path: root/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/success/Nsatz.v')
1 files changed, 411 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v b/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
index 518d22e9..d316e4a0 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
@@ -1,51 +1,27 @@
-Require Import Nsatz ZArith Reals List Ring_polynom.
+(* compile en user 3m39.915s sur cachalot *)
+Require Import Nsatz.
(* Example with a generic domain *)
-Variable A: Type.
-Variable Ad: Domain A.
+Section test.
-Definition Ari : Ring A:= (@domain_ring A Ad).
-Existing Instance Ari.
-Existing Instance ring_setoid.
-Existing Instance ring_plus_comp.
-Existing Instance ring_mult_comp.
-Existing Instance ring_sub_comp.
-Existing Instance ring_opp_comp.
-Add Ring Ar: (@ring_ring A (@domain_ring A Ad)).
-Instance zero_ring2 : Zero A := {zero := ring0}.
-Instance one_ring2 : One A := {one := ring1}.
-Instance addition_ring2 : Addition A := {addition x y := ring_plus x y}.
-Instance multiplication_ring2 : Multiplication A := {multiplication x y := ring_mult x y}.
-Instance subtraction_ring2 : Subtraction A := {subtraction x y := ring_sub x y}.
-Instance opposite_ring2 : Opposite A := {opposite x := ring_opp x}.
-Infix "==" := ring_eq (at level 70, no associativity).
-Ltac nsatzA := simpl; unfold Ari; nsatz_domain.
-Goal forall x y:A, x == y -> x+0 == y*1+0.
+Context {A:Type}`{Aid:Integral_domain A}.
Lemma example3 : forall x y z,
x+y+z==0 ->
- x*y*z==0 -> x*x*x==0.
+ x*y*z==0 -> x^3%Z==0.
-Time nsatzA.
+Time nsatz.
Lemma example4 : forall x y z u,
x+y+z+u==0 ->
- x*y*z*u==0 -> x*x*x*x==0.
+ x*y*z*u==0 -> x^4%Z==0.
-Time nsatzA.
+Time nsatz.
Lemma example5 : forall x y z u v,
@@ -53,15 +29,17 @@ Lemma example5 : forall x y z u v,
x*y*z*u+y*z*u*v+z*u*v*x+u*v*x*y+v*x*y*z==0 ->
- x*y*z*u*v==0 -> x*x*x*x*x ==0.
+ x*y*z*u*v==0 -> x^5%Z==0.
-Time nsatzA.
+Time nsatz.
Goal forall x y:Z, x = y -> (x+0)%Z = (y*1+0)%Z.
+Require Import Reals.
Goal forall x y:R, x = y -> (x+0)%R = (y*1+0)%R.
@@ -70,85 +48,17 @@ Goal forall a b c x:R, a = b -> b = c -> (a*a)%R = (c*c)%R.
-Section Examples.
-Delimit Scope PE_scope with PE.
-Infix "+" := PEadd : PE_scope.
-Infix "*" := PEmul : PE_scope.
-Infix "-" := PEsub : PE_scope.
-Infix "^" := PEpow : PE_scope.
-Notation "[ n ]" := (@PEc Z n) (at level 0).
-Open Scope R_scope.
-Lemma example1 : forall x y,
- x+y=0 ->
- x*y=0 ->
- x^2=0.
- nsatz.
-Lemma example2 : forall x, x^2=0 -> x=0.
- nsatz.
-Notation X := (PEX Z 3).
-Notation Y := (PEX Z 2).
-Notation Z_ := (PEX Z 1).
-Lemma example3b : forall x y z,
- x+y+z=0 ->
- x*y+x*z+y*z=0->
- x*y*z=0 -> x^3=0.
-Time nsatz.
-Notation X := (PEX Z 4).
-Notation Y := (PEX Z 3).
-Notation Z_ := (PEX Z 2).
-Notation U := (PEX Z 1).
-Lemma example4b : forall x y z u,
- x+y+z+u=0 ->
- x*y+x*z+x*u+y*z+y*u+z*u=0->
- x*y*z+x*y*u+x*z*u+y*z*u=0->
- x*y*z*u=0 -> x^4=0.
-Time nsatz.
-Notation x_ := (PEX Z 5).
-Notation y_ := (PEX Z 4).
-Notation z_ := (PEX Z 3).
-Notation u_ := (PEX Z 2).
-Notation v_ := (PEX Z 1).
-Notation "x :: y" := (List.cons x y)
-(at level 60, right associativity, format "'[hv' x :: '/' y ']'").
-Notation "x :: y" := ( x y)
-(at level 60, right associativity, format "x :: y").
-Lemma example5b : forall x y z u v,
- x+y+z+u+v=0 ->
- x*y+x*z+x*u+x*v+y*z+y*u+y*v+z*u+z*v+u*v=0->
- x*y*z+x*y*u+x*y*v+x*z*u+x*z*v+x*u*v+y*z*u+y*z*v+y*u*v+z*u*v=0->
- x*y*z*u+y*z*u*v+z*u*v*x+u*v*x*y+v*x*y*z=0 ->
- x*y*z*u*v=0 -> x^5=0.
-Time nsatz.
-End Examples.
+End test.
Section Geometry.
+(* See the interactive pictures of Laurent Théry
+ on
+ and research paper on
-Open Scope R_scope.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Reals.
Record point:Type:={
@@ -170,60 +80,122 @@ Definition equal2(A B:point):=
(X A)=(X B) /\ (Y A)=(Y B).
Definition equal3(A B:point):=
- ((X A)-(X B))^2+((Y A)-(Y B))^2 = 0.
+ ((X A)-(X B))^2%Z+((Y A)-(Y B))^2%Z = 0.
Definition nequal2(A B:point):=
(X A)<>(X B) \/ (Y A)<>(Y B).
Definition nequal3(A B:point):=
- not (((X A)-(X B))^2+((Y A)-(Y B))^2 = 0).
+ not (((X A)-(X B))^2%Z+((Y A)-(Y B))^2%Z = 0).
Definition middle(A B I:point):=
- 2*(X I)=(X A)+(X B) /\ 2*(Y I)=(Y A)+(Y B).
+ 2%R*(X I)=(X A)+(X B) /\ 2%R*(Y I)=(Y A)+(Y B).
Definition distance2(A B:point):=
- (X B - X A)^2 + (Y B - Y A)^2.
+ (X B - X A)^2%Z + (Y B - Y A)^2%Z.
(* AB = CD *)
Definition samedistance2(A B C D:point):=
- (X B - X A)^2 + (Y B - Y A)^2 = (X D - X C)^2 + (Y D - Y C)^2.
+ (X B - X A)^2%Z + (Y B - Y A)^2%Z = (X D - X C)^2%Z + (Y D - Y C)^2%Z.
Definition determinant(A O B:point):=
(X A - X O)*(Y B - Y O) - (Y A - Y O)*(X B - X O).
Definition scalarproduct(A O B:point):=
(X A - X O)*(X B - X O) + (Y A - Y O)*(Y B - Y O).
Definition norm2(A O B:point):=
- ((X A - X O)^2+(Y A - Y O)^2)*((X B - X O)^2+(Y B - Y O)^2).
-Lemma a1:forall A B C:Prop, ((A\/B)/\(A\/C)) -> (A\/(B/\C)).
-Lemma a2:forall A B C:Prop, ((A\/C)/\(B\/C)) -> ((A/\B)\/C).
+ ((X A - X O)^2%Z+(Y A - Y O)^2%Z)*((X B - X O)^2%Z+(Y B - Y O)^2%Z).
+Definition equaldistance(A B C D:point):=
+ ((X B) - (X A))^2%Z + ((Y B) - (Y A))^2%Z =
+ ((X D) - (X C))^2%Z + ((Y D) - (Y C))^2%Z.
+Definition equaltangente(A B C D E F:point):=
+ let s1:= determinant A B C in
+ let c1:= scalarproduct A B C in
+ let s2:= determinant D E F in
+ let c2:= scalarproduct D E F in
+ s1 * c2 = s2 * c1.
+Ltac cnf2 f :=
+ match f with
+ | ?A \/ (?B /\ ?C) =>
+ let c1 := cnf2 (A\/B) in
+ let c2 := cnf2 (A\/C) in constr:(c1/\c2)
+ | (?B /\ ?C) \/ ?A =>
+ let c1 := cnf2 (B\/A) in
+ let c2 := cnf2 (C\/A) in constr:(c1/\c2)
+ | (?A \/ ?B) \/ ?C =>
+ let c1 := cnf2 (B\/C) in cnf2 (A \/ c1)
+ | _ => f
+ end
+with cnf f :=
+ match f with
+ | ?A \/ ?B =>
+ let c1 := cnf A in
+ let c2 := cnf B in
+ cnf2 (c1 \/ c2)
+ | ?A /\ ?B =>
+ let c1 := cnf A in
+ let c2 := cnf B in
+ constr:(c1 /\ c2)
+ | _ => f
+ end.
+Ltac scnf :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?f => let c := cnf f in
+ assert c;[repeat split| tauto]
+ end.
+Ltac disj_to_pol f :=
+ match f with
+ | ?a = ?b \/ ?g => let p := disj_to_pol g in constr:((a - b)* p)
+ | ?a = ?b => constr:(a - b)
+ end.
+Lemma fastnsatz1:forall x y:R, x - y = 0 -> x = y.
-Lemma a3:forall a b c d:R, (a-b)*(c-d)=0 -> (a=b \/ c=d).
-assert ( (a-b = 0) \/ (c-d = 0)).
-apply Rmult_integral.
-destruct H0.
-left; nsatz.
-right; nsatz.
+Ltac fastnsatz:=
+ try trivial; try apply fastnsatz1; try trivial; nsatz.
+Ltac proof_pol_disj :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?g => let p := disj_to_pol g in
+ let h := fresh "hp" in
+ assert (h:p = 0);
+ [idtac|
+ prod_disj h p]
+ | _ => idtac
+ end
+with prod_disj h p :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?a = ?b \/ ?g =>
+ match p with
+ | ?q * ?p1 =>
+ let h0 := fresh "hp" in
+ let h1 := fresh "hp" in
+ let h2 := fresh "hp" in
+ assert (h0:a - b = 0 \/ p1 = 0);
+ [apply Rmult_integral; exact h|
+ destruct h0 as [h1|h2];
+ [left; fastnsatz|
+ right; prod_disj h2 p1]]
+ end
+ | _ => fastnsatz
+ end.
-Ltac geo_unfold :=
- unfold collinear; unfold parallel; unfold notparallel; unfold orthogonal;
- unfold equal2; unfold equal3; unfold nequal2; unfold nequal3;
- unfold middle; unfold samedistance2;
- unfold determinant; unfold scalarproduct; unfold norm2; unfold distance2.
+Goal forall a b c d e f:R, a=b \/ c=d \/ e=f \/ e=a.
+intros. scnf; proof_pol_disj .
-Ltac geo_end :=
- repeat (
- repeat (match goal with h:_/\_ |- _ => decompose [and] h; clear h end);
- repeat (apply a1 || apply a2 || apply a3);
- repeat split).
+Ltac geo_unfold :=
+ unfold collinear, parallel, notparallel, orthogonal,
+ equal2, equal3, nequal2, nequal3,
+ middle, samedistance2,
+ determinant, scalarproduct, norm2, distance2,
+ equaltangente, determinant, scalarproduct, equaldistance.
Ltac geo_rewrite_hyps:=
repeat (match goal with
@@ -231,14 +203,41 @@ Ltac geo_rewrite_hyps:=
| h:Y _ = _ |- _ => rewrite h in *; clear h
+Ltac geo_split_hyps:=
+ repeat (match goal with
+ | h:_ /\ _ |- _ => destruct h
+ end).
Ltac geo_begin:=
- geo_end.
+ geo_split_hyps;
+ scnf; proof_pol_disj.
(* Examples *)
+Lemma medians: forall A B C A1 B1 C1 H:point,
+ middle B C A1 ->
+ middle A C B1 ->
+ middle A B C1 ->
+ collinear A A1 H -> collinear B B1 H ->
+ collinear C C1 H
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "Medians".
+ Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 2. secs (2.69359u,0.s)
+*) Qed.
+Lemma Pythagore: forall A B C:point,
+ orthogonal A B A C ->
+ distance2 A C + distance2 A B = distance2 B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "Pythagore".
+Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.354946u,0.s)
+*) Qed.
Lemma Thales: forall O A B C D:point,
collinear O A C -> collinear O B D ->
@@ -246,9 +245,268 @@ Lemma Thales: forall O A B C D:point,
(distance2 O B * distance2 O C = distance2 O D * distance2 O A
/\ distance2 O B * distance2 C D = distance2 O D * distance2 A B)
\/ collinear O A B.
-repeat geo_begin.
+idtac "Thales".
+Time nsatz. (*Finished transaction in 2. secs (1.598757u,0.s)*)
+Time nsatz.
+Lemma segments_of_chords: forall A B C D M O:point,
+ equaldistance O A O B ->
+ equaldistance O A O C ->
+ equaldistance O A O D ->
+ collinear A B M ->
+ collinear C D M ->
+ (distance2 M A) * (distance2 M B) = (distance2 M C) * (distance2 M D)
+ \/ parallel A B C D.
+idtac "segments_of_chords".
+Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 3. secs (2.704589u,0.s)
+*) Qed.
+Lemma isoceles: forall A B C:point,
+ equaltangente A B C B C A ->
+ distance2 A B = distance2 A C
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin. Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 1. secs (1.140827u,0.s)*) Qed.
+Lemma minh: forall A B C D O E H I:point,
+ X A = 0 -> Y A = 0 -> Y O = 0 ->
+ equaldistance O A O B ->
+ equaldistance O A O C ->
+ equaldistance O A O D ->
+ orthogonal A C B D ->
+ collinear A C E ->
+ collinear B D E ->
+ collinear A B H ->
+ orthogonal E H A B ->
+ collinear C D I ->
+ middle C D I ->
+ collinear H E I
+ \/ (X C)^2%Z * (X B)^5%Z * (X O)^2%Z
+ * (X C - 2%Z * X O)^3%Z * (-2%Z * X O + X B)=0
+ \/ parallel A C B D.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "minh".
+Time nsatz with radicalmax :=1%N strategy:=1%Z
+ parameters:=(X O::X B::X C::nil)
+ variables:= (@nil R).
+(*Finished transaction in 13. secs (10.102464u,0.s)
+Lemma Pappus: forall A B C A1 B1 C1 P Q S:point,
+ X A = 0 -> Y A = 0 -> Y B = 0 -> Y C = 0 ->
+ collinear A1 B1 C1 ->
+ collinear A B1 P -> collinear A1 B P ->
+ collinear A C1 Q -> collinear A1 C Q ->
+ collinear B C1 S -> collinear B1 C S ->
+ collinear P Q S
+ \/ (Y A1 - Y B1)^2%Z=0 \/ (X A = X B1)
+ \/ (X A1 = X C) \/ (X C = X B1)
+ \/ parallel A B1 A1 B \/ parallel A C1 A1 C \/ parallel B C1 B1 C.
+idtac "Pappus".
+Time nsatz with radicalmax :=1%N strategy:=0%Z
+ parameters:=(X B::X A1::Y A1::X B1::Y B1::X C::Y C1::nil)
+ variables:= (X B
+ :: X A1
+ :: Y A1
+ :: X B1
+ :: Y B1
+ :: X C
+ :: Y C1
+ :: X C1 :: Y P :: X P :: Y Q :: X Q :: Y S :: X S :: nil).
+(*Finished transaction in 8. secs (7.795815u,0.000999999999999s)
+Lemma Simson: forall A B C O D E F G:point,
+ X A = 0 -> Y A = 0 ->
+ equaldistance O A O B ->
+ equaldistance O A O C ->
+ equaldistance O A O D ->
+ orthogonal E D B C ->
+ collinear B C E ->
+ orthogonal F D A C ->
+ collinear A C F ->
+ orthogonal G D A B ->
+ collinear A B G ->
+ collinear E F G
+ \/ (X C)^2%Z = 0 \/ (Y C)^2%Z = 0 \/ (X B)^2%Z = 0 \/ (Y B)^2%Z = 0 \/ (Y C - Y B)^2%Z = 0
+ \/ equal3 B A
+ \/ equal3 A C \/ (X C - X B)^2%Z = 0
+ \/ equal3 B C.
+idtac "Simson".
+Time nsatz with radicalmax :=1%N strategy:=0%Z
+ parameters:=(X B::Y B::X C::Y C::Y D::nil)
+ variables:= (@nil R). (* compute -[X Y]. *)
+(*Finished transaction in 8. secs (7.550852u,0.s)
+Lemma threepoints: forall A B C A1 B1 A2 B2 H1 H2 H3:point,
+ (* H1 intersection of bisections *)
+ middle B C A1 -> orthogonal H1 A1 B C ->
+ middle A C B1 -> orthogonal H1 B1 A C ->
+ (* H2 intersection of medians *)
+ collinear A A1 H2 -> collinear B B1 H2 ->
+ (* H3 intersection of altitudes *)
+ collinear B C A2 -> orthogonal A A2 B C ->
+ collinear A C B2 -> orthogonal B B2 A C ->
+ collinear A A1 H3 -> collinear B B1 H3 ->
+ collinear H1 H2 H3
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "threepoints".
+Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 7. secs (6.282045u,0.s)
+*) Qed.
+Lemma Feuerbach: forall A B C A1 B1 C1 O A2 B2 C2 O2:point,
+ forall r r2:R,
+ X A = 0 -> Y A = 0 -> X B = 1 -> Y B = 0->
+ middle A B C1 -> middle B C A1 -> middle C A B1 ->
+ distance2 O A1 = distance2 O B1 ->
+ distance2 O A1 = distance2 O C1 ->
+ collinear A B C2 -> orthogonal A B O2 C2 ->
+ collinear B C A2 -> orthogonal B C O2 A2 ->
+ collinear A C B2 -> orthogonal A C O2 B2 ->
+ distance2 O2 A2 = distance2 O2 B2 ->
+ distance2 O2 A2 = distance2 O2 C2 ->
+ r^2%Z = distance2 O A1 ->
+ r2^2%Z = distance2 O2 A2 ->
+ distance2 O O2 = (r + r2)^2%Z
+ \/ distance2 O O2 = (r - r2)^2%Z
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "Feuerbach".
+Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 21. secs (19.021109u,0.s)*)
+Lemma Euler_circle: forall A B C A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 O:point,
+ middle A B C1 -> middle B C A1 -> middle C A B1 ->
+ orthogonal A B C C2 -> collinear A B C2 ->
+ orthogonal B C A A2 -> collinear B C A2 ->
+ orthogonal A C B B2 -> collinear A C B2 ->
+ distance2 O A1 = distance2 O B1 ->
+ distance2 O A1 = distance2 O C1 ->
+ (distance2 O A2 = distance2 O A1
+ /\distance2 O B2 = distance2 O A1
+ /\distance2 O C2 = distance2 O A1)
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "Euler_circle 3 goals".
+Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 13. secs (11.208296u,0.124981s)*)
+Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 10. secs (8.846655u,0.s)*)
+Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 11. secs (9.186603u,0.s)*)
+Lemma Desargues: forall A B C A1 B1 C1 P Q R S:point,
+ X S = 0 -> Y S = 0 -> Y A = 0 ->
+ collinear A S A1 -> collinear B S B1 -> collinear C S C1 ->
+ collinear B1 C1 P -> collinear B C P ->
+ collinear A1 C1 Q -> collinear A C Q ->
+ collinear A1 B1 R -> collinear A B R ->
+ collinear P Q R
+ \/ X A = X B \/ X A = X C \/ X B = X C \/ X A = 0 \/ Y B = 0 \/ Y C = 0
+ \/ collinear S B C \/ parallel A C A1 C1 \/ parallel A B A1 B1.
+idtac "Desargues".
+let lv := rev (X A
+ :: X B
+ :: Y B
+ :: X C
+ :: Y C
+ :: Y A1 :: X A1
+ :: Y B1
+ :: Y C1
+ :: X R
+ :: Y R
+ :: X Q
+ :: Y Q :: X P :: Y P :: X C1 :: X B1 :: nil) in
+nsatz with radicalmax :=1%N strategy:=0%Z
+ parameters:=(X A::X B::Y B::X C::Y C::X A1::Y B1::Y C1::nil)
+ variables:= lv. (*Finished transaction in 8. secs (8.02578u,0.001s)*)
+Lemma chords: forall O A B C D M:point,
+ equaldistance O A O B ->
+ equaldistance O A O C ->
+ equaldistance O A O D ->
+ collinear A B M -> collinear C D M ->
+ scalarproduct A M B = scalarproduct C M D
+ \/ parallel A B C D.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "chords".
+ Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 4. secs (3.959398u,0.s)*)
+Lemma Ceva: forall A B C D E F M:point,
+ collinear M A D -> collinear M B E -> collinear M C F ->
+ collinear B C D -> collinear E A C -> collinear F A B ->
+ (distance2 D B) * (distance2 E C) * (distance2 F A) =
+ (distance2 D C) * (distance2 E A) * (distance2 F B)
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "Ceva".
Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 105. secs (104.121171u,0.474928s)*)
+Lemma bissectrices: forall A B C M:point,
+ equaltangente C A M M A B ->
+ equaltangente A B M M B C ->
+ equaltangente B C M M C A
+ \/ equal3 A B.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "bissectrices".
Time nsatz.
+(*Finished transaction in 2. secs (1.937705u,0.s)*)
+Lemma bisections: forall A B C A1 B1 C1 H:point,
+ middle B C A1 -> orthogonal H A1 B C ->
+ middle A C B1 -> orthogonal H B1 A C ->
+ middle A B C1 ->
+ orthogonal H C1 A B
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "bisections".
+Time nsatz. (*Finished transaction in 2. secs (2.024692u,0.002s)*)
+Lemma altitudes: forall A B C A1 B1 C1 H:point,
+ collinear B C A1 -> orthogonal A A1 B C ->
+ collinear A C B1 -> orthogonal B B1 A C ->
+ collinear A B C1 -> orthogonal C C1 A B ->
+ collinear A A1 H -> collinear B B1 H ->
+ collinear C C1 H
+ \/ equal2 A B
+ \/ collinear A B C.
+Proof. geo_begin.
+idtac "altitudes".
+Time nsatz. (*Finished transaction in 3. secs (3.001544u,0.s)*)
+Time nsatz. (*Finished transaction in 4. secs (3.113527u,0.s)*)
Lemma hauteurs:forall A B C A1 B1 C1 H:point,
@@ -261,26 +519,16 @@ Lemma hauteurs:forall A B C A1 B1 C1 H:point,
\/ collinear A B C.
-(* Time nsatzRpv 2%N 1%Z (@nil R) (@nil R).*)
-(*Finished transaction in 3. secs (2.363641u,0.s)*)
-(*Time nsatz_domainR. trop long! *)
+idtac "hauteurs".
let lv := constr:(Y A1
- :: X A1
- :: Y B1
- :: X B1
- :: Y A0
- :: Y B
- :: X B
- :: X A0
- :: X H
- :: Y C
- :: Y C1 :: Y H :: X C1 :: X C :: (@Datatypes.nil R)) in
- nsatz_domainpv ltac:pretacR 2%N 1%Z (@Datatypes.nil R) lv ltac:simplR Rdi;
- discrR.
-(* Finished transaction in 6. secs (5.579152u,0.001s) *)
+ :: X A1 :: Y B1 :: X B1 :: Y A :: Y B :: X B :: X A :: X H :: Y C
+ :: Y C1 :: Y H :: X C1 :: X C :: (@Datatypes.nil R)) in
+nsatz with radicalmax := 2%N strategy := 1%Z parameters := (@Datatypes.nil R)
+ variables := lv.
+(*Finished transaction in 5. secs (4.360337u,0.008999s)*)
End Geometry.