path: root/pretyping/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping/')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:44 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Univ
+open Names
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Inductiveops
+open Environ
+open Sign
+open Rawterm
+open Nameops
+open Termops
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+(* Tools for printing of Cases *)
+let encode_inductive qid =
+ let indsp = global_inductive qid in
+ let constr_lengths = mis_constr_nargs indsp in
+ (indsp,constr_lengths)
+(* Parameterization of the translation from constr to ast *)
+(* Tables for Cases printing under a "if" form, a "let" form, *)
+let has_two_constructors lc =
+ Array.length lc = 2 (* & lc.(0) = 0 & lc.(1) = 0 *)
+let isomorphic_to_tuple lc = (Array.length lc = 1)
+let encode_bool r =
+ let (_,lc as x) = encode_inductive r in
+ if not (has_two_constructors lc) then
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_reference r,"encode_if",
+ str "This type has not exactly two constructors");
+ x
+let encode_tuple r =
+ let (_,lc as x) = encode_inductive r in
+ if not (isomorphic_to_tuple lc) then
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_reference r,"encode_tuple",
+ str "This type cannot be seen as a tuple type");
+ x
+module PrintingCasesMake =
+ functor (Test : sig
+ val encode : reference -> inductive * int array
+ val member_message : std_ppcmds -> bool -> std_ppcmds
+ val field : string
+ val title : string
+ end) ->
+ struct
+ type t = inductive * int array
+ let encode = Test.encode
+ let subst subst ((kn,i), ints as obj) =
+ let kn' = subst_kn subst kn in
+ if kn' == kn then obj else
+ (kn',i), ints
+ let printer (ind,_) = pr_global_env Idset.empty (IndRef ind)
+ let key = Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Printing",Test.field)
+ let title = Test.title
+ let member_message x = Test.member_message (printer x)
+ let synchronous = true
+ end
+module PrintingCasesIf =
+ PrintingCasesMake (struct
+ let encode = encode_bool
+ let field = "If"
+ let title = "Types leading to pretty-printing of Cases using a `if' form: "
+ let member_message s b =
+ str "Cases on elements of " ++ s ++
+ str
+ (if b then " are printed using a `if' form"
+ else " are not printed using a `if' form")
+ end)
+module PrintingCasesLet =
+ PrintingCasesMake (struct
+ let encode = encode_tuple
+ let field = "Let"
+ let title =
+ "Types leading to a pretty-printing of Cases using a `let' form:"
+ let member_message s b =
+ str "Cases on elements of " ++ s ++
+ str
+ (if b then " are printed using a `let' form"
+ else " are not printed using a `let' form")
+ end)
+module PrintingIf = Goptions.MakeRefTable(PrintingCasesIf)
+module PrintingLet = Goptions.MakeRefTable(PrintingCasesLet)
+let force_let ci =
+ let indsp = ci.ci_ind in
+ let lc = mis_constr_nargs indsp in (indsp,lc)
+let force_if ci =
+ let indsp = ci.ci_ind in
+ let lc = mis_constr_nargs indsp in (indsp,lc)
+(* Options for printing or not wildcard and synthetisable types *)
+open Goptions
+let wildcard_value = ref true
+let force_wildcard () = !wildcard_value
+let _ = declare_bool_option
+ { optsync = true;
+ optname = "forced wildcard";
+ optkey = SecondaryTable ("Printing","Wildcard");
+ optread = force_wildcard;
+ optwrite = (:=) wildcard_value }
+let synth_type_value = ref true
+let synthetize_type () = !synth_type_value
+let _ = declare_bool_option
+ { optsync = true;
+ optname = "synthesizability";
+ optkey = SecondaryTable ("Printing","Synth");
+ optread = synthetize_type;
+ optwrite = (:=) synth_type_value }
+(* Auxiliary function for MutCase printing *)
+(* [computable] tries to tell if the predicate typing the result is inferable*)
+let computable p k =
+ (* We first remove as many lambda as the arity, then we look
+ if it remains a lambda for a dependent elimination. This function
+ works for normal eta-expanded term. For non eta-expanded or
+ non-normal terms, it may affirm the pred is synthetisable
+ because of an undetected ultimate dependent variable in the second
+ clause, or else, it may affirms the pred non synthetisable
+ because of a non normal term in the fourth clause.
+ A solution could be to store, in the MutCase, the eta-expanded
+ normal form of pred to decide if it depends on its variables
+ Lorsque le prédicat est dépendant de manière certaine, on
+ ne déclare pas le prédicat synthétisable (même si la
+ variable dépendante ne l'est pas effectivement) parce que
+ sinon on perd la réciprocité de la synthèse (qui, lui,
+ engendrera un prédicat non dépendant) *)
+ (nb_lam p = k+1)
+ &&
+ let _,ccl = decompose_lam p in
+ noccur_between 1 (k+1) ccl
+let lookup_name_as_renamed env t s =
+ let rec lookup avoid env_names n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (name,_,c') ->
+ (match concrete_name true avoid env_names name c' with
+ | (Name id,avoid') ->
+ if id=s then (Some n)
+ else lookup avoid' (add_name (Name id) env_names) (n+1) c'
+ | (Anonymous,avoid') -> lookup avoid' env_names (n+1) (pop c'))
+ | LetIn (name,_,_,c') ->
+ (match concrete_name true avoid env_names name c' with
+ | (Name id,avoid') ->
+ if id=s then (Some n)
+ else lookup avoid' (add_name (Name id) env_names) (n+1) c'
+ | (Anonymous,avoid') -> lookup avoid' env_names (n+1) (pop c'))
+ | Cast (c,_) -> lookup avoid env_names n c
+ | _ -> None
+ in lookup (ids_of_named_context (named_context env)) empty_names_context 1 t
+let lookup_index_as_renamed env t n =
+ let rec lookup n d c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (name,_,c') ->
+ (match concrete_name true [] empty_names_context name c' with
+ (Name _,_) -> lookup n (d+1) c'
+ | (Anonymous,_) -> if n=1 then Some d else lookup (n-1) (d+1) c')
+ | LetIn (name,_,_,c') ->
+ (match concrete_name true [] empty_names_context name c' with
+ | (Name _,_) -> lookup n (d+1) c'
+ | (Anonymous,_) -> if n=1 then Some d else lookup (n-1) (d+1) c')
+ | Cast (c,_) -> lookup n d c
+ | _ -> None
+ in lookup n 1 t
+let is_nondep_branch c n =
+ try
+ let _,ccl = decompose_lam_n_assum n c in
+ noccur_between 1 n ccl
+ with _ -> (* Not eta-expanded or not reduced *)
+ false
+let extract_nondep_branches test c b n =
+ let rec strip n r = if n=0 then r else
+ match r with
+ | RLambda (_,_,_,t) -> strip (n-1) t
+ | RLetIn (_,_,_,t) -> strip (n-1) t
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ if test c n then Some (strip n b) else None
+let detype_case computable detype detype_eqn testdep
+ tenv avoid indsp st p k c bl =
+ let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
+ let tomatch = detype c in
+ (* Find constructors arity *)
+ let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif tenv indsp in
+ let get_consnarg j =
+ let typi = mis_nf_constructor_type (indsp,mib,mip) (j+1) in
+ let _,t = decompose_prod_n_assum (List.length mip.mind_params_ctxt) typi in
+ List.rev (fst (decompose_prod_assum t)) in
+ let consnargs = Array.init (Array.length mip.mind_consnames) get_consnarg in
+ let consnargsl = List.length consnargs in
+ let alias, aliastyp, newpred, pred =
+ if (not !Options.raw_print) & synth_type & computable & bl <> [||] then
+ Anonymous, None, None, None
+ else
+ let p = option_app detype p in
+ match p with
+ | None -> Anonymous, None, None, None
+ | Some p ->
+ let decompose_lam k c =
+ let rec lamdec_rec l avoid k c =
+ if k = 0 then List.rev l,c else match c with
+ | RLambda (_,x,t,c) ->
+ lamdec_rec (x::l) (name_cons x avoid) (k-1) c
+ | c ->
+ let x = next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") avoid in
+ lamdec_rec ((Name x)::l) (x::avoid) (k-1)
+ (let a = RVar (dummy_loc,x) in
+ match c with
+ | RApp (loc,p,l) -> RApp (loc,p,l@[a])
+ | _ -> (RApp (dummy_loc,c,[a])))
+ in
+ lamdec_rec [] [] k c in
+ let nl,typ = decompose_lam k p in
+ let n,typ = match typ with
+ | RLambda (_,x,t,c) -> x, c
+ | _ -> Anonymous, typ in
+ let aliastyp =
+ if List.for_all ((=) Anonymous) nl then None
+ else
+ let pars = list_tabulate (fun _ -> Anonymous) mip.mind_nparams
+ in Some (dummy_loc,indsp,pars@nl) in
+ n, aliastyp, Some typ, Some p
+ in
+ let constructs = Array.init (Array.length bl) (fun i -> (indsp,i+1)) in
+ let eqnv = array_map3 detype_eqn constructs consnargsl bl in
+ let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in
+ let tag =
+ try
+ if !Options.raw_print then
+ RegularStyle
+ else if (indsp,consnargsl) then
+ LetStyle
+ else if (indsp,consnargsl) then
+ IfStyle
+ else
+ st
+ with Not_found -> st
+ in
+ if tag = RegularStyle then
+ RCases (dummy_loc,(pred,ref newpred),[tomatch,ref (alias,aliastyp)],eqnl)
+ else
+ let bl' = detype bl in
+ if not !Options.v7 && tag = LetStyle && aliastyp = None then
+ let rec decomp_lam_force n avoid l p =
+ if n = 0 then (List.rev l,p) else
+ match p with
+ | RLambda (_,na,_,c) ->
+ decomp_lam_force (n-1) (name_cons na avoid) (na::l) c
+ | RLetIn (_,na,_,c) ->
+ decomp_lam_force (n-1) (name_cons na avoid) (na::l) c
+ | _ ->
+ let x = Nameops.next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") avoid in
+ decomp_lam_force (n-1) (x::avoid) (Name x :: l)
+ (* eta-expansion *)
+ (let a = RVar (dummy_loc,x) in
+ match p with
+ | RApp (loc,p,l) -> RApp (loc,p,l@[a])
+ | _ -> (RApp (dummy_loc,p,[a]))) in
+ let (nal,d) = decomp_lam_force consnargsl.(0) avoid [] bl'.(0) in
+ RLetTuple (dummy_loc,nal,(alias,newpred),tomatch,d)
+ else
+ let nondepbrs =
+ array_map3 (extract_nondep_branches testdep) bl bl' consnargsl in
+ if not !Options.v7 && tag = IfStyle && aliastyp = None
+ && array_for_all ((<>) None) nondepbrs then
+ RIf (dummy_loc,tomatch,(alias,newpred),
+ out_some nondepbrs.(0),out_some nondepbrs.(1))
+ else if !Options.v7 then
+ let rec remove_type avoid args c =
+ match c,args with
+ | RLambda (loc,na,t,c), _::args ->
+ let h = RHole (dummy_loc,BinderType na) in
+ RLambda (loc,na,h,remove_type avoid args c)
+ | RLetIn (loc,na,b,c), _::args ->
+ RLetIn (loc,na,b,remove_type avoid args c)
+ | c, (na,None,t)::args ->
+ let id = next_name_away_with_default "x" na avoid in
+ let h = RHole (dummy_loc,BinderType na) in
+ let c = remove_type (id::avoid) args
+ (RApp (dummy_loc,c,[RVar (dummy_loc,id)])) in
+ RLambda (dummy_loc,Name id,h,c)
+ | c, (na,Some b,t)::args ->
+ let h = RHole (dummy_loc,BinderType na) in
+ let avoid = name_fold (fun x l -> x::l) na avoid in
+ RLetIn (dummy_loc,na,h,remove_type avoid args c)
+ | c, [] -> c in
+ let bl' = array_map2 (remove_type avoid) consnargs bl' in
+ ROrderedCase (dummy_loc,tag,pred,tomatch,bl',ref None)
+ else
+ RCases(dummy_loc,(pred,ref newpred),[tomatch,ref (alias,aliastyp)],eqnl)
+let rec detype tenv avoid env t =
+ match kind_of_term (collapse_appl t) with
+ | Rel n ->
+ (try match lookup_name_of_rel n env with
+ | Name id -> RVar (dummy_loc, id)
+ | Anonymous -> anomaly "detype: index to an anonymous variable"
+ with Not_found ->
+ let s = "_UNBOUND_REL_"^(string_of_int n)
+ in RVar (dummy_loc, id_of_string s))
+ | Meta n ->
+ (* Meta in constr are not user-parsable and are mapped to Evar *)
+ REvar (dummy_loc, n, None)
+ | Var id ->
+ (try
+ let _ = Global.lookup_named id in RRef (dummy_loc, VarRef id)
+ with _ ->
+ RVar (dummy_loc, id))
+ | Sort (Prop c) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RProp c)
+ | Sort (Type u) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RType (Some u))
+ | Cast (c1,c2) ->
+ RCast(dummy_loc,detype tenv avoid env c1,
+ detype tenv avoid env c2)
+ | Prod (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder tenv BProd avoid env na ty c
+ | Lambda (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder tenv BLambda avoid env na ty c
+ | LetIn (na,b,_,c) -> detype_binder tenv BLetIn avoid env na b c
+ | App (f,args) ->
+ RApp (dummy_loc,detype tenv avoid env f,
+ array_map_to_list (detype tenv avoid env) args)
+ | Const sp -> RRef (dummy_loc, ConstRef sp)
+ | Evar (ev,cl) ->
+ REvar (dummy_loc, ev,
+ Some ( (detype tenv avoid env) (Array.to_list cl)))
+ | Ind ind_sp ->
+ RRef (dummy_loc, IndRef ind_sp)
+ | Construct cstr_sp ->
+ RRef (dummy_loc, ConstructRef cstr_sp)
+ | Case (annot,p,c,bl) ->
+ let comp = computable p (annot.ci_pp_info.ind_nargs) in
+ let ind = annot.ci_ind in
+ let st = in
+ detype_case comp (detype tenv avoid env) (detype_eqn tenv avoid env)
+ is_nondep_branch
+ (snd tenv) avoid ind st (Some p) annot.ci_pp_info.ind_nargs c bl
+ | Fix (nvn,recdef) -> detype_fix tenv avoid env nvn recdef
+ | CoFix (n,recdef) -> detype_cofix tenv avoid env n recdef
+and detype_fix tenv avoid env (vn,_ as nvn) (names,tys,bodies) =
+ let def_avoid, def_env, lfi =
+ Array.fold_left
+ (fun (avoid, env, l) na ->
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ (id::avoid, add_name (Name id) env, id::l))
+ (avoid, env, []) names in
+ let n = Array.length tys in
+ let v = array_map3
+ (fun c t i -> share_names tenv (i+1) [] def_avoid def_env c (lift n t))
+ bodies tys vn in
+ RRec(dummy_loc,RFix nvn,Array.of_list (List.rev lfi),
+ (fun (bl,_,_) -> bl) v,
+ (fun (_,_,ty) -> ty) v,
+ (fun (_,bd,_) -> bd) v)
+and detype_cofix tenv avoid env n (names,tys,bodies) =
+ let def_avoid, def_env, lfi =
+ Array.fold_left
+ (fun (avoid, env, l) na ->
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ (id::avoid, add_name (Name id) env, id::l))
+ (avoid, env, []) names in
+ let ntys = Array.length tys in
+ let v = array_map2
+ (fun c t -> share_names tenv 0 [] def_avoid def_env c (lift ntys t))
+ bodies tys in
+ RRec(dummy_loc,RCoFix n,Array.of_list (List.rev lfi),
+ (fun (bl,_,_) -> bl) v,
+ (fun (_,_,ty) -> ty) v,
+ (fun (_,bd,_) -> bd) v)
+and share_names tenv n l avoid env c t =
+ if !Options.v7 && n=0 then
+ let c = detype tenv avoid env c in
+ let t = detype tenv avoid env t in
+ (List.rev l,c,t)
+ else
+ match kind_of_term c, kind_of_term t with
+ (* factorize even when not necessary to have better presentation *)
+ | Lambda (na,t,c), Prod (na',t',c') ->
+ let na = match (na,na') with
+ Name _, _ -> na
+ | _, Name _ -> na'
+ | _ -> na in
+ let t = detype tenv avoid env t in
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ let avoid = id::avoid and env = add_name (Name id) env in
+ share_names tenv (n-1) ((Name id,None,t)::l) avoid env c c'
+ (* May occur for fix built interactively *)
+ | LetIn (na,b,t',c), _ when n > 0 ->
+ let t' = detype tenv avoid env t' in
+ let b = detype tenv avoid env b in
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ let avoid = id::avoid and env = add_name (Name id) env in
+ share_names tenv n ((Name id,Some b,t')::l) avoid env c t
+ (* Only if built with the f/n notation or w/o let-expansion in types *)
+ | _, LetIn (_,b,_,t) when n > 0 ->
+ share_names tenv n l avoid env c (subst1 b t)
+ (* If it is an open proof: we cheat and eta-expand *)
+ | _, Prod (na',t',c') when n > 0 ->
+ let t' = detype tenv avoid env t' in
+ let id = next_name_away na' avoid in
+ let avoid = id::avoid and env = add_name (Name id) env in
+ let appc = mkApp (lift 1 c,[|mkRel 1|]) in
+ share_names tenv (n-1) ((Name id,None,t')::l) avoid env appc c'
+ (* If built with the f/n notation: we renounce to share names *)
+ | _ ->
+ if n>0 then warning "Detyping.detype: cannot factorize fix enough";
+ let c = detype tenv avoid env c in
+ let t = detype tenv avoid env t in
+ (List.rev l,c,t)
+and detype_eqn tenv avoid env constr construct_nargs branch =
+ let make_pat x avoid env b ids =
+ if force_wildcard () & noccurn 1 b then
+ PatVar (dummy_loc,Anonymous),avoid,(add_name Anonymous env),ids
+ else
+ let id = next_name_away_with_default "x" x avoid in
+ PatVar (dummy_loc,Name id),id::avoid,(add_name (Name id) env),id::ids
+ in
+ let rec buildrec ids patlist avoid env n b =
+ if n=0 then
+ (dummy_loc, ids,
+ [PatCstr(dummy_loc, constr, List.rev patlist,Anonymous)],
+ detype tenv avoid env b)
+ else
+ match kind_of_term b with
+ | Lambda (x,_,b) ->
+ let pat,new_avoid,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x avoid env b ids in
+ buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_avoid new_env (n-1) b
+ | LetIn (x,_,_,b) ->
+ let pat,new_avoid,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x avoid env b ids in
+ buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_avoid new_env (n-1) b
+ | Cast (c,_) -> (* Oui, il y a parfois des cast *)
+ buildrec ids patlist avoid env n c
+ | _ -> (* eta-expansion : n'arrivera plus lorsque tous les
+ termes seront construits à partir de la syntaxe Cases *)
+ (* nommage de la nouvelle variable *)
+ let new_b = applist (lift 1 b, [mkRel 1]) in
+ let pat,new_avoid,new_env,new_ids =
+ make_pat Anonymous avoid env new_b ids in
+ buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_avoid new_env (n-1) new_b
+ in
+ buildrec [] [] avoid env construct_nargs branch
+and detype_binder tenv bk avoid env na ty c =
+ let na',avoid' =
+ if bk = BLetIn then
+ concrete_let_name (fst tenv) avoid env na c
+ else
+ concrete_name (fst tenv) avoid env na c in
+ let r = detype tenv avoid' (add_name na' env) c in
+ match bk with
+ | BProd -> RProd (dummy_loc, na',detype tenv [] env ty, r)
+ | BLambda -> RLambda (dummy_loc, na',detype tenv [] env ty, r)
+ | BLetIn -> RLetIn (dummy_loc, na',detype tenv [] env ty, r)