path: root/test-suite/success/rewrite.v
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1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/success/rewrite.v b/test-suite/success/rewrite.v
index 86e55922..3bce52fe 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/rewrite.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/rewrite.v
@@ -38,3 +38,73 @@ Goal forall n, 0 + n = n -> True.
intros n H.
rewrite plus_0_l in H.
+(* Rewrite dependent proofs from left-to-right *)
+Lemma l1 :
+ forall x y (H:x = y:>nat) (P:forall x y, x=y -> Type), P x y H -> P x y H.
+intros x y H P H0.
+rewrite H.
+rewrite H in H0.
+(* Rewrite dependent proofs from right-to-left *)
+Lemma l2 :
+ forall x y (H:x = y:>nat) (P:forall x y, x=y -> Type), P x y H -> P x y H.
+intros x y H P H0.
+rewrite <- H.
+rewrite <- H in H0.
+(* Check rewriting dependent proofs with non-symmetric equalities *)
+Lemma l3:forall x (H:eq_true x) (P:forall x, eq_true x -> Type), P x H -> P x H.
+intros x H P H0.
+rewrite H.
+rewrite H in H0.
+(* Dependent rewrite *)
+Require Import JMeq.
+Goal forall A B (a:A) (b:B), JMeq a b -> JMeq b a -> True.
+inversion 1; (* Goal is now [JMeq a a -> True] *) dependent rewrite H3.
+intros; inversion H; dependent rewrite H4 in H0.
+intros; inversion H; dependent rewrite <- H4 in H0.
+(* Test conversion between terms with evars that both occur in K-redexes and
+ are elsewhere solvable.
+ This is quite an artificial example, but it used to work in 8.2.
+ Since rewrite supports conversion on terms without metas, it
+ was successively unifying (id 0 ?y) and 0 where ?y was not a
+ meta but, because coming from a "_", an evar.
+ After commit r12440 which unified the treatment of metas and
+ evars, it stopped to work. Chung-Kil Hur's Heq package used
+ this feature. Solved in r13...
+Parameter g : nat -> nat -> nat.
+Definition K (x y:nat) := x.
+Goal (forall y, g y (K 0 y) = 0) -> g 0 0 = 0.
+rewrite (H _).
+Goal (forall y, g (K 0 y) y = 0) -> g 0 0 = 0.
+rewrite (H _).