path: root/proofs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/ b/proofs/
index c019d45f..9cab6a05 100644
--- a/proofs/
+++ b/proofs/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 12240 2009-07-15 09:52:52Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ open Type_errors
open Retyping
open Evarutil
open Tacexpr
type refiner_error =
(* Errors raised by the refiner *)
@@ -50,15 +50,17 @@ open Pretype_errors
let rec catchable_exception = function
| Stdpp.Exc_located(_,e) -> catchable_exception e
| LtacLocated(_,e) -> catchable_exception e
- | Util.UserError _ | TypeError _
+ | Util.UserError _ | TypeError _
| RefinerError _ | Indrec.RecursionSchemeError _
| Nametab.GlobalizationError _ | PretypeError (_,VarNotFound _)
+ (* reduction errors *)
+ | Tacred.ReductionTacticError _
(* unification errors *)
| PretypeError(_,(CannotUnify _|CannotUnifyLocal _|CannotGeneralize _
|NoOccurrenceFound _|CannotUnifyBindingType _|NotClean _
|CannotFindWellTypedAbstraction _
|UnsolvableImplicit _)) -> true
- | Typeclasses_errors.TypeClassError
+ | Typeclasses_errors.TypeClassError
(_, Typeclasses_errors.UnsatisfiableConstraints _) -> true
| _ -> false
@@ -73,19 +75,19 @@ let with_check = Flags.with_option check
(* [apply_to_hyp sign id f] splits [sign] into [tail::[id,_,_]::head] and
returns [tail::(f head (id,_,_) (rev tail))] *)
let apply_to_hyp sign id f =
- try apply_to_hyp sign id f
- with Hyp_not_found ->
+ try apply_to_hyp sign id f
+ with Hyp_not_found ->
if !check then error "No such assumption."
else sign
let apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on sign id f g =
- try apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on sign id f g
- with Hyp_not_found ->
+ try apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on sign id f g
+ with Hyp_not_found ->
if !check then error "No such assumption."
else sign
let check_typability env sigma c =
- if !check then let _ = type_of env sigma c in ()
+ if !check then let _ = type_of env sigma c in ()
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ let check_typability env sigma c =
let clear_hyps sigma ids sign cl =
let evdref = ref (Evd.create_goal_evar_defs sigma) in
let (hyps,concl) = Evarutil.clear_hyps_in_evi evdref sign cl ids in
- (hyps,concl,evars_of !evdref)
+ (hyps,concl, !evdref)
(* The ClearBody tactic *)
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ let recheck_typability (what,id) env sigma t =
| Some id -> "hypothesis "^(string_of_id id) in
("The correctness of "^s^" relies on the body of "^(string_of_id id))
let remove_hyp_body env sigma id =
let sign =
apply_to_hyp_and_dependent_on (named_context_val env) id
@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ let remove_hyp_body env sigma id =
| Some c ->(id,None,t))
(fun (id',c,t as d) sign ->
(if !check then
- begin
+ begin
let env = reset_with_named_context sign env in
match c with
| None -> recheck_typability (Some id',id) env sigma t
@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ let remove_hyp_body env sigma id =
recheck_typability (Some id',id) env sigma b'
- reset_with_named_context sign env
+ reset_with_named_context sign env
(* Reordering of the context *)
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ let remove_hyp_body env sigma id =
(* sous-ordre du resultat. Par exemple, 2 hyps non mentionnee ne sont *)
(* pas echangees. Choix: les hyps mentionnees ne peuvent qu'etre *)
(* reculees par rapport aux autres (faire le contraire!) *)
let mt_q = (Idmap.empty,[])
let push_val y = function
(_,[] as q) -> q
@@ -211,8 +213,8 @@ let check_decl_position env sign (x,_,_ as d) =
(* Auxiliary functions for primitive MOVE tactic
* [move_hyp with_dep toleft (left,(hfrom,typfrom),right) hto] moves
- * hyp [hfrom] at location [hto] which belongs to the hyps on the
- * left side [left] of the full signature if [toleft=true] or to the hyps
+ * hyp [hfrom] at location [hto] which belongs to the hyps on the
+ * left side [left] of the full signature if [toleft=true] or to the hyps
* on the right side [right] if [toleft=false].
* If [with_dep] then dependent hypotheses are moved accordingly. *)
@@ -228,17 +230,17 @@ let split_sign hfrom hto l =
let rec splitrec left toleft = function
| [] -> error_no_such_hypothesis hfrom
| (hyp,c,typ) as d :: right ->
- if hyp = hfrom then
+ if hyp = hfrom then
(left,right,d, toleft or hto = MoveToEnd true)
- splitrec (d::left)
+ splitrec (d::left)
(toleft or hto = MoveAfter hyp or hto = MoveBefore hyp)
- in
+ in
splitrec [] false l
let hyp_of_move_location = function
- | MoveAfter id -> id
+ | MoveAfter id -> id
| MoveBefore id -> id
| _ -> assert false
@@ -258,12 +260,12 @@ let move_hyp with_dep toleft (left,(idfrom,_,_ as declfrom),right) hto =
List.rev first @ List.rev middle @ right
| (hyp,_,_) as d :: right ->
let (first',middle') =
- if List.exists (test_dep d) middle then
- if with_dep & hto <> MoveAfter hyp then
+ if List.exists (test_dep d) middle then
+ if with_dep & hto <> MoveAfter hyp then
(first, d::middle)
- else
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot move " ++ pr_id idfrom ++
- pr_move_location pr_id hto ++
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "move_hyp" (str "Cannot move " ++ pr_id idfrom ++
+ pr_move_location pr_id hto ++
str (if toleft then ": it occurs in " else ": it depends on ")
++ pr_id hyp ++ str ".")
@@ -271,16 +273,16 @@ let move_hyp with_dep toleft (left,(idfrom,_,_ as declfrom),right) hto =
if hto = MoveAfter hyp then
List.rev first' @ List.rev middle' @ right
- else
+ else
moverec first' middle' right
- if toleft then
- let right =
+ if toleft then
+ let right =
List.fold_right push_named_context_val right empty_named_context_val in
List.fold_left (fun sign d -> push_named_context_val d sign)
- right (moverec [] [declfrom] left)
- else
- let right =
+ right (moverec [] [declfrom] left)
+ else
+ let right =
List.fold_right push_named_context_val
(moverec [] [declfrom] right) empty_named_context_val in
List.fold_left (fun sign d -> push_named_context_val d sign)
@@ -295,7 +297,7 @@ let rename_hyp id1 id2 sign =
(* Implementation of the logical rules *)
-(* Will only be used on terms given to the Refine rule which have meta
+(* Will only be used on terms given to the Refine rule which have meta
variables only in Application and Case *)
let error_unsupported_deep_meta c =
@@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ let error_unsupported_deep_meta c =
strbrk "form contains metavariables deep inside the term is not " ++
strbrk "supported; try \"refine\" instead.")
-let collect_meta_variables c =
+let collect_meta_variables c =
let rec collrec deep acc c = match kind_of_term c with
| Meta mv -> if deep then error_unsupported_deep_meta () else mv::acc
| Cast(c,_,_) -> collrec deep acc c
@@ -312,16 +314,16 @@ let collect_meta_variables c =
List.rev (collrec false [] c)
-let check_meta_variables c =
+let check_meta_variables c =
if not (list_distinct (collect_meta_variables c)) then
raise (RefinerError (NonLinearProof c))
let check_conv_leq_goal env sigma arg ty conclty =
- if !check & not (is_conv_leq env sigma ty conclty) then
+ if !check & not (is_conv_leq env sigma ty conclty) then
raise (RefinerError (BadType (arg,ty,conclty)))
let goal_type_of env sigma c =
- (if !check then type_of else Retyping.get_type_of) env sigma c
+ (if !check then type_of else Retyping.get_type_of ~refresh:true) env sigma c
let rec mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc conclty trm =
let env = evar_env goal in
@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ let rec mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc conclty trm =
let mk_goal hyps concl = mk_goal hyps concl goal.evar_extra in
if not (occur_meta trm) then
- let t'ty = (unsafe_machine env sigma trm).uj_type in
+ let t'ty = (unsafe_machine env sigma trm).uj_type in
let _ = conv_leq_goal env sigma trm t'ty conclty in
@@ -352,9 +354,9 @@ let rec mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc conclty trm =
| Ind _ | Const _
when (isInd f or has_polymorphic_type (destConst f)) ->
(* Sort-polymorphism of definition and inductive types *)
- goalacc,
+ goalacc,
type_of_global_reference_knowing_conclusion env sigma f conclty
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc f
let (acc'',conclty') =
@@ -365,14 +367,14 @@ let rec mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc conclty trm =
| Case (_,p,c,lf) ->
let (acc',lbrty,conclty') = mk_casegoals sigma goal goalacc p c in
check_conv_leq_goal env sigma trm conclty' conclty;
- let acc'' =
+ let acc'' =
(fun lacc ty fi -> fst (mk_refgoals sigma goal lacc ty fi))
- acc' lbrty lf
+ acc' lbrty lf
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
if occur_meta trm then
anomaly "refiner called with a meta in non app/case subterm";
@@ -397,8 +399,8 @@ and mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc trm =
mk_refgoals sigma goal goalacc ty t
| App (f,l) ->
- let (acc',hdty) =
- if isInd f or isConst f
+ let (acc',hdty) =
+ if isInd f or isConst f
& not (array_exists occur_meta l) (* we could be finer *)
(goalacc,type_of_global_reference_knowing_parameters env sigma f l)
@@ -408,16 +410,16 @@ and mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc trm =
| Case (_,p,c,lf) ->
let (acc',lbrty,conclty') = mk_casegoals sigma goal goalacc p c in
- let acc'' =
+ let acc'' =
(fun lacc ty fi -> fst (mk_refgoals sigma goal lacc ty fi))
- acc' lbrty lf
+ acc' lbrty lf
| _ ->
if !check && occur_meta trm then
- anomaly "refined called with a dependent meta";
+ anomaly "refine called with a dependent meta";
goalacc, goal_type_of env sigma trm
and mk_arggoals sigma goal goalacc funty = function
@@ -434,14 +436,13 @@ and mk_arggoals sigma goal goalacc funty = function
and mk_casegoals sigma goal goalacc p c =
let env = evar_env goal in
- let (acc',ct) = mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc c in
+ let (acc',ct) = mk_hdgoals sigma goal goalacc c in
let (acc'',pt) = mk_hdgoals sigma goal acc' p in
- let pj = {uj_val=p; uj_type=pt} in
let indspec =
- try find_mrectype env sigma (nf_evar sigma ct)
+ try find_mrectype env sigma ct
with Not_found -> anomaly "mk_casegoals" in
let (lbrty,conclty) =
- type_case_branches_with_names env indspec pj c in
+ type_case_branches_with_names env indspec p c in
@@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ let norm_goal sigma gl =
let red_fun = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma in
let ncl = red_fun gl.evar_concl in
let ngl =
- { gl with
+ { gl with
evar_concl = ncl;
evar_hyps = map_named_val red_fun gl.evar_hyps } in
if Evd.eq_evar_info ngl gl then None else Some ngl
@@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ let prim_refiner r sigma goal =
(* Logical rules *)
| Intro id ->
if !check && mem_named_context id (named_context_of_val sign) then
- error "New variable is already declared";
+ error ("Variable " ^ string_of_id id ^ " is already declared.");
(match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast cl) with
| Prod (_,c1,b) ->
let sg = mk_goal (push_named_context_val (id,None,c1) sign)
@@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ let prim_refiner r sigma goal =
([sg], sigma)
| _ ->
raise (RefinerError IntroNeedsProduct))
| Cut (b,replace,id,t) ->
let sg1 = mk_goal sign (nf_betaiota sigma t) in
let sign,cl,sigma =
@@ -512,58 +513,58 @@ let prim_refiner r sigma goal =
(if !check && mem_named_context id (named_context_of_val sign) then
- error "New variable is already declared";
+ error ("Variable " ^ string_of_id id ^ " is already declared.");
push_named_context_val (id,None,t) sign,cl,sigma) in
let sg2 = mk_goal sign cl in
if b then ([sg1;sg2],sigma) else ([sg2;sg1],sigma)
| FixRule (f,n,rest,j) ->
- let rec check_ind env k cl =
- match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast cl) with
- | Prod (na,c1,b) ->
- if k = 1 then
- try
+ let rec check_ind env k cl =
+ match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast cl) with
+ | Prod (na,c1,b) ->
+ if k = 1 then
+ try
fst (find_inductive env sigma c1)
- with Not_found ->
+ with Not_found ->
error "Cannot do a fixpoint on a non inductive type."
- else
+ else
check_ind (push_rel (na,None,c1) env) (k-1) b
| _ -> error "Not enough products."
let (sp,_) = check_ind env n cl in
let firsts,lasts = list_chop j rest in
let all = firsts@(f,n,cl)::lasts in
- let rec mk_sign sign = function
+ let rec mk_sign sign = function
| (f,n,ar)::oth ->
- let (sp',_) = check_ind env n ar in
- if not (sp=sp') then
- error ("Fixpoints should be on the same " ^
+ let (sp',_) = check_ind env n ar in
+ if not (sp=sp') then
+ error ("Fixpoints should be on the same " ^
"mutual inductive declaration.");
if !check && mem_named_context f (named_context_of_val sign) then
("Name "^string_of_id f^" already used in the environment");
mk_sign (push_named_context_val (f,None,ar) sign) oth
- | [] ->
+ | [] -> (fun (_,_,c) -> mk_goal sign c) all
- in
+ in
(mk_sign sign all, sigma)
| Cofix (f,others,j) ->
- let rec check_is_coind env cl =
+ let rec check_is_coind env cl =
let b = whd_betadeltaiota env sigma cl in
match kind_of_term b with
| Prod (na,c1,b) -> check_is_coind (push_rel (na,None,c1) env) b
- | _ ->
- try
+ | _ ->
+ try
let _ = find_coinductive env sigma b in ()
- with Not_found ->
+ with Not_found ->
error ("All methods must construct elements " ^
"in coinductive types.")
let firsts,lasts = list_chop j others in
let all = firsts@(f,cl)::lasts in
List.iter (fun (_,c) -> check_is_coind env c) all;
- let rec mk_sign sign = function
+ let rec mk_sign sign = function
| (f,ar)::oth ->
(let _ = lookup_named_val f sign in
@@ -572,7 +573,7 @@ let prim_refiner r sigma goal =
| Not_found ->
mk_sign (push_named_context_val (f,None,ar) sign) oth)
| [] -> (fun (_,c) -> mk_goal sign c) all
- in
+ in
(mk_sign sign all, sigma)
| Refine c ->
@@ -587,17 +588,17 @@ let prim_refiner r sigma goal =
if (not !check) || is_conv_leq env sigma cl' cl then
let sg = mk_goal sign cl' in
([sg], sigma)
- else
+ else
error "convert-concl rule passed non-converting term"
| Convert_hyp (id,copt,ty) ->
([mk_goal (convert_hyp sign sigma (id,copt,ty)) cl], sigma)
(* And now the structural rules *)
- | Thin ids ->
+ | Thin ids ->
let (hyps,concl,nsigma) = clear_hyps sigma ids sign cl in
([mk_goal hyps concl], nsigma)
| ThinBody ids ->
let clear_aux env id =
let env' = remove_hyp_body env sigma id in
@@ -609,9 +610,9 @@ let prim_refiner r sigma goal =
([sg], sigma)
| Move (withdep, hfrom, hto) ->
- let (left,right,declfrom,toleft) =
+ let (left,right,declfrom,toleft) =
split_sign hfrom hto (named_context_of_val sign) in
- let hyps' =
+ let hyps' =
move_hyp withdep toleft (left,declfrom,right) hto in
([mk_goal hyps' cl], sigma)
@@ -642,7 +643,7 @@ type variable_proof_status = ProofVar | SectionVar of identifier
type proof_variable = name * variable_proof_status
-let subst_proof_vars =
+let subst_proof_vars =
let rec aux p vars =
let _,subst =
List.fold_left (fun (n,l) var ->
@@ -653,22 +654,22 @@ let subst_proof_vars =
(n+1,t)) (p,[]) vars
in replace_vars (List.rev subst)
in aux 1
let rec rebind id1 id2 = function
| [] -> [Name id2,SectionVar id1]
- | (na,k as x)::l ->
+ | (na,k as x)::l ->
if na = Name id1 then (Name id2,k)::l else
let l' = rebind id1 id2 l in
if na = Name id2 then (Anonymous,k)::l' else x::l'
let add_proof_var id vl = (Name id,ProofVar)::vl
-let proof_variable_index x =
+let proof_variable_index x =
let rec aux n = function
| (Name id,ProofVar)::l when x = id -> n
| _::l -> aux (n+1) l
| [] -> raise Not_found
- in
+ in
aux 1
let prim_extractor subfun vl pft =
@@ -684,7 +685,7 @@ let prim_extractor subfun vl pft =
let cty = subst_proof_vars vl ty in
mkLetIn (Name id, cb, cty, subfun (add_proof_var id vl) spf)
| _ -> error "Incomplete proof!")
| Some (Prim (Cut (b,_,id,t)),[spf1;spf2]) ->
let spf1, spf2 = if b then spf1, spf2 else spf2, spf1 in
mkLetIn (Name id,subfun vl spf1,subst_proof_vars vl t,
@@ -699,7 +700,7 @@ let prim_extractor subfun vl pft =
let newvl = List.fold_left (fun vl (id,_,_) -> add_proof_var id vl)
(add_proof_var f vl) others in
let lfix = (subfun newvl) (Array.of_list spfl) in
- mkFix ((vn,j),(names,lcty,lfix))
+ mkFix ((vn,j),(names,lcty,lfix))
| Some (Prim (Cofix (f,others,j)),spfl) ->
let firsts,lasts = list_chop j others in
@@ -707,14 +708,14 @@ let prim_extractor subfun vl pft =
let lcty = (fun (_,ar) -> subst_proof_vars vl ar) all in
let names = (fun (f,_) -> Name f) all in
let newvl = List.fold_left (fun vl (id,_)-> add_proof_var id vl)
- (add_proof_var f vl) others in
+ (add_proof_var f vl) others in
let lfix = (subfun newvl) (Array.of_list spfl) in
mkCoFix (j,(names,lcty,lfix))
| Some (Prim (Refine c),spfl) ->
let mvl = collect_meta_variables c in
let metamap = List.combine mvl ( (subfun vl) spfl) in
- let cc = subst_proof_vars vl c in
+ let cc = subst_proof_vars vl c in
plain_instance metamap cc
(* Structural and conversion rules do not produce any proof *)
@@ -727,10 +728,10 @@ let prim_extractor subfun vl pft =
| Some (Prim (Thin _),[pf]) ->
(* No need to make ids Anon in vl: subst_proof_vars take the most recent*)
subfun vl pf
| Some (Prim (ThinBody _),[pf]) ->
subfun vl pf
| Some (Prim (Move _|Order _),[pf]) ->
subfun vl pf
@@ -743,4 +744,4 @@ let prim_extractor subfun vl pft =
| Some _ -> anomaly "prim_extractor"
| None-> error "prim_extractor handed incomplete proof"