path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 4e09a0ed..7617c454 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ let patch_int buff pos n =
let out_buffer = ref(String.create 1024)
and out_position = ref 0
let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
let p = !out_position in
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+3) (Char.unsafe_chr b4);
out_position := p + 4
let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
let p = !out_position in
if p >= String.length !out_buffer then begin
@@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
String.unsafe_set !out_buffer (p+3) (Char.unsafe_chr b4);
out_position := p + 4
let out opcode =
out_word opcode 0 0 0
@@ -108,7 +111,10 @@ let out_label_with_orig orig lbl =
Label_defined def ->
out_int((def - orig) asr 2)
| Label_undefined patchlist ->
- if patchlist = [] then
+ (* spiwack: patchlist is supposed to be non-empty all the time
+ thus I commented that out. If there is no problem I suggest
+ removing it for next release (cur: 8.1) *)
+ (*if patchlist = [] then *)
(!label_table).(lbl) <-
Label_undefined((!out_position, orig) :: patchlist);
out_int 0
@@ -219,9 +225,30 @@ let emit_instr = function
| Ksetfield n ->
if n <= 1 then out (opSETFIELD0+n)
else (out opSETFIELD;out_int n)
+ | Ksequence _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cemitcodes.emit_instr")
+ (* spiwack *)
+ | Kbranch lbl -> out opBRANCH; out_label lbl
+ | Kaddint31 -> out opADDINT31
+ | Kaddcint31 -> out opADDCINT31
+ | Kaddcarrycint31 -> out opADDCARRYCINT31
+ | Ksubint31 -> out opSUBINT31
+ | Ksubcint31 -> out opSUBCINT31
+ | Ksubcarrycint31 -> out opSUBCARRYCINT31
+ | Kmulint31 -> out opMULINT31
+ | Kmulcint31 -> out opMULCINT31
+ | Kdiv21int31 -> out opDIV21INT31
+ | Kdivint31 -> out opDIVINT31
+ | Kaddmuldivint31 -> out opADDMULDIVINT31
+ | Kcompareint31 -> out opCOMPAREINT31
+ | Khead0int31 -> out opHEAD0INT31
+ | Ktail0int31 -> out opTAIL0INT31
+ | Kisconst lbl -> out opISCONST; out_label lbl
+ | Kareconst(n,lbl) -> out opARECONST; out_int n; out_label lbl
+ | Kcompint31 -> out opCOMPINT31
+ | Kdecompint31 -> out opDECOMPINT31
+ (*/spiwack *)
| Kstop ->
out opSTOP
- | Ksequence _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cemitcodes.emit_instr")
(* Emission of a list of instructions. Include some peephole optimization. *)