path: root/parsing/pcoq.ml4
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/pcoq.ml4')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.ml4 b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
index a8922536..d743fffa 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.ml4
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
@@ -6,19 +6,18 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: pcoq.ml4,v 2005/06/21 15:31:12 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*i $Id: pcoq.ml4 7826 2006-01-09 22:00:34Z herbelin $ i*)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
+open Extend
open Libnames
open Rawterm
open Topconstr
-open Ast
open Genarg
open Tacexpr
open Ppextend
-open Extend
(* The lexer of Coq *)
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ let grammar_delete e rls =
List.iter (fun (pil,_) -> G.delete_rule e pil) (List.rev lev))
(List.rev rls)
-(* grammar_object is the superclass of all grammar entry *)
+(* grammar_object is the superclass of all grammar entries *)
module type Gramobj =
type grammar_object
@@ -65,8 +64,9 @@ struct
let weaken_entry e = Obj.magic e
+type entry_type = argument_type
type grammar_object = Gramobj.grammar_object
-type typed_entry = entry_type * grammar_object G.Entry.e
+type typed_entry = argument_type * grammar_object G.Entry.e
let in_typed_entry t e = (t,Gramobj.weaken_entry e)
let type_of_typed_entry (t,e) = t
let object_of_typed_entry (t,e) = e
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ let create_univ s =
let uprim = create_univ "prim"
let uconstr = create_univ "constr"
-let umodule = create_univ "module"
let utactic = create_univ "tactic"
let uvernac = create_univ "vernac"
@@ -311,10 +310,7 @@ module Prim =
let reference = make_gen_entry uprim rawwit_ref "reference"
(* parsed like ident but interpreted as a term *)
- let hyp = gec_gen rawwit_ident "hyp"
- (* synonym of hyp/ident (before semantics split) for v7 compatibility *)
- let var = gec_gen rawwit_ident "var"
+ let var = gec_gen rawwit_var "var"
let name = Gram.Entry.create ""
let identref = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.identref"
@@ -323,16 +319,11 @@ module Prim =
let base_ident = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.base_ident"
let qualid = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.qualid"
+ let fullyqualid = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.fullyqualid"
let dirpath = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.dirpath"
let ne_string = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.ne_string"
- (* For old ast printer *)
- let astpat = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.astpat"
- let ast = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.ast"
- let astlist = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.astlist"
- let ast_eoi = eoi_entry ast
- let astact = Gram.Entry.create "Prim.astact"
@@ -372,15 +363,14 @@ module Tactic =
(* Entries that can be refered via the string -> Gram.Entry.e table *)
(* Typically for tactic user extensions *)
let open_constr =
- make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_open_constr "open_constr"
- let castedopenconstr =
- make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_casted_open_constr "castedopenconstr"
+ make_gen_entry utactic (rawwit_open_constr_gen false) "open_constr"
+ let casted_open_constr =
+ make_gen_entry utactic (rawwit_open_constr_gen true) "casted_open_constr"
let constr_with_bindings =
make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_constr_with_bindings "constr_with_bindings"
let bindings =
make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_bindings "bindings"
-(*v7*) let constrarg = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_constr_may_eval "constrarg"
-(*v8*) let constr_may_eval = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_constr_may_eval "constr_may_eval"
+ let constr_may_eval = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_constr_may_eval "constr_may_eval"
let quantified_hypothesis =
make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_quant_hyp "quantified_hypothesis"
let int_or_var = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_int_or_var "int_or_var"
@@ -390,10 +380,14 @@ module Tactic =
(* Main entries for ltac *)
let tactic_arg = Gram.Entry.create "tactic:tactic_arg"
- let tactic = make_gen_entry utactic rawwit_tactic "tactic"
+ let tactic_expr = Gram.Entry.create "tactic:tactic_expr"
+ let tactic_main_level = 5
+ let tactic = make_gen_entry utactic (rawwit_tactic tactic_main_level) "tactic"
(* Main entry for quotations *)
let tactic_eoi = eoi_entry tactic
@@ -411,32 +405,6 @@ module Vernac_ =
let vernac_eoi = eoi_entry vernac
-(* Prim is not re-initialized *)
-let reset_all_grammars () =
- let f = Gram.Unsafe.clear_entry in
- List.iter f
- [Constr.constr;Constr.operconstr;Constr.lconstr;Constr.annot;
- Constr.constr_pattern;Constr.lconstr_pattern];
- f Constr.ident; f; f Constr.sort; f Constr.pattern;
- f Module.module_expr; f Module.module_type;
- f Tactic.simple_tactic;
- f Tactic.castedopenconstr;
- f Tactic.constr_with_bindings;
- f Tactic.bindings;
- f Tactic.constrarg;
- f Tactic.quantified_hypothesis;
- f Tactic.int_or_var;
- f Tactic.red_expr;
- f Tactic.tactic_arg;
- f Tactic.tactic;
- f Vernac_.gallina;
- f Vernac_.gallina_ext;
- f Vernac_.command;
- f Vernac_.syntax;
- f Vernac_.vernac;
- Lexer.init()
let main_entry = Gram.Entry.create "vernac"
@@ -445,88 +413,6 @@ GEXTEND Gram
-(* Quotations *)
-open Prim
-open Constr
-open Tactic
-open Vernac_
-(* current file and toplevel/ *)
-let globalizer = ref (fun x -> failwith "No globalizer")
-let set_globalizer f = globalizer := f
-let define_ast_quotation default s (e:Coqast.t G.Entry.e) =
- (if default then
- ast: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- (* Uncomment this to keep compatibility with old grammar syntax
- constr: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- vernac: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- tactic: [ [ "<<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- *)
- END);
- GLOBAL: ast constr command tactic;
- ast:
- [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- (* Uncomment this to keep compatibility with old grammar syntax
- constr:
- [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- command:
- [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- tactic:
- [ [ "<:"; IDENT $s$; ":<"; c = e; ">>" -> c ] ];
- *)
- END)
-let _ = define_ast_quotation false "ast" ast in ()
-let dynconstr = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.dynconstr"
-let dyncasespattern = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.dyncasespattern"
- dynconstr:
- [ [ a = Constr.constr -> ConstrNode a
- (* For compatibility *)
- | "<<"; a = Constr.lconstr; ">>" -> ConstrNode a ] ]
- ;
- dyncasespattern: [ [ a = Constr.pattern -> CasesPatternNode a ] ];
-(* The following is to dynamically set the parser in Grammar actions *)
-(* and Syntax pattern, according to the universe of the rule defined *)
-type parser_type =
- | ConstrParser
- | CasesPatternParser
-let default_action_parser_ref = ref dynconstr
-let get_default_action_parser () = !default_action_parser_ref
-let entry_type_of_parser = function
- | ConstrParser -> Some ConstrArgType
- | CasesPatternParser -> failwith "entry_type_of_parser: cases_pattern, TODO"
-let parser_type_from_name = function
- | "constr" -> ConstrParser
- | "cases_pattern" -> CasesPatternParser
- | "tactic" -> assert false
- | "vernac" -> error "No longer supported"
- | s -> ConstrParser
-let set_default_action_parser = function
- | ConstrParser -> default_action_parser_ref := dynconstr
- | CasesPatternParser -> default_action_parser_ref := dyncasespattern
-let default_action_parser =
- Gram.Entry.of_parser "default_action_parser"
- (fun strm -> Gram.Entry.parse_token (get_default_action_parser ()) strm)
(* This determines (depending on the associativity of the current
level and on the expected associativity) if a reference to constr_n is
@@ -536,24 +422,9 @@ let default_action_parser =
translated in camlp4 into "constr" without level) or to another level
(to be translated into "constr LEVEL n") *)
-let assoc_level = function
- | Some Gramext.LeftA when !Options.v7 -> "L"
- | _ -> ""
-let constr_level = function
- | n,assoc -> (string_of_int n)^(assoc_level assoc)
-let constr_level2 = function
- | n,assoc -> (string_of_int n)^(assoc_level (Some assoc))
-let default_levels_v7 =
- [10,Gramext.RightA;
- 9,Gramext.RightA;
- 8,Gramext.RightA;
- 1,Gramext.RightA;
- 0,Gramext.RightA]
+let constr_level = string_of_int
-let default_levels_v8 =
+let default_levels =
@@ -563,20 +434,16 @@ let default_levels_v8 =
-let default_pattern_levels_v8 =
+let default_pattern_levels =
let level_stack =
- ref
- [if !Options.v7 then (default_levels_v7, default_levels_v7)
- else (default_levels_v8, default_pattern_levels_v8)]
+ ref [(default_levels, default_pattern_levels)]
(* At a same level, LeftA takes precedence over RightA and NoneA *)
(* In case, several associativity exists for a level, we make two levels, *)
(* first LeftA, then RightA and NoneA together *)
-exception Found of Gramext.g_assoc
open Ppextend
let admissible_assoc = function
@@ -599,48 +466,35 @@ let error_level_assoc p current expected =
pr_assoc expected ++ str " associative")
let find_position forpat other assoc lev =
- let default = if !Options.v7 then Some (10,Gramext.RightA) else None in
let ccurrent,pcurrent as current = List.hd !level_stack in
match lev with
| None ->
level_stack := current :: !level_stack;
None, (if other then assoc else None), None
| Some n ->
- if !Options.v7 & n = 8 & assoc = Some Gramext.LeftA then
- error "Left associativity not allowed at level 8";
- let after = ref default in
+ let after = ref None in
let rec add_level q = function
- | (p,_ as pa)::l when p > n -> pa :: add_level (Some pa) l
- | (p,a as pa)::l as l' when p = n ->
- if admissible_assoc (a,assoc) then raise (Found a);
- (* No duplication of levels in v8 *)
- if not !Options.v7 then error_level_assoc p a (out_some assoc);
- (* Maybe this was (p,Left) and p occurs a second time *)
- if a = Gramext.LeftA then
- match l with
- | (p,a)::_ as l' when p = n -> raise (Found a)
- | _ -> after := Some pa; pa::(n,create_assoc assoc)::l
- else
- (* This was not (p,LeftA) hence assoc is RightA *)
- (after := q; (n,create_assoc assoc)::l')
- | l ->
- after := q; (n,create_assoc assoc)::l
+ | (p,_ as pa)::l when p > n -> pa :: add_level (Some p) l
+ | (p,a)::l when p = n ->
+ if admissible_assoc (a,assoc) then raise Exit;
+ error_level_assoc p a (out_some assoc)
+ | l -> after := q; (n,create_assoc assoc)::l
(* Create the entry *)
let updated =
- if forpat then (ccurrent, add_level default pcurrent)
- else (add_level default ccurrent, pcurrent) in
+ if forpat then (ccurrent, add_level None pcurrent)
+ else (add_level None ccurrent, pcurrent) in
level_stack := updated:: !level_stack;
let assoc = create_assoc assoc in
(if !after = None then Some Gramext.First
- else Some (Gramext.After (constr_level2 (out_some !after)))),
- Some assoc, Some (constr_level2 (n,assoc))
+ else Some (Gramext.After (constr_level (out_some !after)))),
+ Some assoc, Some (constr_level n)
- Found a ->
+ Exit ->
level_stack := current :: !level_stack;
(* Just inherit the existing associativity and name (None) *)
- Some (Gramext.Level (constr_level2 (n,a))), None, None
+ Some (Gramext.Level (constr_level n)), None, None
let remove_levels n =
level_stack := list_skipn n !level_stack
@@ -663,19 +517,19 @@ let adjust_level assoc from = function
| (NumLevel n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> Some (Some (n,true))
(* Compute production name on the right side *)
(* If NonA or LeftA on the right-hand side, set to NEXT *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (false,Some (Gramext.NonA|Gramext.LeftA))) ->
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Right,Some (Gramext.NonA|Gramext.LeftA))) ->
Some None
(* If RightA on the right-hand side, set to the explicit (current) level *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (false,Some Gramext.RightA)) ->
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Right,Some Gramext.RightA)) ->
Some (Some (n,true))
(* Compute production name on the left side *)
(* If NonA on the left-hand side, adopt the current assoc ?? *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (true,Some Gramext.NonA)) -> None
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some Gramext.NonA)) -> None
(* If the expected assoc is the current one, set to SELF *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (true,Some a)) when a = camlp4_assoc assoc ->
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some a)) when a = camlp4_assoc assoc ->
(* Otherwise, force the level, n or n-1, according to expected assoc *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (true,Some a)) ->
+ | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some a)) ->
if a = Gramext.LeftA then Some (Some (n,true)) else Some None
(* None means NEXT *)
| (NextLevel,_) -> Some None
@@ -686,39 +540,11 @@ let adjust_level assoc from = function
| ETConstr (p,()) -> Some (Some (n,n=p))
| _ -> Some (Some (n,false))
- (* If NonA on the right-hand side, set to NEXT *)
- | (n,BorderProd (false,Some Gramext.NonA)) -> Some None
- (* If NonA on the left-hand side, adopt the current assoc ?? *)
- | (n,BorderProd (true,Some Gramext.NonA)) -> None
- (* Associativity is None means force the level *)
- | (n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> Some (Some (n,true))
- (* If left assoc at a left level, set NEXT on the right *)
- | (n,BorderProd (false,Some (Gramext.LeftA as a)))
- when Gramext.LeftA = camlp4_assoc assoc -> Some None
- (* If right or none assoc expected is the current assoc, set explicit
- level on the right side *)
- | (n,BorderProd (false,Some a)) when a = camlp4_assoc assoc ->
- Some (Some (n,true))
- (* If the expected assoc is the current one, SELF on the left sides *)
- | (n,BorderProd (true,Some a)) when a = camlp4_assoc assoc -> None
- (* Otherwise, force the level, n or n-1, according to expected assoc *)
- | (n,BorderProd (left,Some a)) ->
- if (left & a = Gramext.LeftA) or ((not left) & a = Gramext.RightA)
- then Some (Some (n,true)) else Some (Some (n-1,false))
-(* | (8,InternalProd) -> None (* Or (Some 8) for factorization ? *)*)
- | (n,InternalProd) ->
- match from with
- | ETConstr (p,()) when p = n+1 -> Some None
- | ETConstr (p,()) -> Some (Some (n,n=p))
- | _ -> Some (Some (n,false))
let compute_entry allow_create adjust forpat = function
| ETConstr (n,q) ->
(if forpat then weaken_entry Constr.pattern
else weaken_entry Constr.operconstr),
- (if forpat & !Options.v7 then None else adjust (n,q)), false
+ adjust (n,q), false
| ETIdent -> weaken_entry Constr.ident, None, false
| ETBigint -> weaken_entry Prim.bigint, None, false
| ETReference -> weaken_entry, None, false
@@ -734,42 +560,22 @@ let compute_entry allow_create adjust forpat = function
object_of_typed_entry e, None, true
(* This computes the name of the level where to add a new rule *)
-let get_constr_entry forpat en =
- match en with
- ETConstr(200,()) when not !Options.v7 & not forpat ->
- snd (get_entry (get_univ "constr") "binder_constr"),
- None,
- false
- | _ -> compute_entry true (fun (n,()) -> Some n) forpat en
+let get_constr_entry forpat = function
+ | ETConstr(200,()) when not forpat ->
+ weaken_entry Constr.binder_constr, None, false
+ | e ->
+ compute_entry true (fun (n,()) -> Some n) forpat e
(* This computes the name to give to a production knowing the name and
associativity of the level where it must be added *)
let get_constr_production_entry ass from forpat en =
- (* first 2 cases to help factorisation *)
- match en with
- | ETConstr (NumLevel 10,q) when !Options.v7 & not forpat ->
- weaken_entry Constr.lconstr, None, false
- | ETConstr (8,q) when !Options.v7 ->
- weaken_entry Constr.constr, None, false
- | _ -> compute_entry false (adjust_level ass from) forpat en
-let constr_prod_level assoc cur lev =
- if !Options.v7 then
- if cur then constr_level (lev,assoc) else
- match lev with
- | 4 when !Options.v7 -> "4L"
- | n -> string_of_int n
- else
- (* No duplication L/R of levels in v8 *)
- constr_level (lev,assoc)
+ compute_entry false (adjust_level ass from) forpat en
let is_self from e =
match from, e with
ETConstr(n,()), ETConstr(NumLevel n',
- BorderProd(false, _ (* Some(Gramext.NonA|Gramext.LeftA) *))) -> false
- | ETConstr(n,()), ETConstr(NumLevel n',BorderProd(true,_)) -> n=n'
+ BorderProd(Right, _ (* Some(Gramext.NonA|Gramext.LeftA) *))) -> false
+ | ETConstr(n,()), ETConstr(NumLevel n',BorderProd(Left,_)) -> n=n'
| (ETIdent,ETIdent | ETReference, ETReference | ETBigint,ETBigint
| ETPattern, ETPattern) -> true
| ETOther(s1,s2), ETOther(s1',s2') -> s1=s1' & s2=s2'
@@ -778,15 +584,14 @@ let is_self from e =
let is_binder_level from e =
match from, e with
- ETConstr(NumLevel 200,(BorderProd(false,_)|InternalProd)) ->
- not !Options.v7
+ ETConstr(NumLevel 200,(BorderProd(Right,_)|InternalProd)) -> true
| _ -> false
let rec symbol_of_production assoc from forpat typ =
if is_binder_level from typ then
- let eobj = snd (get_entry (get_univ "constr") "operconstr") in
- Gramext.Snterml (Gram.Entry.obj eobj,"200")
- else if is_self from typ then Gramext.Sself
+ Gramext.Snterml (Gram.Entry.obj Constr.operconstr,"200")
+ else if is_self from typ then
+ Gramext.Sself
match typ with
| ETConstrList (typ',[]) ->
@@ -803,4 +608,15 @@ let rec symbol_of_production assoc from forpat typ =
| (eobj,None,_) -> Gramext.Snterm (Gram.Entry.obj eobj)
| (eobj,Some None,_) -> Gramext.Snext
| (eobj,Some (Some (lev,cur)),_) ->
- Gramext.Snterml (Gram.Entry.obj eobj,constr_prod_level assoc cur lev)
+ Gramext.Snterml (Gram.Entry.obj eobj,constr_level lev)
+(* Coercions between entries *)
+let coerce_reference_to_id = function
+ | Ident (_,id) -> id
+ | Qualid (loc,_) ->
+ user_err_loc (loc, "coerce_reference_to_id",
+ str "This expression should be a simple identifier")
+let coerce_global_to_id = coerce_reference_to_id