path: root/plugins/syntax/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/syntax/')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/syntax/ b/plugins/syntax/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6afd080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/syntax/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pcoq
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Topconstr
+open Libnames
+open Bigint
+exception Non_closed_number
+(* Parsing positive via scopes *)
+open Libnames
+open Rawterm
+let make_dir l = make_dirpath ( id_of_string (List.rev l))
+let positive_module = ["Coq";"NArith";"BinPos"]
+let make_path dir id = Libnames.make_path (make_dir dir) (id_of_string id)
+let positive_path = make_path positive_module "positive"
+(* TODO: temporary hack *)
+let make_kn dir id = Libnames.encode_mind dir id
+let positive_kn =
+ make_kn (make_dir positive_module) (id_of_string "positive")
+let glob_positive = IndRef (positive_kn,0)
+let path_of_xI = ((positive_kn,0),1)
+let path_of_xO = ((positive_kn,0),2)
+let path_of_xH = ((positive_kn,0),3)
+let glob_xI = ConstructRef path_of_xI
+let glob_xO = ConstructRef path_of_xO
+let glob_xH = ConstructRef path_of_xH
+let pos_of_bignat dloc x =
+ let ref_xI = RRef (dloc, glob_xI) in
+ let ref_xH = RRef (dloc, glob_xH) in
+ let ref_xO = RRef (dloc, glob_xO) in
+ let rec pos_of x =
+ match div2_with_rest x with
+ | (q,false) -> RApp (dloc, ref_xO,[pos_of q])
+ | (q,true) when q <> zero -> RApp (dloc,ref_xI,[pos_of q])
+ | (q,true) -> ref_xH
+ in
+ pos_of x
+let error_non_positive dloc =
+ user_err_loc (dloc, "interp_positive",
+ str "Only strictly positive numbers in type \"positive\".")
+let interp_positive dloc n =
+ if is_strictly_pos n then pos_of_bignat dloc n
+ else error_non_positive dloc
+(* Printing positive via scopes *)
+let rec bignat_of_pos = function
+ | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_xO -> mult_2(bignat_of_pos a)
+ | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_xI -> add_1(mult_2(bignat_of_pos a))
+ | RRef (_, a) when a = glob_xH ->
+ | _ -> raise Non_closed_number
+let uninterp_positive p =
+ try
+ Some (bignat_of_pos p)
+ with Non_closed_number ->
+ None
+(* Declaring interpreters and uninterpreters for positive *)
+let _ = Notation.declare_numeral_interpreter "positive_scope"
+ (positive_path,positive_module)
+ interp_positive
+ ([RRef (dummy_loc, glob_xI);
+ RRef (dummy_loc, glob_xO);
+ RRef (dummy_loc, glob_xH)],
+ uninterp_positive,
+ true)
+(* Parsing N via scopes *)
+let binnat_module = ["Coq";"NArith";"BinNat"]
+let n_kn = make_kn (make_dir binnat_module) (id_of_string "N")
+let glob_n = IndRef (n_kn,0)
+let path_of_N0 = ((n_kn,0),1)
+let path_of_Npos = ((n_kn,0),2)
+let glob_N0 = ConstructRef path_of_N0
+let glob_Npos = ConstructRef path_of_Npos
+let n_path = make_path binnat_module "N"
+let n_of_binnat dloc pos_or_neg n =
+ if n <> zero then
+ RApp(dloc, RRef (dloc,glob_Npos), [pos_of_bignat dloc n])
+ else
+ RRef (dloc, glob_N0)
+let error_negative dloc =
+ user_err_loc (dloc, "interp_N", str "No negative numbers in type \"N\".")
+let n_of_int dloc n =
+ if is_pos_or_zero n then n_of_binnat dloc true n
+ else error_negative dloc
+(* Printing N via scopes *)
+let bignat_of_n = function
+ | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_Npos -> bignat_of_pos a
+ | RRef (_, a) when a = glob_N0 ->
+ | _ -> raise Non_closed_number
+let uninterp_n p =
+ try Some (bignat_of_n p)
+ with Non_closed_number -> None
+(* Declaring interpreters and uninterpreters for N *)
+let _ = Notation.declare_numeral_interpreter "N_scope"
+ (n_path,binnat_module)
+ n_of_int
+ ([RRef (dummy_loc, glob_N0);
+ RRef (dummy_loc, glob_Npos)],
+ uninterp_n,
+ true)
+(* Parsing Z via scopes *)
+let binint_module = ["Coq";"ZArith";"BinInt"]
+let z_path = make_path binint_module "Z"
+let z_kn = make_kn (make_dir binint_module) (id_of_string "Z")
+let glob_z = IndRef (z_kn,0)
+let path_of_ZERO = ((z_kn,0),1)
+let path_of_POS = ((z_kn,0),2)
+let path_of_NEG = ((z_kn,0),3)
+let glob_ZERO = ConstructRef path_of_ZERO
+let glob_POS = ConstructRef path_of_POS
+let glob_NEG = ConstructRef path_of_NEG
+let z_of_int dloc n =
+ if n <> zero then
+ let sgn, n =
+ if is_pos_or_zero n then glob_POS, n else glob_NEG, Bigint.neg n in
+ RApp(dloc, RRef (dloc,sgn), [pos_of_bignat dloc n])
+ else
+ RRef (dloc, glob_ZERO)
+(* Printing Z via scopes *)
+let bigint_of_z = function
+ | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_POS -> bignat_of_pos a
+ | RApp (_, RRef (_,b),[a]) when b = glob_NEG -> Bigint.neg (bignat_of_pos a)
+ | RRef (_, a) when a = glob_ZERO ->
+ | _ -> raise Non_closed_number
+let uninterp_z p =
+ try
+ Some (bigint_of_z p)
+ with Non_closed_number -> None
+(* Declaring interpreters and uninterpreters for Z *)
+let _ = Notation.declare_numeral_interpreter "Z_scope"
+ (z_path,binint_module)
+ z_of_int
+ ([RRef (dummy_loc, glob_ZERO);
+ RRef (dummy_loc, glob_POS);
+ RRef (dummy_loc, glob_NEG)],
+ uninterp_z,
+ true)