path: root/interp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'interp')
21 files changed, 6288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6692dca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,1855 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Univ
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Inductive
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Impargs
+open Topconstr
+open Rawterm
+open Pattern
+open Nametab
+open Symbols
+open Reserve
+(* Translation from rawconstr to front constr *)
+(* Parametrization *)
+(* This governs printing of local context of references *)
+let print_arguments = ref false
+(* If true, prints local context of evars, whatever print_arguments *)
+let print_evar_arguments = ref false
+(* This governs printing of implicit arguments. When
+ [print_implicits] is on then [print_implicits_explicit_args] tells
+ how implicit args are printed. If on, implicit args are printed
+ prefixed by "!" otherwise the function and not the arguments is
+ prefixed by "!" *)
+let print_implicits = ref false
+let print_implicits_explicit_args = ref false
+(* This forces printing of coercions *)
+let print_coercions = ref false
+(* This forces printing universe names of Type{.} *)
+let print_universes = ref false
+(* This suppresses printing of numeral and symbols *)
+let print_no_symbol = ref false
+(* This governs printing of projections using the dot notation symbols *)
+let print_projections = ref false
+let print_meta_as_hole = ref false
+let with_arguments f = Options.with_option print_arguments f
+let with_implicits f = Options.with_option print_implicits f
+let with_coercions f = Options.with_option print_coercions f
+let with_universes f = Options.with_option print_universes f
+let without_symbols f = Options.with_option print_no_symbol f
+let with_meta_as_hole f = Options.with_option print_meta_as_hole f
+(* For the translator *)
+let temporary_implicits_out = ref []
+let set_temporary_implicits_out l = temporary_implicits_out := l
+let get_temporary_implicits_out id =
+ try List.assoc id !temporary_implicits_out
+ with Not_found -> []
+(* Various externalisation functions *)
+let insert_delimiters e = function
+ | None -> e
+ | Some sc -> CDelimiters (dummy_loc,sc,e)
+let insert_pat_delimiters e = function
+ | None -> e
+ | Some sc -> CPatDelimiters (dummy_loc,sc,e)
+(* conversion of references *)
+let ids_of_ctxt ctxt =
+ Array.to_list
+ (
+ (function c -> match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id -> id
+ | _ ->
+ error
+ "Termast: arbitrary substitution of references not yet implemented")
+ ctxt)
+let idopt_of_name = function
+ | Name id -> Some id
+ | Anonymous -> None
+let extern_evar loc n =
+ msgerrnl (str
+ "Warning: existential variable turned into meta-variable during externalization");
+ CPatVar (loc,(false,make_ident "META" (Some n)))
+ CEvar (loc,n)
+let raw_string_of_ref = function
+ | ConstRef kn ->
+ "CONST("^(string_of_kn kn)^")"
+ | IndRef (kn,i) ->
+ "IND("^(string_of_kn kn)^","^(string_of_int i)^")"
+ | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) ->
+ (string_of_kn kn)^","^(string_of_int i)^","^(string_of_int j)^")"
+ | VarRef id ->
+ "SECVAR("^(string_of_id id)^")"
+(* v7->v8 translation *)
+let name_app f = function
+ | Name id -> Name (f id)
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous
+let rec translate_ident_string = function
+ (* translate keyword *)
+ | ("at" | "IF" | "forall" | "fun" | "match" | "fix" | "cofix" | "for" | "let"
+ | "if" | "then" | "else" | "return" | "mod" | "where"
+ | "exists" | "exists2" | "using" as s) ->
+ let s' = s^"_" in
+ msgerrnl
+ (str ("Warning: '"^
+ s^"' is now a keyword; it has been translated to '"^s'^"'"));
+ s'
+(* Le conflit est en fait surtout avec Eval dans Definition et c'est gere dans
+ Ppconstrnew
+ | "eval" as s ->
+ let s' = s^"_" in
+ msgerrnl
+ (str ("Warning: '"^
+ s^"' is a conflicting ident; it has been translated to '"^s'^"'"));
+ s'
+ (* avoid _ *)
+ | "_" ->
+ msgerrnl (str
+ "Warning: '_' is no longer an ident; it has been translated to 'x_'");
+ "x_"
+ (* avoid @ *)
+ | s when String.contains s '@' ->
+ let n = String.index s '@' in
+ translate_ident_string
+ (String.sub s 0 n ^ "'at'" ^ String.sub s (n+1) (String.length s -n-1))
+ | s -> s
+let translate_ident id =
+ id_of_string (translate_ident_string (string_of_id id))
+let is_coq_root d =
+ let d = repr_dirpath d in d <> [] & string_of_id (list_last d) = "Coq"
+let is_dir dir s =
+ let d = repr_dirpath dir in
+ d <> [] & string_of_id (List.hd d) = s
+let is_module m = is_dir (Lib.library_dp()) m
+let bp = ["BinPos"]
+let bz = ["BinInt"]
+let bn = ["BinNat"]
+let pn = ["nat"]
+let zc = ["Zcompare"]
+let lo = ["Logic"]
+let da = ["Datatypes"]
+let zabs = ["Zabs"]
+let zo = ["Zorder"]
+let zn = ["Znat"]
+let wz = ["Wf_Z"]
+let mu = ["Mult"]
+let pl = ["Plus"]
+let mi = ["Minus"]
+let le = ["Le"]
+let gt = ["Gt"]
+let lt = ["Lt"]
+let be = ["Between"]
+let bo = ["Bool"]
+let c dir =
+ let d = repr_dirpath dir in
+ if d = [] then [] else [string_of_id (List.hd d)]
+let translation_table = [
+ (* ZArith *)
+"double_moins_un", (bp,"Pdouble_minus_one");
+"double_moins_deux", (bp,"Pdouble_minus_two");
+"is_double_moins_un", (bp,"Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO");
+"double_moins_un_add_un_xI", (bp,"Pdouble_minus_one_o_succ_eq_xI");
+"add_un_Zs", (bz,"Zpos_succ_morphism");
+"entier", (bn,"N");
+"entier_of_Z", (bz,"Zabs_N");
+"Z_of_entier", (bz,"Z_of_N");
+"SUPERIEUR", (da,"Gt");
+"EGAL", (da,"Eq");
+"INFERIEUR", (da,"Lt");
+"add", (bp,"Pplus");
+"add_carry", (bp,"Pplus_carry");
+"add_assoc", (bp,"Pplus_assoc");
+"add_sym", (bp,"Pplus_comm");
+"add_x_x", (bp,"Pplus_diag");
+"add_carry_add", (bp,"Pplus_carry_plus");
+"simpl_add_r", (bp,"Pplus_reg_r");
+"simpl_add_l", (bp,"Pplus_reg_l");
+"simpl_add_carry_r", (bp,"Pplus_carry_reg_r");
+"simpl_add_carry_l", (bp,"Pplus_carry_reg_l");
+"simpl_times_r", (bp,"Pmult_reg_r");
+"simpl_times_l", (bp,"Pmult_reg_l");
+"xO_xI_add_double_moins_un", (bp,"xO_xI_plus_double_minus_one");
+ (bp,"Pdouble_minus_one_plus_xO_double_minus_one");
+"add_xI_double_moins_un", (bp,"Pplus_xI_double_minus_one");
+"add_xO_double_moins_un", (bp,"Pplus_xO_double_minus_one");
+"iter_pos_add", (bp,"iter_pos_plus");
+"add_no_neutral", (bp,"Pplus_no_neutral");
+"add_carry_not_add_un", (bp,"Pplus_carry_no_neutral");
+"times_add_distr", (bp,"Pmult_plus_distr_l");
+"times_add_distr_l", (bp,"Pmult_plus_distr_r");
+"times_true_sub_distr", (bp,"Pmult_minus_distr_l");
+"times_sym", (bp,"Pmult_comm");
+"times_assoc", (bp,"Pmult_assoc");
+"times_convert", (bp,"nat_of_P_mult_morphism");
+"true_sub", (bp,"Pminus");
+"times_x_1", (bp,"Pmult_1_r");
+"times_x_double", (bp,"Pmult_xO_permute_r");
+ (* Changer en Pmult_xO_distrib_r_reverse *)
+"times_x_double_plus_one", (bp,"Pmult_xI_permute_r"); (* Changer ? *)
+"times_discr_xO_xI", (bp,"Pmult_xI_mult_xO_discr");
+"times_discr_xO", (bp,"Pmult_xO_discr");
+"times_one_inversion_l", (bp,"Pmult_1_inversion_l");
+"true_sub_convert", (bp,"nat_of_P_minus_morphism");
+"compare_true_sub_right", (bp,"Pcompare_minus_r");
+"compare_true_sub_left", (bp,"Pcompare_minus_l");
+"sub_add", (bp,"Pplus_minus" (* similar to le_plus_minus in Arith *));
+"sub_add_one", (bp,"Ppred_succ");
+"add_sub_one", (bp,"Psucc_pred");
+"add_un", (bp,"Psucc");
+"add_un_discr", (bp,"Psucc_discr");
+"add_un_not_un", (bp,"Psucc_not_one");
+"add_un_inj", (bp,"Psucc_inj");
+"xI_add_un_xO", (bp,"xI_succ_xO");
+"ZL12", (bp,"Pplus_one_succ_r");
+"ZL12bis", (bp,"Pplus_one_succ_l");
+"ZL13", (bp,"Pplus_carry_spec");
+ (* Changer en Pplus_succ_distrib_r_reverse ? *)
+"ZL14", (bp,"Pplus_succ_permute_r");
+ (* Changer en Plus_succ_distrib_l_reverse *)
+"ZL14bis", (bp,"Pplus_succ_permute_l");
+"sub_un", (bp,"Ppred");
+"sub_pos", (bp,"Pminus_mask");
+"sub_pos_x_x", (bp,"Pminus_mask_diag");
+(*"sub_pos_x_x", (bp,"Pminus_mask_diag");*)
+"sub_pos_SUPERIEUR", (bp,"Pminus_mask_Gt");
+"sub_neg", (bp,"Pminus_mask_carry");
+"Zdiv2_pos", (bp,"Pdiv2");
+"Pdiv2", (["Zbinary"],"Zdiv2_ge_compat");
+"ZERO", (bz,"Z0");
+"POS", (bz,"Zpos");
+"NEG", (bz,"Zneg");
+"Nul", (bn,"N0");
+"Pos", (bn,"Npos");
+"Un_suivi_de", (bn,"Ndouble_plus_one");
+"Zero_suivi_de", (bn,"Ndouble");
+"Un_suivi_de_mask", (bp,"Pdouble_plus_one_mask");
+"Zero_suivi_de_mask", (bp,"Pdouble_mask");
+"ZS", (bp,"double_eq_zero_inversion");
+"US", (bp,"double_plus_one_zero_discr");
+"USH", (bp,"double_plus_one_eq_one_inversion");
+"ZSH", (bp,"double_eq_one_discr");
+"ZPminus_add_un_permute", (bz,"ZPminus_succ_permute");
+"ZPminus_add_un_permute_Zopp", (bz,"ZPminus_succ_permute_opp");
+"ZPminus_double_moins_un_xO_add_un", (bz,"ZPminus_double_minus_one_xO_succ");
+"ZL1", (bp,"xO_succ_permute"); (* ?? *)
+"Zplus_assoc_r", (bz,"Zplus_assoc_reverse");
+"Zplus_sym", (bz,"Zplus_comm");
+"Zero_left", (bz,"Zplus_0_l");
+"Zero_right", (bz,"Zplus_0_r");
+"Zplus_n_O", (bz,"Zplus_0_r_reverse");
+"Zplus_unit_left", (bz,"Zplus_0_simpl_l");
+"Zplus_unit_right", (bz,"Zplus_0_simpl_l_reverse");
+"Zplus_Zopp_expand", (bz,"Zplus_opp_expand");
+"Zn_Sn", (bz,"Zsucc_discr");
+"Zs", (bz,"Zsucc");
+"Psucc_Zs", (bz,"Zpos_succ_permute");
+"Zs_pred", (bz,"Zsucc_pred");
+"Zpred_Sn", (bz,"Zpred_succ");
+"Zminus_n_O", (bz,"Zminus_0_l_reverse");
+"Zminus_n_n", (bz,"Zminus_diag_reverse");
+"Zminus_Sn_m", (bz,"Zminus_succ_l");
+"Zeq_Zminus", (bz,"Zeq_minus");
+"Zminus_Zeq", (bz,"Zminus_eq");
+"Zplus_minus", (bz,"Zplus_minus_eq");
+"Zminus_plus", (bz,"Zminus_plus");
+"Zminus_plus_simpl", (bz,"Zminus_plus_simpl_l_reverse");
+"Zminus_Zplus_compatible", (bz,"Zminus_plus_simpl_r");
+"Zle_plus_minus", (bz,"Zplus_minus");
+"Zopp_Zplus", (bz,"Zopp_plus_distr");
+"Zopp_Zopp", (bz,"Zopp_involutive");
+"Zopp_NEG", (bz,"Zopp_neg");
+"Zopp_Zdouble", (bz,"Zopp_double");
+"Zopp_Zdouble_plus_one", (bz,"Zopp_double_plus_one");
+"Zopp_Zdouble_minus_one", (bz,"Zopp_double_minus_one");
+"Zplus_inverse_r", (bz,"Zplus_opp_r");
+"Zplus_inverse_l", (bz,"Zplus_opp_l");
+"Zplus_S_n", (bz,"Zplus_succ_l");
+"Zplus_n_Sm", (bz,"Zplus_succ_r");
+"Zplus_Snm_nSm", (bz,"Zplus_succ_comm");
+"Zmult_assoc_r", (bz,"Zmult_assoc_reverse");
+"Zmult_sym", (bz,"Zmult_comm");
+"Zmult_eq", (bz,"Zmult_integral_l");
+"Zmult_zero", (bz,"Zmult_integral");
+"Zero_mult_left", (bz,"Zmult_0_l");
+"Zero_mult_right", (bz,"Zmult_0_r");
+"Zmult_1_n", (bz,"Zmult_1_l");
+"Zmult_n_1", (bz,"Zmult_1_r");
+"Zmult_n_O", (bz,"Zmult_0_r_reverse");
+"Zopp_one", (bz,"Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1");
+"Zopp_Zmult", (bz,"Zopp_mult_distr_l_reverse");
+"Zopp_Zmult_r", (bz,"Zopp_mult_distr_r");
+"Zopp_Zmult_l", (bz,"Zopp_mult_distr_l");
+"Zmult_Zopp_Zopp", (bz,"Zmult_opp_opp");
+"Zmult_Zopp_left", (bz,"Zmult_opp_comm");
+"Zmult_Zplus_distr", (bz,"Zmult_plus_distr_r");
+"Zmult_plus_distr", (bz,"Zmult_plus_distr_r");
+"Zmult_Zminus_distr_r", (bz,"Zmult_minus_distr_l");
+"Zmult_Zminus_distr_l", (bz,"Zmult_minus_distr_r");
+"Zcompare_Zplus_compatible", (zc,"Zcompare_plus_compat");
+"Zcompare_Zplus_compatible2", (zc,"Zplus_compare_compat");
+"Zcompare_Zmult_compatible", (zc,"Zcompare_mult_compat");
+"inject_nat", (bz,"Z_of_nat");
+"inject_nat_complete", (wz,"Z_of_nat_complete");
+"inject_nat_complete_inf", (wz,"Z_of_nat_complete_inf");
+"inject_nat_prop", (wz,"Z_of_nat_prop");
+"inject_nat_set", (wz,"Z_of_nat_set");
+"convert", (bp,"nat_of_P");
+"anti_convert", (bp,"P_of_succ_nat");
+"positive_to_nat", (bp,"Pmult_nat");
+"Zopp_intro", (bz,"Zopp_inj");
+"plus_iter_add", (bp,"plus_iter_eq_plus");
+"compare", (bp,"Pcompare");
+"iter_convert", (["Zmisc"],"iter_nat_of_P");
+"ZLSI", (bp,"Pcompare_Gt_Lt");
+"ZLIS", (bp,"Pcompare_Lt_Gt");
+"ZLII", (bp,"Pcompare_Lt_Lt");
+"ZLSS", (bp,"Pcompare_Gt_Gt");
+ (* Pnat *)
+"convert_intro", (pn,"nat_of_P_inj");
+"convert_add", (pn,"nat_of_P_plus_morphism");
+"convert_add_un", (pn,"Pmult_nat_succ_morphism");
+"cvt_add_un", (pn,"nat_of_P_succ_morphism");
+"convert_add_carry", (pn,"Pmult_nat_plus_carry_morphism");
+"compare_convert_O", (pn,"lt_O_nat_of_P");
+"add_verif", (pn,"Pmult_nat_l_plus_morphism");
+"ZL2", (pn,"Pmult_nat_r_plus_morphism");
+"compare_positive_to_nat_O", (pn,"le_Pmult_nat");
+(* Trop spécifique ?
+"ZL6", (pn,"Pmult_nat_plus_shift_morphism");
+"ZL15", (pn,"Pplus_carry_pred_eq_plus");
+"cvt_carry", (pn,"nat_of_P_plus_carry_morphism");
+"compare_convert1", (pn,"Pcompare_not_Eq");
+"compare_convert_INFERIEUR", (pn,"nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_morphism");
+"compare_convert_SUPERIEUR", (pn,"nat_of_P_gt_Gt_compare_morphism");
+"compare_convert_EGAL", (pn,"Pcompare_Eq_eq");
+"convert_compare_INFERIEUR", (pn,"nat_of_P_lt_Lt_compare_complement_morphism");
+"convert_compare_SUPERIEUR", (pn,"nat_of_P_gt_Gt_compare_complement_morphism");
+"convert_compare_EGAL", (pn,"Pcompare_refl");
+"bij1", (pn,"nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ");
+"bij2", (pn,"P_of_succ_nat_o_nat_of_P_eq_succ");
+"bij3", (pn,"pred_o_P_of_succ_nat_o_nat_of_P_eq_id");
+ (* Zcompare *)
+"Zcompare_EGAL", (zc,"Zcompare_Eq_iff_eq");
+"Zcompare_EGAL_eq", (zc,"Zcompare_Eq_eq");
+"Zcompare_x_x", (zc,"Zcompare_refl");
+"Zcompare_et_un", (zc,"Zcompare_Gt_not_Lt");
+"Zcompare_trans_SUPERIEUR", (zc,"Zcompare_Gt_trans");
+"Zcompare_n_S", (zc,"Zcompare_succ_compat");
+"SUPERIEUR_POS", (zc,"Zcompare_Gt_spec");
+"Zcompare_ANTISYM", (zc,"Zcompare_Gt_Lt_antisym");
+"Zcompare_Zs_SUPERIEUR", (zc,"Zcompare_succ_Gt");
+"Zcompare_Zopp", (zc,"Zcompare_opp");
+"POS_inject", (zn,"Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P");
+"absolu", (bz,"Zabs_nat");
+"absolu_lt", (zabs,"Zabs_nat_lt" (* "Zabs_nat_lt_morphism_pos" ? *));
+"Zeq_add_S", (bz,"Zsucc_inj");
+"Znot_eq_S", (bz,"Zsucc_inj_contrapositive");
+"Zeq_S", (bz,"Zsucc_eq_compat");
+"Zsimpl_plus_l", (bz,"Zplus_reg_l");
+"Zplus_simpl", (bz,"Zplus_eq_compat");
+"POS_gt_ZERO", (zo,"Zgt_pos_0");
+"ZERO_le_POS", (zo,"Zle_0_pos");
+"ZERO_le_inj", (zo,"Zle_0_nat");
+"NEG_lt_ZERO", (zo,"Zlt_neg_0");
+"Zlt_ZERO_pred_le_ZERO", (zo,"Zlt_0_le_0_pred");
+"POS_xI", (bz,"Zpos_xI");
+"POS_xO", (bz,"Zpos_xO");
+"NEG_xI", (bz,"Zneg_xI");
+"NEG_xO", (bz,"Zneg_xO");
+"POS_add", (bz,"Zpos_plus_distr");
+"NEG_add", (bz,"Zneg_plus_distr");
+ (* Z Orders *)
+"not_Zge", (zo,"Znot_ge_lt");
+"not_Zlt", (zo,"Znot_lt_ge");
+"not_Zle", (zo,"Znot_le_gt");
+"not_Zgt", (zo,"Znot_gt_le");
+"Zgt_not_sym", (zo,"Zgt_asym");
+"Zlt_not_sym", (zo,"Zlt_asym");
+"Zlt_n_n", (zo,"Zlt_irrefl");
+"Zgt_antirefl", (zo,"Zgt_irrefl");
+"Zgt_reg_l", (zo,"Zplus_gt_compat_l");
+"Zgt_reg_r", (zo,"Zplus_gt_compat_r");
+"Zlt_reg_l", (zo,"Zplus_lt_compat_l");
+"Zlt_reg_r", (zo,"Zplus_lt_compat_r");
+"Zle_reg_l", (zo,"Zplus_le_compat_l");
+"Zle_reg_r", (zo,"Zplus_le_compat_r");
+"Zlt_le_reg", (zo,"Zplus_lt_le_compat");
+"Zle_lt_reg", (zo,"Zplus_le_lt_compat");
+"Zle_plus_plus", (zo,"Zplus_le_compat");
+"Zlt_Zplus", (zo,"Zplus_lt_compat");
+"Zle_O_plus", (zo,"Zplus_le_0_compat");
+"Zle_mult_simpl", (zo,"Zmult_le_reg_r");
+"Zge_mult_simpl", (zo,"Zmult_ge_reg_r");
+"Zgt_mult_simpl", (zo,"Zmult_gt_reg_r");
+"Zsimpl_gt_plus_l", (zo,"Zplus_gt_reg_l");
+"Zsimpl_gt_plus_r", (zo,"Zplus_gt_reg_r");
+"Zsimpl_le_plus_l", (zo,"Zplus_le_reg_l");
+"Zsimpl_le_plus_r", (zo,"Zplus_le_reg_r");
+"Zsimpl_lt_plus_l", (zo,"Zplus_lt_reg_l");
+"Zsimpl_lt_plus_r", (zo,"Zplus_lt_reg_r");
+"Zlt_Zmult_right2", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_lt_reg_r");
+"Zlt_Zmult_right", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_lt_compat_r");
+"Zle_Zmult_right2", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_le_reg_r");
+"Zle_Zmult_right", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_le_compat_r");
+"Zgt_Zmult_right", (zo,"Zmult_gt_compat_r");
+"Zgt_Zmult_left", (zo,"Zmult_gt_compat_l");
+"Zlt_Zmult_left", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_lt_compat_l");
+"Zcompare_Zmult_right", (zc,"Zmult_compare_compat_r");
+"Zcompare_Zmult_left", (zc,"Zmult_compare_compat_l");
+"Zplus_Zmult_2", (bz,"Zplus_diag_eq_mult_2");
+"Zmult_Sm_n", (bz,"Zmult_succ_l_reverse");
+"Zmult_n_Sm", (bz,"Zmult_succ_r_reverse");
+"Zmult_le", (zo,"Zmult_le_0_reg_r");
+"Zmult_reg_left", (bz,"Zmult_reg_l");
+"Zmult_reg_right", (bz,"Zmult_reg_r");
+"Zle_ZERO_mult", (zo,"Zmult_le_0_compat");
+"Zgt_ZERO_mult", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_compat");
+"Zle_mult", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_le_0_compat");
+"Zmult_lt", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_lt_0_reg_r");
+"Zmult_gt", (zo,"Zmult_gt_0_reg_l");
+"Zle_Zmult_pos_right", (zo,"Zmult_le_compat_r");
+"Zle_Zmult_pos_left", (zo,"Zmult_le_compat_l");
+"Zge_Zmult_pos_right", (zo,"Zmult_ge_compat_r");
+"Zge_Zmult_pos_left", (zo,"Zmult_ge_compat_l");
+"Zge_Zmult_pos_compat", (zo,"Zmult_ge_compat");
+"Zlt_Zcompare", (zo,"Zlt_compare");
+"Zle_Zcompare", (zo,"Zle_compare");
+"Zgt_Zcompare", (zo,"Zgt_compare");
+"Zge_Zcompare", (zo,"Zge_compare");
+ (* ex-IntMap *)
+"convert_xH", (pn,"nat_of_P_xH");
+"convert_xO", (pn,"nat_of_P_xO");
+"convert_xI", (pn,"nat_of_P_xI");
+"positive_to_nat_mult", (pn,"Pmult_nat_mult_permute");
+"positive_to_nat_2", (pn,"Pmult_nat_2_mult_2_permute");
+"positive_to_nat_4", (pn,"Pmult_nat_4_mult_2_permute");
+ (* ZArith and Arith orders *)
+"Zle_refl", (zo,"Zeq_le");
+"Zle_n", (zo,"Zle_refl");
+"Zle_trans_S", (zo,"Zle_succ_le");
+"Zgt_trans_S", (zo,"Zge_trans_succ");
+"Zgt_S", (zo,"Zgt_succ_gt_or_eq");
+"Zle_Sn_n", (zo,"Znot_le_succ");
+"Zlt_n_Sn", (zo,"Zlt_succ");
+"Zlt_S", (zo,"Zlt_lt_succ");
+"Zlt_n_S", (zo,"Zsucc_lt_compat");
+"Zle_n_S", (zo,"Zsucc_le_compat");
+"Zgt_n_S", (zo,"Zsucc_gt_compat");
+"Zlt_S_n", (zo,"Zsucc_lt_reg");
+"Zgt_S_n", (zo,"Zsucc_gt_reg");
+"Zle_S_n", (zo,"Zsucc_le_reg");
+"Zle_0_plus", (zo,"Zplus_le_0_compat");
+"Zgt_Sn_n", (zo,"Zgt_succ");
+"Zgt_le_S", (zo,"Zgt_le_succ");
+"Zgt_S_le", (zo,"Zgt_succ_le");
+"Zle_S_gt", (zo,"Zlt_succ_gt");
+"Zle_gt_S", (zo,"Zlt_gt_succ");
+"Zgt_pred", (zo,"Zgt_succ_pred");
+"Zlt_pred", (zo,"Zlt_succ_pred");
+"Zgt0_le_pred", (zo,"Zgt_0_le_0_pred");
+"Z_O_1", (zo,"Zlt_0_1");
+"Zle_NEG_POS", (zo,"Zle_neg_pos");
+"Zle_n_Sn", (zo,"Zle_succ");
+"Zle_pred_n", (zo,"Zle_pred");
+"Zlt_pred_n_n", (zo,"Zlt_pred");
+"Zlt_le_S", (zo,"Zlt_le_succ");
+"Zlt_n_Sm_le", (zo,"Zlt_succ_le");
+"Zle_lt_n_Sm", (zo,"Zle_lt_succ");
+"Zle_le_S", (zo,"Zle_le_succ");
+"Zlt_minus", (zo,"Zlt_minus_simpl_swap");
+"le_trans_S", (le,"le_Sn_le");
+(* Znumtheory *)
+"Zdivide_Zmod", ([],"Zdivide_mod");
+"Zmod_Zdivide", ([],"Zmod_divide");
+"Zdivide_mult_left", ([],"Zmult_divide_compat_l");
+"Zdivide_mult_right", ([],"Zmult_divide_compat_r");
+"Zdivide_opp", ([],"Zdivide_opp_r");
+"Zdivide_opp_rev", ([],"Zdivide_opp_r_rev");
+"Zdivide_opp_left", ([],"Zdivide_opp_l");
+"Zdivide_opp_left_rev", ([],"Zdivide_opp_l_rev");
+"Zdivide_right", ([],"Zdivide_mult_r");
+"Zdivide_left", ([],"Zdivide_mult_l");
+"Zdivide_plus", ([],"Zdivide_plus_r");
+"Zdivide_minus", ([],"Zdivide_minus_l");
+"Zdivide_a_ab", ([],"Zdivide_factor_r");
+"Zdivide_a_ba", ([],"Zdivide_factor_l");
+(* Arith *)
+(* Peano.v
+"plus_n_O", ("plus_0_r_reverse");
+"plus_O_n", ("plus_0_l");
+"plus_assoc_l", (pl,"plus_assoc");
+"plus_assoc_r", (pl,"plus_assoc_reverse");
+"plus_sym", (pl,"plus_comm");
+"mult_sym", (mu,"mult_comm");
+"max_sym", (["Max"],"max_comm");
+"min_sym", (["Min"],"min_comm");
+"gt_not_sym", (gt,"gt_asym");
+"lt_not_sym", (lt,"lt_asym");
+"gt_antirefl", (gt,"gt_irrefl");
+"lt_n_n", (lt,"lt_irrefl");
+(* Trop utilisé dans CoqBook | "le_n" -> "le_refl"*)
+"simpl_plus_l", (pl,"plus_reg_l");
+"simpl_plus_r", (pl,"plus_reg_r");
+"fact_growing", (["Factorial"],"fact_le");
+"mult_assoc_l", (mu,"mult_assoc");
+"mult_assoc_r", (mu,"mult_assoc_reverse");
+"mult_plus_distr", (mu,"mult_plus_distr_r");
+"mult_plus_distr_r", (mu,"mult_plus_distr_l");
+"mult_minus_distr", (mu,"mult_minus_distr_r");
+"mult_1_n", (mu,"mult_1_l");
+"mult_n_1", (mu,"mult_1_r");
+(* Peano.v
+"mult_n_O", ("mult_O_r_reverse");
+"mult_n_Sm", ("mult_S_r_reverse");
+"mult_le", (mu,"mult_le_compat_l");
+"le_mult_right", (mu,"mult_le_compat_r");
+"le_mult_mult", (mu,"mult_le_compat");
+"mult_lt", (mu,"mult_S_lt_compat_l");
+"lt_mult_right", (mu,"mult_lt_compat_r");
+"mult_le_conv_1", (mu,"mult_S_le_reg_l");
+"exists", (be,"exists_between");
+"IHexists", ([],"IHexists_between");
+(* Peano.v
+"pred_Sn", ("pred_S");
+"inj_minus_aux", (mi,"not_le_minus_0");
+"minus_x_x", (mi,"minus_diag");
+"minus_plus_simpl", (mi,"minus_plus_simpl_l_reverse");
+"gt_reg_l", (gt,"plus_gt_compat_l");
+"le_reg_l", (pl,"plus_le_compat_l");
+"le_reg_r", (pl,"plus_le_compat_r");
+"lt_reg_l", (pl,"plus_lt_compat_l");
+"lt_reg_r", (pl,"plus_lt_compat_r");
+"le_plus_plus", (pl,"plus_le_compat");
+"le_lt_plus_plus", (pl,"plus_le_lt_compat");
+"lt_le_plus_plus", (pl,"plus_lt_le_compat");
+"lt_plus_plus", (pl,"plus_lt_compat");
+"plus_simpl_l", (pl,"plus_reg_l");
+"simpl_gt_plus_l", (pl,"plus_gt_reg_l");
+"simpl_le_plus_l", (pl,"plus_le_reg_l");
+"simpl_lt_plus_l", (pl,"plus_lt_reg_l");
+(* Noms sur le principe de ceux de Z
+"le_n_S", ("S_le_compat");
+"le_n_Sn", ("le_S");
+(*"le_O_n", ("??" *));
+"le_pred_n", ("le_pred");
+"le_trans_S", ("le_S_le");
+"le_S_n", ("S_le_reg");
+"le_Sn_O", ("not_le_S_O");
+"le_Sn_n", ("not_le_S");
+ (* Init *)
+"IF", (lo,"IF_then_else");
+ (* Lists *)
+"idempot_rev", (["List"],"rev_involutive");
+"forall", (["Streams"],"HereAndFurther");
+ (* Bool *)
+"orb_sym", (bo,"orb_comm");
+"andb_sym", (bo,"andb_comm");
+ (* Ring *)
+"SR_plus_sym", (["Ring_theory"],"SR_plus_comm");
+"SR_mult_sym", (["Ring_theory"],"SR_mult_comm");
+"Th_plus_sym", (["Ring_theory"],"Th_plus_comm");
+"Th_mul_sym", (["Ring_theory"],"Th_mult_comm");
+"SSR_plus_sym", (["Setoid_ring_theory"],"SSR_plus_comm");
+"SSR_mult_sym", (["Setoid_ring_theory"],"SSR_mult_comm");
+"STh_plus_sym", (["Setoid_ring_theory"],"STh_plus_comm");
+"STh_mul_sym", (["Setoid_ring_theory"],"STh_mult_comm");
+ (* Reals *)
+"Rabsolu", ("Rabs");
+"Rabsolu_pos_lt", ("Rabs_pos_lt");
+"Rabsolu_no_R0", ("Rabs_no_R0");
+"Rabsolu_Rabsolu", ("Rabs_Rabs");
+"Rabsolu_mult", ("Rabs_mult");
+"Rabsolu_triang", ("Rabs_triang");
+"Rabsolu_Ropp", ("Rabs_Ropp");
+"Rabsolu_right", ("Rabs_right");
+"case_Rabsolu", ("case_Rabs");
+"Pow_Rabsolu", ("Pow_Rabs");
+(* Raxioms *)
+"complet", ([],"completeness");
+"complet_weak", ([],"completeness_weak");
+"Rle_sym1", ([],"Rle_ge");
+"Rmin_sym", ([],"Rmin_comm");
+"Rplus_sym", ([],"Rplus_comm");
+"Rmult_sym", ([],"Rmult_comm");
+"Rsqr_times", ([],"Rsqr_mult");
+"sqrt_times", ([],"sqrt_mult");
+"Rmult_1l", ([],"Rmult_1_l");
+"Rplus_Ol", ([],"Rplus_0_l");
+"Rplus_Ropp_r", ([],"Rplus_opp_r");
+"Rmult_Rplus_distr", ([],"Rmult_plus_distr_l");
+"Rlt_antisym", ([],"Rlt_asym");
+(* RIneq *)
+"Rlt_antirefl", ([],"Rlt_irrefl");
+"Rlt_compatibility", ([],"Rplus_lt_compat_l");
+"Rgt_plus_plus_r", ([],"Rplus_gt_compat_l");
+"Rgt_r_plus_plus", ([],"Rplus_gt_reg_l");
+"Rge_plus_plus_r", ([],"Rplus_ge_compat_l");
+"Rge_r_plus_plus", ([],"Rplus_ge_reg_l");
+(* Si on en change un, il faut changer tous les autres R*_monotony *)
+"Rlt_monotony", ([],"Rmult_lt_compat_l");
+"Rlt_monotony_r", ([],"Rmult_lt_compat_r");
+"Rlt_monotony_contra", ([],"Rmult_lt_reg_l");
+(*"Rlt_monotony_rev", ([],"Rmult_lt_reg_l");*)
+"Rlt_anti_monotony", ([],"Rmult_lt_gt_compat_neg_l");
+"Rle_monotony", ([],"Rmult_le_compat_l");
+"Rle_monotony_r", ([],"Rmult_le_compat_r");
+"Rle_monotony_contra", ([],"Rmult_le_reg_l");
+"Rle_anti_monotony1", ([],"Rmult_le_compat_neg_l");
+"Rle_anti_monotony", ([],"Rmult_le_ge_compat_neg_l");
+"Rge_monotony", ([],"Rmult_ge_compat_r");
+"Rge_ge_eq", ([],"Rge_antisym");
+(* Le reste de RIneq *)
+"imp_not_Req", ([],"Rlt_dichotomy_converse");
+"Req_EM", ([],"Req_dec");
+"total_order", ([],"Rtotal_order");
+"not_Req", ([],"Rdichotomy");
+(* "Rlt_le" -> c dir,"Rlt_le_weak" ? *)
+"not_Rle", ([],"Rnot_le_lt");
+"not_Rge", ([],"Rnot_ge_lt");
+"Rlt_le_not", ([],"Rlt_not_le");
+"Rle_not", ([],"Rgt_not_le");
+"Rle_not_lt", ([],"Rle_not_lt");
+"Rlt_ge_not", ([],"Rlt_not_ge");
+"eq_Rle", ([],"Req_le");
+"eq_Rge", ([],"Req_ge");
+"eq_Rle_sym", ([],"Req_le_sym");
+"eq_Rge_sym", ([],"Req_ge_sym");
+(* "Rle_le_eq" -> ? x<=y/\y<=x <-> x=y *)
+"Rlt_rew", ([],"Rlt_eq_compat");
+"total_order_Rlt", ([],"Rlt_dec");
+"total_order_Rle", ([],"Rle_dec");
+"total_order_Rgt", ([],"Rgt_dec");
+"total_order_Rge", ([],"Rge_dec");
+"total_order_Rlt_Rle", ([],"Rlt_le_dec");
+(* "Rle_or_lt" -> c dir,"Rle_or_lt"*)
+"total_order_Rle_Rlt_eq", ([],"Rle_lt_or_eq_dec");
+(* "inser_trans_R" -> c dir,"Rle_lt_inser_trans" ?*)
+(* "Rplus_ne" -> c dir,"Rplus_0_r_l" ? *)
+"Rplus_Or", ([],"Rplus_0_r");
+"Rplus_Ropp_l", ([],"Rplus_opp_l");
+"Rplus_Ropp", ([],"Rplus_opp_r_uniq");
+"Rplus_plus_r", ([],"Rplus_eq_compat_l");
+"r_Rplus_plus", ([],"Rplus_eq_reg_l");
+"Rplus_ne_i", ([],"Rplus_0_r_uniq");
+"Rmult_Or", ([],"Rmult_0_r");
+"Rmult_Ol", ([],"Rmult_0_l");
+(* "Rmult_ne" -> c dir,"Rmult_1_l_r" ? *)
+"Rmult_1r", ([],"Rmult_1_r");
+"Rmult_mult_r", ([],"Rmult_eq_compat_l");
+"r_Rmult_mult", ([],"Rmult_eq_reg_l");
+"without_div_Od", ([],"Rmult_integral");
+"without_div_Oi", ([],"Rmult_eq_0_compat");
+"without_div_Oi1", ([],"Rmult_eq_0_compat_r");
+"without_div_Oi2", ([],"Rmult_eq_0_compat_l");
+"without_div_O_contr", ([],"Rmult_neq_0_reg");
+"mult_non_zero", ([],"Rmult_integral_contrapositive");
+"Rmult_Rplus_distrl", ([],"Rmult_plus_distr_r");
+"Rsqr_O", ([],"Rsqr_0");
+"Rsqr_r_R0", ([],"Rsqr_0_uniq");
+"eq_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_eq_compat");
+"Ropp_O", ([],"Ropp_0");
+"eq_RoppO", ([],"Ropp_eq_0_compat");
+"Ropp_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_involutive");
+"Ropp_neq", ([],"Ropp_neq_0_compat");
+"Ropp_distr1", ([],"Ropp_plus_distr");
+"Ropp_mul1", ([],"Ropp_mult_distr_l_reverse");
+"Ropp_mul2", ([],"Rmult_opp_opp");
+"Ropp_mul3", ([],"Ropp_mult_distr_r_reverse");
+"minus_R0", ([],"Rminus_0_r");
+"Rminus_Ropp", ([],"Rminus_0_l");
+"Ropp_distr2", ([],"Ropp_minus_distr");
+"Ropp_distr3", ([],"Ropp_minus_distr'");
+"eq_Rminus", ([],"Rminus_diag_eq");
+"Rminus_eq", ([],"Rminus_diag_uniq");
+"Rminus_eq_right", ([],"Rminus_diag_uniq_sym");
+"Rplus_Rminus", ([],"Rplus_minus");
+"Rminus_eq_contra", ([],"Rminus_diag_neq");
+"Rminus_not_eq", ([],"Rminus_neq_diag_sym");
+ "Rminus_not_eq_right" -> ?
+"Rminus_distr", ([],"Rmult_minus_distr_l");
+"Rinv_R1", ([],"Rinv_1");
+"Rinv_neq_R0", ([],"Rinv_neq_0_compat");
+"Rinv_Rinv", ([],"Rinv_involutive");
+"Rinv_Rmult", ([],"Rinv_mult_distr");
+"Ropp_Rinv", ([],"Ropp_inv_permute");
+(* "Rinv_r_simpl_r" -> OK ? *)
+(* "Rinv_r_simpl_l" -> OK ? *)
+(* "Rinv_r_simpl_m" -> OK ? *)
+"Rinv_Rmult_simpl", ([],"Rinv_mult_simpl"); (* ? *)
+"Rlt_compatibility_r", ([],"Rplus_lt_compat_r");
+"Rlt_anti_compatibility", ([],"Rplus_lt_reg_r");
+"Rle_compatibility", ([],"Rplus_le_compat_l");
+"Rle_compatibility_r", ([],"Rplus_le_compat_r");
+"Rle_anti_compatibility", ([],"Rplus_le_reg_l");
+(* "sum_inequa_Rle_lt" -> ? *)
+"Rplus_lt", ([],"Rplus_lt_compat");
+"Rplus_le", ([],"Rplus_le_compat");
+"Rplus_lt_le_lt", ([],"Rplus_lt_le_compat");
+"Rplus_le_lt_lt", ([],"Rplus_le_lt_compat");
+"Rgt_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_gt_lt_contravar");
+"Rlt_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_lt_gt_contravar");
+"Ropp_Rlt", ([],"Ropp_lt_cancel"); (* ?? *)
+"Rlt_Ropp1", ([],"Ropp_lt_contravar");
+"Rle_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_le_ge_contravar");
+"Ropp_Rle", ([],"Ropp_le_cancel");
+"Rle_Ropp1", ([],"Ropp_le_contravar");
+"Rge_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_ge_le_contravar");
+"Rlt_RO_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_0_lt_gt_contravar");
+"Rgt_RO_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_0_gt_lt_contravar");
+"Rle_RO_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_0_le_ge_contravar");
+"Rge_RO_Ropp", ([],"Ropp_0_ge_le_contravar");
+(* ... cf plus haut pour les lemmes intermediaires *)
+"Rle_Rmult_comp", ([],"Rmult_le_compat");
+ (* Expliciter que la contrainte est r2>0 dans r1<r2 et non 0<r1 ce
+ qui est plus général mais différent de Rmult_le_compat ? *)
+"Rmult_lt", ([],"Rmult_gt_0_lt_compat"); (* Hybride aussi *)
+"Rmult_lt_0", ([],"Rmult_ge_0_gt_0_lt_compat"); (* Un truc hybride *)
+ "Rlt_minus" ->
+ "Rle_minus" ->
+ "Rminus_lt" ->
+ "Rminus_le" ->
+ "tech_Rplus" ->
+"pos_Rsqr", ([],"Rle_0_sqr");
+"pos_Rsqr1", ([],"Rlt_0_sqr");
+"Rlt_R0_R1", ([],"Rlt_0_1");
+"Rle_R0_R1", ([],"Rle_0_1");
+"Rlt_Rinv", ([],"Rinv_0_lt_compat");
+"Rlt_Rinv2", ([],"Rinv_lt_0_compat");
+"Rinv_lt", ([],"Rinv_lt_contravar");
+"Rlt_Rinv_R1", ([],"Rinv_1_lt_contravar");
+"Rlt_not_ge", ([],"Rnot_lt_ge");
+"Rgt_not_le", ([],"Rnot_gt_le");
+ "Rgt_ge" -> "Rgt_ge_weak" ?
+"Rlt_sym", ([],"Rlt_gt_iff");
+(* | "Rle_sym1" -> c dir,"Rle_ge" OK *)
+"Rle_sym2", ([],"Rge_le");
+"Rle_sym", ([],"Rle_ge_iff");
+ "Rge_gt_trans" -> OK
+ "Rgt_ge_trans" -> OK
+ "Rgt_trans" -> OK
+ "Rge_trans" -> OK
+"Rgt_RoppO", ([],"Ropp_lt_gt_0_contravar");
+"Rlt_RoppO", ([],"Ropp_gt_lt_0_contravar");
+"Rlt_r_plus_R1", ([],"Rle_lt_0_plus_1");
+"Rlt_r_r_plus_R1", ([],"Rlt_plus_1");
+(* "tech_Rgt_minus" -> ? *)
+(* OK, cf plus haut
+"Rgt_r_plus_plus", ([],"Rplus_gt_reg_l");
+"Rgt_plus_plus_r", ([],"Rplus_gt_compat_l");
+"Rge_plus_plus_r", ([],"Rplus_ge_compat_l");
+"Rge_r_plus_plus", ([],"Rplus_ge_reg_l");
+"Rge_monotony" -> *)
+ "Rgt_minus" ->
+ "minus_Rgt" ->
+ "Rge_minus" ->
+ "minus_Rge" ->
+"Rmult_gt", ([],"Rmult_gt_0_compat");
+"Rmult_lt_pos", ([],"Rmult_lt_0_compat"); (* lt_0 ou 0_lt ?? *)
+"Rplus_eq_R0_l", ([],"Rplus_eq_0_l"); (* ? *)
+"Rplus_eq_R0", ([],"Rplus_eq_R0");
+"Rplus_Rsr_eq_R0_l", ([],"Rplus_sqr_eq_0_l");
+"Rplus_Rsr_eq_R0", ([],"Rplus_sqr_eq_0");
+ "S_INR" ->
+ "S_O_plus_INR" ->
+ "plus_INR" ->
+ "minus_INR" ->
+ "mult_INR" ->
+ "lt_INR_0" ->
+ "lt_INR" ->
+ "INR_lt_1" ->
+ "INR_pos" ->
+ "pos_INR" ->
+ "INR_lt" ->
+ "le_INR" ->
+ "not_INR_O" ->
+ "not_O_INR" ->
+ "not_nm_INR" ->
+ "INR_eq" ->
+ "INR_le" ->
+ "not_1_INR" ->
+ "IZN" ->
+ "INR_IZR_INZ" ->
+ "plus_IZR_NEG_POS" ->
+ "plus_IZR" ->
+ "mult_IZR" ->
+ "Ropp_Ropp_IZR" ->
+ "Z_R_minus" ->
+ "lt_O_IZR" ->
+ "lt_IZR" ->
+ "eq_IZR_R0" ->
+ "eq_IZR" ->
+ "not_O_IZR" ->
+ "le_O_IZR" ->
+ "le_IZR" ->
+ "le_IZR_R1" ->
+ "IZR_ge" ->
+ "IZR_le" ->
+ "IZR_lt" ->
+ "one_IZR_lt1" ->
+ "one_IZR_r_R1" ->
+ "single_z_r_R1" ->
+ "tech_single_z_r_R1" ->
+ "prod_neq_R0" ->
+ "Rmult_le_pos" ->
+ "double" ->
+ "double_var" ->
+"gt0_plus_gt0_is_gt0", ([],"Rplus_lt_0_compat");
+"ge0_plus_gt0_is_gt0", ([],"Rplus_le_lt_0_compat");
+"gt0_plus_ge0_is_gt0", ([],"Rplus_lt_le_0_compat");
+"ge0_plus_ge0_is_ge0", ([],"Rplus_le_le_0_compat");
+ "plus_le_is_le" -> ?
+ "plus_lt_is_lt" -> ?
+"Rmult_lt2", ([],"Rmult_le_0_lt_compat");
+(* "Rge_ge_eq" -> c dir,"Rge_antisym" OK *)
+let translate_v7_string dir s =
+ try
+ let d,s' = List.assoc s translation_table in
+ (if d=[] then c dir else d),s'
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Special cases *)
+ match s with
+ (* Init *)
+ | "relation" when is_module "Datatypes" or is_dir dir "Datatypes"
+ -> da,"comparison"
+ | "Op" when is_module "Datatypes" or is_dir dir "Datatypes"
+ -> da,"CompOpp"
+ (* BinPos *)
+ | "times" when not (is_module "Mapfold") -> bp,"Pmult"
+ (* Reals *)
+ | s when String.length s >= 7 & (String.sub s 0 7 = "Rabsolu") ->
+ c dir,
+ "Rabs"^(String.sub s 7 (String.length s - 7))
+ | s when String.length s >= 7 &
+ (String.sub s (String.length s - 7) 7 = "Rabsolu") -> c dir,
+ "R"^(String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 7))^"abs"
+ | s when String.length s >= 7 &
+ let s' = String.sub s 0 7 in
+ (s' = "unicite" or s' = "unicity") -> c dir,
+ "uniqueness"^(String.sub s 7 (String.length s - 7))
+ | s when String.length s >= 3 &
+ let s' = String.sub s 0 3 in
+ s' = "gcd" -> c dir, "Zis_gcd"^(String.sub s 3 (String.length s - 3))
+ (* Default *)
+ | x -> [],x
+let id_of_v7_string s =
+ id_of_string (if !Options.v7 then s else snd (translate_v7_string empty_dirpath s))
+let v7_to_v8_dir_id dir id =
+ if Options.do_translate() then
+ let s = string_of_id id in
+ let dir',s =
+ if (is_coq_root (Lib.library_dp()) or is_coq_root dir)
+ then translate_v7_string dir s else [], s in
+ dir',id_of_string (translate_ident_string s)
+ else [],id
+let v7_to_v8_id id = snd (v7_to_v8_dir_id empty_dirpath id)
+let short_names =
+ (fun x -> snd (snd x)) translation_table
+let is_new_name s =
+ Options.do_translate () &
+ (List.mem s short_names or
+ s = "comparison" or s = "CompOpp" or s = "Pmult" or
+ (String.length s >= 4 & String.sub s 0 4 = "Rabs") or
+ (String.length s >= 4 & String.sub s (String.length s - 3) 3 = "abs"
+ & s.[0] = 'R') or
+ (String.length s >= 10 & String.sub s 0 10 = "uniqueness"))
+let v7_to_v8_dir fulldir dir =
+ if Options.do_translate () & dir <> empty_dirpath then
+ let update s =
+ let l = string_of_id (repr_dirpath dir) in
+ make_dirpath ( id_of_string (s :: l))
+ in
+ let l = string_of_id (repr_dirpath fulldir) in
+ if l = [ "List"; "Lists"; "Coq" ] then update "MonoList"
+ else if l = [ "PolyList"; "Lists"; "Coq" ] then update "List"
+ else dir
+ else dir
+let shortest_qualid_of_v7_global ctx ref =
+ let fulldir,_ = repr_path (sp_of_global ref) in
+ let dir,id = repr_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global ctx ref) in
+ let dir',id = v7_to_v8_dir_id fulldir id in
+ let dir'' =
+ if dir' = [] then
+ (* A name that is not renamed *)
+ if dir = empty_dirpath & is_new_name (string_of_id id)
+ then
+ (* An unqualified name that is not renamed but which coincides *)
+ (* with a new name: force qualification unless it is a variable *)
+ if fulldir <> empty_dirpath & not (is_coq_root fulldir)
+ then make_dirpath [List.hd (repr_dirpath fulldir)]
+ else empty_dirpath
+ else v7_to_v8_dir fulldir dir
+ else
+ (* A stdlib name that has been renamed *)
+ try
+ let d,_ = repr_path (Nametab.full_name_cci (make_short_qualid id)) in
+ if not (is_coq_root d) then
+ (* The user has defined id, then we qualify the new name *)
+ v7_to_v8_dir fulldir (make_dirpath ( id_of_string dir'))
+ else empty_dirpath
+ with Not_found -> v7_to_v8_dir fulldir dir in
+ make_qualid dir'' id
+let extern_reference loc vars r =
+ try Qualid (loc,shortest_qualid_of_v7_global vars r)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* happens in debugger *)
+ Ident (loc,id_of_string (raw_string_of_ref r))
+(* Equality up to location (useful for translator v8) *)
+let rec check_same_pattern p1 p2 =
+ match p1, p2 with
+ | CPatAlias(_,a1,i1), CPatAlias(_,a2,i2) when i1=i2 ->
+ check_same_pattern a1 a2
+ | CPatCstr(_,c1,a1), CPatCstr(_,c2,a2) when c1=c2 ->
+ List.iter2 check_same_pattern a1 a2
+ | CPatAtom(_,r1), CPatAtom(_,r2) when r1=r2 -> ()
+ | CPatNumeral(_,i1), CPatNumeral(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
+ | CPatDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CPatDelimiters(_,s2,e2) when s1=s2 ->
+ check_same_pattern e1 e2
+ | _ -> failwith "not same pattern"
+let check_same_ref r1 r2 =
+ match r1,r2 with
+ | Qualid(_,q1), Qualid(_,q2) when q1=q2 -> ()
+ | Ident(_,i1), Ident(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
+ | _ -> failwith "not same ref"
+let rec check_same_type ty1 ty2 =
+ match ty1, ty2 with
+ | CRef r1, CRef r2 -> check_same_ref r1 r2
+ | CFix(_,(_,id1),fl1), CFix(_,(_,id2),fl2) when id1=id2 ->
+ List.iter2 (fun (id1,i1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,i2,bl2,a2,b2) ->
+ if id1<>id2 || i1<>i2 then failwith "not same fix";
+ check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2;
+ check_same_type a1 a2;
+ check_same_type b1 b2)
+ fl1 fl2
+ | CCoFix(_,(_,id1),fl1), CCoFix(_,(_,id2),fl2) when id1=id2 ->
+ List.iter2 (fun (id1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,bl2,a2,b2) ->
+ if id1<>id2 then failwith "not same fix";
+ check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2;
+ check_same_type a1 a2;
+ check_same_type b1 b2)
+ fl1 fl2
+ | CArrow(_,a1,b1), CArrow(_,a2,b2) ->
+ check_same_type a1 a2;
+ check_same_type b1 b2
+ | CProdN(_,bl1,a1), CProdN(_,bl2,a2) ->
+ List.iter2 check_same_binder bl1 bl2;
+ check_same_type a1 a2
+ | CLambdaN(_,bl1,a1), CLambdaN(_,bl2,a2) ->
+ List.iter2 check_same_binder bl1 bl2;
+ check_same_type a1 a2
+ | CLetIn(_,(_,na1),a1,b1), CLetIn(_,(_,na2),a2,b2) when na1=na2 ->
+ check_same_type a1 a2;
+ check_same_type b1 b2
+ | CAppExpl(_,r1,al1), CAppExpl(_,r2,al2) when r1=r2 ->
+ List.iter2 check_same_type al1 al2
+ | CApp(_,(_,e1),al1), CApp(_,(_,e2),al2) ->
+ check_same_type e1 e2;
+ List.iter2 (fun (a1,e1) (a2,e2) ->
+ if e1<>e2 then failwith "not same expl";
+ check_same_type a1 a2) al1 al2
+ | CCases(_,_,a1,brl1), CCases(_,_,a2,brl2) ->
+ List.iter2 (fun (tm1,_) (tm2,_) -> check_same_type tm1 tm2) a1 a2;
+ List.iter2 (fun (_,pl1,r1) (_,pl2,r2) ->
+ List.iter2 check_same_pattern pl1 pl2;
+ check_same_type r1 r2) brl1 brl2
+ | COrderedCase(_,_,_,a1,bl1), COrderedCase(_,_,_,a2,bl2) ->
+ check_same_type a1 a2;
+ List.iter2 check_same_type bl1 bl2
+ | CHole _, CHole _ -> ()
+ | CPatVar(_,i1), CPatVar(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
+ | CSort(_,s1), CSort(_,s2) when s1=s2 -> ()
+ | CCast(_,a1,b1), CCast(_,a2,b2) ->
+ check_same_type a1 a2;
+ check_same_type b1 b2
+ | CNotation(_,n1,e1), CNotation(_,n2,e2) when n1=n2 ->
+ List.iter2 check_same_type e1 e2
+ | CNumeral(_,i1), CNumeral(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
+ | CDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CDelimiters(_,s2,e2) when s1=s2 ->
+ check_same_type e1 e2
+ | _ when ty1=ty2 -> ()
+ | _ -> failwith "not same type"
+and check_same_binder (nal1,e1) (nal2,e2) =
+ List.iter2 (fun (_,na1) (_,na2) ->
+ if na1<>na2 then failwith "not same name") nal1 nal2;
+ check_same_type e1 e2
+and check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2 =
+ List.iter2 (fun b1 b2 ->
+ match b1,b2 with
+ LocalRawAssum(nal1,ty1), LocalRawAssum(nal2,ty2) ->
+ check_same_binder (nal1,ty1) (nal2,ty2)
+ | LocalRawDef(na1,def1), LocalRawDef(na2,def2) ->
+ check_same_binder ([na1],def1) ([na2],def2)
+ | _ -> failwith "not same binder") bl1 bl2
+let same c d = try check_same_type c d; true with _ -> false
+(* Idem for rawconstr *)
+let option_iter2 f o1 o2 =
+ match o1, o2 with
+ Some o1, Some o2 -> f o1 o2
+ | None, None -> ()
+ | _ -> failwith "option"
+let array_iter2 f v1 v2 =
+ List.iter2 f (Array.to_list v1) (Array.to_list v2)
+let rec same_patt p1 p2 =
+ match p1, p2 with
+ PatVar(_,na1), PatVar(_,na2) -> if na1<>na2 then failwith "PatVar"
+ | PatCstr(_,c1,pl1,al1), PatCstr(_,c2,pl2,al2) ->
+ if c1<>c2 || al1 <> al2 then failwith "PatCstr";
+ List.iter2 same_patt pl1 pl2
+ | _ -> failwith "same_patt"
+let rec same_raw c d =
+ match c,d with
+ | RRef(_,gr1), RRef(_,gr2) -> if gr1<>gr2 then failwith "RRef"
+ | RVar(_,id1), RVar(_,id2) -> if id1<>id2 then failwith "RVar"
+ | REvar(_,e1,a1), REvar(_,e2,a2) ->
+ if e1 <> e2 then failwith "REvar";
+ option_iter2(List.iter2 same_raw) a1 a2
+ | RPatVar(_,pv1), RPatVar(_,pv2) -> if pv1<>pv2 then failwith "RPatVar"
+ | RApp(_,f1,a1), RApp(_,f2,a2) ->
+ List.iter2 same_raw (f1::a1) (f2::a2)
+ | RLambda(_,na1,t1,m1), RLambda(_,na2,t2,m2) ->
+ if na1 <> na2 then failwith "RLambda";
+ same_raw t1 t2; same_raw m1 m2
+ | RProd(_,na1,t1,m1), RProd(_,na2,t2,m2) ->
+ if na1 <> na2 then failwith "RProd";
+ same_raw t1 t2; same_raw m1 m2
+ | RLetIn(_,na1,t1,m1), RLetIn(_,na2,t2,m2) ->
+ if na1 <> na2 then failwith "RLetIn";
+ same_raw t1 t2; same_raw m1 m2
+ | RCases(_,_,c1,b1), RCases(_,_,c2,b2) ->
+ List.iter2
+ (fun (t1,{contents=(al1,oind1)}) (t2,{contents=(al2,oind2)}) ->
+ same_raw t1 t2;
+ if al1 <> al2 then failwith "RCases";
+ option_iter2(fun (_,i1,nl1) (_,i2,nl2) ->
+ if i1<>i2 || nl1 <> nl2 then failwith "RCases") oind1 oind2) c1 c2;
+ List.iter2 (fun (_,_,pl1,b1) (_,_,pl2,b2) ->
+ List.iter2 same_patt pl1 pl2;
+ same_raw b1 b2) b1 b2
+ | ROrderedCase(_,_,_,c1,v1,_), ROrderedCase(_,_,_,c2,v2,_) ->
+ same_raw c1 c2;
+ array_iter2 same_raw v1 v2
+ | RLetTuple(_,nl1,_,b1,c1), RLetTuple(_,nl2,_,b2,c2) ->
+ if nl1<>nl2 then failwith "RLetTuple";
+ same_raw b1 b2;
+ same_raw c1 c2
+ | RIf(_,b1,_,t1,e1),RIf(_,b2,_,t2,e2) ->
+ same_raw b1 b2; same_raw t1 t2; same_raw e1 e2
+ | RRec(_,fk1,na1,bl1,ty1,def1), RRec(_,fk2,na2,bl2,ty2,def2) ->
+ if fk1 <> fk2 || na1 <> na2 then failwith "RRec";
+ array_iter2
+ (List.iter2 (fun (na1,bd1,ty1) (na2,bd2,ty2) ->
+ if na1<>na2 then failwith "RRec";
+ option_iter2 same_raw bd1 bd2;
+ same_raw ty1 ty2)) bl1 bl2;
+ array_iter2 same_raw ty1 ty2;
+ array_iter2 same_raw def1 def2
+ | RSort(_,s1), RSort(_,s2) -> if s1<>s2 then failwith "RSort"
+ | RHole _, _ -> ()
+ | _, RHole _ -> ()
+ | RCast(_,c1,_),r2 -> same_raw c1 r2
+ | r1, RCast(_,c2,_) -> same_raw r1 c2
+ | RDynamic(_,d1), RDynamic(_,d2) -> if d1<>d2 then failwith"RDynamic"
+ | _ -> failwith "same_raw"
+let same_rawconstr c d =
+ try same_raw c d; true
+ with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> false
+(* mapping patterns to cases_pattern_expr *)
+let make_current_scopes (scopt,scopes) =
+ option_fold_right push_scope scopt scopes
+let has_curly_brackets ntn =
+ String.length ntn >= 6 & (String.sub ntn 0 6 = "{ _ } " or
+ String.sub ntn (String.length ntn - 6) 6 = " { _ }" or
+ string_string_contains ntn " { _ } ")
+let rec wildcards ntn n =
+ if n = String.length ntn then []
+ else let l = spaces ntn (n+1) in if ntn.[n] = '_' then n::l else l
+and spaces ntn n =
+ if n = String.length ntn then []
+ else if ntn.[n] = ' ' then wildcards ntn (n+1) else spaces ntn (n+1)
+let expand_curly_brackets make_ntn ntn l =
+ let ntn' = ref ntn in
+ let rec expand_ntn i =
+ function
+ | [] -> []
+ | a::l ->
+ let a' =
+ let p = List.nth (wildcards !ntn' 0) i - 2 in
+ if p>=0 & p+5 <= String.length !ntn' & String.sub !ntn' p 5 = "{ _ }"
+ then begin
+ ntn' :=
+ String.sub !ntn' 0 p ^ "_" ^
+ String.sub !ntn' (p+5) (String.length !ntn' -p-5);
+ make_ntn "{ _ }" [a] end
+ else a in
+ a' :: expand_ntn (i+1) l in
+ let l = expand_ntn 0 l in
+ (* side effect *)
+ make_ntn !ntn' l
+let make_notation loc ntn l =
+ if has_curly_brackets ntn
+ then expand_curly_brackets (fun n l -> CNotation (loc,n,l)) ntn l
+ else match ntn,l with
+ (* Special case to avoid writing "- 3" for e.g. (Zopp 3) *)
+ | "- _", [CNumeral(_,Bignat.POS p)] ->
+ CNotation (loc,ntn,[CNotation(loc,"( _ )",l)])
+ | _ -> CNotation (loc,ntn,l)
+let make_pat_notation loc ntn l =
+ if has_curly_brackets ntn
+ then expand_curly_brackets (fun n l -> CPatNotation (loc,n,l)) ntn l
+ else match ntn,l with
+ (* Special case to avoid writing "- 3" for e.g. (Zopp 3) *)
+ | "- _", [CPatNumeral(_,Bignat.POS p)] ->
+ CPatNotation (loc,ntn,[CPatNotation(loc,"( _ )",l)])
+ | _ -> CPatNotation (loc,ntn,l)
+let rec cases_pattern_expr_of_constr_expr = function
+ | CRef r -> CPatAtom (dummy_loc,Some r)
+ | CHole loc -> CPatAtom (loc,None)
+ | CApp (loc,(proj,CRef c),l) when proj = None ->
+ let l,e = List.split l in
+ if not (List.for_all ((=) None) e) then
+ anomaly "Unexpected explicitation in pattern";
+ CPatCstr (loc,c, cases_pattern_expr_of_constr_expr l)
+ | CNotation (loc,ntn,l) ->
+ CPatNotation (loc,ntn, cases_pattern_expr_of_constr_expr l)
+ | CNumeral (loc,n) -> CPatNumeral (loc,n)
+ | CDelimiters (loc,s,e) ->
+ CPatDelimiters (loc,s,cases_pattern_expr_of_constr_expr e)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Constrextern: not a pattern"
+let rec rawconstr_of_cases_pattern = function
+ | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> RVar (loc,id)
+ | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> RHole (loc,InternalHole)
+ | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as c),args,_) ->
+ let nparams = (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ let params = list_tabulate (fun _ -> RHole (loc,InternalHole)) nparams in
+ let args = params @ rawconstr_of_cases_pattern args in
+ let f = RRef (loc,ConstructRef c) in
+ if args = [] then f else RApp (loc,f,args)
+let bind_env sigma var v =
+ try
+ let vvar = List.assoc var sigma in
+ if v=vvar then sigma else raise No_match
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
+ (var,v)::sigma
+let rec match_cases_pattern metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with
+ | r1, AVar id2 when List.mem id2 metas -> bind_env sigma id2 r1
+ | PatVar (_,Anonymous), AHole _ -> sigma
+ | a, AHole _ when not(Options.do_translate()) -> sigma
+ | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),args1,Anonymous), _ ->
+ let nparams =
+ (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ let l2 =
+ match a2 with
+ | ARef (ConstructRef r2) when r1 = r2 -> []
+ | AApp (ARef (ConstructRef r2),l2) when r1 = r2 -> l2
+ | _ -> raise No_match in
+ if List.length l2 <> nparams + List.length args1
+ then raise No_match
+ else
+ let (p2,args2) = list_chop nparams l2 in
+ (* All parameters must be _ *)
+ List.iter (function AHole _ -> () | _ -> raise No_match) p2;
+ List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern metas) sigma args1 args2
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+let match_aconstr_cases_pattern c (metas_scl,pat) =
+ let subst = match_cases_pattern ( fst metas_scl) [] c pat in
+ (* Reorder canonically the substitution *)
+ let find x subst =
+ try List.assoc x subst
+ with Not_found -> anomaly "match_aconstr_cases_pattern" in
+ (fun (x,scl) -> (find x subst,scl)) metas_scl
+ (* Better to use extern_rawconstr composed with injection/retraction ?? *)
+let rec extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars pat =
+ try
+ if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ let (sc,n) = Symbols.uninterp_cases_numeral pat in
+ match Symbols.availability_of_numeral sc (make_current_scopes scopes) with
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ | Some key ->
+ let loc = pattern_loc pat in
+ insert_pat_delimiters (CPatNumeral (loc,n)) key
+ with No_match ->
+ try
+ if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ extern_symbol_pattern scopes vars pat
+ (Symbols.uninterp_cases_pattern_notations pat)
+ with No_match ->
+ match pat with
+ | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> CPatAtom (loc,Some (Ident (loc,v7_to_v8_id id)))
+ | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> CPatAtom (loc, None)
+ | PatCstr(loc,cstrsp,args,na) ->
+ let args = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) args in
+ let p = CPatCstr
+ (loc,extern_reference loc vars (ConstructRef cstrsp),args) in
+ (match na with
+ | Name id -> CPatAlias (loc,p,v7_to_v8_id id)
+ | Anonymous -> p)
+and extern_symbol_pattern (tmp_scope,scopes as allscopes) vars t = function
+ | [] -> raise No_match
+ | (keyrule,pat,n as rule)::rules ->
+ try
+ (* Check the number of arguments expected by the notation *)
+ let loc = match t,n with
+ | PatCstr (_,f,l,_), Some n when List.length l > n ->
+ raise No_match
+ | PatCstr (loc,_,_,_),_ -> loc
+ | PatVar (loc,_),_ -> loc in
+ (* Try matching ... *)
+ let subst = match_aconstr_cases_pattern t pat in
+ (* Try availability of interpretation ... *)
+ match keyrule with
+ | NotationRule (sc,ntn) ->
+ let scopes' = make_current_scopes (tmp_scope, scopes) in
+ (match Symbols.availability_of_notation (sc,ntn) scopes' with
+ (* Uninterpretation is not allowed in current context *)
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ (* Uninterpretation is allowed in current context *)
+ | Some (scopt,key) ->
+ let scopes = make_current_scopes (scopt, scopes) in
+ let l =
+ (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
+ extern_cases_pattern_in_scope
+ (scopt,List.fold_right push_scope scl scopes) vars c)
+ subst in
+ insert_pat_delimiters (make_pat_notation loc ntn l) key)
+ | SynDefRule kn ->
+ CPatAtom (loc,Some (Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef kn)))
+ with
+ No_match -> extern_symbol_pattern allscopes vars t rules
+(* Externalising applications *)
+let occur_name na aty =
+ match na with
+ | Name id -> occur_var_constr_expr id aty
+ | Anonymous -> false
+let is_projection nargs = function
+ | Some r when not !Options.raw_print & !print_projections ->
+ (try
+ let n = Recordops.find_projection_nparams r + 1 in
+ if n <= nargs then Some n else None
+ with Not_found -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+let is_nil = function
+ | [CRef ref] -> snd (repr_qualid (snd (qualid_of_reference ref))) = id_of_string "nil"
+ | _ -> false
+let stdlib_but_length args = function
+ | Some r ->
+ let dir,id = repr_path (sp_of_global r) in
+ (is_coq_root (Lib.library_dp()) or is_coq_root dir)
+ && not (List.mem (string_of_id id) ["Zlength";"length"] && is_nil args)
+ && not (List.mem (string_of_id id) ["In"] && List.length args >= 2
+ && is_nil ( args))
+ | None -> false
+let explicit_code imp q =
+ dummy_loc,
+ if !Options.v7 & not (Options.do_translate()) then ExplByPos q
+ else ExplByName (name_of_implicit imp)
+let is_hole = function CHole _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_significant_implicit a impl tail =
+ not (is_hole a) or (tail = [] & not (List.for_all is_status_implicit impl))
+(* Implicit args indexes are in ascending order *)
+(* inctx is useful only if there is a last argument to be deduced from ctxt *)
+let explicitize loc inctx impl (cf,f) args =
+ let n = List.length args in
+ let rec exprec q = function
+ | a::args, imp::impl when is_status_implicit imp ->
+ let tail = exprec (q+1) (args,impl) in
+ let visible =
+ !Options.raw_print or
+ (!print_implicits & !print_implicits_explicit_args) or
+ (is_significant_implicit a impl tail &
+ (not (is_inferable_implicit inctx n imp) or
+ (Options.do_translate() & not (stdlib_but_length args cf))))
+ in
+ if visible then (a,Some (explicit_code imp q)) :: tail else tail
+ | a::args, _::impl -> (a,None) :: exprec (q+1) (args,impl)
+ | args, [] -> (fun a -> (a,None)) args (*In case of polymorphism*)
+ | [], _ -> [] in
+ match is_projection (List.length args) cf with
+ | Some i as ip ->
+ if impl <> [] & is_status_implicit (List.nth impl (i-1)) then
+ let f' = match f with CRef f -> f | _ -> assert false in
+ CAppExpl (loc,(ip,f'),args)
+ else
+ let (args1,args2) = list_chop i args in
+ let (impl1,impl2) = if impl=[] then [],[] else list_chop i impl in
+ let args1 = exprec 1 (args1,impl1) in
+ let args2 = exprec (i+1) (args2,impl2) in
+ CApp (loc,(Some (List.length args1),f),args1@args2)
+ | None ->
+ let args = exprec 1 (args,impl) in
+ if args = [] then f else CApp (loc, (None, f), args)
+let extern_global loc impl f =
+ if impl <> [] & List.for_all is_status_implicit impl then
+ CAppExpl (loc, (None, f), [])
+ else
+ CRef f
+let extern_app loc inctx impl (cf,f) args =
+ if args = [] (* maybe caused by a hidden coercion *) then
+ extern_global loc impl f
+ else
+ if
+ ((!Options.raw_print or
+ (!print_implicits & not !print_implicits_explicit_args)) &
+ List.exists is_status_implicit impl)
+ then
+ CAppExpl (loc, (is_projection (List.length args) cf, f), args)
+ else
+ explicitize loc inctx impl (cf,CRef f) args
+let rec extern_args extern scopes env args subscopes =
+ match args with
+ | [] -> []
+ | a::args ->
+ let argscopes, subscopes = match subscopes with
+ | [] -> (None,scopes), []
+ | scopt::subscopes -> (scopt,scopes), subscopes in
+ extern argscopes env a :: extern_args extern scopes env args subscopes
+let rec remove_coercions inctx = function
+ | RApp (loc,RRef (_,r),args) as c
+ when
+ inctx &
+ not (!Options.raw_print or !print_coercions or Options.do_translate ())
+ ->
+ (try match Classops.hide_coercion r with
+ | Some n when n < List.length args ->
+ (* We skip a coercion *)
+ let l = list_skipn n args in
+ let (a,l) = match l with a::l -> (a,l) | [] -> assert false in
+ let (a,l) =
+ (* Recursively remove the head coercions *)
+ match remove_coercions inctx a with
+ | RApp (_,a,l') -> a,l'@l
+ | a -> a,l in
+ if l = [] then a
+ else
+ (* Recursively remove coercions in arguments *)
+ RApp (loc,a, (remove_coercions true) l)
+ | _ -> c
+ with Not_found -> c)
+ | c -> c
+let rec rename_rawconstr_var id0 id1 = function
+ RRef(loc,VarRef id) when id=id0 -> RRef(loc,VarRef id1)
+ | RVar(loc,id) when id=id0 -> RVar(loc,id1)
+ | c -> map_rawconstr (rename_rawconstr_var id0 id1) c
+let rec share_fix_binders n rbl ty def =
+ match ty,def with
+ RProd(_,na0,t0,b), RLambda(_,na1,t1,m) ->
+ if not(same_rawconstr t0 t1) then List.rev rbl, ty, def
+ else
+ let (na,b,m) =
+ match na0, na1 with
+ Name id0, Name id1 ->
+ if id0=id1 then (na0,b,m)
+ else if not (occur_rawconstr id1 b) then
+ (na1,rename_rawconstr_var id0 id1 b,m)
+ else if not (occur_rawconstr id0 m) then
+ (na1,b,rename_rawconstr_var id1 id0 m)
+ else (* vraiment pas de chance! *)
+ failwith "share_fix_binders: capture"
+ | Name id, Anonymous ->
+ if not (occur_rawconstr id m) then (na0,b,m)
+ else
+ failwith "share_fix_binders: capture"
+ | Anonymous, Name id ->
+ if not (occur_rawconstr id b) then (na1,b,m)
+ else
+ failwith "share_fix_binders: capture"
+ | _ -> (na1,b,m) in
+ share_fix_binders (n-1) ((na,None,t0)::rbl) b m
+ | _ -> List.rev rbl, ty, def
+(* mapping rawterms to constr_expr *)
+let rec extern inctx scopes vars r =
+ try
+ if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ extern_numeral (Rawterm.loc_of_rawconstr r)
+ scopes (Symbols.uninterp_numeral r)
+ with No_match ->
+ let r = remove_coercions inctx r in
+ try
+ if !Options.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ extern_symbol scopes vars r (Symbols.uninterp_notations r)
+ with No_match -> match r with
+ | RRef (loc,ref) ->
+ extern_global loc (implicits_of_global_out ref)
+ (extern_reference loc vars ref)
+ | RVar (loc,id) -> CRef (Ident (loc,v7_to_v8_id id))
+ | REvar (loc,n,_) -> (* we drop args *) extern_evar loc n
+ | RPatVar (loc,n) -> if !print_meta_as_hole then CHole loc else CPatVar (loc,n)
+ | RApp (loc,f,args) ->
+ (match f with
+ | RRef (rloc,ref) ->
+ let subscopes = Symbols.find_arguments_scope ref in
+ let args =
+ extern_args (extern true) (snd scopes) vars args subscopes in
+ extern_app loc inctx (implicits_of_global_out ref)
+ (Some ref,extern_reference rloc vars ref)
+ args
+ | RVar (rloc,id) -> (* useful for translation of inductive *)
+ let args = (sub_extern true scopes vars) args in
+ extern_app loc inctx (get_temporary_implicits_out id)
+ (None,Ident (rloc,v7_to_v8_id id))
+ args
+ | _ ->
+ explicitize loc inctx [] (None,sub_extern false scopes vars f)
+ ( (sub_extern true scopes vars) args))
+ | RProd (loc,Anonymous,t,c) ->
+ (* Anonymous product are never factorized *)
+ CArrow (loc,extern_type scopes vars t, extern_type scopes vars c)
+ | RLetIn (loc,na,t,c) ->
+ let na = name_app translate_ident na in
+ CLetIn (loc,(loc,na),sub_extern false scopes vars t,
+ extern inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) c)
+ | RProd (loc,na,t,c) ->
+ let t = extern_type scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na t) in
+ let (idl,c) = factorize_prod scopes (add_vname vars na) t c in
+ CProdN (loc,[(dummy_loc,na)::idl,t],c)
+ | RLambda (loc,na,t,c) ->
+ let t = extern_type scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na t) in
+ let (idl,c) = factorize_lambda inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) t c in
+ CLambdaN (loc,[(dummy_loc,na)::idl,t],c)
+ | RCases (loc,(typopt,rtntypopt),tml,eqns) ->
+ let pred = option_app (extern_type scopes vars) typopt in
+ let vars' =
+ List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add)
+ (cases_predicate_names tml) vars in
+ let rtntypopt' = option_app (extern_type scopes vars') !rtntypopt in
+ let tml = (fun (tm,{contents=(na,x)}) ->
+ let na' = match na,tm with
+ Anonymous, RVar (_,id) when
+ !rtntypopt<>None & occur_rawconstr id (out_some !rtntypopt)
+ -> Some Anonymous
+ | Anonymous, _ -> None
+ | Name id, RVar (_,id') when id=id' -> None
+ | Name _, _ -> Some na in
+ (sub_extern false scopes vars tm,
+ (na',option_app (fun (loc,ind,nal) ->
+ let args = (function
+ | Anonymous -> RHole (dummy_loc,InternalHole)
+ | Name id -> RVar (dummy_loc,id)) nal in
+ let t = RApp (dummy_loc,RRef (dummy_loc,IndRef ind),args) in
+ (extern_type scopes vars t)) x))) tml in
+ let eqns = (extern_eqn (typopt<>None) scopes vars) eqns in
+ CCases (loc,(pred,rtntypopt'),tml,eqns)
+ | ROrderedCase (loc,cs,typopt,tm,bv,{contents = Some x}) ->
+ extern false scopes vars x
+ | ROrderedCase (loc,IfStyle,typopt,tm,bv,_) when Options.do_translate () ->
+ let rec strip_branches = function
+ | (RLambda (_,_,_,c1), RLambda (_,_,_,c2)) -> strip_branches (c1,c2)
+ | x -> x in
+ let c1,c2 = strip_branches (bv.(0),bv.(1)) in
+ msgerrnl (str "Warning: unable to ensure the correctness of the translation of an if-then-else");
+ let bv = (sub_extern (typopt<>None) scopes vars) [|c1;c2|] in
+ COrderedCase
+ (loc,IfStyle,option_app (extern_type scopes vars) typopt,
+ sub_extern false scopes vars tm,Array.to_list bv)
+ (* We failed type-checking If and to translate it to CIf *)
+ (* try to remove the dependances in branches anyway *)
+ | ROrderedCase (loc,cs,typopt,tm,bv,_) ->
+ let bv = (sub_extern (typopt<>None) scopes vars) bv in
+ COrderedCase
+ (loc,cs,option_app (extern_type scopes vars) typopt,
+ sub_extern false scopes vars tm,Array.to_list bv)
+ | RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,typopt),tm,b) ->
+ CLetTuple (loc,nal,
+ (Some na,option_app (extern_type scopes (add_vname vars na)) typopt),
+ sub_extern false scopes vars tm,
+ extern false scopes (List.fold_left add_vname vars nal) b)
+ | RIf (loc,c,(na,typopt),b1,b2) ->
+ CIf (loc,sub_extern false scopes vars c,
+ (Some na,option_app (extern_type scopes (add_vname vars na)) typopt),
+ sub_extern false scopes vars b1, sub_extern false scopes vars b2)
+ | RRec (loc,fk,idv,blv,tyv,bv) ->
+ let vars' = Array.fold_right Idset.add idv vars in
+ (match fk with
+ | RFix (nv,n) ->
+ let listdecl =
+ Array.mapi (fun i fi ->
+ let (bl,ty,def) =
+ if Options.do_translate() then
+ let n = List.fold_left
+ (fun n (_,obd,_) -> if obd=None then n-1 else n)
+ nv.(i) blv.(i) in
+ share_fix_binders n (List.rev blv.(i)) tyv.(i) bv.(i)
+ else blv.(i), tyv.(i), bv.(i) in
+ let (ids,bl) = extern_local_binder scopes vars bl in
+ let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars in
+ let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars' in
+ (fi,nv.(i), bl, extern_type scopes vars0 ty,
+ extern false scopes vars1 def)) idv
+ in
+ CFix (loc,(loc,idv.(n)),Array.to_list listdecl)
+ | RCoFix n ->
+ let listdecl =
+ Array.mapi (fun i fi ->
+ let (ids,bl) = extern_local_binder scopes vars blv.(i) in
+ let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars in
+ let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars' in
+ (fi,bl,extern_type scopes vars0 tyv.(i),
+ sub_extern false scopes vars1 bv.(i))) idv
+ in
+ CCoFix (loc,(loc,idv.(n)),Array.to_list listdecl))
+ | RSort (loc,s) ->
+ let s = match s with
+ | RProp _ -> s
+ | RType (Some _) when !print_universes -> s
+ | RType _ -> RType None in
+ CSort (loc,s)
+ | RHole (loc,e) -> CHole loc
+ | RCast (loc,c,t) ->
+ CCast (loc,sub_extern true scopes vars c,extern_type scopes vars t)
+ | RDynamic (loc,d) -> CDynamic (loc,d)
+and extern_type (_,scopes) = extern true (Some Symbols.type_scope,scopes)
+and sub_extern inctx (_,scopes) = extern inctx (None,scopes)
+and factorize_prod scopes vars aty = function
+ | RProd (loc,(Name id as na),ty,c)
+ when same aty (extern_type scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na ty))
+ & not (occur_var_constr_expr id aty) (* avoid na in ty escapes scope *)
+ -> let id = translate_ident id in
+ let (nal,c) = factorize_prod scopes (Idset.add id vars) aty c in
+ ((loc,Name id)::nal,c)
+ | c -> ([],extern_type scopes vars c)
+and factorize_lambda inctx scopes vars aty = function
+ | RLambda (loc,na,ty,c)
+ when same aty (extern_type scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na ty))
+ & not (occur_name na aty) (* To avoid na in ty' escapes scope *)
+ -> let na = name_app translate_ident na in
+ let (nal,c) =
+ factorize_lambda inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) aty c in
+ ((loc,na)::nal,c)
+ | c -> ([],sub_extern inctx scopes vars c)
+and extern_local_binder scopes vars = function
+ [] -> ([],[])
+ | (na,Some bd,ty)::l ->
+ let na = name_app translate_ident na in
+ let (ids,l) =
+ extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Idset.add na vars) l in
+ (na::ids,
+ LocalRawDef((dummy_loc,na), extern false scopes vars bd) :: l)
+ | (na,None,ty)::l ->
+ let na = name_app translate_ident na in
+ let ty = extern_type scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na ty) in
+ (match extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Idset.add na vars) l with
+ (ids,LocalRawAssum(nal,ty')::l)
+ when same ty ty' &
+ match na with Name id -> not (occur_var_constr_expr id ty')
+ | _ -> true ->
+ (na::ids,
+ LocalRawAssum((dummy_loc,na)::nal,ty')::l)
+ | (ids,l) ->
+ (na::ids,
+ LocalRawAssum([(dummy_loc,na)],ty) :: l))
+and extern_eqn inctx scopes vars (loc,ids,pl,c) =
+ (loc, (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) pl,
+ extern inctx scopes vars c)
+and extern_numeral loc scopes (sc,n) =
+ match Symbols.availability_of_numeral sc (make_current_scopes scopes) with
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ | Some key -> insert_delimiters (CNumeral (loc,n)) key
+and extern_symbol (tmp_scope,scopes as allscopes) vars t = function
+ | [] -> raise No_match
+ | (keyrule,pat,n as rule)::rules ->
+ let loc = Rawterm.loc_of_rawconstr t in
+ try
+ (* Adjusts to the number of arguments expected by the notation *)
+ let (t,args) = match t,n with
+ | RApp (_,f,args), Some n when List.length args > n ->
+ let args1, args2 = list_chop n args in
+ RApp (dummy_loc,f,args1), args2
+ | _ -> t,[] in
+ (* Try matching ... *)
+ let subst = match_aconstr t pat in
+ (* Try availability of interpretation ... *)
+ let e =
+ match keyrule with
+ | NotationRule (sc,ntn) ->
+ let scopes' = make_current_scopes (tmp_scope, scopes) in
+ (match Symbols.availability_of_notation (sc,ntn) scopes' with
+ (* Uninterpretation is not allowed in current context *)
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ (* Uninterpretation is allowed in current context *)
+ | Some (scopt,key) ->
+ let scopes = make_current_scopes (scopt, scopes) in
+ let l =
+ (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
+ extern (* assuming no overloading: *) true
+ (scopt,List.fold_right push_scope scl scopes) vars c)
+ subst in
+ insert_delimiters (make_notation loc ntn l) key)
+ | SynDefRule kn ->
+ CRef (Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef kn)) in
+ if args = [] then e
+ else
+ (* TODO: compute scopt for the extra args, in case, head is a ref *)
+ explicitize loc false [] (None,e)
+ ( (extern true allscopes vars) args)
+ with
+ No_match -> extern_symbol allscopes vars t rules
+let extern_rawconstr vars c =
+ extern false (None,Symbols.current_scopes()) vars c
+let extern_rawtype vars c =
+ extern_type (None,Symbols.current_scopes()) vars c
+let extern_cases_pattern vars p =
+ extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (None,Symbols.current_scopes()) vars p
+(* Main translation function from constr -> constr_expr *)
+let loc = dummy_loc (* for constr and pattern, locations are lost *)
+let extern_constr_gen at_top scopt env t =
+ let vars = vars_of_env env in
+ let avoid = if at_top then ids_of_context env else [] in
+ extern (not at_top) (scopt,Symbols.current_scopes()) vars
+ (Detyping.detype (at_top,env) avoid (names_of_rel_context env) t)
+let extern_constr_in_scope at_top scope env t =
+ extern_constr_gen at_top (Some scope) env t
+let extern_constr at_top env t =
+ extern_constr_gen at_top None env t
+(* Main translation function from pattern -> constr_expr *)
+let rec raw_of_pat tenv env = function
+ | PRef ref -> RRef (loc,ref)
+ | PVar id -> RVar (loc,id)
+ | PEvar (n,l) -> REvar (loc,n,Some (array_map_to_list (raw_of_pat tenv env) l))
+ | PRel n ->
+ let id = try match lookup_name_of_rel n env with
+ | Name id -> id
+ | Anonymous ->
+ anomaly "rawconstr_of_pattern: index to an anonymous variable"
+ with Not_found -> id_of_string ("[REL "^(string_of_int n)^"]") in
+ RVar (loc,id)
+ | PMeta None -> RHole (loc,InternalHole)
+ | PMeta (Some n) -> RPatVar (loc,(false,n))
+ | PApp (f,args) ->
+ RApp (loc,raw_of_pat tenv env f,array_map_to_list (raw_of_pat tenv env) args)
+ | PSoApp (n,args) ->
+ RApp (loc,RPatVar (loc,(true,n)),
+ (raw_of_pat tenv env) args)
+ | PProd (na,t,c) ->
+ RProd (loc,na,raw_of_pat tenv env t,raw_of_pat tenv (na::env) c)
+ | PLetIn (na,t,c) ->
+ RLetIn (loc,na,raw_of_pat tenv env t, raw_of_pat tenv (na::env) c)
+ | PLambda (na,t,c) ->
+ RLambda (loc,na,raw_of_pat tenv env t, raw_of_pat tenv (na::env) c)
+ | PCase ((_,(IfStyle|LetStyle as cs)),typopt,tm,bv) ->
+ ROrderedCase (loc,cs,option_app (raw_of_pat tenv env) typopt,
+ raw_of_pat tenv env tm, (raw_of_pat tenv env) bv, ref None)
+ | PCase ((_,cs),typopt,tm,[||]) ->
+ RCases (loc,(option_app (raw_of_pat tenv env) typopt,ref None (* TODO *)),
+ [raw_of_pat tenv env tm,ref (Anonymous,None)],[])
+ | PCase ((Some ind,cs),typopt,tm,bv) ->
+ let avoid = List.fold_right (name_fold (fun x l -> x::l)) env [] in
+ let k = (snd (lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind)).Declarations.mind_nrealargs in
+ Detyping.detype_case false (raw_of_pat tenv env)(raw_of_eqn tenv env)
+ (fun _ _ -> false (* lazy: don't try to display pattern with "if" *))
+ tenv avoid ind cs typopt k tm bv
+ | PCase _ -> error "Unsupported case-analysis while printing pattern"
+ | PFix f -> Detyping.detype (false,tenv) [] env (mkFix f)
+ | PCoFix c -> Detyping.detype (false,tenv) [] env (mkCoFix c)
+ | PSort s -> RSort (loc,s)
+and raw_of_eqn tenv env constr construct_nargs branch =
+ let make_pat x env b ids =
+ let avoid = List.fold_right (name_fold (fun x l -> x::l)) env [] in
+ let id = next_name_away_with_default "x" x avoid in
+ PatVar (dummy_loc,Name id),(Name id)::env,id::ids
+ in
+ let rec buildrec ids patlist env n b =
+ if n=0 then
+ (dummy_loc, ids,
+ [PatCstr(dummy_loc, constr, List.rev patlist,Anonymous)],
+ raw_of_pat tenv env b)
+ else
+ match b with
+ | PLambda (x,_,b) ->
+ let pat,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x env b ids in
+ buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_env (n-1) b
+ | PLetIn (x,_,b) ->
+ let pat,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x env b ids in
+ buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_env (n-1) b
+ | _ ->
+ error "Unsupported branch in case-analysis while printing pattern"
+ in
+ buildrec [] [] env construct_nargs branch
+let extern_pattern tenv env pat =
+ extern true (None,Symbols.current_scopes()) Idset.empty
+ (raw_of_pat tenv env pat)
diff --git a/interp/constrextern.mli b/interp/constrextern.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad1c4391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/constrextern.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: constrextern.mli,v 2004/07/16 20:51:12 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+open Rawterm
+open Pattern
+open Topconstr
+open Symbols
+(* v7->v8 translation *)
+val id_of_v7_string : string -> identifier
+val v7_to_v8_id : identifier -> identifier (* v7->v8 translation *)
+val shortest_qualid_of_v7_global : Idset.t -> global_reference -> qualid
+val check_same_type : constr_expr -> constr_expr -> unit
+(* Translation of pattern, cases pattern, rawterm and term into syntax
+ trees for printing *)
+val extern_cases_pattern : Idset.t -> cases_pattern -> cases_pattern_expr
+val extern_rawconstr : Idset.t -> rawconstr -> constr_expr
+val extern_rawtype : Idset.t -> rawconstr -> constr_expr
+val extern_pattern : env -> names_context -> constr_pattern -> constr_expr
+(* If [b=true] in [extern_constr b env c] then the variables in the first
+ level of quantification clashing with the variables in [env] are renamed *)
+val extern_constr : bool -> env -> constr -> constr_expr
+val extern_constr_in_scope : bool -> scope_name -> env -> constr -> constr_expr
+val extern_reference : loc -> Idset.t -> global_reference -> reference
+(* Printing options *)
+val print_implicits : bool ref
+val print_arguments : bool ref
+val print_evar_arguments : bool ref
+val print_coercions : bool ref
+val print_universes : bool ref
+val print_no_symbol : bool ref
+val print_projections : bool ref
+(* This governs printing of implicit arguments. If [with_implicits] is
+ on and not [with_arguments] then implicit args are printed prefixed
+ by "!"; if [with_implicits] and [with_arguments] are both on the
+ function and not the arguments is prefixed by "!" *)
+val with_implicits : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val with_arguments : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* This forces printing of coercions *)
+val with_coercions : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* This forces printing universe names of Type{.} *)
+val with_universes : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* This suppresses printing of numeral and symbols *)
+val without_symbols : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* This prints metas as anonymous holes *)
+val with_meta_as_hole : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* For v8 translation *)
+val set_temporary_implicits_out :
+ (identifier * Impargs.implicits_list) list -> unit
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1b916e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 20:51:12 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Options
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Libnames
+open Impargs
+open Rawterm
+open Pattern
+open Pretyping
+open Topconstr
+open Nametab
+open Symbols
+(* To interpret implicits and arg scopes of recursive variables in
+ inductive types and recursive definitions *)
+type var_internalisation_data =
+ identifier list * Impargs.implicits_list * scope_name option list
+type implicits_env = (identifier * var_internalisation_data) list
+type full_implicits_env = identifier list * implicits_env
+let interning_grammar = ref false
+(* Historically for parsing grammar rules, but in fact used only for
+ translator, v7 parsing, and unstrict tactic internalisation *)
+let for_grammar f x =
+ interning_grammar := true;
+ let a = f x in
+ interning_grammar := false;
+ a
+let variables_bind = ref false
+(* For the translator *)
+let temporary_implicits_in = ref []
+let set_temporary_implicits_in l = temporary_implicits_in := l
+(* Internalisation errors *)
+type internalisation_error =
+ | VariableCapture of identifier
+ | WrongExplicitImplicit
+ | NegativeMetavariable
+ | NotAConstructor of reference
+ | UnboundFixName of bool * identifier
+ | NonLinearPattern of identifier
+ | BadPatternsNumber of int * int
+ | BadExplicitationNumber of explicitation * int option
+exception InternalisationError of loc * internalisation_error
+let explain_variable_capture id =
+ str "The variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " occurs in its type"
+let explain_wrong_explicit_implicit =
+ str "Found an explicitly given implicit argument but was expecting" ++
+ fnl () ++ str "a regular one"
+let explain_negative_metavariable =
+ str "Metavariable numbers must be positive"
+let explain_not_a_constructor ref =
+ str "Unknown constructor: " ++ pr_reference ref
+let explain_unbound_fix_name is_cofix id =
+ str "The name" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++
+ spc () ++ str "is not bound in the corresponding" ++ spc () ++
+ str (if is_cofix then "co" else "") ++ str "fixpoint definition"
+let explain_non_linear_pattern id =
+ str "The variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " is bound several times in pattern"
+let explain_bad_patterns_number n1 n2 =
+ let s = if n1 > 1 then "s" else "" in
+ str "Expecting " ++ int n1 ++ str " pattern" ++ str s ++ str " but found "
+ ++ int n2
+let explain_bad_explicitation_number n po =
+ match n with
+ | ExplByPos n ->
+ let s = match po with
+ | None -> str "a regular argument"
+ | Some p -> int p in
+ str "Bad explicitation number: found " ++ int n ++
+ str" but was expecting " ++ s
+ | ExplByName id ->
+ let s = match po with
+ | None -> str "a regular argument"
+ | Some p -> (*pr_id (name_of_position p) in*) failwith "" in
+ str "Bad explicitation name: found " ++ pr_id id ++
+ str" but was expecting " ++ s
+let explain_internalisation_error = function
+ | VariableCapture id -> explain_variable_capture id
+ | WrongExplicitImplicit -> explain_wrong_explicit_implicit
+ | NegativeMetavariable -> explain_negative_metavariable
+ | NotAConstructor ref -> explain_not_a_constructor ref
+ | UnboundFixName (iscofix,id) -> explain_unbound_fix_name iscofix id
+ | NonLinearPattern id -> explain_non_linear_pattern id
+ | BadPatternsNumber (n1,n2) -> explain_bad_patterns_number n1 n2
+ | BadExplicitationNumber (n,po) -> explain_bad_explicitation_number n po
+let error_unbound_patvar loc n =
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc,"glob_qualid_or_patvar", str "?" ++ pr_patvar n ++
+ str " is unbound")
+let error_bad_inductive_type loc =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str
+ "This should be an inductive type applied to names or \"_\"")
+(* Dump of globalization (to be used by coqdoc) *)
+let token_number = ref 0
+let last_pos = ref 0
+type coqdoc_state = Lexer.location_table * int * int
+let coqdoc_freeze () =
+ let lt = Lexer.location_table() in
+ let state = (lt,!token_number,!last_pos) in
+ token_number := 0;
+ last_pos := 0;
+ state
+let coqdoc_unfreeze (lt,tn,lp) =
+ Lexer.restore_location_table lt;
+ token_number := tn;
+ last_pos := lp
+let add_glob loc ref =
+ let sp = Nametab.sp_of_global (Global.env ()) ref in
+ let dir,_ = repr_path sp in
+ let rec find_module d =
+ try
+ let qid = let dir,id = split_dirpath d in make_qualid dir id in
+ let _ = Nametab.locate_loaded_library qid in d
+ with Not_found -> find_module (dirpath_prefix d)
+ in
+ let s = string_of_dirpath (find_module dir) in
+ i*)
+ let sp = Nametab.sp_of_global ref in
+ let id = let _,id = repr_path sp in string_of_id id in
+ let dp = string_of_dirpath (Lib.library_part ref) in
+ dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d %s.%s\n" (fst (unloc loc)) dp id)
+let loc_of_notation f loc args ntn =
+ if args=[] or ntn.[0] <> '_' then fst (unloc loc)
+ else snd (unloc (f (List.hd args)))
+let ntn_loc = loc_of_notation constr_loc
+let patntn_loc = loc_of_notation cases_pattern_loc
+let dump_notation_location =
+ fun pos ntn ((path,df),sc) ->
+ let rec next growing =
+ let loc = Lexer.location_function !token_number in
+ let (bp,_) = unloc loc in
+ if growing then if bp >= pos then loc else (incr token_number;next true)
+ else if bp = pos then loc
+ else if bp > pos then (decr token_number;next false)
+ else (incr token_number;next true) in
+ let loc = next (pos >= !last_pos) in
+ last_pos := pos;
+ let path = string_of_dirpath path in
+ let sc = match sc with Some sc -> " "^sc | None -> "" in
+ dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d %s \"%s\"%s\n" (fst (unloc loc)) path df sc)
+(* Contracting "{ _ }" in notations *)
+let rec wildcards ntn n =
+ if n = String.length ntn then []
+ else let l = spaces ntn (n+1) in if ntn.[n] = '_' then n::l else l
+and spaces ntn n =
+ if n = String.length ntn then []
+ else if ntn.[n] = ' ' then wildcards ntn (n+1) else spaces ntn (n+1)
+let expand_notation_string ntn n =
+ let pos = List.nth (wildcards ntn 0) n in
+ let hd = if pos = 0 then "" else String.sub ntn 0 pos in
+ let tl =
+ if pos = String.length ntn then ""
+ else String.sub ntn (pos+1) (String.length ntn - pos -1) in
+ hd ^ "{ _ }" ^ tl
+(* This contracts the special case of "{ _ }" for sumbool, sumor notations *)
+(* Remark: expansion of squash at definition is done in *)
+let contract_notation ntn l =
+ let ntn' = ref ntn in
+ let rec contract_squash n = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | CNotation (_,"{ _ }",[a]) :: l ->
+ ntn' := expand_notation_string !ntn' n;
+ contract_squash n (a::l)
+ | a :: l ->
+ a::contract_squash (n+1) l in
+ let l = contract_squash 0 l in
+ (* side effect; don't inline *)
+ !ntn',l
+let contract_pat_notation ntn l =
+ let ntn' = ref ntn in
+ let rec contract_squash n = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | CPatNotation (_,"{ _ }",[a]) :: l ->
+ ntn' := expand_notation_string !ntn' n;
+ contract_squash n (a::l)
+ | a :: l ->
+ a::contract_squash (n+1) l in
+ let l = contract_squash 0 l in
+ (* side effect; don't inline *)
+ !ntn',l
+(* Remembering the parsing scope of variables in notations *)
+let make_current_scope (scopt,scopes) = option_cons scopt scopes
+let set_var_scope loc id (_,scopt,scopes) varscopes =
+ let idscopes = List.assoc id varscopes in
+ if !idscopes <> None &
+ make_current_scope (out_some !idscopes)
+ <> make_current_scope (scopt,scopes) then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"set_var_scope",
+ pr_id id ++ str " already occurs in a different scope")
+ else
+ idscopes := Some (scopt,scopes)
+(* Discriminating between bound variables and global references *)
+(* [vars1] is a set of name to avoid (used for the tactic language);
+ [vars2] is the set of global variables, env is the set of variables
+ abstracted until this point *)
+let intern_var (env,_,_ as genv) (ltacvars,vars2,vars3,_,impls) loc id =
+ let (vars1,unbndltacvars) = ltacvars in
+ (* Is [id] an inductive type potentially with implicit *)
+ try
+ let l,impl,argsc = List.assoc id impls in
+ let l =
+ (fun id -> CRef (Ident (loc,id)), Some (loc,ExplByName id)) l in
+ RVar (loc,id), impl, argsc,
+ (if !Options.v7 & !interning_grammar then [] else l)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Is [id] bound in current env or is an ltac var bound to constr *)
+ if Idset.mem id env or List.mem id vars1
+ then
+ RVar (loc,id), [], [], []
+ (* Is [id] a notation variable *)
+ else if List.mem_assoc id vars3
+ then
+ (set_var_scope loc id genv vars3; RVar (loc,id), [], [], [])
+ else
+ (* Is [id] bound to a free name in ltac (this is an ltac error message) *)
+ try
+ match List.assoc id unbndltacvars with
+ | None -> user_err_loc (loc,"intern_var",
+ pr_id id ++ str " ist not bound to a term")
+ | Some id0 -> Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id0
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Is [id] a goal or section variable *)
+ let _ = Sign.lookup_named id vars2 in
+ try
+ (* [id] a section variable *)
+ (* Redundant: could be done in intern_qualid *)
+ let ref = VarRef id in
+ RRef (loc, ref), implicits_of_global ref, find_arguments_scope ref, []
+ with _ ->
+ (* [id] a goal variable *)
+ RVar (loc,id), [], [], []
+let find_appl_head_data (_,_,_,_,impls) = function
+ | RRef (_,ref) as x -> x,implicits_of_global ref,find_arguments_scope ref,[]
+ | x -> x,[],[],[]
+(* Is it a global reference or a syntactic definition? *)
+let intern_qualid loc qid =
+ try match Nametab.extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal ref ->
+ if !dump then add_glob loc ref;
+ RRef (loc, ref)
+ | SyntacticDef sp ->
+ Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition loc sp
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+let intern_inductive r =
+ let loc,qid = qualid_of_reference r in
+ try match Nametab.extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal (IndRef ind) -> ind, []
+ | TrueGlobal _ -> raise Not_found
+ | SyntacticDef sp ->
+ (match Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition loc sp with
+ | RApp (_,RRef(_,IndRef ind),l)
+ when List.for_all (function RHole _ -> true | _ -> false) l ->
+ (ind, (fun _ -> Anonymous) l)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found)
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+let intern_reference env lvar = function
+ | Qualid (loc, qid) ->
+ find_appl_head_data lvar (intern_qualid loc qid)
+ | Ident (loc, id) ->
+ (* For old ast syntax compatibility *)
+ if (string_of_id id).[0] = '$' then RVar (loc,id),[],[],[] else
+ (* End old ast syntax compatibility *)
+ (* Pour traduction des implicites d'inductifs et points-fixes *)
+ try RVar (loc,id), List.assoc id !temporary_implicits_in, [], []
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Fin pour traduction *)
+ try intern_var env lvar loc id
+ with Not_found ->
+ try find_appl_head_data lvar (intern_qualid loc (make_short_qualid id))
+ with e ->
+ (* Extra allowance for non globalizing functions *)
+ if !interning_grammar then RVar (loc,id), [], [], []
+ else raise e
+let interp_reference vars r =
+ let (r,_,_,_) = intern_reference (Idset.empty,None,[]) (vars,[],[],[],[]) r
+ in r
+let apply_scope_env (ids,_,scopes as env) = function
+ | [] -> (ids,None,scopes), []
+ | sc::scl -> (ids,sc,scopes), scl
+let rec adjust_scopes env scopes = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | a::args ->
+ let (enva,scopes) = apply_scope_env env scopes in
+ enva :: adjust_scopes env scopes args
+let rec simple_adjust_scopes = function
+ | _,[] -> []
+ | [],_::args -> None :: simple_adjust_scopes ([],args)
+ | sc::scopes,_::args -> sc :: simple_adjust_scopes (scopes,args)
+(* Cases *)
+(* Check linearity of pattern-matching *)
+let rec has_duplicate = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | x::l -> if List.mem x l then (Some x) else has_duplicate l
+let loc_of_lhs lhs =
+ join_loc (cases_pattern_loc (List.hd lhs)) (cases_pattern_loc (list_last lhs))
+let check_linearity lhs ids =
+ match has_duplicate ids with
+ | Some id ->
+ raise (InternalisationError (loc_of_lhs lhs,NonLinearPattern id))
+ | None ->
+ ()
+(* Warns if some pattern variable starts with uppercase *)
+let check_uppercase loc ids =
+(* A quoi ça sert ? Pour l'extraction vers ML ? Maintenant elle est externe
+ let is_uppercase_var v =
+ match (string_of_id v).[0] with 'A'..'Z' -> true | _ -> false
+ in
+ let warning_uppercase loc uplid =
+ let vars = h 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id uplid) in
+ let (s1,s2) = if List.length uplid = 1 then (" ","s ") else ("s "," ") in
+ warn (str ("the variable"^s1) ++ vars ++
+ str (" start"^s2^"with an upper case letter in pattern")) in
+ let uplid = List.filter is_uppercase_var ids in
+ if uplid <> [] then warning_uppercase loc uplid
+ ()
+(* Match the number of pattern against the number of matched args *)
+let check_number_of_pattern loc n l =
+ let p = List.length l in
+ if n<>p then raise (InternalisationError (loc,BadPatternsNumber (n,p)))
+(* Manage multiple aliases *)
+ (* [merge_aliases] returns the sets of all aliases encountered at this
+ point and a substitution mapping extra aliases to the first one *)
+let merge_aliases (ids,subst as aliases) id =
+ ids@[id], if ids=[] then subst else (id, List.hd ids)::subst
+let alias_of = function
+ | ([],_) -> Anonymous
+ | (id::_,_) -> Name id
+let message_redundant_alias (id1,id2) =
+ if_verbose warning
+ ("Alias variable "^(string_of_id id1)^" is merged with "^(string_of_id id2))
+(* Expanding notations *)
+let decode_patlist_value = function
+ | CPatCstr (_,_,l) -> l
+ | _ -> anomaly "Ill-formed list argument of notation"
+let rec subst_pat_iterator y t = function
+ | PatVar (_,id) as x ->
+ if id = Name y then t else x
+ | PatCstr (loc,id,l,alias) ->
+ PatCstr (loc,id, (subst_pat_iterator y t) l,alias)
+let subst_cases_pattern loc aliases intern subst scopes a =
+ let rec aux aliases subst = function
+ | AVar id ->
+ begin
+ (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
+ (* of the notations *)
+ try
+ let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id subst in
+ intern (subscopes@scopes) ([],[]) scopt a
+ with Not_found ->
+ if id = ldots_var then [[],[]], PatVar (loc,Name id) else
+ anomaly ("Unbound pattern notation variable: "^(string_of_id id))
+ (*
+ (* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *)
+ if aliases <> ([],[]) then
+ anomaly "Pattern notation without constructors";
+ [[id],[]], PatVar (loc,Name id)
+ *)
+ end
+ | ARef (ConstructRef c) ->
+ [aliases], PatCstr (loc,c, [], alias_of aliases)
+ | AApp (ARef (ConstructRef (ind,_ as c)),args) ->
+ let nparams = (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ let _,args = list_chop nparams args in
+ let (idsl,pl) = List.split ( (aux ([],[]) subst) args) in
+ aliases::List.flatten idsl, PatCstr (loc,c,pl,alias_of aliases)
+ | AList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
+ (try
+ (* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
+ let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x subst in
+ let idslt,termin = aux ([],[]) subst terminator in
+ let l = decode_patlist_value a in
+ let idsl,v =
+ List.fold_right (fun a (allidsl,t) ->
+ let idsl,u = aux ([],[]) ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::subst) iter in
+ idsl::allidsl, subst_pat_iterator ldots_var t u)
+ (if lassoc then List.rev l else l) ([idslt],termin) in
+ aliases::List.flatten idsl, v
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation")
+ | t -> user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Invalid notation for pattern")
+ in aux aliases subst a
+(* Differentiating between constructors and matching variables *)
+type pattern_qualid_kind =
+ | ConstrPat of (constructor * cases_pattern list)
+ | VarPat of identifier
+let rec patt_of_rawterm loc cstr =
+ match cstr with
+ | RRef (_,(ConstructRef c as x)) ->
+ if !dump then add_glob loc x;
+ (c,[])
+ | RApp (_,RApp(_,h,l1),l2) -> patt_of_rawterm loc (RApp(loc,h,l1@l2))
+ | RApp (_,RRef(_,(ConstructRef c as x)),pl) ->
+ if !dump then add_glob loc x;
+ let (_,mib) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) (fst c) in
+ let npar = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ let (params,args) =
+ if List.length pl <= npar then (pl,[]) else
+ list_chop npar pl in
+ (* All parameters must be _ *)
+ List.iter
+ (function RHole _ -> ()
+ | _ -> raise Not_found) params;
+ let pl' =
+ (fun c ->
+ let (c,pl) = patt_of_rawterm loc c in
+ PatCstr(loc,c,pl,Anonymous)) args in
+ (c,pl')
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_constructor ref =
+ let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference ref in
+ let gref =
+ try extended_locate qid
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (InternalisationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref)) in
+ match gref with
+ | SyntacticDef sp ->
+ let sdef = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition loc sp in
+ patt_of_rawterm loc sdef
+ | TrueGlobal r ->
+ let rec unf = function
+ | ConstRef cst ->
+ let v = Environ.constant_value (Global.env()) cst in
+ unf (reference_of_constr v)
+ | ConstructRef c ->
+ if !dump then add_glob loc r;
+ c, []
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ in unf r
+let find_pattern_variable = function
+ | Ident (loc,id) -> id
+ | Qualid (loc,_) as x -> raise (InternalisationError(loc,NotAConstructor x))
+let maybe_constructor ref =
+ try ConstrPat (find_constructor ref)
+ with
+ (* patt var does not exists globally *)
+ | InternalisationError _ -> VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref)
+ (* patt var also exists globally but does not satisfy preconditions *)
+ | (Environ.NotEvaluableConst _ | Not_found) ->
+ warn (str "pattern " ++ pr_reference ref ++
+ str " is understood as a pattern variable");
+ VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref)
+let mustbe_constructor loc ref =
+ try find_constructor ref
+ with (Environ.NotEvaluableConst _ | Not_found) ->
+ raise (InternalisationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref))
+let rec intern_cases_pattern scopes aliases tmp_scope = function
+ | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) ->
+ let aliases' = merge_aliases aliases id in
+ intern_cases_pattern scopes aliases' tmp_scope p
+ | CPatCstr (loc, head, pl) ->
+ let c,pl0 = mustbe_constructor loc head in
+ let argscs =
+ simple_adjust_scopes (find_arguments_scope (ConstructRef c), pl) in
+ let (idsl,pl') =
+ List.split (List.map2 (intern_cases_pattern scopes ([],[])) argscs pl)
+ in
+ (aliases::(List.flatten idsl), PatCstr (loc,c,pl0@pl',alias_of aliases))
+ | CPatNotation (loc,"- _",[CPatNumeral(_,Bignat.POS p)]) ->
+ let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in
+ ([aliases],
+ Symbols.interp_numeral_as_pattern loc (Bignat.NEG p)
+ (alias_of aliases) scopes)
+ | CPatNotation (_,"( _ )",[a]) ->
+ intern_cases_pattern scopes aliases tmp_scope a
+ | CPatNotation (loc, ntn, args) ->
+ let ntn,args = contract_pat_notation ntn args in
+ let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in
+ let ((ids,c),df) = Symbols.interp_notation loc ntn scopes in
+ if !dump then dump_notation_location (patntn_loc loc args ntn) ntn df;
+ let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids args in
+ subst_cases_pattern loc aliases intern_cases_pattern subst scopes c
+ | CPatNumeral (loc, n) ->
+ let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in
+ ([aliases],
+ Symbols.interp_numeral_as_pattern loc n (alias_of aliases) scopes)
+ | CPatDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
+ intern_cases_pattern (find_delimiters_scope loc key::scopes)
+ aliases None e
+ | CPatAtom (loc, Some head) ->
+ (match maybe_constructor head with
+ | ConstrPat (c,args) ->
+ ([aliases], PatCstr (loc,c,args,alias_of aliases))
+ | VarPat id ->
+ let aliases = merge_aliases aliases id in
+ ([aliases], PatVar (loc,alias_of aliases)))
+ | CPatAtom (loc, None) ->
+ ([aliases], PatVar (loc,alias_of aliases))
+(* Fix and CoFix *)
+(* Utilities for binders *)
+let check_capture loc ty = function
+ | Name id when occur_var_constr_expr id ty ->
+ raise (InternalisationError (loc,VariableCapture id))
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+let locate_if_isevar loc na = function
+ | RHole _ ->
+ (try match na with
+ | Name id -> Reserve.find_reserved_type id
+ | Anonymous -> raise Not_found
+ with Not_found -> RHole (loc, BinderType na))
+ | x -> x
+let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id (_,_,_,indnames,_) =
+ if List.mem id indnames then
+ errorlabstrm "" (str "A parameter or name of an inductive type " ++
+ pr_id id ++ str " must not be used as a bound variable in the type \
+of its constructor")
+let push_name_env lvar (ids,tmpsc,scopes as env) = function
+ | Anonymous -> env
+ | Name id ->
+ check_hidden_implicit_parameters id lvar;
+ (Idset.add id ids,tmpsc,scopes)
+(* Utilities for application *)
+let merge_impargs l args =
+ List.fold_right (fun a l ->
+ match a with
+ | (_,Some (_,(ExplByName id as x))) when
+ List.exists (function (_,Some (_,y)) -> x=y | _ -> false) args -> l
+ | _ -> a::l)
+ l args
+let check_projection isproj nargs r =
+ match (r,isproj) with
+ | RRef (loc, ref), Some nth ->
+ (try
+ let n = Recordops.find_projection_nparams ref in
+ if nargs < nth then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Projection has not enough parameters");
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc,"",pr_global_env Idset.empty ref ++ str " is not a registered projection"))
+ | _, Some _ -> user_err_loc (loc_of_rawconstr r, "", str "Not a projection")
+ | _, None -> ()
+let set_hole_implicit i = function
+ | RRef (loc,r) -> (loc,ImplicitArg (r,i))
+ | RVar (loc,id) -> (loc,ImplicitArg (VarRef id,i))
+ | _ -> anomaly "Only refs have implicits"
+let exists_implicit_name id =
+ List.exists (fun imp -> is_status_implicit imp & id = name_of_implicit imp)
+let extract_explicit_arg imps args =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> [],[]
+ | (a,e)::l ->
+ let (eargs,rargs) = aux l in
+ match e with
+ | None -> (eargs,a::rargs)
+ | Some (loc,pos) ->
+ let id = match pos with
+ | ExplByName id ->
+ if not (exists_implicit_name id imps) then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Wrong argument name: " ++ pr_id id);
+ if List.mem_assoc id eargs then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Argument name " ++ pr_id id
+ ++ str " occurs more than once");
+ id
+ | ExplByPos p ->
+ let id =
+ try
+ let imp = List.nth imps (p-1) in
+ if not (is_status_implicit imp) then failwith "imp";
+ name_of_implicit imp
+ with Failure _ (* "nth" | "imp" *) ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str"Wrong argument position: " ++ int p)
+ in
+ if List.mem_assoc id eargs then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str"Argument at position " ++ int p ++
+ str " is mentioned more than once");
+ id in
+ ((id,(loc,a))::eargs,rargs)
+ in aux args
+(* Syntax extensions *)
+let coerce_to_id = function
+ | CRef (Ident (_,id)) -> id
+ | c ->
+ user_err_loc (constr_loc c, "subst_rawconstr",
+ str"This expression should be a simple identifier")
+let traverse_binder subst id (ids,tmpsc,scopes as env) =
+ let id = try coerce_to_id (fst (List.assoc id subst)) with Not_found -> id in
+ id,(Idset.add id ids,tmpsc,scopes)
+let decode_constrlist_value = function
+ | CAppExpl (_,_,l) -> l
+ | _ -> anomaly "Ill-formed list argument of notation"
+let rec subst_iterator y t = function
+ | RVar (_,id) as x -> if id = y then t else x
+ | x -> map_rawconstr (subst_iterator y t) x
+let rec subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp subst (ids,_,scopes as env) =
+ function
+ | AVar id ->
+ begin
+ (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
+ (* of the notations *)
+ try
+ let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id subst in
+ interp (ids,scopt,subscopes@scopes) a
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *)
+ RVar (loc,id)
+ end
+ | AList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
+ (try
+ (* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
+ let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x subst in
+ let termin =
+ subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp subst (ids,None,scopes)
+ terminator in
+ let l = decode_constrlist_value a in
+ List.fold_right (fun a t ->
+ subst_iterator ldots_var t
+ (subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp
+ ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::subst)
+ (ids,None,scopes) iter))
+ (if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation")
+ | t ->
+ rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc (traverse_binder subst)
+ (subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc interp subst) (ids,None,scopes) t
+let intern_notation intern (_,tmp_scope,scopes as env) loc ntn args =
+ let ntn,args = contract_notation ntn args in
+ let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in
+ let ((ids,c),df) = Symbols.interp_notation loc ntn scopes in
+ if !dump then dump_notation_location (ntn_loc loc args ntn) ntn df;
+ let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids args in
+ subst_aconstr_in_rawconstr loc intern subst env c
+let set_type_scope (ids,tmp_scope,scopes) =
+ (ids,Some Symbols.type_scope,scopes)
+let reset_tmp_scope (ids,tmp_scope,scopes) =
+ (ids,None,scopes)
+(* Main loop *)
+let internalise sigma env allow_soapp lvar c =
+ let rec intern (ids,tmp_scope,scopes as env) = function
+ | CRef ref as x ->
+ let (c,imp,subscopes,l) = intern_reference env lvar ref in
+ (match intern_impargs c env imp subscopes l with
+ | [] -> c
+ | l -> RApp (constr_loc x, c, l))
+ | CFix (loc, (locid,iddef), dl) ->
+ let lf = (fun (id,_,_,_,_) -> id) dl in
+ let dl = Array.of_list dl in
+ let n =
+ try
+ (list_index iddef lf) -1
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (InternalisationError (locid,UnboundFixName (false,iddef)))
+ in
+ let ids' = List.fold_right Idset.add lf ids in
+ let idl =
+ (fun (id,n,bl,ty,bd) ->
+ let ((ids'',_,_),rbl) =
+ List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) bl in
+ let ids''' = List.fold_right Idset.add lf ids'' in
+ (List.rev rbl,
+ intern_type (ids'',tmp_scope,scopes) ty,
+ intern (ids''',None,scopes) bd)) dl in
+ RRec (loc,RFix ( (fun (_,n,_,_,_) -> n) dl,n),
+ Array.of_list lf,
+ (fun (bl,_,_) -> bl) idl,
+ (fun (_,ty,_) -> ty) idl,
+ (fun (_,_,bd) -> bd) idl)
+ | CCoFix (loc, (locid,iddef), dl) ->
+ let lf = (fun (id,_,_,_) -> id) dl in
+ let dl = Array.of_list dl in
+ let n =
+ try
+ (list_index iddef lf) -1
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (InternalisationError (locid,UnboundFixName (true,iddef)))
+ in
+ let ids' = List.fold_right Idset.add lf ids in
+ let idl =
+ (fun (id,bl,ty,bd) ->
+ let ((ids'',_,_),rbl) =
+ List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) bl in
+ let ids''' = List.fold_right Idset.add lf ids'' in
+ (List.rev rbl,
+ intern_type (ids'',tmp_scope,scopes) ty,
+ intern (ids''',None,scopes) bd)) dl in
+ RRec (loc,RCoFix n,
+ Array.of_list lf,
+ (fun (bl,_,_) -> bl) idl,
+ (fun (_,ty,_) -> ty) idl,
+ (fun (_,_,bd) -> bd) idl)
+ | CArrow (loc,c1,c2) ->
+ RProd (loc, Anonymous, intern_type env c1, intern_type env c2)
+ | CProdN (loc,[],c2) ->
+ intern_type env c2
+ | CProdN (loc,(nal,ty)::bll,c2) ->
+ iterate_prod loc env ty (CProdN (loc, bll, c2)) nal
+ | CLambdaN (loc,[],c2) ->
+ intern env c2
+ | CLambdaN (loc,(nal,ty)::bll,c2) ->
+ iterate_lam loc (reset_tmp_scope env) ty (CLambdaN (loc, bll, c2)) nal
+ | CLetIn (loc,(_,na),c1,c2) ->
+ RLetIn (loc, na, intern (reset_tmp_scope env) c1,
+ intern (push_name_env lvar env na) c2)
+ | CNotation (loc,"- _",[CNumeral(_,Bignat.POS p)]) ->
+ let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in
+ Symbols.interp_numeral loc (Bignat.NEG p) scopes
+ | CNotation (_,"( _ )",[a]) -> intern env a
+ | CNotation (loc,ntn,args) ->
+ intern_notation intern env loc ntn args
+ | CNumeral (loc, n) ->
+ let scopes = option_cons tmp_scope scopes in
+ Symbols.interp_numeral loc n scopes
+ | CDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
+ intern (ids,None,find_delimiters_scope loc key::scopes) e
+ | CAppExpl (loc, (isproj,ref), args) ->
+ let (f,_,args_scopes,_) = intern_reference env lvar ref in
+ check_projection isproj (List.length args) f;
+ RApp (loc, f, intern_args env args_scopes args)
+ | CApp (loc, (isproj,f), args) ->
+ let isproj,f,args = match f with
+ (* Compact notations like "t.(f args') args" *)
+ | CApp (_,(Some _,f), args') when isproj=None -> isproj,f,args'@args
+ (* Don't compact "(f args') args" to resolve implicits separately *)
+ | _ -> isproj,f,args in
+ let (c,impargs,args_scopes,l) =
+ match f with
+ | CRef ref -> intern_reference env lvar ref
+ | CNotation (loc,ntn,[]) ->
+ let c = intern_notation intern env loc ntn [] in
+ find_appl_head_data lvar c
+ | x -> (intern env f,[],[],[]) in
+ let args = intern_impargs c env impargs args_scopes (merge_impargs l args) in
+ check_projection isproj (List.length args) c;
+ (match c with
+ (* Now compact "(f args') args" *)
+ | RApp (loc', f', args') -> RApp (join_loc loc' loc, f',args'@args)
+ | _ -> RApp (loc, c, args))
+ | CCases (loc, (po,rtnpo), tms, eqns) ->
+ let tms,env' = List.fold_right
+ (fun citm (inds,env) ->
+ let (tm,ind),nal = intern_case_item env citm in
+ (tm,ref ind)::inds,List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar) env nal)
+ tms ([],env) in
+ let rtnpo = option_app (intern_type env') rtnpo in
+ RCases (loc, (option_app (intern_type env) po, ref rtnpo), tms,
+ (intern_eqn (List.length tms) env) eqns)
+ | COrderedCase (loc, tag, po, c, cl) ->
+ let env = reset_tmp_scope env in
+ ROrderedCase (loc, tag, option_app (intern_type env) po,
+ intern env c,
+ Array.of_list ( (intern env) cl),ref None)
+ | CLetTuple (loc, nal, (na,po), b, c) ->
+ let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
+ let ((b',(na',_)),ids) = intern_case_item env' (b,(na,None)) in
+ let env'' = List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar) env ids in
+ let p' = option_app (intern_type env'') po in
+ RLetTuple (loc, nal, (na', p'), b',
+ intern (List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar) env nal) c)
+ | CIf (loc, c, (na,po), b1, b2) ->
+ let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
+ let ((c',(na',_)),ids) = intern_case_item env' (c,(na,None)) in
+ let env'' = List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar) env ids in
+ let p' = option_app (intern_type env'') po in
+ RIf (loc, c', (na', p'), intern env b1, intern env b2)
+ | CHole loc ->
+ RHole (loc, QuestionMark)
+ | CPatVar (loc, n) when allow_soapp ->
+ RPatVar (loc, n)
+ | CPatVar (loc, (false,n)) when Options.do_translate () ->
+ RVar (loc, n)
+ | CPatVar (loc, (false,n as x)) ->
+ if List.mem n (fst (let (a,_,_,_,_) = lvar in a)) & !Options.v7 then
+ RVar (loc, n)
+ else
+ error_unbound_patvar loc n
+ | CPatVar (loc, _) ->
+ raise (InternalisationError (loc,NegativeMetavariable))
+ | CEvar (loc, n) ->
+ REvar (loc, n, None)
+ | CSort (loc, s) ->
+ RSort(loc,s)
+ | CCast (loc, c1, c2) ->
+ RCast (loc,intern env c1,intern_type env c2)
+ | CDynamic (loc,d) -> RDynamic (loc,d)
+ and intern_type (ids,_,scopes) =
+ intern (ids,Some Symbols.type_scope,scopes)
+ and intern_local_binder ((ids,ts,sc as env),bl) = function
+ LocalRawAssum(nal,ty) ->
+ let ty = intern_type env ty in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun ((ids,ts,sc),bl) (_,na) ->
+ ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,ts,sc), (na,None,ty)::bl))
+ (env,bl) nal
+ | LocalRawDef((loc,na),def) ->
+ ((name_fold Idset.add na ids,ts,sc),
+ (na,Some(intern env def),RHole(loc,BinderType na))::bl)
+ and intern_eqn n (ids,tmp_scope,scopes as env) (loc,lhs,rhs) =
+ let (idsl_substl_list,pl) =
+ List.split
+ ( (intern_cases_pattern scopes ([],[]) None) lhs) in
+ let idsl, substl = List.split (List.flatten idsl_substl_list) in
+ let eqn_ids = List.flatten idsl in
+ let subst = List.flatten substl in
+ (* Linearity implies the order in ids is irrelevant *)
+ check_linearity lhs eqn_ids;
+ check_uppercase loc eqn_ids;
+ check_number_of_pattern loc n pl;
+ let rhs = replace_vars_constr_expr subst rhs in
+ List.iter message_redundant_alias subst;
+ let env_ids = List.fold_right Idset.add eqn_ids ids in
+ (loc, eqn_ids,pl,intern (env_ids,tmp_scope,scopes) rhs)
+ and intern_case_item (vars,_,scopes as env) (tm,(na,t)) =
+ let tm' = intern env tm in
+ let ids,typ = match t with
+ | Some t ->
+ let tids = names_of_cases_indtype t in
+ let tids = List.fold_right Idset.add tids Idset.empty in
+ let t = intern_type (tids,None,scopes) t in
+ begin match t with
+ | RRef (loc,IndRef ind) -> [],Some (loc,ind,[])
+ | RApp (loc,RRef (_,IndRef ind),l) ->
+ let nal = (function
+ | RHole _ -> Anonymous
+ | RVar (_,id) -> Name id
+ | c ->
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_rawconstr c,"",str "Not a name")) l in
+ nal, Some (loc,ind,nal)
+ | _ -> error_bad_inductive_type (loc_of_rawconstr t)
+ end
+ | None ->
+ [], None in
+ let na = match tm', na with
+ | RVar (_,id), None when Idset.mem id vars & not !Options.v7 -> Name id
+ | _, None -> Anonymous
+ | _, Some na -> na in
+ (tm',(na,typ)), na::ids
+ and iterate_prod loc2 env ty body = function
+ | (loc1,na)::nal ->
+ if nal <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na;
+ let body = iterate_prod loc2 (push_name_env lvar env na) ty body nal in
+ let ty = locate_if_isevar loc1 na (intern_type env ty) in
+ RProd (join_loc loc1 loc2, na, ty, body)
+ | [] -> intern_type env body
+ and iterate_lam loc2 env ty body = function
+ | (loc1,na)::nal ->
+ if nal <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na;
+ let body = iterate_lam loc2 (push_name_env lvar env na) ty body nal in
+ let ty = locate_if_isevar loc1 na (intern_type env ty) in
+ RLambda (join_loc loc1 loc2, na, ty, body)
+ | [] -> intern env body
+ and intern_impargs c env l subscopes args =
+ let eargs, rargs = extract_explicit_arg l args in
+ let rec aux n impl subscopes eargs rargs =
+ let (enva,subscopes') = apply_scope_env env subscopes in
+ match (impl,rargs) with
+ | (imp::impl', rargs) when is_status_implicit imp ->
+ begin try
+ let id = name_of_implicit imp in
+ let (_,a) = List.assoc id eargs in
+ let eargs' = List.remove_assoc id eargs in
+ intern enva a :: aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs' rargs
+ with Not_found ->
+ if rargs=[] & eargs=[] &
+ not (List.for_all is_status_implicit impl') then
+ (* Less regular arguments than expected: don't complete *)
+ (* with implicit arguments *)
+ []
+ else
+ RHole (set_hole_implicit n c) ::
+ aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs rargs
+ end
+ | (imp::impl', a::rargs') ->
+ intern enva a :: aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs rargs'
+ | (imp::impl', []) ->
+ if eargs <> [] then
+ (let (id,(loc,_)) = List.hd eargs in
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Not enough non implicit
+ arguments to accept the argument bound to " ++ pr_id id));
+ []
+ | ([], rargs) ->
+ assert (eargs = []);
+ intern_args env subscopes rargs
+ in aux 1 l subscopes eargs rargs
+ and intern_args env subscopes = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | a::args ->
+ let (enva,subscopes) = apply_scope_env env subscopes in
+ (intern enva a) :: (intern_args env subscopes args)
+ in
+ try
+ intern env c
+ with
+ InternalisationError (loc,e) ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"internalize",explain_internalisation_error e)
+(* Functions to translate constr_expr into rawconstr *)
+let extract_ids env =
+ List.fold_right Idset.add
+ (Termops.ids_of_rel_context (Environ.rel_context env))
+ Idset.empty
+let interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits isarity sigma env (indpars,impls) allow_soapp ltacvar c =
+ let tmp_scope = if isarity then Some Symbols.type_scope else None in
+ internalise sigma (extract_ids env, tmp_scope,[])
+ allow_soapp (ltacvar,Environ.named_context env, [], indpars, impls) c
+let interp_rawconstr_gen isarity sigma env allow_soapp ltacvar c =
+ interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits isarity sigma env ([],[]) allow_soapp ltacvar c
+let interp_rawconstr sigma env c =
+ interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env false ([],[]) c
+let interp_rawtype sigma env c =
+ interp_rawconstr_gen true sigma env false ([],[]) c
+let interp_rawtype_with_implicits sigma env impls c =
+ interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits true sigma env impls false ([],[]) c
+let interp_rawconstr_with_implicits sigma env vars impls c =
+ interp_rawconstr_gen_with_implicits false sigma env ([],impls) false
+ (vars,[]) c
+(* The same as interp_rawconstr but with a list of variables which must not be
+ globalized *)
+let interp_rawconstr_wo_glob sigma env lvar c =
+ interp_rawconstr_gen sigma env [] (Some []) lvar c
+(* Functions to parse and interpret constructions *)
+let interp_constr sigma env c =
+ understand sigma env (interp_rawconstr sigma env c)
+let interp_openconstr sigma env c =
+ understand_gen_tcc sigma env [] None (interp_rawconstr sigma env c)
+let interp_casted_openconstr sigma env c typ =
+ understand_gen_tcc sigma env [] (Some typ) (interp_rawconstr sigma env c)
+let interp_type sigma env c =
+ understand_type sigma env (interp_rawtype sigma env c)
+let interp_binder sigma env na t =
+ let t = interp_rawtype sigma env t in
+ understand_type sigma env (locate_if_isevar (loc_of_rawconstr t) na t)
+let interp_type_with_implicits sigma env impls c =
+ understand_type sigma env (interp_rawtype_with_implicits sigma env impls c)
+let judgment_of_rawconstr sigma env c =
+ understand_judgment sigma env (interp_rawconstr sigma env c)
+let type_judgment_of_rawconstr sigma env c =
+ understand_type_judgment sigma env (interp_rawconstr sigma env c)
+(* To retype a list of key*constr with undefined key *)
+let retype_list sigma env lst =
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,csr) a ->
+ try (x,Retyping.get_judgment_of env sigma csr)::a with
+ | Anomaly _ -> a) lst []
+(* (fun (x,csr) -> (x,Retyping.get_judgment_of env sigma csr)) lst*)
+type ltac_sign =
+ identifier list * (identifier * identifier option) list
+type ltac_env =
+ (identifier * Term.constr) list * (identifier * identifier option) list
+(* Interprets a constr according to two lists *)
+(* of instantiations (variables and metas) *)
+(* Note: typ is retyped *)
+let interp_constr_gen sigma env (ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c exptyp =
+ let c = interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env false
+ ( fst ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c in
+ let typs = retype_list sigma env ltacvars in
+ understand_gen sigma env typs exptyp c
+(*Interprets a casted constr according to two lists of instantiations
+ (variables and metas)*)
+let interp_openconstr_gen sigma env (ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c exptyp =
+ let c = interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env false
+ ( fst ltacvars,unbndltacvars) c in
+ let typs = retype_list sigma env ltacvars in
+ understand_gen_tcc sigma env typs exptyp c
+let interp_casted_constr sigma env c typ =
+ understand_gen sigma env [] (Some typ) (interp_rawconstr sigma env c)
+let interp_casted_constr_with_implicits sigma env impls c typ =
+ understand_gen sigma env [] (Some typ)
+ (interp_rawconstr_with_implicits sigma env [] impls c)
+let interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env ltacvar c =
+ let c = interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env true (ltacvar,[]) c in
+ pattern_of_rawconstr c
+let interp_constrpattern sigma env c =
+ interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env [] c
+let interp_aconstr impls vars a =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ (* [vl] is intended to remember the scope of the free variables of [a] *)
+ let vl = (fun id -> (id,ref None)) vars in
+ let c = internalise Evd.empty (extract_ids env, None, [])
+ false (([],[]),Environ.named_context env,vl,[],impls) a in
+ (* Translate and check that [c] has all its free variables bound in [vars] *)
+ let a = aconstr_of_rawconstr vars c in
+ (* Returns [a] and the ordered list of variables with their scopes *)
+ (* Variables occurring in binders have no relevant scope since bound *)
+ (fun (id,r) -> (id,match !r with None -> None,[] | Some (a,l) -> a,l)) vl,
+ a
+(* Locating reference, possibly via an abbreviation *)
+let locate_reference qid =
+ match Nametab.extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> ref
+ | SyntacticDef kn ->
+ match Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition dummy_loc kn with
+ | Rawterm.RRef (_,ref) -> ref
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let is_global id =
+ try
+ let _ = locate_reference (make_short_qualid id) in true
+ with Not_found ->
+ false
+let global_reference id =
+ constr_of_reference (locate_reference (make_short_qualid id))
+let construct_reference ctx id =
+ try
+ Term.mkVar (let _ = Sign.lookup_named id ctx in id)
+ with Not_found ->
+ global_reference id
+let global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id =
+ constr_of_reference (Nametab.absolute_reference (Libnames.make_path dir id))
diff --git a/interp/constrintern.mli b/interp/constrintern.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a65ab6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/constrintern.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: constrintern.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Evd
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Rawterm
+open Pattern
+open Coqast
+open Topconstr
+open Termops
+(*s Translation from front abstract syntax of term to untyped terms (rawconstr)
+ The translation performs:
+ - resolution of names :
+ - check all variables are bound
+ - make absolute the references to global objets
+ - resolution of symbolic notations using scopes
+ - insert existential variables for implicit arguments
+(* To interpret implicits and arg scopes of recursive variables in
+ inductive types and recursive definitions *)
+type var_internalisation_data =
+ identifier list * Impargs.implicits_list * scope_name option list
+type implicits_env = (identifier * var_internalisation_data) list
+type full_implicits_env = identifier list * implicits_env
+type ltac_sign =
+ identifier list * (identifier * identifier option) list
+type ltac_env =
+ (identifier * constr) list * (identifier * identifier option) list
+(* Interprets global names, including syntactic defs and section variables *)
+val interp_rawconstr : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> rawconstr
+val interp_rawconstr_gen : bool -> evar_map -> env ->
+ bool -> ltac_sign -> constr_expr -> rawconstr
+(*s Composing the translation with typing *)
+val interp_constr : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> constr
+val interp_casted_constr : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> types -> constr
+val interp_type : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> types
+val interp_binder : evar_map -> env -> name -> constr_expr -> types
+val interp_openconstr : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> evar_map * constr
+val interp_casted_openconstr :
+ evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> constr -> evar_map * constr
+(* [interp_type_with_implicits] extends [interp_type] by allowing
+ implicits arguments in the ``rel'' part of [env]; the extra
+ argument associates a list of implicit positions to identifiers
+ declared in the rel_context of [env] *)
+val interp_type_with_implicits :
+ evar_map -> env -> full_implicits_env -> constr_expr -> types
+val interp_casted_constr_with_implicits :
+ evar_map -> env -> implicits_env -> constr_expr -> types -> constr
+val interp_rawconstr_with_implicits :
+ evar_map -> env -> identifier list -> implicits_env -> constr_expr ->
+ rawconstr
+(*s Build a judgement from *)
+val judgment_of_rawconstr : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> unsafe_judgment
+val type_judgment_of_rawconstr :
+ evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> unsafe_type_judgment
+(* Interprets a constr according to two lists of instantiations (variables and
+ metas), possibly casting it*)
+val interp_constr_gen :
+ evar_map -> env -> ltac_env -> constr_expr -> constr option -> constr
+(* Interprets a constr according to two lists of instantiations (variables and
+ metas), possibly casting it, and turning unresolved evar into metas*)
+val interp_openconstr_gen :
+ evar_map -> env -> ltac_env ->
+ constr_expr -> constr option -> evar_map * constr
+(* Interprets constr patterns according to a list of instantiations
+ (variables)*)
+val interp_constrpattern_gen : evar_map -> env -> identifier list ->
+ constr_expr -> patvar list * constr_pattern
+val interp_constrpattern :
+ evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> patvar list * constr_pattern
+val interp_reference : ltac_sign -> reference -> rawconstr
+(* Locating references of constructions, possibly via a syntactic definition *)
+val locate_reference : qualid -> global_reference
+val is_global : identifier -> bool
+val construct_reference : named_context -> identifier -> constr
+val global_reference : identifier -> constr
+val global_reference_in_absolute_module : dir_path -> identifier -> constr
+(* Interprets into a abbreviatable constr *)
+val interp_aconstr : implicits_env -> identifier list -> constr_expr ->
+ interpretation
+(* Globalization leak for Grammar *)
+val for_grammar : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* Coqdoc utility functions *)
+type coqdoc_state
+val coqdoc_freeze : unit -> coqdoc_state
+val coqdoc_unfreeze : coqdoc_state -> unit
+(* For v8 translation *)
+val set_temporary_implicits_in :
+ (identifier * Impargs.implicits_list) list -> unit
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ce9bfaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Term
+open Libnames
+open Pattern
+open Nametab
+let make_dir l = make_dirpath ( id_of_string (List.rev l))
+let gen_reference locstr dir s =
+ let dir = make_dir ("Coq"::dir) in
+ let id = Constrextern.id_of_v7_string s in
+ let sp = Libnames.make_path dir id in
+ try
+ Nametab.absolute_reference sp
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly (locstr^": cannot find "^(string_of_path sp))
+let gen_constant locstr dir s =
+ constr_of_reference (gen_reference locstr dir s)
+let list_try_find f =
+ let rec try_find_f = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | h::t -> try f h with Not_found -> try_find_f t
+ in
+ try_find_f
+let has_suffix_in_dirs dirs ref =
+ let dir = dirpath (sp_of_global ref) in
+ List.exists (fun d -> is_dirpath_prefix_of d dir) dirs
+let gen_constant_in_modules locstr dirs s =
+ let dirs = make_dir dirs in
+ let id = Constrextern.id_of_v7_string s in
+ let all = Nametab.locate_all (make_short_qualid id) in
+ let these = List.filter (has_suffix_in_dirs dirs) all in
+ match these with
+ | [x] -> constr_of_reference x
+ | [] ->
+ anomalylabstrm "" (str (locstr^": cannot find "^s^
+ " in module"^(if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ")) ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_dirpath dirs)
+ | l ->
+ anomalylabstrm ""
+ (str (locstr^": found more than once object of name "^s^
+ " in module"^(if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ")) ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_dirpath dirs)
+let init_reference dir s=gen_reference "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
+let init_constant dir s=gen_constant "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
+let arith_dir = ["Coq";"Arith"]
+let arith_modules = [arith_dir]
+let narith_dir = ["Coq";"NArith"]
+let zarith_dir = ["Coq";"ZArith"]
+let zarith_base_modules = [narith_dir;zarith_dir]
+let init_dir = ["Coq";"Init"]
+let init_modules = [
+ init_dir@["Datatypes"];
+ init_dir@["Logic"];
+ init_dir@["Specif"];
+ init_dir@["Logic_Type"];
+ init_dir@["Peano"];
+ init_dir@["Wf"]
+let coq_id = id_of_string "Coq"
+let init_id = id_of_string "Init"
+let arith_id = id_of_string "Arith"
+let datatypes_id = id_of_string "Datatypes"
+let logic_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Init";"Logic"]
+let logic_type_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Init";"Logic_Type"]
+let datatypes_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Init";"Datatypes"]
+let arith_module = make_dir ["Coq";"Arith";"Arith"]
+(* TODO: temporary hack *)
+let make_path dir id = Libnames.encode_kn dir id
+let nat_path = make_path datatypes_module (id_of_string "nat")
+let glob_nat = IndRef (nat_path,0)
+let path_of_O = ((nat_path,0),1)
+let path_of_S = ((nat_path,0),2)
+let glob_O = ConstructRef path_of_O
+let glob_S = ConstructRef path_of_S
+let eq_path = make_path logic_module (id_of_string "eq")
+let eqT_path = make_path logic_module (id_of_string "eq")
+let glob_eq = IndRef (eq_path,0)
+let glob_eqT = IndRef (eqT_path,0)
+type coq_sigma_data = {
+ proj1 : constr;
+ proj2 : constr;
+ elim : constr;
+ intro : constr;
+ typ : constr }
+type 'a delayed = unit -> 'a
+let build_sigma_set () =
+ { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projS1";
+ proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projS2";
+ elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigS_rec";
+ intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "existS";
+ typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigS" }
+let build_sigma_type () =
+ { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT1";
+ proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT2";
+ elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT_rec";
+ intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "existT";
+ typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT" }
+(* Equalities *)
+type coq_leibniz_eq_data = {
+ eq : constr;
+ refl : constr;
+ ind : constr;
+ rrec : constr option;
+ rect : constr option;
+ congr: constr;
+ sym : constr }
+let lazy_init_constant dir id = lazy (init_constant dir id)
+(* Equality on Set *)
+let coq_eq_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq"
+let coq_eq_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "refl_equal"
+let coq_eq_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
+let coq_eq_rec = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_rec"
+let coq_eq_rect = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_rect"
+let coq_eq_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal"
+let coq_eq_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "sym_eq"
+let coq_f_equal2 = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal2"
+let build_coq_eq_data () = {
+ eq = Lazy.force coq_eq_eq;
+ refl = Lazy.force coq_eq_refl;
+ ind = Lazy.force coq_eq_ind;
+ rrec = Some (Lazy.force coq_eq_rec);
+ rect = Some (Lazy.force coq_eq_rect);
+ congr = Lazy.force coq_eq_congr;
+ sym = Lazy.force coq_eq_sym }
+let build_coq_eq () = Lazy.force coq_eq_eq
+let build_coq_f_equal2 () = Lazy.force coq_f_equal2
+(* Specif *)
+let coq_sumbool = lazy_init_constant ["Specif"] "sumbool"
+let build_coq_sumbool () = Lazy.force coq_sumbool
+(* Equality on Type *)
+let coq_eqT_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq"
+let coq_eqT_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "refl_equal"
+let coq_eqT_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
+let coq_eqT_congr =lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal"
+let coq_eqT_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "sym_eq"
+let build_coq_eqT_data () = {
+ eq = Lazy.force coq_eqT_eq;
+ refl = Lazy.force coq_eqT_refl;
+ ind = Lazy.force coq_eqT_ind;
+ rrec = None;
+ rect = None;
+ congr = Lazy.force coq_eqT_congr;
+ sym = Lazy.force coq_eqT_sym }
+let build_coq_eqT () = Lazy.force coq_eqT_eq
+let build_coq_sym_eqT () = Lazy.force coq_eqT_sym
+(* Equality on Type as a Type *)
+let coq_idT_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity"
+let coq_idT_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "refl_identity"
+let coq_idT_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_ind"
+let coq_idT_rec = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_rec"
+let coq_idT_rect = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_rect"
+let coq_idT_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "congr_id"
+let coq_idT_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "sym_id"
+let build_coq_idT_data () = {
+ eq = Lazy.force coq_idT_eq;
+ refl = Lazy.force coq_idT_refl;
+ ind = Lazy.force coq_idT_ind;
+ rrec = Some (Lazy.force coq_idT_rec);
+ rect = Some (Lazy.force coq_idT_rect);
+ congr = Lazy.force coq_idT_congr;
+ sym = Lazy.force coq_idT_sym }
+let lazy_init_constant_v7 d id id7 =
+ if !Options.v7 then lazy_init_constant d id else
+ lazy (anomaly
+ (id7^" does no longer exist in V8 new syntax, use "^id
+ ^" instead (probably an error in ML contributed code)"))
+(* Empty Type *)
+let coq_EmptyT = lazy_init_constant_v7 ["Logic"] "False" "EmptyT"
+(* Unit Type and its unique inhabitant *)
+let coq_UnitT = lazy_init_constant_v7 ["Datatypes"] "unit" "UnitT"
+let coq_IT = lazy_init_constant_v7 ["Datatypes"] "tt" "IT"
+(* The False proposition *)
+let coq_False = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "False"
+(* The True proposition and its unique proof *)
+let coq_True = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "True"
+let coq_I = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "I"
+(* Connectives *)
+let coq_not = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "not"
+let coq_and = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "and"
+let coq_or = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "or"
+let coq_ex = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "ex"
+(* Runtime part *)
+let build_coq_EmptyT () = Lazy.force coq_EmptyT
+let build_coq_UnitT () = Lazy.force coq_UnitT
+let build_coq_IT () = Lazy.force coq_IT
+let build_coq_True () = Lazy.force coq_True
+let build_coq_I () = Lazy.force coq_I
+let build_coq_False () = Lazy.force coq_False
+let build_coq_not () = Lazy.force coq_not
+let build_coq_and () = Lazy.force coq_and
+let build_coq_or () = Lazy.force coq_or
+let build_coq_ex () = Lazy.force coq_ex
+(* Patterns *)
+(* This needs to have interp_constrpattern available ...
+let parse_constr s =
+ try
+ Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr_eoi s
+ with Stdpp.Exc_located (_ , (Stream.Failure | Stream.Error _)) ->
+ error "Syntax error : not a construction"
+let parse_pattern s =
+ Constrintern.interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) (parse_constr s)
+let coq_eq_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic.eq ?1 ?2 ?3)"))
+let coq_eqT_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic.eq ?1 ?2 ?3)"))
+let coq_idT_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic_Type.identityT ?1 ?2 ?3)"))
+let coq_existS_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Specif.existS ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)"))
+let coq_existT_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Specif.existT ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)"))
+let coq_not_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(Coq.Init.Logic.not ?)"))
+let coq_imp_False_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "? -> Coq.Init.Logic.False"))
+let coq_imp_False_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "? -> Coq.Init.Logic.False"))
+let coq_eqdec_partial_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(sumbool (eq ?1 ?2 ?3) ?4)"))
+let coq_eqdec_pattern =
+ lazy (snd (parse_pattern "(x,y:?1){<?1>x=y}+{~(<?1>x=y)}"))
+(* The following is less readable but does not depend on parsing *)
+let coq_eq_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "eq")
+let coq_eqT_ref = coq_eq_ref
+let coq_idT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Datatypes"] "identity")
+let coq_existS_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "existS")
+let coq_existT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "existT")
+let coq_not_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "not")
+let coq_False_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "False")
+let coq_sumbool_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "sumbool")
+let coq_sig_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "sig")
diff --git a/interp/coqlib.mli b/interp/coqlib.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ac2a5c9
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+++ b/interp/coqlib.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: coqlib.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+open Term
+open Pattern
+(*s This module collects the global references, constructions and
+ patterns of the standard library used in ocaml files *)
+(*s Some utilities, the first argument is used for error messages.
+ Must be used lazyly. s*)
+val gen_reference : string->string list -> string -> global_reference
+val gen_constant : string->string list -> string -> constr
+(* Search in several modules (not prefixed by "Coq") *)
+val gen_constant_in_modules : string->string list list-> string -> constr
+val arith_modules : string list list
+val zarith_base_modules : string list list
+val init_modules : string list list
+(*s Global references *)
+(* Modules *)
+val logic_module : dir_path
+val logic_type_module : dir_path
+(* Natural numbers *)
+val glob_nat : global_reference
+val path_of_O : constructor
+val path_of_S : constructor
+val glob_O : global_reference
+val glob_S : global_reference
+(* Equality *)
+val glob_eq : global_reference
+val glob_eqT : global_reference
+(*s Constructions and patterns related to Coq initial state are unknown
+ at compile time. Therefore, we can only provide methods to build
+ them at runtime. This is the purpose of the [constr delayed] and
+ [constr_pattern delayed] types. Objects of this time needs to be
+ applied to [()] to get the actual constr or pattern at runtime *)
+type 'a delayed = unit -> 'a
+(*s For Equality tactics *)
+type coq_sigma_data = {
+ proj1 : constr;
+ proj2 : constr;
+ elim : constr;
+ intro : constr;
+ typ : constr }
+val build_sigma_set : coq_sigma_data delayed
+val build_sigma_type : coq_sigma_data delayed
+type coq_leibniz_eq_data = {
+ eq : constr;
+ refl : constr;
+ ind : constr;
+ rrec : constr option;
+ rect : constr option;
+ congr: constr;
+ sym : constr }
+val build_coq_eq_data : coq_leibniz_eq_data delayed
+val build_coq_eqT_data : coq_leibniz_eq_data delayed
+val build_coq_idT_data : coq_leibniz_eq_data delayed
+val build_coq_eq : constr delayed (* = (build_coq_eq_data()).eq *)
+val build_coq_f_equal2 : constr delayed
+val build_coq_eqT : constr delayed
+val build_coq_sym_eqT : constr delayed
+(* Empty Type *)
+val build_coq_EmptyT : constr delayed
+(* Unit Type and its unique inhabitant *)
+val build_coq_UnitT : constr delayed
+val build_coq_IT : constr delayed
+(* Specif *)
+val build_coq_sumbool : constr delayed
+(*s Connectives *)
+(* The False proposition *)
+val build_coq_False : constr delayed
+(* The True proposition and its unique proof *)
+val build_coq_True : constr delayed
+val build_coq_I : constr delayed
+(* Negation *)
+val build_coq_not : constr delayed
+(* Conjunction *)
+val build_coq_and : constr delayed
+(* Disjunction *)
+val build_coq_or : constr delayed
+(* Existential quantifier *)
+val build_coq_ex : constr delayed
+val coq_eq_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_eqT_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_idT_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_existS_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_existT_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_not_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_False_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_sumbool_ref : global_reference lazy_t
+val coq_sig_ref : global_reference lazy_t
diff --git a/interp/doc.tex b/interp/doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d60ec34
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+++ b/interp/doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\section*{The interpretation of Coq front abstract syntax of terms}
+\ocwsection \label{library}
+This chapter describes the translation from \Coq\ context-dependent
+front abstract syntax of terms (\verb=front=} to and from the
+context-free, untyped, raw form of constructions (\verb=rawconstr=).
+The modules translating back and forth the front abstract syntax are
+organized as follows.
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af3d805a
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+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Nametab
+open Rawterm
+open Topconstr
+open Term
+type argument_type =
+ (* Basic types *)
+ | BoolArgType
+ | IntArgType
+ | IntOrVarArgType
+ | StringArgType
+ | PreIdentArgType
+ | IntroPatternArgType
+ | IdentArgType
+ | HypArgType
+ | RefArgType
+ (* Specific types *)
+ | SortArgType
+ | ConstrArgType
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType
+ | QuantHypArgType
+ | TacticArgType
+ | CastedOpenConstrArgType
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+ | BindingsArgType
+ | RedExprArgType
+ | List0ArgType of argument_type
+ | List1ArgType of argument_type
+ | OptArgType of argument_type
+ | PairArgType of argument_type * argument_type
+ | ExtraArgType of string
+type 'a or_var = ArgArg of 'a | ArgVar of identifier located
+type 'a and_short_name = 'a * identifier located option
+type rawconstr_and_expr = rawconstr * constr_expr option
+(* Dynamics but tagged by a type expression *)
+type ('a,'b) generic_argument = argument_type * Obj.t
+let dyntab = ref ([] : string list)
+type ('a,'b,'c) abstract_argument_type = argument_type
+let create_arg s =
+ if List.mem s !dyntab then
+ anomaly ("Genarg.create: already declared generic argument " ^ s);
+ dyntab := s :: !dyntab;
+ let t = ExtraArgType s in
+ (t,t,t)
+let exists_argtype s = List.mem s !dyntab
+type intro_pattern_expr =
+ | IntroOrAndPattern of case_intro_pattern_expr
+ | IntroWildcard
+ | IntroIdentifier of identifier
+and case_intro_pattern_expr = intro_pattern_expr list list
+let rec pr_intro_pattern = function
+ | IntroOrAndPattern pll -> pr_case_intro_pattern pll
+ | IntroWildcard -> str "_"
+ | IntroIdentifier id -> pr_id id
+and pr_case_intro_pattern = function
+ | [_::_ as pl] ->
+ str "(" ++ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_intro_pattern pl) ++ str ")"
+ | pll ->
+ str "[" ++
+ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_bar (prlist_with_sep spc pr_intro_pattern) pll)
+ ++ str "]"
+type open_constr = Evd.evar_map * Term.constr
+type open_constr_expr = constr_expr
+type open_rawconstr = rawconstr_and_expr
+let rawwit_bool = BoolArgType
+let globwit_bool = BoolArgType
+let wit_bool = BoolArgType
+let rawwit_int = IntArgType
+let globwit_int = IntArgType
+let wit_int = IntArgType
+let rawwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
+let globwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
+let wit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
+let rawwit_string = StringArgType
+let globwit_string = StringArgType
+let wit_string = StringArgType
+let rawwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
+let globwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
+let wit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
+let rawwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
+let globwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
+let wit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
+let rawwit_ident = IdentArgType
+let globwit_ident = IdentArgType
+let wit_ident = IdentArgType
+let rawwit_var = HypArgType
+let globwit_var = HypArgType
+let wit_var = HypArgType
+let rawwit_ref = RefArgType
+let globwit_ref = RefArgType
+let wit_ref = RefArgType
+let rawwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
+let globwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
+let wit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
+let rawwit_sort = SortArgType
+let globwit_sort = SortArgType
+let wit_sort = SortArgType
+let rawwit_constr = ConstrArgType
+let globwit_constr = ConstrArgType
+let wit_constr = ConstrArgType
+let rawwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
+let globwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
+let wit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
+let rawwit_tactic = TacticArgType
+let globwit_tactic = TacticArgType
+let wit_tactic = TacticArgType
+let rawwit_casted_open_constr = CastedOpenConstrArgType
+let globwit_casted_open_constr = CastedOpenConstrArgType
+let wit_casted_open_constr = CastedOpenConstrArgType
+let rawwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+let globwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+let wit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+let rawwit_bindings = BindingsArgType
+let globwit_bindings = BindingsArgType
+let wit_bindings = BindingsArgType
+let rawwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
+let globwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
+let wit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
+let wit_list0 t = List0ArgType t
+let wit_list1 t = List1ArgType t
+let wit_opt t = OptArgType t
+let wit_pair t1 t2 = PairArgType (t1,t2)
+let in_gen t o = (t,Obj.repr o)
+let out_gen t (t',o) = if t = t' then Obj.magic o else failwith "out_gen"
+let genarg_tag (s,_) = s
+let fold_list0 f = function
+ | (List0ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l)
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0"
+let fold_list1 f = function
+ | (List1ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l)
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1"
+let fold_opt f a = function
+ | (OptArgType t as u, l) ->
+ (match Obj.magic l with
+ | None -> a
+ | Some x -> f (in_gen t x))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a opt"
+let fold_pair f = function
+ | (PairArgType (t1,t2) as u, l) ->
+ let (x1,x2) = Obj.magic l in
+ f (in_gen t1 x1) (in_gen t2 x2)
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair"
+let app_list0 f = function
+ | (List0ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ let o = Obj.magic l in
+ (u, Obj.repr ( (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0"
+let app_list1 f = function
+ | (List1ArgType t as u, l) ->
+ let o = Obj.magic l in
+ (u, Obj.repr ( (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1"
+let app_opt f = function
+ | (OptArgType t as u, l) ->
+ let o = Obj.magic l in
+ (u, Obj.repr (option_app (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not an opt"
+let app_pair f1 f2 = function
+ | (PairArgType (t1,t2) as u, l) ->
+ let (o1,o2) = Obj.magic l in
+ let o1 = out_gen t1 (f1 (in_gen t1 o1)) in
+ let o2 = out_gen t2 (f2 (in_gen t2 o2)) in
+ (u, Obj.repr (o1,o2))
+ | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair"
+let unquote x = x
+type an_arg_of_this_type = Obj.t
+let in_generic t x = (t, Obj.repr x)
diff --git a/interp/genarg.mli b/interp/genarg.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59b6e10d
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+++ b/interp/genarg.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: genarg.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Libnames
+open Rawterm
+open Topconstr
+open Term
+type 'a or_var = ArgArg of 'a | ArgVar of identifier located
+type 'a and_short_name = 'a * identifier located option
+(* In globalize tactics, we need to keep the initial constr_expr to recompute*)
+(* in the environment by the effective calls to Intro, Inversion, etc *)
+(* The constr_expr field is None in TacDef though *)
+type rawconstr_and_expr = rawconstr * constr_expr option
+type open_constr = Evd.evar_map * Term.constr
+type open_constr_expr = constr_expr
+type open_rawconstr = rawconstr_and_expr
+type intro_pattern_expr =
+ | IntroOrAndPattern of case_intro_pattern_expr
+ | IntroWildcard
+ | IntroIdentifier of identifier
+and case_intro_pattern_expr = intro_pattern_expr list list
+val pr_intro_pattern : intro_pattern_expr -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_case_intro_pattern : case_intro_pattern_expr -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(* The route of a generic argument, from parsing to evaluation
+ parsing in_raw out_raw
+ char stream ----> rawtype ----> rawconstr generic_argument ---->
+ |
+ | interp
+ V
+ type <---- constr generic_argument <----
+ out in
+To distinguish between the uninterpreted (raw) and the interpreted
+worlds, we annotate the type generic_argument by a phantom argument
+which is either constr_expr or constr (actually we add also a second
+argument raw_tactic_expr and tactic, but this is only for technical
+reasons, because these types are undefined at the type of compilation
+of Genarg).
+Transformation for each type :
+tag f raw open type cooked closed type
+BoolArgType bool bool
+IntArgType int int
+IntOrVarArgType int or_var int
+StringArgType string (parsed w/ "") string
+PreIdentArgType string (parsed w/o "") (vernac only)
+IdentArgType identifier identifier
+IntroPatternArgType intro_pattern_expr intro_pattern_expr
+VarArgType identifier constr
+RefArgType reference global_reference
+ConstrArgType constr_expr constr
+ConstrMayEvalArgType constr_expr may_eval constr
+QuantHypArgType quantified_hypothesis quantified_hypothesis
+TacticArgType raw_tactic_expr tactic
+CastedOpenConstrArgType constr_expr open_constr
+ConstrBindingsArgType constr_expr with_bindings constr with_bindings
+List0ArgType of argument_type
+List1ArgType of argument_type
+OptArgType of argument_type
+ExtraArgType of string '_a '_b
+type ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_bool : (bool,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_bool : (bool,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_bool : (bool,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_int : (int,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_int : (int,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_int : (int,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_int_or_var : (int or_var,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_int_or_var : (int or_var,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_int_or_var : (int or_var,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_string : (string,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_string : (string,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_string : (string,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_pre_ident : (string,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_pre_ident : (string,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_pre_ident : (string,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_intro_pattern : (intro_pattern_expr,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_intro_pattern : (intro_pattern_expr,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_intro_pattern : (intro_pattern_expr,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_ident : (identifier,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_ident : (identifier,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_ident : (identifier,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_var : (identifier located,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_var : (identifier located,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_var : ('co,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_ref : (reference,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_ref : (global_reference located or_var,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_ref : (global_reference,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_quant_hyp : (quantified_hypothesis,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_quant_hyp : (quantified_hypothesis,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_quant_hyp : (quantified_hypothesis,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_sort : (rawsort,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_sort : (rawsort,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_sort : (sorts,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_constr : (constr_expr,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_constr : (rawconstr_and_expr,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_constr : (constr,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_constr_may_eval : ((constr_expr,reference) may_eval,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_constr_may_eval : ((rawconstr_and_expr,evaluable_global_reference and_short_name or_var) may_eval,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_constr_may_eval : (constr,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_casted_open_constr : (open_constr_expr,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_casted_open_constr : (open_rawconstr,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_casted_open_constr : (open_constr,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_constr_with_bindings : (constr_expr with_bindings,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_constr_with_bindings : (rawconstr_and_expr with_bindings,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_constr_with_bindings : (constr with_bindings,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_bindings : (constr_expr bindings,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_bindings : (rawconstr_and_expr bindings,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_bindings : (constr bindings,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_red_expr : ((constr_expr,reference) red_expr_gen,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_red_expr : ((rawconstr_and_expr,evaluable_global_reference and_short_name or_var) red_expr_gen,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_red_expr : ((constr,evaluable_global_reference) red_expr_gen,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+(* TODO: transformer tactic en extra arg *)
+val rawwit_tactic : ('ta,constr_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val globwit_tactic : ('ta,rawconstr_and_expr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_tactic : ('ta,constr,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_list0 :
+ ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type -> ('a list,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_list1 :
+ ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type -> ('a list,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_opt :
+ ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type -> ('a option,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+val wit_pair :
+ ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type ->
+ ('b,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type ->
+ ('a * 'b,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+(* 'a generic_argument = (Sigma t:type. t[constr/'a]) *)
+type ('a,'b) generic_argument
+val fold_list0 :
+ (('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c
+val fold_list1 :
+ (('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c
+val fold_opt :
+ (('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c
+val fold_pair :
+ (('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c) ->
+ ('a,'b) generic_argument -> 'c
+(* [app_list0] fails if applied to an argument not of tag [List0 t]
+ for some [t]; it's the responsability of the caller to ensure it *)
+val app_list0 : (('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument) ->
+('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument
+val app_list1 : (('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument) ->
+('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument
+val app_opt : (('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument) ->
+('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument
+val app_pair :
+ (('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument) ->
+ (('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument)
+ -> ('a,'b) generic_argument -> ('c,'d) generic_argument
+(* Manque l'ordre supérieur, on aimerait ('co,'ta) 'a; manque aussi le
+ polymorphism, on aimerait que 'b et 'c restent polymorphes à l'appel
+ de create *)
+val create_arg : string ->
+ ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type
+ * ('globa,'globco,'globta) abstract_argument_type
+ * ('rawa,'rawco,'rawta) abstract_argument_type
+val exists_argtype : string -> bool
+type argument_type =
+ (* Basic types *)
+ | BoolArgType
+ | IntArgType
+ | IntOrVarArgType
+ | StringArgType
+ | PreIdentArgType
+ | IntroPatternArgType
+ | IdentArgType
+ | HypArgType
+ | RefArgType
+ (* Specific types *)
+ | SortArgType
+ | ConstrArgType
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType
+ | QuantHypArgType
+ | TacticArgType
+ | CastedOpenConstrArgType
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+ | BindingsArgType
+ | RedExprArgType
+ | List0ArgType of argument_type
+ | List1ArgType of argument_type
+ | OptArgType of argument_type
+ | PairArgType of argument_type * argument_type
+ | ExtraArgType of string
+val genarg_tag : ('a,'b) generic_argument -> argument_type
+val unquote : ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type -> argument_type
+(* We'd like
+ [in_generic: !b:type, !a:argument_type -> (f a) -> b generic_argument]
+ with f a = b if a is Constr, f a = c if a is Tactic, otherwise f a = |a|
+ in_generic is not typable; we replace the second argument by an absurd
+ type (with no introduction rule)
+type an_arg_of_this_type
+val in_generic :
+ argument_type -> an_arg_of_this_type -> ('a,'b) generic_argument
+val in_gen :
+ ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type -> 'a -> ('co,'ta) generic_argument
+val out_gen :
+ ('a,'co,'ta) abstract_argument_type -> ('co,'ta) generic_argument -> 'a
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0929119c
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+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Entries
+open Libnames
+open Topconstr
+open Constrintern
+let rec make_mp mp = function
+ [] -> mp
+ | h::tl -> make_mp (MPdot(mp, label_of_id h)) tl
+(* Since module components are not put in the nametab we try to locate
+the module prefix *)
+exception BadRef
+let lookup_qualid (modtype:bool) qid =
+ let rec make_mp mp = function
+ [] -> mp
+ | h::tl -> make_mp (MPdot(mp, label_of_id h)) tl
+ in
+ let rec find_module_prefix dir n =
+ if n<0 then raise Not_found;
+ let dir',dir'' = list_chop n dir in
+ let id',dir''' =
+ match dir'' with
+ | hd::tl -> hd,tl
+ | _ -> anomaly "This list should not be empty!"
+ in
+ let qid' = make_qualid dir' id' in
+ try
+ match Nametab.locate qid' with
+ | ModRef mp -> mp,dir'''
+ | _ -> raise BadRef
+ with
+ Not_found -> find_module_prefix dir (pred n)
+ in
+ try Nametab.locate qid
+ with Not_found ->
+ let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
+ let pref_mp,dir' = find_module_prefix dir (List.length dir - 1) in
+ let mp =
+ List.fold_left (fun mp id -> MPdot (mp, label_of_id id)) pref_mp dir'
+ in
+ if modtype then
+ ModTypeRef (make_ln mp (label_of_id id))
+ else
+ ModRef (MPdot (mp,label_of_id id))
+(* Search for the head of [qid] in [binders].
+ If found, returns the module_path/kernel_name created from the dirpath
+ and the basename. Searches Nametab otherwise.
+let lookup_module (loc,qid) =
+ try
+ Nametab.locate_module qid
+ with
+ | Not_found -> Modops.error_not_a_module_loc loc (string_of_qualid qid)
+let lookup_modtype (loc,qid) =
+ try
+ Nametab.locate_modtype qid
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ Modops.error_not_a_modtype_loc loc (string_of_qualid qid)
+let transl_with_decl env = function
+ | CWith_Module ((_,id),qid) ->
+ With_Module (id,lookup_module qid)
+ | CWith_Definition ((_,id),c) ->
+ With_Definition (id,interp_constr Evd.empty env c)
+let rec interp_modtype env = function
+ | CMTEident qid ->
+ MTEident (lookup_modtype qid)
+ | CMTEwith (mty,decl) ->
+ let mty = interp_modtype env mty in
+ let decl = transl_with_decl env decl in
+ MTEwith(mty,decl)
+let rec interp_modexpr env = function
+ | CMEident qid ->
+ MEident (lookup_module qid)
+ | CMEapply (me1,me2) ->
+ let me1 = interp_modexpr env me1 in
+ let me2 = interp_modexpr env me2 in
+ MEapply(me1,me2)
diff --git a/interp/modintern.mli b/interp/modintern.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..050d9f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/modintern.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: modintern.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Topconstr
+(* Module expressions and module types are interpreted relatively to
+ eventual functor or funsig arguments. *)
+val interp_modtype : env -> module_type_ast -> module_type_entry
+val interp_modexpr : env -> module_ast -> module_expr
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29fb7cc7
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+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+(*s Pretty-print. *)
+(* Dealing with precedences *)
+type precedence = int
+type parenRelation = L | E | Any | Prec of precedence
+type tolerability = precedence * parenRelation
+type ppbox =
+ | PpHB of int
+ | PpHOVB of int
+ | PpHVB of int
+ | PpVB of int
+ | PpTB
+type ppcut =
+ | PpBrk of int * int
+ | PpTbrk of int * int
+ | PpTab
+ | PpFnl
+let ppcmd_of_box = function
+ | PpHB n -> h n
+ | PpHOVB n -> hov n
+ | PpHVB n -> hv n
+ | PpVB n -> v n
+ | PpTB -> t
+let ppcmd_of_cut = function
+ | PpTab -> tab ()
+ | PpFnl -> fnl ()
+ | PpBrk(n1,n2) -> brk(n1,n2)
+ | PpTbrk(n1,n2) -> tbrk(n1,n2)
+type unparsing =
+ | UnpMetaVar of int * parenRelation
+ | UnpListMetaVar of int * parenRelation * unparsing list
+ | UnpTerminal of string
+ | UnpBox of ppbox * unparsing list
+ | UnpCut of ppcut
diff --git a/interp/ppextend.mli b/interp/ppextend.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..056b7a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/ppextend.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: ppextend.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Names
+(*s Pretty-print. *)
+(* Dealing with precedences *)
+type precedence = int
+type parenRelation = L | E | Any | Prec of precedence
+type tolerability = precedence * parenRelation
+type ppbox =
+ | PpHB of int
+ | PpHOVB of int
+ | PpHVB of int
+ | PpVB of int
+ | PpTB
+type ppcut =
+ | PpBrk of int * int
+ | PpTbrk of int * int
+ | PpTab
+ | PpFnl
+val ppcmd_of_box : ppbox -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+val ppcmd_of_cut : ppcut -> std_ppcmds
+type unparsing =
+ | UnpMetaVar of int * parenRelation
+ | UnpListMetaVar of int * parenRelation * unparsing list
+ | UnpTerminal of string
+ | UnpBox of ppbox * unparsing list
+ | UnpCut of ppcut
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72899676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Reserved names *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Summary
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+let reserve_table = ref Idmap.empty
+let cache_reserved_type (_,(id,t)) =
+ reserve_table := Idmap.add id t !reserve_table
+let (in_reserved, _) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "RESERVED-TYPE") with
+ cache_function = cache_reserved_type }
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "reserved-type"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !reserve_table);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun r -> reserve_table := r);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> reserve_table := Idmap.empty);
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+let declare_reserved_type (loc,id) t =
+ if id <> root_of_id id then
+ user_err_loc(loc,"declare_reserved_type",
+ (pr_id id ++ str
+ " is not reservable: it must have no trailing digits, quote, or _"));
+ begin try
+ let _ = Idmap.find id !reserve_table in
+ user_err_loc(loc,"declare_reserved_type",
+ (pr_id id++str" is already bound to a type"))
+ with Not_found -> () end;
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_reserved (id,t))
+let find_reserved_type id = Idmap.find (root_of_id id) !reserve_table
+open Rawterm
+let rec unloc = function
+ | RVar (_,id) -> RVar (dummy_loc,id)
+ | RApp (_,g,args) -> RApp (dummy_loc,unloc g, unloc args)
+ | RLambda (_,na,ty,c) -> RLambda (dummy_loc,na,unloc ty,unloc c)
+ | RProd (_,na,ty,c) -> RProd (dummy_loc,na,unloc ty,unloc c)
+ | RLetIn (_,na,b,c) -> RLetIn (dummy_loc,na,unloc b,unloc c)
+ | RCases (_,(tyopt,rtntypopt),tml,pl) ->
+ RCases (dummy_loc,
+ (option_app unloc tyopt,ref (option_app unloc !rtntypopt)),
+ (fun (tm,x) -> (unloc tm,x)) tml,
+ (fun (_,idl,p,c) -> (dummy_loc,idl,p,unloc c)) pl)
+ | ROrderedCase (_,b,tyopt,tm,bv,x) ->
+ ROrderedCase
+ (dummy_loc,b,option_app unloc tyopt,unloc tm, unloc bv,x)
+ | RLetTuple (_,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ RLetTuple (dummy_loc,nal,(na,option_app unloc po),unloc b,unloc c)
+ | RIf (_,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ RIf (dummy_loc,unloc c,(na,option_app unloc po),unloc b1,unloc b2)
+ | RRec (_,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
+ RRec (dummy_loc,fk,idl,
+ (
+ (fun (na,obd,ty) -> (na,option_app unloc obd, unloc ty)))
+ bl,
+ unloc tyl,
+ unloc bv)
+ | RCast (_,c,t) -> RCast (dummy_loc,unloc c,unloc t)
+ | RSort (_,x) -> RSort (dummy_loc,x)
+ | RHole (_,x) -> RHole (dummy_loc,x)
+ | RRef (_,x) -> RRef (dummy_loc,x)
+ | REvar (_,x,l) -> REvar (dummy_loc,x,l)
+ | RPatVar (_,x) -> RPatVar (dummy_loc,x)
+ | RDynamic (_,x) -> RDynamic (dummy_loc,x)
+let anonymize_if_reserved na t = match na with
+ | Name id as na ->
+ if !Options.v7 & id = id_of_string "_" then t else
+ (try
+ if unloc t = find_reserved_type id
+ then RHole (dummy_loc,BinderType na)
+ else t
+ with Not_found -> t)
+ | Anonymous -> t
diff --git a/interp/reserve.mli b/interp/reserve.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a79e2c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/reserve.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: reserve.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:22 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Rawterm
+val declare_reserved_type : identifier located -> rawconstr -> unit
+val find_reserved_type : identifier -> rawconstr
+val anonymize_if_reserved : name -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed151d8e
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+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:23 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Bignat
+open Names
+open Nametab
+open Libnames
+open Summary
+open Rawterm
+open Topconstr
+open Ppextend
+(*s A scope is a set of notations; it includes
+ - a set of ML interpreters/parsers for positive (e.g. 0, 1, 15, ...) and
+ negative numbers (e.g. -0, -2, -13, ...). These interpreters may
+ fail if a number has no interpretation in the scope (e.g. there is
+ no interpretation for negative numbers in [nat]); interpreters both for
+ terms and patterns can be set; these interpreters are in permanent table
+ [numeral_interpreter_tab]
+ - a set of ML printers for expressions denoting numbers parsable in
+ this scope (permanently declared in [Esyntax.primitive_printer_tab])
+ - a set of interpretations for infix (more generally distfix) notations
+ - an optional pair of delimiters which, when occurring in a syntactic
+ expression, set this scope to be the current scope
+(* Scope of symbols *)
+type level = precedence * tolerability list
+type delimiters = string
+type scope = {
+ notations: (interpretation * (dir_path * string) * bool) Stringmap.t;
+ delimiters: delimiters option
+(* Uninterpreted notation map: notation -> level * dir_path *)
+let notation_level_map = ref Stringmap.empty
+(* Scopes table: scope_name -> symbol_interpretation *)
+let scope_map = ref Stringmap.empty
+let empty_scope = {
+ notations = Stringmap.empty;
+ delimiters = None
+let default_scope = "" (* empty name, not available from outside *)
+let type_scope = "type_scope" (* special scope used for interpreting types *)
+let init_scope_map () =
+ scope_map := Stringmap.add default_scope empty_scope !scope_map;
+ scope_map := Stringmap.add type_scope empty_scope !scope_map
+(* Operations on scopes *)
+let declare_scope scope =
+ try let _ = Stringmap.find scope !scope_map in ()
+ with Not_found ->
+(* Options.if_verbose message ("Creating scope "^scope);*)
+ scope_map := Stringmap.add scope empty_scope !scope_map
+let find_scope scope =
+ try Stringmap.find scope !scope_map
+ with Not_found -> error ("Scope "^scope^" is not declared")
+let check_scope sc = let _ = find_scope sc in ()
+(* The global stack of scopes *)
+type scope_elem = Scope of scope_name | SingleNotation of string
+type scopes = scope_elem list
+let scope_stack = ref []
+let current_scopes () = !scope_stack
+(* TODO: push nat_scope, z_scope, ... in scopes summary *)
+(* Exportation of scopes *)
+let cache_scope (_,(local,op,sc)) =
+ (match sc with Scope sc -> check_scope sc | _ -> ());
+ scope_stack := if op then sc :: !scope_stack else list_except sc !scope_stack
+let subst_scope (_,subst,sc) = sc
+open Libobject
+let classify_scope (_,(local,_,_ as o)) =
+ if local then Dispose else Substitute o
+let export_scope (local,_,_ as x) = if local then None else Some x
+let (inScope,outScope) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "SCOPE") with
+ cache_function = cache_scope;
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_scope o);
+ subst_function = subst_scope;
+ classify_function = classify_scope;
+ export_function = export_scope }
+let open_close_scope (local,opening,sc) =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScope (local,opening,Scope sc))
+let empty_scope_stack = []
+let push_scope sc scopes = Scope sc :: scopes
+(* Delimiters *)
+let delimiters_map = ref Stringmap.empty
+let declare_delimiters scope key =
+ let sc = find_scope scope in
+ if sc.delimiters <> None && Options.is_verbose () then begin
+ let old = out_some sc.delimiters in
+ Options.if_verbose
+ warning ("Overwritting previous delimiting key "^old^" in scope "^scope)
+ end;
+ let sc = { sc with delimiters = Some key } in
+ scope_map := Stringmap.add scope sc !scope_map;
+ if Stringmap.mem key !delimiters_map then begin
+ let oldsc = Stringmap.find key !delimiters_map in
+ Options.if_verbose warning ("Hidding binding of key "^key^" to "^oldsc)
+ end;
+ delimiters_map := Stringmap.add key scope !delimiters_map
+let find_delimiters_scope loc key =
+ try Stringmap.find key !delimiters_map
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc, "find_delimiters", str ("Unknown scope delimiting key "^key))
+(* Uninterpretation tables *)
+type interp_rule =
+ | NotationRule of scope_name option * notation
+ | SynDefRule of kernel_name
+(* We define keys for rawterm and aconstr to split the syntax entries
+ according to the key of the pattern (adapted from Chet Murthy by HH) *)
+type key =
+ | RefKey of global_reference
+ | Oth
+(* Scopes table : interpretation -> scope_name *)
+let notations_key_table = ref Gmapl.empty
+let numeral_key_table = Hashtbl.create 7
+let rawconstr_key = function
+ | RApp (_,RRef (_,ref),_) -> RefKey ref
+ | RRef (_,ref) -> RefKey ref
+ | _ -> Oth
+let cases_pattern_key = function
+ | PatCstr (_,ref,_,_) -> RefKey (ConstructRef ref)
+ | _ -> Oth
+let aconstr_key = function
+ | AApp (ARef ref,args) -> RefKey ref, Some (List.length args)
+ | AList (_,_,AApp (ARef ref,args),_,_) -> RefKey ref, Some (List.length args)
+ | ARef ref -> RefKey ref, Some 0
+ | _ -> Oth, None
+let pattern_key = function
+ | PatCstr (_,cstr,_,_) -> RefKey (ConstructRef cstr)
+ | _ -> Oth
+(* Interpreting numbers (not in summary because functional objects) *)
+type num_interpreter =
+ (loc -> bigint -> rawconstr)
+ * (loc -> bigint -> name -> cases_pattern) option
+type num_uninterpreter =
+ rawconstr list * (rawconstr -> bigint option)
+ * (cases_pattern -> bigint option) option
+type required_module = global_reference * string list
+let numeral_interpreter_tab =
+ (Hashtbl.create 7 : (scope_name,required_module*num_interpreter) Hashtbl.t)
+let declare_numeral_interpreter sc dir interp (patl,uninterp,uninterpc) =
+ declare_scope sc;
+ Hashtbl.add numeral_interpreter_tab sc (dir,interp);
+ List.iter
+ (fun pat -> Hashtbl.add numeral_key_table (rawconstr_key pat)
+ (sc,uninterp,uninterpc))
+ patl
+let check_required_module loc sc (ref,d) =
+ let d' = id_of_string d in
+ let dir = make_dirpath (List.rev d') in
+ try let _ = sp_of_global ref in ()
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"numeral_interpreter",
+ str ("Cannot interpret numbers in "^sc^" without requiring first module "
+ ^(list_last d)))
+let lookup_numeral_interpreter loc = function
+ | Scope sc ->
+ let (dir,interpreter) = Hashtbl.find numeral_interpreter_tab sc in
+ check_required_module loc sc dir;
+ interpreter
+ | SingleNotation _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Look if some notation or numeral printer in [scope] can be used in
+ the scope stack [scopes], and if yes, using delimiters or not *)
+let find_with_delimiters = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some scope ->
+ match (Stringmap.find scope !scope_map).delimiters with
+ | Some key -> Some (Some scope, Some key)
+ | None -> None
+let rec find_without_delimiters find (ntn_scope,ntn) = function
+ | Scope scope :: scopes ->
+ (* Is the expected ntn/numpr attached to the most recently open scope? *)
+ if Some scope = ntn_scope then
+ Some (None,None)
+ else
+ (* If the most recently open scope has a notation/numeral printer
+ but not the expected one then we need delimiters *)
+ if find scope then
+ find_with_delimiters ntn_scope
+ else
+ find_without_delimiters find (ntn_scope,ntn) scopes
+ | SingleNotation ntn' :: scopes ->
+ if ntn_scope = None & ntn = Some ntn' then
+ Some (None,None)
+ else
+ find_without_delimiters find (ntn_scope,ntn) scopes
+ | [] ->
+ (* Can we switch to [scope]? Yes if it has defined delimiters *)
+ find_with_delimiters ntn_scope
+(* Uninterpreted notation levels *)
+let declare_notation_level ntn level =
+ if not !Options.v7 & Stringmap.mem ntn !notation_level_map then
+ error ("Notation "^ntn^" is already assigned a level");
+ notation_level_map := Stringmap.add ntn level !notation_level_map
+let level_of_notation ntn =
+ Stringmap.find ntn !notation_level_map
+(* The mapping between notations and their interpretation *)
+let declare_notation_interpretation ntn scopt pat df pp8only =
+ let scope = match scopt with Some s -> s | None -> default_scope in
+ let sc = find_scope scope in
+ if Stringmap.mem ntn sc.notations && Options.is_verbose () then
+ warning ("Notation "^ntn^" is already used"^
+ (if scopt = None then "" else " in scope "^scope));
+ let sc = { sc with notations = Stringmap.add ntn (pat,df,pp8only) sc.notations } in
+ scope_map := Stringmap.add scope sc !scope_map;
+ if scopt = None then scope_stack := SingleNotation ntn :: !scope_stack
+let declare_uninterpretation rule (metas,c as pat) =
+ let (key,n) = aconstr_key c in
+ notations_key_table := Gmapl.add key (rule,pat,n) !notations_key_table
+let rec find_interpretation f = function
+ | sce :: scopes ->
+ let scope = match sce with
+ | Scope s -> s
+ | SingleNotation _ -> default_scope in
+ (try f scope
+ with Not_found -> find_interpretation f scopes)
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+let rec interp_notation loc ntn scopes =
+ let f sc =
+ let scope = find_scope sc in
+ let (pat,df,pp8only) = Stringmap.find ntn scope.notations in
+ if pp8only then raise Not_found;
+ pat,(df,if sc = default_scope then None else Some sc) in
+ try find_interpretation f (List.fold_right push_scope scopes !scope_stack)
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc,"",str ("Unknown interpretation for notation \""^ntn^"\""))
+let uninterp_notations c =
+ Gmapl.find (rawconstr_key c) !notations_key_table
+let uninterp_cases_pattern_notations c =
+ Gmapl.find (cases_pattern_key c) !notations_key_table
+let availability_of_notation (ntn_scope,ntn) scopes =
+ let f scope =
+ Stringmap.mem ntn (Stringmap.find scope !scope_map).notations in
+ find_without_delimiters f (ntn_scope,Some ntn) scopes
+let rec interp_numeral_gen loc f n = function
+ | scope :: scopes ->
+ (try f (lookup_numeral_interpreter loc scope)
+ with Not_found -> interp_numeral_gen loc f n scopes)
+ | [] ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"interp_numeral",
+ str "No interpretation for numeral " ++ pr_bigint n)
+let interp_numeral loc n scopes =
+ interp_numeral_gen loc (fun x -> fst x loc n) n
+ (List.fold_right push_scope scopes !scope_stack)
+let interp_numeral_as_pattern loc n name scopes =
+ let f x = match snd x with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some g -> g loc n name in
+ interp_numeral_gen loc f n (List.fold_right push_scope scopes !scope_stack)
+let uninterp_numeral c =
+ try
+ let (sc,numpr,_) = Hashtbl.find numeral_key_table (rawconstr_key c) in
+ match numpr c with
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ | Some n -> (sc,n)
+ with Not_found -> raise No_match
+let uninterp_cases_numeral c =
+ try
+ match Hashtbl.find numeral_key_table (pattern_key c) with
+ | (_,_,None) -> raise No_match
+ | (sc,_,Some numpr) ->
+ match numpr c with
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ | Some n -> (sc,n)
+ with Not_found -> raise No_match
+let availability_of_numeral printer_scope scopes =
+ let f scope = Hashtbl.mem numeral_interpreter_tab scope in
+ option_app snd (find_without_delimiters f (Some printer_scope,None) scopes)
+(* Miscellaneous *)
+let exists_notation_in_scope scopt ntn r =
+ let scope = match scopt with Some s -> s | None -> default_scope in
+ try
+ let sc = Stringmap.find scope !scope_map in
+ let (r',_,pp8only) = Stringmap.find ntn sc.notations in
+ r' = r, pp8only
+ with Not_found -> false, false
+(* Special scopes associated to arguments of a global reference *)
+let arguments_scope = ref Refmap.empty
+let cache_arguments_scope (_,(r,scl)) =
+ List.iter (option_iter check_scope) scl;
+ arguments_scope := Refmap.add r scl !arguments_scope
+let subst_arguments_scope (_,subst,(r,scl)) = (subst_global subst r,scl)
+let (inArgumentsScope,outArgumentsScope) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "ARGUMENTS-SCOPE") with
+ cache_function = cache_arguments_scope;
+ load_function = (fun _ o -> cache_arguments_scope o);
+ subst_function = subst_arguments_scope;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o);
+ export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
+let declare_arguments_scope r scl =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inArgumentsScope (r,scl))
+let find_arguments_scope r =
+ try Refmap.find r !arguments_scope
+ with Not_found -> []
+(* Mapping classes to scopes *)
+open Classops
+let class_scope_map = ref (Gmap.empty : (cl_typ,scope_name) Gmap.t)
+let _ = Gmap.add CL_SORT "type_scope" Gmap.empty
+let declare_class_scope sc cl =
+ class_scope_map := Gmap.add cl sc !class_scope_map
+let find_class_scope cl =
+ Gmap.find cl !class_scope_map
+open Term
+let find_class t =
+ let t, _ = decompose_app (Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta t) in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id -> CL_SECVAR id
+ | Const sp -> CL_CONST sp
+ | Ind ind_sp -> CL_IND ind_sp
+ | Prod (_,_,_) -> CL_FUN
+ | Sort _ -> CL_SORT
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec compute_arguments_scope t =
+ match kind_of_term (Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta t) with
+ | Prod (_,t,u) ->
+ let sc =
+ try Some (find_class_scope (find_class t)) with Not_found -> None in
+ sc :: compute_arguments_scope u
+ | _ -> []
+let declare_ref_arguments_scope ref =
+ let t = Global.type_of_global ref in
+ declare_arguments_scope ref (compute_arguments_scope t)
+(* Encoding notations as string *)
+type symbol =
+ | Terminal of string
+ | NonTerminal of identifier
+ | SProdList of identifier * symbol list
+ | Break of int
+let rec string_of_symbol = function
+ | NonTerminal _ -> ["_"]
+ | Terminal s -> [s]
+ | SProdList (_,l) ->
+ let l = List.flatten ( string_of_symbol l) in "_"::l@".."::l@["_"]
+ | Break _ -> []
+let make_notation_key symbols =
+ String.concat " " (List.flatten ( string_of_symbol symbols))
+let decompose_notation_key s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec decomp_ntn dirs n =
+ if n>=len then dirs else
+ let pos =
+ try
+ String.index_from s n ' '
+ with Not_found -> len
+ in
+ let tok =
+ match String.sub s n (pos-n) with
+ | "_" -> NonTerminal (id_of_string "_")
+ | s -> Terminal s in
+ decomp_ntn (tok::dirs) (pos+1)
+ in
+ decomp_ntn [] 0
+(* Printing *)
+let pr_delimiters_info = function
+ | None -> str "No delimiting key"
+ | Some key -> str "Delimiting key is " ++ str key
+let classes_of_scope sc =
+ Gmap.fold (fun cl sc' l -> if sc = sc' then cl::l else l) !class_scope_map []
+let pr_scope_classes sc =
+ let l = classes_of_scope sc in
+ if l = [] then mt()
+ else
+ hov 0 (str ("Bound to class"^(if l=[] then "" else "es")) ++
+ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_class l) ++ fnl()
+let rec rawconstr_of_aconstr () x =
+ rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders dummy_loc (fun id () -> (id,()))
+ rawconstr_of_aconstr () x
+let pr_notation_info prraw ntn c =
+ str "\"" ++ str ntn ++ str "\" := " ++ prraw (rawconstr_of_aconstr () c)
+let pr_named_scope prraw scope sc =
+ (if scope = default_scope then
+ match Stringmap.fold (fun _ _ x -> x+1) sc.notations 0 with
+ | 0 -> str "No lonely notation"
+ | n -> str "Lonely notation" ++ (if n=1 then mt() else str"s")
+ else
+ str "Scope " ++ str scope ++ fnl () ++ pr_delimiters_info sc.delimiters)
+ ++ fnl ()
+ ++ pr_scope_classes scope
+ ++ Stringmap.fold
+ (fun ntn ((_,r),(_,df),_) strm ->
+ pr_notation_info prraw df r ++ fnl () ++ strm)
+ sc.notations (mt ())
+let pr_scope prraw scope = pr_named_scope prraw scope (find_scope scope)
+let pr_scopes prraw =
+ Stringmap.fold
+ (fun scope sc strm -> pr_named_scope prraw scope sc ++ fnl () ++ strm)
+ !scope_map (mt ())
+let rec find_default ntn = function
+ | Scope scope::_ when Stringmap.mem ntn (find_scope scope).notations ->
+ Some scope
+ | SingleNotation ntn'::_ when ntn = ntn' -> Some default_scope
+ | _::scopes -> find_default ntn scopes
+ | [] -> None
+let factorize_entries = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (ntn,c)::l ->
+ let (ntn,l_of_ntn,rest) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (a',l,rest) (a,c) ->
+ if a = a' then (a',c::l,rest) else (a,[c],(a',l)::rest))
+ (ntn,[c],[]) l in
+ (ntn,l_of_ntn)::rest
+let is_ident s = (* Poor analysis *)
+ String.length s <> 0 & is_letter s.[0]
+let browse_notation ntn map =
+ let find =
+ if String.contains ntn ' ' then (=) ntn
+ else fun ntn' -> List.mem (Terminal ntn) (decompose_notation_key ntn') in
+ let l =
+ Stringmap.fold
+ (fun scope_name sc ->
+ Stringmap.fold (fun ntn ((_,r),df,_) l ->
+ if find ntn then (ntn,(scope_name,r,df))::l else l) sc.notations)
+ map [] in
+ let l = List.sort (fun x y -> (fst x) (fst y)) l in
+ factorize_entries l
+let locate_notation prraw ntn =
+ let ntns = browse_notation ntn !scope_map in
+ if ntns = [] then
+ str "Unknown notation"
+ else
+ t (str "Notation " ++
+ tab () ++ str "Scope " ++ tab () ++ fnl () ++
+ prlist (fun (ntn,l) ->
+ let scope = find_default ntn !scope_stack in
+ prlist
+ (fun (sc,r,(_,df)) ->
+ hov 0 (
+ pr_notation_info prraw df r ++ tbrk (1,2) ++
+ (if sc = default_scope then mt () else (str ": " ++ str sc)) ++
+ tbrk (1,2) ++
+ (if Some sc = scope then str "(default interpretation)" else mt ())
+ ++ fnl ()))
+ l) ntns)
+let collect_notation_in_scope scope sc known =
+ assert (scope <> default_scope);
+ Stringmap.fold
+ (fun ntn ((_,r),(_,df),_) (l,known as acc) ->
+ if List.mem ntn known then acc else ((df,r)::l,ntn::known))
+ sc.notations ([],known)
+let collect_notations stack =
+ fst (List.fold_left
+ (fun (all,knownntn as acc) -> function
+ | Scope scope ->
+ if List.mem_assoc scope all then acc
+ else
+ let (l,knownntn) =
+ collect_notation_in_scope scope (find_scope scope) knownntn in
+ ((scope,l)::all,knownntn)
+ | SingleNotation ntn ->
+ if List.mem ntn knownntn then (all,knownntn)
+ else
+ let ((_,r),(_,df),_) =
+ Stringmap.find ntn (find_scope default_scope).notations in
+ let all' = match all with
+ | (s,lonelyntn)::rest when s = default_scope ->
+ (s,(df,r)::lonelyntn)::rest
+ | _ ->
+ (default_scope,[df,r])::all in
+ (all',ntn::knownntn))
+ ([],[]) stack)
+let pr_visible_in_scope prraw (scope,ntns) =
+ let strm =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (df,r) strm -> pr_notation_info prraw df r ++ fnl () ++ strm)
+ ntns (mt ()) in
+ (if scope = default_scope then
+ str "Lonely notation" ++ (if List.length ntns <> 1 then str "s" else mt())
+ else
+ str "Visible in scope " ++ str scope)
+ ++ fnl () ++ strm
+let pr_scope_stack prraw stack =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun strm scntns -> strm ++ pr_visible_in_scope prraw scntns ++ fnl ())
+ (mt ()) (collect_notations stack)
+let pr_visibility prraw = function
+ | Some scope -> pr_scope_stack prraw (push_scope scope !scope_stack)
+ | None -> pr_scope_stack prraw !scope_stack
+(* Mapping notations to concrete syntax *)
+type unparsing_rule = unparsing list * precedence
+(* Concrete syntax for symbolic-extension table *)
+let printing_rules =
+ ref (Stringmap.empty : unparsing_rule Stringmap.t)
+let declare_notation_printing_rule ntn unpl =
+ printing_rules := Stringmap.add ntn unpl !printing_rules
+let find_notation_printing_rule ntn =
+ try Stringmap.find ntn !printing_rules
+ with Not_found -> anomaly ("No printing rule found for "^ntn)
+(* Synchronisation with reset *)
+let freeze () =
+ (!scope_map, !notation_level_map, !scope_stack, !arguments_scope,
+ !delimiters_map, !notations_key_table, !printing_rules,
+ !class_scope_map)
+let unfreeze (scm,nlm,scs,asc,dlm,fkm,pprules,clsc) =
+ scope_map := scm;
+ notation_level_map := nlm;
+ scope_stack := scs;
+ delimiters_map := dlm;
+ arguments_scope := asc;
+ notations_key_table := fkm;
+ printing_rules := pprules;
+ class_scope_map := clsc
+let init () =
+ init_scope_map ();
+ scope_stack := Stringmap.empty
+ arguments_scope := Refmap.empty
+ notation_level_map := Stringmap.empty;
+ delimiters_map := Stringmap.empty;
+ notations_key_table := Gmapl.empty;
+ printing_rules := Stringmap.empty;
+ class_scope_map := Gmap.add CL_SORT "type_scope" Gmap.empty
+let _ =
+ declare_summary "symbols"
+ { freeze_function = freeze;
+ unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ init_function = init;
+ survive_module = false;
+ survive_section = false }
diff --git a/interp/symbols.mli b/interp/symbols.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00d8e5ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/symbols.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: symbols.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:23 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Bignat
+open Names
+open Nametab
+open Libnames
+open Rawterm
+open Topconstr
+open Ppextend
+(* Scopes *)
+(*s A scope is a set of interpreters for symbols + optional
+ interpreter and printers for integers + optional delimiters *)
+type level = precedence * tolerability list
+type delimiters = string
+type scope
+type scopes (* = scope_name list*)
+val type_scope : scope_name
+val declare_scope : scope_name -> unit
+(* Open scope *)
+val current_scopes : unit -> scopes
+val open_close_scope :
+ (* locality *) bool * (* open *) bool * scope_name -> unit
+(* Extend a list of scopes *)
+val empty_scope_stack : scopes
+val push_scope : scope_name -> scopes -> scopes
+(* Declare delimiters for printing *)
+val declare_delimiters : scope_name -> delimiters -> unit
+val find_delimiters_scope : loc -> delimiters -> scope_name
+(*s Declare and uses back and forth a numeral interpretation *)
+(* A numeral interpreter is the pair of an interpreter for _integer_
+ numbers in terms and an optional interpreter in pattern, if
+ negative numbers are not supported, the interpreter must fail with
+ an appropriate error message *)
+type num_interpreter =
+ (loc -> bigint -> rawconstr)
+ * (loc -> bigint -> name -> cases_pattern) option
+type num_uninterpreter =
+ rawconstr list * (rawconstr -> bigint option)
+ * (cases_pattern -> bigint option) option
+type required_module = global_reference * string list
+val declare_numeral_interpreter : scope_name -> required_module ->
+ num_interpreter -> num_uninterpreter -> unit
+(* Returns the term/cases_pattern bound to a numeral in a given scope context*)
+val interp_numeral : loc -> bigint -> scope_name list -> rawconstr
+val interp_numeral_as_pattern : loc -> bigint -> name -> scope_name list ->
+ cases_pattern
+(* Returns the numeral bound to a term/cases_pattern; raises No_match if no *)
+(* such numeral *)
+val uninterp_numeral : rawconstr -> scope_name * bigint
+val uninterp_cases_numeral : cases_pattern -> scope_name * bigint
+val availability_of_numeral : scope_name -> scopes -> delimiters option option
+(*s Declare and interpret back and forth a notation *)
+(* Binds a notation in a given scope to an interpretation *)
+type interp_rule =
+ | NotationRule of scope_name option * notation
+ | SynDefRule of kernel_name
+val declare_notation_interpretation : notation -> scope_name option ->
+ interpretation -> dir_path * string -> bool -> unit
+val declare_uninterpretation : interp_rule -> interpretation -> unit
+(* Returns the interpretation bound to a notation *)
+val interp_notation : loc -> notation -> scope_name list ->
+ interpretation * ((dir_path * string) * scope_name option)
+(* Returns the possible notations for a given term *)
+val uninterp_notations : rawconstr ->
+ (interp_rule * interpretation * int option) list
+val uninterp_cases_pattern_notations : cases_pattern ->
+ (interp_rule * interpretation * int option) list
+(* Test if a notation is available in the scopes *)
+(* context [scopes] if available, the result is not None; the first *)
+(* argument is itself not None if a delimiters is needed; the second *)
+(* argument is a numeral printer if the *)
+val availability_of_notation : scope_name option * notation -> scopes ->
+ (scope_name option * delimiters option) option
+(*s Declare and test the level of a (possibly uninterpreted) notation *)
+val declare_notation_level : notation -> level option * level -> unit
+val level_of_notation : notation -> level option * level
+ (* raise [Not_found] if no level *)
+(*s** Miscellaneous *)
+(* Checks for already existing notations *)
+val exists_notation_in_scope : scope_name option -> notation ->
+ interpretation -> bool * bool
+(* Declares and looks for scopes associated to arguments of a global ref *)
+val declare_arguments_scope: global_reference -> scope_name option list -> unit
+val find_arguments_scope : global_reference -> scope_name option list
+val declare_class_scope : scope_name -> Classops.cl_typ -> unit
+val declare_ref_arguments_scope : global_reference -> unit
+val compute_arguments_scope : Term.types -> scope_name option list
+(* Building notation key *)
+type symbol =
+ | Terminal of string
+ | NonTerminal of identifier
+ | SProdList of identifier * symbol list
+ | Break of int
+val make_notation_key : symbol list -> notation
+val decompose_notation_key : notation -> symbol list
+(* Prints scopes (expect a pure aconstr printer *)
+val pr_scope : (rawconstr -> std_ppcmds) -> scope_name -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_scopes : (rawconstr -> std_ppcmds) -> std_ppcmds
+val locate_notation : (rawconstr -> std_ppcmds) -> notation -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_visibility: (rawconstr -> std_ppcmds) -> scope_name option -> std_ppcmds
+(*s Printing rules for notations *)
+(* Declare and look for the printing rule for symbolic notations *)
+type unparsing_rule = unparsing list * precedence
+val declare_notation_printing_rule : notation -> unparsing_rule -> unit
+val find_notation_printing_rule : notation -> unparsing_rule
+(* Rem: printing rules for numerals are trivial *)
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef887d88
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:23 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Topconstr
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+open Nameops
+(* Syntactic definitions. *)
+let syntax_table = ref (KNmap.empty : aconstr KNmap.t)
+let _ = Summary.declare_summary
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !syntax_table);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> syntax_table := ft);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> syntax_table := KNmap.empty);
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+let add_syntax_constant kn c =
+ syntax_table := KNmap.add kn c !syntax_table
+let load_syntax_constant i ((sp,kn),(local,c,onlyparse)) =
+ if Nametab.exists_cci sp then
+ errorlabstrm "cache_syntax_constant"
+ (pr_id (basename sp) ++ str " already exists");
+ add_syntax_constant kn c;
+ Nametab.push_syntactic_definition (Nametab.Until i) sp kn;
+ if not onlyparse then
+ Symbols.declare_uninterpretation (Symbols.SynDefRule kn) ([],c)
+let open_syntax_constant i ((sp,kn),c) =
+ Nametab.push_syntactic_definition (Nametab.Exactly i) sp kn
+let cache_syntax_constant d =
+ load_syntax_constant 1 d
+let subst_syntax_constant ((sp,kn),subst,(local,c,onlyparse)) =
+ (local,subst_aconstr subst c,onlyparse)
+let classify_syntax_constant (_,(local,_,_ as o)) =
+ if local then Dispose else Substitute o
+let export_syntax_constant (local,_,_ as o) =
+ if local then None else Some o
+let (in_syntax_constant, out_syntax_constant) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "SYNTAXCONSTANT") with
+ cache_function = cache_syntax_constant;
+ load_function = load_syntax_constant;
+ open_function = open_syntax_constant;
+ subst_function = subst_syntax_constant;
+ classify_function = classify_syntax_constant;
+ export_function = export_syntax_constant }
+let declare_syntactic_definition local id onlyparse c =
+ let _ = add_leaf id (in_syntax_constant (local,c,onlyparse)) in ()
+let rec set_loc loc _ a =
+ rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc (fun id e -> (id,e)) (set_loc loc) () a
+let search_syntactic_definition loc kn =
+ set_loc loc () (KNmap.find kn !syntax_table)
diff --git a/interp/syntax_def.mli b/interp/syntax_def.mli
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index 00000000..0aec03c2
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+++ b/interp/syntax_def.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: syntax_def.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:23 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Topconstr
+open Rawterm
+(* Syntactic definitions. *)
+val declare_syntactic_definition : bool -> identifier -> bool -> aconstr
+ -> unit
+val search_syntactic_definition : loc -> kernel_name -> rawconstr
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index 00000000..3ee3285b
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@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:23 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Libnames
+open Rawterm
+open Term
+(* This is the subtype of rawconstr allowed in syntactic extensions *)
+(* For AList: first constr is iterator, second is terminator;
+ first id is where each argument of the list has to be substituted
+ in iterator and snd id is alternative name just for printing;
+ boolean is associativity *)
+type aconstr =
+ (* Part common to rawconstr and cases_pattern *)
+ | ARef of global_reference
+ | AVar of identifier
+ | AApp of aconstr * aconstr list
+ | AList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr * bool
+ (* Part only in rawconstr *)
+ | ALambda of name * aconstr * aconstr
+ | AProd of name * aconstr * aconstr
+ | ALetIn of name * aconstr * aconstr
+ | ACases of aconstr option * aconstr option *
+ (aconstr * (name * (inductive * name list) option)) list *
+ (identifier list * cases_pattern list * aconstr) list
+ | AOrderedCase of case_style * aconstr option * aconstr * aconstr array
+ | ALetTuple of name list * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
+ | AIf of aconstr * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
+ | ASort of rawsort
+ | AHole of hole_kind
+ | APatVar of patvar
+ | ACast of aconstr * aconstr
+let name_app f e = function
+ | Name id -> let (id, e) = f id e in (Name id, e)
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous, e
+let rec subst_rawvars l = function
+ | RVar (_,id) as r -> (try List.assoc id l with Not_found -> r)
+ | r -> map_rawconstr (subst_rawvars l) r (* assume: id is not binding *)
+let ldots_var = id_of_string ".."
+let rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc g f e = function
+ | AVar id -> RVar (loc,id)
+ | AApp (a,args) -> RApp (loc,f e a, (f e) args)
+ | AList (x,y,iter,tail,swap) ->
+ let t = f e tail in let it = f e iter in
+ let innerl = (ldots_var,t)::(if swap then [] else [x,RVar(loc,y)]) in
+ let inner = RApp (loc,RVar (loc,ldots_var),[subst_rawvars innerl it]) in
+ let outerl = (ldots_var,inner)::(if swap then [x,RVar(loc,y)] else []) in
+ subst_rawvars outerl it
+ | ALambda (na,ty,c) ->
+ let na,e = name_app g e na in RLambda (loc,na,f e ty,f e c)
+ | AProd (na,ty,c) ->
+ let na,e = name_app g e na in RProd (loc,na,f e ty,f e c)
+ | ALetIn (na,b,c) ->
+ let na,e = name_app g e na in RLetIn (loc,na,f e b,f e c)
+ | ACases (tyopt,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) ->
+ let cases_predicate_names tml =
+ List.flatten ( (function
+ | (tm,(na,None)) -> [na]
+ | (tm,(na,Some (_,nal))) -> na::nal) tml) in
+ (* TODO: apply g to na (in fact not used) *)
+ let e' = List.fold_right
+ (fun na e -> snd (name_app g e na)) (cases_predicate_names tml) e in
+ let fold id (idl,e) = let (id,e) = g id e in (id::idl,e) in
+ let eqnl = (fun (idl,pat,rhs) ->
+ let (idl,e) = List.fold_right fold idl ([],e) in (loc,idl,pat,f e rhs)) eqnl in
+ RCases (loc,(option_app (f e) tyopt, ref (option_app (f e') rtntypopt)),
+ (fun (tm,(na,x)) ->
+ (f e tm,ref (na,option_app (fun (x,y) -> (loc,x,y)) x))) tml,eqnl)
+ | AOrderedCase (b,tyopt,tm,bv) ->
+ ROrderedCase (loc,b,option_app (f e) tyopt,f e tm, (f e) bv,ref None)
+ | ALetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,option_app (f e) po),f e b,f e c)
+ | AIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ RIf (loc,f e c,(na,option_app (f e) po),f e b1,f e b2)
+ | ACast (c,t) -> RCast (loc,f e c,f e t)
+ | ASort x -> RSort (loc,x)
+ | AHole x -> RHole (loc,x)
+ | APatVar n -> RPatVar (loc,(false,n))
+ | ARef x -> RRef (loc,x)
+let rec subst_pat subst pat =
+ match pat with
+ | PatVar _ -> pat
+ | PatCstr (loc,((kn,i),j),cpl,n) ->
+ let kn' = subst_kn subst kn
+ and cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl in
+ if kn' == kn && cpl' == cpl then pat else
+ PatCstr (loc,((kn',i),j),cpl',n)
+let rec subst_aconstr subst raw =
+ match raw with
+ | ARef ref ->
+ let ref' = subst_global subst ref in
+ if ref' == ref then raw else
+ ARef ref'
+ | AVar _ -> raw
+ | AApp (r,rl) ->
+ let r' = subst_aconstr subst r
+ and rl' = list_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) rl in
+ if r' == r && rl' == rl then raw else
+ AApp(r',rl')
+ | AList (id1,id2,r1,r2,b) ->
+ let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ AList (id1,id2,r1',r2',b)
+ | ALambda (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ ALambda (n,r1',r2')
+ | AProd (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ AProd (n,r1',r2')
+ | ALetIn (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ ALetIn (n,r1',r2')
+ | ACases (ro,rtntypopt,rl,branches) ->
+ let ro' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) ro
+ and rtntypopt' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) rtntypopt
+ and rl' = list_smartmap
+ (fun (a,(n,signopt) as x) ->
+ let a' = subst_aconstr subst a in
+ let signopt' = option_app (fun ((indkn,i),nal as z) ->
+ let indkn' = subst_kn subst indkn in
+ if indkn == indkn' then z else ((indkn',i),nal)) signopt in
+ if a' == a && signopt' == signopt then x else (a',(n,signopt')))
+ rl
+ and branches' = list_smartmap
+ (fun (idl,cpl,r as branch) ->
+ let cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl
+ and r' = subst_aconstr subst r in
+ if cpl' == cpl && r' == r then branch else
+ (idl,cpl',r'))
+ branches
+ in
+ if ro' == ro && rtntypopt == rtntypopt' &
+ rl' == rl && branches' == branches then raw else
+ ACases (ro',rtntypopt',rl',branches')
+ | AOrderedCase (b,ro,r,ra) ->
+ let ro' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) ro
+ and r' = subst_aconstr subst r
+ and ra' = array_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) ra in
+ if ro' == ro && r' == r && ra' == ra then raw else
+ AOrderedCase (b,ro',r',ra')
+ | ALetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ let po' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) po
+ and b' = subst_aconstr subst b
+ and c' = subst_aconstr subst c in
+ if po' == po && b' == b && c' == c then raw else
+ ALetTuple (nal,(na,po'),b',c')
+ | AIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let po' = option_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst) po
+ and b1' = subst_aconstr subst b1
+ and b2' = subst_aconstr subst b2
+ and c' = subst_aconstr subst c in
+ if po' == po && b1' == b1 && b2' == b2 && c' == c then raw else
+ AIf (c',(na,po'),b1',b2')
+ | APatVar _ | ASort _ -> raw
+ | AHole (ImplicitArg (ref,i)) ->
+ let ref' = subst_global subst ref in
+ if ref' == ref then raw else
+ AHole (ImplicitArg (ref',i))
+ | AHole (BinderType _ | QuestionMark | CasesType |
+ InternalHole | TomatchTypeParameter _) -> raw
+ | ACast (r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ ACast (r1',r2')
+let add_name r = function
+ | Anonymous -> ()
+ | Name id -> r := id :: !r
+let has_ldots =
+ List.exists
+ (function RApp (_,RVar(_,v),_) when v = ldots_var -> true | _ -> false)
+let compare_rawconstr f t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
+ | RRef (_,r1), RRef (_,r2) -> r1 = r2
+ | RVar (_,v1), RVar (_,v2) -> v1 = v2
+ | RApp (_,f1,l1), RApp (_,f2,l2) -> f f1 f2 & List.for_all2 f l1 l2
+ | RLambda (_,na1,ty1,c1), RLambda (_,na2,ty2,c2) when na1 = na2 ->
+ f ty1 ty2 & f c1 c2
+ | RProd (_,na1,ty1,c1), RProd (_,na2,ty2,c2) when na1 = na2 ->
+ f ty1 ty2 & f c1 c2
+ | RHole _, RHole _ -> true
+ | RSort (_,s1), RSort (_,s2) -> s1 = s2
+ | (RLetIn _ | RCases _ | ROrderedCase _ | RRec _ | RDynamic _
+ | RPatVar _ | REvar _ | RLetTuple _ | RIf _ | RCast _),_
+ | _,(RLetIn _ | RCases _ | ROrderedCase _ | RRec _ | RDynamic _
+ | RPatVar _ | REvar _ | RLetTuple _ | RIf _ | RCast _)
+ -> error "Unsupported construction in recursive notations"
+ | (RRef _ | RVar _ | RApp _ | RLambda _ | RProd _ | RHole _ | RSort _), _
+ -> false
+let rec eq_rawconstr t1 t2 = compare_rawconstr eq_rawconstr t1 t2
+let discriminate_patterns nl l1 l2 =
+ let diff = ref None in
+ let rec aux n c1 c2 = match c1,c2 with
+ | RVar (_,v1), RVar (_,v2) when v1<>v2 ->
+ if !diff = None then (diff := Some (v1,v2,(n>=nl)); true)
+ else
+ !diff = Some (v1,v2,(n>=nl)) or !diff = Some (v2,v1,(n<nl))
+ or (error
+ "Both ends of the recursive pattern differ in more than one place")
+ | _ -> compare_rawconstr (aux (n+1)) c1 c2 in
+ let l = list_map2_i aux 0 l1 l2 in
+ if not (List.for_all ((=) true) l) then
+ error "Both ends of the recursive pattern differ";
+ !diff
+let aconstr_and_vars_of_rawconstr a =
+ let found = ref [] in
+ let bound_binders = ref [] in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | RVar (_,id) ->
+ if not (List.mem id !bound_binders) then found := id::!found;
+ AVar id
+ | RApp (_,f,args) when has_ldots args -> make_aconstr_list f args
+ | RApp (_,g,args) -> AApp (aux g, aux args)
+ | RLambda (_,na,ty,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; ALambda (na,aux ty,aux c)
+ | RProd (_,na,ty,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; AProd (na,aux ty,aux c)
+ | RLetIn (_,na,b,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; ALetIn (na,aux b,aux c)
+ | RCases (_,(tyopt,rtntypopt),tml,eqnl) ->
+ let f (_,idl,pat,rhs) =
+ bound_binders := idl@(!bound_binders);
+ (idl,pat,aux rhs) in
+ ACases (option_app aux tyopt,
+ option_app aux !rtntypopt,
+ (fun (tm,{contents = (na,x)}) ->
+ add_name bound_binders na;
+ option_iter
+ (fun (_,_,nl) -> List.iter (add_name bound_binders) nl) x;
+ (aux tm,(na,option_app (fun (_,ind,nal) -> (ind,nal)) x))) tml,
+ f eqnl)
+ | ROrderedCase (_,b,tyopt,tm,bv,_) ->
+ AOrderedCase (b,option_app aux tyopt,aux tm, aux bv)
+ | RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ ALetTuple (nal,(na,option_app aux po),aux b,aux c)
+ | RIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ AIf (aux c,(na,option_app aux po),aux b1,aux b2)
+ | RCast (_,c,t) -> ACast (aux c,aux t)
+ | RSort (_,s) -> ASort s
+ | RHole (_,w) -> AHole w
+ | RRef (_,r) -> ARef r
+ | RPatVar (_,(_,n)) -> APatVar n
+ | RDynamic _ | RRec _ | REvar _ ->
+ error "Fixpoints, cofixpoints, existential variables and pattern-matching not \
+allowed in abbreviatable expressions"
+ (* Recognizing recursive notations *)
+ and terminator_of_pat f1 ll1 lr1 = function
+ | RApp (loc,f2,l2) ->
+ if not (eq_rawconstr f1 f2) then error
+ "Cannot recognize the same head to both ends of the recursive pattern";
+ let nl = List.length ll1 in
+ let nr = List.length lr1 in
+ if List.length l2 <> nl + nr + 1 then
+ error "Both ends of the recursive pattern have different lengths";
+ let ll2,l2' = list_chop nl l2 in
+ let t = List.hd l2' and lr2 = l2' in
+ let discr = discriminate_patterns nl (ll1@lr1) (ll2@lr2) in
+ let x,y,order = match discr with Some z -> z | None ->
+ error "Both ends of the recursive pattern are the same" in
+ List.iter (fun id ->
+ if List.mem id !bound_binders or List.mem id !found
+ then error "Variables used in the recursive part of a pattern are not allowed to occur outside of the recursive part";
+ found := id::!found) [x;y];
+ let iter =
+ if order then RApp (loc,f2,ll2@RVar (loc,ldots_var)::lr2)
+ else RApp (loc,f1,ll1@RVar (loc,ldots_var)::lr1) in
+ (if order then y else x),(if order then x else y), aux iter, aux t, order
+ | _ -> error "One end of the recursive pattern is not an application"
+ and make_aconstr_list f args =
+ let rec find_patterns acc = function
+ | RApp(_,RVar (_,a),[c]) :: l when a = ldots_var ->
+ (* We've found the recursive part *)
+ let x,y,iter,term,lassoc = terminator_of_pat f (List.rev acc) l c in
+ AList (x,y,iter,term,lassoc)
+ | a::l -> find_patterns (a::acc) l
+ | [] -> error "Ill-formed recursive notation"
+ in find_patterns [] args
+ in
+ let t = aux a in
+ (* Side effect *)
+ t, !found, !bound_binders
+let aconstr_of_rawconstr vars a =
+ let a,notbindingvars,binders = aconstr_and_vars_of_rawconstr a in
+ let check_type x =
+ if not (List.mem x notbindingvars or List.mem x binders) then
+ error ((string_of_id x)^" is unbound in the right-hand-side") in
+ List.iter check_type vars;
+ a
+let encode_list_value l = RApp (dummy_loc,RVar (dummy_loc,ldots_var),l)
+(* Pattern-matching rawconstr and aconstr *)
+let rec adjust_scopes = function
+ | _,[] -> []
+ | [],a::args -> (None,a) :: adjust_scopes ([],args)
+ | sc::scopes,a::args -> (sc,a) :: adjust_scopes (scopes,args)
+exception No_match
+let rec alpha_var id1 id2 = function
+ | (i1,i2)::_ when i1=id1 -> i2 = id2
+ | (i1,i2)::_ when i2=id2 -> i1 = id1
+ | _::idl -> alpha_var id1 id2 idl
+ | [] -> id1 = id2
+let alpha_eq_val (x,y) = x = y
+let bind_env sigma var v =
+ try
+ let vvar = List.assoc var sigma in
+ if alpha_eq_val (v,vvar) then sigma
+ else raise No_match
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
+ (var,v)::sigma
+let rec match_ alp metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with
+ | r1, AVar id2 when List.mem id2 metas -> bind_env sigma id2 r1
+ | RVar (_,id1), AVar id2 when alpha_var id1 id2 alp -> sigma
+ | RRef (_,r1), ARef r2 when r1 = r2 -> sigma
+ | RPatVar (_,(_,n1)), APatVar n2 when n1=n2 -> sigma
+ | RApp (_,f1,l1), AApp (f2,l2) when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
+ List.fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) (match_ alp metas sigma f1 f2) l1 l2
+ | RApp (_,f1,l1), AList (x,_,(AApp (f2,l2) as iter),termin,lassoc)
+ when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
+ match_alist alp metas sigma (f1::l1) (f2::l2) x iter termin lassoc
+ | RLambda (_,na1,t1,b1), ALambda (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2
+ | RProd (_,na1,t1,b1), AProd (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2
+ | RLetIn (_,na1,t1,b1), ALetIn (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2
+ | RCases (_,(po1,rtno1),tml1,eqnl1), ACases (po2,rtno2,tml2,eqnl2)
+ when List.length tml1 = List.length tml2 ->
+ let sigma = option_fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) sigma po1 po2 in
+ (* TODO: match rtno' with their contexts *)
+ let sigma = List.fold_left2
+ (fun s (tm1,_) (tm2,_) -> match_ alp metas s tm1 tm2) sigma tml1 tml2 in
+ List.fold_left2 (match_equations alp metas) sigma eqnl1 eqnl2
+ | ROrderedCase (_,st,po1,c1,bl1,_), AOrderedCase (st2,po2,c2,bl2)
+ when Array.length bl1 = Array.length bl2 ->
+ let sigma = option_fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) sigma po1 po2 in
+ array_fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) (match_ alp metas sigma c1 c2) bl1 bl2
+ | RCast(_,c1,t1), ACast(c2,t2) ->
+ match_ alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma c1 c2) t1 t2
+ | RSort (_,s1), ASort s2 when s1 = s2 -> sigma
+ | RPatVar _, AHole _ -> (*Don't hide Metas, they bind in ltac*) raise No_match
+ | a, AHole _ when not(Options.do_translate()) -> sigma
+ | RHole _, AHole _ -> sigma
+ | (RDynamic _ | RRec _ | REvar _), _
+ | _,_ -> raise No_match
+and match_alist alp metas sigma l1 l2 x iter termin lassoc =
+ (* match the iterator at least once *)
+ let sigma = List.fold_left2 (match_ alp (ldots_var::metas)) sigma l1 l2 in
+ (* Recover the recursive position *)
+ let rest = List.assoc ldots_var sigma in
+ (* Recover the first element *)
+ let t1 = List.assoc x sigma in
+ let sigma = List.remove_assoc x (List.remove_assoc ldots_var sigma) in
+ (* try to find the remaining elements or the terminator *)
+ let rec match_alist_tail alp metas sigma acc rest =
+ try
+ let sigma = match_ alp (ldots_var::metas) sigma rest iter in
+ let rest = List.assoc ldots_var sigma in
+ let t = List.assoc x sigma in
+ let sigma = List.remove_assoc x (List.remove_assoc ldots_var sigma) in
+ match_alist_tail alp metas sigma (t::acc) rest
+ with No_match ->
+ List.rev acc, match_ alp metas sigma rest termin in
+ let tl,sigma = match_alist_tail alp metas sigma [t1] rest in
+ (x,encode_list_value (if lassoc then List.rev tl else tl))::sigma
+and match_binders alp metas sigma b1 b2 na1 na2 = match (na1,na2) with
+ | (Name id1,Name id2) when List.mem id2 metas ->
+ let sigma = bind_env sigma id2 (RVar (dummy_loc,id1)) in
+ match_ alp metas sigma b1 b2
+ | (Name id1,Name id2) -> match_ ((id1,id2)::alp) metas sigma b1 b2
+ | (Anonymous,Anonymous) -> match_ alp metas sigma b1 b2
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+and match_equations alp metas sigma (_,idl1,pat1,rhs1) (idl2,pat2,rhs2) =
+ if idl1 = idl2 & pat1 = pat2 (* Useful to reason up to alpha ?? *) then
+ match_ alp metas sigma rhs1 rhs2
+ else raise No_match
+type scope_name = string
+type interpretation =
+ (identifier * (scope_name option * scope_name list)) list * aconstr
+let match_aconstr c (metas_scl,pat) =
+ let subst = match_ [] ( fst metas_scl) [] c pat in
+ (* Reorder canonically the substitution *)
+ let find x subst =
+ try List.assoc x subst
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Happens for binders bound to Anonymous *)
+ (* Find a better way to propagate Anonymous... *)
+ RVar (dummy_loc,x) in
+ (fun (x,scl) -> (find x subst,scl)) metas_scl
+(*s Concrete syntax for terms *)
+type notation = string
+type explicitation = ExplByPos of int | ExplByName of identifier
+type proj_flag = int option (* [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *)
+type cases_pattern_expr =
+ | CPatAlias of loc * cases_pattern_expr * identifier
+ | CPatCstr of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
+ | CPatAtom of loc * reference option
+ | CPatNotation of loc * notation * cases_pattern_expr list
+ | CPatNumeral of loc * Bignat.bigint
+ | CPatDelimiters of loc * string * cases_pattern_expr
+type constr_expr =
+ | CRef of reference
+ | CFix of loc * identifier located * fixpoint_expr list
+ | CCoFix of loc * identifier located * cofixpoint_expr list
+ | CArrow of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CProdN of loc * (name located list * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
+ | CLambdaN of loc * (name located list * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
+ | CLetIn of loc * name located * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CAppExpl of loc * (proj_flag * reference) * constr_expr list
+ | CApp of loc * (proj_flag * constr_expr) *
+ (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list
+ | CCases of loc * (constr_expr option * constr_expr option) *
+ (constr_expr * (name option * constr_expr option)) list *
+ (loc * cases_pattern_expr list * constr_expr) list
+ | COrderedCase of loc * case_style * constr_expr option * constr_expr
+ * constr_expr list
+ | CLetTuple of loc * name list * (name option * constr_expr option) *
+ constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CIf of loc * constr_expr * (name option * constr_expr option)
+ * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CHole of loc
+ | CPatVar of loc * (bool * patvar)
+ | CEvar of loc * existential_key
+ | CSort of loc * rawsort
+ | CCast of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CNotation of loc * notation * constr_expr list
+ | CNumeral of loc * Bignat.bigint
+ | CDelimiters of loc * string * constr_expr
+ | CDynamic of loc * Dyn.t
+and fixpoint_expr =
+ identifier * int * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
+and local_binder =
+ | LocalRawDef of name located * constr_expr
+ | LocalRawAssum of name located list * constr_expr
+and cofixpoint_expr =
+ identifier * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
+(* For binders parsing *)
+let rec local_binders_length = function
+ | [] -> 0
+ | LocalRawDef _::bl -> 1 + local_binders_length bl
+ | LocalRawAssum (idl,_)::bl -> List.length idl + local_binders_length bl
+let names_of_local_assums bl =
+ List.flatten ( (function LocalRawAssum(l,_)->l|_->[]) bl)
+(* Functions on constr_expr *)
+let constr_loc = function
+ | CRef (Ident (loc,_)) -> loc
+ | CRef (Qualid (loc,_)) -> loc
+ | CFix (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CCoFix (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CArrow (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CProdN (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CLambdaN (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CLetIn (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CAppExpl (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CApp (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CCases (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | COrderedCase (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CLetTuple (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CIf (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CHole loc -> loc
+ | CPatVar (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CEvar (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CSort (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CCast (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CNotation (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CNumeral (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CDynamic _ -> dummy_loc
+let cases_pattern_loc = function
+ | CPatAlias (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPatCstr (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPatAtom (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CPatNotation (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPatNumeral (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CPatDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc
+let occur_var_constr_ref id = function
+ | Ident (loc,id') -> id = id'
+ | Qualid _ -> false
+let rec occur_var_constr_expr id = function
+ | CRef r -> occur_var_constr_ref id r
+ | CArrow (loc,a,b) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a or occur_var_constr_expr id b
+ | CAppExpl (loc,(_,r),l) ->
+ occur_var_constr_ref id r or List.exists (occur_var_constr_expr id) l
+ | CApp (loc,(_,f),l) ->
+ occur_var_constr_expr id f or
+ List.exists (fun (a,_) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a) l
+ | CProdN (_,l,b) -> occur_var_binders id b l
+ | CLambdaN (_,l,b) -> occur_var_binders id b l
+ | CLetIn (_,na,a,b) -> occur_var_binders id b [[na],a]
+ | CCast (loc,a,b) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a or occur_var_constr_expr id b
+ | CNotation (_,_,l) -> List.exists (occur_var_constr_expr id) l
+ | CDelimiters (loc,_,a) -> occur_var_constr_expr id a
+ | CHole _ | CEvar _ | CPatVar _ | CSort _ | CNumeral _ | CDynamic _ -> false
+ | CCases (loc,_,_,_)
+ | COrderedCase (loc,_,_,_,_)
+ | CLetTuple (loc,_,_,_,_)
+ | CIf (loc,_,_,_,_)
+ | CFix (loc,_,_)
+ | CCoFix (loc,_,_) ->
+ Pp.warning "Capture check in multiple binders not done"; false
+and occur_var_binders id b = function
+ | (idl,a)::l ->
+ occur_var_constr_expr id a or
+ (not (List.mem (Name id) (snd (List.split idl)))
+ & occur_var_binders id b l)
+ | [] -> occur_var_constr_expr id b
+let mkIdentC id = CRef (Ident (dummy_loc, id))
+let mkRefC r = CRef r
+let mkAppC (f,l) = CApp (dummy_loc, (None,f), (fun x -> (x,None)) l)
+let mkCastC (a,b) = CCast (dummy_loc,a,b)
+let mkLambdaC (idl,a,b) = CLambdaN (dummy_loc,[idl,a],b)
+let mkLetInC (id,a,b) = CLetIn (dummy_loc,id,a,b)
+let mkProdC (idl,a,b) = CProdN (dummy_loc,[idl,a],b)
+(* Used in correctness and interface *)
+let names_of_cases_indtype =
+ let rec vars_of ids t =
+ match t with
+ (* We deal only with the regular cases *)
+ | CApp (_,_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun ids (a,_) -> vars_of ids a) [] l
+ | CRef (Ident (_,id)) -> id::ids
+ | CNotation (_,_,l)
+ (* assume the ntn is applicative and does not instantiate the head !! *)
+ | CAppExpl (_,_,l) -> List.fold_left vars_of [] l
+ | CDelimiters(_,_,c) -> vars_of ids c
+ | _ -> ids in
+ vars_of []
+let map_binder g e nal = List.fold_right (fun (_,na) -> name_fold g na) nal e
+let map_binders f g e bl =
+ (* TODO: avoid variable capture in [t] by some [na] in [ nal] *)
+ let h (e,bl) (nal,t) = (map_binder g e nal,(nal,f e t)::bl) in
+ let (e,rbl) = List.fold_left h (e,[]) bl in
+ (e, List.rev rbl)
+let map_local_binders f g e bl =
+ (* TODO: avoid variable capture in [t] by some [na] in [ nal] *)
+ let h (e,bl) = function
+ LocalRawAssum(nal,ty) ->
+ (map_binder g e nal, LocalRawAssum(nal,f e ty)::bl)
+ | LocalRawDef((loc,na),ty) ->
+ (name_fold g na e, LocalRawDef((loc,na),f e ty)::bl) in
+ let (e,rbl) = List.fold_left h (e,[]) bl in
+ (e, List.rev rbl)
+let map_constr_expr_with_binders f g e = function
+ | CArrow (loc,a,b) -> CArrow (loc,f e a,f e b)
+ | CAppExpl (loc,r,l) -> CAppExpl (loc,r, (f e) l)
+ | CApp (loc,(p,a),l) ->
+ CApp (loc,(p,f e a), (fun (a,i) -> (f e a,i)) l)
+ | CProdN (loc,bl,b) ->
+ let (e,bl) = map_binders f g e bl in CProdN (loc,bl,f e b)
+ | CLambdaN (loc,bl,b) ->
+ let (e,bl) = map_binders f g e bl in CLambdaN (loc,bl,f e b)
+ | CLetIn (loc,na,a,b) -> CLetIn (loc,na,f e a,f (name_fold g (snd na) e) b)
+ | CCast (loc,a,b) -> CCast (loc,f e a,f e b)
+ | CNotation (loc,n,l) -> CNotation (loc,n, (f e) l)
+ | CDelimiters (loc,s,a) -> CDelimiters (loc,s,f e a)
+ | CHole _ | CEvar _ | CPatVar _ | CSort _
+ | CNumeral _ | CDynamic _ | CRef _ as x -> x
+ | CCases (loc,(po,rtnpo),a,bl) ->
+ (* TODO: apply g on the binding variables in pat... *)
+ let bl = (fun (loc,pat,rhs) -> (loc,pat,f e rhs)) bl in
+ let e' =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (tm,(na,indnal)) e ->
+ option_fold_right
+ (fun t ->
+ let ids = names_of_cases_indtype t in
+ List.fold_right g ids)
+ indnal (option_fold_right (name_fold g) na e))
+ a e
+ in
+ CCases (loc,(option_app (f e) po, option_app (f e') rtnpo),
+ (fun (tm,x) -> (f e tm,x)) a,bl)
+ | COrderedCase (loc,s,po,a,bl) ->
+ COrderedCase (loc,s,option_app (f e) po,f e a, (f e) bl)
+ | CLetTuple (loc,nal,(ona,po),b,c) ->
+ let e' = List.fold_right (name_fold g) nal e in
+ let e'' = option_fold_right (name_fold g) ona e in
+ CLetTuple (loc,nal,(ona,option_app (f e'') po),f e b,f e' c)
+ | CIf (loc,c,(ona,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let e' = option_fold_right (name_fold g) ona e in
+ CIf (loc,f e c,(ona,option_app (f e') po),f e b1,f e b2)
+ | CFix (loc,id,dl) ->
+ CFix (loc,id, (fun (id,n,bl,t,d) ->
+ let (e',bl') = map_local_binders f g e bl in
+ let t' = f e' t in
+ (* Note: fix names should be inserted before the arguments... *)
+ let e'' = List.fold_left (fun e (id,_,_,_,_) -> g id e) e' dl in
+ let d' = f e'' d in
+ (id,n,bl',t',d')) dl)
+ | CCoFix (loc,id,dl) ->
+ CCoFix (loc,id, (fun (id,bl,t,d) ->
+ let (e',bl') = map_local_binders f g e bl in
+ let t' = f e' t in
+ let e'' = List.fold_left (fun e (id,_,_,_) -> g id e) e' dl in
+ let d' = f e'' d in
+ (id,bl',t',d')) dl)
+(* Used in constrintern *)
+let rec replace_vars_constr_expr l = function
+ | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) as x ->
+ (try CRef (Ident (loc,List.assoc id l)) with Not_found -> x)
+ | c -> map_constr_expr_with_binders replace_vars_constr_expr
+ (fun id l -> List.remove_assoc id l) l c
+(* Concrete syntax for modules and modules types *)
+type with_declaration_ast =
+ | CWith_Module of identifier located * qualid located
+ | CWith_Definition of identifier located * constr_expr
+type module_type_ast =
+ | CMTEident of qualid located
+ | CMTEwith of module_type_ast * with_declaration_ast
+type module_ast =
+ | CMEident of qualid located
+ | CMEapply of module_ast * module_ast
diff --git a/interp/topconstr.mli b/interp/topconstr.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4a82a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/topconstr.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: topconstr.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:23 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Rawterm
+open Term
+(*s This is the subtype of rawconstr allowed in syntactic extensions *)
+(* No location since intended to be substituted at any place of a text *)
+(* Complex expressions such as fixpoints and cofixpoints are excluded, *)
+(* non global expressions such as existential variables also *)
+type aconstr =
+ (* Part common to rawconstr and cases_pattern *)
+ | ARef of global_reference
+ | AVar of identifier
+ | AApp of aconstr * aconstr list
+ | AList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr * bool
+ (* Part only in rawconstr *)
+ | ALambda of name * aconstr * aconstr
+ | AProd of name * aconstr * aconstr
+ | ALetIn of name * aconstr * aconstr
+ | ACases of aconstr option * aconstr option *
+ (aconstr * (name * (inductive * name list) option)) list *
+ (identifier list * cases_pattern list * aconstr) list
+ | AOrderedCase of case_style * aconstr option * aconstr * aconstr array
+ | ALetTuple of name list * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
+ | AIf of aconstr * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
+ | ASort of rawsort
+ | AHole of hole_kind
+ | APatVar of patvar
+ | ACast of aconstr * aconstr
+val rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders : loc ->
+ (identifier -> 'a -> identifier * 'a) ->
+ ('a -> aconstr -> rawconstr) -> 'a -> aconstr -> rawconstr
+val subst_aconstr : Names.substitution -> aconstr -> aconstr
+val aconstr_of_rawconstr : identifier list -> rawconstr -> aconstr
+(* [match_aconstr metas] match a rawconstr against an aconstr with
+ metavariables in [metas]; it raises [No_match] if the matching fails *)
+exception No_match
+type scope_name = string
+type interpretation =
+ (identifier * (scope_name option * scope_name list)) list * aconstr
+val match_aconstr : (* scope_name option -> *) rawconstr -> interpretation ->
+ (rawconstr * (scope_name option * scope_name list)) list
+(*s Concrete syntax for terms *)
+type notation = string
+type explicitation = ExplByPos of int | ExplByName of identifier
+type proj_flag = int option (* [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *)
+type cases_pattern_expr =
+ | CPatAlias of loc * cases_pattern_expr * identifier
+ | CPatCstr of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
+ | CPatAtom of loc * reference option
+ | CPatNotation of loc * notation * cases_pattern_expr list
+ | CPatNumeral of loc * Bignat.bigint
+ | CPatDelimiters of loc * string * cases_pattern_expr
+type constr_expr =
+ | CRef of reference
+ | CFix of loc * identifier located * fixpoint_expr list
+ | CCoFix of loc * identifier located * cofixpoint_expr list
+ | CArrow of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CProdN of loc * (name located list * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
+ | CLambdaN of loc * (name located list * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
+ | CLetIn of loc * name located * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CAppExpl of loc * (proj_flag * reference) * constr_expr list
+ | CApp of loc * (proj_flag * constr_expr) *
+ (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list
+ | CCases of loc * (constr_expr option * constr_expr option) *
+ (constr_expr * (name option * constr_expr option)) list *
+ (loc * cases_pattern_expr list * constr_expr) list
+ | COrderedCase of loc * case_style * constr_expr option * constr_expr
+ * constr_expr list
+ | CLetTuple of loc * name list * (name option * constr_expr option) *
+ constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CIf of loc * constr_expr * (name option * constr_expr option)
+ * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CHole of loc
+ | CPatVar of loc * (bool * patvar)
+ | CEvar of loc * existential_key
+ | CSort of loc * rawsort
+ | CCast of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CNotation of loc * notation * constr_expr list
+ | CNumeral of loc * Bignat.bigint
+ | CDelimiters of loc * string * constr_expr
+ | CDynamic of loc * Dyn.t
+and fixpoint_expr =
+ identifier * int * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
+and cofixpoint_expr =
+ identifier * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
+and local_binder =
+ | LocalRawDef of name located * constr_expr
+ | LocalRawAssum of name located list * constr_expr
+val constr_loc : constr_expr -> loc
+val cases_pattern_loc : cases_pattern_expr -> loc
+val replace_vars_constr_expr :
+ (identifier * identifier) list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
+val occur_var_constr_expr : identifier -> constr_expr -> bool
+(* Specific function for interning "in indtype" syntax of "match" *)
+val names_of_cases_indtype : constr_expr -> identifier list
+val mkIdentC : identifier -> constr_expr
+val mkRefC : reference -> constr_expr
+val mkAppC : constr_expr * constr_expr list -> constr_expr
+val mkCastC : constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
+val mkLambdaC : name located list * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
+val mkLetInC : name located * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
+val mkProdC : name located list * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
+(* For binders parsing *)
+(* Includes let binders *)
+val local_binders_length : local_binder list -> int
+(* Does not take let binders into account *)
+val names_of_local_assums : local_binder list -> name located list
+(* Used in correctness and interface; absence of var capture not guaranteed *)
+(* in pattern-matching clauses and in binders of the form [x,y:T(x)] *)
+val map_constr_expr_with_binders :
+ ('a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr) ->
+ (identifier -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
+(* Concrete syntax for modules and modules types *)
+type with_declaration_ast =
+ | CWith_Module of identifier located * qualid located
+ | CWith_Definition of identifier located * constr_expr
+type module_type_ast =
+ | CMTEident of qualid located
+ | CMTEwith of module_type_ast * with_declaration_ast
+type module_ast =
+ | CMEident of qualid located
+ | CMEapply of module_ast * module_ast
+(* Special identifier to encode recursive notations *)
+val ldots_var : identifier