path: root/plugins/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v b/plugins/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d33e9a82
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+++ b/plugins/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
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+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import BinPos.
+Require Import Ring_polynom.
+Require Import BinList.
+Require Import InitialRing.
+Require Import Quote.
+Declare ML Module "newring_plugin".
+(* adds a definition t' on the normal form of t and an hypothesis id
+ stating that t = t' (tries to produces a proof as small as possible) *)
+Ltac compute_assertion eqn t' t :=
+ let nft := eval vm_compute in t in
+ pose (t' := nft);
+ assert (eqn : t = t');
+ [vm_cast_no_check (refl_equal t')|idtac].
+Ltac relation_carrier req :=
+ let ty := type of req in
+ match eval hnf in ty with
+ ?R -> _ => R
+ | _ => fail 1000 "Equality has no relation type"
+ end.
+Ltac Get_goal := match goal with [|- ?G] => G end.
+(* Tacticals to build reflexive tactics *)
+Ltac OnEquation req :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- req ?lhs ?rhs => (fun f => f lhs rhs)
+ | _ => (fun _ => fail "Goal is not an equation (of expected equality)")
+ end.
+Ltac OnEquationHyp req h :=
+ match type of h with
+ | req ?lhs ?rhs => fun f => f lhs rhs
+ | _ => (fun _ => fail "Hypothesis is not an equation (of expected equality)")
+ end.
+(* Note: auxiliary subgoals in reverse order *)
+Ltac OnMainSubgoal H ty :=
+ match ty with
+ | _ -> ?ty' =>
+ let subtac := OnMainSubgoal H ty' in
+ fun kont => lapply H; [clear H; intro H; subtac kont | idtac]
+ | _ => (fun kont => kont())
+ end.
+(* A generic pattern to have reflexive tactics do some computation:
+ lemmas of the form [forall x', x=x' -> P(x')] are understood as:
+ compute the normal form of x, instantiate x' with it, prove
+ hypothesis x=x' with vm_compute and reflexivity, and pass the
+ instantiated lemma to the continuation.
+ *)
+Ltac ProveLemmaHyp lemma :=
+ match type of lemma with
+ forall x', ?x = x' -> _ =>
+ (fun kont =>
+ let x' := fresh "res" in
+ let H := fresh "res_eq" in
+ compute_assertion H x' x;
+ let lemma' := constr:(lemma x' H) in
+ kont lemma';
+ (clear H||idtac"ProveLemmaHyp: cleanup failed");
+ subst x')
+ | _ => (fun _ => fail "ProveLemmaHyp: lemma not of the expected form")
+ end.
+Ltac ProveLemmaHyps lemma :=
+ match type of lemma with
+ forall x', ?x = x' -> _ =>
+ (fun kont =>
+ let x' := fresh "res" in
+ let H := fresh "res_eq" in
+ compute_assertion H x' x;
+ let lemma' := constr:(lemma x' H) in
+ ProveLemmaHyps lemma' kont;
+ (clear H||idtac"ProveLemmaHyps: cleanup failed");
+ subst x')
+ | _ => (fun kont => kont lemma)
+ end.
+Ltac ProveLemmaHyps lemma := (* expects a continuation *)
+ let try_step := ProveLemmaHyp lemma in
+ (fun kont =>
+ try_step ltac:(fun lemma' => ProveLemmaHyps lemma' kont) ||
+ kont lemma).
+Ltac ApplyLemmaThen lemma expr kont :=
+ let lem := constr:(lemma expr) in
+ ProveLemmaHyp lem ltac:(fun lem' =>
+ let Heq := fresh "thm" in
+ assert (Heq:=lem');
+ OnMainSubgoal Heq ltac:(type of Heq) ltac:(fun _ => kont Heq);
+ (clear Heq||idtac"ApplyLemmaThen: cleanup failed")).
+Ltac ApplyLemmaThenAndCont lemma expr tac CONT_tac cont_arg :=
+ let pe :=
+ match type of (lemma expr) with
+ forall pe', ?pe = pe' -> _ => pe
+ | _ => fail 1 "ApplyLemmaThenAndCont: cannot find norm expression"
+ end in
+ let pe' := fresh "expr_nf" in
+ let nf_pe := fresh "pe_eq" in
+ compute_assertion nf_pe pe' pe;
+ let Heq := fresh "thm" in
+ (assert (Heq:=lemma pe pe' H) || fail "anomaly: failed to apply lemma");
+ clear nf_pe;
+ OnMainSubgoal Heq ltac:(type of Heq)
+ ltac:(try tac Heq; clear Heq pe';CONT_tac cont_arg)).
+Ltac ApplyLemmaThenAndCont lemma expr tac CONT_tac :=
+ ApplyLemmaThen lemma expr
+ ltac:(fun lemma' => try tac lemma'; CONT_tac()).
+(* General scheme of reflexive tactics using of correctness lemma
+ that involves normalisation of one expression
+ - [FV_tac term fv] is a tactic that adds the atomic expressions
+ of [term] into [fv]
+ - [SYN_tac term fv] reifies [term] given the list of atomic expressions
+ - [LEMMA_tac fv kont] computes the correctness lemma and passes it to
+ continuation kont
+ - [MAIN_tac H] process H which is the conclusion of the correctness lemma
+ instantiated with each reified term
+ - [fv] is the initial value of atomic expressions (to be completed by
+ the reification of the terms
+ - [terms] the list (a constr of type list) of terms to reify and process.
+ *)
+Ltac ReflexiveRewriteTactic
+ FV_tac SYN_tac LEMMA_tac MAIN_tac fv terms :=
+ (* extend the atom list *)
+ let fv := list_fold_left FV_tac fv terms in
+ let RW_tac lemma :=
+ let fcons term CONT_tac :=
+ let expr := SYN_tac term fv in
+ let main H :=
+ match type of H with
+ | (?req _ ?rhs) => change (req term rhs) in H
+ end;
+ MAIN_tac H in
+ (ApplyLemmaThenAndCont lemma expr main CONT_tac) in
+ (* rewrite steps *)
+ lazy_list_fold_right fcons ltac:(fun _=>idtac) terms in
+ LEMMA_tac fv RW_tac.
+Ltac FV_hypo_tac mkFV req lH :=
+ let R := relation_carrier req in
+ let FV_hypo_l_tac h :=
+ match h with @mkhypo (req ?pe _) _ => mkFV pe end in
+ let FV_hypo_r_tac h :=
+ match h with @mkhypo (req _ ?pe) _ => mkFV pe end in
+ let fv := list_fold_right FV_hypo_l_tac (@nil R) lH in
+ list_fold_right FV_hypo_r_tac fv lH.
+Ltac mkHyp_tac C req Reify lH :=
+ let mkHyp h res :=
+ match h with
+ | @mkhypo (req ?r1 ?r2) _ =>
+ let pe1 := Reify r1 in
+ let pe2 := Reify r2 in
+ constr:(cons (pe1,pe2) res)
+ | _ => fail 1 "hypothesis is not a ring equality"
+ end in
+ list_fold_right mkHyp (@nil (PExpr C * PExpr C)) lH.
+Ltac proofHyp_tac lH :=
+ let get_proof h :=
+ match h with
+ | @mkhypo _ ?p => p
+ end in
+ let rec bh l :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => constr:(I)
+ | cons ?h nil => get_proof h
+ | cons ?h ?tl =>
+ let l := get_proof h in
+ let r := bh tl in
+ constr:(conj l r)
+ end in
+ bh lH.
+Ltac get_MonPol lemma :=
+ match type of lemma with
+ | context [(mk_monpol_list ?cO ?cI ?cadd ?cmul ?csub ?copp ?cdiv ?ceqb _)] =>
+ constr:(mk_monpol_list cO cI cadd cmul csub copp cdiv ceqb)
+ | _ => fail 1 "ring/field anomaly: bad correctness lemma (get_MonPol)"
+ end.
+(* Building the atom list of a ring expression *)
+Ltac FV Cst CstPow add mul sub opp pow t fv :=
+ let rec TFV t fv :=
+ let f :=
+ match Cst t with
+ | NotConstant =>
+ match t with
+ | (add ?t1 ?t2) => fun _ => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
+ | (mul ?t1 ?t2) => fun _ => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
+ | (sub ?t1 ?t2) => fun _ => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
+ | (opp ?t1) => fun _ => TFV t1 fv
+ | (pow ?t1 ?n) =>
+ match CstPow n with
+ | InitialRing.NotConstant => fun _ => AddFvTail t fv
+ | _ => fun _ => TFV t1 fv
+ end
+ | _ => fun _ => AddFvTail t fv
+ end
+ | _ => fun _ => fv
+ end in
+ f()
+ in TFV t fv.
+ (* syntaxification of ring expressions *)
+Ltac mkPolexpr C Cst CstPow radd rmul rsub ropp rpow t fv :=
+ let rec mkP t :=
+ let f :=
+ match Cst t with
+ | InitialRing.NotConstant =>
+ match t with
+ | (radd ?t1 ?t2) =>
+ fun _ =>
+ let e1 := mkP t1 in
+ let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(PEadd e1 e2)
+ | (rmul ?t1 ?t2) =>
+ fun _ =>
+ let e1 := mkP t1 in
+ let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(PEmul e1 e2)
+ | (rsub ?t1 ?t2) =>
+ fun _ =>
+ let e1 := mkP t1 in
+ let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(PEsub e1 e2)
+ | (ropp ?t1) =>
+ fun _ =>
+ let e1 := mkP t1 in constr:(PEopp e1)
+ | (rpow ?t1 ?n) =>
+ match CstPow n with
+ | InitialRing.NotConstant =>
+ fun _ => let p := Find_at t fv in constr:(PEX C p)
+ | ?c => fun _ => let e1 := mkP t1 in constr:(PEpow e1 c)
+ end
+ | _ =>
+ fun _ => let p := Find_at t fv in constr:(PEX C p)
+ end
+ | ?c => fun _ => constr:(@PEc C c)
+ end in
+ f ()
+ in mkP t.
+(* packaging the ring structure *)
+Ltac PackRing F req sth ext morph arth cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 lemma2 pre post :=
+ let RNG :=
+ match type of lemma1 with
+ | context
+ [@PEeval ?R ?rO ?add ?mul ?sub ?opp ?C ?phi ?Cpow ?powphi ?pow _ _] =>
+ (fun proj => proj
+ cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2)
+ | _ => fail 1 "field anomaly: bad correctness lemma (parse)"
+ end in
+ F RNG.
+Ltac get_Carrier RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ R).
+Ltac get_Eq RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ req).
+Ltac get_Pre RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ pre).
+Ltac get_Post RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ post).
+Ltac get_NormLemma RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ lemma1).
+Ltac get_SimplifyLemma RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ lemma2).
+Ltac get_RingFV RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ FV cst_tac pow_tac add mul sub opp pow).
+Ltac get_RingMeta RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ mkPolexpr C cst_tac pow_tac add mul sub opp pow).
+Ltac get_RingHypTac RNG :=
+ RNG ltac:(fun cst_tac pow_tac pre post
+ R req add mul sub opp C Cpow powphi pow lemma1 lemma2 =>
+ let mkPol := mkPolexpr C cst_tac pow_tac add mul sub opp pow in
+ fun fv lH => mkHyp_tac C req ltac:(fun t => mkPol t fv) lH).
+(* ring tactics *)
+Definition ring_subst_niter := (10*10*10)%nat.
+Ltac Ring RNG lemma lH :=
+ let req := get_Eq RNG in
+ OnEquation req ltac:(fun lhs rhs =>
+ let mkFV := get_RingFV RNG in
+ let mkPol := get_RingMeta RNG in
+ let mkHyp := get_RingHypTac RNG in
+ let fv := FV_hypo_tac mkFV ltac:(get_Eq RNG) lH in
+ let fv := mkFV lhs fv in
+ let fv := mkFV rhs fv in
+ check_fv fv;
+ let pe1 := mkPol lhs fv in
+ let pe2 := mkPol rhs fv in
+ let lpe := mkHyp fv lH in
+ let vlpe := fresh "hyp_list" in
+ let vfv := fresh "fv_list" in
+ pose (vlpe := lpe);
+ pose (vfv := fv);
+ (apply (lemma vfv vlpe pe1 pe2)
+ || fail "typing error while applying ring");
+ [ ((let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in exact prh)
+ || idtac "can not automatically proof hypothesis :";
+ idtac " maybe a left member of a hypothesis is not a monomial")
+ | vm_compute;
+ (exact (refl_equal true) || fail "not a valid ring equation")]).
+Ltac Ring_norm_gen f RNG lemma lH rl :=
+ let mkFV := get_RingFV RNG in
+ let mkPol := get_RingMeta RNG in
+ let mkHyp := get_RingHypTac RNG in
+ let mk_monpol := get_MonPol lemma in
+ let fv := FV_hypo_tac mkFV ltac:(get_Eq RNG) lH in
+ let lemma_tac fv kont :=
+ let lpe := mkHyp fv lH in
+ let vlpe := fresh "list_hyp" in
+ let vlmp := fresh "list_hyp_norm" in
+ let vlmp_eq := fresh "list_hyp_norm_eq" in
+ let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in
+ pose (vlpe := lpe);
+ compute_assertion vlmp_eq vlmp (mk_monpol vlpe);
+ let H := fresh "ring_lemma" in
+ (assert (H := lemma vlpe fv prh vlmp vlmp_eq)
+ || fail "type error when build the rewriting lemma");
+ clear vlmp_eq;
+ kont H;
+ (clear H||idtac"Ring_norm_gen: cleanup failed");
+ subst vlpe vlmp in
+ let simpl_ring H := (protect_fv "ring" in H; f H) in
+ ReflexiveRewriteTactic mkFV mkPol lemma_tac simpl_ring fv rl.
+Ltac Ring_gen RNG lH rl :=
+ let lemma := get_NormLemma RNG in
+ get_Pre RNG ();
+ Ring RNG (lemma ring_subst_niter) lH.
+Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring" :=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup (PackRing Ring_gen) [] G.
+Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" :=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup (PackRing Ring_gen) [lH] G.
+(* Simplification *)
+Ltac Ring_simplify_gen f RNG lH rl :=
+ let lemma := get_SimplifyLemma RNG in
+ let l := fresh "to_rewrite" in
+ pose (l:= rl);
+ generalize (refl_equal l);
+ unfold l at 2;
+ get_Pre RNG ();
+ let rl :=
+ match goal with
+ | [|- l = ?RL -> _ ] => RL
+ | _ => fail 1 "ring_simplify anomaly: bad goal after pre"
+ end in
+ let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
+ intros Heq;clear Heq l;
+ Ring_norm_gen f RNG (lemma ring_subst_niter) lH rl;
+ get_Post RNG ().
+Ltac Ring_simplify := Ring_simplify_gen ltac:(fun H => rewrite H).
+Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) :=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup (PackRing Ring_simplify) [] rl G.
+Tactic Notation (at level 0)
+ "ring_simplify" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) :=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup (PackRing Ring_simplify) [lH] rl G.
+(* MON DIEU QUE C'EST MOCHE !!!!!!!!!!!!! *)
+Tactic Notation "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ let t := type of H in
+ let g := fresh "goal" in
+ set (g:= G);
+ generalize H;clear H;
+ ring_lookup (PackRing Ring_simplify) [] rl t;
+ intro H;
+ unfold g;clear g.
+Tactic Notation
+ "ring_simplify" "["constr_list(lH)"]" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ let t := type of H in
+ let g := fresh "goal" in
+ set (g:= G);
+ generalize H;clear H;
+ ring_lookup (PackRing Ring_simplify) [lH] rl t;
+ intro H;
+ unfold g;clear g.