path: root/parsing/compat.ml4
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/compat.ml4')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/compat.ml4 b/parsing/compat.ml4
index d1d55c81..befa0d01 100644
--- a/parsing/compat.ml4
+++ b/parsing/compat.ml4
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
(** Locations *)
+let file_loc_of_file = function
+| None -> ""
+| Some f -> f
module CompatLoc = struct
@@ -20,23 +24,49 @@ end
exception Exc_located = Ploc.Exc
-let ploc_make_loc fname lnb pos bpep = Ploc.make_loc fname lnb pos bpep ""
-let ploc_file_name = Ploc.file_name
-let ploc_make_loc fname lnb pos bpep = Ploc.make lnb pos bpep
-let ploc_file_name _ = ""
-let of_coqloc loc =
- let (fname, lnb, pos, bp, ep) = Loc.represent loc in
- ploc_make_loc fname lnb pos (bp,ep)
let to_coqloc loc =
- Loc.create (ploc_file_name loc) (Ploc.line_nb loc)
- (Ploc.bol_pos loc) (Ploc.first_pos loc, Ploc.last_pos loc)
+ { Loc.fname = Ploc.file_name loc;
+ Loc.line_nb = Ploc.line_nb loc;
+ Loc.bol_pos = Ploc.bol_pos loc;
+ Loc.bp = Ploc.first_pos loc;
+ Loc.ep = Ploc.last_pos loc;
+ Loc.line_nb_last = Ploc.line_nb_last loc;
+ Loc.bol_pos_last = Ploc.bol_pos_last loc; }
+let make_loc fname line_nb bol_pos bp ep = Ploc.make_loc (file_loc_of_file fname) line_nb bol_pos (bp, ep) ""
+(* Update a loc without allocating an intermediate pair *)
+let set_loc_pos loc bp ep =
+ Ploc.sub loc (bp - Ploc.first_pos loc) (ep - bp)
+(* Increase line number by 1 and update position of beginning of line *)
+let bump_loc_line loc bol_pos =
+ Ploc.make_loc (Ploc.file_name loc) (Ploc.line_nb loc + 1) bol_pos
+ (Ploc.first_pos loc, Ploc.last_pos loc) (Ploc.comment loc)
+(* Same as [bump_loc_line], but for the last line in location *)
+(* For an obscure reason, camlp5 does not give an easy way to set line_nb_stop,
+ so we have to resort to a hack merging two locations. *)
+(* Warning: [bump_loc_line_last] changes the end position. You may need to call
+ [set_loc_pos] to fix it. *)
+let bump_loc_line_last loc bol_pos =
+ let loc' =
+ Ploc.make_loc (Ploc.file_name loc) (Ploc.line_nb_last loc + 1) bol_pos
+ (Ploc.first_pos loc + 1, Ploc.last_pos loc + 1) (Ploc.comment loc)
+ in
+ Ploc.encl loc loc'
-let make_loc = Ploc.make_unlined
+let set_loc_file loc fname =
+ Ploc.make_loc fname (Ploc.line_nb loc) (Ploc.bol_pos loc)
+ (Ploc.first_pos loc, Ploc.last_pos loc) (Ploc.comment loc)
+(* For some reason, the [Ploc.after] function of Camlp5 does not update line
+ numbers, so we define our own function that does it. *)
+let after loc =
+ let line_nb = Ploc.line_nb_last loc in
+ let bol_pos = Ploc.bol_pos_last loc in
+ Ploc.make_loc (Ploc.file_name loc) line_nb bol_pos
+ (Ploc.last_pos loc, Ploc.last_pos loc) (Ploc.comment loc)
@@ -44,16 +74,39 @@ module CompatLoc = Camlp4.PreCast.Loc
exception Exc_located = CompatLoc.Exc_located
-let of_coqloc loc =
- let (fname, lnb, pos, bp, ep) = Loc.represent loc in
- CompatLoc.of_tuple (fname, 0, 0, bp, 0, 0, ep, false)
let to_coqloc loc =
- Loc.create (CompatLoc.file_name loc) (CompatLoc.start_line loc)
- (CompatLoc.start_bol loc) (CompatLoc.start_off loc, CompatLoc.stop_off loc)
+ { Loc.fname = CompatLoc.file_name loc;
+ Loc.line_nb = CompatLoc.start_line loc;
+ Loc.bol_pos = CompatLoc.start_bol loc;
+ Loc.bp = CompatLoc.start_off loc;
+ Loc.ep = CompatLoc.stop_off loc;
+ Loc.line_nb_last = CompatLoc.stop_line loc;
+ Loc.bol_pos_last = CompatLoc.stop_bol loc; }
+let make_loc fname line_nb bol_pos start stop =
+ CompatLoc.of_tuple (file_loc_of_file fname, line_nb, bol_pos, start, line_nb, bol_pos, stop, false)
+open CompatLoc
+let set_loc_pos loc bp ep =
+ of_tuple (file_name loc, start_line loc, start_bol loc, bp,
+ stop_line loc, stop_bol loc, ep, is_ghost loc)
+let bump_loc_line loc bol_pos =
+ of_tuple (file_name loc, start_line loc + 1, bol_pos, start_off loc,
+ start_line loc + 1, bol_pos, stop_off loc, is_ghost loc)
-let make_loc (start, stop) =
- CompatLoc.of_tuple ("", 0, 0, start, 0, 0, stop, false)
+let bump_loc_line_last loc bol_pos =
+ of_tuple (file_name loc, start_line loc, start_bol loc, start_off loc,
+ stop_line loc + 1, bol_pos, stop_off loc, is_ghost loc)
+let set_loc_file loc fname =
+ of_tuple (file_loc_of_file fname, start_line loc, start_bol loc, start_off loc,
+ stop_line loc, stop_bol loc, stop_off loc, is_ghost loc)
+let after loc =
+ of_tuple (file_name loc, stop_line loc, stop_bol loc, stop_off loc,
+ stop_line loc, stop_bol loc, stop_off loc, is_ghost loc)
@@ -65,6 +118,7 @@ IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN
module PcamlSig = struct end
module Token = Token
+module CompatGramext = struct include Gramext type assoc = g_assoc end
@@ -73,69 +127,11 @@ module Ast = Camlp4.PreCast.Ast
module Pcaml = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax
module MLast = Ast
module Token = struct exception Error of string end
+module CompatGramext = Camlp4.Sig.Grammar
-(** Grammar auxiliary types *)
-let to_coq_assoc = function
-| Gramext.RightA -> Extend.RightA
-| Gramext.LeftA -> Extend.LeftA
-| Gramext.NonA -> Extend.NonA
-let of_coq_assoc = function
-| Extend.RightA -> Gramext.RightA
-| Extend.LeftA -> Gramext.LeftA
-| Extend.NonA -> Gramext.NonA
-let of_coq_position = function
-| Extend.First -> Gramext.First
-| Extend.Last -> Gramext.Last
-| Extend.Before s -> Gramext.Before s
-| Extend.After s -> Gramext.After s
-| Extend.Level s -> Gramext.Level s
-let to_coq_position = function
-| Gramext.First -> Extend.First
-| Gramext.Last -> Extend.Last
-| Gramext.Before s -> Extend.Before s
-| Gramext.After s -> Extend.After s
-| Gramext.Level s -> Extend.Level s
-| Gramext.Like _ -> assert false (** dont use it, not in camlp4 *)
-let to_coq_assoc = function
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.RightA -> Extend.RightA
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.LeftA -> Extend.LeftA
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.NonA -> Extend.NonA
-let of_coq_assoc = function
-| Extend.RightA -> PcamlSig.Grammar.RightA
-| Extend.LeftA -> PcamlSig.Grammar.LeftA
-| Extend.NonA -> PcamlSig.Grammar.NonA
-let of_coq_position = function
-| Extend.First -> PcamlSig.Grammar.First
-| Extend.Last -> PcamlSig.Grammar.Last
-| Extend.Before s -> PcamlSig.Grammar.Before s
-| Extend.After s -> PcamlSig.Grammar.After s
-| Extend.Level s -> PcamlSig.Grammar.Level s
-let to_coq_position = function
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.First -> Extend.First
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.Last -> Extend.Last
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.Before s -> Extend.Before s
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.After s -> Extend.After s
-| PcamlSig.Grammar.Level s -> Extend.Level s
-(** Signature of Lexer *)
+(** Signature of CLexer *)
@@ -146,12 +142,23 @@ module type LexerSig = sig
exception E of t
val to_string : t -> string
+ type lexer_state
+ val init_lexer_state : string option -> lexer_state
+ val set_lexer_state : lexer_state -> unit
+ val release_lexer_state : unit -> lexer_state
+ val drop_lexer_state : unit -> unit
-module type LexerSig =
- Camlp4.Sig.Lexer with module Loc = CompatLoc and type Token.t = Tok.t
+module type LexerSig = sig
+ include Camlp4.Sig.Lexer with module Loc = CompatLoc and type Token.t = Tok.t
+ type lexer_state
+ val init_lexer_state : string option -> lexer_state
+ val set_lexer_state : lexer_state -> unit
+ val release_lexer_state : unit -> lexer_state
+ val drop_lexer_state : unit -> unit
@@ -170,10 +177,13 @@ module type GrammarSig = sig
string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * production_rule list
type extend_statment =
Gramext.position option * single_extend_statment list
+ type coq_parsable
+ val parsable : ?file:string -> char Stream.t -> coq_parsable
val action : 'a -> action
val entry_create : string -> 'a entry
- val entry_parse : 'a entry -> parsable -> 'a
+ val entry_parse : 'a entry -> coq_parsable -> 'a
val entry_print : Format.formatter -> 'a entry -> unit
+ val with_parsable : coq_parsable -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol
val parse_tokens_after_filter : 'a entry -> Tok.t Stream.t -> 'a
@@ -189,16 +199,37 @@ module GrammarMake (L:LexerSig) : GrammarSig = struct
string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * production_rule list
type extend_statment =
Gramext.position option * single_extend_statment list
+ type coq_parsable = parsable * L.lexer_state ref
+ let parsable ?file c =
+ let state = ref (L.init_lexer_state file) in
+ L.set_lexer_state !state;
+ let a = parsable c in
+ state := L.release_lexer_state ();
+ (a,state)
let action = Gramext.action
let entry_create = Entry.create
- let entry_parse e p =
- try Entry.parse e p
- with Exc_located (loc,e) -> Loc.raise (to_coqloc loc) e
+ let entry_parse e (p,state) =
+ L.set_lexer_state !state;
+ try
+ let c = Entry.parse e p in
+ state := L.release_lexer_state ();
+ c
+ with Exc_located (loc,e) ->
+ L.drop_lexer_state ();
+ let loc' = Loc.get_loc ( e) in
+ let loc = match loc' with None -> to_coqloc loc | Some loc -> loc in
+ Loc.raise loc e
+ let with_parsable (p,state) f x =
+ L.set_lexer_state !state;
+ try
+ let a = f x in
+ state := L.release_lexer_state ();
+ a
+ with e ->
+ L.drop_lexer_state ();
+ raise e
let entry_print ft x = Entry.print ft x
- let entry_print _ x = Entry.print x
let srules' = Gramext.srules
let parse_tokens_after_filter = Entry.parse_token
@@ -210,12 +241,13 @@ module type GrammarSig = sig
with module Loc = CompatLoc and type Token.t = Tok.t
type 'a entry = 'a Entry.t
type action = Action.t
- type parsable
- val parsable : char Stream.t -> parsable
+ type coq_parsable
+ val parsable : ?file:string -> char Stream.t -> coq_parsable
val action : 'a -> action
val entry_create : string -> 'a entry
- val entry_parse : 'a entry -> parsable -> 'a
+ val entry_parse : 'a entry -> coq_parsable -> 'a
val entry_print : Format.formatter -> 'a entry -> unit
+ val with_parsable : coq_parsable -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol
@@ -225,19 +257,96 @@ module GrammarMake (L:LexerSig) : GrammarSig = struct
include Camlp4.Struct.Grammar.Static.Make (L)
type 'a entry = 'a Entry.t
type action = Action.t
- type parsable = char Stream.t
- let parsable s = s
+ type coq_parsable = char Stream.t * L.lexer_state ref
+ let parsable ?file s = let state = ref (L.init_lexer_state file) in (s, state)
let action =
let entry_create =
- let entry_parse e s =
- try parse e (*FIXME*)CompatLoc.ghost s
- with Exc_located (loc,e) -> raise_coq_loc loc e
+ let entry_parse e (s,state) =
+ L.set_lexer_state !state;
+ try
+ let c = parse e (*FIXME*)CompatLoc.ghost s in
+ state := L.release_lexer_state ();
+ c
+ with Exc_located (loc,e) ->
+ L.drop_lexer_state ();
+ raise_coq_loc loc e;;
+ let with_parsable (p,state) f x =
+ L.set_lexer_state !state;
+ try
+ let a = f x in
+ state := L.release_lexer_state ();
+ a
+ with e ->
+ L.drop_lexer_state ();
+ Pervasives.raise e;;
let entry_print ft x = Entry.print ft x
let srules' = srules (entry_create "dummy")
+(** Some definitions are grammar-specific in Camlp4, so we use a functor to
+ depend on it while taking a dummy argument in Camlp5. *)
+module GramextMake (G : GrammarSig) :
+ val stoken : Tok.t -> G.symbol
+ val sself : G.symbol
+ val snext : G.symbol
+ val slist0 : G.symbol -> G.symbol
+ val slist0sep : G.symbol * G.symbol -> G.symbol
+ val slist1 : G.symbol -> G.symbol
+ val slist1sep : G.symbol * G.symbol -> G.symbol
+ val sopt : G.symbol -> G.symbol
+ val snterml : G.internal_entry * string -> G.symbol
+ val snterm : G.internal_entry -> G.symbol
+ val snterml_level : G.symbol -> string
+end =
+ let stoken tok =
+ let pattern = match tok with
+ | Tok.KEYWORD s -> "", s
+ | Tok.IDENT s -> "IDENT", s
+ | Tok.FIELD s -> "FIELD", s
+ | Tok.INT s -> "INT", s
+ | Tok.STRING s -> "STRING", s
+ | Tok.BULLET s -> "BULLET", s
+ | Tok.EOI -> "EOI", ""
+ in
+ Gramext.Stoken pattern
+ module Gramext = G
+ let stoken tok = match tok with
+ | Tok.KEYWORD s -> Gramext.Skeyword s
+ | tok -> Gramext.Stoken (Tok.equal tok, G.Token.to_string tok)
+ let slist0sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist0sep (x, y, false)
+ let slist1sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist1sep (x, y, false)
+ let slist0sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist0sep (x, y)
+ let slist1sep (x, y) = Gramext.Slist1sep (x, y)
+ let snterml (x, y) = Gramext.Snterml (x, y)
+ let snterm x = Gramext.Snterm x
+ let sself = Gramext.Sself
+ let snext = Gramext.Snext
+ let slist0 x = Gramext.Slist0 x
+ let slist1 x = Gramext.Slist1 x
+ let sopt x = Gramext.Sopt x
+ let snterml_level = function
+ | Gramext.Snterml (_, l) -> l
+ | _ -> failwith "snterml_level"
(** Misc functional adjustments *)
@@ -303,23 +412,10 @@ let make_fun loc cl =
-(** Explicit antiquotation $anti:... $ *)
-let expl_anti loc e = <:expr< $anti:e$ >>
-let expl_anti _loc e = e (* FIXME: understand someday if we can do better *)
-(** Qualified names in OCaml *)
-let qualified_name loc path name =
- let fold dir accu = <:expr< $uid:dir$.$accu$ >> in
- List.fold_right fold path <:expr< $lid:name$ >>
+let warning_verbose = Gramext.warning_verbose
-let qualified_name loc path name =
- let fold dir accu = Ast.IdAcc (loc, Ast.IdUid (loc, dir), accu) in
- let path = List.fold_right fold path (Ast.IdLid (loc, name)) in
- Ast.ExId (loc, path)
+(* TODO: this is a workaround, since there isn't such
+ [warning_verbose] in new camlp4. *)
+let warning_verbose = ref true