path: root/parsing/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dc02190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Compat
+open CErrors
+open Util
+open Extend
+open Genarg
+(** The parser of Coq *)
+module G = GrammarMake (CLexer)
+let warning_verbose = Compat.warning_verbose
+let of_coq_assoc = function
+| Extend.RightA -> CompatGramext.RightA
+| Extend.LeftA -> CompatGramext.LeftA
+| Extend.NonA -> CompatGramext.NonA
+let of_coq_position = function
+| Extend.First -> CompatGramext.First
+| Extend.Last -> CompatGramext.Last
+| Extend.Before s -> CompatGramext.Before s
+| Extend.After s -> CompatGramext.After s
+| Extend.Level s -> CompatGramext.Level s
+module Symbols = GramextMake(G)
+let camlp4_verbosity silent f x =
+ let a = !warning_verbose in
+ warning_verbose := silent;
+ f x;
+ warning_verbose := a
+let camlp4_verbose f x = camlp4_verbosity (Flags.is_verbose ()) f x
+(** Grammar extensions *)
+(** NB: [extend_statment =
+ gram_position option * single_extend_statment list]
+ and [single_extend_statment =
+ string option * gram_assoc option * production_rule list]
+ and [production_rule = symbol list * action]
+ In [single_extend_statement], first two parameters are name and
+ assoc iff a level is created *)
+(** Binding general entry keys to symbol *)
+let rec of_coq_action : type a r. (r, a, Loc.t -> r) Extend.rule -> a -> G.action = function
+| Stop -> fun f -> G.action (fun loc -> f (to_coqloc loc))
+| Next (r, _) -> fun f -> G.action (fun x -> of_coq_action r (f x))
+let rec symbol_of_prod_entry_key : type s a. (s, a) symbol -> _ = function
+ | Atoken t -> Symbols.stoken t
+ | Alist1 s -> Symbols.slist1 (symbol_of_prod_entry_key s)
+ | Alist1sep (s,sep) ->
+ Symbols.slist1sep (symbol_of_prod_entry_key s, symbol_of_prod_entry_key sep)
+ | Alist0 s -> Symbols.slist0 (symbol_of_prod_entry_key s)
+ | Alist0sep (s,sep) ->
+ Symbols.slist0sep (symbol_of_prod_entry_key s, symbol_of_prod_entry_key sep)
+ | Aopt s -> Symbols.sopt (symbol_of_prod_entry_key s)
+ | Aself -> Symbols.sself
+ | Anext -> Symbols.snext
+ | Aentry e ->
+ Symbols.snterm (G.Entry.obj e)
+ | Aentryl (e, n) ->
+ Symbols.snterml (G.Entry.obj e, string_of_int n)
+ | Arules rs ->
+ G.srules' ( symbol_of_rules rs)
+and symbol_of_rule : type s a r. (s, a, r) Extend.rule -> _ = function
+| Stop -> fun accu -> accu
+| Next (r, s) -> fun accu -> symbol_of_rule r (symbol_of_prod_entry_key s :: accu)
+and symbol_of_rules : type a. a Extend.rules -> _ = function
+| Rules (r, act) ->
+ let symb = symbol_of_rule r.norec_rule [] in
+ let act = of_coq_action r.norec_rule act in
+ (symb, act)
+let of_coq_production_rule : type a. a Extend.production_rule -> _ = function
+| Rule (toks, act) -> (symbol_of_rule toks [], of_coq_action toks act)
+let of_coq_single_extend_statement (lvl, assoc, rule) =
+ (lvl, of_coq_assoc assoc, of_coq_production_rule rule)
+let of_coq_extend_statement (pos, st) =
+ ( of_coq_position pos, of_coq_single_extend_statement st)
+(** Type of reinitialization data *)
+type gram_reinit = gram_assoc * gram_position
+type extend_rule =
+| ExtendRule : 'a G.entry * gram_reinit option * 'a extend_statment -> extend_rule
+type ext_kind =
+ | ByGrammar of extend_rule
+ | ByEXTEND of (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
+(** The list of extensions *)
+let camlp4_state = ref []
+(** Deletion *)
+let grammar_delete e reinit (pos,rls) =
+ List.iter
+ (fun (n,ass,lev) ->
+ List.iter (fun (pil,_) -> G.delete_rule e pil) (List.rev lev))
+ (List.rev rls);
+ match reinit with
+ | Some (a,ext) ->
+ let a = of_coq_assoc a in
+ let ext = of_coq_position ext in
+ let lev = match pos with
+ | Some (CompatGramext.Level n) -> n
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ maybe_uncurry (G.extend e) (Some ext, [Some lev,Some a,[]])
+ | None -> ()
+(** Extension *)
+let grammar_extend e reinit ext =
+ let ext = of_coq_extend_statement ext in
+ let undo () = grammar_delete e reinit ext in
+ let redo () = camlp4_verbosity false (maybe_uncurry (G.extend e)) ext in
+ camlp4_state := ByEXTEND (undo, redo) :: !camlp4_state;
+ redo ()
+let grammar_extend_sync e reinit ext =
+ camlp4_state := ByGrammar (ExtendRule (e, reinit, ext)) :: !camlp4_state;
+ camlp4_verbosity false (maybe_uncurry (G.extend e)) (of_coq_extend_statement ext)
+(** The apparent parser of Coq; encapsulate G to keep track
+ of the extensions. *)
+module Gram =
+ struct
+ include G
+ let extend e =
+ maybe_curry
+ (fun ext ->
+ camlp4_state :=
+ (ByEXTEND ((fun () -> grammar_delete e None ext),
+ (fun () -> maybe_uncurry (G.extend e) ext)))
+ :: !camlp4_state;
+ maybe_uncurry (G.extend e) ext)
+ let delete_rule e pil =
+ (* spiwack: if you use load an ML module which contains GDELETE_RULE
+ in a section, God kills a kitty. As it would corrupt remove_grammars.
+ There does not seem to be a good way to undo a delete rule. As deleting
+ takes fewer arguments than extending. The production rule isn't returned
+ by delete_rule. If we could retrieve the necessary information, then
+ ByEXTEND provides just the framework we need to allow this in section.
+ I'm not entirely sure it makes sense, but at least it would be more correct.
+ *)
+ G.delete_rule e pil
+ end
+(** Remove extensions
+ [n] is the number of extended entries (not the number of Grammar commands!)
+ to remove. *)
+let rec remove_grammars n =
+ if n>0 then
+ (match !camlp4_state with
+ | [] -> anomaly ~label:"Pcoq.remove_grammars" (Pp.str "too many rules to remove")
+ | ByGrammar (ExtendRule (g, reinit, ext)) :: t ->
+ grammar_delete g reinit (of_coq_extend_statement ext);
+ camlp4_state := t;
+ remove_grammars (n-1)
+ | ByEXTEND (undo,redo)::t ->
+ undo();
+ camlp4_state := t;
+ remove_grammars n;
+ redo();
+ camlp4_state := ByEXTEND (undo,redo) :: !camlp4_state)
+let make_rule r = [None, None, r]
+(** An entry that checks we reached the end of the input. *)
+let eoi_entry en =
+ let e = Gram.entry_create (( en) ^ "_eoi") in
+ let symbs = [Symbols.snterm (Gram.Entry.obj en); Symbols.stoken Tok.EOI] in
+ let act = Gram.action (fun _ x loc -> x) in
+ maybe_uncurry (Gram.extend e) (None, make_rule [symbs, act]);
+ e
+let map_entry f en =
+ let e = Gram.entry_create (( en) ^ "_map") in
+ let symbs = [Symbols.snterm (Gram.Entry.obj en)] in
+ let act = Gram.action (fun x loc -> f x) in
+ maybe_uncurry (Gram.extend e) (None, make_rule [symbs, act]);
+ e
+(* Parse a string, does NOT check if the entire string was read
+ (use eoi_entry) *)
+let parse_string f x =
+ let strm = Stream.of_string x in Gram.entry_parse f (Gram.parsable strm)
+type gram_universe = string
+let utables : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t =
+ Hashtbl.create 97
+let create_universe u =
+ let () = Hashtbl.add utables u () in
+ u
+let uprim = create_universe "prim"
+let uconstr = create_universe "constr"
+let utactic = create_universe "tactic"
+let uvernac = create_universe "vernac"
+let get_univ u =
+ if Hashtbl.mem utables u then u
+ else raise Not_found
+let new_entry u s =
+ let ename = u ^ ":" ^ s in
+ let e = Gram.entry_create ename in
+ e
+let make_gen_entry u s = new_entry u s
+module GrammarObj =
+ type ('r, _, _) obj = 'r Gram.entry
+ let name = "grammar"
+ let default _ = None
+module Grammar = Register(GrammarObj)
+let register_grammar = Grammar.register0
+let genarg_grammar = Grammar.obj
+let create_generic_entry (type a) u s (etyp : a raw_abstract_argument_type) : a Gram.entry =
+ let e = new_entry u s in
+ let Rawwit t = etyp in
+ let () = Grammar.register0 t e in
+ e
+(* Initial grammar entries *)
+module Prim =
+ struct
+ let gec_gen n = make_gen_entry uprim n
+ (* Entries that can be referred via the string -> Gram.entry table *)
+ (* Typically for tactic or vernac extensions *)
+ let preident = gec_gen "preident"
+ let ident = gec_gen "ident"
+ let natural = gec_gen "natural"
+ let integer = gec_gen "integer"
+ let bigint = Gram.entry_create "Prim.bigint"
+ let string = gec_gen "string"
+ let reference = make_gen_entry uprim "reference"
+ let by_notation = Gram.entry_create "by_notation"
+ let smart_global = Gram.entry_create "smart_global"
+ (* parsed like ident but interpreted as a term *)
+ let var = gec_gen "var"
+ let name = Gram.entry_create ""
+ let identref = Gram.entry_create "Prim.identref"
+ let pidentref = Gram.entry_create "Prim.pidentref"
+ let pattern_ident = Gram.entry_create "pattern_ident"
+ let pattern_identref = Gram.entry_create "pattern_identref"
+ (* A synonym of ident - maybe ident will be located one day *)
+ let base_ident = Gram.entry_create "Prim.base_ident"
+ let qualid = Gram.entry_create "Prim.qualid"
+ let fullyqualid = Gram.entry_create "Prim.fullyqualid"
+ let dirpath = Gram.entry_create "Prim.dirpath"
+ let ne_string = Gram.entry_create "Prim.ne_string"
+ let ne_lstring = Gram.entry_create "Prim.ne_lstring"
+ end
+module Constr =
+ struct
+ let gec_constr = make_gen_entry uconstr
+ (* Entries that can be referred via the string -> Gram.entry table *)
+ let constr = gec_constr "constr"
+ let operconstr = gec_constr "operconstr"
+ let constr_eoi = eoi_entry constr
+ let lconstr = gec_constr "lconstr"
+ let binder_constr = gec_constr "binder_constr"
+ let ident = make_gen_entry uconstr "ident"
+ let global = make_gen_entry uconstr "global"
+ let universe_level = make_gen_entry uconstr "universe_level"
+ let sort = make_gen_entry uconstr "sort"
+ let pattern = Gram.entry_create "constr:pattern"
+ let constr_pattern = gec_constr "constr_pattern"
+ let lconstr_pattern = gec_constr "lconstr_pattern"
+ let closed_binder = Gram.entry_create "constr:closed_binder"
+ let binder = Gram.entry_create "constr:binder"
+ let binders = Gram.entry_create "constr:binders"
+ let open_binders = Gram.entry_create "constr:open_binders"
+ let binders_fixannot = Gram.entry_create "constr:binders_fixannot"
+ let typeclass_constraint = Gram.entry_create "constr:typeclass_constraint"
+ let record_declaration = Gram.entry_create "constr:record_declaration"
+ let appl_arg = Gram.entry_create "constr:appl_arg"
+ end
+module Module =
+ struct
+ let module_expr = Gram.entry_create "module_expr"
+ let module_type = Gram.entry_create "module_type"
+ end
+module Tactic =
+ struct
+ (* Main entry for extensions *)
+ let simple_tactic = Gram.entry_create "tactic:simple_tactic"
+ (* Entries that can be referred via the string -> Gram.entry table *)
+ (* Typically for tactic user extensions *)
+ let open_constr =
+ make_gen_entry utactic "open_constr"
+ let constr_with_bindings =
+ make_gen_entry utactic "constr_with_bindings"
+ let bindings =
+ make_gen_entry utactic "bindings"
+ let hypident = Gram.entry_create "hypident"
+ let constr_may_eval = make_gen_entry utactic "constr_may_eval"
+ let constr_eval = make_gen_entry utactic "constr_eval"
+ let uconstr =
+ make_gen_entry utactic "uconstr"
+ let quantified_hypothesis =
+ make_gen_entry utactic "quantified_hypothesis"
+ let destruction_arg = make_gen_entry utactic "destruction_arg"
+ let int_or_var = make_gen_entry utactic "int_or_var"
+ let red_expr = make_gen_entry utactic "red_expr"
+ let simple_intropattern =
+ make_gen_entry utactic "simple_intropattern"
+ let in_clause = make_gen_entry utactic "in_clause"
+ let clause_dft_concl =
+ make_gen_entry utactic "clause"
+ (* Main entries for ltac *)
+ let tactic_arg = Gram.entry_create "tactic:tactic_arg"
+ let tactic_expr = make_gen_entry utactic "tactic_expr"
+ let binder_tactic = make_gen_entry utactic "binder_tactic"
+ let tactic = make_gen_entry utactic "tactic"
+ (* Main entry for quotations *)
+ let tactic_eoi = eoi_entry tactic
+ end
+module Vernac_ =
+ struct
+ let gec_vernac s = Gram.entry_create ("vernac:" ^ s)
+ (* The different kinds of vernacular commands *)
+ let gallina = gec_vernac "gallina"
+ let gallina_ext = gec_vernac "gallina_ext"
+ let command = gec_vernac "command"
+ let syntax = gec_vernac "syntax_command"
+ let vernac = gec_vernac "Vernac.vernac"
+ let vernac_eoi = eoi_entry vernac
+ let rec_definition = gec_vernac "Vernac.rec_definition"
+ let hint_info = gec_vernac "hint_info"
+ (* Main vernac entry *)
+ let main_entry = Gram.entry_create "vernac"
+ let noedit_mode = gec_vernac "noedit_command"
+ let () =
+ let act_vernac = Gram.action (fun v loc -> Some (!@loc, v)) in
+ let act_eoi = Gram.action (fun _ loc -> None) in
+ let rule = [
+ ([ Symbols.stoken Tok.EOI ], act_eoi);
+ ([ Symbols.snterm (Gram.Entry.obj vernac) ], act_vernac );
+ ] in
+ maybe_uncurry (Gram.extend main_entry) (None, make_rule rule)
+ let command_entry_ref = ref noedit_mode
+ let command_entry =
+ Gram.Entry.of_parser "command_entry"
+ (fun strm -> Gram.parse_tokens_after_filter !command_entry_ref strm)
+ end
+let main_entry = Vernac_.main_entry
+let set_command_entry e = Vernac_.command_entry_ref := e
+let get_command_entry () = !Vernac_.command_entry_ref
+let epsilon_value f e =
+ let r = Rule (Next (Stop, e), fun x _ -> f x) in
+ let ext = of_coq_extend_statement (None, [None, None, [r]]) in
+ let entry = G.entry_create "epsilon" in
+ let () = maybe_uncurry (G.extend entry) ext in
+ try Some (parse_string entry "") with _ -> None
+(** Synchronized grammar extensions *)
+module GramState = Store.Make(struct end)
+type 'a grammar_extension = 'a -> GramState.t -> extend_rule list * GramState.t
+module GrammarCommand = Dyn.Make(struct end)
+module GrammarInterp = struct type 'a t = 'a grammar_extension end
+module GrammarInterpMap = GrammarCommand.Map(GrammarInterp)
+let grammar_interp = ref GrammarInterpMap.empty
+let (grammar_stack : (int * GrammarCommand.t * GramState.t) list ref) = ref []
+type 'a grammar_command = 'a GrammarCommand.tag
+let create_grammar_command name interp : _ grammar_command =
+ let obj = GrammarCommand.create name in
+ let () = grammar_interp := GrammarInterpMap.add obj interp !grammar_interp in
+ obj
+let extend_grammar_command tag g =
+ let modify = GrammarInterpMap.find tag !grammar_interp in
+ let grammar_state = match !grammar_stack with
+ | [] -> GramState.empty
+ | (_, _, st) :: _ -> st
+ in
+ let (rules, st) = modify g grammar_state in
+ let iter (ExtendRule (e, reinit, ext)) = grammar_extend_sync e reinit ext in
+ let () = List.iter iter rules in
+ let nb = List.length rules in
+ grammar_stack := (nb, GrammarCommand.Dyn (tag, g), st) :: !grammar_stack
+let recover_grammar_command (type a) (tag : a grammar_command) : a list =
+ let filter : _ -> a option = fun (_, GrammarCommand.Dyn (tag', v), _) ->
+ match GrammarCommand.eq tag tag' with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some Refl -> Some v
+ in
+ List.map_filter filter !grammar_stack
+let extend_dyn_grammar (GrammarCommand.Dyn (tag, g)) = extend_grammar_command tag g
+(* Summary functions: the state of the lexer is included in that of the parser.
+ Because the grammar affects the set of keywords when adding or removing
+ grammar rules. *)
+type frozen_t = (int * GrammarCommand.t * GramState.t) list * CLexer.frozen_t
+let freeze _ : frozen_t = (!grammar_stack, CLexer.freeze ())
+(* We compare the current state of the grammar and the state to unfreeze,
+ by computing the longest common suffixes *)
+let factorize_grams l1 l2 =
+ if l1 == l2 then ([], [], l1) else List.share_tails l1 l2
+let number_of_entries gcl =
+ List.fold_left (fun n (p,_,_) -> n + p) 0 gcl
+let unfreeze (grams, lex) =
+ let (undo, redo, common) = factorize_grams !grammar_stack grams in
+ let n = number_of_entries undo in
+ remove_grammars n;
+ grammar_stack := common;
+ CLexer.unfreeze lex;
+ List.iter extend_dyn_grammar (List.rev_map pi2 redo)
+(** No need to provide an init function : the grammar state is
+ statically available, and already empty initially, while
+ the lexer state should not be resetted, since it contains
+ keywords declared in g_*.ml4 *)
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "GRAMMAR_LEXER"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = Summary.nop }
+let with_grammar_rule_protection f x =
+ let fs = freeze false in
+ try let a = f x in unfreeze fs; a
+ with reraise ->
+ let reraise = CErrors.push reraise in
+ let () = unfreeze fs in
+ iraise reraise
+(** Registering grammar of generic arguments *)
+let () =
+ let open Stdarg in
+ let open Constrarg in
+(* Grammar.register0 wit_unit; *)
+(* Grammar.register0 wit_bool; *)
+ Grammar.register0 wit_int (Prim.integer);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_string (Prim.string);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_pre_ident (Prim.preident);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_int_or_var (Tactic.int_or_var);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_intro_pattern (Tactic.simple_intropattern);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_ident (Prim.ident);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_var (Prim.var);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_ref (Prim.reference);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_quant_hyp (Tactic.quantified_hypothesis);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_constr (Constr.constr);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_uconstr (Tactic.uconstr);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_open_constr (Tactic.open_constr);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_constr_with_bindings (Tactic.constr_with_bindings);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_bindings (Tactic.bindings);
+(* Grammar.register0 wit_hyp_location_flag; *)
+ Grammar.register0 wit_red_expr (Tactic.red_expr);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_tactic (Tactic.tactic);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_ltac (Tactic.tactic);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_clause_dft_concl (Tactic.clause_dft_concl);
+ Grammar.register0 wit_destruction_arg (Tactic.destruction_arg);
+ ()