path: root/tactics/rewrite.ml4
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Diffstat (limited to 'tactics/rewrite.ml4')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/rewrite.ml4 b/tactics/rewrite.ml4
index 010fd088..9d99ad96 100644
--- a/tactics/rewrite.ml4
+++ b/tactics/rewrite.ml4
@@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ let rewrite_relation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "rewrit
let arrow_morphism a b =
if isprop a && isprop b then
Lazy.force impl
- else
- mkApp(Lazy.force arrow, [|a;b|])
+ else Lazy.force arrow
let setoid_refl pars x =
applistc (Lazy.force setoid_refl_proj) (pars @ [x])
@@ -176,17 +175,18 @@ let new_cstr_evar (goal,cstr) env t =
let cstr', t = Evarutil.new_evar cstr env t in
(goal, cstr'), t
-let build_signature evars env m (cstrs : 'a option list) (finalcstr : 'a option) (f : 'a -> constr) =
+let build_signature evars env m (cstrs : (types * types option) option list)
+ (finalcstr : (types * types option) option) =
let new_evar evars env t =
new_cstr_evar evars env
(* ~src:(dummy_loc, ImplicitArg (ConstRef (Lazy.force respectful), (n, Some na))) *) t
let mk_relty evars env ty obj =
match obj with
- | None ->
+ | None | Some (_, None) ->
let relty = mk_relation ty in
new_evar evars env relty
- | Some x -> evars, f x
+ | Some (x, Some rel) -> evars, rel
let rec aux env evars ty l =
let t = Reductionops.whd_betadeltaiota env (fst evars) ty in
@@ -209,12 +209,11 @@ let build_signature evars env m (cstrs : 'a option list) (finalcstr : 'a option)
| _, obj :: _ -> anomaly "build_signature: not enough products"
| _, [] ->
(match finalcstr with
- | None ->
+ | None | Some (_, None) ->
let t = Reductionops.nf_betaiota (fst evars) ty in
let evars, rel = mk_relty evars env t None in
evars, t, rel, [t, Some rel]
- | Some codom -> let (t, rel) = codom in
- evars, t, rel, [t, Some rel])
+ | Some (t, Some rel) -> evars, t, rel, [t, Some rel])
in aux env evars m cstrs
let proper_proof env evars carrier relation x =
@@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ type hypinfo = {
l2r : bool;
c1 : constr;
c2 : constr;
- c : constr option;
+ c : constr with_bindings option;
abs : (constr * types) option;
@@ -256,25 +255,35 @@ let evd_convertible env evd x y =
try ignore(Evarconv.the_conv_x env x y evd); true
with _ -> false
-let decompose_applied_relation env sigma c left2right =
+let rec decompose_app_rel env evd t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App (f, args) ->
+ if Array.length args > 1 then
+ let fargs, args = array_chop (Array.length args - 2) args in
+ mkApp (f, fargs), args
+ else
+ let (f', args) = decompose_app_rel env evd args.(0) in
+ let ty = Typing.type_of env evd args.(0) in
+ let f'' = mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "x"), ty,
+ mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "y"), lift 1 ty,
+ mkApp (lift 2 f, [| mkApp (lift 2 f', [| mkRel 2; mkRel 1 |]) |])))
+ in (f'', args)
+ | _ -> error "The term provided is not an applied relation."
+let decompose_applied_relation env sigma (c,l) left2right =
let ctype = Typing.type_of env sigma c in
let find_rel ty =
- let eqclause = Clenv.mk_clenv_from_env env sigma None (c,ty) in
- let (equiv, args) = decompose_app (Clenv.clenv_type eqclause) in
- let rec split_last_two = function
- | [c1;c2] -> [],(c1, c2)
- | x::y::z ->
- let l,res = split_last_two (y::z) in x::l, res
- | _ -> error "The term provided is not an applied relation." in
- let others,(c1,c2) = split_last_two args in
+ let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding_env_apply env sigma None (c,ty) l in
+ let (equiv, args) = decompose_app_rel env sigma (Clenv.clenv_type eqclause) in
+ let c1 = args.(0) and c2 = args.(1) in
let ty1, ty2 =
Typing.type_of env eqclause.evd c1, Typing.type_of env eqclause.evd c2
if not (evd_convertible env eqclause.evd ty1 ty2) then None
Some { cl=eqclause; prf=(Clenv.clenv_value eqclause);
- car=ty1; rel=mkApp (equiv, Array.of_list others);
- l2r=left2right; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=Some c; abs=None }
+ car=ty1; rel = equiv;
+ l2r=left2right; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=Some (c,l); abs=None }
match find_rel ctype with
| Some c -> c
@@ -398,27 +407,53 @@ let rec decomp_pointwise n c =
if n = 0 then c
match kind_of_term c with
- | App (pointwise, [| a; b; relb |]) -> decomp_pointwise (pred n) relb
- | _ -> raise Not_found
+ | App (f, [| a; b; relb |]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force pointwise_relation) ->
+ decomp_pointwise (pred n) relb
+ | App (f, [| a; b; arelb |]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force forall_relation) ->
+ decomp_pointwise (pred n) (Reductionops.beta_applist (arelb, [mkRel 1]))
+ | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "decomp_pointwise")
+let rec apply_pointwise rel = function
+ | arg :: args ->
+ (match kind_of_term rel with
+ | App (f, [| a; b; relb |]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force pointwise_relation) ->
+ apply_pointwise relb args
+ | App (f, [| a; b; arelb |]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force forall_relation) ->
+ apply_pointwise (Reductionops.beta_applist (arelb, [arg])) args
+ | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "apply_pointwise"))
+ | [] -> rel
+let pointwise_or_dep_relation n t car rel =
+ if noccurn 1 car then
+ mkApp (Lazy.force pointwise_relation, [| t; lift (-1) car; lift (-1) rel |])
+ else
+ mkApp (Lazy.force forall_relation,
+ [| t; mkLambda (n, t, car); mkLambda (n, t, rel) |])
-let lift_cstr env sigma evars args cstr =
+let lift_cstr env sigma evars (args : constr list) ty cstr =
let cstr =
- let start =
+ let start env car =
match cstr with
- | Some codom -> codom
- | None ->
- let car = Evarutil.e_new_evar evars env (new_Type ()) in
- let rel = Evarutil.e_new_evar evars env (mk_relation car) in
- (car, rel)
+ | None | Some (_, None) ->
+ Evarutil.e_new_evar evars env (mk_relation car)
+ | Some (ty, Some rel) -> rel
- Array.fold_right
- (fun arg (car, rel) ->
- let ty = Typing.type_of env sigma arg in
- let car' = mkProd (Anonymous, ty, car) in
- let rel' = mkApp (Lazy.force pointwise_relation, [| ty; car; rel |]) in
- (car', rel'))
- args start
- in Some cstr
+ let rec aux env prod n =
+ if n = 0 then start env prod
+ else
+ match kind_of_term (Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env prod) with
+ | Prod (na, ty, b) ->
+ if noccurn 1 b then
+ let b' = lift (-1) b in
+ let rb = aux env b' (pred n) in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force pointwise_relation, [| ty; b'; rb |])
+ else
+ let rb = aux (Environ.push_rel (na, None, ty) env) b (pred n) in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force forall_relation,
+ [| ty; mkLambda (na, ty, b); mkLambda (na, ty, rb) |])
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in aux env ty (List.length args)
+ in Some (ty, cstr)
let unlift_cstr env sigma = function
| None -> None
@@ -430,12 +465,17 @@ let default_flags = { under_lambdas = true; on_morphisms = true; }
type evars = evar_map * evar_map (* goal evars, constraint evars *)
+type rewrite_proof =
+ | RewPrf of constr * constr
+ | RewCast of cast_kind
+let get_rew_rel = function RewPrf (rel, prf) -> Some rel | _ -> None
type rewrite_result_info = {
rew_car : constr;
- rew_rel : constr;
rew_from : constr;
rew_to : constr;
- rew_prf : constr;
+ rew_prf : rewrite_proof;
rew_evars : evars;
@@ -444,7 +484,13 @@ type rewrite_result = rewrite_result_info option
type strategy = Environ.env -> evar_map -> constr -> types ->
constr option -> evars -> rewrite_result option
-let resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel rel' res =
+let get_rew_prf r = match r.rew_prf with
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) -> prf
+ | RewCast c ->
+ mkCast (mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq_refl (), [| r.rew_car; r.rew_from |]),
+ c, mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq (), [| r.rew_car; r.rew_from; r.rew_to |]))
+let resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel prf rel' res =
if eq_constr rel rel' then res
(* try let evd' = Evarconv.the_conv_x env rel rel' res.rew_evars in *)
@@ -452,12 +498,11 @@ let resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel rel' res =
(* with NotConvertible -> *)
let app = mkApp (Lazy.force subrelation, [|car; rel; rel'|]) in
let evars, subrel = new_cstr_evar res.rew_evars env app in
+ let appsub = mkApp (subrel, [| res.rew_from ; res.rew_to ; prf |]) in
{ res with
- rew_prf = mkApp (subrel, [| res.rew_from ; res.rew_to ; res.rew_prf |]);
- rew_rel = rel';
+ rew_prf = RewPrf (rel', appsub);
rew_evars = evars }
let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars =
let evars, morph_instance, proj, sigargs, m', args, args' =
let first = try (array_find args' (fun i b -> b <> None))
@@ -466,9 +511,11 @@ let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars
let morphargs', morphobjs' = array_chop first args' in
let appm = mkApp(m, morphargs) in
let appmtype = Typing.type_of env sigma appm in
- let cstrs = ( (fun r -> r.rew_car, r.rew_rel)) (Array.to_list morphobjs') in
+ let cstrs = ( (fun r -> r.rew_car, get_rew_rel r.rew_prf)) (Array.to_list morphobjs') in
(* Desired signature *)
- let evars, appmtype', signature, sigargs = build_signature evars env appmtype cstrs cstr (fun (a,r) -> r) in
+ let evars, appmtype', signature, sigargs =
+ build_signature evars env appmtype cstrs cstr
+ in
(* Actual signature found *)
let cl_args = [| appmtype' ; signature ; appm |] in
let app = mkApp (Lazy.force proper_type, cl_args) in
@@ -492,7 +539,7 @@ let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars
let evars, proof = proper_proof env evars carrier relation x in
[ proof ; x ; x ] @ acc, subst, evars, sigargs, x :: typeargs'
| Some r ->
- [ r.rew_prf; r.rew_to; x ] @ acc, subst, evars, sigargs, r.rew_to :: typeargs')
+ [ get_rew_prf r; r.rew_to; x ] @ acc, subst, evars, sigargs, r.rew_to :: typeargs')
| None ->
if y <> None then error "Cannot rewrite the argument of a dependent function";
x :: acc, x :: subst, evars, sigargs, x :: typeargs')
@@ -504,10 +551,10 @@ let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars
[ a, Some r ] -> evars, proof, a, r, oldt, fnewt newt
| _ -> assert(false)
-let apply_constraint env sigma car rel cstr res =
+let apply_constraint env sigma car rel prf cstr res =
match cstr with
| None -> res
- | Some r -> resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel r res
+ | Some r -> resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel prf r res
let eq_env x y = x == y
@@ -523,12 +570,14 @@ let apply_rule hypinfo loccs : strategy =
match unif with
| Some (env', (prf, (car, rel, c1, c2))) when is_occ !occ ->
- let goalevars = Evd.evar_merge (fst evars)
- (Evd.undefined_evars (Evarutil.nf_evar_map env'.evd))
- in
- let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_rel = rel; rew_from = c1;
- rew_to = c2; rew_prf = prf; rew_evars = goalevars, snd evars }
- in Some (Some (apply_constraint env sigma car rel cstr res))
+ if eq_constr t c2 then Some None
+ else
+ let goalevars = Evd.evar_merge (fst evars)
+ (Evd.undefined_evars (Evarutil.nf_evar_map env'.evd))
+ in
+ let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_from = c1;
+ rew_to = c2; rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, prf); rew_evars = goalevars, snd evars }
+ in Some (Some (apply_constraint env sigma car rel prf cstr res))
| _ -> None
@@ -539,24 +588,79 @@ let apply_lemma (evm,c) left2right loccs : strategy =
apply_rule hypinfo loccs env sigma
let make_leibniz_proof c ty r =
- let prf = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_f_equal,
- [| r.rew_car; ty;
- mkLambda (Anonymous, r.rew_car, c (mkRel 1));
- r.rew_from; r.rew_to; r.rew_prf |])
+ let prf =
+ match r.rew_prf with
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) ->
+ let rel = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| ty |]) in
+ let prf =
+ mkApp (Lazy.force coq_f_equal,
+ [| r.rew_car; ty;
+ mkLambda (Anonymous, r.rew_car, c (mkRel 1));
+ r.rew_from; r.rew_to; prf |])
+ in RewPrf (rel, prf)
+ | RewCast k -> r.rew_prf
- { r with rew_car = ty; rew_rel = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| ty |]);
+ { r with rew_car = ty;
rew_from = c r.rew_from; rew_to = c r.rew_to; rew_prf = prf }
-let pointwise_or_dep_relation n t car rel =
- if noccurn 1 car then
- mkApp (Lazy.force pointwise_relation, [| t; lift (-1) car; lift (-1) rel |])
- else
- mkApp (Lazy.force forall_relation,
- [| t; mkLambda (n, t, car); mkLambda (n, t, rel) |])
+open Elimschemes
+let reset_env env =
+ let env' = Global.env_of_context (Environ.named_context_val env) in
+ Environ.push_rel_context (Environ.rel_context env) env'
+let fold_match ?(force=false) env sigma c =
+ let (ci, p, c, brs) = destCase c in
+ let cty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
+ let dep, pred, exists, sk =
+ let env', ctx, body =
+ let ctx, pred = decompose_lam_assum p in
+ let env' = Environ.push_rel_context ctx env in
+ env', ctx, pred
+ in
+ let sortp = Retyping.get_sort_family_of env' sigma body in
+ let sortc = Retyping.get_sort_family_of env sigma cty in
+ let dep = not (noccurn 1 body) in
+ let pred = if dep then p else
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn (subst1 mkProp body) ( ctx)
+ in
+ let sk =
+ if sortp = InProp then
+ if sortc = InProp then
+ if dep then case_dep_scheme_kind_from_prop
+ else case_scheme_kind_from_prop
+ else (
+ if dep
+ then case_dep_scheme_kind_from_type_in_prop
+ else case_scheme_kind_from_type)
+ else ((* sortc <> InProp by typing *)
+ if dep
+ then case_dep_scheme_kind_from_type
+ else case_scheme_kind_from_type)
+ in
+ let exists = Ind_tables.check_scheme sk ci.ci_ind in
+ if exists || force then
+ dep, pred, exists, Ind_tables.find_scheme sk ci.ci_ind
+ else raise Not_found
+ in
+ let app =
+ let ind, args = Inductive.find_rectype env cty in
+ let pars, args = list_chop ci.ci_npar args in
+ let meths = (fun br -> br) (Array.to_list brs) in
+ applist (mkConst sk, pars @ [pred] @ meths @ args @ [c])
+ in
+ sk, (if exists then env else reset_env env), app
+let unfold_match env sigma sk app =
+ match kind_of_term app with
+ | App (f', args) when f' = mkConst sk ->
+ let v = Environ.constant_value (Global.env ()) sk in
+ Reductionops.whd_beta sigma (mkApp (v, args))
+ | _ -> app
let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
let rec aux env sigma t ty cstr evars =
- let cstr' = (fun c -> (ty, c)) cstr in
+ let cstr' = (fun c -> (ty, Some c)) cstr in
match kind_of_term t with
| App (m, args) ->
let rewrite_args success =
@@ -578,29 +682,39 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
| Some true ->
let args' = Array.of_list (List.rev args') in
let evars', prf, car, rel, c1, c2 = resolve_morphism env sigma t m args args' cstr' evars' in
- let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_rel = rel; rew_from = c1;
- rew_to = c2; rew_prf = prf; rew_evars = evars' } in
+ let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_from = c1;
+ rew_to = c2; rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, prf);
+ rew_evars = evars' }
+ in
Some (Some res)
if flags.on_morphisms then
let evarsref = ref (snd evars) in
- let cstr' = lift_cstr env sigma evarsref args cstr' in
- let m' = s env sigma m (Typing.type_of env sigma m)
- ( snd cstr') (fst evars, !evarsref)
- in
+ let mty = Typing.type_of env sigma m in
+ let argsl = Array.to_list args in
+ let cstr' = lift_cstr env sigma evarsref argsl mty None in
+ let m' = s env sigma m mty ( snd cstr') (fst evars, !evarsref) in
match m' with
| None -> rewrite_args None (* Standard path, try rewrite on arguments *)
| Some None -> rewrite_args (Some false)
| Some (Some r) ->
(* We rewrote the function and get a proof of pointwise rel for the arguments.
We just apply it. *)
- let nargs = Array.length args in
+ let prf = match r.rew_prf with
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) ->
+ RewPrf (apply_pointwise rel argsl, mkApp (prf, args))
+ | x -> x
+ in
let res =
- { rew_car = decomp_prod env (fst r.rew_evars) nargs r.rew_car;
- rew_rel = decomp_pointwise nargs r.rew_rel;
+ { rew_car = prod_appvect r.rew_car args;
rew_from = mkApp(r.rew_from, args); rew_to = mkApp(r.rew_to, args);
- rew_prf = mkApp (r.rew_prf, args); rew_evars = r.rew_evars }
- in Some (Some res)
+ rew_prf = prf;
+ rew_evars = r.rew_evars }
+ in
+ match prf with
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) ->
+ Some (Some (apply_constraint env sigma res.rew_car rel prf cstr res))
+ | _ -> Some (Some res)
else rewrite_args None
| Prod (n, x, b) when noccurn 1 b ->
@@ -637,18 +751,24 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
let b' = s env' sigma b (Typing.type_of env' sigma b) (unlift_cstr env sigma cstr) evars in
(match b' with
| Some (Some r) ->
- Some (Some { r with
- rew_prf = mkLambda (n, t, r.rew_prf);
- rew_car = mkProd (n, t, r.rew_car);
- rew_rel = pointwise_or_dep_relation n t r.rew_car r.rew_rel;
- rew_from = mkLambda(n, t, r.rew_from);
- rew_to = mkLambda (n, t, r.rew_to) })
+ let prf = match r.rew_prf with
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) ->
+ let rel = pointwise_or_dep_relation n t r.rew_car rel in
+ let prf = mkLambda (n, t, prf) in
+ RewPrf (rel, prf)
+ | x -> x
+ in
+ Some (Some { r with
+ rew_prf = prf;
+ rew_car = mkProd (n, t, r.rew_car);
+ rew_from = mkLambda(n, t, r.rew_from);
+ rew_to = mkLambda (n, t, r.rew_to) })
| _ -> b')
| Case (ci, p, c, brs) ->
let cty = Typing.type_of env sigma c in
- let cstr = Some (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| cty |])) in
- let c' = s env sigma c cty cstr evars in
+ let cstr' = Some (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| cty |])) in
+ let c' = s env sigma c cty cstr' evars in
(match c' with
| Some (Some r) ->
Some (Some (make_leibniz_proof (fun x -> mkCase (ci, p, x, brs)) ty r))
@@ -668,7 +788,14 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
let ctxc x = mkCase (ci, p, c, Array.of_list (List.rev (brs' x))) in
Some (Some (make_leibniz_proof ctxc ty r))
| None -> x
- else x)
+ else
+ match try Some (fold_match env sigma t) with Not_found -> None with
+ | None -> x
+ | Some (cst, _, t') ->
+ match aux env sigma t' ty cstr evars with
+ | Some (Some prf) -> Some (Some { prf with
+ rew_from = t; rew_to = unfold_match env sigma cst prf.rew_to })
+ | x' -> x)
| _ -> if all then Some None else None
in aux
@@ -676,19 +803,27 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
let all_subterms = subterm true default_flags
let one_subterm = subterm false default_flags
-(** Requires transitivity of the rewrite step, not tail-recursive. *)
+(** Requires transitivity of the rewrite step, if not a reduction.
+ Not tail-recursive. *)
let transitivity env sigma (res : rewrite_result_info) (next : strategy) : rewrite_result option =
- match next env sigma res.rew_to res.rew_car (Some res.rew_rel) res.rew_evars with
+ match next env sigma res.rew_to res.rew_car (get_rew_rel res.rew_prf) res.rew_evars with
| None -> None
| Some None -> Some (Some res)
| Some (Some res') ->
- let prfty = mkApp (Lazy.force transitive_type, [| res.rew_car ; res.rew_rel |]) in
- let evars, prf = new_cstr_evar res'.rew_evars env prfty in
- let prf = mkApp (prf, [|res.rew_from; res'.rew_from; res'.rew_to;
- res.rew_prf; res'.rew_prf |])
- in Some (Some { res' with rew_from = res.rew_from; rew_evars = evars; rew_prf = prf })
+ match res.rew_prf with
+ | RewCast c -> Some (Some { res' with rew_from = res.rew_from })
+ | RewPrf (rew_rel, rew_prf) ->
+ match res'.rew_prf with
+ | RewCast _ -> Some (Some ({ res with rew_to = res'.rew_to }))
+ | RewPrf (res'_rel, res'_prf) ->
+ let prfty = mkApp (Lazy.force transitive_type, [| res.rew_car; rew_rel |]) in
+ let evars, prf = new_cstr_evar res'.rew_evars env prfty in
+ let prf = mkApp (prf, [|res.rew_from; res'.rew_from; res'.rew_to;
+ rew_prf; res'_prf |])
+ in Some (Some { res' with rew_from = res.rew_from;
+ rew_evars = evars; rew_prf = RewPrf (res'_rel, prf) })
(** Rewriting strategies.
Inspired by ELAN's rewriting strategies:
@@ -714,8 +849,8 @@ module Strategies =
let mty = mkApp (Lazy.force proper_proxy_type, [| ty ; rel; t |]) in
new_cstr_evar evars env mty
- Some (Some { rew_car = ty; rew_rel = rel; rew_from = t; rew_to = t;
- rew_prf = proof; rew_evars = evars })
+ Some (Some { rew_car = ty; rew_from = t; rew_to = t;
+ rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, proof); rew_evars = evars })
let progress (s : strategy) : strategy =
fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
@@ -769,13 +904,24 @@ module Strategies =
let old_hints (db : string) : strategy =
let rules = Autorewrite.find_rewrites db in
- lemmas ( (fun hint -> (inj_open hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r)) rules)
+ lemmas ( (fun hint -> (inj_open (hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, NoBindings), hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r)) rules)
let hints (db : string) : strategy =
fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
- let rules = Autorewrite.find_matches db t in
- lemmas ( (fun hint -> (inj_open hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r)) rules)
- env sigma t ty cstr evars
+ let rules = Autorewrite.find_matches db t in
+ lemmas ( (fun hint -> (inj_open (hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, NoBindings), hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r)) rules)
+ env sigma t ty cstr evars
+ let reduce (r : Redexpr.red_expr) : strategy =
+ let rfn, ckind = Redexpr.reduction_of_red_expr r in
+ fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
+ let t' = rfn env sigma t in
+ if eq_constr t' t then
+ Some None
+ else
+ Some (Some { rew_car = ty; rew_from = t; rew_to = t';
+ rew_prf = RewCast ckind; rew_evars = evars })
@@ -787,7 +933,7 @@ let rewrite_strat flags occs hyp =
Strategies.choice app (subterm true flags (fun env -> aux () env))
in aux ()
-let rewrite_with (evm,c) left2right loccs : strategy =
+let rewrite_with {it = c; sigma = evm} left2right loccs : strategy =
fun env sigma ->
let evars = Evd.merge sigma evm in
let hypinfo = ref (decompose_applied_relation env evars c left2right) in
@@ -803,7 +949,7 @@ let apply_strategy (s : strategy) env sigma concl cstr evars =
| Some None -> Some None
| Some (Some res) ->
evars := res.rew_evars;
- Some (Some (res.rew_prf, (res.rew_car, res.rew_rel, res.rew_from, res.rew_to)))
+ Some (Some (res.rew_prf, (res.rew_car, res.rew_from, res.rew_to)))
let split_evars_once sigma evd =
Evd.fold (fun ev evi deps ->
@@ -834,6 +980,12 @@ let solve_constraints env evars =
let nf_zeta =
Reductionops.clos_norm_flags (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
+let map_rewprf f = function
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) -> RewPrf (f rel, f prf)
+ | RewCast c -> RewCast c
+exception RewriteFailure
let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat goal_meta clause gl =
let concl, is_hyp =
match clause with
@@ -852,12 +1004,14 @@ let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat goal_meta clause gl =
let env = pf_env gl in
let eq = apply_strategy strat env sigma concl (Some cstr) evars in
match eq with
- | Some (Some (p, (_, _, oldt, newt))) ->
+ | Some (Some (p, (car, oldt, newt))) ->
let cstrevars = !evars in
let evars = solve_constraints env cstrevars in
- let p = Evarutil.nf_evar evars p in
- let p = nf_zeta env evars p in
+ let p = map_rewprf
+ (fun p -> nf_zeta env evars (Evarutil.nf_evar evars p))
+ p
+ in
let newt = Evarutil.nf_evar evars newt in
let abs = (fun (x, y) ->
Evarutil.nf_evar evars x, Evarutil.nf_evar evars y) abs in
@@ -865,27 +1019,36 @@ let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat goal_meta clause gl =
let rewtac =
match is_hyp with
| Some id ->
- let term =
- match abs with
- | None -> p
- | Some (t, ty) ->
- mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty, p), [| t |])
- in
- cut_replacing id newt
- (Tacmach.refine_no_check (mkApp (term, [| mkVar id |])))
+ (match p with
+ | RewPrf (rel, p) ->
+ let term =
+ match abs with
+ | None -> p
+ | Some (t, ty) ->
+ mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty, p), [| t |])
+ in
+ cut_replacing id newt
+ (Tacmach.refine_no_check (mkApp (term, [| mkVar id |])))
+ | RewCast c ->
+ change_in_hyp None newt (id, InHypTypeOnly))
| None ->
- (match abs with
- | None ->
- let name = next_name_away_with_default "H" Anonymous (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
- (Tacmach.internal_cut_no_check false name newt)
- (tclTHEN (Tactics.revert [name]) (Tacmach.refine_no_check p))
- | Some (t, ty) ->
- Tacmach.refine_no_check
- (mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "newt"), newt,
- mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty,
- mkApp (p, [| mkRel 2 |]))),
- [| mkMeta goal_meta; t |])))
+ (match p with
+ | RewPrf (rel, p) ->
+ (match abs with
+ | None ->
+ let name = next_name_away_with_default "H" Anonymous (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
+ (Tacmach.internal_cut_no_check false name newt)
+ (tclTHEN (Tactics.revert [name]) (Tacmach.refine_no_check p))
+ | Some (t, ty) ->
+ Tacmach.refine_no_check
+ (mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "newt"), newt,
+ mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty,
+ mkApp (p, [| mkRel 2 |]))),
+ [| mkMeta goal_meta; t |])))
+ | RewCast c ->
+ change_in_concl None newt)
let evartac =
if not (undef = Evd.empty) then
@@ -900,14 +1063,14 @@ let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat goal_meta clause gl =
++ fnl () ++ Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env e)) gl)
| Some None ->
tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: no progress made") gl
- | None -> raise Not_found
+ | None -> raise RewriteFailure
let cl_rewrite_clause_strat strat clause gl =
init_setoid ();
let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
let gl = { gl with sigma = Typeclasses.mark_unresolvables gl.sigma } in
try cl_rewrite_clause_aux strat meta clause gl
- with Not_found ->
+ with RewriteFailure ->
tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: strategy failed") gl
let cl_rewrite_clause l left2right occs clause gl =
@@ -939,11 +1102,13 @@ let glob_strategy ist l = l
let subst_strategy evm l = l
let apply_constr_expr c l2r occs = fun env sigma ->
- let c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr sigma env c in
- apply_lemma c l2r occs env sigma
+ let evd, c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr sigma env c in
+ apply_lemma (evd, (c, NoBindings)) l2r occs env sigma
-let interp_constr_list env sigma cs =
- (fun c -> Constrintern.interp_open_constr sigma env c, true) cs
+let interp_constr_list env sigma =
+ (fun c ->
+ let evd, c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr sigma env c in
+ (evd, (c, NoBindings)), true)
open Pcoq
@@ -980,15 +1145,18 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND rewstrategy TYPED AS strategy
| [ "choice" rewstrategy(h) rewstrategy(h') ] -> [ Strategies.choice h h' ]
| [ "old_hints" preident(h) ] -> [ Strategies.old_hints h ]
| [ "hints" preident(h) ] -> [ Strategies.hints h ]
- | [ "terms" constr_list(h) ] -> [ fun env sigma -> Strategies.lemmas (interp_constr_list env sigma h) env sigma ]
+ | [ "terms" constr_list(h) ] -> [ fun env sigma ->
+ Strategies.lemmas (interp_constr_list env sigma h) env sigma ]
+ | [ "eval" red_expr(r) ] -> [ fun env sigma ->
+ Strategies.reduce (Tacinterp.interp_redexp env sigma r) env sigma ]
TACTIC EXTEND class_rewrite
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences (Some id) ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) None ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences None ]
+| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
+| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
+| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences (Some id) ]
+| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) None ]
+| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences None ]
TACTIC EXTEND class_rewrite_strat
@@ -998,7 +1166,7 @@ END
let clsubstitute o c =
- let is_tac id = match kind_of_term (snd c) with Var id' when id' = id -> true | _ -> false in
+ let is_tac id = match kind_of_term (fst with Var id' when id' = id -> true | _ -> false in
(fun cl ->
match cl with
@@ -1006,22 +1174,22 @@ let clsubstitute o c =
| _ -> tclTRY (cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences cl))
TACTIC EXTEND substitute
-| [ "substitute" orient(o) open_constr(c) ] -> [ clsubstitute o c ]
+| [ "substitute" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ clsubstitute o c ]
(* Compatibility with old Setoids *)
TACTIC EXTEND setoid_rewrite
- [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) ]
+ [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) ]
-> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences None ]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "in" hyp(id) ] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) ] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences (Some id)]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) None]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id)] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id)] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id)]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) open_constr(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ)] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ)] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id)]
@@ -1104,12 +1272,12 @@ let declare_relation ?(binders=[]) a aeq n refl symm trans =
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Symmetric"), lemma2);
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Transitive"), lemma3)])
-type 'a binders_let_argtype = (local_binder list, 'a) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
+type 'a binders_argtype = (local_binder list, 'a) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
-let (wit_binders_let : Genarg.tlevel binders_let_argtype),
- (globwit_binders_let : Genarg.glevel binders_let_argtype),
- (rawwit_binders_let : Genarg.rlevel binders_let_argtype) =
- Genarg.create_arg "binders_let"
+let (wit_binders : Genarg.tlevel binders_argtype),
+ (globwit_binders : Genarg.glevel binders_argtype),
+ (rawwit_binders : Genarg.rlevel binders_argtype) =
+ Genarg.create_arg "binders"
open Pcoq.Constr
@@ -1147,35 +1315,35 @@ VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddRelation3
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq)
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq)
"reflexivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma1)
"symmetry" "proved" "by" constr(lemma2) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n (Some lemma1) (Some lemma2) None ]
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq)
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq)
"reflexivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma1)
"as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n (Some lemma1) None None ]
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "as" ident(n) ] ->
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n None None None ]
VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddParametricRelation2
- [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "symmetry" "proved" "by" constr(lemma2)
+ [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "symmetry" "proved" "by" constr(lemma2)
"as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n None (Some lemma2) None ]
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "symmetry" "proved" "by" constr(lemma2) "transitivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma3) "as" ident(n) ] ->
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "symmetry" "proved" "by" constr(lemma2) "transitivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma3) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n None (Some lemma2) (Some lemma3) ]
VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddParametricRelation3
- [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "reflexivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma1)
+ [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "reflexivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma1)
"transitivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma3) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n (Some lemma1) None (Some lemma3) ]
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "reflexivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma1)
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "reflexivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma1)
"symmetry" "proved" "by" constr(lemma2) "transitivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma3)
"as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n (Some lemma1) (Some lemma2) (Some lemma3) ]
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders_let(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "transitivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma3)
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Relation" binders(b) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) "transitivity" "proved" "by" constr(lemma3)
"as" ident(n) ] ->
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n None None (Some lemma3) ]
@@ -1242,7 +1410,7 @@ let build_morphism_signature m =
| _ -> []
in aux t
- let evars, t', sig_, cstrs = build_signature !isevars env t cstrs None snd in
+ let evars, t', sig_, cstrs = build_signature !isevars env t cstrs None in
let _ = isevars := evars in
let _ = List.iter
(fun (ty, rel) ->
@@ -1264,7 +1432,7 @@ let default_morphism sign m =
let env = Global.env () in
let t = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty m in
let evars, _, sign, cstrs =
- build_signature (Evd.empty,Evd.empty) env t (fst sign) (snd sign) (fun (ty, rel) -> rel)
+ build_signature (Evd.empty,Evd.empty) env t (fst sign) (snd sign)
let morph =
mkApp (Lazy.force proper_type, [| t; sign; m |])
@@ -1324,13 +1492,13 @@ let add_morphism glob binders m s n =
[ "Add" "Setoid" constr(a) constr(aeq) constr(t) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ add_setoid [] a aeq t n ]
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Setoid" binders_let(binders) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) constr(t) "as" ident(n) ] ->
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Setoid" binders(binders) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) constr(t) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ add_setoid binders a aeq t n ]
| [ "Add" "Morphism" constr(m) ":" ident(n) ] ->
[ add_morphism_infer (not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())) m n ]
| [ "Add" "Morphism" constr(m) "with" "signature" lconstr(s) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ add_morphism (not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())) [] m s n ]
- | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Morphism" binders_let(binders) ":" constr(m)
+ | [ "Add" "Parametric" "Morphism" binders(binders) ":" constr(m)
"with" "signature" lconstr(s) "as" ident(n) ] ->
[ add_morphism (not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())) binders m s n ]
@@ -1390,16 +1558,16 @@ let unification_rewrite l2r c1 c2 cl car rel but gl =
let cl' = { cl' with templval = mk_freelisted prf ; templtyp = mk_freelisted prfty } in
{cl=cl'; prf=(mkRel 1); car=car; rel=rel; l2r=l2r; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=None; abs=Some (prf, prfty)}
-let get_hyp gl evars c clause l2r =
- let hi = decompose_applied_relation (pf_env gl) evars c l2r in
+let get_hyp gl evars (c,l) clause l2r =
+ let hi = decompose_applied_relation (pf_env gl) evars (c,l) l2r in
let but = match clause with Some id -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id | None -> pf_concl gl in
unification_rewrite hi.l2r hi.c1 hi.c2 hi.rel but gl
-let general_rewrite_flags = { under_lambdas = false; on_morphisms = false }
+let general_rewrite_flags = { under_lambdas = false; on_morphisms = true }
-let apply_lemma gl c cl l2r occs =
+let apply_lemma gl (c,l) cl l2r occs =
let sigma = project gl in
- let hypinfo = ref (get_hyp gl sigma c cl l2r) in
+ let hypinfo = ref (get_hyp gl sigma (c,l) cl l2r) in
let app = apply_rule hypinfo occs in
let rec aux () =
Strategies.choice app (subterm true general_rewrite_flags (fun env -> aux () env))
@@ -1407,12 +1575,12 @@ let apply_lemma gl c cl l2r occs =
let general_s_rewrite cl l2r occs (c,l) ~new_goals gl =
let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
- let hypinfo, strat = apply_lemma gl c cl l2r occs in
+ let hypinfo, strat = apply_lemma gl (c,l) cl l2r occs in
(cl_rewrite_clause_aux ~abs:hypinfo.abs strat meta cl) gl
- with Not_found ->
+ with RewriteFailure ->
let {l2r=l2r; c1=x; c2=y} = hypinfo in
raise (Pretype_errors.PretypeError
(pf_env gl,
@@ -1441,18 +1609,10 @@ let not_declared env ty rel =
tclFAIL 0 (str" The relation " ++ Printer.pr_constr_env env rel ++ str" is not a declared " ++
str ty ++ str" relation. Maybe you need to require the Setoid library")
-let relation_of_constr env c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | App (f, args) when Array.length args >= 2 ->
- let relargs, args = array_chop (Array.length args - 2) args in
- mkApp (f, relargs), args
- | _ -> errorlabstrm "relation_of_constr"
- (str "The term " ++ Printer.pr_constr_env env c ++ str" is not an applied relation.")
let setoid_proof gl ty fn fallback =
let env = pf_env gl in
- let rel, args = relation_of_constr env (pf_concl gl) in
+ let rel, args = decompose_app_rel env (project gl) (pf_concl gl) in
let evm, car = project gl, pf_type_of gl args.(0) in
fn env evm car rel gl
with e ->
@@ -1460,7 +1620,7 @@ let setoid_proof gl ty fn fallback =
with Hipattern.NoEquationFound ->
match e with
| Not_found ->
- let rel, args = relation_of_constr env (pf_concl gl) in
+ let rel, args = decompose_app_rel env (project gl) (pf_concl gl) in
not_declared env ty rel gl
| _ -> raise e
@@ -1480,8 +1640,7 @@ let setoid_transitivity c gl =
let proof = get_transitive_proof env evm car rel in
match c with
| None -> eapply proof
- | Some c ->
- apply_with_bindings (proof,Rawterm.ExplicitBindings [ dummy_loc, Rawterm.NamedHyp (id_of_string "y"), c ]))
+ | Some c -> apply_with_bindings (proof,Rawterm.ImplicitBindings [ c ]))
(transitivity_red true c)
let setoid_symmetry_in id gl =
@@ -1539,3 +1698,25 @@ let implify id gl =
[ "implify" hyp(n) ] -> [ implify n ]
+let rec fold_matches env sigma c =
+ map_constr_with_full_binders Environ.push_rel
+ (fun env c ->
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Case _ ->
+ let cst, env, c' = fold_match ~force:true env sigma c in
+ fold_matches env sigma c'
+ | _ -> fold_matches env sigma c)
+ env c
+TACTIC EXTEND fold_match
+[ "fold_match" constr(c) ] -> [ fun gl ->
+ let _, _, c' = fold_match ~force:true (pf_env gl) (project gl) c in
+ change (Some (snd (pattern_of_constr (project gl) c))) c' onConcl gl ]
+TACTIC EXTEND fold_matches
+| [ "fold_matches" constr(c) ] -> [ fun gl ->
+ let c' = fold_matches (pf_env gl) (project gl) c in
+ change (Some (snd (pattern_of_constr (project gl) c))) c' onConcl gl ]