path: root/kernel/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f180599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Reduction
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Typeops
+open Type_errors
+open Indtypes
+open Term_typing
+open Modops
+open Subtyping
+open Mod_typing
+type modvariant =
+ | NONE
+ | SIG of (* funsig params *) (mod_bound_id * module_type_body) list
+ | STRUCT of (* functor params *) (mod_bound_id * module_type_body) list
+ * (* optional result type *) module_type_body option
+ | LIBRARY of dir_path
+type module_info =
+ { msid : mod_self_id;
+ modpath : module_path;
+ seed : dir_path; (* the "seed" of unique identifier generator *)
+ label : label;
+ variant : modvariant}
+let check_label l labset =
+ if Labset.mem l labset then error_existing_label l
+type library_info = dir_path * Digest.t
+type safe_environment =
+ { old : safe_environment;
+ env : env;
+ modinfo : module_info;
+ labset : Labset.t;
+ revsign : module_signature_body;
+ revstruct : module_structure_body;
+ imports : library_info list;
+ loads : (module_path * module_body) list }
+ { old = senv.old;
+ env = ;
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = ;
+ revsign = ;
+ imports = senv.imports ;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* a small hack to avoid variants and an unused case in all functions *)
+let rec empty_environment =
+ { old = empty_environment;
+ env = empty_env;
+ modinfo = {
+ msid = initial_msid;
+ modpath = initial_path;
+ seed = initial_dir;
+ label = mk_label "_";
+ variant = NONE};
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = [];
+ loads = [] }
+let env_of_safe_env senv = senv.env
+let env_of_senv = env_of_safe_env
+(* Insertion of section variables. They are now typed before being
+ added to the environment. *)
+(* Same as push_named, but check that the variable is not already
+ there. Should *not* be done in Environ because tactics add temporary
+ hypothesis many many times, and the check performed here would
+ cost too much. *)
+let safe_push_named (id,_,_ as d) env =
+ let _ =
+ try
+ let _ = lookup_named id env in
+ error ("identifier "^string_of_id id^" already defined")
+ with Not_found -> () in
+ Environ.push_named d env
+let push_named_def (id,b,topt) senv =
+ let (c,typ,cst) = translate_local_def senv.env (b,topt) in
+ let env' = add_constraints cst senv.env in
+ let env'' = safe_push_named (id,Some c,typ) env' in
+ (cst, {senv with env=env''})
+let push_named_assum (id,t) senv =
+ let (t,cst) = translate_local_assum senv.env t in
+ let env' = add_constraints cst senv.env in
+ let env'' = safe_push_named (id,None,t) env' in
+ (cst, {senv with env=env''})
+(* Insertion of constants and parameters in environment. *)
+type global_declaration =
+ | ConstantEntry of constant_entry
+ | GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe
+let hcons_constant_body cb =
+ let body = match cb.const_body with
+ None -> None
+ | Some l_constr -> let constr = Declarations.force l_constr in
+ Some (Declarations.from_val (hcons1_constr constr))
+ in
+ { cb with
+ const_body = body;
+ const_type = hcons1_constr cb.const_type }
+let add_constant dir l decl senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let cb = match decl with
+ ConstantEntry ce -> translate_constant senv.env ce
+ | GlobalRecipe r ->
+ let cb = translate_recipe senv.env r in
+ if dir = empty_dirpath then hcons_constant_body cb else cb
+ in
+(* let cb = if dir = empty_dirpath then hcons_constant_body cb else cb in*)
+ let env' = Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints senv.env in
+ let kn = make_kn senv.modinfo.modpath dir l in
+ let env'' = Environ.add_constant kn cb env' in
+ kn, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env'';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBconst cb)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBconst cb)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* Insertion of inductive types. *)
+let add_mind dir l mie senv =
+ if mie.mind_entry_inds = [] then
+ anomaly "empty inductive types declaration";
+ (* this test is repeated by translate_mind *)
+ let id = (List.nth mie.mind_entry_inds 0).mind_entry_typename in
+ if l <> label_of_id id then
+ anomaly ("the label of inductive packet and its first inductive"^
+ " type do not match");
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ (* TODO: when we will allow reorderings we will have to verify
+ all labels *)
+ let mib = translate_mind senv.env mie in
+ let env' = Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints senv.env in
+ let kn = make_kn senv.modinfo.modpath dir l in
+ let env'' = Environ.add_mind kn mib env' in
+ kn, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env'';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset; (* TODO: the same as above *)
+ revsign = (l,SPBmind mib)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmind mib)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* Insertion of module types *)
+let add_modtype l mte senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let mtb = translate_modtype senv.env mte in
+ let env' = add_modtype_constraints senv.env mtb in
+ let kn = make_kn senv.modinfo.modpath empty_dirpath l in
+ let env'' = Environ.add_modtype kn mtb env' in
+ kn, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env'';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodtype mtb)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodtype mtb)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* full_add_module adds module with universes and constraints *)
+let full_add_module mp mb env =
+ let env = add_module_constraints env mb in
+ let env = Modops.add_module mp mb env in
+ env
+(* Insertion of modules *)
+let add_module l me senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let mb = translate_module senv.env me in
+ let mspec = module_spec_of_body mb in
+ let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in
+ let env' = full_add_module mp mb senv.env in
+ mp, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodule mspec)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodule mb)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* Interactive modules *)
+let start_module l params result senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let rec trans_params env = function
+ | [] -> env,[]
+ | (mbid,mte)::rest ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ let env =
+ full_add_module (MPbound mbid) (module_body_of_type mtb) env
+ in
+ let env,transrest = trans_params env rest in
+ env, (mbid,mtb)::transrest
+ in
+ let env,params_body = trans_params senv.env params in
+ let check_sig mtb = match scrape_modtype env mtb with
+ | MTBsig _ -> ()
+ | MTBfunsig _ -> error_result_must_be_signature mtb
+ | _ -> anomaly "start_module: modtype not scraped"
+ in
+ let result_body = option_app (translate_modtype env) result in
+ ignore (option_app check_sig result_body);
+ let msid = make_msid senv.modinfo.seed (string_of_label l) in
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let modinfo = { msid = msid;
+ modpath = mp;
+ seed = senv.modinfo.seed;
+ label = l;
+ variant = STRUCT(params_body,result_body) }
+ in
+ mp, { old = senv;
+ env = env;
+ modinfo = modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = [] }
+let end_module l senv =
+ let oldsenv = senv.old in
+ let modinfo = senv.modinfo in
+ let params, restype =
+ match modinfo.variant with
+ | NONE | LIBRARY _ | SIG _ -> error_no_module_to_end ()
+ | STRUCT(params,restype) -> (params,restype)
+ in
+ if l <> modinfo.label then error_incompatible_labels l modinfo.label;
+ if not (empty_context senv.env) then error_local_context None;
+ let functorize_type =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_b) mtb -> MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_b,mtb))
+ params
+ in
+ let auto_tb = MTBsig (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revsign) in
+ let mtb, mod_user_type, cst =
+ match restype with
+ | None -> functorize_type auto_tb, None, Constraint.empty
+ | Some res_tb ->
+ let cst = check_subtypes senv.env auto_tb res_tb in
+ let mtb = functorize_type res_tb in
+ mtb, Some mtb, cst
+ in
+ let mexpr =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_b) mtb -> MEBfunctor (arg_id,arg_b,mtb))
+ params
+ (MEBstruct (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revstruct))
+ in
+ let mb =
+ { mod_expr = Some mexpr;
+ mod_user_type = mod_user_type;
+ mod_type = mtb;
+ mod_equiv = None;
+ mod_constraints = cst }
+ in
+ let mspec =
+ { msb_modtype = mtb;
+ msb_equiv = None;
+ msb_constraints = Constraint.empty }
+ in
+ let mp = MPdot (oldsenv.modinfo.modpath, l) in
+ let newenv = oldsenv.env in
+ let newenv =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (mp,mb) -> full_add_module mp mb env)
+ newenv
+ senv.loads
+ in
+ let newenv =
+ full_add_module mp mb newenv
+ in
+ mp, { old = oldsenv.old;
+ env = newenv;
+ modinfo = oldsenv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l oldsenv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodule mspec)::oldsenv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodule mb)::oldsenv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads@oldsenv.loads }
+(* Interactive module types *)
+let start_modtype l params senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let rec trans_params env = function
+ | [] -> env,[]
+ | (mbid,mte)::rest ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ let env =
+ full_add_module (MPbound mbid) (module_body_of_type mtb) env
+ in
+ let env,transrest = trans_params env rest in
+ env, (mbid,mtb)::transrest
+ in
+ let env,params_body = trans_params senv.env params in
+ let msid = make_msid senv.modinfo.seed (string_of_label l) in
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let modinfo = { msid = msid;
+ modpath = mp;
+ seed = senv.modinfo.seed;
+ label = l;
+ variant = SIG params_body }
+ in
+ mp, { old = senv;
+ env = env;
+ modinfo = modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = [] }
+let end_modtype l senv =
+ let oldsenv = senv.old in
+ let modinfo = senv.modinfo in
+ let params =
+ match modinfo.variant with
+ | LIBRARY _ | NONE | STRUCT _ -> error_no_modtype_to_end ()
+ | SIG params -> params
+ in
+ if l <> modinfo.label then error_incompatible_labels l modinfo.label;
+ if not (empty_context senv.env) then error_local_context None;
+ let res_tb = MTBsig (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revsign) in
+ let mtb =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_b) mtb -> MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_b,mtb))
+ params
+ res_tb
+ in
+ let kn = make_kn oldsenv.modinfo.modpath empty_dirpath l in
+ let newenv = oldsenv.env in
+ let newenv =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (mp,mb) -> full_add_module mp mb env)
+ newenv
+ senv.loads
+ in
+ let newenv =
+ add_modtype_constraints newenv mtb
+ in
+ let newenv =
+ Environ.add_modtype kn mtb newenv
+ in
+ kn, { old = oldsenv.old;
+ env = newenv;
+ modinfo = oldsenv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l oldsenv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodtype mtb)::oldsenv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodtype mtb)::oldsenv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads@oldsenv.loads }
+let current_modpath senv = senv.modinfo.modpath
+let current_msid senv = senv.modinfo.msid
+let add_constraints cst senv =
+ {senv with env = Environ.add_constraints cst senv.env}
+(* Check that the engagement expected by a library matches the initial one *)
+let check_engagement env c =
+ match Environ.engagement env, c with
+ | Some ImpredicativeSet, Some ImpredicativeSet -> ()
+ | _, None -> ()
+ | _, Some ImpredicativeSet ->
+ error "Needs option -impredicative-set"
+let set_engagement c senv =
+ {senv with env = Environ.set_engagement c senv.env}
+(* Libraries = Compiled modules *)
+type compiled_library =
+ dir_path * module_body * library_info list * engagement option
+(* We check that only initial state Require's were performed before
+ [start_library] was called *)
+let start_library dir senv =
+ if not (senv.revsign = [] &&
+ senv.modinfo.msid = initial_msid &&
+ senv.modinfo.variant = NONE)
+ then
+ anomaly "Safe_typing.start_library: environment should be empty";
+ let dir_path,l =
+ match (repr_dirpath dir) with
+ [] -> anomaly "Empty dirpath in Safe_typing.start_library"
+ | hd::tl ->
+ make_dirpath tl, label_of_id hd
+ in
+ let msid = make_msid dir_path (string_of_label l) in
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let modinfo = { msid = msid;
+ modpath = mp;
+ seed = dir;
+ label = l;
+ variant = LIBRARY dir }
+ in
+ mp, { old = senv;
+ env = senv.env;
+ modinfo = modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = [] }
+let export senv dir =
+ let modinfo = senv.modinfo in
+ begin
+ match modinfo.variant with
+ | LIBRARY dp ->
+ if dir <> dp then
+ anomaly "We are not exporting the right library!"
+ | _ ->
+ anomaly "We are not exporting the library"
+ end;
+ (*if senv.modinfo.params <> [] || senv.modinfo.restype <> None then
+ (* error_export_simple *) (); *)
+ let mb =
+ { mod_expr = Some (MEBstruct (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revstruct));
+ mod_type = MTBsig (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revsign);
+ mod_user_type = None;
+ mod_equiv = None;
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty }
+ in
+ modinfo.msid, (dir,mb,senv.imports,engagement senv.env)
+let check_imports senv needed =
+ let imports = senv.imports in
+ let check (id,stamp) =
+ try
+ let actual_stamp = List.assoc id imports in
+ if stamp <> actual_stamp then
+ error ("Inconsistent assumptions over module " ^(string_of_dirpath id))
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Reference to unknown module " ^ (string_of_dirpath id))
+ in
+ List.iter check needed
+(* we have an inefficiency: Since loaded files are added to the
+environment every time a module is closed, their components are
+calculated many times. Thic could be avoided in several ways:
+1 - for each file create a dummy environment containing only this
+file's components, merge this environment with the global
+environment, and store for the future (instead of just its type)
+2 - create "persistent modules" environment table in Environ add put
+loaded by side-effect once and for all (like it is done in OCaml).
+Would this be correct with respect to undo's and stuff ?
+let import (dp,mb,depends,engmt) digest senv =
+ check_imports senv depends;
+ check_engagement senv.env engmt;
+ let mp = MPfile dp in
+ let env = senv.env in
+ mp, { senv with
+ env = full_add_module mp mb env;
+ imports = (dp,digest)::senv.imports;
+ loads = (mp,mb)::senv.loads }
+(** Remove the body of opaque constants in modules *)
+let rec lighten_module mb =
+ { mb with
+ mod_expr = option_app lighten_modexpr mb.mod_expr;
+ mod_type = lighten_modtype mb.mod_type;
+ mod_user_type = option_app lighten_modtype mb.mod_user_type }
+and lighten_modtype = function
+ | MTBident kn as x -> x
+ | MTBfunsig (mbid,mtb1,mtb2) ->
+ MTBfunsig (mbid, lighten_modtype mtb1, lighten_modtype mtb2)
+ | MTBsig (msid,sign) -> MTBsig (msid, lighten_sig sign)
+and lighten_modspec ms =
+ { ms with msb_modtype = lighten_modtype ms.msb_modtype }
+and lighten_sig sign =
+ let lighten_spec (l,spec) = (l,match spec with
+ | SPBconst ({const_opaque=true} as x) -> SPBconst {x with const_body=None}
+ | (SPBconst _ | SPBmind _) as x -> x
+ | SPBmodule m -> SPBmodule (lighten_modspec m)
+ | SPBmodtype m -> SPBmodtype (lighten_modtype m))
+ in
+ lighten_spec sign
+and lighten_struct struc =
+ let lighten_body (l,body) = (l,match body with
+ | SEBconst ({const_opaque=true} as x) -> SEBconst {x with const_body=None}
+ | (SEBconst _ | SEBmind _) as x -> x
+ | SEBmodule m -> SEBmodule (lighten_module m)
+ | SEBmodtype m -> SEBmodtype (lighten_modtype m))
+ in
+ lighten_body struc
+and lighten_modexpr = function
+ | MEBfunctor (mbid,mty,mexpr) ->
+ MEBfunctor (mbid,lighten_modtype mty,lighten_modexpr mexpr)
+ | MEBident mp as x -> x
+ | MEBstruct (msid, struc) ->
+ MEBstruct (msid, lighten_struct struc)
+ | MEBapply (mexpr,marg,u) ->
+ MEBapply (lighten_modexpr mexpr,lighten_modexpr marg,u)
+let lighten_library (dp,mb,depends,s) = (dp,lighten_module mb,depends,s)
+type judgment = unsafe_judgment
+let j_val j = j.uj_val
+let j_type j = j.uj_type
+let safe_infer senv = infer (env_of_senv senv)
+let typing senv = Typeops.typing (env_of_senv senv)