+ unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros; cut (is_upper_bound E (Rabs (z - x))).
+ intro; assert (H16 := H14 _ H15);
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H10 H16)).
+ unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H13;
+ assert (H16 := H13 _ H15); case (Rle_dec x2 (Rabs (z - x)));
+ intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim (H12 x2); split; [ split; [ auto with real | assumption ] | assumption ].
+ split.
+ apply p.
+ unfold disc in |- *; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
+ rewrite Rabs_R0; simpl in |- *; unfold Rdiv in |- *;
+ apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [ apply H8 | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
+ elim H7; intros; unfold E in H8; elim H8; intros H9 _; elim H9; intros H10 _;
+ unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H12;
+ unfold is_upper_bound in H11; split.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with x2; [ assumption | apply (H11 _ H8) ].
+ apply H12; intros; unfold E in H13; elim H13; intros; elim H14; intros;
+ assumption.
+ unfold family_open_set in |- *; intro; simpl in |- *; elim (classic (X x));
+ intro.
+ unfold g in |- *; unfold open_set in |- *; intros; elim H4; clear H4;
+ intros _ H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros; elim H4; clear H4;
+ intros; unfold neighbourhood in |- *; case (Req_dec x x0);
+ intro.
+ exists (mkposreal _ (H1 x1)); rewrite <- H6; unfold included in |- *; intros;
+ split.
+ assumption.
+ exists x1; split.
+ apply H4.
+ split.
+ elim H5; intros; apply H8.
+ apply H7.
+ set (d := x1 / 2 - Rabs (x0 - x)); assert (H7 : 0 < d).
+ unfold d in |- *; apply Rlt_Rminus; elim H5; clear H5; intros;
+ unfold disc in H7; apply H7.
+ exists (mkposreal _ H7); unfold included in |- *; intros; split.
+ assumption.
+ exists x1; split.
+ apply H4.
+ elim H5; intros; split.
+ assumption.
+ unfold disc in H8; simpl in H8; unfold disc in |- *; simpl in |- *;
+ unfold disc in H10; simpl in H10;
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (x2 - x0) + Rabs (x0 - x)).
+ replace (x2 - x) with (x2 - x0 + (x0 - x)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ replace (x1 / 2) with (d + Rabs (x0 - x)); [ idtac | unfold d in |- *; ring ].
+ do 2 rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (Rabs (x0 - x))); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l;
+ apply H8.
+ apply open_set_P6 with (fun _:R => False).
+ apply open_set_P4.
+ unfold eq_Dom in |- *; unfold included in |- *; intros; split.
+ intros; elim H4.
+ intros; unfold g in H4; elim H4; clear H4; intros H4 _; elim H3; apply H4.
+ elim (H0 _ H3); intros DF H4; unfold covering_finite in H4; elim H4; clear H4;
+ intros; unfold family_finite in H5; unfold domain_finite in H5;
+ unfold covering in H4; simpl in H4; simpl in H5; elim H5;
+ clear H5; intros l H5; unfold intersection_domain in H5;
+ cut
+ (forall x:R,
+ In x l ->
+ exists del : R,
+ 0 < del /\
+ (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < del -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2) /\
+ included (g x) (fun z:R => Rabs (z - x) < del / 2)).
+ intros;
+ assert
+ (H7 :=
+ Rlist_P1 l
+ (fun x del:R =>
+ 0 < del /\
+ (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < del -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2) /\
+ included (g x) (fun z:R => Rabs (z - x) < del / 2)) H6);
+ elim H7; clear H7; intros l' H7; elim H7; clear H7;
+ intros; set (D := MinRlist l'); cut (0 < D / 2).
+ intro; exists (mkposreal _ H9); intros; assert (H13 := H4 _ H10); elim H13;
+ clear H13; intros xi H13; assert (H14 : In xi l).
+ unfold g in H13; decompose [and] H13; elim (H5 xi); intros; apply H14; split;
+ assumption.
+ elim (pos_Rl_P2 l xi); intros H15 _; elim (H15 H14); intros i H16; elim H16;
+ intros; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (f0 x - f0 xi) + Rabs (f0 xi - f0 y)).
+ replace (f0 x - f0 y) with (f0 x - f0 xi + (f0 xi - f0 y));
+ [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ rewrite (double_var eps); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
+ assert (H19 := H8 i H17); elim H19; clear H19; intros; rewrite <- H18 in H20;
+ elim H20; clear H20; intros; apply H20; unfold included in H21;
+ apply Rlt_trans with (pos_Rl l' i / 2).
+ apply H21.
+ elim H13; clear H13; intros; assumption.
+ unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with 2.
+ prove_sup0.
+ rewrite Rmult_comm; rewrite Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
+ rewrite Rmult_1_r; pattern (pos_Rl l' i) at 1 in |- *; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r;
+ rewrite double; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply H19.
+ discrR.
+ assert (H19 := H8 i H17); elim H19; clear H19; intros; rewrite <- H18 in H20;
+ elim H20; clear H20; intros; rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp;
+ rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H20; unfold included in H21;
+ elim H13; intros; assert (H24 := H21 x H22);
+ apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (y - x) + Rabs (x - xi)).
+ replace (y - xi) with (y - x + (x - xi)); [ apply Rabs_triang | ring ].
+ rewrite (double_var (pos_Rl l' i)); apply Rplus_lt_compat.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (D / 2).
+ rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; rewrite Ropp_minus_distr; apply H12.
+ unfold Rdiv in |- *; do 2 rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (/ 2));
+ apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
+ left; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
+ unfold D in |- *; apply MinRlist_P1; elim (pos_Rl_P2 l' (pos_Rl l' i));
+ intros; apply H26; exists i; split;
+ [ rewrite <- H7; assumption | reflexivity ].
+ assumption.
+ unfold Rdiv in |- *; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
+ [ unfold D in |- *; apply MinRlist_P2; intros; elim (pos_Rl_P2 l' y); intros;
+ elim (H10 H9); intros; elim H12; intros; rewrite H14;
+ rewrite <- H7 in H13; elim (H8 x H13); intros;
+ apply H15
+ | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
+ intros; elim (H5 x); intros; elim (H8 H6); intros;
+ set
+ (E :=
+ fun zeta:R =>
+ 0 < zeta <= M - m /\
+ (forall z:R, Rabs (z - x) < zeta -> Rabs (f0 z - f0 x) < eps / 2));
+ assert (H11 : bound E).
+ unfold bound in |- *; exists (M - m); unfold is_upper_bound in |- *;
+ unfold E in |- *; intros; elim H11; clear H11; intros H11 _;
+ elim H11; clear H11; intros _ H11; apply H11.
+ assert (H12 : exists x : R, E x).
+ assert (H13 := H _ H9); unfold continuity_pt in H13;
+ unfold continue_in in H13; unfold limit1_in in H13;
+ unfold limit_in in H13; simpl in H13; unfold R_dist in H13;
+ elim (H13 _ (H1 eps)); intros; elim H12; clear H12;
+ intros; exists (Rmin x0 (M - m)); unfold E in |- *;
+ intros; split.
+ split;
+ [ unfold Rmin in |- *; case (Rle_dec x0 (M - m)); intro;
+ [ apply H12 | apply Rlt_Rminus; apply Hyp ]
+ | apply Rmin_r ].
+ intros; case (Req_dec x z); intro.
+ rewrite H16; unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite Rabs_R0;
+ apply (H1 eps).
+ apply H14; split;
+ [ unfold D_x, no_cond in |- *; split; [ trivial | assumption ]
+ | apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 (M - m)); [ apply H15 | apply Rmin_l ] ].
+ assert (H13 := completeness _ H11 H12); elim H13; clear H13; intros;
+ cut (0 < x0 <= M - m).
+ intro; elim H13; clear H13; intros; exists x0; split.
+ assumption.
+ split.
+ intros; cut (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x0 /\ E alp).
+ intros; elim H16; intros; elim H17; clear H17; intros; unfold E in H18;
+ elim H18; intros; apply H20; elim H17; intros; assumption.
+ elim (classic (exists alp : R, Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x0 /\ E alp)); intro.
+ assumption.
+ assert
+ (H17 :=
+ not_ex_all_not _ (fun alp:R => Rabs (z - x) < alp <= x0 /\ E alp) H16);
+ unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros; cut (is_upper_bound E (Rabs (z - x))).
+ intro; assert (H21 := H19 _ H20);
+ elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_le_trans _ _ _ H15 H21)).
+ unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in H18;
+ assert (H21 := H18 _ H20); case (Rle_dec x1 (Rabs (z - x)));
+ intro.
+ assumption.
+ elim (H17 x1); split.
+ split; [ auto with real | assumption ].
+ assumption.
+ unfold included, g in |- *; intros; elim H15; intros; elim H17; intros;
+ decompose [and] H18; cut (x0 = x2).
+ intro; rewrite H20; apply H22.
+ unfold E in p; eapply is_lub_u.
+ apply p.
+ apply H21.
+ elim H12; intros; unfold E in H13; elim H13; intros H14 _; elim H14;
+ intros H15 _; unfold is_lub in p; elim p; intros;
+ unfold is_upper_bound in H16; unfold is_upper_bound in H17;
+ split.
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with x1; [ assumption | apply (H16 _ H13) ].
+ apply H17; intros; unfold E in H18; elim H18; intros; elim H19; intros;
+ assumption.