path: root/test-suite/success/dependentind.v
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diff --git a/test-suite/success/dependentind.v b/test-suite/success/dependentind.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48255386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/success/dependentind.v
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Require Import Coq.Program.Program.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Unset Strict Implicit.
+Variable A : Set.
+Inductive vector : nat -> Type := vnil : vector 0 | vcons : A -> forall n, vector n -> vector (S n).
+Goal forall n, forall v : vector (S n), vector n.
+ intros n H.
+ dependent destruction H.
+ assumption.
+Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
+Goal forall n, forall v : vector (S n), exists v' : vector n, exists a : A, v = vcons a v'.
+ intros n v.
+ dependent destruction v.
+ exists v ; exists a.
+ reflexivity.
+(* Extraction Unnamed_thm. *)
+Inductive type : Type :=
+| base : type
+| arrow : type -> type -> type.
+Notation " t --> t' " := (arrow t t') (at level 20, t' at next level).
+Inductive ctx : Type :=
+| empty : ctx
+| snoc : ctx -> type -> ctx.
+Notation " Γ , τ " := (snoc Γ τ) (at level 25, t at next level, left associativity).
+Fixpoint conc (Γ Δ : ctx) : ctx :=
+ match Δ with
+ | empty => Γ
+ | snoc Δ' x => snoc (conc Γ Δ') x
+ end.
+Notation " Γ ; Δ " := (conc Γ Δ) (at level 25, left associativity).
+Inductive term : ctx -> type -> Type :=
+| ax : forall Γ τ, term (Γ, τ) τ
+| weak : forall Γ τ, term Γ τ -> forall τ', term (Γ, τ') τ
+| abs : forall Γ τ τ', term (Γ , τ) τ' -> term Γ (τ --> τ')
+| app : forall Γ τ τ', term Γ (τ --> τ') -> term Γ τ -> term Γ τ'.
+Lemma weakening : forall Γ Δ τ, term (Γ ; Δ) τ ->
+ forall τ', term (Γ , τ' ; Δ) τ.
+Proof with simpl in * ; auto ; simpl_depind.
+ intros Γ Δ τ H.
+ dependent induction H.
+ destruct Δ...
+ apply weak ; apply ax.
+ apply ax.
+ destruct Δ...
+ specialize (IHterm Γ empty)...
+ apply weak...
+ apply weak...
+ destruct Δ...
+ apply weak ; apply abs ; apply H.
+ apply abs...
+ specialize (IHterm Γ0 (Δ, t, τ))...
+ apply app with τ...
+Lemma exchange : forall Γ Δ α β τ, term (Γ, α, β ; Δ) τ -> term (Γ, β, α ; Δ) τ.
+Proof with simpl in * ; simpl_depind ; auto.
+ intros until 1.
+ dependent induction H.
+ destruct Δ...
+ apply weak ; apply ax.
+ apply ax.
+ destruct Δ...
+ pose (weakening (Γ:=Γ0) (Δ:=(empty, α)))...
+ apply weak...
+ apply abs...
+ specialize (IHterm Γ0 α β (Δ, τ))...
+ eapply app with τ...