path: root/plugins/extraction/
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1 files changed, 175 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/ b/plugins/extraction/
index 6fc1195f..402fe4ff 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/
+++ b/plugins/extraction/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -299,10 +299,12 @@ let type_to_signature env t =
let isKill = function Kill _ -> true | _ -> false
-let isDummy = function Tdummy _ -> true | _ -> false
+let isTdummy = function Tdummy _ -> true | _ -> false
+let isMLdummy = function MLdummy _ -> true | _ -> false
let sign_of_id = function
- | Dummy -> Kill Kother
+ | Dummy -> Kill Kprop
| _ -> Keep
(* Classification of signatures *)
@@ -310,45 +312,44 @@ let sign_of_id = function
type sign_kind =
| EmptySig
| NonLogicalSig (* at least a [Keep] *)
- | UnsafeLogicalSig (* No [Keep], at least a [Kill Kother] *)
| SafeLogicalSig (* only [Kill Ktype] *)
+ | UnsafeLogicalSig (* No [Keep], not all [Kill Ktype] *)
let rec sign_kind = function
| [] -> EmptySig
| Keep :: _ -> NonLogicalSig
| Kill k :: s ->
- match sign_kind s with
- | NonLogicalSig -> NonLogicalSig
- | UnsafeLogicalSig -> UnsafeLogicalSig
- | SafeLogicalSig | EmptySig ->
- if k == Kother then UnsafeLogicalSig else SafeLogicalSig
+ match k, sign_kind s with
+ | _, NonLogicalSig -> NonLogicalSig
+ | Ktype, (SafeLogicalSig | EmptySig) -> SafeLogicalSig
+ | _, _ -> UnsafeLogicalSig
(* Removing the final [Keep] in a signature *)
let rec sign_no_final_keeps = function
| [] -> []
| k :: s ->
- let s' = k :: sign_no_final_keeps s in
- match s' with [Keep] -> [] | _ -> s'
+ match k, sign_no_final_keeps s with
+ | Keep, [] -> []
+ | k, l -> k::l
(*s Removing [Tdummy] from the top level of a ML type. *)
let type_expunge_from_sign env s t =
- let rec expunge s t =
- if List.is_empty s then t else match t with
- | Tmeta {contents = Some t} -> expunge s t
- | Tarr (a,b) ->
- let t = expunge ( s) b in
- if List.hd s == Keep then Tarr (a, t) else t
- | Tglob (r,l) ->
- (match env r with
- | Some mlt -> expunge s (type_subst_list l mlt)
- | None -> assert false)
- | _ -> assert false
+ let rec expunge s t = match s, t with
+ | [], _ -> t
+ | Keep :: s, Tarr(a,b) -> Tarr (a, expunge s b)
+ | Kill _ :: s, Tarr(a,b) -> expunge s b
+ | _, Tmeta {contents = Some t} -> expunge s t
+ | _, Tglob (r,l) ->
+ (match env r with
+ | Some mlt -> expunge s (type_subst_list l mlt)
+ | None -> assert false)
+ | _ -> assert false
let t = expunge (sign_no_final_keeps s) t in
if lang () != Haskell && sign_kind s == UnsafeLogicalSig then
- Tarr (Tdummy Kother, t)
+ Tarr (Tdummy Kprop, t)
else t
let type_expunge env t =
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ let rec eq_ml_ast t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
| MLfix (i1, id1, t1), MLfix (i2, id2, t2) ->
Int.equal i1 i2 && Array.equal Id.equal id1 id2 && Array.equal eq_ml_ast t1 t2
| MLexn e1, MLexn e2 -> String.equal e1 e2
-| MLdummy, MLdummy -> true
+| MLdummy k1, MLdummy k2 -> k1 == k2
| MLaxiom, MLaxiom -> true
| MLmagic t1, MLmagic t2 -> eq_ml_ast t1 t2
| _ -> false
@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ let ast_iter_rel f =
| MLapp (a,l) -> iter n a; List.iter (iter n) l
| MLcons (_,_,l) | MLtuple l -> List.iter (iter n) l
| MLmagic a -> iter n a
- | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom -> ()
+ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ | MLaxiom -> ()
in iter 0
(*s Map over asts. *)
@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ let ast_map f = function
| MLcons (typ,c,l) -> MLcons (typ,c, f l)
| MLtuple l -> MLtuple ( f l)
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f a)
- | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom as a -> a
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ | MLaxiom as a -> a
(*s Map over asts, with binding depth as parameter. *)
@@ -457,7 +458,7 @@ let ast_map_lift f n = function
| MLcons (typ,c,l) -> MLcons (typ,c, (f n) l)
| MLtuple l -> MLtuple ( (f n) l)
| MLmagic a -> MLmagic (f n a)
- | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom as a -> a
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ | MLaxiom as a -> a
(*s Iter over asts. *)
@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ let ast_iter f = function
| MLapp (a,l) -> f a; List.iter f l
| MLcons (_,_,l) | MLtuple l -> List.iter f l
| MLmagic a -> f a
- | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom -> ()
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ | MLaxiom -> ()
(*S Operations concerning De Bruijn indices. *)
@@ -507,9 +508,73 @@ let nb_occur_match =
| MLapp (a,l) -> List.fold_left (fun r a -> r+(nb k a)) (nb k a) l
| MLcons (_,_,l) | MLtuple l -> List.fold_left (fun r a -> r+(nb k a)) 0 l
| MLmagic a -> nb k a
- | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom -> 0
+ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ | MLaxiom -> 0
in nb 1
+(* Replace unused variables by _ *)
+let dump_unused_vars a =
+ let rec ren env a = match a with
+ | MLrel i ->
+ let () = (List.nth env (i-1)) := true in a
+ | MLlam (id,b) ->
+ let occ_id = ref false in
+ let b' = ren (occ_id::env) b in
+ if !occ_id then if b' == b then a else MLlam(id,b')
+ else MLlam(Dummy,b')
+ | MLletin (id,b,c) ->
+ let occ_id = ref false in
+ let b' = ren env b in
+ let c' = ren (occ_id::env) c in
+ if !occ_id then
+ if b' == b && c' == c then a else MLletin(id,b',c')
+ else
+ (* 'let' without occurrence: shouldn't happen after simpl *)
+ MLletin(Dummy,b',c')
+ | MLcase (t,e,br) ->
+ let e' = ren env e in
+ let br' = Array.smartmap (ren_branch env) br in
+ if e' == e && br' == br then a else MLcase (t,e',br')
+ | MLfix (i,ids,v) ->
+ let env' = List.init (Array.length ids) (fun _ -> ref false) @ env in
+ let v' = Array.smartmap (ren env') v in
+ if v' == v then a else MLfix (i,ids,v')
+ | MLapp (b,l) ->
+ let b' = ren env b and l' = List.smartmap (ren env) l in
+ if b' == b && l' == l then a else MLapp (b',l')
+ | MLcons(t,r,l) ->
+ let l' = List.smartmap (ren env) l in
+ if l' == l then a else MLcons (t,r,l')
+ | MLtuple l ->
+ let l' = List.smartmap (ren env) l in
+ if l' == l then a else MLtuple l'
+ | MLmagic b ->
+ let b' = ren env b in
+ if b' == b then a else MLmagic b'
+ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ | MLaxiom -> a
+ and ren_branch env ((ids,p,b) as tr) =
+ let occs = (fun _ -> ref false) ids in
+ let b' = ren (List.rev_append occs env) b in
+ let ids' =
+ List.map2
+ (fun id occ -> if !occ then id else Dummy)
+ ids occs
+ in
+ if b' == b && List.equal eq_ml_ident ids ids' then tr
+ else (ids',p,b')
+ in
+ ren [] a
(*s Lifting on terms.
[ast_lift k t] lifts the binding depth of [t] across [k] bindings. *)
@@ -559,7 +624,7 @@ let gen_subst v d t =
if i' < 1 then a
else if i' <= Array.length v then
match v.(i'-1) with
- | None -> MLexn ("UNBOUND " ^ string_of_int i')
+ | None -> assert false
| Some u -> ast_lift n u
else MLrel (i+d)
| a -> ast_map_lift subst n a
@@ -813,8 +878,8 @@ let census_add, census_max, census_clean =
try h := add k i !h
with Not_found -> h := (k, Int.Set.singleton i) :: !h
- let maxf k =
- let len = ref 0 and lst = ref Int.Set.empty and elm = ref k in
+ let maxf () =
+ let len = ref 0 and lst = ref Int.Set.empty and elm = ref MLaxiom in
(fun (e, s) ->
let n = Int.Set.cardinal s in
@@ -843,7 +908,7 @@ let factor_branches o typ br =
if o.opt_case_cst then
(try census_add (branch_as_cst br.(i)) i with Impossible -> ());
- let br_factor, br_set = census_max MLdummy in
+ let br_factor, br_set = census_max () in
census_clean ();
let n = Int.Set.cardinal br_set in
if Int.equal n 0 then None
@@ -926,7 +991,7 @@ let iota_gen br hd =
in iota 0 hd
let is_atomic = function
- | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy -> true
+ | MLrel _ | MLglob _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ -> true
| _ -> false
let is_imm_apply = function MLapp (MLrel 1, _) -> true | _ -> false
@@ -948,9 +1013,20 @@ let expand_linear_let o id e =
(* Some beta-iota reductions + simplifications. *)
+let rec unmagic = function MLmagic e -> unmagic e | e -> e
+let is_magic = function MLmagic _ -> true | _ -> false
+let magic_hd a = match a with
+ | MLmagic _ :: _ -> a
+ | e :: a -> MLmagic e :: a
+ | [] -> assert false
let rec simpl o = function
| MLapp (f, []) -> simpl o f
- | MLapp (f, a) -> simpl_app o ( (simpl o) a) (simpl o f)
+ | MLapp (MLapp(f,a),a') -> simpl o (MLapp(f,a@a'))
+ | MLapp (f, a) ->
+ (* When the head of the application is magic, no need for magic on args *)
+ let a = if is_magic f then unmagic a else a in
+ simpl_app o ( (simpl o) a) (simpl o f)
| MLcase (typ,e,br) ->
let br = (fun (l,p,t) -> (l,p,simpl o t)) br in
simpl_case o typ br (simpl o e)
@@ -970,12 +1046,18 @@ let rec simpl o = function
if ast_occurs_itvl 1 n c.(i) then
MLfix (i, ids, (simpl o) c)
else simpl o (ast_lift (-n) c.(i)) (* Dummy fixpoint *)
+ | MLmagic(MLmagic _ as e) -> simpl o e
+ | MLmagic(MLapp (f,l)) -> simpl o (MLapp (MLmagic f, l))
+ | MLmagic(MLletin(id,c,e)) -> simpl o (MLletin(id,c,MLmagic e))
+ | MLmagic(MLcase(typ,e,br)) ->
+ let br' = (fun (ids,p,c) -> (ids,p,MLmagic c)) br in
+ simpl o (MLcase(typ,e,br'))
+ | MLmagic(MLexn _ as e) -> e
| a -> ast_map (simpl o) a
(* invariant : list [a] of arguments is non-empty *)
and simpl_app o a = function
- | MLapp (f',a') -> simpl_app o (a'@a) f'
| MLlam (Dummy,t) ->
simpl o (MLapp (ast_pop t, a))
| MLlam (id,t) -> (* Beta redex *)
@@ -986,6 +1068,11 @@ and simpl_app o a = function
| _ ->
let a' = (ast_lift 1) ( a) in
simpl o (MLletin (id, List.hd a, MLapp (t, a'))))
+ | MLmagic (MLlam (id,t)) ->
+ (* When we've at least one argument, we permute the magic
+ and the lambda, to simplify things a bit (see #2795).
+ Alas, the 1st argument must also be magic then. *)
+ simpl_app o (magic_hd a) (MLlam (id,MLmagic t))
| MLletin (id,e1,e2) when o.opt_let_app ->
(* Application of a letin: we push arguments inside *)
MLletin (id, e1, simpl o (MLapp (e2, (ast_lift 1) a)))
@@ -998,7 +1085,7 @@ and simpl_app o a = function
let a' = (ast_lift k) a in
(l, p, simpl o (MLapp (t,a')))) br
in simpl o (MLcase (typ,e,br'))
- | (MLdummy | MLexn _) as e -> e
+ | (MLdummy _ | MLexn _) as e -> e
(* We just discard arguments in those cases. *)
| f -> MLapp (f,a)
@@ -1049,20 +1136,26 @@ let rec select_via_bl l args = match l,args with
(*s [kill_some_lams] removes some head lambdas according to the signature [bl].
This list is build on the identifier list model: outermost lambda
is on the right.
- [Rels] corresponding to removed lambdas are supposed not to occur, and
+ [Rels] corresponding to removed lambdas are not supposed to occur
+ (except maybe in the case of Kimplicit), and
the other [Rels] are made correct via a [gen_subst].
Output is not directly a [ml_ast], compose with [named_lams] if needed. *)
+let is_impl_kill = function Kill (Kimplicit _) -> true | _ -> false
let kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) =
let n = List.length bl in
let n' = List.fold_left (fun n b -> if b == Keep then (n+1) else n) 0 bl in
if Int.equal n n' then ids,c
- else if Int.equal n' 0 then [],ast_lift (-n) c
+ else if Int.equal n' 0 && not (List.exists is_impl_kill bl)
+ then [],ast_lift (-n) c
else begin
let v = Array.make n None in
let rec parse_ids i j = function
| [] -> ()
| Keep :: l -> v.(i) <- Some (MLrel j); parse_ids (i+1) (j+1) l
+ | Kill (Kimplicit _ as k) :: l ->
+ v.(i) <- Some (MLdummy k); parse_ids (i+1) j l
| Kill _ :: l -> parse_ids (i+1) j l
in parse_ids 0 1 bl;
select_via_bl bl ids, gen_subst v (n'-n) c
@@ -1070,11 +1163,19 @@ let kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) =
(*s [kill_dummy_lams] uses the last function to kill the lambdas corresponding
to a [dummy_name]. It can raise [Impossible] if there is nothing to do, or
- if there is no lambda left at all. *)
+ if there is no lambda left at all. In addition, it now accepts a signature
+ that may mention some implicits. *)
-let kill_dummy_lams c =
+let rec merge_implicits ids s = match ids, s with
+ | [],_ -> []
+ | _,[] -> sign_of_id ids
+ | Dummy::ids, _::s -> Kill Kprop :: merge_implicits ids s
+ | _::ids, (Kill (Kimplicit _) as k)::s -> k :: merge_implicits ids s
+ | _::ids, _::s -> Keep :: merge_implicits ids s
+let kill_dummy_lams sign c =
let ids,c = collect_lams c in
- let bl = sign_of_id ids in
+ let bl = merge_implicits ids (List.rev sign) in
if not (List.memq Keep bl) then raise Impossible;
let rec fst_kill n = function
| [] -> raise Impossible
@@ -1086,7 +1187,7 @@ let kill_dummy_lams c =
let _, bl = List.chop skip bl in
let c = named_lams ids_skip c in
let ids',c = kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) in
- ids, named_lams ids' c
+ (ids,bl), named_lams ids' c
(*s [eta_expansion_sign] takes a function [fun idn ... id1 -> c]
and a signature [s] and builds a eta-long version. *)
@@ -1100,12 +1201,12 @@ let eta_expansion_sign s (ids,c) =
let a = List.rev_map (function MLrel x -> MLrel (i-x) | a -> a) rels
in ids, MLapp (ast_lift (i-1) c, a)
| Keep :: l -> abs (anonymous :: ids) (MLrel i :: rels) (i+1) l
- | Kill _ :: l -> abs (Dummy :: ids) (MLdummy :: rels) (i+1) l
+ | Kill k :: l -> abs (Dummy :: ids) (MLdummy k :: rels) (i+1) l
in abs ids [] 1 s
(*s If [s = [b1; ... ; bn]] then [case_expunge] decomposes [e]
in [n] lambdas (with eta-expansion if needed) and removes all dummy lambdas
- corresponding to [Del] in [s]. *)
+ corresponding to [Kill _] in [s]. *)
let case_expunge s e =
let m = List.length s in
@@ -1123,17 +1224,18 @@ let term_expunge s (ids,c) =
if List.is_empty s then c
let ids,c = kill_some_lams (List.rev s) (ids,c) in
- if List.is_empty ids && lang () != Haskell && List.mem (Kill Kother) s then
- MLlam (Dummy, ast_lift 1 c)
+ if List.is_empty ids && lang () != Haskell &&
+ sign_kind s == UnsafeLogicalSig
+ then MLlam (Dummy, ast_lift 1 c)
else named_lams ids c
-(*s [kill_dummy_args ids r t] looks for occurrences of [MLrel r] in [t] and
- purge the args of [MLrel r] corresponding to a [dummy_name].
+(*s [kill_dummy_args (ids,bl) r t] looks for occurrences of [MLrel r] in [t]
+ and purge the args of [MLrel r] corresponding to a [Kill] in [bl].
It makes eta-expansion if needed. *)
-let kill_dummy_args ids r t =
+let kill_dummy_args (ids,bl) r t =
let m = List.length ids in
- let bl = List.rev_map sign_of_id ids in
+ let sign = List.rev bl in
let rec found n = function
| MLrel r' when Int.equal r' (r + n) -> true
| MLmagic e -> found n e
@@ -1144,41 +1246,46 @@ let kill_dummy_args ids r t =
let k = max 0 (m - (List.length a)) in
let a = (killrec n) a in
let a = (ast_lift k) a in
- let a = select_via_bl bl (a @ (eta_args k)) in
+ let a = select_via_bl sign (a @ (eta_args k)) in
named_lams (List.firstn k ids) (MLapp (ast_lift k e, a))
| e when found n e ->
- let a = select_via_bl bl (eta_args m) in
+ let a = select_via_bl sign (eta_args m) in
named_lams ids (MLapp (ast_lift m e, a))
| e -> ast_map_lift killrec n e
in killrec 0 t
(*s The main function for local [dummy] elimination. *)
+let sign_of_args a =
+ (function MLdummy k -> Kill k | _ -> Keep) a
let rec kill_dummy = function
| MLfix(i,fi,c) ->
- let ids,c = kill_dummy_fix i c in
- ast_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) (kill_dummy_args ids 1 (MLrel 1))
+ let k,c = kill_dummy_fix i c [] in
+ ast_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) (kill_dummy_args k 1 (MLrel 1))
with Impossible -> MLfix (i,fi, kill_dummy c))
| MLapp (MLfix (i,fi,c),a) ->
let a = kill_dummy a in
+ (* Heuristics: if some arguments are implicit args, we try to
+ eliminate the corresponding arguments of the fixpoint *)
- let ids,c = kill_dummy_fix i c in
+ let k,c = kill_dummy_fix i c (sign_of_args a) in
let fake = MLapp (MLrel 1, (ast_lift 1) a) in
- let fake' = kill_dummy_args ids 1 fake in
+ let fake' = kill_dummy_args k 1 fake in
ast_subst (MLfix (i,fi,c)) fake'
with Impossible -> MLapp(MLfix(i,fi, kill_dummy c),a))
| MLletin(id, MLfix (i,fi,c),e) ->
- let ids,c = kill_dummy_fix i c in
- let e = kill_dummy (kill_dummy_args ids 1 e) in
+ let k,c = kill_dummy_fix i c [] in
+ let e = kill_dummy (kill_dummy_args k 1 e) in
MLletin(id, MLfix(i,fi,c),e)
with Impossible ->
MLletin(id, MLfix(i,fi, kill_dummy c),kill_dummy e))
| MLletin(id,c,e) ->
- let ids,c = kill_dummy_lams (kill_dummy_hd c) in
- let e = kill_dummy (kill_dummy_args ids 1 e) in
+ let k,c = kill_dummy_lams [] (kill_dummy_hd c) in
+ let e = kill_dummy (kill_dummy_args k 1 e) in
let c = kill_dummy c in
if is_atomic c then ast_subst c e else MLletin (id, c, e)
with Impossible -> MLletin(id,kill_dummy c,kill_dummy e))
@@ -1190,21 +1297,21 @@ and kill_dummy_hd = function
| MLlam(id,e) -> MLlam(id, kill_dummy_hd e)
| MLletin(id,c,e) ->
- let ids,c = kill_dummy_lams (kill_dummy_hd c) in
- let e = kill_dummy_hd (kill_dummy_args ids 1 e) in
+ let k,c = kill_dummy_lams [] (kill_dummy_hd c) in
+ let e = kill_dummy_hd (kill_dummy_args k 1 e) in
let c = kill_dummy c in
if is_atomic c then ast_subst c e else MLletin (id, c, e)
with Impossible -> MLletin(id,kill_dummy c,kill_dummy_hd e))
| a -> a
-and kill_dummy_fix i c =
+and kill_dummy_fix i c s =
let n = Array.length c in
- let ids,ci = kill_dummy_lams (kill_dummy_hd c.(i)) in
+ let k,ci = kill_dummy_lams s (kill_dummy_hd c.(i)) in
let c = Array.copy c in c.(i) <- ci;
for j = 0 to (n-1) do
- c.(j) <- kill_dummy (kill_dummy_args ids (n-i) c.(j))
+ c.(j) <- kill_dummy (kill_dummy_args k (n-i) c.(j))
- ids,c
+ k,c
(*s Putting things together. *)
@@ -1267,7 +1374,7 @@ let rec ml_size = function
| MLfix(_,_,f) -> ml_size_array f
| MLletin (_,_,t) -> ml_size t
| MLmagic t -> ml_size t
- | MLglob _ | MLrel _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy | MLaxiom -> 0
+ | MLglob _ | MLrel _ | MLexn _ | MLdummy _ | MLaxiom -> 0
and ml_size_list l = List.fold_left (fun a t -> a + ml_size t) 0 l