path: root/tactics/
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
-(* Chet's comments about this tactic :
- Programmable destruction of hypotheses and conclusions.
- The idea here is that we are going to store patterns. These
- patterns look like:
- TYP=<pattern>
- SORT=<pattern>
- and from these patterns, we will be able to decide which tactic to
- execute.
- For hypotheses, we have a vector of 4 patterns:
- and for conclusions, we have 2:
- If the user doesn't supply some of these, they are just replaced
- with empties.
- The process of matching goes like this:
- We use a discrimination net to look for matches between the pattern
- for HYP[TOP] (CONCL[TOP]) and the type of the chosen hypothesis.
- Then, we use this to look for the right tactic to apply, by
- matching the rest of the slots. Each match is tried, and if there
- is more than one, this fact is reported, and the one with the
- lowest priority is taken. The priority is a parameter of the
- tactic input.
- The tactic input is an expression to hand to the
- tactic-interpreter, and its priority.
- For most tactics, the priority should be the number of subgoals
- generated.
- Matching is compatible with second-order matching of sopattern.
- Hint DHyp <hyp-pattern> pri <tac-pattern>.
- and
- Hint DConcl <concl-pattern> pri <tac-pattern>.
- The bindings at the end allow us to transfer information from the
- patterns on terms into the patterns on tactics in a safe way - we
- will perform second-order normalization and conversion to an AST
- before substitution into the tactic-expression.
- WARNING: The binding mechanism is NOT intended to facilitate the
- transfer of large amounts of information from the terms to the
- tactic. This should be done in a special-purpose tactic.
- *)
-Example : The tactic "if there is a hypothesis saying that the
-successor of some number is smaller than zero, then invert such
-hypothesis" is defined in this way:
-Require DHyp.
-Hint Destruct Hypothesis less_than_zero (le (S ?) O) 1
- (:tactic:<Inversion $0>).
-Then, the tactic is used like this:
-Goal (le (S O) O) -> False.
-Intro H.
-DHyp H.
-The name "$0" refers to the matching hypothesis --in this case the
-hypothesis H.
-Similarly for the conclusion :
-Hint Destruct Conclusion equal_zero (? = ?) 1 (:tactic:<Reflexivity>).
-Goal (plus O O)=O.
-The "Discardable" option clears the hypothesis after using it.
-Require DHyp.
-Hint Destruct Discardable Hypothesis less_than_zero (le (S ?) O) 1
- (:tactic:<Inversion $0>).
-Goal (n:nat)(le (S n) O) -> False.
-Intros n H.
-DHyp H.
--- Eduardo (9/3/97 )
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Environ
-open Reduction
-open Proof_type
-open Rawterm
-open Tacmach
-open Refiner
-open Tactics
-open Clenv
-open Tactics
-open Tacticals
-open Libobject
-open Library
-open Pattern
-open Matching
-open Pcoq
-open Tacexpr
-open Termops
-open Libnames
-(* two patterns - one for the type, and one for the type of the type *)
-type destructor_pattern = {
- d_typ: constr_pattern;
- d_sort: constr_pattern }
-let subst_destructor_pattern subst { d_typ = t; d_sort = s } =
- { d_typ = subst_pattern subst t; d_sort = subst_pattern subst s }
-(* hypothesis patterns might need to do matching on the conclusion, too.
- * conclusion-patterns only need to do matching on the hypothesis *)
-type located_destructor_pattern =
- (* discardable, pattern for hyp, pattern for concl *)
- (bool * destructor_pattern * destructor_pattern,
- (* pattern for concl *)
- destructor_pattern) location
-let subst_located_destructor_pattern subst = function
- | HypLocation (b,d,d') ->
- HypLocation
- (b,subst_destructor_pattern subst d, subst_destructor_pattern subst d')
- | ConclLocation d ->
- ConclLocation (subst_destructor_pattern subst d)
-type destructor_data = {
- d_pat : located_destructor_pattern;
- d_pri : int;
- d_code : identifier option * glob_tactic_expr (* should be of phylum tactic *)
-module Dest_data = struct
- type t = destructor_data
- let compare =
- end
-module Nbterm_net = Nbtermdn.Make(Dest_data)
-type t = identifier Nbterm_net.t
-type frozen_t = identifier Nbterm_net.frozen_t
-let tactab = (Nbterm_net.create () : t)
-let lookup pat = Nbterm_net.lookup tactab pat
-let init () = Nbterm_net.empty tactab
-let freeze () = Nbterm_net.freeze tactab
-let unfreeze fs = Nbterm_net.unfreeze fs tactab
-let add (na,dd) =
- let pat = match dd.d_pat with
- | HypLocation(_,p,_) -> p.d_typ
- | ConclLocation p -> p.d_typ
- in
- if Nbterm_net.in_dn tactab na then begin
- msgnl (str "Warning [Overriding Destructor Entry " ++
- str (string_of_id na) ++ str"]");
- Nbterm_net.remap tactab na (pat,dd)
- end else
- Nbterm_net.add tactab (na,(pat,dd))
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "destruct-hyp-concl"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = init }
-let forward_subst_tactic =
- ref (fun _ -> failwith "subst_tactic is not installed for DHyp")
-let cache_dd (_,(_,na,dd)) =
- try
- add (na,dd)
- with _ ->
- anomalylabstrm "Dhyp.add"
- (str"The code which adds destructor hints broke;" ++ spc () ++
- str"this is not supposed to happen")
-let classify_dd (local,_,_ as o) =
- if local then Dispose else Substitute o
-let subst_dd (subst,(local,na,dd)) =
- (local,na,
- { d_pat = subst_located_destructor_pattern subst dd.d_pat;
- d_pri = dd.d_pri;
- d_code = !forward_subst_tactic subst dd.d_code })
-let (inDD,_) =
- declare_object {(default_object "DESTRUCT-HYP-CONCL-DATA") with
- cache_function = cache_dd;
- open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_dd o);
- subst_function = subst_dd;
- classify_function = classify_dd }
-let catch_all_sort_pattern = PMeta(Some (id_of_string "SORT"))
-let catch_all_type_pattern = PMeta(Some (id_of_string "TYPE"))
-let add_destructor_hint local na loc (_,pat) pri code =
- let code =
- begin match loc, code with
- | HypLocation _, TacFun ([id],body) -> (id,body)
- | ConclLocation _, _ -> (None, code)
- | _ ->
- errorlabstrm "add_destructor_hint"
- (str "The tactic should be a function of the hypothesis name.") end
- in
- let pat = match loc with
- | HypLocation b ->
- HypLocation
- (b,{d_typ=pat;d_sort=catch_all_sort_pattern},
- {d_typ=catch_all_type_pattern;d_sort=catch_all_sort_pattern})
- | ConclLocation () ->
- ConclLocation({d_typ=pat;d_sort=catch_all_sort_pattern}) in
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (inDD (local,na,{ d_pat = pat; d_pri=pri; d_code=code }))
-let match_dpat dp cls gls =
- let onconcl = cls.concl_occs <> no_occurrences_expr in
- match (cls,dp) with
- | ({onhyps=lo},HypLocation(_,hypd,concld)) when not onconcl ->
- let hl = match lo with
- Some l -> l
- | None -> (fun id -> ((all_occurrences_expr,id),InHyp))
- (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
- if not
- (List.for_all
- (fun ((_,id),hl) ->
- let cltyp = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
- let cl = pf_concl gls in
- (hl=InHyp) &
- (is_matching hypd.d_typ cltyp) &
- (is_matching hypd.d_sort (pf_type_of gls cltyp)) &
- (is_matching concld.d_typ cl) &
- (is_matching concld.d_sort (pf_type_of gls cl)))
- hl)
- then error "No match."
- | ({onhyps=Some[]},ConclLocation concld) when onconcl ->
- let cl = pf_concl gls in
- if not
- ((is_matching concld.d_typ cl) &
- (is_matching concld.d_sort (pf_type_of gls cl)))
- then error "No match."
- | _ -> error "ApplyDestructor"
-let forward_interp_tactic =
- ref (fun _ -> failwith "interp_tactic is not installed for DHyp")
-let set_extern_interp f = forward_interp_tactic := f
-let applyDestructor cls discard dd gls =
- match_dpat dd.d_pat cls gls;
- let cll = simple_clause_of cls gls in
- let tacl =
- (fun cl ->
- match cl, dd.d_code with
- | Some id, (Some x, tac) ->
- let arg =
- ConstrMayEval(ConstrTerm (RRef(dummy_loc,VarRef id),None)) in
- TacLetIn (false, [(dummy_loc, x), arg], tac)
- | None, (None, tac) -> tac
- | _, (Some _,_) -> error "Destructor expects an hypothesis."
- | _, (None,_) -> error "Destructor is for conclusion.")
- cll in
- let discard_0 =
- (fun cl ->
- match (cl,dd.d_pat) with
- | (Some id,HypLocation(discardable,_,_)) ->
- if discard & discardable then thin [id] else tclIDTAC
- | (None,ConclLocation _) -> tclIDTAC
- | _ -> error "ApplyDestructor" ) cll in
- tclTHEN (tclMAP !forward_interp_tactic tacl) (tclTHENLIST discard_0) gls
-(* [DHyp id gls]
- will take an identifier, get its type, look it up in the
- discrimination net, get the destructors stored there, and then try
- them in order of priority. *)
-let destructHyp discard id gls =
- let hyptyp = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
- let ddl = snd (lookup hyptyp) in
- let sorted_ddl = Sort.list (fun dd1 dd2 -> dd1.d_pri > dd2.d_pri) ddl in
- tclFIRST ( (applyDestructor (onHyp id) discard) sorted_ddl) gls
-let dHyp id gls = destructHyp false id gls
-let h_destructHyp b id =
- abstract_tactic (TacDestructHyp (b,(dummy_loc,id))) (destructHyp b id)
-(* [DConcl gls]
- will take a goal, get its concl, look it up in the
- discrimination net, get the destructors stored there, and then try
- them in order of priority. *)
-let dConcl gls =
- let ddl = snd (lookup (pf_concl gls)) in
- let sorted_ddl = Sort.list (fun dd1 dd2 -> dd1.d_pri > dd2.d_pri) ddl in
- tclFIRST ( (applyDestructor onConcl false) sorted_ddl) gls
-let h_destructConcl = abstract_tactic TacDestructConcl dConcl
-let rec search n =
- if n=0 then error "Search has reached zero.";
- tclFIRST
- [intros;
- assumption;
- (tclTHEN
- (Tacticals.tryAllHypsAndConcl
- (function
- | Some id -> (dHyp id)
- | None -> dConcl ))
- (search (n-1)))]
-let auto_tdb n = tclTRY (tclCOMPLETE (search n))
-let search_depth_tdb = ref(5)
-let depth_tdb = function
- | None -> !search_depth_tdb
- | Some n -> n
-let h_auto_tdb n = abstract_tactic (TacAutoTDB n) (auto_tdb (depth_tdb n))