path: root/proofs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/ b/proofs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2745270a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* This module defines proof facilities relevant to the *)
+(* toplevel. In particular it defines the global proof *)
+(* environment. *)
+(* *)
+open Pp
+open Names
+(*** Proof Modes ***)
+(* Type of proof modes :
+ - A function [set] to set it *from standard mode*
+ - A function [reset] to reset the *standard mode* from it *)
+type proof_mode = {
+ name : string ;
+ set : unit -> unit ;
+ reset : unit -> unit
+let proof_modes = Hashtbl.create 6
+let find_proof_mode n =
+ try Hashtbl.find proof_modes n
+ with Not_found ->
+ Util.error (Format.sprintf "No proof mode named \"%s\"." n)
+let register_proof_mode ({ name = n } as m) = Hashtbl.add proof_modes n m
+(* initial mode: standard mode *)
+let standard = { name = "No" ; set = (fun ()->()) ; reset = (fun () -> ()) }
+let _ = register_proof_mode standard
+(* Default proof mode, to be set at the beginning of proofs. *)
+let default_proof_mode = ref standard
+let _ =
+ Goptions.declare_string_option {Goptions.
+ optsync = true ;
+ optdepr = false;
+ optname = "default proof mode" ;
+ optkey = ["Default";"Proof";"Mode"] ;
+ optread = begin fun () ->
+ let { name = name } = !default_proof_mode in name
+ end;
+ optwrite = begin fun n ->
+ default_proof_mode := find_proof_mode n
+ end
+ }
+(*** Proof Global Environment ***)
+(* local shorthand *)
+type nproof = identifier*Proof.proof
+(* Extra info on proofs. *)
+type lemma_possible_guards = int list list
+type proof_info = {
+ strength : Decl_kinds.goal_kind ;
+ compute_guard : lemma_possible_guards;
+ hook :Tacexpr.declaration_hook ;
+ mode : proof_mode
+(* Invariant: a proof is at most in one of current_proof and suspended. And the
+ domain of proof_info is the union of that of current_proof and suspended.*)
+(* The head of [!current_proof] is the actual current proof, the other ones are to
+ be resumed when the current proof is closed, aborted or suspended. *)
+let current_proof = ref ([]:nproof list)
+let suspended = ref ([] : nproof list)
+let proof_info = ref (Idmap.empty : proof_info Idmap.t)
+(* Current proof_mode, for bookkeeping *)
+let current_proof_mode = ref !default_proof_mode
+(* combinators for proof modes *)
+let update_proof_mode () =
+ match !current_proof with
+ | (id,_)::_ ->
+ let { mode = m } = Idmap.find id !proof_info in
+ !current_proof_mode.reset ();
+ current_proof_mode := m;
+ !current_proof_mode.set ()
+ | _ ->
+ !current_proof_mode.reset ();
+ current_proof_mode := standard
+(* combinators for the current_proof and suspended lists *)
+let push a l = l := a::!l;
+ update_proof_mode ()
+exception NoSuchProof
+let _ = Errors.register_handler begin function
+ | NoSuchProof -> Util.error "No such proof."
+ | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled
+let rec extract id l =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | ((id',_) as np)::l when id_ord id id' = 0 -> (np,l)
+ | np::l -> let (np', l) = aux l in (np' , np::l)
+ | [] -> raise NoSuchProof
+ in
+ let (np,l') = aux !l in
+ l := l';
+ update_proof_mode ();
+ np
+exception NoCurrentProof
+let _ = Errors.register_handler begin function
+ | NoCurrentProof -> Util.error "No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress)."
+ | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled
+let extract_top l =
+ match !l with
+ | np::l' -> l := l' ; update_proof_mode (); np
+ | [] -> raise NoCurrentProof
+let find_top l =
+ match !l with
+ | np::_ -> np
+ | [] -> raise NoCurrentProof
+let rotate_top l1 l2 =
+ let np = extract_top l1 in
+ push np l2
+let rotate_find id l1 l2 =
+ let np = extract id l1 in
+ push np l2
+(* combinators for the proof_info map *)
+let add id info m =
+ m := Idmap.add id info !m
+let remove id m =
+ m := Idmap.remove id !m
+(*** Proof Global manipulation ***)
+let get_all_proof_names () =
+ fst !current_proof @
+ fst !suspended
+let give_me_the_proof () =
+ snd (find_top current_proof)
+let get_current_proof_name () =
+ fst (find_top current_proof)
+(* spiwack: it might be considered to move error messages away.
+ Or else to remove special exceptions from Proof_global.
+ Arguments for the former: there is no reason Proof_global is only
+ accessed directly through vernacular commands. Error message should be
+ pushed to external layers, and so we should be able to have a finer
+ control on error message on complex actions. *)
+let msg_proofs use_resume =
+ match get_all_proof_names () with
+ | [] -> (spc () ++ str"(No proof-editing in progress).")
+ | l -> (str"." ++ fnl () ++ str"Proofs currently edited:" ++ spc () ++
+ (Util.prlist_with_sep Util.pr_spc Nameops.pr_id l) ++
+ str"." ++
+ (if use_resume then (fnl () ++ str"Use \"Resume\" first.")
+ else (mt ()))
+ )
+let there_is_a_proof () = !current_proof <> []
+let there_are_suspended_proofs () = !suspended <> []
+let there_are_pending_proofs () =
+ there_is_a_proof () ||
+ there_are_suspended_proofs ()
+let check_no_pending_proof () =
+ if not (there_are_pending_proofs ()) then
+ ()
+ else begin
+ Util.error (Pp.string_of_ppcmds
+ (str"Proof editing in progress" ++ (msg_proofs false) ++ fnl() ++
+ str"Use \"Abort All\" first or complete proof(s)."))
+ end
+let suspend () =
+ rotate_top current_proof suspended
+let resume_last () =
+ rotate_top suspended current_proof
+let resume id =
+ rotate_find id suspended current_proof
+let discard_gen id =
+ try
+ ignore (extract id current_proof);
+ remove id proof_info
+ with NoSuchProof -> ignore (extract id suspended)
+let discard (loc,id) =
+ try
+ discard_gen id
+ with NoSuchProof ->
+ Util.user_err_loc
+ (loc,"Pfedit.delete_proof",str"No such proof" ++ msg_proofs false)
+let discard_current () =
+ let (id,_) = extract_top current_proof in
+ remove id proof_info
+let discard_all () =
+ current_proof := [];
+ suspended := [];
+ proof_info := Idmap.empty
+(* [set_proof_mode] sets the proof mode to be used after it's called. It is
+ typically called by the Proof Mode command. *)
+(* Core component.
+ No undo handling.
+ Applies to proof [id], and proof mode [m]. *)
+let set_proof_mode m id =
+ let info = Idmap.find id !proof_info in
+ let info = { info with mode = m } in
+ proof_info := Idmap.add id info !proof_info;
+ update_proof_mode ()
+(* Complete function.
+ Handles undo.
+ Applies to current proof, and proof mode name [mn]. *)
+let set_proof_mode mn =
+ let m = find_proof_mode mn in
+ let id = get_current_proof_name () in
+ let pr = give_me_the_proof () in
+ Proof.add_undo begin let curr = !current_proof_mode in fun () ->
+ set_proof_mode curr id ; update_proof_mode ()
+ end pr ;
+ set_proof_mode m id
+(* [start_proof s str env t hook tac] starts a proof of name [s] and
+ conclusion [t]; [hook] is optionally a function to be applied at
+ proof end (e.g. to declare the built constructions as a coercion
+ or a setoid morphism); init_tac is possibly a tactic to
+ systematically apply at initialization time (e.g. to start the
+ proof of mutually dependent theorems).
+ It raises exception [ProofInProgress] if there is a proof being
+ currently edited. *)
+let start_proof id str goals ?(compute_guard=[]) hook =
+ (* arnaud: ajouter une vérification pour la présence de id dans le proof_global *)
+ let p = Proof.start goals in
+ add id { strength=str ;
+ compute_guard=compute_guard ;
+ hook=hook ;
+ mode = ! default_proof_mode } proof_info ;
+ push (id,p) current_proof
+(* arnaud: à enlever *)
+let run_tactic tac =
+ let p = give_me_the_proof () in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ Proof.run_tactic env tac p
+(* Sets the tactic to be used when a tactic line is closed with [...] *)
+let set_endline_tactic tac =
+ let p = give_me_the_proof () in
+ Proof.set_endline_tactic tac p
+let set_used_variables l =
+ let p = give_me_the_proof () in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let ids = List.fold_right Idset.add l Idset.empty in
+ let ctx = Environ.keep_hyps env ids in
+ Proof.set_used_variables ctx p
+let get_used_variables () =
+ Proof.get_used_variables (give_me_the_proof ())
+let with_end_tac tac =
+ let p = give_me_the_proof () in
+ Proof.with_end_tac p tac
+let close_proof () =
+ (* spiwack: for now close_proof doesn't actually discard the proof, it is done
+ by []. *)
+ try
+ let id = get_current_proof_name () in
+ let p = give_me_the_proof () in
+ let proofs_and_types = Proof.return p in
+ let section_vars = Proof.get_used_variables p in
+ let entries =
+ (fun (c,t) -> { Entries.const_entry_body = c;
+ const_entry_secctx = section_vars;
+ const_entry_type = Some t;
+ const_entry_opaque = true })
+ proofs_and_types
+ in
+ let { compute_guard=cg ; strength=str ; hook=hook } =
+ Idmap.find id !proof_info
+ in
+ (id, (entries,cg,str,hook))
+ with
+ | Proof.UnfinishedProof ->
+ Util.error "Attempt to save an incomplete proof"
+ | Proof.HasUnresolvedEvar ->
+ Util.error "Attempt to save a proof with existential variables still non-instantiated"
+(* *)
+(* Utility functions *)
+(* *)
+let maximal_unfocus k p =
+ begin try while Proof.no_focused_goal p do
+ Proof.unfocus k p
+ done
+ with Proof.FullyUnfocused | Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay -> ()
+ end
+(* *)
+(* Bullets *)
+(* *)
+module Bullet = struct
+ open Store.Field
+ type t = Vernacexpr.bullet
+ type behavior = {
+ name : string;
+ put : Proof.proof -> t -> unit
+ }
+ let behaviors = Hashtbl.create 4
+ let register_behavior b = Hashtbl.add behaviors b
+ (*** initial modes ***)
+ let none = {
+ name = "None";
+ put = fun _ _ -> ()
+ }
+ let _ = register_behavior none
+ module Strict = struct
+ (* spiwack: we need only one focus kind as we keep a stack of (distinct!) bullets *)
+ let bullet_kind = (Proof.new_focus_kind () : t list Proof.focus_kind)
+ let bullet_cond = Proof.done_cond ~loose_end:true bullet_kind
+ let get_bullets pr =
+ try Proof.get_at_focus bullet_kind pr
+ with Proof.NoSuchFocus -> []
+ let has_bullet bul pr =
+ let rec has_bullet = function
+ | b'::_ when bul=b' -> true
+ | _::l -> has_bullet l
+ | [] -> false
+ in
+ has_bullet (get_bullets pr)
+ (* precondition: the stack is not empty *)
+ let pop pr =
+ match get_bullets pr with
+ | b::_ ->
+ Proof.unfocus bullet_kind pr;
+ (*returns*) b
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let push b pr =
+ Proof.focus bullet_cond (b::get_bullets pr) 1 pr
+ let put p bul =
+ if has_bullet bul p then
+ Proof.transaction p begin fun () ->
+ while bul <> pop p do () done;
+ push bul p
+ end
+ else
+ push bul p
+ let strict = {
+ name = "Strict Subproofs";
+ put = put
+ }
+ let _ = register_behavior strict
+ end
+ (* Current bullet behavior, controled by the option *)
+ let current_behavior = ref Strict.strict
+ let _ =
+ Goptions.declare_string_option {Goptions.
+ optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
+ optname = "bullet behavior";
+ optkey = ["Bullet";"Behavior"];
+ optread = begin fun () ->
+ (!current_behavior).name
+ end;
+ optwrite = begin fun n ->
+ current_behavior := Hashtbl.find behaviors n
+ end
+ }
+ let put p b =
+ (!current_behavior).put p b
+module V82 = struct
+ let get_current_initial_conclusions () =
+ let p = give_me_the_proof () in
+ let id = get_current_proof_name () in
+ let { strength=str ; hook=hook } =
+ Idmap.find id !proof_info
+ in
+ (id,(Proof.V82.get_initial_conclusions p, str, hook))