path: root/theories/Logic/EqdepFacts.v
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index c0fc0d72..34aba486 100644
--- a/theories/Logic/EqdepFacts.v
+++ b/theories/Logic/EqdepFacts.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *)
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ Table of contents:
Import EqNotations.
+(* Set Universe Polymorphism. *)
Section Dependent_Equality.
Variable U : Type.
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ Qed.
Notation equiv_eqex_eqdep := eq_sigT_iff_eq_dep (only parsing). (* Compat *)
Lemma eq_sig_eq_dep :
- forall (U:Prop) (P:U -> Prop) (p q:U) (x:P p) (y:P q),
+ forall (U:Type) (P:U -> Prop) (p q:U) (x:P p) (y:P q),
exist P p x = exist P q y -> eq_dep p x q y.
@@ -149,24 +151,25 @@ Proof.
Lemma eq_dep_eq_sig :
- forall (U:Prop) (P:U -> Prop) (p q:U) (x:P p) (y:P q),
+ forall (U:Type) (P:U -> Prop) (p q:U) (x:P p) (y:P q),
eq_dep p x q y -> exist P p x = exist P q y.
destruct 1; reflexivity.
Lemma eq_sig_iff_eq_dep :
- forall (U:Prop) (P:U -> Prop) (p q:U) (x:P p) (y:P q),
+ forall (U:Type) (P:U -> Prop) (p q:U) (x:P p) (y:P q),
exist P p x = exist P q y <-> eq_dep p x q y.
split; auto using eq_sig_eq_dep, eq_dep_eq_sig.
-(** Dependent equality is equivalent to a dependent pair of equalities *)
+(** Dependent equality is equivalent tco a dependent pair of equalities *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
-Lemma eq_sigT_sig_eq : forall X P (x1 x2:X) H1 H2, existT P x1 H1 = existT P x2 H2 <-> {H:x1=x2 | rew H in H1 = H2}.
+Lemma eq_sigT_sig_eq : forall X P (x1 x2:X) H1 H2, existT P x1 H1 = existT P x2 H2 <->
+ {H:x1=x2 | rew H in H1 = H2}.
intros; split; intro H.
- change x2 with (projT1 (existT P x2 H2)).
@@ -234,82 +237,113 @@ Section Equivalences.
(** Invariance by Substitution of Reflexive Equality Proofs *)
- Definition Eq_rect_eq :=
- forall (p:U) (Q:U -> Type) (x:Q p) (h:p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h.
+ Definition Eq_rect_eq_on (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) :=
+ forall (h : p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h.
+ Definition Eq_rect_eq := forall p Q x, Eq_rect_eq_on p Q x.
(** Injectivity of Dependent Equality *)
- Definition Eq_dep_eq :=
- forall (P:U->Type) (p:U) (x y:P p), eq_dep p x p y -> x = y.
+ Definition Eq_dep_eq_on (P : U -> Type) (p : U) (x : P p) :=
+ forall (y : P p), eq_dep p x p y -> x = y.
+ Definition Eq_dep_eq := forall P p x, Eq_dep_eq_on P p x.
(** Uniqueness of Identity Proofs (UIP) *)
- Definition UIP_ :=
- forall (x y:U) (p1 p2:x = y), p1 = p2.
+ Definition UIP_on_ (x y : U) (p1 : x = y) :=
+ forall (p2 : x = y), p1 = p2.
+ Definition UIP_ := forall x y p1, UIP_on_ x y p1.
(** Uniqueness of Reflexive Identity Proofs *)
- Definition UIP_refl_ :=
- forall (x:U) (p:x = x), p = eq_refl x.
+ Definition UIP_refl_on_ (x : U) :=
+ forall (p : x = x), p = eq_refl x.
+ Definition UIP_refl_ := forall x, UIP_refl_on_ x.
(** Streicher's axiom K *)
- Definition Streicher_K_ :=
- forall (x:U) (P:x = x -> Prop), P (eq_refl x) -> forall p:x = x, P p.
+ Definition Streicher_K_on_ (x : U) (P : x = x -> Prop) :=
+ P (eq_refl x) -> forall p : x = x, P p.
+ Definition Streicher_K_ := forall x P, Streicher_K_on_ x P.
(** Injectivity of Dependent Equality is a consequence of *)
(** Invariance by Substitution of Reflexive Equality Proof *)
- Lemma eq_rect_eq__eq_dep1_eq :
- Eq_rect_eq -> forall (P:U->Type) (p:U) (x y:P p), eq_dep1 p x p y -> x = y.
+ Lemma eq_rect_eq_on__eq_dep1_eq_on (p : U) (P : U -> Type) (y : P p) :
+ Eq_rect_eq_on p P y -> forall (x : P p), eq_dep1 p x p y -> x = y.
intro eq_rect_eq.
simple destruct 1; intro.
rewrite <- eq_rect_eq; auto.
+ Lemma eq_rect_eq__eq_dep1_eq :
+ Eq_rect_eq -> forall (P:U->Type) (p:U) (x y:P p), eq_dep1 p x p y -> x = y.
+ Proof (fun eq_rect_eq P p y x =>
+ @eq_rect_eq_on__eq_dep1_eq_on p P x (eq_rect_eq p P x) y).
- Lemma eq_rect_eq__eq_dep_eq : Eq_rect_eq -> Eq_dep_eq.
+ Lemma eq_rect_eq_on__eq_dep_eq_on (p : U) (P : U -> Type) (x : P p) :
+ Eq_rect_eq_on p P x -> Eq_dep_eq_on P p x.
intros eq_rect_eq; red; intros.
- apply (eq_rect_eq__eq_dep1_eq eq_rect_eq); apply eq_dep_dep1; trivial.
+ symmetry; apply (eq_rect_eq_on__eq_dep1_eq_on _ _ _ eq_rect_eq).
+ apply eq_dep_sym in H; apply eq_dep_dep1; trivial.
+ Lemma eq_rect_eq__eq_dep_eq : Eq_rect_eq -> Eq_dep_eq.
+ Proof (fun eq_rect_eq P p x y =>
+ @eq_rect_eq_on__eq_dep_eq_on p P x (eq_rect_eq p P x) y).
(** Uniqueness of Identity Proofs (UIP) is a consequence of *)
(** Injectivity of Dependent Equality *)
- Lemma eq_dep_eq__UIP : Eq_dep_eq -> UIP_.
+ Lemma eq_dep_eq_on__UIP_on (x y : U) (p1 : x = y) :
+ Eq_dep_eq_on (fun y => x = y) x eq_refl -> UIP_on_ x y p1.
intro eq_dep_eq; red.
- intros; apply eq_dep_eq with (P := fun y => x = y).
- elim p2 using eq_indd.
elim p1 using eq_indd.
+ intros; apply eq_dep_eq.
+ elim p2 using eq_indd.
apply eq_dep_intro.
+ Lemma eq_dep_eq__UIP : Eq_dep_eq -> UIP_.
+ Proof (fun eq_dep_eq x y p1 =>
+ @eq_dep_eq_on__UIP_on x y p1 (eq_dep_eq _ _ _)).
(** Uniqueness of Reflexive Identity Proofs is a direct instance of UIP *)
- Lemma UIP__UIP_refl : UIP_ -> UIP_refl_.
+ Lemma UIP_on__UIP_refl_on (x : U) :
+ UIP_on_ x x eq_refl -> UIP_refl_on_ x.
- intro UIP; red; intros; apply UIP.
+ intro UIP; red; intros; symmetry; apply UIP.
+ Lemma UIP__UIP_refl : UIP_ -> UIP_refl_.
+ Proof (fun UIP x p =>
+ @UIP_on__UIP_refl_on x (UIP x x eq_refl) p).
(** Streicher's axiom K is a direct consequence of Uniqueness of
Reflexive Identity Proofs *)
- Lemma UIP_refl__Streicher_K : UIP_refl_ -> Streicher_K_.
+ Lemma UIP_refl_on__Streicher_K_on (x : U) (P : x = x -> Prop) :
+ UIP_refl_on_ x -> Streicher_K_on_ x P.
intro UIP_refl; red; intros; rewrite UIP_refl; assumption.
+ Lemma UIP_refl__Streicher_K : UIP_refl_ -> Streicher_K_.
+ Proof (fun UIP_refl x P =>
+ @UIP_refl_on__Streicher_K_on x P (UIP_refl x)).
(** We finally recover from K the Invariance by Substitution of
Reflexive Equality Proofs *)
- Lemma Streicher_K__eq_rect_eq : Streicher_K_ -> Eq_rect_eq.
+ Lemma Streicher_K_on__eq_rect_eq_on (p : U) (P : U -> Type) (x : P p) :
+ Streicher_K_on_ p (fun h => x = rew -> [P] h in x)
+ -> Eq_rect_eq_on p P x.
intro Streicher_K; red; intros.
- apply Streicher_K with (p := h).
+ apply Streicher_K.
+ Lemma Streicher_K__eq_rect_eq : Streicher_K_ -> Eq_rect_eq.
+ Proof (fun Streicher_K p P x =>
+ @Streicher_K_on__eq_rect_eq_on p P x (Streicher_K p _)).
(** Remark: It is reasonable to think that [eq_rect_eq] is strictly
stronger than [eq_rec_eq] (which is [eq_rect_eq] restricted on [Set]):
@@ -317,7 +351,7 @@ Section Equivalences.
[Definition Eq_rec_eq :=
forall (P:U -> Set) (p:U) (x:P p) (h:p = p), x = eq_rec p P x p h.]
- Typically, [eq_rect_eq] allows to prove UIP and Streicher's K what
+ Typically, [eq_rect_eq] allows proving UIP and Streicher's K what
does not seem possible with [eq_rec_eq]. In particular, the proof of [UIP]
requires to use [eq_rect_eq] on [fun y -> x=y] which is in [Type] but not
in [Set].
@@ -325,22 +359,55 @@ Section Equivalences.
End Equivalences.
+(** UIP_refl is downward closed (a short proof of the key lemma of Voevodsky's
+ proof of inclusion of h-level n into h-level n+1; see hlevelntosn
+ in *)
+Theorem UIP_shift_on (X : Type) (x : X) :
+ UIP_refl_on_ X x -> forall y : x = x, UIP_refl_on_ (x = x) y.
+ intros UIP_refl y.
+ rewrite (UIP_refl y).
+ intros z.
+ assert (UIP:forall y' y'' : x = x, y' = y'').
+ { intros. apply eq_trans with (eq_refl x). apply UIP_refl.
+ symmetry. apply UIP_refl. }
+ transitivity (eq_trans (eq_trans (UIP (eq_refl x) (eq_refl x)) z)
+ (eq_sym (UIP (eq_refl x) (eq_refl x)))).
+ - destruct z. destruct (UIP _ _). reflexivity.
+ - change
+ (match eq_refl x as y' in _ = x' return y' = y' -> Prop with
+ | eq_refl => fun z => z = (eq_refl (eq_refl x))
+ end (eq_trans (eq_trans (UIP (eq_refl x) (eq_refl x)) z)
+ (eq_sym (UIP (eq_refl x) (eq_refl x))))).
+ destruct z. destruct (UIP _ _). reflexivity.
+Theorem UIP_shift : forall U, UIP_refl_ U -> forall x:U, UIP_refl_ (x = x).
+Proof (fun U UIP_refl x =>
+ @UIP_shift_on U x (UIP_refl x)).
Section Corollaries.
Variable U:Type.
(** UIP implies the injectivity of equality on dependent pairs in Type *)
- Definition Inj_dep_pair :=
- forall (P:U -> Type) (p:U) (x y:P p), existT P p x = existT P p y -> x = y.
- Lemma eq_dep_eq__inj_pair2 : Eq_dep_eq U -> Inj_dep_pair.
+ Definition Inj_dep_pair_on (P : U -> Type) (p : U) (x : P p) :=
+ forall (y : P p), existT P p x = existT P p y -> x = y.
+ Definition Inj_dep_pair := forall P p x, Inj_dep_pair_on P p x.
+ Lemma eq_dep_eq_on__inj_pair2_on (P : U -> Type) (p : U) (x : P p) :
+ Eq_dep_eq_on U P p x -> Inj_dep_pair_on P p x.
intro eq_dep_eq; red; intros.
apply eq_dep_eq.
apply eq_sigT_eq_dep.
+ Lemma eq_dep_eq__inj_pair2 : Eq_dep_eq U -> Inj_dep_pair.
+ Proof (fun eq_dep_eq P p x =>
+ @eq_dep_eq_on__inj_pair2_on P p x (eq_dep_eq P p x)).
End Corollaries.
@@ -412,5 +479,27 @@ Notation inj_pairT2 := inj_pair2.
End EqdepTheory.
+(** Basic facts about eq_dep *)
+Lemma f_eq_dep :
+ forall U (P:U->Type) R p q x y (f:forall p, P p -> R p),
+ eq_dep p x q y -> eq_dep p (f p x) q (f q y).
+intros * []. reflexivity.
+Lemma eq_dep_non_dep :
+ forall U P p q x y, @eq_dep U (fun _ => P) p x q y -> x = y.
+intros * []. reflexivity.
+Lemma f_eq_dep_non_dep :
+ forall U (P:U->Type) R p q x y (f:forall p, P p -> R),
+ eq_dep p x q y -> f p x = f q y.
+intros * []. reflexivity.
Arguments eq_dep U P p x q _ : clear implicits.
Arguments eq_dep1 U P p x q y : clear implicits.