path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index eaecda5d..00000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* coqmktop is a script to link Coq, analogous to ocamlmktop.
- The command line contains options specific to coqmktop, options for the
- Ocaml linker and files to link (in addition to the default Coq files). *)
-open Unix
-(* In Win32 outside cygwin, Sys.command calls cmd.exe. When it executes
- a command that may contains many double-quote, we should double-quote
- the whole ! *)
-let safe_sys_command =
- if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then
- fun cmd -> Sys.command ("\""^cmd^"\"")
- else Sys.command
-(* Objects to link *)
-(* 1. Core objects *)
-let ocamlobjs = ["str.cma";"unix.cma";"nums.cma"]
-let dynobjs = ["dynlink.cma"]
-let camlp4objs =
- if Coq_config.camlp4 = "camlp5" then ["gramlib.cma"] else ["camlp4lib.cma"]
-let libobjs = ocamlobjs @ camlp4objs
-let spaces = Str.regexp "[ \t\n]+"
-let split_list l = Str.split spaces l
-let copts = split_list Tolink.copts
-let core_objs = split_list Tolink.core_objs
-let core_libs = split_list Tolink.core_libs
-(* 3. Toplevel objects *)
-let camlp4topobjs =
- if Coq_config.camlp4 = "camlp5" then
- ["camlp5_top.cma"; "pa_o.cmo"; "pa_extend.cmo"]
- else
- [ "Camlp4Top.cmo";
- "Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser.cmo";
- "Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4OCamlParser.cmo";
- "Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4GrammarParser.cmo" ]
-let topobjs = camlp4topobjs
-let gramobjs = []
-let notopobjs = gramobjs
-(* 4. High-level tactics objects *)
-(* environment *)
-let opt = ref false
-let full = ref false
-let top = ref false
-let echo = ref false
-let no_start = ref false
-let is_ocaml4 = Coq_config.caml_version.[0] <> '3'
-(* Since the .cma are given with their relative paths (e.g. "lib/clib.cma"),
- we only need to include directories mentionned in the temp main ml file
- below (for accessing the corresponding .cmi). *)
-let src_dirs =
- [ []; ["lib"]; ["toplevel"]; ["kernel";"byterun"]; ]
-let includes () =
- let coqlib = if !Flags.boot then "." else Envars.coqlib () in
- let mkdir d = "\"" ^ List.fold_left Filename.concat coqlib d ^ "\"" in
- (List.fold_right (fun d l -> "-I" :: mkdir d :: l) src_dirs [])
- @ ["-I"; "\"" ^ Envars.camlp4lib () ^ "\""]
- @ (if is_ocaml4 then ["-I"; "+compiler-libs"] else [])
-(* Transform bytecode object file names in native object file names *)
-let native_suffix f =
- if Filename.check_suffix f ".cmo" then
- (Filename.chop_suffix f ".cmo") ^ ".cmx"
- else if Filename.check_suffix f ".cma" then
- (Filename.chop_suffix f ".cma") ^ ".cmxa"
- else
- if Filename.check_suffix f ".a" then f
- else
- failwith ("File "^f^" has not extension .cmo, .cma or .a")
-(* Transforms a file name in the corresponding Caml module name. *)
-let rem_ext_regexpr = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\.\\(cm..?\\|ml\\)"
-let module_of_file name =
- let s = Str.replace_first rem_ext_regexpr "\\1" (Filename.basename name) in
- String.capitalize s
-(* Build the list of files to link and the list of modules names *)
-let files_to_link userfiles =
- let dyn_objs =
- if not !opt || Coq_config.has_natdynlink then dynobjs else [] in
- let toplevel_objs =
- if !top then topobjs else if !opt then notopobjs else [] in
- let objs = dyn_objs @ libobjs @ core_objs @ toplevel_objs in
- let modules = module_of_file (objs @ userfiles)
- in
- let libs = dyn_objs @ libobjs @ core_libs @ toplevel_objs in
- let libstolink =
- (if !opt then native_suffix libs else libs) @ userfiles
- in
- (modules, libstolink)
-(* Gives the list of all the directories under [dir].
- Uses [Unix] (it is hard to do without it). *)
-let all_subdirs dir =
- let l = ref [dir] in
- let add f = l := f :: !l in
- let rec traverse dir =
- let dirh =
- try opendir dir with Unix_error _ -> invalid_arg "all_subdirs"
- in
- try
- while true do
- let f = readdir dirh in
- if f <> "." && f <> ".." then
- let file = Filename.concat dir f in
- if (stat file).st_kind = S_DIR then begin
- add file;
- traverse file
- end
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- closedir dirh
- in
- traverse dir; List.rev !l
-(* usage *)
-let usage () =
- prerr_endline "Usage: coqmktop <options> <ocaml options> files\
-\nFlags are:\
-\n -coqlib dir Specify where the Coq object files are\
-\n -camlbin dir Specify where the OCaml binaries are\
-\n -camlp4bin dir Specify where the Camlp4/5 binaries are\
-\n -o exec-file Specify the name of the resulting toplevel\
-\n -boot Run in boot mode\
-\n -echo Print calls to external commands\
-\n -full Link high level tactics\
-\n -opt Compile in native code\
-\n -top Build Coq on a OCaml toplevel (incompatible with -opt)\
-\n -R dir Add recursively dir to OCaml search path\
- exit 1
-(* parsing of the command line *)
-let parse_args () =
- let rec parse (op,fl) = function
- | [] -> List.rev op, List.rev fl
- | "-coqlib" :: d :: rem ->
- Flags.coqlib_spec := true; Flags.coqlib := d ; parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-coqlib" :: _ -> usage ()
- | "-camlbin" :: d :: rem ->
- Flags.camlbin_spec := true; Flags.camlbin := d ; parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-camlbin" :: _ -> usage ()
- | "-camlp4bin" :: d :: rem ->
- Flags.camlp4bin_spec := true; Flags.camlp4bin := d ; parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-camlp4bin" :: _ -> usage ()
- | "-boot" :: rem -> Flags.boot := true; parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-opt" :: rem -> opt := true ; parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-full" :: rem -> full := true ; parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-top" :: rem -> top := true ; parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-v8" :: rem ->
- Printf.eprintf "warning: option -v8 deprecated";
- parse (op,fl) rem
- | "-echo" :: rem -> echo := true ; parse (op,fl) rem
- | ("-cclib"|"-ccopt"|"-I"|"-o"|"-w" as o) :: rem' ->
- begin
- match rem' with
- | a :: rem -> parse (a::o::op,fl) rem
- | [] -> usage ()
- end
- | "-R" :: a :: rem ->
- parse ((List.rev(List.flatten ( (fun d -> ["-I";d])
- (all_subdirs a))))@op,fl) rem
- | "-R" :: [] -> usage ()
- | ("-noassert"|"-compact"|"-g"|"-p"|"-thread"|"-dtypes" as o) :: rem ->
- parse (o::op,fl) rem
- | ("-h"|"--help") :: _ -> usage ()
- | ("-no-start") :: rem -> no_start:=true; parse (op, fl) rem
- | f :: rem ->
- if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml"
- or Filename.check_suffix f ".cmx"
- or Filename.check_suffix f ".cmo"
- or Filename.check_suffix f ".cmxa"
- or Filename.check_suffix f ".cma"
- or Filename.check_suffix f ".c" then
- parse (op,f::fl) rem
- else begin
- prerr_endline ("Don't know what to do with " ^ f);
- exit 1
- end
- in
- parse ([Coq_config.osdeplibs],[]) ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))
-let clean file =
- let rm f = if Sys.file_exists f then Sys.remove f in
- let basename = Filename.chop_suffix file ".ml" in
- if not !echo then begin
- rm file;
- rm (basename ^ ".o");
- rm (basename ^ ".cmi");
- rm (basename ^ ".cmo");
- rm (basename ^ ".cmx")
- end
-(* Creates another temporary file for Dynlink if needed *)
-let tmp_dynlink()=
- let tmp = Filename.temp_file "coqdynlink" ".ml" in
- let _ = Sys.command ("echo \"Dynlink.init();;\" > "^tmp) in
- tmp
-(* Initializes the kind of loading in the main program *)
-let declare_loading_string () =
- if not !top then
- "Mltop.remove ();;"
- else
- "begin try\
-\n (* Enable rectypes in the toplevel if it has the directive #rectypes *)\
-\n begin match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table \"rectypes\" with\
-\n | Toploop.Directive_none f -> f ()\
-\n | _ -> ()\
-\n end\
-\n with\
-\n | Not_found -> ()\
-\n end;;\
-\n let ppf = Format.std_formatter;;\
-\n Mltop.set_top\
-\n {Mltop.load_obj=\
-\n (fun f -> if not (Topdirs.load_file ppf f) then Util.error (\"Could not load plugin \"^f));\
-\n Mltop.use_file=Topdirs.dir_use ppf;\
-\n Mltop.add_dir=Topdirs.dir_directory;\
-\n Mltop.ml_loop=(fun () -> Toploop.loop ppf) };;\
-(* create a temporary main file to link *)
-let create_tmp_main_file modules =
- let main_name,oc = Filename.open_temp_file "coqmain" ".ml" in
- try
- (* Add the pre-linked modules *)
- output_string oc "List.iter Mltop.add_known_module [\"";
- output_string oc (String.concat "\";\"" modules);
- output_string oc "\"];;\n";
- (* Initializes the kind of loading *)
- output_string oc (declare_loading_string());
- (* Start the toplevel loop *)
- if not !no_start then
- output_string oc "Coqtop.start();;\n";
- close_out oc;
- main_name
- with reraise ->
- clean main_name; raise reraise
-(* main part *)
-let main () =
- let (options, userfiles) = parse_args () in
- (* which ocaml command to invoke *)
- let camlbin = Envars.camlbin () in
- let prog =
- if !opt then begin
- (* native code *)
- if !top then failwith "no custom toplevel in native code !";
- let ocamloptexec = Filename.quote (Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlopt") in
- ocamloptexec^" -linkall"
- end else
- (* bytecode (we shunt ocamlmktop script which fails on win32) *)
- let ocamlmktoplib = if is_ocaml4
- then " ocamlcommon.cma ocamlbytecomp.cma ocamltoplevel.cma"
- else " toplevellib.cma" in
- let ocamlcexec = Filename.quote (Filename.concat camlbin "ocamlc") in
- let ocamlccustom = Printf.sprintf "%s %s -linkall "
- ocamlcexec Coq_config.coqrunbyteflags in
- (if !top then ocamlccustom^ocamlmktoplib else ocamlccustom)
- in
- (* files to link *)
- let (modules, tolink) = files_to_link userfiles in
- (*file for dynlink *)
- let dynlink=
- if not (!opt || !top) then
- [tmp_dynlink()]
- else
- []
- in
- (* the list of the loaded modules *)
- let main_file = create_tmp_main_file modules in
- try
- let args = options @ includes () @ copts @ tolink @ dynlink in
- let args = args @ [ Filename.quote main_file ] in
- (* add topstart.cmo explicitly because we shunted ocamlmktop wrapper *)
- let args = if !top then args @ [ "topstart.cmo" ] else args in
- (* Now, with the .cma, we MUST use the -linkall option *)
- let command = String.concat " " (prog::"-rectypes"::args) in
- if !echo then
- begin
- print_endline command;
- print_endline
- ("(command length is " ^
- (string_of_int (String.length command)) ^ " characters)");
- flush Pervasives.stdout
- end;
- let retcode = safe_sys_command command in
- clean main_file;
- (* command gives the exit code in HSB, and signal in LSB !!! *)
- if retcode > 255 then retcode lsr 8 else retcode
- with reraise ->
- clean main_file; raise reraise
-let retcode =
- try Printexc.print main () with any -> 1
-let _ = exit retcode