path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index d81b98ac..145ca27d 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ open Cbytegen
external tcode_of_code : emitcodes -> int -> tcode = "coq_tcode_of_code"
external free_tcode : tcode -> unit = "coq_static_free"
external eval_tcode : tcode -> values array -> values = "coq_eval_tcode"
(* Linkage du code *)
(* Table des globaux *)
-(* [global_data] contient les valeurs des constantes globales
- (axiomes,definitions), les annotations des switch et les structured
+(* [global_data] contient les valeurs des constantes globales
+ (axiomes,definitions), les annotations des switch et les structured
constant *)
external global_data : unit -> values array = "get_coq_global_data"
@@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ external realloc_global_data : int -> unit = "realloc_coq_global_data"
let check_global_data n =
if n >= Array.length (global_data()) then realloc_global_data n
let num_global = ref 0
-let set_global v =
+let set_global v =
let n = !num_global in
check_global_data n;
(global_data()).(n) <- v;
incr num_global;
-(* [global_transp],[global_boxed] contiennent les valeurs des
- definitions gelees. Les deux versions sont maintenues en //.
+(* [global_transp],[global_boxed] contiennent les valeurs des
+ definitions gelees. Les deux versions sont maintenues en //.
[global_transp] contient la version transparente.
[global_boxed] contient la version gelees. *)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ external realloc_global_boxed : int -> unit = "realloc_coq_global_boxed"
let check_global_boxed n =
if n >= Array.length (global_boxed()) then realloc_global_boxed n
let num_boxed = ref 0
let boxed_tbl = Hashtbl.create 53
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let cst_opaque = ref Cpred.full
let is_opaque kn = Cpred.mem kn !cst_opaque
-let set_global_boxed kn v =
+let set_global_boxed kn v =
let n = !num_boxed in
check_global_boxed n;
(global_boxed()).(n) <- (is_opaque kn);
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ let key rk =
(* slot_for_*, calcul la valeur de l'objet, la place
dans la table global, rend sa position dans la table *)
let slot_for_str_cst key =
- try Hashtbl.find str_cst_tbl key
- with Not_found ->
+ try Hashtbl.find str_cst_tbl key
+ with Not_found ->
let n = set_global (val_of_str_const key) in
Hashtbl.add str_cst_tbl key n;
let slot_for_annot key =
- try Hashtbl.find annot_tbl key
- with Not_found ->
- let n = set_global (Obj.magic key) in
+ try Hashtbl.find annot_tbl key
+ with Not_found ->
+ let n = set_global (val_of_annot_switch key) in
Hashtbl.add annot_tbl key n;
@@ -112,25 +112,25 @@ let rec slot_for_getglobal env kn =
with NotEvaluated ->
let pos =
match Cemitcodes.force cb.const_body_code with
- | BCdefined(boxed,(code,pl,fv)) ->
+ | BCdefined(boxed,(code,pl,fv)) ->
let v = eval_to_patch env (code,pl,fv) in
- if boxed then set_global_boxed kn v
- else set_global v
- | BCallias kn' -> slot_for_getglobal env kn'
+ if boxed then set_global_boxed kn v
+ else set_global v
+ | BCallias kn' -> slot_for_getglobal env kn'
| BCconstant -> set_global (val_of_constant kn) in
rk := Some pos;
and slot_for_fv env fv =
match fv with
- | FVnamed id ->
+ | FVnamed id ->
let nv = Pre_env.lookup_named_val id env in
match !nv with
| VKvalue (v,_) -> v
- | VKnone ->
+ | VKnone ->
let (_, b, _) = Sign.lookup_named id env.env_named_context in
- let v,d =
+ let v,d =
match b with
| None -> (val_of_named id, Idset.empty)
| Some c -> (val_of_constr env c, Environ.global_vars_set (Environ.env_of_pre_env env) c)
@@ -142,43 +142,43 @@ and slot_for_fv env fv =
match !rv with
| VKvalue (v, _) -> v
- | VKnone ->
- let (_, b, _) = Sign.lookup_rel i env.env_rel_context in
+ | VKnone ->
+ let (_, b, _) = lookup_rel i env.env_rel_context in
let (v, d) =
- match b with
+ match b with
| None -> (val_of_rel i, Idset.empty)
| Some c -> let renv = env_of_rel i env in
(val_of_constr renv c, Environ.global_vars_set (Environ.env_of_pre_env renv) c)
rv := VKvalue (v,d); v
-and eval_to_patch env (buff,pl,fv) =
+and eval_to_patch env (buff,pl,fv) =
let patch = function
| Reloc_annot a, pos -> patch_int buff pos (slot_for_annot a)
| Reloc_const sc, pos -> patch_int buff pos (slot_for_str_cst sc)
- | Reloc_getglobal kn, pos ->
+ | Reloc_getglobal kn, pos ->
patch_int buff pos (slot_for_getglobal env kn)
- in
+ in
List.iter patch pl;
- let vm_env = (slot_for_fv env) fv in
+ let vm_env = (slot_for_fv env) fv in
let tc = tcode_of_code buff (length buff) in
eval_tcode tc vm_env
-and val_of_constr env c =
- let (_,fun_code,_ as ccfv) =
- try compile env c
+and val_of_constr env c =
+ let (_,fun_code,_ as ccfv) =
+ try compile env c
with e -> print_string "can not compile \n";Format.print_flush();raise e in
eval_to_patch env (to_memory ccfv)
let set_transparent_const kn =
cst_opaque := Cpred.remove kn !cst_opaque;
- List.iter (fun n -> (global_boxed()).(n) <- false)
+ List.iter (fun n -> (global_boxed()).(n) <- false)
(Hashtbl.find_all boxed_tbl kn)
let set_opaque_const kn =
cst_opaque := Cpred.add kn !cst_opaque;
- List.iter (fun n -> (global_boxed()).(n) <- true)
+ List.iter (fun n -> (global_boxed()).(n) <- true)
(Hashtbl.find_all boxed_tbl kn)