path: root/theories/Program/Wf.v
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diff --git a/theories/Program/Wf.v b/theories/Program/Wf.v
index b6ba5d44..12bdf3a7 100644
--- a/theories/Program/Wf.v
+++ b/theories/Program/Wf.v
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: Wf.v 11709 2008-12-20 11:42:15Z msozeau $ *)
+(** Reformulation of the Wf module using subsets where possible, providing
+ the support for [Program]'s treatment of well-founded definitions. *)
Require Import Coq.Init.Wf.
Require Import Coq.Program.Utils.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
@@ -6,8 +18,6 @@ Open Local Scope program_scope.
Implicit Arguments Acc_inv [A R x y].
-(** Reformulation of the Wellfounded module using subsets where possible. *)
Section Well_founded.
Variable A : Type.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
@@ -146,3 +156,196 @@ Section Well_founded_measure.
End Well_founded_measure.
Extraction Inline Fix_measure_F_sub Fix_measure_sub.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** Reasoning about well-founded fixpoints on measures. *)
+Section Measure_well_founded.
+ (* Measure relations are well-founded if the underlying relation is well-founded. *)
+ Variables T M: Set.
+ Variable R: M -> M -> Prop.
+ Hypothesis wf: well_founded R.
+ Variable m: T -> M.
+ Definition MR (x y: T): Prop := R (m x) (m y).
+ Lemma measure_wf: well_founded MR.
+ Proof with auto.
+ unfold well_founded.
+ cut (forall a: M, (fun mm: M => forall a0: T, m a0 = mm -> Acc MR a0) a).
+ intros.
+ apply (H (m a))...
+ apply (@well_founded_ind M R wf (fun mm => forall a, m a = mm -> Acc MR a)).
+ intros.
+ apply Acc_intro.
+ intros.
+ unfold MR in H1.
+ rewrite H0 in H1.
+ apply (H (m y))...
+ Defined.
+End Measure_well_founded.
+Section Fix_measure_rects.
+ Variable A: Set.
+ Variable m: A -> nat.
+ Variable P: A -> Type.
+ Variable f: forall (x : A), (forall y: { y: A | m y < m x }, P (proj1_sig y)) -> P x.
+ Lemma F_unfold x r:
+ Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f x r =
+ f (fun y => Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f (proj1_sig y) (Acc_inv r (proj2_sig y))).
+ Proof. intros. case r; auto. Qed.
+ (* Fix_measure_F_sub_rect lets one prove a property of
+ functions defined using Fix_measure_F_sub by showing
+ that property to be invariant over single application of the
+ function body (f in our case). *)
+ Lemma Fix_measure_F_sub_rect
+ (Q: forall x, P x -> Type)
+ (inv: forall x: A,
+ (forall (y: A) (H: MR lt m y x) (a: Acc lt (m y)),
+ Q y (Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f y a)) ->
+ forall (a: Acc lt (m x)),
+ Q x (f (fun y: {y: A | m y < m x} =>
+ Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f (proj1_sig y) (Acc_inv a (proj2_sig y)))))
+ : forall x a, Q _ (Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f x a).
+ Proof with auto.
+ intros Q inv.
+ set (R := fun (x: A) => forall a, Q _ (Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f x a)).
+ cut (forall x, R x)...
+ apply (well_founded_induction_type (measure_wf lt_wf m)).
+ subst R.
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite F_unfold...
+ Qed.
+ (* Let's call f's second parameter its "lowers" function, since it
+ provides it access to results for inputs with a lower measure.
+ In preparation of lemma similar to Fix_measure_F_sub_rect, but
+ for Fix_measure_sub, we first
+ need an extra hypothesis stating that the function body has the
+ same result for different "lowers" functions (g and h below) as long
+ as those produce the same results for lower inputs, regardless
+ of the lt proofs. *)
+ Hypothesis equiv_lowers:
+ forall x0 (g h: forall x: {y: A | m y < m x0}, P (proj1_sig x)),
+ (forall x p p', g (exist (fun y: A => m y < m x0) x p) = h (exist _ x p')) ->
+ f g = f h.
+ (* From equiv_lowers, it follows that
+ [Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f x] applications do not not
+ depend on the Acc proofs. *)
+ Lemma eq_Fix_measure_F_sub x (a a': Acc lt (m x)):
+ Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f x a =
+ Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f x a'.
+ Proof.
+ intros x a.
+ pattern x, (Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f x a).
+ apply Fix_measure_F_sub_rect.
+ intros.
+ rewrite F_unfold.
+ apply equiv_lowers.
+ intros.
+ apply H.
+ assumption.
+ Qed.
+ (* Finally, Fix_measure_F_rect lets one prove a property of
+ functions defined using Fix_measure_F by showing that
+ property to be invariant over single application of the function
+ body (f). *)
+ Lemma Fix_measure_sub_rect
+ (Q: forall x, P x -> Type)
+ (inv: forall
+ (x: A)
+ (H: forall (y: A), MR lt m y x -> Q y (Fix_measure_sub A m P f y))
+ (a: Acc lt (m x)),
+ Q x (f (fun y: {y: A | m y < m x} => Fix_measure_sub A m P f (proj1_sig y))))
+ : forall x, Q _ (Fix_measure_sub A m P f x).
+ Proof with auto.
+ unfold Fix_measure_sub.
+ intros.
+ apply Fix_measure_F_sub_rect.
+ intros.
+ assert (forall y: A, MR lt m y x0 -> Q y (Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f y (lt_wf (m y))))...
+ set (inv x0 X0 a). clearbody q.
+ rewrite <- (equiv_lowers (fun y: {y: A | m y < m x0} => Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f (proj1_sig y) (lt_wf (m (proj1_sig y)))) (fun y: {y: A | m y < m x0} => Fix_measure_F_sub A m P f (proj1_sig y) (Acc_inv a (proj2_sig y))))...
+ intros.
+ apply eq_Fix_measure_F_sub.
+ Qed.
+End Fix_measure_rects.
+(** Tactic to fold a definitions based on [Fix_measure_sub]. *)
+Ltac fold_sub f :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?T ] =>
+ match T with
+ appcontext C [ @Fix_measure_sub _ _ _ _ ?arg ] =>
+ let app := context C [ f arg ] in
+ change app
+ end
+ end.
+(** This module provides the fixpoint equation provided one assumes
+ functional extensionality. *)
+Module WfExtensionality.
+ Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
+ (** The two following lemmas allow to unfold a well-founded fixpoint definition without
+ restriction using the functional extensionality axiom. *)
+ (** For a function defined with Program using a well-founded order. *)
+ Program Lemma fix_sub_eq_ext :
+ forall (A : Set) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (Rwf : well_founded R)
+ (P : A -> Set)
+ (F_sub : forall x : A, (forall (y : A | R y x), P y) -> P x),
+ forall x : A,
+ Fix_sub A R Rwf P F_sub x =
+ F_sub x (fun (y : A | R y x) => Fix A R Rwf P F_sub y).
+ Proof.
+ intros ; apply Fix_eq ; auto.
+ intros.
+ assert(f = g).
+ extensionality y ; apply H.
+ rewrite H0 ; auto.
+ Qed.
+ (** For a function defined with Program using a measure. *)
+ Program Lemma fix_sub_measure_eq_ext :
+ forall (A : Type) (f : A -> nat) (P : A -> Type)
+ (F_sub : forall x : A, (forall (y : A | f y < f x), P y) -> P x),
+ forall x : A,
+ Fix_measure_sub A f P F_sub x =
+ F_sub x (fun (y : A | f y < f x) => Fix_measure_sub A f P F_sub y).
+ Proof.
+ intros ; apply Fix_measure_eq ; auto.
+ intros.
+ assert(f0 = g).
+ extensionality y ; apply H.
+ rewrite H0 ; auto.
+ Qed.
+ (** Tactic to unfold once a definition based on [Fix_measure_sub]. *)
+ Ltac unfold_sub f fargs :=
+ set (call:=fargs) ; unfold f in call ; unfold call ; clear call ;
+ rewrite fix_sub_measure_eq_ext ; repeat fold_sub fargs ; simpl proj1_sig.
+End WfExtensionality.