path: root/plugins/extraction/
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/extraction/')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/ b/plugins/extraction/
index 080512b2..6ae519ef 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/
+++ b/plugins/extraction/
@@ -633,7 +633,8 @@ let rec extract_term env mle mlt c args =
| Construct (cp,u) ->
extract_cons_app env mle mlt cp u args
| Proj (p, c) ->
- extract_cst_app env mle mlt (Projection.constant p) Univ.Instance.empty (c :: args)
+ let term = Retyping.expand_projection env (Evd.from_env env) p c [] in
+ extract_term env mle mlt term args
| Rel n ->
(* As soon as the expected [mlt] for the head is known, *)
(* we unify it with an fresh copy of the stored type of [Rel n]. *)