path: root/stm/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stm/')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
index d8b2de4a..b4331dc4 100644
--- a/stm/
+++ b/stm/
@@ -8,16 +8,21 @@
let pr_err s = Printf.eprintf "%s] %s\n" (System.process_id ()) s; flush stderr
-let prerr_endline s = if false then begin pr_err s end else ()
-let prerr_debug s = if !Flags.debug then begin pr_err s end else ()
+let prerr_endline s = if false then begin pr_err (s ()) end else ()
+let prerr_debug s = if !Flags.debug then begin pr_err (s ()) end else ()
+(* Opening ppvernac below aliases Richpp, see PR#185 *)
+let pp_to_richpp = Richpp.richpp_of_pp
+let str_to_richpp = Richpp.richpp_of_string
open Vernacexpr
-open Errors
+open CErrors
open Pp
open Names
open Util
open Ppvernac
open Vernac_classifier
+open Feedback
module Hooks = struct
@@ -27,28 +32,25 @@ let with_fail, with_fail_hook = Hook.make ()
let state_computed, state_computed_hook = Hook.make
~default:(fun state_id ~in_cache ->
- feedback ~state_id Feedback.Processed) ()
+ feedback ~id:(State state_id) Processed) ()
let state_ready, state_ready_hook = Hook.make
~default:(fun state_id -> ()) ()
-let forward_feedback, forward_feedback_hook = Hook.make
- ~default:(function
- | { = Feedback.Edit edit_id; route; contents } ->
- feedback ~edit_id ~route contents
- | { = Feedback.State state_id; route; contents } ->
- feedback ~state_id ~route contents) ()
+let forward_feedback, forward_feedback_hook =
+ let m = Mutex.create () in
+ Hook.make ~default:(function
+ | { id = id; route; contents } ->
+ try Mutex.lock m; feedback ~id:id ~route contents; Mutex.unlock m
+ with e -> Mutex.unlock m; raise e) ()
let parse_error, parse_error_hook = Hook.make
- ~default:(function
- | Feedback.Edit edit_id -> fun loc msg ->
- feedback ~edit_id (Feedback.ErrorMsg (loc, string_of_ppcmds msg))
- | Feedback.State state_id -> fun loc msg ->
- feedback ~state_id (Feedback.ErrorMsg (loc, string_of_ppcmds msg))) ()
+ ~default:(fun id loc msg ->
+ feedback ~id (Message(Error, Some loc, pp_to_richpp msg))) ()
let execution_error, execution_error_hook = Hook.make
~default:(fun state_id loc msg ->
- feedback ~state_id (Feedback.ErrorMsg (loc, string_of_ppcmds msg))) ()
+ feedback ~id:(State state_id) (Message(Error, Some loc, pp_to_richpp msg))) ()
let unreachable_state, unreachable_state_hook = Hook.make
~default:(fun _ _ -> ()) ()
@@ -80,8 +82,28 @@ let interactive () =
let async_proofs_workers_extra_env = ref [||]
-type ast = { verbose : bool; loc : Loc.t; mutable expr : vernac_expr }
-let pr_ast { expr } = pr_vernac expr
+type aast = {
+ verbose : bool;
+ loc : Loc.t;
+ indentation : int;
+ strlen : int;
+ mutable expr : vernac_expr; (* mutable: Proof using hinted by aux file *)
+let pr_ast { expr; indentation } = int indentation ++ str " " ++ pr_vernac expr
+let default_proof_mode () = Proof_global.get_default_proof_mode_name ()
+(* Commands piercing opaque *)
+let may_pierce_opaque = function
+ | { expr = VernacPrint _ } -> true
+ | { expr = VernacExtend (("Extraction",_), _) } -> true
+ | { expr = VernacExtend (("SeparateExtraction",_), _) } -> true
+ | { expr = VernacExtend (("ExtractionLibrary",_), _) } -> true
+ | { expr = VernacExtend (("RecursiveExtractionLibrary",_), _) } -> true
+ | { expr = VernacExtend (("ExtractionConstant",_), _) } -> true
+ | { expr = VernacExtend (("ExtractionInlinedConstant",_), _) } -> true
+ | { expr = VernacExtend (("ExtractionInductive",_), _) } -> true
+ | _ -> false
(* Wrapper for Vernacentries.interp to set the feedback id *)
let vernac_interp ?proof id ?route { verbose; loc; expr } =
@@ -89,34 +111,48 @@ let vernac_interp ?proof id ?route { verbose; loc; expr } =
| VernacResetName _ | VernacResetInitial | VernacBack _
| VernacBackTo _ | VernacRestart | VernacUndo _ | VernacUndoTo _
| VernacBacktrack _ | VernacAbortAll | VernacAbort _ -> true
- | VernacTime el | VernacRedirect (_,el) -> List.for_all (fun (_,e) -> internal_command e) el
+ | VernacTime (_,e) | VernacTimeout (_,e) | VernacRedirect (_,(_,e)) -> internal_command e
| _ -> false in
if internal_command expr then begin
- prerr_endline ("ignoring " ^ string_of_ppcmds(pr_vernac expr))
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "ignoring " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds(pr_vernac expr))
end else begin
- set_id_for_feedback ?route (Feedback.State id);
+ set_id_for_feedback ?route (State id);
Aux_file.record_in_aux_set_at loc;
- prerr_endline ("interpreting " ^ string_of_ppcmds(pr_vernac expr));
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "interpreting " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds(pr_vernac expr));
try Hooks.(call interp ?verbosely:(Some verbose) ?proof (loc, expr))
with e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
iraise Hooks.(call_process_error_once e)
(* Wrapper for Vernac.parse_sentence to set the feedback id *)
-let vernac_parse ?newtip ?route eid s =
+let indentation_of_string s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec aux n i precise =
+ if i >= len then 0, precise, len
+ else
+ match s.[i] with
+ | ' ' | '\t' -> aux (succ n) (succ i) precise
+ | '\n' | '\r' -> aux 0 (succ i) true
+ | _ -> n, precise, len in
+ aux 0 0 false
+let vernac_parse ?(indlen_prev=fun() -> 0) ?newtip ?route eid s =
let feedback_id =
- if Option.is_empty newtip then Feedback.Edit eid
- else Feedback.State (Option.get newtip) in
+ if Option.is_empty newtip then Edit eid
+ else State (Option.get newtip) in
+ let indentation, precise, strlen = indentation_of_string s in
+ let indentation =
+ if precise then indentation else indlen_prev () + indentation in
set_id_for_feedback ?route feedback_id;
let pa = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in
Flags.with_option Flags.we_are_parsing (fun () ->
match Pcoq.Gram.entry_parse Pcoq.main_entry pa with
| None -> raise (Invalid_argument "vernac_parse")
- | Some ast -> ast
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ | Some (loc, ast) -> indentation, strlen, loc, ast
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
let loc = Option.default Loc.ghost (Loc.get_loc info) in
Hooks.(call parse_error feedback_id loc (iprint (e, info)));
iraise (e, info))
@@ -124,13 +160,13 @@ let vernac_parse ?newtip ?route eid s =
let pr_open_cur_subgoals () =
try Printer.pr_open_subgoals ()
- with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> str""
+ with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> Pp.str ""
let update_global_env () =
if Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs () then
Proof_global.update_global_env ()
-module Vcs_ = Vcs.Make(Stateid)
+module Vcs_ = Vcs.Make(Stateid.Self)
type future_proof = Proof_global.closed_proof_output Future.computation
type proof_mode = string
type depth = int
@@ -140,22 +176,27 @@ type branch_type =
| `Proof of proof_mode * depth
| `Edit of
proof_mode * Stateid.t * Stateid.t * vernac_qed_type * Vcs_.Branch.t ]
+(* TODO 8.7 : split commands and tactics, since this type is too messy now *)
type cmd_t = {
- ctac : bool; (* is a tactic, needed by the 8.4 semantics of Undo *)
- ceff : bool; (* is a side-effecting command *)
- cast : ast;
+ ctac : bool; (* is a tactic *)
+ ceff : bool; (* is a side-effecting command in the middle of a proof *)
+ cast : aast;
cids : Id.t list;
- cqueue : [ `MainQueue | `TacQueue of cancel_switch | `QueryQueue of cancel_switch ] }
-type fork_t = ast * Vcs_.Branch.t * Vernacexpr.opacity_guarantee * Id.t list
+ cblock : proof_block_name option;
+ cqueue : [ `MainQueue
+ | `TacQueue of solving_tac * anon_abstracting_tac * cancel_switch
+ | `QueryQueue of cancel_switch
+ | `SkipQueue ] }
+type fork_t = aast * Vcs_.Branch.t * Vernacexpr.opacity_guarantee * Id.t list
type qed_t = {
- qast : ast;
+ qast : aast;
keep : vernac_qed_type;
mutable fproof : (future_proof * cancel_switch) option;
brname : Vcs_.Branch.t;
brinfo : branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
-type seff_t = ast option
-type alias_t = Stateid.t * ast
+type seff_t = aast option
+type alias_t = Stateid.t * aast
type transaction =
| Cmd of cmd_t
| Fork of fork_t
@@ -167,40 +208,69 @@ type step =
[ `Cmd of cmd_t
| `Fork of fork_t * Stateid.t option
| `Qed of qed_t * Stateid.t
- | `Sideff of [ `Ast of ast * Stateid.t | `Id of Stateid.t ]
+ | `Sideff of [ `Ast of aast * Stateid.t | `Id of Stateid.t ]
| `Alias of alias_t ]
type visit = { step : step; next : Stateid.t }
+let mkTransTac cast cblock cqueue =
+ Cmd { ctac = true; cast; cblock; cqueue; cids = []; ceff = false }
+let mkTransCmd cast cids ceff cqueue =
+ Cmd { ctac = false; cast; cblock = None; cqueue; cids; ceff }
(* Parts of the system state that are morally part of the proof state *)
let summary_pstate = [ Evarutil.meta_counter_summary_name;
- Evarutil.evar_counter_summary_name;
+ Evd.evar_counter_summary_name;
"program-tcc-table" ]
-type state = {
- system : States.state;
- proof : Proof_global.state;
- shallow : bool
+type cached_state =
+ | Empty
+ | Error of Exninfo.iexn
+ | Valid of state
+and state = { (* TODO: inline records in OCaml 4.03 *)
+ system : States.state; (* summary + libstack *)
+ proof : Proof_global.state; (* proof state *)
+ shallow : bool (* is the state trimmed down (libstack) *)
type branch = Vcs_.Branch.t * branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
type backup = { mine : branch; others : branch list }
-type 'vcs state_info = { (* Make private *)
- mutable n_reached : int;
- mutable n_goals : int;
- mutable state : state option;
+type 'vcs state_info = { (* TODO: Make this record private to VCS *)
+ mutable n_reached : int; (* debug cache: how many times was computed *)
+ mutable n_goals : int; (* open goals: indentation *)
+ mutable state : cached_state; (* state value *)
mutable vcs_backup : 'vcs option * backup option;
let default_info () =
- { n_reached = 0; n_goals = 0; state = None; vcs_backup = None,None }
+ { n_reached = 0; n_goals = 0; state = Empty; vcs_backup = None,None }
+module DynBlockData : Dyn.S = Dyn.Make(struct end)
+(* Clusters of nodes implemented as Dag properties. While Dag and Vcs impose
+ * no constraint on properties, here we impose boxes to be non overlapping.
+ * Such invariant makes sense for the current kinds of boxes (proof blocks and
+ * entire proofs) but may make no sense and dropped/refined in the future.
+ * Such invariant is useful to detect broken proof block detection code *)
+type box =
+ | ProofTask of pt
+ | ProofBlock of static_block_declaration * proof_block_name
+and pt = { (* TODO: inline records in OCaml 4.03 *)
+ lemma : Stateid.t;
+ qed : Stateid.t;
+and static_block_declaration = {
+ block_start : Stateid.t;
+ block_stop : Stateid.t;
+ dynamic_switch : Stateid.t;
+ carry_on_data : DynBlockData.t;
(* Functions that work on a Vcs with a specific branch type *)
module Vcs_aux : sig
- val proof_nesting : (branch_type, 't,'i) Vcs_.t -> int
+ val proof_nesting : (branch_type, 't,'i,'c) Vcs_.t -> int
val find_proof_at_depth :
- (branch_type, 't, 'i) Vcs_.t -> int ->
+ (branch_type, 't, 'i,'c) Vcs_.t -> int ->
Vcs_.Branch.t * branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
exception Expired
- val visit : (branch_type, transaction,'i) Vcs_.t -> Vcs_.Dag.node -> visit
+ val visit : (branch_type, transaction,'i,'c) Vcs_.t -> Vcs_.Dag.node -> visit
end = struct (* {{{ *)
@@ -216,7 +286,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let find_proof_at_depth vcs pl =
try List.find (function
| _, { Vcs_.kind = `Proof(m, n) } -> Int.equal n pl
- | _, { Vcs_.kind = `Edit _ } -> anomaly(str"find_proof_at_depth")
+ | _, { Vcs_.kind = `Edit _ } -> anomaly(Pp.str "find_proof_at_depth")
| _ -> false)
( (fun h -> h, Vcs_.get_branch vcs h) (Vcs_.branches vcs))
with Not_found -> failwith "find_proof_at_depth"
@@ -224,9 +294,9 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
exception Expired
let visit vcs id =
if Stateid.equal id Stateid.initial then
- anomaly(str"Visiting the initial state id")
+ anomaly(Pp.str "Visiting the initial state id")
else if Stateid.equal id Stateid.dummy then
- anomaly(str"Visiting the dummy state id")
+ anomaly(Pp.str "Visiting the dummy state id")
match Vcs_.Dag.from_node (Vcs_.dag vcs) id with
@@ -242,7 +312,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| [n, Sideff (Some x); p, Noop]
| [p, Noop; n, Sideff (Some x)]-> { step = `Sideff(`Ast (x,p)); next = n }
| [n, Sideff (Some x)]-> {step = `Sideff(`Ast (x,Stateid.dummy)); next=n}
- | _ -> anomaly (str ("Malformed VCS at node "^Stateid.to_string id))
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str ("Malformed VCS at node "^Stateid.to_string id))
with Not_found -> raise Expired
end (* }}} *)
@@ -264,7 +334,7 @@ module VCS : sig
pos : id;
- type vcs = (branch_type, transaction, vcs state_info) Vcs_.t
+ type vcs = (branch_type, transaction, vcs state_info, box) Vcs_.t
val init : id -> unit
@@ -278,30 +348,32 @@ module VCS : sig
val rewrite_merge : id -> ours:transaction -> at:id -> Branch.t -> unit
val delete_branch : Branch.t -> unit
val commit : id -> transaction -> unit
- val mk_branch_name : ast -> Branch.t
+ val mk_branch_name : aast -> Branch.t
val edit_branch : Branch.t
val branch : ?root:id -> ?pos:id -> Branch.t -> branch_type -> unit
val reset_branch : Branch.t -> id -> unit
- val reachable : id -> Vcs_.NodeSet.t
+ val reachable : id -> Stateid.Set.t
val cur_tip : unit -> id
val get_info : id -> vcs state_info
- val reached : id -> bool -> unit
+ val reached : id -> unit
val goals : id -> int -> unit
- val set_state : id -> state -> unit
- val get_state : id -> state option
+ val set_state : id -> cached_state -> unit
+ val get_state : id -> cached_state
(* cuts from start -> stop, raising Expired if some nodes are not there *)
- val slice : start:id -> stop:id -> vcs
- val nodes_in_slice : start:id -> stop:id -> Stateid.t list
+ val slice : block_start:id -> block_stop:id -> vcs
+ val nodes_in_slice : block_start:id -> block_stop:id -> Stateid.t list
- val create_cluster : id list -> qed:id -> start:id -> unit
- val cluster_of : id -> (id * id) option
- val delete_cluster_of : id -> unit
+ val create_proof_task_box : id list -> qed:id -> block_start:id -> unit
+ val create_proof_block : static_block_declaration -> string -> unit
+ val box_of : id -> box list
+ val delete_boxes_of : id -> unit
+ val proof_task_box_of : id -> pt option
val proof_nesting : unit -> int
val checkout_shallowest_proof_branch : unit -> unit
- val propagate_sideff : ast option -> unit
+ val propagate_sideff : replay:aast option -> unit
val gc : unit -> unit
@@ -317,7 +389,6 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
include Vcs_
exception Expired = Vcs_aux.Expired
- module StateidSet = Set.Make(Stateid)
open Printf
let print_dag vcs () =
@@ -325,21 +396,21 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
"stm_" ^ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp " ") "_" (System.process_id ()) in
let string_of_transaction = function
| Cmd { cast = t } | Fork (t, _,_,_) ->
- (try string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t) with _ -> "ERR")
+ (try Pp.string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t) with _ -> "ERR")
| Sideff (Some t) ->
sprintf "Sideff(%s)"
- (try string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t) with _ -> "ERR")
+ (try Pp.string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t) with _ -> "ERR")
| Sideff None -> "EnvChange"
| Noop -> " "
| Alias (id,_) -> sprintf "Alias(%s)" (Stateid.to_string id)
| Qed { qast } -> string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast qast) in
let is_green id =
match get_info vcs id with
- | Some { state = Some _ } -> true
+ | Some { state = Valid _ } -> true
| _ -> false in
let is_red id =
match get_info vcs id with
- | Some s -> Int.equal s.n_reached ~-1
+ | Some { state = Error _ } -> true
| _ -> false in
let head = current_branch vcs in
let heads =
@@ -359,8 +430,6 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let edge tr =
sprintf "<<FONT POINT-SIZE=\"12\" FACE=\"sans\">%s</FONT>>"
(quote (string_of_transaction tr)) in
- let ids = ref StateidSet.empty in
- let clus = Hashtbl.create 13 in
let node_info id =
match get_info vcs id with
| None -> ""
@@ -373,39 +442,71 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let nodefmt oc id =
fprintf oc "%s [label=%s,style=filled,fillcolor=%s];\n"
(node id) (node_info id) (color id) in
- let add_to_clus_or_ids from cf =
- match cf with
- | None -> ids := StateidSet.add from !ids; false
- | Some c -> Hashtbl.replace clus c
- (try let n = Hashtbl.find clus c in from::n
- with Not_found -> [from]); true in
+ let ids = ref Stateid.Set.empty in
+ let boxes = ref [] in
+ (* Fill in *)
+ Dag.iter graph (fun from _ _ l ->
+ ids := Stateid.Set.add from !ids;
+ List.iter (fun box -> boxes := box :: !boxes)
+ (Dag.property_of graph from);
+ List.iter (fun (dest, _) ->
+ ids := Stateid.Set.add dest !ids;
+ List.iter (fun box -> boxes := box :: !boxes)
+ (Dag.property_of graph dest))
+ l);
+ boxes := CList.sort_uniquize !boxes;
let oc = open_out fname_dot in
output_string oc "digraph states {\n";
Dag.iter graph (fun from cf _ l ->
- let c1 = add_to_clus_or_ids from cf in
List.iter (fun (dest, trans) ->
- let c2 = add_to_clus_or_ids dest (Dag.cluster_of graph dest) in
- fprintf oc "%s -> %s [xlabel=%s,labelfloat=%b];\n"
- (node from) (node dest) (edge trans) (c1 && c2)) l
+ fprintf oc "%s -> %s [xlabel=%s,labelfloat=true];\n"
+ (node from) (node dest) (edge trans)) l
- StateidSet.iter (nodefmt oc) !ids;
- Hashtbl.iter (fun c nodes ->
- fprintf oc "subgraph cluster_%s {\n" (Dag.Cluster.to_string c);
- List.iter (nodefmt oc) nodes;
- fprintf oc "color=blue; }\n"
- ) clus;
+ let contains b1 b2 =
+ Stateid.Set.subset
+ (Dag.Property.having_it b2) (Dag.Property.having_it b1) in
+ let same_box = Dag.Property.equal in
+ let outerboxes boxes =
+ List.filter (fun b ->
+ not (List.exists (fun b1 ->
+ not (same_box b1 b) && contains b1 b) boxes)
+ ) boxes in
+ let rec rec_print b =
+ boxes := CList.remove same_box b !boxes;
+ let sub_boxes = List.filter (contains b) (outerboxes !boxes) in
+ fprintf oc "subgraph cluster_%s {\n" (Dag.Property.to_string b);
+ List.iter rec_print sub_boxes;
+ Stateid.Set.iter (fun id ->
+ if Stateid.Set.mem id !ids then begin
+ ids := Stateid.Set.remove id !ids;
+ nodefmt oc id
+ end)
+ (Dag.Property.having_it b);
+ match b with
+ | ProofBlock ({ dynamic_switch = id }, lbl) ->
+ fprintf oc "label=\"%s (test:%s)\";\n" lbl (Stateid.to_string id);
+ fprintf oc "color=red; }\n"
+ | ProofTask _ -> fprintf oc "color=blue; }\n"
+ in
+ List.iter rec_print (outerboxes !boxes);
+ Stateid.Set.iter (nodefmt oc) !ids;
List.iteri (fun i (b,id) ->
let shape = if Branch.equal head b then "box3d" else "box" in
fprintf oc "b%d -> %s;\n" i (node id);
fprintf oc "b%d [shape=%s,label=\"%s\"];\n" i shape
(Branch.to_string b);
) heads;
output_string oc "}\n";
close_out oc;
("dot -Tpdf -Gcharset=latin1 " ^ fname_dot ^ " -o" ^ fname_ps))
- type vcs = (branch_type, transaction, vcs state_info) t
+ type vcs = (branch_type, transaction, vcs state_info, box) t
let vcs : vcs ref = ref (empty Stateid.dummy)
let init id =
@@ -442,13 +543,12 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| Some x -> x
| None -> raise Vcs_aux.Expired
let set_state id s =
- (get_info id).state <- Some s;
+ (get_info id).state <- s;
if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then Hooks.(call state_ready id)
let get_state id = (get_info id).state
- let reached id b =
+ let reached id =
let info = get_info id in
- if b then info.n_reached <- info.n_reached + 1
- else info.n_reached <- -1
+ info.n_reached <- info.n_reached + 1
let goals id n = (get_info id).n_goals <- n
let cur_tip () = get_branch_pos (current_branch ())
@@ -466,14 +566,14 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let branch, mode = match Vcs_aux.find_proof_at_depth !vcs pl with
| h, { Vcs_.kind = `Proof (m, _) } -> h, m | _ -> assert false in
checkout branch;
- prerr_endline ("mode:" ^ mode);
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "mode:" ^ mode);
Proof_global.activate_proof_mode mode
with Failure _ ->
checkout Branch.master;
- Proof_global.disactivate_proof_mode "Classic"
+ Proof_global.disactivate_current_proof_mode ()
(* copies the transaction on every open branch *)
- let propagate_sideff t =
+ let propagate_sideff ~replay:t =
List.iter (fun b ->
checkout b;
let id = new_node () in
@@ -482,54 +582,91 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let visit id = Vcs_aux.visit !vcs id
- let nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop =
+ let nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop =
let rec aux id =
- if Stateid.equal id start then [] else
+ if Stateid.equal id block_start then [] else
match visit id with
| { next = n; step = `Cmd x } -> (id,Cmd x) :: aux n
| { next = n; step = `Alias x } -> (id,Alias x) :: aux n
| { next = n; step = `Sideff (`Ast (x,_)) } ->
(id,Sideff (Some x)) :: aux n
- | _ -> anomaly(str("Cannot slice from "^ Stateid.to_string start ^
- " to "^Stateid.to_string stop))
- in aux stop
+ | _ -> anomaly(str("Cannot slice from "^ Stateid.to_string block_start ^
+ " to "^Stateid.to_string block_stop))
+ in aux block_stop
- let slice ~start ~stop =
- let l = nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop in
+ let slice ~block_start ~block_stop =
+ let l = nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop in
let copy_info v id =
Vcs_.set_info v id
- { (get_info id) with state = None; vcs_backup = None,None } in
+ { (get_info id) with state = Empty; vcs_backup = None,None } in
let copy_info_w_state v id =
Vcs_.set_info v id { (get_info id) with vcs_backup = None,None } in
- let v = Vcs_.empty start in
- let v = copy_info v start in
+ let copy_proof_blockes v =
+ let nodes = Vcs_.Dag.all_nodes (Vcs_.dag v) in
+ let props =
+ Stateid.Set.fold (fun n pl -> Vcs_.property_of !vcs n @ pl) nodes [] in
+ let props = CList.sort_uniquize props in
+ List.fold_left (fun v p ->
+ Vcs_.create_property v
+ (Stateid.Set.elements (Vcs_.Dag.Property.having_it p))
+ ( p)) v props
+ in
+ let v = Vcs_.empty block_start in
+ let v = copy_info v block_start in
let v = List.fold_right (fun (id,tr) v ->
let v = Vcs_.commit v id tr in
let v = copy_info v id in
v) l v in
(* Stm should have reached the beginning of proof *)
- assert (not (Option.is_empty (get_info start).state));
+ assert (match (get_info block_start).state with Valid _ -> true | _ -> false);
(* We put in the new dag the most recent state known to master *)
let rec fill id =
- if (get_info id).state = None then fill (Vcs_aux.visit v id).next
- else copy_info_w_state v id in
- fill stop
- let nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop =
- List.rev ( fst (nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop))
- let create_cluster l ~qed ~start = vcs := create_cluster !vcs l (qed,start)
- let cluster_of id = (cluster_of !vcs id)
- let delete_cluster_of id =
- Option.iter (fun x -> vcs := delete_cluster !vcs x) (Vcs_.cluster_of !vcs id)
+ match (get_info id).state with
+ | Empty | Error _ -> fill (Vcs_aux.visit v id).next
+ | Valid _ -> copy_info_w_state v id in
+ let v = fill block_stop in
+ (* We put in the new dag the first state (since Qed shall run on it,
+ * see check_task_aux) *)
+ let v = copy_info_w_state v block_start in
+ copy_proof_blockes v
+ let nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop =
+ List.rev ( fst (nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop))
+ let topo_invariant l =
+ let all = List.fold_right Stateid.Set.add l Stateid.Set.empty in
+ List.for_all
+ (fun x ->
+ let props = property_of !vcs x in
+ let sets = Dag.Property.having_it props in
+ List.for_all (fun s -> Stateid.Set.(subset s all || subset all s)) sets)
+ l
+ let create_proof_task_box l ~qed ~block_start:lemma =
+ if not (topo_invariant l) then anomaly (str "overlapping boxes");
+ vcs := create_property !vcs l (ProofTask { qed; lemma })
+ let create_proof_block ({ block_start; block_stop} as decl) name =
+ let l = nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop in
+ if not (topo_invariant l) then anomaly (str "overlapping boxes");
+ vcs := create_property !vcs l (ProofBlock (decl, name))
+ let box_of id = (property_of !vcs id)
+ let delete_boxes_of id =
+ List.iter (fun x -> vcs := delete_property !vcs x) (property_of !vcs id)
+ let proof_task_box_of id =
+ match
+ CList.map_filter (function ProofTask x -> Some x | _ -> None) (box_of id)
+ with
+ | [] -> None
+ | [x] -> Some x
+ | _ -> anomaly (str "node with more than 1 proof task box")
let gc () =
let old_vcs = !vcs in
let new_vcs, erased_nodes = gc old_vcs in
- Vcs_.NodeSet.iter (fun id ->
+ Stateid.Set.iter (fun id ->
match (Vcs_aux.visit old_vcs id).step with
| `Qed ({ fproof = Some (_, cancel_switch) }, _)
- | `Cmd { cqueue = `TacQueue cancel_switch }
+ | `Cmd { cqueue = `TacQueue (_,_,cancel_switch) }
| `Cmd { cqueue = `QueryQueue cancel_switch } ->
cancel_switch := true
| _ -> ())
@@ -583,7 +720,10 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
end (* }}} *)
let state_of_id id =
- try `Valid (VCS.get_info id).state
+ try match (VCS.get_info id).state with
+ | Valid s -> `Valid (Some s)
+ | Error (e,_) -> `Error e
+ | Empty -> `Valid None
with VCS.Expired -> `Expired
@@ -603,9 +743,10 @@ module State : sig
val install_cached : Stateid.t -> unit
val is_cached : ?cache:Summary.marshallable -> Stateid.t -> bool
+ val is_cached_and_valid : ?cache:Summary.marshallable -> Stateid.t -> bool
- val exn_on : Stateid.t -> ?valid:Stateid.t -> iexn -> iexn
+ val exn_on : Stateid.t -> valid:Stateid.t -> iexn -> iexn
(* to send states across worker/master *)
type frozen_state
val get_cached : Stateid.t -> frozen_state
@@ -634,10 +775,9 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
States.unfreeze system; Proof_global.unfreeze proof
(* hack to make futures functional *)
- let in_t, out_t = Dyn.create "state4future"
let () = Future.set_freeze
- (fun () -> in_t (freeze_global_state `No, !cur_id))
- (fun t -> let s,i = out_t t in unfreeze_global_state s; cur_id := i)
+ (fun () -> Obj.magic (freeze_global_state `No, !cur_id))
+ (fun t -> let s,i = Obj.magic t in unfreeze_global_state s; cur_id := i)
type frozen_state = state
type proof_part =
@@ -649,51 +789,60 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
Summary.project_summary (States.summary_of_state system) summary_pstate
- let freeze marshallable id = VCS.set_state id (freeze_global_state marshallable)
+ let freeze marshallable id =
+ VCS.set_state id (Valid (freeze_global_state marshallable))
+ let freeze_invalid id iexn = VCS.set_state id (Error iexn)
- let is_cached ?(cache=`No) id =
+ let is_cached ?(cache=`No) id only_valid =
if Stateid.equal id !cur_id then
try match VCS.get_info id with
- | { state = None } when cache = `Yes -> freeze `No id; true
- | { state = None } when cache = `Shallow -> freeze `Shallow id; true
+ | { state = Empty } when cache = `Yes -> freeze `No id; true
+ | { state = Empty } when cache = `Shallow -> freeze `Shallow id; true
| _ -> true
with VCS.Expired -> false
try match VCS.get_info id with
- | { state = Some _ } -> true
- | _ -> false
+ | { state = Empty } -> false
+ | { state = Valid _ } -> true
+ | { state = Error _ } -> not only_valid
with VCS.Expired -> false
+ let is_cached_and_valid ?cache id = is_cached ?cache id true
+ let is_cached ?cache id = is_cached ?cache id false
let install_cached id =
- if Stateid.equal id !cur_id then () else (* optimization *)
- let s =
- match VCS.get_info id with
- | { state = Some s } -> s
- | _ -> anomaly (str "unfreezing a non existing state") in
- unfreeze_global_state s; cur_id := id
+ match VCS.get_info id with
+ | { state = Valid s } ->
+ if Stateid.equal id !cur_id then () (* optimization *)
+ else begin unfreeze_global_state s; cur_id := id end
+ | { state = Error ie } -> cur_id := id; Exninfo.iraise ie
+ | _ ->
+ (* coqc has a 1 slot cache and only for valid states *)
+ if interactive () = `No && Stateid.equal id !cur_id then ()
+ else anomaly (str "installing a non cached state")
let get_cached id =
try match VCS.get_info id with
- | { state = Some s } -> s
+ | { state = Valid s } -> s
| _ -> anomaly (str "not a cached state")
with VCS.Expired -> anomaly (str "not a cached state (expired)")
let assign id what =
- if VCS.get_state id <> None then () else
+ if VCS.get_state id <> Empty then () else
try match what with
| `Full s ->
let s =
let prev = (VCS.visit id).next in
- if is_cached prev
+ if is_cached_and_valid prev
then { s with proof =
~src:(get_cached prev).proof ~tgt:s.proof }
else s
with VCS.Expired -> s in
- VCS.set_state id s
+ VCS.set_state id (Valid s)
| `Proof(ontop,(pstate,counters)) ->
- if is_cached ontop then
+ if is_cached_and_valid ontop then
let s = get_cached ontop in
let s = { s with proof =
Proof_global.copy_terminators ~src:s.proof ~tgt:pstate } in
@@ -702,17 +851,17 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
(States.summary_of_state s.system)
counters) } in
- VCS.set_state id s
+ VCS.set_state id (Valid s)
with VCS.Expired -> ()
- let exn_on id ?valid (e, info) =
+ let exn_on id ~valid (e, info) =
match Stateid.get info with
| Some _ -> (e, info)
| None ->
let loc = Option.default Loc.ghost (Loc.get_loc info) in
let (e, info) = Hooks.(call_process_error_once (e, info)) in
Hooks.(call execution_error id loc (iprint (e, info)));
- (e, Stateid.add info ?valid id)
+ (e, Stateid.add info ~valid id)
let same_env { system = s1 } { system = s2 } =
let s1 = States.summary_of_state s1 in
@@ -724,12 +873,12 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let define ?safe_id ?(redefine=false) ?(cache=`No) ?(feedback_processed=true)
f id
- feedback ~state_id:id Feedback.(ProcessingIn !Flags.async_proofs_worker_id);
+ feedback ~id:(State id) (ProcessingIn !Flags.async_proofs_worker_id);
let str_id = Stateid.to_string id in
if is_cached id && not redefine then
anomaly (str"defining state "++str str_id++str" twice");
- prerr_endline("defining "^str_id^" (cache="^
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "defining "^str_id^" (cache="^
if cache = `Yes then "Y)" else if cache = `Shallow then "S)" else "N)");
let good_id = match safe_id with None -> !cur_id | Some id -> id in
fix_exn_ref := exn_on id ~valid:good_id;
@@ -737,24 +886,27 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
fix_exn_ref := (fun x -> x);
if cache = `Yes then freeze `No id
else if cache = `Shallow then freeze `Shallow id;
- prerr_endline ("setting cur id to "^str_id);
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "setting cur id to "^str_id);
cur_id := id;
if feedback_processed then
Hooks.(call state_computed id ~in_cache:false);
- VCS.reached id true;
+ VCS.reached id;
if Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs () then
VCS.goals id (Proof_global.get_open_goals ())
with e ->
- let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
let good_id = !cur_id in
cur_id := Stateid.dummy;
- VCS.reached id false;
- Hooks.(call unreachable_state id (e, info));
- match Stateid.get info, safe_id with
- | None, None -> iraise (exn_on id ~valid:good_id (e, info))
- | None, Some good_id -> iraise (exn_on id ~valid:good_id (e, info))
- | Some _, None -> iraise (e, info)
- | Some (_,at), Some id -> iraise (e, Stateid.add info ~valid:id at)
+ VCS.reached id;
+ let ie =
+ match Stateid.get info, safe_id with
+ | None, None -> (exn_on id ~valid:good_id (e, info))
+ | None, Some good_id -> (exn_on id ~valid:good_id (e, info))
+ | Some _, None -> (e, info)
+ | Some (_,at), Some id -> (e, Stateid.add info ~valid:id at) in
+ if cache = `Yes || cache = `Shallow then freeze_invalid id ie;
+ Hooks.(call unreachable_state id ie);
+ Exninfo.iraise ie
end (* }}} *)
@@ -830,7 +982,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let back_safe () =
let id =
fold_until (fun n (id,_,_,_,_) ->
- if n >= 0 && State.is_cached id then `Stop id else `Cont (succ n))
+ if n >= 0 && State.is_cached_and_valid id then `Stop id else `Cont (succ n))
0 (VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ())) in
backto id
@@ -840,8 +992,6 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| VernacResetInitial ->
VtStm (VtBack Stateid.initial, true), VtNow
| VernacResetName (_,name) ->
- msg_warning
- (str"Reset not implemented for automatically generated constants");
let id = VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()) in
let oid =
@@ -891,8 +1041,8 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow
| Not_found ->
- msg_warning(str"undo_vernac_classifier: going back to the initial state.");
- VtStm (VtBack Stateid.initial, true), VtNow
+ CErrors.errorlabstrm "undo_vernac_classifier"
+ (str "Cannot undo")
end (* }}} *)
@@ -925,10 +1075,78 @@ let record_pb_time proof_name loc time =
exception RemoteException of std_ppcmds
-let _ = Errors.register_handler (function
+let _ = CErrors.register_handler (function
| RemoteException ppcmd -> ppcmd
| _ -> raise Unhandled)
+(****************** proof structure for error recovery ************************)
+type document_node = {
+ indentation : int;
+ ast : Vernacexpr.vernac_expr;
+ id : Stateid.t;
+type document_view = {
+ entry_point : document_node;
+ prev_node : document_node -> document_node option;
+type static_block_detection =
+ document_view -> static_block_declaration option
+type recovery_action = {
+ base_state : Stateid.t;
+ goals_to_admit : Goal.goal list;
+ recovery_command : Vernacexpr.vernac_expr option;
+type dynamic_block_error_recovery =
+ static_block_declaration -> [ `ValidBlock of recovery_action | `Leaks ]
+let proof_block_delimiters = ref []
+let register_proof_block_delimiter name static dynamic =
+ if List.mem_assoc name !proof_block_delimiters then
+ CErrors.errorlabstrm "STM" (str "Duplicate block delimiter " ++ str name);
+ proof_block_delimiters := (name, (static,dynamic)) :: !proof_block_delimiters
+let mk_doc_node id = function
+ | { step = `Cmd { ctac; cast = { indentation; expr }}; next } when ctac ->
+ Some { indentation; ast = expr; id }
+ | { step = `Sideff (`Ast ({ indentation; expr }, _)); next } ->
+ Some { indentation; ast = expr; id }
+ | _ -> None
+let prev_node { id } =
+ let id = (VCS.visit id).next in
+ mk_doc_node id (VCS.visit id)
+let cur_node id = mk_doc_node id (VCS.visit id)
+let is_block_name_enabled name =
+ match !Flags.async_proofs_tac_error_resilience with
+ | `None -> false
+ | `All -> true
+ | `Only l -> List.mem name l
+let detect_proof_block id name =
+ let name = match name with None -> "indent" | Some x -> x in
+ if is_block_name_enabled name &&
+ (Flags.async_proofs_is_master () || Flags.async_proofs_is_worker ())
+ then (
+ match cur_node id with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some entry_point -> try
+ let static, _ = List.assoc name !proof_block_delimiters in
+ begin match static { prev_node; entry_point } with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some ({ block_start; block_stop } as decl) ->
+ VCS.create_proof_block decl name
+ end
+ with Not_found ->
+ CErrors.errorlabstrm "STM"
+ (str "Unknown proof block delimiter " ++ str name)
+ )
(****************************** THE SCHEDULER *********************************)
@@ -1034,7 +1252,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
try Some (ReqBuildProof ({
Stateid.exn_info = t_exn_info;
stop = t_stop;
- document = VCS.slice ~start:t_start ~stop:t_stop;
+ document = VCS.slice ~block_start:t_start ~block_stop:t_stop;
loc = t_loc;
uuid = t_uuid;
name = t_name }, t_drop, t_states))
@@ -1046,7 +1264,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
List.iter (fun (id,s) -> State.assign id s) l; `End
| `Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states; t_drop },
RespBuiltProof (pl, time) ->
- feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1);
+ feedback (InProgress ~-1);
t_assign (`Val pl);
record_pb_time t_name t_loc time;
if !Flags.async_proofs_full || t_drop
@@ -1054,7 +1272,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
else `End
| `Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states },
RespError { e_error_at; e_safe_id = valid; e_msg; e_safe_states } ->
- feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1);
+ feedback (InProgress ~-1);
let info = Stateid.add ~valid Exninfo.null e_error_at in
let e = (RemoteException e_msg, info) in
t_assign (`Exn e);
@@ -1070,7 +1288,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let e = (RemoteException (strbrk s), info) in
t_assign (`Exn e);
Hooks.(call execution_error start Loc.ghost (strbrk s));
- feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1)
+ feedback (InProgress ~-1)
let build_proof_here ~drop_pt (id,valid) loc eop =
Future.create (State.exn_on id ~valid) (fun () ->
@@ -1081,7 +1299,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
Aux_file.record_in_aux_at loc "proof_build_time"
(Printf.sprintf "%.3f" (wall_clock2 -. wall_clock1));
let p = Proof_global.return_proof ~allow_partial:drop_pt () in
- if drop_pt then ~state_id:id Feedback.Complete;
+ if drop_pt then feedback ~id:(State id) Complete;
let perform_buildp { Stateid.exn_info; stop; document; loc } drop my_states =
@@ -1105,30 +1323,31 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
Lemmas.(standard_proof_terminator [] (mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))) in
vernac_interp stop
~proof:(pobject, terminator)
- { verbose = false; loc;
+ { verbose = false; loc; indentation = 0; strlen = 0;
expr = (VernacEndProof (Proved (Opaque None,None))) }) in
ignore(Future.join checked_proof);
- | e when Errors.noncritical e || e = Stack_overflow ->
- let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ | e when CErrors.noncritical e || e = Stack_overflow ->
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
(* This can happen if the proof is broken. The error has also been
* signalled as a feedback, hence we can silently recover *)
let e_error_at, e_safe_id = match Stateid.get info with
| Some (safe, err) -> err, safe
| None -> Stateid.dummy, Stateid.dummy in
let e_msg = iprint (e, info) in
- prerr_endline "failed with the following exception:";
- prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds e_msg);
- let e_safe_states = List.filter State.is_cached my_states in
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "failed with the following exception:");
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> string_of_ppcmds e_msg);
+ let e_safe_states = List.filter State.is_cached_and_valid my_states in
RespError { e_error_at; e_safe_id; e_msg; e_safe_states }
let perform_states query =
if query = [] then [] else
- let is_tac = function
- | VernacSolve _ | VernacFocus _ | VernacUnfocus | VernacBullet _ -> true
- | _ -> false in
+ let is_tac e = match classify_vernac e with
+ | VtProofStep _, _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
let initial =
let rec aux id =
try match VCS.visit id with { next } -> aux next
@@ -1138,19 +1357,19 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let prev =
let { next = prev; step } = VCS.visit id in
- if State.is_cached prev && List.mem prev seen
+ if State.is_cached_and_valid prev && List.mem prev seen
then Some (prev, State.get_cached prev, step)
else None
with VCS.Expired -> None in
let this =
- if State.is_cached id then Some (State.get_cached id) else None in
+ if State.is_cached_and_valid id then Some (State.get_cached id) else None in
match prev, this with
| _, None -> None
| Some (prev, o, `Cmd { cast = { expr }}), Some n
when is_tac expr && State.same_env o n -> (* A pure tactic *)
Some (id, `Proof (prev, State.proof_part_of_frozen n))
| Some _, Some s ->
- msg_warning (str "STM: sending back a fat state");
+ msg_debug (str "STM: sending back a fat state");
Some (id, `Full s)
| _, Some s -> Some (id, `Full s) in
let rec aux seen = function
@@ -1173,7 +1392,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
"The system state could not be sent to the worker process. "^
"Falling back to local, lazy, evaluation."));
t_assign(`Comp(build_proof_here ~drop_pt t_exn_info t_loc t_stop));
- feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1)
+ feedback (InProgress ~-1)
end (* }}} *)
@@ -1183,7 +1402,7 @@ and Slaves : sig
(* (eventually) remote calls *)
val build_proof :
loc:Loc.t -> drop_pt:bool ->
- exn_info:(Stateid.t * Stateid.t) -> start:Stateid.t -> stop:Stateid.t ->
+ exn_info:(Stateid.t * Stateid.t) -> block_start:Stateid.t -> block_stop:Stateid.t ->
name:string -> future_proof * cancel_switch
(* blocking function that waits for the task queue to be empty *)
@@ -1221,8 +1440,8 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let check_task_aux extra name l i =
let { Stateid.stop; document; loc; name = r_name }, drop = List.nth l i in
- msg_info(
- str(Printf.sprintf "Checking task %d (%s%s) of %s" i r_name extra name));
+ Flags.if_verbose msg_info
+ (str(Printf.sprintf "Checking task %d (%s%s) of %s" i r_name extra name));
VCS.restore document;
let start =
let rec aux cur =
@@ -1245,15 +1464,15 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
* looking at the ones that happen to be present in the current env *)
Reach.known_state ~cache:`No start;
vernac_interp stop ~proof
- { verbose = false; loc;
+ { verbose = false; loc; indentation = 0; strlen = 0;
expr = (VernacEndProof (Proved (Opaque None,None))) };
`OK proof
with e ->
- let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
(try match Stateid.get info with
| None ->
- pperrnl (
+ msg_error (
str"File " ++ str name ++ str ": proof of " ++ str r_name ++
spc () ++ iprint (e, info))
| Some (_, cur) ->
@@ -1263,12 +1482,12 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| { step = `Qed ( { qast = { loc } }, _) }
| { step = `Sideff (`Ast ( { loc }, _)) } ->
let start, stop = Loc.unloc loc in
- pperrnl (
+ msg_error (
str"File " ++ str name ++ str ": proof of " ++ str r_name ++
str ": chars " ++ int start ++ str "-" ++ int stop ++
spc () ++ iprint (e, info))
| _ ->
- pperrnl (
+ msg_error (
str"File " ++ str name ++ str ": proof of " ++ str r_name ++
spc () ++ iprint (e, info))
with e ->
@@ -1328,7 +1547,6 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let set_perspective idl =
ProofTask.set_perspective idl;
TaskQueue.broadcast (Option.get !queue);
- let open Stateid in
let open ProofTask in
let overlap s1 s2 =
List.exists (fun x -> CList.mem_f Stateid.equal x s2) s1 in
@@ -1343,7 +1561,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
BuildProof { t_states = s2 } -> overlap_rel s1 s2
| _ -> 0)
- let build_proof ~loc ~drop_pt ~exn_info ~start ~stop ~name:pname =
+ let build_proof ~loc ~drop_pt ~exn_info ~block_start ~block_stop ~name:pname =
let id, valid as t_exn_info = exn_info in
let cancel_switch = ref false in
if TaskQueue.n_workers (Option.get !queue) = 0 then
@@ -1352,21 +1570,21 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
Future.create_delegate ~blocking:true ~name:pname (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
let t_uuid = Future.uuid f in
let task = ProofTask.(BuildProof {
- t_exn_info; t_start = start; t_stop = stop; t_drop = drop_pt;
+ t_exn_info; t_start = block_start; t_stop = block_stop; t_drop = drop_pt;
t_assign = assign; t_loc = loc; t_uuid; t_name = pname;
- t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop }) in
+ t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop }) in
TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) (task,cancel_switch);
f, cancel_switch
end else
- ProofTask.build_proof_here ~drop_pt t_exn_info loc stop, cancel_switch
+ ProofTask.build_proof_here ~drop_pt t_exn_info loc block_stop, cancel_switch
let f, t_assign = Future.create_delegate ~name:pname (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
let t_uuid = Future.uuid f in
- feedback (Feedback.InProgress 1);
+ feedback (InProgress 1);
let task = ProofTask.(BuildProof {
- t_exn_info; t_start = start; t_stop = stop; t_assign; t_drop = drop_pt;
+ t_exn_info; t_start = block_start; t_stop = block_stop; t_assign; t_drop = drop_pt;
t_loc = loc; t_uuid; t_name = pname;
- t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop }) in
+ t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~block_start ~block_stop }) in
TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) (task,cancel_switch);
f, cancel_switch
@@ -1385,7 +1603,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| Some (ReqBuildProof (r, b, _)) -> Some(r, b)
| _ -> None)
tasks in
- prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "dumping %d tasks\n" (List.length reqs));
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "dumping %d tasks\n" (List.length reqs));
let reset_task_queue () = TaskQueue.clear (Option.get !queue)
@@ -1399,10 +1617,11 @@ and TacTask : sig
t_state : Stateid.t;
t_state_fb : Stateid.t;
t_assign : output Future.assignement -> unit;
- t_ast : ast;
+ t_ast : int * aast;
t_goal : Goal.goal;
t_kill : unit -> unit;
t_name : string }
+ exception NoProgress
include AsyncTaskQueue.Task with type task := task
@@ -1416,7 +1635,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
t_state : Stateid.t;
t_state_fb : Stateid.t;
t_assign : output Future.assignement -> unit;
- t_ast : ast;
+ t_ast : int * aast;
t_goal : Goal.goal;
t_kill : unit -> unit;
t_name : string }
@@ -1425,13 +1644,15 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
r_state : Stateid.t;
r_state_fb : Stateid.t;
r_document : VCS.vcs option;
- r_ast : ast;
+ r_ast : int * aast;
r_goal : Goal.goal;
r_name : string }
type response =
| RespBuiltSubProof of output
| RespError of std_ppcmds
+ | RespNoProgress
+ exception NoProgress
let name = ref "tacworker"
let extra_env () = [||]
@@ -1445,7 +1666,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
r_state_fb = t_state_fb;
r_document =
if age <> `Fresh then None
- else Some (VCS.slice ~start:t_state ~stop:t_state);
+ else Some (VCS.slice ~block_start:t_state ~block_stop:t_state);
r_ast = t_ast;
r_goal = t_goal;
r_name = t_name }
@@ -1454,9 +1675,13 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let use_response _ { t_assign; t_state; t_state_fb; t_kill } resp =
match resp with
| RespBuiltSubProof o -> t_assign (`Val o); `Stay ((),[])
+ | RespNoProgress ->
+ let e = (NoProgress, Exninfo.null) in
+ t_assign (`Exn e);
+ t_kill ();
+ `Stay ((),[])
| RespError msg ->
- let info = Stateid.add ~valid:t_state Exninfo.null t_state_fb in
- let e = (RemoteException msg, info) in
+ let e = (RemoteException msg, Exninfo.null) in
t_assign (`Exn e);
t_kill ();
`Stay ((),[])
@@ -1469,36 +1694,37 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
| Some { t_kill } -> t_kill ()
| _ -> ()
+ let command_focus = Proof.new_focus_kind ()
+ let focus_cond = Proof.no_cond command_focus
let perform { r_state = id; r_state_fb; r_document = vcs; r_ast; r_goal } =
Option.iter VCS.restore vcs;
Reach.known_state ~cache:`No id;
- let t, uc = Future.purify (fun () ->
+ Future.purify (fun () ->
let _,_,_,_,sigma0 = Proof.proof (Proof_global.give_me_the_proof ()) in
let g = Evd.find sigma0 r_goal in
if not (
Evarutil.is_ground_term sigma0 Evd.(evar_concl g) &&
- List.for_all (fun (_,bo,ty) ->
- Evarutil.is_ground_term sigma0 ty &&
- Option.cata (Evarutil.is_ground_term sigma0) true bo)
- Evd.(evar_context g))
+ List.for_all (Context.Named.Declaration.for_all (Evarutil.is_ground_term sigma0))
+ Evd.(evar_context g))
- Errors.errorlabstrm "Stm" (strbrk("the par: goal selector supports ground "^
+ CErrors.errorlabstrm "STM" (strbrk("the par: goal selector supports ground "^
"goals only"))
else begin
- vernac_interp r_state_fb r_ast;
+ let (i, ast) = r_ast in
+ Proof_global.simple_with_current_proof (fun _ p -> Proof.focus focus_cond () i p);
+ vernac_interp r_state_fb ast;
let _,_,_,_,sigma = Proof.proof (Proof_global.give_me_the_proof ()) in
match Evd.(evar_body (find sigma r_goal)) with
- | Evd.Evar_empty -> Errors.errorlabstrm "Stm" (str "no progress")
+ | Evd.Evar_empty -> RespNoProgress
| Evd.Evar_defined t ->
let t = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma t in
if Evarutil.is_ground_term sigma t then
- t, Evd.evar_universe_context sigma
- else Errors.errorlabstrm "Stm" (str"The solution is not ground")
+ RespBuiltSubProof (t, Evd.evar_universe_context sigma)
+ else CErrors.errorlabstrm "STM" (str"The solution is not ground")
end) ()
- in
- RespBuiltSubProof (t,uc)
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> RespError (Errors.print e)
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> RespError (CErrors.print e)
let name_of_task { t_name } = t_name
let name_of_request { r_name } = r_name
@@ -1508,19 +1734,22 @@ end (* }}} *)
and Partac : sig
val vernac_interp :
- cancel_switch -> int -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> ast -> unit
+ solve:bool -> abstract:bool -> cancel_switch ->
+ int -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> aast ->
+ unit
end = struct (* {{{ *)
module TaskQueue = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeQueue(TacTask)
- let vernac_interp cancel nworkers safe_id id { verbose; loc; expr = e } =
- let e, etac, time, fail =
+ let vernac_interp ~solve ~abstract cancel nworkers safe_id id
+ { indentation; verbose; loc; expr = e; strlen }
+ =
+ let e, time, fail =
let rec find time fail = function
- | VernacSolve(_,_,re,b) -> re, b, time, fail
- | VernacTime [_,e] | VernacRedirect (_,[_,e]) -> find true fail e
+ | VernacTime (_,e) | VernacRedirect (_,(_,e)) -> find true fail e
| VernacFail e -> find time true e
- | _ -> errorlabstrm "Stm" (str"unsupported") in find false false e in
+ | _ -> e, time, fail in find false false e in Hooks.with_fail fail (fun () ->
(if time then System.with_time false else (fun x -> x)) (fun () ->
ignore(TaskQueue.with_n_workers nworkers (fun queue ->
@@ -1532,51 +1761,58 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
~name:(Printf.sprintf "subgoal %d" i)
(State.exn_on id ~valid:safe_id) in
- let t_ast =
- { verbose;loc;expr = VernacSolve(SelectNth i,None,e,etac) } in
+ let t_ast = (i, { indentation; verbose; loc; expr = e; strlen }) in
let t_name = Goal.uid g in
TaskQueue.enqueue_task queue
({ t_state = safe_id; t_state_fb = id;
t_assign = assign; t_ast; t_goal = g; t_name;
- t_kill = (fun () -> TaskQueue.cancel_all queue) }, cancel);
- Goal.uid g,f)
+ t_kill = (fun () -> if solve then TaskQueue.cancel_all queue) },
+ cancel);
+ g,f)
1 goals in
TaskQueue.join queue;
let assign_tac : unit Proofview.tactic =
- Proofview.V82.tactic (fun gl ->
- let open Tacmach in
- let sigma, g = project gl, sig_it gl in
- let gid = Goal.uid g in
- let f =
- try List.assoc gid res
- with Not_found -> Errors.anomaly(str"Partac: wrong focus") in
- if Future.is_over f then
+ Proofview.(Goal.nf_enter { Goal.enter = fun g ->
+ let gid = Goal.goal g in
+ let f =
+ try List.assoc gid res
+ with Not_found -> CErrors.anomaly(str"Partac: wrong focus") in
+ if not (Future.is_over f) then
+ (* One has failed and cancelled the others, but not this one *)
+ if solve then Tacticals.New.tclZEROMSG
+ (str"Interrupted by the failure of another goal")
+ else tclUNIT ()
+ else
+ let open Notations in
+ try
let pt, uc = Future.join f in
- prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds(hov 0 (
- str"g=" ++ str gid ++ spc () ++
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> string_of_ppcmds(hov 0 (
+ str"g=" ++ int (Evar.repr gid) ++ spc () ++
str"t=" ++ (Printer.pr_constr pt) ++ spc () ++
str"uc=" ++ Evd.pr_evar_universe_context uc)));
- let sigma = Goal.V82.partial_solution sigma g pt in
- let sigma = Evd.merge_universe_context sigma uc in
- re_sig [] sigma
- else (* One has failed and cancelled the others, but not this one *)
- re_sig [g] sigma) in
+ (if abstract then Tactics.tclABSTRACT None else (fun x -> x))
+ (V82.tactic (Refiner.tclPUSHEVARUNIVCONTEXT uc) <*>
+ Tactics.exact_no_check pt)
+ with TacTask.NoProgress ->
+ if solve then Tacticals.New.tclSOLVE [] else tclUNIT ()
+ })
+ in
Proof.run_tactic (Global.env()) assign_tac p)))) ())
end (* }}} *)
and QueryTask : sig
- type task = { t_where : Stateid.t; t_for : Stateid.t ; t_what : ast }
+ type task = { t_where : Stateid.t; t_for : Stateid.t ; t_what : aast }
include AsyncTaskQueue.Task with type task := task
end = struct (* {{{ *)
type task =
- { t_where : Stateid.t; t_for : Stateid.t ; t_what : ast }
+ { t_where : Stateid.t; t_for : Stateid.t ; t_what : aast }
type request =
- { r_where : Stateid.t ; r_for : Stateid.t ; r_what : ast; r_doc : VCS.vcs }
+ { r_where : Stateid.t ; r_for : Stateid.t ; r_what : aast; r_doc : VCS.vcs }
type response = unit
let name = ref "queryworker"
@@ -1588,7 +1824,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
try Some {
r_where = t_where;
r_for = t_for;
- r_doc = VCS.slice ~start:t_where ~stop:t_where;
+ r_doc = VCS.slice ~block_start:t_where ~block_stop:t_where;
r_what = t_what }
with VCS.Expired -> None
@@ -1608,11 +1844,11 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
Reach.known_state ~cache:`No r_where;
vernac_interp r_for { r_what with verbose = true };
- feedback ~state_id:r_for Feedback.Processed
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
- let msg = string_of_ppcmds (iprint e) in
- feedback ~state_id:r_for (Feedback.ErrorMsg (Loc.ghost, msg))
+ feedback ~id:(State r_for) Processed
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
+ let msg = pp_to_richpp (iprint e) in
+ feedback ~id:(State r_for) (Message (Error, None, msg))
let name_of_task { t_what } = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t_what)
let name_of_request { r_what } = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast r_what)
@@ -1622,7 +1858,7 @@ end (* }}} *)
and Query : sig
val init : unit -> unit
- val vernac_interp : cancel_switch -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> ast -> unit
+ val vernac_interp : cancel_switch -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> aast -> unit
end = struct (* {{{ *)
@@ -1633,7 +1869,7 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)
let vernac_interp switch prev id q =
assert(TaskQueue.n_workers (Option.get !queue) > 0);
TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue)
- QueryTask.({ QueryTask.t_where = prev; t_for = id; t_what = q }, switch)
+ QueryTask.({ t_where = prev; t_for = id; t_what = q }, switch)
let init () = queue := Some (TaskQueue.create
(if !Flags.async_proofs_full then 1 else 0))
@@ -1659,12 +1895,18 @@ let async_policy () =
(!compilation_mode = BuildVio || !async_proofs_mode <> APoff)
let delegate name =
- let time = get_hint_bp_time name in
- time >= 1.0 || !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio
- || !Flags.async_proofs_full
+ get_hint_bp_time name >= !Flags.async_proofs_delegation_threshold
+ || !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio
+ || !Flags.async_proofs_full
+let warn_deprecated_nested_proofs =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-nested-proofs" ~category:"deprecated"
+ (fun () ->
+ strbrk ("Nested proofs are deprecated and will "^
+ "stop working in a future Coq version"))
let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
- prerr_endline ("Collecting proof ending at "^Stateid.to_string id);
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "Collecting proof ending at "^Stateid.to_string id);
let no_name = "" in
let name = function
| [] -> no_name
@@ -1684,16 +1926,20 @@ let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
let has_proof_no_using = function
| Some (_, { expr = VernacProof(_,None) }) -> true
| _ -> false in
- let may_pierce_opaque = function
- | { expr = VernacPrint (PrintName _) } -> true
- | _ -> false in
+ let too_complex_to_delegate = function
+ | { expr = (VernacDeclareModule _
+ | VernacDefineModule _
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType _
+ | VernacInclude _) } -> true
+ | { expr = (VernacRequire _ | VernacImport _) } -> true
+ | ast -> may_pierce_opaque ast in
let parent = function Some (p, _) -> p | None -> assert false in
let is_empty = function `Async(_,_,[],_,_) | `MaybeASync(_,_,[],_,_) -> true | _ -> false in
let rec collect last accn id =
let view = VCS.visit id in
match view.step with
| (`Sideff (`Ast(x,_)) | `Cmd { cast = x })
- when may_pierce_opaque x -> `Sync(no_name,None,`Print)
+ when too_complex_to_delegate x -> `Sync(no_name,None,`Print)
| `Cmd { cast = x } -> collect (Some (id,x)) (id::accn)
| `Sideff (`Ast(x,_)) -> collect (Some (id,x)) (id::accn)
(* An Alias could jump everywhere... we hope we can ignore it*)
@@ -1707,7 +1953,7 @@ let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
let name = name ids in
`ASync (parent last,proof_using_ast last,accn,name,delegate name)
| `Fork((_, hd', GuaranteesOpacity, ids), _) when
- has_proof_no_using last && not (State.is_cached (parent last)) &&
+ has_proof_no_using last && not (State.is_cached_and_valid (parent last)) &&
!Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio ->
assert (VCS.Branch.equal hd hd'||VCS.Branch.equal hd VCS.edit_branch);
@@ -1723,8 +1969,7 @@ let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
let name = name ids in
`MaybeASync (parent last, None, accn, name, delegate name)
| `Sideff _ ->
- Pp.(msg_warning (strbrk ("Nested proofs are deprecated and will "^
- "stop working in the next Coq version")));
+ warn_deprecated_nested_proofs ();
`Sync (no_name,None,`NestedProof)
| _ -> `Sync (no_name,None,`Unknown) in
let make_sync why = function
@@ -1743,7 +1988,7 @@ let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
let rc = collect (Some cur) [] id in
if is_empty rc then make_sync `AlreadyEvaluated rc
else if (keep == VtKeep || keep == VtKeepAsAxiom) &&
- (not(State.is_cached id) || !Flags.async_proofs_full)
+ (not(State.is_cached_and_valid id) || !Flags.async_proofs_full)
then check_policy rc
else make_sync `AlreadyEvaluated rc
@@ -1761,7 +2006,7 @@ let string_of_reason = function
| `NoPU_NoHint_NoES -> "no 'Proof using..', no .aux file, inside a section"
| `Unknown -> "unsupported case"
-let log_string s = prerr_debug ("STM: " ^ s)
+let log_string s = prerr_debug (fun () -> "STM: " ^ s)
let log_processing_async id name = log_string Printf.(sprintf
"%s: proof %s: asynch" (Stateid.to_string id) name
@@ -1773,6 +2018,71 @@ let log_processing_sync id name reason = log_string Printf.(sprintf
let wall_clock_last_fork = ref 0.0
let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
+ let error_absorbing_tactic id blockname exn =
+ (* We keep the static/dynamic part of block detection separate, since
+ the static part could be performed earlier. As of today there is
+ no advantage in doing so since no UI can exploit such piece of info *)
+ detect_proof_block id blockname;
+ let boxes = VCS.box_of id in
+ let valid_boxes = CList.map_filter (function
+ | ProofBlock ({ block_stop } as decl, name) when Stateid.equal block_stop id ->
+ Some (decl, name)
+ | _ -> None) boxes in
+ assert(List.length valid_boxes < 2);
+ if valid_boxes = [] then iraise exn
+ else
+ let decl, name = List.hd valid_boxes in
+ try
+ let _, dynamic_check = List.assoc name !proof_block_delimiters in
+ match dynamic_check decl with
+ | `Leaks -> iraise exn
+ | `ValidBlock { base_state; goals_to_admit; recovery_command } -> begin
+ let tac =
+ let open Proofview.Notations in
+ Proofview.Goal.nf_enter { enter = fun gl ->
+ if CList.mem_f Evar.equal
+ (Proofview.Goal.goal gl) goals_to_admit then
+ Proofview.give_up else Proofview.tclUNIT ()
+ } in
+ match (VCS.get_info base_state).state with
+ | Valid { proof } ->
+ Proof_global.unfreeze proof;
+ Proof_global.with_current_proof (fun _ p ->
+ feedback ~id:(State id) Feedback.AddedAxiom;
+ fst (Pfedit.solve Vernacexpr.SelectAll None tac p), ());
+ Option.iter (fun expr -> vernac_interp id {
+ verbose = true; loc = Loc.ghost; expr; indentation = 0;
+ strlen = 0 })
+ recovery_command
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+ with Not_found ->
+ CErrors.errorlabstrm "STM"
+ (str "Unknown proof block delimiter " ++ str name)
+ in
+ (* Absorb tactic errors from f () *)
+ let resilient_tactic id blockname f =
+ if !Flags.async_proofs_tac_error_resilience = `None ||
+ (Flags.async_proofs_is_master () &&
+ !Flags.async_proofs_mode = Flags.APoff)
+ then f ()
+ else
+ try f ()
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ let ie = CErrors.push e in
+ error_absorbing_tactic id blockname ie in
+ (* Absorb errors from f x *)
+ let resilient_command f x =
+ if not !Flags.async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience ||
+ (Flags.async_proofs_is_master () &&
+ !Flags.async_proofs_mode = Flags.APoff)
+ then f x
+ else
+ try f x
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> () in
(* ugly functions to process nested lemmas, i.e. hard to reproduce
* side effects *)
@@ -1782,18 +2092,18 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
let inject_non_pstate (s,l) =
Summary.unfreeze_summary s; Lib.unfreeze l; update_global_env ()
- let rec pure_cherry_pick_non_pstate id = Future.purify (fun id ->
- prerr_endline ("cherry-pick non pstate " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
- reach id;
+ let rec pure_cherry_pick_non_pstate safe_id id = Future.purify (fun id ->
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "cherry-pick non pstate " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ reach ~safe_id id;
cherry_pick_non_pstate ()) id
(* traverses the dag backward from nodes being already calculated *)
- and reach ?(redefine_qed=false) ?(cache=cache) id =
- prerr_endline ("reaching: " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ and reach ?safe_id ?(redefine_qed=false) ?(cache=cache) id =
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "reaching: " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
if not redefine_qed && State.is_cached ~cache id then begin
- State.install_cached id;
Hooks.(call state_computed id ~in_cache:true);
- prerr_endline ("reached (cache)")
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "reached (cache)");
+ State.install_cached id
end else
let step, cache_step, feedback_processed =
let view = VCS.visit id in
@@ -1801,46 +2111,58 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
| `Alias (id,_) -> (fun () ->
reach; reach id
), cache, true
- | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `TacQueue cancel } -> (fun () ->
- reach ~cache:`Shallow;
- Hooks.(call tactic_being_run true);
- Partac.vernac_interp
- cancel !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers id x;
- Hooks.(call tactic_being_run false)
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `SkipQueue } -> (fun () ->
+ reach, cache, true
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `TacQueue (solve,abstract,cancel); cblock } ->
+ (fun () ->
+ resilient_tactic id cblock (fun () ->
+ reach ~cache:`Shallow;
+ Hooks.(call tactic_being_run true);
+ Partac.vernac_interp ~solve ~abstract
+ cancel !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers id x;
+ Hooks.(call tactic_being_run false))
), cache, true
| `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `QueryQueue cancel }
when Flags.async_proofs_is_master () -> (fun () ->
Query.vernac_interp cancel id x
), cache, false
- | `Cmd { cast = x; ceff = eff; ctac } -> (fun () ->
- reach;
- if ctac then Hooks.(call tactic_being_run true);
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; ceff = eff; ctac = true; cblock } -> (fun () ->
+ resilient_tactic id cblock (fun () ->
+ reach;
+ Hooks.(call tactic_being_run true);
+ vernac_interp id x;
+ Hooks.(call tactic_being_run false));
+ if eff then update_global_env ()
+ ), (if eff then `Yes else cache), true
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; ceff = eff } -> (fun () ->
+ resilient_command reach;
vernac_interp id x;
- if ctac then Hooks.(call tactic_being_run false);
- if eff then update_global_env ()), cache, true
+ if eff then update_global_env ()
+ ), (if eff then `Yes else cache), true
| `Fork ((x,_,_,_), None) -> (fun () ->
- reach; vernac_interp id x;
+ resilient_command reach;
+ vernac_interp id x;
wall_clock_last_fork := Unix.gettimeofday ()
), `Yes, true
- | `Fork ((x,_,_,_), Some prev) -> (fun () ->
+ | `Fork ((x,_,_,_), Some prev) -> (fun () -> (* nested proof *)
reach ~cache:`Shallow prev;
(try vernac_interp id x;
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
let info = Stateid.add info ~valid:prev id in
iraise (e, info));
wall_clock_last_fork := Unix.gettimeofday ()
), `Yes, true
| `Qed ({ qast = x; keep; brinfo; brname } as qed, eop) ->
let rec aux = function
- | `ASync (start, pua, nodes, name, delegate) -> (fun () ->
+ | `ASync (block_start, pua, nodes, name, delegate) -> (fun () ->
assert(keep == VtKeep || keep == VtKeepAsAxiom);
let drop_pt = keep == VtKeepAsAxiom in
- let stop, exn_info, loc = eop, (id, eop), x.loc in
+ let block_stop, exn_info, loc = eop, (id, eop), x.loc in
log_processing_async id name;
- VCS.create_cluster nodes ~qed:id ~start;
+ VCS.create_proof_task_box nodes ~qed:id ~block_start;
begin match brinfo, qed.fproof with
| { VCS.kind = `Edit _ }, None -> assert false
| { VCS.kind = `Edit (_,_,_, okeep, _) }, Some (ofp, cancel) ->
@@ -1854,19 +2176,22 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
^"the proof's statement to avoid that."));
let fp, cancel =
- ~loc ~drop_pt ~exn_info ~start ~stop ~name in
+ ~loc ~drop_pt ~exn_info ~block_start ~block_stop ~name in
Future.replace ofp fp;
- qed.fproof <- Some (fp, cancel)
+ qed.fproof <- Some (fp, cancel);
+ (* We don't generate a new state, but we still need
+ * to install the right one *)
+ State.install_cached id
| { VCS.kind = `Proof _ }, Some _ -> assert false
| { VCS.kind = `Proof _ }, None ->
- reach ~cache:`Shallow start;
+ reach ~cache:`Shallow block_start;
let fp, cancel =
if delegate then
- ~loc ~drop_pt ~exn_info ~start ~stop ~name
+ ~loc ~drop_pt ~exn_info ~block_start ~block_stop ~name
- ~drop_pt exn_info loc stop, ref false
+ ~drop_pt exn_info loc block_stop, ref false
qed.fproof <- Some (fp, cancel);
let proof =
@@ -1874,7 +2199,7 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
if not delegate then ignore(Future.compute fp);
vernac_interp id ~proof x;
- feedback ~state_id:id Feedback.Incomplete
+ feedback ~id:(State id) Incomplete
| { VCS.kind = `Master }, _ -> assert false
Proof_global.discard_all ()
@@ -1921,15 +2246,15 @@ let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
), cache, true
| `Sideff (`Id origin) -> (fun () ->
- inject_non_pstate (pure_cherry_pick_non_pstate origin);
+ inject_non_pstate (pure_cherry_pick_non_pstate origin);
), cache, true
let cache_step =
if !Flags.async_proofs_cache = Some Flags.Force then `Yes
else cache_step in
- State.define
+ State.define ?safe_id
~cache:cache_step ~redefine:redefine_qed ~feedback_processed step id;
- prerr_endline ("reached: "^ Stateid.to_string id) in
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "reached: "^ Stateid.to_string id) in
reach ~redefine_qed id
end (* }}} *)
@@ -1944,7 +2269,7 @@ let init () =
Backtrack.record ();
Slaves.init ();
if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then begin
- prerr_endline "Initializing workers";
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "Initializing workers");
Query.init ();
let opts = match !Flags.async_proofs_private_flags with
| None -> []
@@ -1963,7 +2288,7 @@ let observe id =
Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id;
VCS.print ()
with e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
VCS.print ();
VCS.restore vcs;
iraise e
@@ -1996,9 +2321,9 @@ let rec join_admitted_proofs id =
let join () =
finish ();
wait ();
- prerr_endline "Joining the environment";
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "Joining the environment");
Global.join_safe_environment ();
- prerr_endline "Joining Admitted proofs";
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "Joining Admitted proofs");
join_admitted_proofs (VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()));
VCS.print ();
VCS.print ()
@@ -2011,28 +2336,26 @@ let check_task name (tasks,rcbackup) i =
let vcs = VCS.backup () in
let rc = Future.purify (Slaves.check_task name tasks) i in
- pperr_flush ();
VCS.restore vcs;
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> VCS.restore vcs; false
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> VCS.restore vcs; false
let info_tasks (tasks,_) = Slaves.info_tasks tasks
let finish_tasks name u d p (t,rcbackup as tasks) =
RemoteCounter.restore rcbackup;
let finish_task u (_,_,i) =
let vcs = VCS.backup () in
let u = Future.purify (Slaves.finish_task name u d p t) i in
- pperr_flush ();
VCS.restore vcs;
u in
let u, a, _ = List.fold_left finish_task u (info_tasks tasks) in
(u,a,true), p
with e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
- pperrnl (str"File " ++ str name ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++ iprint e);
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
+ msg_error (str"File " ++ str name ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++ iprint e);
exit 1
-let merge_proof_branch ?valid ?id qast keep brname =
+let merge_proof_branch ~valid ?id qast keep brname =
let brinfo = VCS.get_branch brname in
let qed fproof = { qast; keep; brname; brinfo; fproof } in
match brinfo with
@@ -2041,7 +2364,7 @@ let merge_proof_branch ?valid ?id qast keep brname =
let id = VCS.new_node ?id () in
VCS.merge id ~ours:(Qed (qed None)) brname;
VCS.delete_branch brname;
- if keep <> VtDrop then VCS.propagate_sideff None;
+ VCS.propagate_sideff None;
| { VCS.kind = `Edit (mode, qed_id, master_id, _,_) } ->
let ofp =
@@ -2055,12 +2378,12 @@ let merge_proof_branch ?valid ?id qast keep brname =
VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
`Unfocus qed_id
| { VCS.kind = `Master } ->
- iraise (State.exn_on ?valid Stateid.dummy (Proof_global.NoCurrentProof, Exninfo.null))
+ iraise (State.exn_on ~valid Stateid.dummy (Proof_global.NoCurrentProof, Exninfo.null))
(* When tty is true, this code also does some of the job of the user interface:
jump back to a state that is valid *)
let handle_failure (e, info) vcs tty =
- if e = Errors.Drop then iraise (e, info) else
+ if e = CErrors.Drop then iraise (e, info) else
match Stateid.get info with
| None ->
VCS.restore vcs;
@@ -2072,9 +2395,9 @@ let handle_failure (e, info) vcs tty =
VCS.print ();
anomaly(str"error with no safe_id attached:" ++ spc() ++
- Errors.iprint_no_report (e, info))
+ CErrors.iprint_no_report (e, info))
| Some (safe_id, id) ->
- prerr_endline ("Failed at state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "Failed at state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
VCS.restore vcs;
if tty && interactive () = `Yes then begin
(* We stay on a valid state *)
@@ -2085,38 +2408,37 @@ let handle_failure (e, info) vcs tty =
VCS.print ();
iraise (e, info)
-let snapshot_vio ldir long_f_dot_v =
+let snapshot_vio ldir long_f_dot_vo =
finish ();
if List.length (VCS.branches ()) > 1 then
- Errors.errorlabstrm "stm" (str"Cannot dump a vio with open proofs");
- Library.save_library_to ~todo:(dump_snapshot ()) ldir long_f_dot_v
+ CErrors.errorlabstrm "stm" (str"Cannot dump a vio with open proofs");
+ Library.save_library_to ~todo:(dump_snapshot ()) ldir long_f_dot_vo
(Global.opaque_tables ())
let reset_task_queue = Slaves.reset_task_queue
(* Document building *)
-let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
- let warn_if_pos a b =
- if b then msg_warning(pr_ast a ++ str" should not be part of a script") in
- let v, x = expr, { verbose = verbose; loc; expr } in
- prerr_endline ("{{{ processing: "^ string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast x));
+let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty
+ ({ verbose; loc; expr } as x) c =
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "{{{ processing: "^ string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast x));
let vcs = VCS.backup () in
let head = VCS.current_branch () in
VCS.checkout head;
let rc = begin
- prerr_endline (" classified as: " ^ string_of_vernac_classification c);
+ prerr_endline (fun () ->
+ " classified as: " ^ string_of_vernac_classification c);
match c with
(* PG stuff *)
| VtStm(VtPG,false), VtNow -> vernac_interp Stateid.dummy x; `Ok
| VtStm(VtPG,_), _ -> anomaly(str "PG command in script or VtLater")
(* Joining various parts of the document *)
- | VtStm (VtJoinDocument, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; join (); `Ok
- | VtStm (VtFinish, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; finish (); `Ok
- | VtStm (VtWait, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; finish (); wait (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtJoinDocument, b), VtNow -> join (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtFinish, b), VtNow -> finish (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtWait, b), VtNow -> finish (); wait (); `Ok
| VtStm (VtPrintDag, b), VtNow ->
- warn_if_pos x b; VCS.print ~now:true (); `Ok
- | VtStm (VtObserve id, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; observe id; `Ok
+ VCS.print ~now:true (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtObserve id, b), VtNow -> observe id; `Ok
| VtStm ((VtObserve _ | VtFinish | VtJoinDocument
|VtPrintDag |VtWait),_), VtLater ->
anomaly(str"classifier: join actions cannot be classified as VtLater")
@@ -2125,9 +2447,10 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
| VtStm (VtBack oid, true), w ->
let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
let { mine; others } = Backtrack.branches_of oid in
+ let valid = VCS.get_branch_pos head in
List.iter (fun branch ->
if not (List.mem_assoc branch (mine::others)) then
- ignore(merge_proof_branch x VtDrop branch))
+ ignore(merge_proof_branch ~valid x VtDrop branch))
(VCS.branches ());
VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
let head = VCS.current_branch () in
@@ -2141,7 +2464,7 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
VCS.commit id (Alias (oid,x));
Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
| VtStm (VtBack id, false), VtNow ->
- prerr_endline ("undo to state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "undo to state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
Backtrack.backto id;
VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id; `Ok
@@ -2152,22 +2475,26 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
| VtQuery (false,(report_id,route)), VtNow when tty = true ->
finish ();
(try Future.purify (vernac_interp report_id ~route)
- { verbose = true; loc; expr }
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
- iraise (State.exn_on report_id e)); `Ok
+ {x with verbose = true }
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
+ iraise (State.exn_on ~valid:Stateid.dummy report_id e)); `Ok
| VtQuery (false,(report_id,route)), VtNow ->
(try vernac_interp report_id ~route x
with e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
- iraise (State.exn_on report_id e)); `Ok
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
+ iraise (State.exn_on ~valid:Stateid.dummy report_id e)); `Ok
| VtQuery (true,(report_id,_)), w ->
assert(Stateid.equal report_id Stateid.dummy);
let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
let queue =
if !Flags.async_proofs_full then `QueryQueue (ref false)
+ else if Flags.(!compilation_mode = BuildVio) &&
+ VCS.((get_branch head).kind = `Master) &&
+ may_pierce_opaque x
+ then `SkipQueue
else `MainQueue in
- VCS.commit id (Cmd {ctac=false;ceff=false;cast = x; cids = []; cqueue = queue });
+ VCS.commit id (mkTransCmd x [] false queue);
Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
| VtQuery (false,_), VtLater ->
anomaly(str"classifier: VtQuery + VtLater must imply part_of_script")
@@ -2190,7 +2517,7 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
anomaly(str"VtProofMode must be executed VtNow")
| VtProofMode mode, VtNow ->
let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
- VCS.commit id (Cmd {ctac=false;ceff=false;cast = x;cids=[];cqueue = `MainQueue});
+ VCS.commit id (mkTransCmd x [] false `MainQueue);
(fun bn -> match VCS.get_branch bn with
| { VCS.root; kind = `Master; pos } -> ()
@@ -2205,14 +2532,21 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
Backtrack.record ();
finish ();
- | VtProofStep paral, w ->
+ | VtProofStep { parallel; proof_block_detection = cblock }, w ->
let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
- let queue = if paral then `TacQueue (ref false) else `MainQueue in
- VCS.commit id (Cmd {ctac = true;ceff = false;cast = x;cids = [];cqueue = queue });
+ let queue =
+ match parallel with
+ | `Yes(solve,abstract) -> `TacQueue (solve, abstract, ref false)
+ | `No -> `MainQueue in
+ VCS.commit id (mkTransTac x cblock queue);
+ (* Static proof block detection delayed until an error really occurs.
+ If/when and UI will make something useful with this piece of info,
+ detection should occur here.
+ detect_proof_block id cblock; *)
Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
| VtQed keep, w ->
- let valid = if tty then Some(VCS.get_branch_pos head) else None in
- let rc = merge_proof_branch ?valid ~id:newtip x keep head in
+ let valid = VCS.get_branch_pos head in
+ let rc = merge_proof_branch ~valid ~id:newtip x keep head in
VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish ();
@@ -2222,15 +2556,22 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
vernac_interp (VCS.get_branch_pos head) x; `Ok
| VtSideff l, w ->
+ let in_proof = not (VCS.Branch.equal head VCS.Branch.master) in
let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
- VCS.commit id (Cmd {ctac=false;ceff=true;cast=x;cids=l;cqueue=`MainQueue});
- VCS.propagate_sideff (Some x);
+ VCS.commit id (mkTransCmd x l in_proof `MainQueue);
+ (* We can't replay a Definition since universes may be differently
+ * inferred. This holds in Coq >= 8.5 *)
+ let replay = match x.expr with
+ | VernacDefinition(_, _, DefineBody _) -> None
+ | _ -> Some x in
+ VCS.propagate_sideff ~replay;
VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
(* Unknown: we execute it, check for open goals and propagate sideeff *)
| VtUnknown, VtNow ->
+ let in_proof = not (VCS.Branch.equal head VCS.Branch.master) in
let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
let head_id = VCS.get_branch_pos head in
Reach.known_state ~cache:`Yes head_id; (* ensure it is ok *)
@@ -2240,17 +2581,22 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) mid;
vernac_interp id x;
(* Vernac x may or may not start a proof *)
- if VCS.Branch.equal head VCS.Branch.master &&
- Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs ()
- then begin
+ if not in_proof && Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs () then
+ begin
let bname = VCS.mk_branch_name x in
- VCS.commit id (Fork (x,bname,Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity,[]));
- VCS.branch bname (`Proof ("Classic", VCS.proof_nesting () + 1));
- Proof_global.activate_proof_mode "Classic";
+ let opacity_of_produced_term =
+ match x.expr with
+ (* This AST is ambiguous, hence we check it dynamically *)
+ | VernacInstance (false, _,_ , None, _) -> GuaranteesOpacity
+ | _ -> Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity in
+ VCS.commit id (Fork (x,bname,opacity_of_produced_term,[]));
+ let proof_mode = default_proof_mode () in
+ VCS.branch bname (`Proof (proof_mode, VCS.proof_nesting () + 1));
+ Proof_global.activate_proof_mode proof_mode;
end else begin
- VCS.commit id (Cmd {ctac = false; ceff = true;
- cast = x; cids = []; cqueue = `MainQueue});
- VCS.propagate_sideff (Some x);
+ VCS.commit id (mkTransCmd x [] in_proof `MainQueue);
+ (* We hope it can be replayed, but we can't really know *)
+ VCS.propagate_sideff ~replay:(Some x);
VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
end in
State.define ~safe_id:head_id ~cache:`Yes step id;
@@ -2260,49 +2606,56 @@ let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
anomaly(str"classifier: VtUnknown must imply VtNow")
end in
(* Proof General *)
- begin match v with
+ begin match expr with
| VernacStm (PGLast _) ->
if not (VCS.Branch.equal head VCS.Branch.master) then
vernac_interp Stateid.dummy
- { verbose = true; loc = Loc.ghost;
+ { verbose = true; loc = Loc.ghost; indentation = 0; strlen = 0;
expr = VernacShow (ShowGoal OpenSubgoals) }
| _ -> ()
- prerr_endline "processed }}}";
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "processed }}}");
VCS.print ();
with e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
handle_failure e vcs tty
-let print_ast id =
- try
- match VCS.visit id with
- | { step = `Cmd { cast = { loc; expr } } }
- | { step = `Fork (({ loc; expr }, _, _, _), _) }
- | { step = `Qed ({ qast = { loc; expr } }, _) } ->
- let xml =
- try Texmacspp.tmpp expr loc
- with e -> Xml_datatype.PCData ("ERROR " ^ Printexc.to_string e) in
- xml;
- | _ -> Xml_datatype.PCData "ERROR"
- with _ -> Xml_datatype.PCData "ERROR"
+let get_ast id =
+ match VCS.visit id with
+ | { step = `Cmd { cast = { loc; expr } } }
+ | { step = `Fork (({ loc; expr }, _, _, _), _) }
+ | { step = `Qed ({ qast = { loc; expr } }, _) } ->
+ Some (expr, loc)
+ | _ -> None
let stop_worker n = Slaves.cancel_worker n
+(* You may need to know the len + indentation of previous command to compute
+ * the indentation of the current one.
+ * Eg. foo. bar.
+ * Here bar is indented of the indentation of foo + its strlen (4) *)
+let ind_len_of id =
+ if Stateid.equal id Stateid.initial then 0
+ else match (VCS.visit id).step with
+ | `Cmd { ctac = true; cast = { indentation; strlen } } ->
+ indentation + strlen
+ | _ -> 0
let add ~ontop ?newtip ?(check=ignore) verb eid s =
let cur_tip = VCS.cur_tip () in
- if Stateid.equal ontop cur_tip then begin
- let _, ast as loc_ast = vernac_parse ?newtip eid s in
- check(loc_ast);
- let clas = classify_vernac ast in
- match process_transaction ?newtip ~tty:false verb clas loc_ast with
- | `Ok -> VCS.cur_tip (), `NewTip
- | `Unfocus qed_id -> qed_id, `Unfocus (VCS.cur_tip ())
- end else begin
+ if not (Stateid.equal ontop cur_tip) then
(* For now, arbitrary edits should be announced with edit_at *)
- anomaly(str"Not yet implemented, the GUI should not try this")
- end
+ anomaly(str"Not yet implemented, the GUI should not try this");
+ let indentation, strlen, loc, ast =
+ vernac_parse ~indlen_prev:(fun () -> ind_len_of ontop) ?newtip eid s in
+ CWarnings.set_current_loc loc;
+ check(loc,ast);
+ let clas = classify_vernac ast in
+ let aast = { verbose = verb; indentation; strlen; loc; expr = ast } in
+ match process_transaction ?newtip ~tty:false aast clas with
+ | `Ok -> VCS.cur_tip (), `NewTip
+ | `Unfocus qed_id -> qed_id, `Unfocus (VCS.cur_tip ())
let set_perspective id_list = Slaves.set_perspective id_list
@@ -2312,20 +2665,21 @@ type focus = {
tip : Stateid.t
-let query ~at ?(report_with=(Stateid.dummy,Feedback.default_route)) s =
+let query ~at ?(report_with=(Stateid.dummy,default_route)) s =
Future.purify (fun s ->
if Stateid.equal at Stateid.dummy then finish ()
else Reach.known_state ~cache:`Yes at;
let newtip, route = report_with in
- let _, ast as loc_ast = vernac_parse ~newtip ~route 0 s in
+ let indentation, strlen, loc, ast = vernac_parse ~newtip ~route 0 s in
+ CWarnings.set_current_loc loc;
let clas = classify_vernac ast in
+ let aast = { verbose = true; indentation; strlen; loc; expr = ast } in
match clas with
| VtStm (w,_), _ ->
- ignore(process_transaction
- ~tty:false true (VtStm (w,false), VtNow) loc_ast)
+ ignore(process_transaction ~tty:false aast (VtStm (w,false), VtNow))
| _ ->
- ~tty:false true (VtQuery (false,report_with), VtNow) loc_ast))
+ ~tty:false aast (VtQuery (false,report_with), VtNow)))
let edit_at id =
@@ -2350,7 +2704,7 @@ let edit_at id =
| _ -> assert false
let is_ancestor_of_cur_branch id =
- Vcs_.NodeSet.mem id
+ Stateid.Set.mem id
(VCS.reachable (VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()))) in
let has_failed qed_id =
match VCS.visit qed_id with
@@ -2365,13 +2719,13 @@ let edit_at id =
| { next } -> master_for_br root next in
let reopen_branch start at_id mode qed_id tip old_branch =
let master_id, cancel_switch, keep =
- (* Hum, this should be the real start_id in the clusted and not next *)
+ (* Hum, this should be the real start_id in the cluster and not next *)
match VCS.visit qed_id with
| { step = `Qed ({ fproof = Some (_,cs); keep },_) } -> start, cs, keep
- | _ -> anomaly (str "Cluster not ending with Qed") in
+ | _ -> anomaly (str "ProofTask not ending with Qed") in
VCS.branch ~root:master_id ~pos:id
VCS.edit_branch (`Edit (mode, qed_id, master_id, keep, old_branch));
- VCS.delete_cluster_of id;
+ VCS.delete_boxes_of id;
cancel_switch := true;
Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id;
VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
@@ -2385,14 +2739,14 @@ let edit_at id =
let { mine = brname, brinfo; others } = Backtrack.branches_of id in
List.iter (fun (name,{ VCS.kind = k; root; pos }) ->
if not(VCS.Branch.equal name VCS.Branch.master) &&
- Vcs_.NodeSet.mem root ancestors then
+ Stateid.Set.mem root ancestors then
VCS.branch ~root ~pos name k)
VCS.reset_branch VCS.Branch.master (master_for_br brinfo.VCS.root id);
VCS.branch ~root:brinfo.VCS.root ~pos:brinfo.VCS.pos
(Option.default brname bn)
(no_edit brinfo.VCS.kind);
- VCS.delete_cluster_of id;
+ VCS.delete_boxes_of id;
VCS.gc ();
VCS.print ();
if not !Flags.async_proofs_full then
@@ -2407,14 +2761,14 @@ let edit_at id =
| Some{ mine = bn, { VCS.kind = `Proof(m,_) }} -> Some(m,bn)
| Some{ mine = _, { VCS.kind = `Edit(m,_,_,_,bn) }} -> Some (m,bn)
| _ -> None in
- match focused, VCS.cluster_of id, branch_info with
+ match focused, VCS.proof_task_box_of id, branch_info with
| _, Some _, None -> assert false
- | false, Some (qed_id,start), Some(mode,bn) ->
+ | false, Some { qed = qed_id ; lemma = start }, Some(mode,bn) ->
let tip = VCS.cur_tip () in
if has_failed qed_id && is_pure qed_id && not !Flags.async_proofs_never_reopen_branch
then reopen_branch start id mode qed_id tip bn
else backto id (Some bn)
- | true, Some (qed_id,_), Some(mode,bn) ->
+ | true, Some { qed = qed_id }, Some(mode,bn) ->
if on_cur_branch id then begin
assert false
end else if is_ancestor_of_cur_branch id then begin
@@ -2439,14 +2793,14 @@ let edit_at id =
VCS.print ();
with e ->
- let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
match Stateid.get info with
| None ->
VCS.print ();
anomaly (str ("edit_at "^Stateid.to_string id^": ") ++
- Errors.print_no_report e)
+ CErrors.print_no_report e)
| Some (_, id) ->
- prerr_endline ("Failed at state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ prerr_endline (fun () -> "Failed at state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
VCS.restore vcs;
VCS.print ();
iraise (e, info)
@@ -2457,9 +2811,10 @@ let restore d = VCS.restore d
(*********************** TTY API (PG, coqtop, coqc) ***************************)
-let interp verb (_,e as lexpr) =
+let interp verb (loc,e) =
let clas = classify_vernac e in
- let rc = process_transaction ~tty:true verb clas lexpr in
+ let aast = { verbose = verb; indentation = 0; strlen = 0; loc; expr = e } in
+ let rc = process_transaction ~tty:true aast clas in
if rc <> `Ok then anomaly(str"tty loop can't be mixed with the STM protocol");
if interactive () = `Yes ||
(!Flags.async_proofs_mode = Flags.APoff &&
@@ -2472,7 +2827,7 @@ let interp verb (_,e as lexpr) =
| _ -> not !Flags.coqtop_ui in
try finish ~print_goals ()
with e ->
- let e = Errors.push e in
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
handle_failure e vcs true
let finish () = finish ()