path: root/plugins/subtac/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/subtac/')
1 files changed, 652 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/subtac/ b/plugins/subtac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2836bc73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/subtac/
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+(* -*- compile-command: "make -C ../.. plugins/subtac/subtac_plugin.cma" -*- *)
+open Printf
+open Pp
+open Subtac_utils
+open Command
+open Environ
+open Term
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Summary
+open Libobject
+open Entries
+open Decl_kinds
+open Util
+open Evd
+open Declare
+open Proof_type
+let ppwarn cmd = Pp.warn (str"Program:" ++ cmd)
+let pperror cmd = Util.errorlabstrm "Program" cmd
+let error s = pperror (str s)
+let reduce =
+ Reductionops.clos_norm_flags Closure.betaiotazeta (Global.env ()) Evd.empty
+exception NoObligations of identifier option
+let explain_no_obligations = function
+ Some ident -> str "No obligations for program " ++ str (string_of_id ident)
+ | None -> str "No obligations remaining"
+type obligation_info = (Names.identifier * Term.types * loc * obligation_definition_status * Intset.t
+ * tactic option) array
+type obligation =
+ { obl_name : identifier;
+ obl_type : types;
+ obl_location : loc;
+ obl_body : constr option;
+ obl_status : obligation_definition_status;
+ obl_deps : Intset.t;
+ obl_tac : tactic option;
+ }
+type obligations = (obligation array * int)
+type fixpoint_kind =
+ | IsFixpoint of (identifier located option * Topconstr.recursion_order_expr) list
+ | IsCoFixpoint
+type notations = (Vernacexpr.lstring * Topconstr.constr_expr * Topconstr.scope_name option) list
+type program_info = {
+ prg_name: identifier;
+ prg_body: constr;
+ prg_type: constr;
+ prg_obligations: obligations;
+ prg_deps : identifier list;
+ prg_fixkind : fixpoint_kind option ;
+ prg_implicits : (Topconstr.explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)) list;
+ prg_notations : notations ;
+ prg_kind : definition_kind;
+ prg_hook : Tacexpr.declaration_hook;
+let assumption_message id =
+ Flags.if_verbose message ((string_of_id id) ^ " is assumed")
+let default_tactic : Proof_type.tactic ref = ref Refiner.tclIDTAC
+let default_tactic_expr : Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr ref = ref (Tacexpr.TacId [])
+let set_default_tactic t = default_tactic_expr := t; default_tactic := Tacinterp.eval_tactic t
+(* true = All transparent, false = Opaque if possible *)
+let proofs_transparency = ref true
+let set_proofs_transparency = (:=) proofs_transparency
+let get_proofs_transparency () = !proofs_transparency
+open Goptions
+let _ =
+ declare_bool_option
+ { optsync = true;
+ optname = "transparency of Program obligations";
+ optkey = ["Transparent";"Obligations"];
+ optread = get_proofs_transparency;
+ optwrite = set_proofs_transparency; }
+let evar_of_obligation o = make_evar (Global.named_context_val ()) o.obl_type
+let get_obligation_body expand obl =
+ let c = Option.get obl.obl_body in
+ if expand && obl.obl_status = Expand then
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Const c -> constant_value (Global.env ()) c
+ | _ -> c
+ else c
+let subst_deps expand obls deps t =
+ let subst =
+ Intset.fold
+ (fun x acc ->
+ let xobl = obls.(x) in
+ let oblb =
+ try get_obligation_body expand xobl
+ with _ -> assert(false)
+ in (xobl.obl_name, oblb) :: acc)
+ deps []
+ in(* Termops.it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn t subst *)
+ Term.replace_vars subst t
+let subst_deps_obl obls obl =
+ let t' = subst_deps true obls obl.obl_deps obl.obl_type in
+ { obl with obl_type = t' }
+module ProgMap = Map.Make(struct type t = identifier let compare = compare end)
+let map_replace k v m = ProgMap.add k v (ProgMap.remove k m)
+let map_keys m = ProgMap.fold (fun k _ l -> k :: l) m []
+let map_cardinal m =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ ProgMap.iter (fun _ _ -> incr i) m;
+ !i
+exception Found of program_info
+let map_first m =
+ try
+ ProgMap.iter (fun _ v -> raise (Found v)) m;
+ assert(false)
+ with Found x -> x
+let from_prg : program_info ProgMap.t ref = ref ProgMap.empty
+let freeze () = !from_prg, !default_tactic_expr
+let unfreeze (v, t) = from_prg := v; set_default_tactic t
+let init () =
+ from_prg := ProgMap.empty; set_default_tactic (Tacexpr.TacId [])
+(** Beware: if this code is dynamically loaded via dynlink after the start
+ of Coq, then this [init] function will not be run by [Lib.init ()].
+ Luckily, here we can launch [init] at load-time. *)
+let _ = init ()
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "program-tcc-table"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init }
+let progmap_union = ProgMap.fold ProgMap.add
+let cache (_, (local, tac)) =
+ set_default_tactic tac
+let load (_, (local, tac)) =
+ if not local then set_default_tactic tac
+let subst (s, (local, tac)) =
+ (local, Tacinterp.subst_tactic s tac)
+let (input,output) =
+ declare_object
+ { (default_object "Program state") with
+ cache_function = cache;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> load);
+ open_function = (fun _ -> load);
+ classify_function = (fun (local, tac) ->
+ if not (ProgMap.is_empty !from_prg) then
+ errorlabstrm "Program" (str "Unsolved obligations when closing module:" ++ spc () ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc (fun x -> Nameops.pr_id x)
+ (map_keys !from_prg));
+ if local then Dispose else Substitute (local, tac));
+ subst_function = subst}
+let update_state local =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input (local, !default_tactic_expr))
+let set_default_tactic local t =
+ set_default_tactic t; update_state local
+open Evd
+let progmap_remove prg =
+ from_prg := ProgMap.remove prg.prg_name !from_prg
+let rec intset_to = function
+ -1 -> Intset.empty
+ | n -> Intset.add n (intset_to (pred n))
+let subst_body expand prg =
+ let obls, _ = prg.prg_obligations in
+ let ints = intset_to (pred (Array.length obls)) in
+ subst_deps expand obls ints prg.prg_body,
+ subst_deps expand obls ints (Termops.refresh_universes prg.prg_type)
+let declare_definition prg =
+ let body, typ = subst_body true prg in
+ (try trace (str "Declaring: " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id prg.prg_name ++ spc () ++
+ my_print_constr (Global.env()) body ++ str " : " ++
+ my_print_constr (Global.env()) prg.prg_type);
+ with _ -> ());
+ let (local, boxed, kind) = prg.prg_kind in
+ let ce =
+ { const_entry_body = body;
+ const_entry_type = Some typ;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_boxed = boxed}
+ in
+ (Command.get_declare_definition_hook ()) ce;
+ match local with
+ | Local when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
+ let c =
+ SectionLocalDef(ce.const_entry_body,ce.const_entry_type,false) in
+ let _ = declare_variable prg.prg_name (Lib.cwd(),c,IsDefinition kind) in
+ print_message (Subtac_utils.definition_message prg.prg_name);
+ if Pfedit.refining () then
+ Flags.if_verbose msg_warning
+ (str"Local definition " ++ Nameops.pr_id prg.prg_name ++
+ str" is not visible from current goals");
+ progmap_remove prg;
+ VarRef prg.prg_name
+ | (Global|Local) ->
+ let c =
+ Declare.declare_constant
+ prg.prg_name (DefinitionEntry ce,IsDefinition (pi3 prg.prg_kind))
+ in
+ let gr = ConstRef c in
+ if Impargs.is_implicit_args () || prg.prg_implicits <> [] then
+ Impargs.declare_manual_implicits false gr prg.prg_implicits;
+ print_message (Subtac_utils.definition_message prg.prg_name);
+ progmap_remove prg;
+ prg.prg_hook local gr;
+ gr
+open Pp
+open Ppconstr
+let rec lam_index n t acc =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Lambda (na, _, b) ->
+ if na = Name n then acc
+ else lam_index n b (succ acc)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let compute_possible_guardness_evidences (n,_) fixbody fixtype =
+ match n with
+ | Some (loc, n) -> [lam_index n fixbody 0]
+ | None ->
+ (* If recursive argument was not given by user, we try all args.
+ An earlier approach was to look only for inductive arguments,
+ but doing it properly involves delta-reduction, and it finally
+ doesn't seem to worth the effort (except for huge mutual
+ fixpoints ?) *)
+ let m = Term.nb_prod fixtype in
+ let ctx = fst (decompose_prod_n_assum m fixtype) in
+ list_map_i (fun i _ -> i) 0 ctx
+let declare_mutual_definition l =
+ let len = List.length l in
+ let first = List.hd l in
+ let fixdefs, fixtypes, fiximps =
+ list_split3
+ ( (fun x ->
+ let subs, typ = (subst_body true x) in
+ let term = snd (Reductionops.splay_lam_n (Global.env ()) Evd.empty len subs) in
+ let typ = snd (Reductionops.splay_prod_n (Global.env ()) Evd.empty len typ) in
+ reduce term, reduce typ, x.prg_implicits) l)
+ in
+(* let fixdefs = reduce_fix fixdefs in *)
+ let fixkind = Option.get first.prg_fixkind in
+ let arrrec, recvec = Array.of_list fixtypes, Array.of_list fixdefs in
+ let fixdecls = (Array.of_list ( (fun x -> Name x.prg_name) l), arrrec, recvec) in
+ let (local,boxed,kind) = first.prg_kind in
+ let fixnames = first.prg_deps in
+ let kind = if fixkind <> IsCoFixpoint then Fixpoint else CoFixpoint in
+ let indexes, fixdecls =
+ match fixkind with
+ | IsFixpoint wfl ->
+ let possible_indexes =
+ list_map3 compute_possible_guardness_evidences wfl fixdefs fixtypes in
+ let indexes = Pretyping.search_guard dummy_loc (Global.env ()) possible_indexes fixdecls in
+ Some indexes, list_map_i (fun i _ -> mkFix ((indexes,i),fixdecls)) 0 l
+ | IsCoFixpoint ->
+ None, list_map_i (fun i _ -> mkCoFix (i,fixdecls)) 0 l
+ in
+ (* Declare the recursive definitions *)
+ let kns = list_map4 (declare_fix boxed kind) fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps in
+ (* Declare notations *)
+ List.iter Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation first.prg_notations;
+ Declare.recursive_message (fixkind<>IsCoFixpoint) indexes fixnames;
+ let gr = List.hd kns in
+ let kn = match gr with ConstRef kn -> kn | _ -> assert false in
+ first.prg_hook local gr;
+ List.iter progmap_remove l; kn
+let declare_obligation prg obl body =
+ let body = reduce body in
+ let ty = reduce obl.obl_type in
+ match obl.obl_status with
+ | Expand -> { obl with obl_body = Some body }
+ | Define opaque ->
+ let opaque = if get_proofs_transparency () then false else opaque in
+ let ce =
+ { const_entry_body = body;
+ const_entry_type = Some ty;
+ const_entry_opaque = opaque;
+ const_entry_boxed = false}
+ in
+ let constant = Declare.declare_constant obl.obl_name
+ (DefinitionEntry ce,IsProof Property)
+ in
+ if not opaque then
+ Auto.add_hints false [string_of_id prg.prg_name]
+ (Auto.HintsUnfoldEntry [EvalConstRef constant]);
+ print_message (Subtac_utils.definition_message obl.obl_name);
+ { obl with obl_body = Some (mkConst constant) }
+let red = Reductionops.nf_betaiota Evd.empty
+let init_prog_info n b t deps fixkind notations obls impls kind hook =
+ let obls', b =
+ match b with
+ | None ->
+ assert(obls = [||]);
+ let n = Nameops.add_suffix n "_obligation" in
+ [| { obl_name = n; obl_body = None;
+ obl_location = dummy_loc; obl_type = t;
+ obl_status = Expand; obl_deps = Intset.empty; obl_tac = None } |],
+ mkVar n
+ | Some b ->
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i (n, t, l, o, d, tac) ->
+ { obl_name = n ; obl_body = None;
+ obl_location = l; obl_type = red t; obl_status = o;
+ obl_deps = d; obl_tac = tac })
+ obls, b
+ in
+ { prg_name = n ; prg_body = b; prg_type = red t; prg_obligations = (obls', Array.length obls');
+ prg_deps = deps; prg_fixkind = fixkind ; prg_notations = notations ;
+ prg_implicits = impls; prg_kind = kind; prg_hook = hook; }
+let get_prog name =
+ let prg_infos = !from_prg in
+ match name with
+ Some n ->
+ (try ProgMap.find n prg_infos
+ with Not_found -> raise (NoObligations (Some n)))
+ | None ->
+ (let n = map_cardinal prg_infos in
+ match n with
+ 0 -> raise (NoObligations None)
+ | 1 -> map_first prg_infos
+ | _ -> error "More than one program with unsolved obligations")
+let get_prog_err n =
+ try get_prog n with NoObligations id -> pperror (explain_no_obligations id)
+let obligations_solved prg = (snd prg.prg_obligations) = 0
+let all_programs () =
+ ProgMap.fold (fun k p l -> p :: l) !from_prg []
+type progress =
+ | Remain of int
+ | Dependent
+ | Defined of global_reference
+let obligations_message rem =
+ if rem > 0 then
+ if rem = 1 then
+ Flags.if_verbose msgnl (int rem ++ str " obligation remaining")
+ else
+ Flags.if_verbose msgnl (int rem ++ str " obligations remaining")
+ else
+ Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "No more obligations remaining")
+let update_obls prg obls rem =
+ let prg' = { prg with prg_obligations = (obls, rem) } in
+ from_prg := map_replace prg.prg_name prg' !from_prg;
+ obligations_message rem;
+ if rem > 0 then Remain rem
+ else (
+ match prg'.prg_deps with
+ | [] ->
+ let kn = declare_definition prg' in
+ progmap_remove prg';
+ Defined kn
+ | l ->
+ let progs = (fun x -> ProgMap.find x !from_prg) prg'.prg_deps in
+ if List.for_all (fun x -> obligations_solved x) progs then
+ let kn = declare_mutual_definition progs in
+ Defined (ConstRef kn)
+ else Dependent)
+let is_defined obls x = obls.(x).obl_body <> None
+let deps_remaining obls deps =
+ Intset.fold
+ (fun x acc ->
+ if is_defined obls x then acc
+ else x :: acc)
+ deps []
+let has_dependencies obls n =
+ let res = ref false in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i obl ->
+ if i <> n && Intset.mem n obl.obl_deps then
+ res := true)
+ obls;
+ !res
+let kind_of_opacity o =
+ match o with
+ | Define false | Expand -> Subtac_utils.goal_kind
+ | _ -> Subtac_utils.goal_proof_kind
+let not_transp_msg =
+ str "Obligation should be transparent but was declared opaque." ++ spc () ++
+ str"Use 'Defined' instead."
+let warn_not_transp () = ppwarn not_transp_msg
+let error_not_transp () = pperror not_transp_msg
+let rec solve_obligation prg num tac =
+ let user_num = succ num in
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ let obl = obls.(num) in
+ if obl.obl_body <> None then
+ pperror (str "Obligation" ++ spc () ++ int user_num ++ str "already" ++ spc() ++ str "solved.")
+ else
+ match deps_remaining obls obl.obl_deps with
+ | [] ->
+ let obl = subst_deps_obl obls obl in
+ Lemmas.start_proof obl.obl_name (kind_of_opacity obl.obl_status) obl.obl_type
+ (fun strength gr ->
+ let cst = match gr with ConstRef cst -> cst | _ -> assert false in
+ let obl =
+ let transparent = evaluable_constant cst (Global.env ()) in
+ let body =
+ match obl.obl_status with
+ | Expand ->
+ if not transparent then error_not_transp ()
+ else constant_value (Global.env ()) cst
+ | Define opaque ->
+ if not opaque && not transparent then error_not_transp ()
+ else Libnames.constr_of_global gr
+ in
+ if transparent then
+ Auto.add_hints true [string_of_id prg.prg_name]
+ (Auto.HintsUnfoldEntry [EvalConstRef cst]);
+ { obl with obl_body = Some body }
+ in
+ let obls = Array.copy obls in
+ let _ = obls.(num) <- obl in
+ let res = try update_obls prg obls (pred rem)
+ with e -> pperror (Cerrors.explain_exn e)
+ in
+ match res with
+ | Remain n when n > 0 ->
+ if has_dependencies obls num then
+ ignore(auto_solve_obligations (Some prg.prg_name) None)
+ | _ -> ());
+ trace (str "Started obligation " ++ int user_num ++ str " proof: " ++
+ Subtac_utils.my_print_constr (Global.env ()) obl.obl_type);
+ !default_tactic;
+ Option.iter (fun tac -> Pfedit.set_end_tac (Tacinterp.interp tac)) tac;
+ Flags.if_verbose (fun () -> msg (Printer.pr_open_subgoals ())) ()
+ | l -> pperror (str "Obligation " ++ int user_num ++ str " depends on obligation(s) "
+ ++ str (string_of_list ", " (fun x -> string_of_int (succ x)) l))
+and subtac_obligation (user_num, name, typ) tac =
+ let num = pred user_num in
+ let prg = get_prog_err name in
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ if num < Array.length obls then
+ let obl = obls.(num) in
+ match obl.obl_body with
+ None -> solve_obligation prg num tac
+ | Some r -> error "Obligation already solved"
+ else error (sprintf "Unknown obligation number %i" (succ num))
+and solve_obligation_by_tac prg obls i tac =
+ let obl = obls.(i) in
+ match obl.obl_body with
+ | Some _ -> false
+ | None ->
+ try
+ if deps_remaining obls obl.obl_deps = [] then
+ let obl = subst_deps_obl obls obl in
+ let tac =
+ match tac with
+ | Some t -> t
+ | None ->
+ match obl.obl_tac with
+ | Some t -> t
+ | None -> !default_tactic
+ in
+ let t = Subtac_utils.solve_by_tac (evar_of_obligation obl) tac in
+ obls.(i) <- declare_obligation prg obl t;
+ true
+ else false
+ with
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located(_, Proof_type.LtacLocated (_, Refiner.FailError (_, s)))
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located(_, Refiner.FailError (_, s))
+ | Refiner.FailError (_, s) ->
+ user_err_loc (obl.obl_location, "solve_obligation", Lazy.force s)
+ | e -> false
+and solve_prg_obligations prg tac =
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ let rem = ref rem in
+ let obls' = Array.copy obls in
+ let _ =
+ Array.iteri (fun i x ->
+ if solve_obligation_by_tac prg obls' i tac then
+ decr rem)
+ obls'
+ in
+ update_obls prg obls' !rem
+and solve_obligations n tac =
+ let prg = get_prog_err n in
+ solve_prg_obligations prg tac
+and solve_all_obligations tac =
+ ProgMap.iter (fun k v -> ignore(solve_prg_obligations v tac)) !from_prg
+and try_solve_obligation n prg tac =
+ let prg = get_prog prg in
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ let obls' = Array.copy obls in
+ if solve_obligation_by_tac prg obls' n tac then
+ ignore(update_obls prg obls' (pred rem));
+and try_solve_obligations n tac =
+ try ignore (solve_obligations n tac) with NoObligations _ -> ()
+and auto_solve_obligations n tac : progress =
+ Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "Solving obligations automatically...");
+ try solve_prg_obligations (get_prog_err n) tac with NoObligations _ -> Dependent
+open Pp
+let show_obligations_of_prg ?(msg=true) prg =
+ let n = prg.prg_name in
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ let showed = ref 5 in
+ if msg then msgnl (int rem ++ str " obligation(s) remaining: ");
+ Array.iteri (fun i x ->
+ match x.obl_body with
+ | None ->
+ if !showed > 0 then (
+ decr showed;
+ msgnl (str "Obligation" ++ spc() ++ int (succ i) ++ spc () ++
+ str "of" ++ spc() ++ str (string_of_id n) ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
+ hov 1 (my_print_constr (Global.env ()) x.obl_type ++ str "." ++ fnl ())))
+ | Some _ -> ())
+ obls
+let show_obligations ?(msg=true) n =
+ let progs = match n with
+ | None -> all_programs ()
+ | Some n ->
+ try [ProgMap.find n !from_prg]
+ with Not_found -> raise (NoObligations (Some n))
+ in List.iter (show_obligations_of_prg ~msg) progs
+let show_term n =
+ let prg = get_prog_err n in
+ let n = prg.prg_name in
+ msgnl (str (string_of_id n) ++ spc () ++ str":" ++ spc () ++
+ my_print_constr (Global.env ()) prg.prg_type ++ spc () ++ str ":=" ++ fnl ()
+ ++ my_print_constr (Global.env ()) prg.prg_body)
+let add_definition n ?term t ?(implicits=[]) ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?tactic ?(hook=fun _ _ -> ()) obls =
+ Flags.if_verbose pp (str (string_of_id n) ++ str " has type-checked");
+ let prg = init_prog_info n term t [] None [] obls implicits kind hook in
+ let obls,_ = prg.prg_obligations in
+ if Array.length obls = 0 then (
+ Flags.if_verbose ppnl (str ".");
+ let cst = declare_definition prg in
+ Defined cst)
+ else (
+ let len = Array.length obls in
+ let _ = Flags.if_verbose ppnl (str ", generating " ++ int len ++ str " obligation(s)") in
+ from_prg := ProgMap.add n prg !from_prg;
+ let res = auto_solve_obligations (Some n) tactic in
+ match res with
+ | Remain rem -> Flags.if_verbose (fun () -> show_obligations ~msg:false (Some n)) (); res
+ | _ -> res)
+let add_mutual_definitions l ?tactic ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?(hook=fun _ _ -> ()) notations fixkind =
+ let deps = (fun (n, b, t, imps, obls) -> n) l in
+ let upd = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (n, b, t, imps, obls) ->
+ let prg = init_prog_info n (Some b) t deps (Some fixkind) notations obls imps kind hook in
+ ProgMap.add n prg acc)
+ !from_prg l
+ in
+ from_prg := upd;
+ let _defined =
+ List.fold_left (fun finished x ->
+ if finished then finished
+ else
+ let res = auto_solve_obligations (Some x) tactic in
+ match res with
+ | Defined _ -> (* If one definition is turned into a constant, the whole block is defined. *) true
+ | _ -> false)
+ false deps
+ in ()
+let admit_obligations n =
+ let prg = get_prog_err n in
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i x ->
+ match x.obl_body with
+ | None ->
+ let x = subst_deps_obl obls x in
+ let kn = Declare.declare_constant x.obl_name (ParameterEntry (x.obl_type,false),
+ IsAssumption Conjectural)
+ in
+ assumption_message x.obl_name;
+ obls.(i) <- { x with obl_body = Some (mkConst kn) }
+ | Some _ -> ())
+ obls;
+ ignore(update_obls prg obls 0)
+exception Found of int
+let array_find f arr =
+ try Array.iteri (fun i x -> if f x then raise (Found i)) arr;
+ raise Not_found
+ with Found i -> i
+let next_obligation n tac =
+ let prg = get_prog_err n in
+ let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
+ let i =
+ try array_find (fun x -> x.obl_body = None && deps_remaining obls x.obl_deps = []) obls
+ with Not_found -> anomaly "Could not find a solvable obligation."
+ in solve_obligation prg i tac
+let default_tactic () = !default_tactic
+let default_tactic_expr () = !default_tactic_expr