path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5347583f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:27 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Reduction
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Type_errors
+open Indtypes
+open Typeops
+let constrain_type env j cst1 = function
+ | None -> j.uj_type, cst1
+ | Some t ->
+ let (tj,cst2) = infer_type env t in
+ let cst3 =
+ try conv_leq env j.uj_type tj.utj_val
+ with NotConvertible -> error_actual_type env j tj.utj_val in
+ let typ =
+ if t = tj.utj_val then t else
+ (error "Kernel built a type different from its input\n";
+ flush stdout; tj.utj_val) in
+ typ, Constraint.union (Constraint.union cst1 cst2) cst3
+let translate_local_def env (b,topt) =
+ let (j,cst) = infer env b in
+ let (typ,cst) = constrain_type env j cst topt in
+ (j.uj_val,typ,cst)
+let translate_local_assum env t =
+ let (j,cst) = infer env t in
+ let t = Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j in
+ (t,cst)
+(* Same as push_named, but check that the variable is not already
+ there. Should *not* be done in Environ because tactics add temporary
+ hypothesis many many times, and the check performed here would
+ cost too much. *)
+let safe_push_named (id,_,_ as d) env =
+ let _ =
+ try
+ let _ = lookup_named id env in
+ error ("identifier "^string_of_id id^" already defined")
+ with Not_found -> () in
+ push_named d env
+let push_named_def = push_rel_or_named_def safe_push_named
+let push_rel_def = push_rel_or_named_def push_rel
+let push_rel_or_named_assum push (id,t) env =
+ let (j,cst) = safe_infer env t in
+ let t = Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j in
+ let env' = add_constraints cst env in
+ let env'' = push (id,None,t) env' in
+ (cst,env'')
+let push_named_assum = push_rel_or_named_assum push_named
+let push_rel_assum d env = snd (push_rel_or_named_assum push_rel d env)
+let push_rels_with_univ vars env =
+ List.fold_left (fun env nvar -> push_rel_assum nvar env) env vars
+(* Insertion of constants and parameters in environment. *)
+let infer_declaration env dcl =
+ match dcl with
+ | DefinitionEntry c ->
+ let (j,cst) = infer env c.const_entry_body in
+ let (typ,cst) = constrain_type env j cst c.const_entry_type in
+ Some (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val), typ, cst, c.const_entry_opaque
+ | ParameterEntry t ->
+ let (j,cst) = infer env t in
+ None, Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j, cst, false
+let build_constant_declaration env (body,typ,cst,op) =
+ let ids = match body with
+ | None -> global_vars_set env typ
+ | Some b ->
+ Idset.union
+ (global_vars_set env (Declarations.force b))
+ (global_vars_set env typ)
+ in
+ let hyps = keep_hyps env ids in
+ { const_body = body;
+ const_type = typ;
+ const_hyps = hyps;
+ const_constraints = cst;
+ const_opaque = op }
+(*s Global and local constant declaration. *)
+let translate_constant env ce =
+ build_constant_declaration env (infer_declaration env ce)
+let translate_recipe env r =
+ build_constant_declaration env (Cooking.cook_constant env r)
+(* Insertion of inductive types. *)
+let translate_mind env mie = check_inductive env mie