path: root/plugins/ltac/
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ltac/')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ltac/ b/plugins/ltac/
index d5ab2d69..1f2c722b 100644
--- a/plugins/ltac/
+++ b/plugins/ltac/
@@ -52,7 +52,11 @@ let shortest_qualid_of_tactic kn =
(** Tactic notations (TacAlias) *)
type alias = KerName.t
-type alias_tactic = Id.t list * glob_tactic_expr
+type alias_tactic =
+ { alias_args: Id.t list;
+ alias_body: glob_tactic_expr;
+ alias_deprecation: Vernacinterp.deprecation option;
+ }
let alias_map = Summary.ref ~name:"tactic-alias"
(KNmap.empty : alias_tactic KNmap.t)
@@ -118,6 +122,7 @@ type ltac_entry = {
tac_for_ml : bool;
tac_body : glob_tactic_expr;
tac_redef : ModPath.t list;
+ tac_deprecation : Vernacinterp.deprecation option
let mactab =
@@ -130,43 +135,51 @@ let interp_ltac r = (KNmap.find r !mactab).tac_body
let is_ltac_for_ml_tactic r = (KNmap.find r !mactab).tac_for_ml
-let add kn b t =
- let entry = { tac_for_ml = b; tac_body = t; tac_redef = [] } in
+let add ~deprecation kn b t =
+ let entry = { tac_for_ml = b;
+ tac_body = t;
+ tac_redef = [];
+ tac_deprecation = deprecation;
+ } in
mactab := KNmap.add kn entry !mactab
let replace kn path t =
- let (path, _, _) = KerName.repr path in
+ let path = KerName.modpath path in
let entry _ e = { e with tac_body = t; tac_redef = path :: e.tac_redef } in
mactab := KNmap.modify kn entry !mactab
-let load_md i ((sp, kn), (local, id, b, t)) = match id with
+let tac_deprecation kn =
+ try (KNmap.find kn !mactab).tac_deprecation with Not_found -> None
+let load_md i ((sp, kn), (local, id, b, t, deprecation)) = match id with
| None ->
let () = if not local then push_tactic (Until i) sp kn in
- add kn b t
+ add ~deprecation kn b t
| Some kn0 -> replace kn0 kn t
-let open_md i ((sp, kn), (local, id, b, t)) = match id with
+let open_md i ((sp, kn), (local, id, b, t, deprecation)) = match id with
| None ->
let () = if not local then push_tactic (Exactly i) sp kn in
- add kn b t
+ add ~deprecation kn b t
| Some kn0 -> replace kn0 kn t
-let cache_md ((sp, kn), (local, id ,b, t)) = match id with
+let cache_md ((sp, kn), (local, id ,b, t, deprecation)) = match id with
| None ->
let () = push_tactic (Until 1) sp kn in
- add kn b t
+ add ~deprecation kn b t
| Some kn0 -> replace kn0 kn t
let subst_kind subst id = match id with
| None -> None
| Some kn -> Some (Mod_subst.subst_kn subst kn)
-let subst_md (subst, (local, id, b, t)) =
- (local, subst_kind subst id, b, Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst t)
+let subst_md (subst, (local, id, b, t, deprecation)) =
+ (local, subst_kind subst id, b, Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst t, deprecation)
-let classify_md (local, _, _, _ as o) = Substitute o
+let classify_md (local, _, _, _, _ as o) = Substitute o
-let inMD : bool * ltac_constant option * bool * glob_tactic_expr -> obj =
+let inMD : bool * ltac_constant option * bool * glob_tactic_expr *
+ Vernacinterp.deprecation option -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "TAC-DEFINITION") with
cache_function = cache_md;
load_function = load_md;
@@ -174,8 +187,8 @@ let inMD : bool * ltac_constant option * bool * glob_tactic_expr -> obj =
subst_function = subst_md;
classify_function = classify_md}
-let register_ltac for_ml local id tac =
- ignore (Lib.add_leaf id (inMD (local, None, for_ml, tac)))
+let register_ltac for_ml local ?deprecation id tac =
+ ignore (Lib.add_leaf id (inMD (local, None, for_ml, tac, deprecation)))
-let redefine_ltac local kn tac =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inMD (local, Some kn, false, tac))
+let redefine_ltac local ?deprecation kn tac =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inMD (local, Some kn, false, tac, deprecation))