path: root/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v
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1 files changed, 205 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v
index 9427b37b..8b5624cd 100644
--- a/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/NatPairs/ZNatPairs.v
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(* Evgeny Makarov, INRIA, 2007 *)
-(*i $Id: ZNatPairs.v 11674 2008-12-12 19:48:40Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
-Require Import NSub. (* The most complete file for natural numbers *)
-Require Export ZMulOrder. (* The most complete file for integers *)
+Require Import NProperties. (* The most complete file for N *)
+Require Export ZProperties. (* The most complete file for Z *)
Require Export Ring.
-Module ZPairsAxiomsMod (Import NAxiomsMod : NAxiomsSig) <: ZAxiomsSig.
-Module Import NPropMod := NSubPropFunct NAxiomsMod. (* Get all properties of natural numbers *)
-(* We do not declare ring in Natural/Abstract for two reasons. First, some
-of the properties proved in NAdd and NMul are used in the new BinNat,
-and it is in turn used in Ring. Using ring in Natural/Abstract would be
-circular. It is possible, however, not to make BinNat dependent on
-Numbers/Natural and prove the properties necessary for ring from scratch
-(this is, of course, how it used to be). In addition, if we define semiring
-structures in the implementation subdirectories of Natural, we are able to
-specify binary natural numbers as the type of coefficients. For these
-reasons we define an abstract semiring here. *)
-Open Local Scope NatScope.
-Lemma Nsemi_ring : semi_ring_theory 0 1 add mul Neq.
-exact add_0_l.
-exact add_comm.
-exact add_assoc.
-exact mul_1_l.
-exact mul_0_l.
-exact mul_comm.
-exact mul_assoc.
-exact mul_add_distr_r.
-Add Ring NSR : Nsemi_ring.
-(* The definitios of functions (NZadd, NZmul, etc.) will be unfolded by
-the properties functor. Since we don't want Zadd_comm to refer to unfolded
-definitions of equality: fun p1 p2 : NZ => (fst p1 + snd p2) = (fst p2 + snd p1),
-we will provide an extra layer of definitions. *)
-Definition Z := (N * N)%type.
-Definition Z0 : Z := (0, 0).
-Definition Zeq (p1 p2 : Z) := ((fst p1) + (snd p2) == (fst p2) + (snd p1)).
-Definition Zsucc (n : Z) : Z := (S (fst n), snd n).
-Definition Zpred (n : Z) : Z := (fst n, S (snd n)).
-(* We do not have Zpred (Zsucc n) = n but only Zpred (Zsucc n) == n. It
-could be possible to consider as canonical only pairs where one of the
-elements is 0, and make all operations convert canonical values into other
-canonical values. In that case, we could get rid of setoids and arrive at
-integers as signed natural numbers. *)
-Definition Zadd (n m : Z) : Z := ((fst n) + (fst m), (snd n) + (snd m)).
-Definition Zsub (n m : Z) : Z := ((fst n) + (snd m), (snd n) + (fst m)).
-(* Unfortunately, the elements of the pair keep increasing, even during
-subtraction *)
-Definition Zmul (n m : Z) : Z :=
- ((fst n) * (fst m) + (snd n) * (snd m), (fst n) * (snd m) + (snd n) * (fst m)).
-Definition Zlt (n m : Z) := (fst n) + (snd m) < (fst m) + (snd n).
-Definition Zle (n m : Z) := (fst n) + (snd m) <= (fst m) + (snd n).
-Definition Zmin (n m : Z) := (min ((fst n) + (snd m)) ((fst m) + (snd n)), (snd n) + (snd m)).
-Definition Zmax (n m : Z) := (max ((fst n) + (snd m)) ((fst m) + (snd n)), (snd n) + (snd m)).
-Delimit Scope IntScope with Int.
-Bind Scope IntScope with Z.
-Notation "x == y" := (Zeq x y) (at level 70) : IntScope.
-Notation "x ~= y" := (~ Zeq x y) (at level 70) : IntScope.
-Notation "0" := Z0 : IntScope.
-Notation "1" := (Zsucc Z0) : IntScope.
-Notation "x + y" := (Zadd x y) : IntScope.
-Notation "x - y" := (Zsub x y) : IntScope.
-Notation "x * y" := (Zmul x y) : IntScope.
-Notation "x < y" := (Zlt x y) : IntScope.
-Notation "x <= y" := (Zle x y) : IntScope.
-Notation "x > y" := (Zlt y x) (only parsing) : IntScope.
-Notation "x >= y" := (Zle y x) (only parsing) : IntScope.
-Notation Local N := NZ.
-(* To remember N without having to use a long qualifying name. since NZ will be redefined *)
-Notation Local NE := NZeq (only parsing).
-Notation Local add_wd := NZadd_wd (only parsing).
-Module Export NZOrdAxiomsMod <: NZOrdAxiomsSig.
-Module Export NZAxiomsMod <: NZAxiomsSig.
-Definition NZ : Type := Z.
-Definition NZeq := Zeq.
-Definition NZ0 := Z0.
-Definition NZsucc := Zsucc.
-Definition NZpred := Zpred.
-Definition NZadd := Zadd.
-Definition NZsub := Zsub.
-Definition NZmul := Zmul.
-Theorem ZE_refl : reflexive Z Zeq.
-unfold reflexive, Zeq. reflexivity.
-Theorem ZE_sym : symmetric Z Zeq.
-unfold symmetric, Zeq; now symmetry.
-Theorem ZE_trans : transitive Z Zeq.
-unfold transitive, Zeq. intros n m p H1 H2.
-assert (H3 : (fst n + snd m) + (fst m + snd p) == (fst m + snd n) + (fst p + snd m))
-by now apply add_wd.
-stepl ((fst n + snd p) + (fst m + snd m)) in H3 by ring.
-stepr ((fst p + snd n) + (fst m + snd m)) in H3 by ring.
-now apply -> add_cancel_r in H3.
+Notation "s #1" := (fst s) (at level 9, format "s '#1'") : pair_scope.
+Notation "s #2" := (snd s) (at level 9, format "s '#2'") : pair_scope.
+Open Local Scope pair_scope.
+Module ZPairsAxiomsMod (Import N : NAxiomsSig) <: ZAxiomsSig.
+Module Import NPropMod := NPropFunct N. (* Get all properties of N *)
+Delimit Scope NScope with N.
+Bind Scope NScope with N.t.
+Infix "==" := N.eq (at level 70) : NScope.
+Notation "x ~= y" := (~ N.eq x y) (at level 70) : NScope.
+Notation "0" := : NScope.
+Notation "1" := (N.succ : NScope.
+Infix "+" := N.add : NScope.
+Infix "-" := N.sub : NScope.
+Infix "*" := N.mul : NScope.
+Infix "<" := : NScope.
+Infix "<=" := N.le : NScope.
+Local Open Scope NScope.
+(** The definitions of functions ([add], [mul], etc.) will be unfolded
+ by the properties functor. Since we don't want [add_comm] to refer
+ to unfolded definitions of equality: [fun p1 p2 => (fst p1 +
+ snd p2) = (fst p2 + snd p1)], we will provide an extra layer of
+ definitions. *)
+Module Z.
+Definition t := (N.t * N.t)%type.
+Definition zero : t := (0, 0).
+Definition eq (p q : t) := (p#1 + q#2 == q#1 + p#2).
+Definition succ (n : t) : t := (N.succ n#1, n#2).
+Definition pred (n : t) : t := (n#1, N.succ n#2).
+Definition opp (n : t) : t := (n#2, n#1).
+Definition add (n m : t) : t := (n#1 + m#1, n#2 + m#2).
+Definition sub (n m : t) : t := (n#1 + m#2, n#2 + m#1).
+Definition mul (n m : t) : t :=
+ (n#1 * m#1 + n#2 * m#2, n#1 * m#2 + n#2 * m#1).
+Definition lt (n m : t) := n#1 + m#2 < m#1 + n#2.
+Definition le (n m : t) := n#1 + m#2 <= m#1 + n#2.
+Definition min (n m : t) : t := (min (n#1 + m#2) (m#1 + n#2), n#2 + m#2).
+Definition max (n m : t) : t := (max (n#1 + m#2) (m#1 + n#2), n#2 + m#2).
+(** NB : We do not have [Zpred (Zsucc n) = n] but only [Zpred (Zsucc n) == n].
+ It could be possible to consider as canonical only pairs where
+ one of the elements is 0, and make all operations convert
+ canonical values into other canonical values. In that case, we
+ could get rid of setoids and arrive at integers as signed natural
+ numbers. *)
+(** NB : Unfortunately, the elements of the pair keep increasing during
+ many operations, even during subtraction. *)
+End Z.
+Delimit Scope ZScope with Z.
+Bind Scope ZScope with Z.t.
+Infix "==" := Z.eq (at level 70) : ZScope.
+Notation "x ~= y" := (~ Z.eq x y) (at level 70) : ZScope.
+Notation "0" := : ZScope.
+Notation "1" := (Z.succ : ZScope.
+Infix "+" := Z.add : ZScope.
+Infix "-" := Z.sub : ZScope.
+Infix "*" := Z.mul : ZScope.
+Notation "- x" := (Z.opp x) : ZScope.
+Infix "<" := : ZScope.
+Infix "<=" := Z.le : ZScope.
+Local Open Scope ZScope.
+Lemma sub_add_opp : forall n m, Z.sub n m = Z.add n (Z.opp m).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Instance eq_equiv : Equivalence Z.eq.
+unfold Reflexive, Z.eq. reflexivity.
+unfold Symmetric, Z.eq; now symmetry.
+unfold Transitive, Z.eq. intros (n1,n2) (m1,m2) (p1,p2) H1 H2; simpl in *.
+apply (add_cancel_r _ _ (m1+m2)%N).
+rewrite add_shuffle2, H1, add_shuffle1, H2.
+now rewrite add_shuffle1, (add_comm m1).
+Instance pair_wd : Proper (N.eq==>N.eq==>Z.eq) (@pair N.t N.t).
+intros n1 n2 H1 m1 m2 H2; unfold Z.eq; simpl; now rewrite H1, H2.
+Instance succ_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq) Z.succ.
+unfold Z.succ, Z.eq; intros n m H; simpl.
+do 2 rewrite add_succ_l; now rewrite H.
-Theorem NZeq_equiv : equiv Z Zeq.
+Instance pred_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq) Z.pred.
-unfold equiv; repeat split; [apply ZE_refl | apply ZE_trans | apply ZE_sym].
-Add Relation Z Zeq
- reflexivity proved by (proj1 NZeq_equiv)
- symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 NZeq_equiv))
- transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 NZeq_equiv))
-as NZeq_rel.
-Add Morphism (@pair N N) with signature NE ==> NE ==> Zeq as Zpair_wd.
-intros n1 n2 H1 m1 m2 H2; unfold Zeq; simpl; rewrite H1; now rewrite H2.
+unfold Z.pred, Z.eq; intros n m H; simpl.
+do 2 rewrite add_succ_r; now rewrite H.
-Add Morphism NZsucc with signature Zeq ==> Zeq as NZsucc_wd.
+Instance add_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq) Z.add.
-unfold NZsucc, Zeq; intros n m H; simpl.
-do 2 rewrite add_succ_l; now rewrite H.
+unfold Z.eq, Z.add; intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; simpl.
+now rewrite add_shuffle1, H1, H2, add_shuffle1.
-Add Morphism NZpred with signature Zeq ==> Zeq as NZpred_wd.
+Instance opp_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq) Z.opp.
-unfold NZpred, Zeq; intros n m H; simpl.
-do 2 rewrite add_succ_r; now rewrite H.
+unfold Z.eq, Z.opp; intros (n1,n2) (m1,m2) H; simpl in *.
+now rewrite (add_comm n2), (add_comm m2).
-Add Morphism NZadd with signature Zeq ==> Zeq ==> Zeq as NZadd_wd.
+Instance sub_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq) Z.sub.
-unfold Zeq, NZadd; intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; simpl.
-assert (H3 : (fst n1 + snd m1) + (fst n2 + snd m2) == (fst m1 + snd n1) + (fst m2 + snd n2))
-by now apply add_wd.
-stepl (fst n1 + snd m1 + (fst n2 + snd m2)) by ring.
-now stepr (fst m1 + snd n1 + (fst m2 + snd n2)) by ring.
+intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2. rewrite 2 sub_add_opp.
+apply add_wd, opp_wd; auto.
-Add Morphism NZsub with signature Zeq ==> Zeq ==> Zeq as NZsub_wd.
+Lemma mul_comm : forall n m, n*m == m*n.
-unfold Zeq, NZsub; intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; simpl.
-symmetry in H2.
-assert (H3 : (fst n1 + snd m1) + (fst m2 + snd n2) == (fst m1 + snd n1) + (fst n2 + snd m2))
-by now apply add_wd.
-stepl (fst n1 + snd m1 + (fst m2 + snd n2)) by ring.
-now stepr (fst m1 + snd n1 + (fst n2 + snd m2)) by ring.
+intros (n1,n2) (m1,m2); compute.
+rewrite (add_comm (m1*n2)%N).
+apply N.add_wd; apply N.add_wd; apply mul_comm.
-Add Morphism NZmul with signature Zeq ==> Zeq ==> Zeq as NZmul_wd.
+Instance mul_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq) Z.mul.
-unfold NZmul, Zeq; intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; simpl.
-stepl (fst n1 * fst n2 + (snd n1 * snd n2 + fst m1 * snd m2 + snd m1 * fst m2)) by ring.
-stepr (fst n1 * snd n2 + (fst m1 * fst m2 + snd m1 * snd m2 + snd n1 * fst n2)) by ring.
-apply add_mul_repl_pair with (n := fst m2) (m := snd m2); [| now idtac].
-stepl (snd n1 * snd n2 + (fst n1 * fst m2 + fst m1 * snd m2 + snd m1 * fst m2)) by ring.
-stepr (snd n1 * fst n2 + (fst n1 * snd m2 + fst m1 * fst m2 + snd m1 * snd m2)) by ring.
-apply add_mul_repl_pair with (n := snd m2) (m := fst m2);
-[| (stepl (fst n2 + snd m2) by ring); now stepr (fst m2 + snd n2) by ring].
-stepl (snd m2 * snd n1 + (fst n1 * fst m2 + fst m1 * snd m2 + snd m1 * fst m2)) by ring.
-stepr (snd m2 * fst n1 + (snd n1 * fst m2 + fst m1 * fst m2 + snd m1 * snd m2)) by ring.
-apply add_mul_repl_pair with (n := snd m1) (m := fst m1);
-[ | (stepl (fst n1 + snd m1) by ring); now stepr (fst m1 + snd n1) by ring].
-stepl (fst m2 * fst n1 + (snd m2 * snd m1 + fst m1 * snd m2 + snd m1 * fst m2)) by ring.
-stepr (fst m2 * snd n1 + (snd m2 * fst m1 + fst m1 * fst m2 + snd m1 * snd m2)) by ring.
-apply add_mul_repl_pair with (n := fst m1) (m := snd m1); [| now idtac].
+assert (forall n, Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq) (Z.mul n)).
+ unfold Z.mul, Z.eq. intros (n1,n2) (p1,p2) (q1,q2) H; simpl in *.
+ rewrite add_shuffle1, (add_comm (n1*p1)%N).
+ symmetry. rewrite add_shuffle1.
+ rewrite <- ! mul_add_distr_l.
+ rewrite (add_comm p2), (add_comm q2), H.
+ reflexivity.
+intros n n' Hn m m' Hm.
+rewrite Hm, (mul_comm n), (mul_comm n'), Hn.
Section Induction.
-Open Scope NatScope. (* automatically closes at the end of the section *)
-Variable A : Z -> Prop.
-Hypothesis A_wd : predicate_wd Zeq A.
+Variable A : Z.t -> Prop.
+Hypothesis A_wd : Proper (Z.eq==>iff) A.
-Add Morphism A with signature Zeq ==> iff as A_morph.
+Theorem bi_induction :
+ A 0 -> (forall n, A n <-> A (Z.succ n)) -> forall n, A n.
-exact A_wd.
-Theorem NZinduction :
- A 0 -> (forall n : Z, A n <-> A (Zsucc n)) -> forall n : Z, A n. (* 0 is interpreted as in Z due to "Bind" directive *)
-intros A0 AS n; unfold NZ0, Zsucc, predicate_wd, fun_wd, Zeq in *.
+intros A0 AS n; unfold, Z.succ, Z.eq in *.
destruct n as [n m].
-cut (forall p : N, A (p, 0)); [intro H1 |].
-cut (forall p : N, A (0, p)); [intro H2 |].
+cut (forall p, A (p, 0%N)); [intro H1 |].
+cut (forall p, A (0%N, p)); [intro H2 |].
destruct (add_dichotomy n m) as [[p H] | [p H]].
-rewrite (A_wd (n, m) (0, p)) by (rewrite add_0_l; now rewrite add_comm).
+rewrite (A_wd (n, m) (0%N, p)) by (rewrite add_0_l; now rewrite add_comm).
apply H2.
-rewrite (A_wd (n, m) (p, 0)) by now rewrite add_0_r. apply H1.
+rewrite (A_wd (n, m) (p, 0%N)) by now rewrite add_0_r. apply H1.
induct p. assumption. intros p IH.
-apply -> (A_wd (0, p) (1, S p)) in IH; [| now rewrite add_0_l, add_1_l].
+apply -> (A_wd (0%N, p) (1%N, N.succ p)) in IH; [| now rewrite add_0_l, add_1_l].
now apply <- AS.
induct p. assumption. intros p IH.
-replace 0 with (snd (p, 0)); [| reflexivity].
-replace (S p) with (S (fst (p, 0))); [| reflexivity]. now apply -> AS.
+replace 0%N with (snd (p, 0%N)); [| reflexivity].
+replace (N.succ p) with (N.succ (fst (p, 0%N))); [| reflexivity]. now apply -> AS.
End Induction.
(* Time to prove theorems in the language of Z *)
-Open Local Scope IntScope.
-Theorem NZpred_succ : forall n : Z, Zpred (Zsucc n) == n.
+Theorem pred_succ : forall n, Z.pred (Z.succ n) == n.
-unfold NZpred, NZsucc, Zeq; intro n; simpl.
-rewrite add_succ_l; now rewrite add_succ_r.
+unfold Z.pred, Z.succ, Z.eq; intro n; simpl; now nzsimpl.
-Theorem NZadd_0_l : forall n : Z, 0 + n == n.
+Theorem succ_pred : forall n, Z.succ (Z.pred n) == n.
-intro n; unfold NZadd, Zeq; simpl. now do 2 rewrite add_0_l.
+intro n; unfold Z.succ, Z.pred, Z.eq; simpl; now nzsimpl.
-Theorem NZadd_succ_l : forall n m : Z, (Zsucc n) + m == Zsucc (n + m).
+Theorem opp_0 : - 0 == 0.
-intros n m; unfold NZadd, Zeq; simpl. now do 2 rewrite add_succ_l.
+unfold Z.opp, Z.eq; simpl. now nzsimpl.
-Theorem NZsub_0_r : forall n : Z, n - 0 == n.
+Theorem opp_succ : forall n, - (Z.succ n) == Z.pred (- n).
-intro n; unfold NZsub, Zeq; simpl. now do 2 rewrite add_0_r.
-Theorem NZsub_succ_r : forall n m : Z, n - (Zsucc m) == Zpred (n - m).
-intros n m; unfold NZsub, Zeq; simpl. symmetry; now rewrite add_succ_r.
-Theorem NZmul_0_l : forall n : Z, 0 * n == 0.
+Theorem add_0_l : forall n, 0 + n == n.
-intro n; unfold NZmul, Zeq; simpl.
-repeat rewrite mul_0_l. now rewrite add_assoc.
+intro n; unfold Z.add, Z.eq; simpl. now nzsimpl.
-Theorem NZmul_succ_l : forall n m : Z, (Zsucc n) * m == n * m + m.
+Theorem add_succ_l : forall n m, (Z.succ n) + m == Z.succ (n + m).
-intros n m; unfold NZmul, NZsucc, Zeq; simpl.
-do 2 rewrite mul_succ_l. ring.
+intros n m; unfold Z.add, Z.eq; simpl. now nzsimpl.
-End NZAxiomsMod.
-Definition NZlt := Zlt.
-Definition NZle := Zle.
-Definition NZmin := Zmin.
-Definition NZmax := Zmax.
-Add Morphism NZlt with signature Zeq ==> Zeq ==> iff as NZlt_wd.
+Theorem sub_0_r : forall n, n - 0 == n.
-unfold NZlt, Zlt, Zeq; intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; simpl. split; intro H.
-stepr (snd m1 + fst m2) by apply add_comm.
-apply (add_lt_repl_pair (fst n1) (snd n1)); [| assumption].
-stepl (snd m2 + fst n1) by apply add_comm.
-stepr (fst m2 + snd n1) by apply add_comm.
-apply (add_lt_repl_pair (snd n2) (fst n2)).
-now stepl (fst n1 + snd n2) by apply add_comm.
-stepl (fst m2 + snd n2) by apply add_comm. now stepr (fst n2 + snd m2) by apply add_comm.
-stepr (snd n1 + fst n2) by apply add_comm.
-apply (add_lt_repl_pair (fst m1) (snd m1)); [| now symmetry].
-stepl (snd n2 + fst m1) by apply add_comm.
-stepr (fst n2 + snd m1) by apply add_comm.
-apply (add_lt_repl_pair (snd m2) (fst m2)).
-now stepl (fst m1 + snd m2) by apply add_comm.
-stepl (fst n2 + snd m2) by apply add_comm. now stepr (fst m2 + snd n2) by apply add_comm.
+intro n; unfold Z.sub, Z.eq; simpl. now nzsimpl.
-Add Morphism NZle with signature Zeq ==> Zeq ==> iff as NZle_wd.
+Theorem sub_succ_r : forall n m, n - (Z.succ m) == Z.pred (n - m).
-unfold NZle, Zle, Zeq; intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; simpl.
-do 2 rewrite lt_eq_cases. rewrite (NZlt_wd n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2). fold (m1 < m2)%Int.
-fold (n1 == n2)%Int (m1 == m2)%Int; fold (n1 == m1)%Int in H1; fold (n2 == m2)%Int in H2.
-now rewrite H1, H2.
+intros n m; unfold Z.sub, Z.eq; simpl. symmetry; now rewrite add_succ_r.
-Add Morphism NZmin with signature Zeq ==> Zeq ==> Zeq as NZmin_wd.
+Theorem mul_0_l : forall n, 0 * n == 0.
-intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; unfold NZmin, Zeq; simpl.
-destruct (le_ge_cases (fst n1 + snd n2) (fst n2 + snd n1)) as [H | H].
-rewrite (min_l (fst n1 + snd n2) (fst n2 + snd n1)) by assumption.
-rewrite (min_l (fst m1 + snd m2) (fst m2 + snd m1)) by
-now apply -> (NZle_wd n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2).
-stepl ((fst n1 + snd m1) + (snd n2 + snd m2)) by ring.
-unfold Zeq in H1. rewrite H1. ring.
-rewrite (min_r (fst n1 + snd n2) (fst n2 + snd n1)) by assumption.
-rewrite (min_r (fst m1 + snd m2) (fst m2 + snd m1)) by
-now apply -> (NZle_wd n2 m2 H2 n1 m1 H1).
-stepl ((fst n2 + snd m2) + (snd n1 + snd m1)) by ring.
-unfold Zeq in H2. rewrite H2. ring.
+intros (n1,n2); unfold Z.mul, Z.eq; simpl; now nzsimpl.
-Add Morphism NZmax with signature Zeq ==> Zeq ==> Zeq as NZmax_wd.
+Theorem mul_succ_l : forall n m, (Z.succ n) * m == n * m + m.
-intros n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2; unfold NZmax, Zeq; simpl.
-destruct (le_ge_cases (fst n1 + snd n2) (fst n2 + snd n1)) as [H | H].
-rewrite (max_r (fst n1 + snd n2) (fst n2 + snd n1)) by assumption.
-rewrite (max_r (fst m1 + snd m2) (fst m2 + snd m1)) by
-now apply -> (NZle_wd n1 m1 H1 n2 m2 H2).
-stepl ((fst n2 + snd m2) + (snd n1 + snd m1)) by ring.
-unfold Zeq in H2. rewrite H2. ring.
-rewrite (max_l (fst n1 + snd n2) (fst n2 + snd n1)) by assumption.
-rewrite (max_l (fst m1 + snd m2) (fst m2 + snd m1)) by
-now apply -> (NZle_wd n2 m2 H2 n1 m1 H1).
-stepl ((fst n1 + snd m1) + (snd n2 + snd m2)) by ring.
-unfold Zeq in H1. rewrite H1. ring.
+intros (n1,n2) (m1,m2); unfold Z.mul, Z.succ, Z.eq; simpl; nzsimpl.
+rewrite <- (add_assoc _ m1), (add_comm m1), (add_assoc _ _ m1).
+now rewrite <- (add_assoc _ m2), (add_comm m2), (add_assoc _ (n2*m1)%N m2).
-Open Local Scope IntScope.
+(** Order *)
-Theorem NZlt_eq_cases : forall n m : Z, n <= m <-> n < m \/ n == m.
+Lemma lt_eq_cases : forall n m, n<=m <-> n<m \/ n==m.
-intros n m; unfold Zlt, Zle, Zeq; simpl. apply lt_eq_cases.
+intros; apply N.lt_eq_cases.
-Theorem NZlt_irrefl : forall n : Z, ~ (n < n).
+Theorem lt_irrefl : forall n, ~ (n < n).
-intros n; unfold Zlt, Zeq; simpl. apply lt_irrefl.
+intros; apply N.lt_irrefl.
-Theorem NZlt_succ_r : forall n m : Z, n < (Zsucc m) <-> n <= m.
+Theorem lt_succ_r : forall n m, n < (Z.succ m) <-> n <= m.
-intros n m; unfold Zlt, Zle, Zeq; simpl. rewrite add_succ_l; apply lt_succ_r.
+intros n m; unfold, Z.le, Z.eq; simpl; nzsimpl. apply lt_succ_r.
-Theorem NZmin_l : forall n m : Z, n <= m -> Zmin n m == n.
+Theorem min_l : forall n m, n <= m -> Z.min n m == n.
-unfold Zmin, Zle, Zeq; simpl; intros n m H.
-rewrite min_l by assumption. ring.
+unfold Z.min, Z.le, Z.eq; simpl; intros (n1,n2) (m1,m2) H; simpl in *.
+rewrite min_l by assumption.
+now rewrite <- add_assoc, (add_comm m2).
-Theorem NZmin_r : forall n m : Z, m <= n -> Zmin n m == m.
+Theorem min_r : forall n m, m <= n -> Z.min n m == m.
-unfold Zmin, Zle, Zeq; simpl; intros n m H.
-rewrite min_r by assumption. ring.
+unfold Z.min, Z.le, Z.eq; simpl; intros (n1,n2) (m1,m2) H; simpl in *.
+rewrite min_r by assumption.
+now rewrite add_assoc.
-Theorem NZmax_l : forall n m : Z, m <= n -> Zmax n m == n.
+Theorem max_l : forall n m, m <= n -> Z.max n m == n.
-unfold Zmax, Zle, Zeq; simpl; intros n m H.
-rewrite max_l by assumption. ring.
+unfold Z.max, Z.le, Z.eq; simpl; intros (n1,n2) (m1,m2) H; simpl in *.
+rewrite max_l by assumption.
+now rewrite <- add_assoc, (add_comm m2).
-Theorem NZmax_r : forall n m : Z, n <= m -> Zmax n m == m.
+Theorem max_r : forall n m, n <= m -> Z.max n m == m.
-unfold Zmax, Zle, Zeq; simpl; intros n m H.
-rewrite max_r by assumption. ring.
+unfold Z.max, Z.le, Z.eq; simpl; intros n m H.
+rewrite max_r by assumption.
+now rewrite add_assoc.
-End NZOrdAxiomsMod.
-Definition Zopp (n : Z) : Z := (snd n, fst n).
-Notation "- x" := (Zopp x) : IntScope.
-Add Morphism Zopp with signature Zeq ==> Zeq as Zopp_wd.
-unfold Zeq; intros n m H; simpl. symmetry.
-stepl (fst n + snd m) by apply add_comm.
-now stepr (fst m + snd n) by apply add_comm.
-Open Local Scope IntScope.
-Theorem Zsucc_pred : forall n : Z, Zsucc (Zpred n) == n.
+Theorem lt_nge : forall n m, n < m <-> ~(m<=n).
-intro n; unfold Zsucc, Zpred, Zeq; simpl.
-rewrite add_succ_l; now rewrite add_succ_r.
+intros. apply lt_nge.
-Theorem Zopp_0 : - 0 == 0.
+Instance lt_wd : Proper (Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> iff)
-unfold Zopp, Zeq; simpl. now rewrite add_0_l.
+assert (forall n, Proper (Z.eq==>iff) ( n)).
+ intros (n1,n2). apply proper_sym_impl_iff; auto with *.
+ unfold, Z.eq; intros (r1,r2) (s1,s2) Eq H; simpl in *.
+ apply le_lt_add_lt with (r1+r2)%N (r1+r2)%N; [apply le_refl; auto with *|].
+ rewrite add_shuffle2, (add_comm s2), Eq.
+ rewrite (add_comm s1 n2), (add_shuffle1 n2), (add_comm n2 r1).
+ now rewrite <- add_lt_mono_r.
+intros n n' Hn m m' Hm.
+rewrite Hm. rewrite 2 lt_nge, 2 lt_eq_cases, Hn; auto with *.
-Theorem Zopp_succ : forall n, - (Zsucc n) == Zpred (- n).
+Definition t := Z.t.
+Definition eq := Z.eq.
+Definition zero :=
+Definition succ := Z.succ.
+Definition pred := Z.pred.
+Definition add := Z.add.
+Definition sub := Z.sub.
+Definition mul := Z.mul.
+Definition opp := Z.opp.
+Definition lt :=
+Definition le := Z.le.
+Definition min := Z.min.
+Definition max := Z.max.
End ZPairsAxiomsMod.
@@ -413,9 +319,7 @@ and get their properties *)
Require Import NPeano.
Module Export ZPairsPeanoAxiomsMod := ZPairsAxiomsMod NPeanoAxiomsMod.
-Module Export ZPairsMulOrderPropMod := ZMulOrderPropFunct ZPairsPeanoAxiomsMod.
-Open Local Scope IntScope.
+Module Export ZPairsPropMod := ZPropFunct ZPairsPeanoAxiomsMod.
Eval compute in (3, 5) * (4, 6).