path: root/interp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'interp/')
1 files changed, 856 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c91c7815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Errors
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Globnames
+open Misctypes
+open Glob_term
+open Glob_ops
+open Mod_subst
+open Notation_term
+open Decl_kinds
+(* Re-interpret a notation as a glob_constr, taking care of binders *)
+let name_to_ident = function
+ | Anonymous -> Errors.error "This expression should be a simple identifier."
+ | Name id -> id
+let to_id g e id = let e,na = g e (Name id) in e,name_to_ident na
+let rec cases_pattern_fold_map loc g e = function
+ | PatVar (_,na) ->
+ let e',na' = g e na in e', PatVar (loc,na')
+ | PatCstr (_,cstr,patl,na) ->
+ let e',na' = g e na in
+ let e',patl' = List.fold_map (cases_pattern_fold_map loc g) e patl in
+ e', PatCstr (loc,cstr,patl',na')
+let rec subst_glob_vars l = function
+ | GVar (_,id) as r -> (try Id.List.assoc id l with Not_found -> r)
+ | GProd (loc,Name id,bk,t,c) ->
+ let id =
+ try match Id.List.assoc id l with GVar(_,id') -> id' | _ -> id
+ with Not_found -> id in
+ GProd (loc,Name id,bk,subst_glob_vars l t,subst_glob_vars l c)
+ | GLambda (loc,Name id,bk,t,c) ->
+ let id =
+ try match Id.List.assoc id l with GVar(_,id') -> id' | _ -> id
+ with Not_found -> id in
+ GLambda (loc,Name id,bk,subst_glob_vars l t,subst_glob_vars l c)
+ | r -> map_glob_constr (subst_glob_vars l) r (* assume: id is not binding *)
+let ldots_var = Id.of_string ".."
+let glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders loc g f e = function
+ | NVar id -> GVar (loc,id)
+ | NApp (a,args) -> GApp (loc,f e a, (f e) args)
+ | NList (x,y,iter,tail,swap) ->
+ let t = f e tail in let it = f e iter in
+ let innerl = (ldots_var,t)::(if swap then [] else [x,GVar(loc,y)]) in
+ let inner = GApp (loc,GVar (loc,ldots_var),[subst_glob_vars innerl it]) in
+ let outerl = (ldots_var,inner)::(if swap then [x,GVar(loc,y)] else []) in
+ subst_glob_vars outerl it
+ | NBinderList (x,y,iter,tail) ->
+ let t = f e tail in let it = f e iter in
+ let innerl = [(ldots_var,t);(x,GVar(loc,y))] in
+ let inner = GApp (loc,GVar (loc,ldots_var),[subst_glob_vars innerl it]) in
+ let outerl = [(ldots_var,inner)] in
+ subst_glob_vars outerl it
+ | NLambda (na,ty,c) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in GLambda (loc,na,Explicit,f e ty,f e' c)
+ | NProd (na,ty,c) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in GProd (loc,na,Explicit,f e ty,f e' c)
+ | NLetIn (na,b,c) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in GLetIn (loc,na,f e b,f e' c)
+ | NCases (sty,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) ->
+ let e',tml' = List.fold_right (fun (tm,(na,t)) (e',tml') ->
+ let e',t' = match t with
+ | None -> e',None
+ | Some (ind,nal) ->
+ let e',nal' = List.fold_right (fun na (e',nal) ->
+ let e',na' = g e' na in e',na'::nal) nal (e',[]) in
+ e',Some (loc,ind,nal') in
+ let e',na' = g e' na in
+ (e',(f e tm,(na',t'))::tml')) tml (e,[]) in
+ let fold (idl,e) na = let (e,na) = g e na in ((name_cons na idl,e),na) in
+ let eqnl' = (fun (patl,rhs) ->
+ let ((idl,e),patl) =
+ List.fold_map (cases_pattern_fold_map loc fold) ([],e) patl in
+ (loc,idl,patl,f e rhs)) eqnl in
+ GCases (loc,sty, (f e') rtntypopt,tml',eqnl')
+ | NLetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ let e',nal = List.fold_map g e nal in
+ let e'',na = g e na in
+ GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na, (f e'') po),f e b,f e' c)
+ | NIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in
+ GIf (loc,f e c,(na, (f e') po),f e b1,f e b2)
+ | NRec (fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
+ let e,dll = Array.fold_map (List.fold_map (fun e (na,oc,b) ->
+ let e,na = g e na in
+ (e,(na,Explicit, (f e) oc,f e b)))) e dll in
+ let e',idl = Array.fold_map (to_id g) e idl in
+ GRec (loc,fk,idl,dll, (f e) tl, (f e') bl)
+ | NCast (c,k) -> GCast (loc,f e c,Miscops.map_cast_type (f e) k)
+ | NSort x -> GSort (loc,x)
+ | NHole (x, naming, arg) -> GHole (loc, x, naming, arg)
+ | NPatVar n -> GPatVar (loc,(false,n))
+ | NRef x -> GRef (loc,x,None)
+let glob_constr_of_notation_constr loc x =
+ let rec aux () x =
+ glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders loc (fun () id -> ((),id)) aux () x
+ in aux () x
+(* Translating a glob_constr into a notation, interpreting recursive patterns *)
+let add_id r id = r := (id :: pi1 !r, pi2 !r, pi3 !r)
+let add_name r = function Anonymous -> () | Name id -> add_id r id
+let split_at_recursive_part c =
+ let sub = ref None in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | GApp (loc0,GVar(loc,v),c::l) when Id.equal v ldots_var ->
+ begin match !sub with
+ | None ->
+ let () = sub := Some c in
+ begin match l with
+ | [] -> GVar (loc, ldots_var)
+ | _ :: _ -> GApp (loc0, GVar (loc, ldots_var), l)
+ end
+ | Some _ ->
+ (* Not narrowed enough to find only one recursive part *)
+ raise Not_found
+ end
+ | c -> map_glob_constr aux c in
+ let outer_iterator = aux c in
+ match !sub with
+ | None -> (* No recursive pattern found *) raise Not_found
+ | Some c ->
+ match outer_iterator with
+ | GVar (_,v) when Id.equal v ldots_var -> (* Not enough context *) raise Not_found
+ | _ -> outer_iterator, c
+let on_true_do b f c = if b then (f c; b) else b
+let compare_glob_constr f add t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
+ | GRef (_,r1,_), GRef (_,r2,_) -> eq_gr r1 r2
+ | GVar (_,v1), GVar (_,v2) -> on_true_do (Id.equal v1 v2) add (Name v1)
+ | GApp (_,f1,l1), GApp (_,f2,l2) -> f f1 f2 && List.for_all2eq f l1 l2
+ | GLambda (_,na1,bk1,ty1,c1), GLambda (_,na2,bk2,ty2,c2)
+ when Name.equal na1 na2 && Constrexpr_ops.binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 ->
+ on_true_do (f ty1 ty2 && f c1 c2) add na1
+ | GProd (_,na1,bk1,ty1,c1), GProd (_,na2,bk2,ty2,c2)
+ when Name.equal na1 na2 && Constrexpr_ops.binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 ->
+ on_true_do (f ty1 ty2 && f c1 c2) add na1
+ | GHole _, GHole _ -> true
+ | GSort (_,s1), GSort (_,s2) -> Miscops.glob_sort_eq s1 s2
+ | GLetIn (_,na1,b1,c1), GLetIn (_,na2,b2,c2) when Name.equal na1 na2 ->
+ on_true_do (f b1 b2 && f c1 c2) add na1
+ | (GCases _ | GRec _
+ | GPatVar _ | GEvar _ | GLetTuple _ | GIf _ | GCast _),_
+ | _,(GCases _ | GRec _
+ | GPatVar _ | GEvar _ | GLetTuple _ | GIf _ | GCast _)
+ -> error "Unsupported construction in recursive notations."
+ | (GRef _ | GVar _ | GApp _ | GLambda _ | GProd _
+ | GHole _ | GSort _ | GLetIn _), _
+ -> false
+let rec eq_glob_constr t1 t2 = compare_glob_constr eq_glob_constr (fun _ -> ()) t1 t2
+let subtract_loc loc1 loc2 = Loc.make_loc (fst (Loc.unloc loc1),fst (Loc.unloc loc2)-1)
+let check_is_hole id = function GHole _ -> () | t ->
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_glob_constr t,"",
+ strbrk "In recursive notation with binders, " ++ pr_id id ++
+ strbrk " is expected to come without type.")
+let compare_recursive_parts found f (iterator,subc) =
+ let diff = ref None in
+ let terminator = ref None in
+ let rec aux c1 c2 = match c1,c2 with
+ | GVar(_,v), term when Id.equal v ldots_var ->
+ (* We found the pattern *)
+ assert (match !terminator with None -> true | Some _ -> false);
+ terminator := Some term;
+ true
+ | GApp (_,GVar(_,v),l1), GApp (_,term,l2) when Id.equal v ldots_var ->
+ (* We found the pattern, but there are extra arguments *)
+ (* (this allows e.g. alternative (recursive) notation of application) *)
+ assert (match !terminator with None -> true | Some _ -> false);
+ terminator := Some term;
+ List.for_all2eq aux l1 l2
+ | GVar (_,x), GVar (_,y) when not (Id.equal x y) ->
+ (* We found the position where it differs *)
+ let lassoc = match !terminator with None -> false | Some _ -> true in
+ let x,y = if lassoc then y,x else x,y in
+ begin match !diff with
+ | None ->
+ let () = diff := Some (x, y, Some lassoc) in
+ true
+ | Some _ -> false
+ end
+ | GLambda (_,Name x,_,t_x,c), GLambda (_,Name y,_,t_y,term)
+ | GProd (_,Name x,_,t_x,c), GProd (_,Name y,_,t_y,term) ->
+ (* We found a binding position where it differs *)
+ check_is_hole x t_x;
+ check_is_hole y t_y;
+ begin match !diff with
+ | None ->
+ let () = diff := Some (x, y, None) in
+ aux c term
+ | Some _ -> false
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ compare_glob_constr aux (add_name found) c1 c2 in
+ if aux iterator subc then
+ match !diff with
+ | None ->
+ let loc1 = loc_of_glob_constr iterator in
+ let loc2 = loc_of_glob_constr (Option.get !terminator) in
+ (* Here, we would need a loc made of several parts ... *)
+ user_err_loc (subtract_loc loc1 loc2,"",
+ str "Both ends of the recursive pattern are the same.")
+ | Some (x,y,Some lassoc) ->
+ let newfound = (pi1 !found, (x,y) :: pi2 !found, pi3 !found) in
+ let iterator =
+ f (if lassoc then subst_glob_vars [y,GVar(Loc.ghost,x)] iterator
+ else iterator) in
+ (* found have been collected by compare_constr *)
+ found := newfound;
+ NList (x,y,iterator,f (Option.get !terminator),lassoc)
+ | Some (x,y,None) ->
+ let newfound = (pi1 !found, pi2 !found, (x,y) :: pi3 !found) in
+ let iterator = f iterator in
+ (* found have been collected by compare_constr *)
+ found := newfound;
+ NBinderList (x,y,iterator,f (Option.get !terminator))
+ else
+ raise Not_found
+let notation_constr_and_vars_of_glob_constr a =
+ let found = ref ([],[],[]) in
+ let rec aux c =
+ let keepfound = !found in
+ (* n^2 complexity but small and done only once per notation *)
+ try compare_recursive_parts found aux' (split_at_recursive_part c)
+ with Not_found ->
+ found := keepfound;
+ match c with
+ | GApp (_,GVar (loc,f),[c]) when Id.equal f ldots_var ->
+ (* Fall on the second part of the recursive pattern w/o having
+ found the first part *)
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ str "Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.")
+ | c ->
+ aux' c
+ and aux' = function
+ | GVar (_,id) -> add_id found id; NVar id
+ | GApp (_,g,args) -> NApp (aux g, aux args)
+ | GLambda (_,na,bk,ty,c) -> add_name found na; NLambda (na,aux ty,aux c)
+ | GProd (_,na,bk,ty,c) -> add_name found na; NProd (na,aux ty,aux c)
+ | GLetIn (_,na,b,c) -> add_name found na; NLetIn (na,aux b,aux c)
+ | GCases (_,sty,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) ->
+ let f (_,idl,pat,rhs) = List.iter (add_id found) idl; (pat,aux rhs) in
+ NCases (sty, aux rtntypopt,
+ (fun (tm,(na,x)) ->
+ add_name found na;
+ Option.iter
+ (fun (_,_,nl) -> List.iter (add_name found) nl) x;
+ (aux tm,(na, (fun (_,ind,nal) -> (ind,nal)) x))) tml,
+ f eqnl)
+ | GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ add_name found na;
+ List.iter (add_name found) nal;
+ NLetTuple (nal,(na, aux po),aux b,aux c)
+ | GIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ add_name found na;
+ NIf (aux c,(na, aux po),aux b1,aux b2)
+ | GRec (_,fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
+ Array.iter (add_id found) idl;
+ let dll = ( (fun (na,bk,oc,b) ->
+ if bk != Explicit then
+ error "Binders marked as implicit not allowed in notations.";
+ add_name found na; (na, aux oc,aux b))) dll in
+ NRec (fk,idl,dll, aux tl, aux bl)
+ | GCast (_,c,k) -> NCast (aux c,Miscops.map_cast_type aux k)
+ | GSort (_,s) -> NSort s
+ | GHole (_,w,naming,arg) -> NHole (w, naming, arg)
+ | GRef (_,r,_) -> NRef r
+ | GPatVar (_,(_,n)) -> NPatVar n
+ | GEvar _ ->
+ error "Existential variables not allowed in notations."
+ in
+ let t = aux a in
+ (* Side effect *)
+ t, !found
+let pair_equal eq1 eq2 (a,b) (a',b') = eq1 a a' && eq2 b b'
+let check_variables nenv (found,foundrec,foundrecbinding) =
+ let recvars = nenv.ninterp_rec_vars in
+ let fold _ y accu = Id.Set.add y accu in
+ let useless_vars = Id.Map.fold fold recvars Id.Set.empty in
+ let filter y _ = not (Id.Set.mem y useless_vars) in
+ let vars = Id.Map.filter filter nenv.ninterp_var_type in
+ let check_recvar x =
+ if Id.List.mem x found then
+ errorlabstrm "" (pr_id x ++
+ strbrk " should only be used in the recursive part of a pattern.") in
+ let check (x, y) = check_recvar x; check_recvar y in
+ let () = List.iter check foundrec in
+ let () = List.iter check foundrecbinding in
+ let check_bound x =
+ if not (Id.List.mem x found) then
+ if Id.List.mem_assoc x foundrec ||
+ Id.List.mem_assoc x foundrecbinding ||
+ Id.List.mem_assoc_sym x foundrec ||
+ Id.List.mem_assoc_sym x foundrecbinding
+ then
+ error
+ (Id.to_string x ^
+ " should not be bound in a recursive pattern of the right-hand side.")
+ else nenv.ninterp_only_parse <- true
+ in
+ let check_pair s x y where =
+ if not (List.mem_f (pair_equal Id.equal Id.equal) (x,y) where) then
+ errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "in the right-hand side, " ++ pr_id x ++
+ str " and " ++ pr_id y ++ strbrk " should appear in " ++ str s ++
+ str " position as part of a recursive pattern.") in
+ let check_type x typ =
+ match typ with
+ | NtnInternTypeConstr ->
+ begin
+ try check_pair "term" x (Id.Map.find x recvars) foundrec
+ with Not_found -> check_bound x
+ end
+ | NtnInternTypeBinder ->
+ begin
+ try check_pair "binding" x (Id.Map.find x recvars) foundrecbinding
+ with Not_found -> check_bound x
+ end
+ | NtnInternTypeIdent -> check_bound x in
+ Id.Map.iter check_type vars
+let notation_constr_of_glob_constr nenv a =
+ let a, found = notation_constr_and_vars_of_glob_constr a in
+ let () = check_variables nenv found in
+ a
+(* Substitution of kernel names, avoiding a list of bound identifiers *)
+let notation_constr_of_constr avoiding t =
+ let t = Detyping.detype false avoiding (Global.env()) Evd.empty t in
+ let nenv = {
+ ninterp_var_type = Id.Map.empty;
+ ninterp_rec_vars = Id.Map.empty;
+ ninterp_only_parse = false;
+ } in
+ notation_constr_of_glob_constr nenv t
+let rec subst_pat subst pat =
+ match pat with
+ | PatVar _ -> pat
+ | PatCstr (loc,((kn,i),j),cpl,n) ->
+ let kn' = subst_mind subst kn
+ and cpl' = List.smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl in
+ if kn' == kn && cpl' == cpl then pat else
+ PatCstr (loc,((kn',i),j),cpl',n)
+let rec subst_notation_constr subst bound raw =
+ match raw with
+ | NRef ref ->
+ let ref',t = subst_global subst ref in
+ if ref' == ref then raw else
+ notation_constr_of_constr bound t
+ | NVar _ -> raw
+ | NApp (r,rl) ->
+ let r' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r
+ and rl' = List.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) rl in
+ if r' == r && rl' == rl then raw else
+ NApp(r',rl')
+ | NList (id1,id2,r1,r2,b) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NList (id1,id2,r1',r2',b)
+ | NLambda (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NLambda (n,r1',r2')
+ | NProd (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NProd (n,r1',r2')
+ | NBinderList (id1,id2,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NBinderList (id1,id2,r1',r2')
+ | NLetIn (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NLetIn (n,r1',r2')
+ | NCases (sty,rtntypopt,rl,branches) ->
+ let rtntypopt' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) rtntypopt
+ and rl' = List.smartmap
+ (fun (a,(n,signopt) as x) ->
+ let a' = subst_notation_constr subst bound a in
+ let signopt' = (fun ((indkn,i),nal as z) ->
+ let indkn' = subst_mind subst indkn in
+ if indkn == indkn' then z else ((indkn',i),nal)) signopt in
+ if a' == a && signopt' == signopt then x else (a',(n,signopt')))
+ rl
+ and branches' = List.smartmap
+ (fun (cpl,r as branch) ->
+ let cpl' = List.smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl
+ and r' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r in
+ if cpl' == cpl && r' == r then branch else
+ (cpl',r'))
+ branches
+ in
+ if rtntypopt' == rtntypopt && rtntypopt == rtntypopt' &&
+ rl' == rl && branches' == branches then raw else
+ NCases (sty,rtntypopt',rl',branches')
+ | NLetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ let po' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) po
+ and b' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b
+ and c' = subst_notation_constr subst bound c in
+ if po' == po && b' == b && c' == c then raw else
+ NLetTuple (nal,(na,po'),b',c')
+ | NIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let po' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) po
+ and b1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b1
+ and b2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b2
+ and c' = subst_notation_constr subst bound c in
+ if po' == po && b1' == b1 && b2' == b2 && c' == c then raw else
+ NIf (c',(na,po'),b1',b2')
+ | NRec (fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
+ let dll' =
+ Array.smartmap (List.smartmap (fun (na,oc,b as x) ->
+ let oc' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) oc in
+ let b' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b in
+ if oc' == oc && b' == b then x else (na,oc',b'))) dll in
+ let tl' = Array.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) tl in
+ let bl' = Array.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) bl in
+ if dll' == dll && tl' == tl && bl' == bl then raw else
+ NRec (fk,idl,dll',tl',bl')
+ | NPatVar _ | NSort _ -> raw
+ | NHole (knd, naming, solve) ->
+ let nknd = match knd with
+ | Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (ref, i, b) ->
+ let nref, _ = subst_global subst ref in
+ if nref == ref then knd else Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (nref, i, b)
+ | _ -> knd
+ in
+ let nsolve = Option.smartmap (Genintern.generic_substitute subst) solve in
+ if nsolve == solve && nknd == knd then raw
+ else NHole (nknd, naming, nsolve)
+ | NCast (r1,k) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1 in
+ let k' = Miscops.smartmap_cast_type (subst_notation_constr subst bound) k in
+ if r1' == r1 && k' == k then raw else NCast(r1',k')
+let subst_interpretation subst (metas,pat) =
+ let bound = fst metas in
+ (metas,subst_notation_constr subst bound pat)
+(* Pattern-matching glob_constr and notation_constr *)
+let abstract_return_type_context pi mklam tml rtno =
+ (fun rtn ->
+ let nal =
+ List.flatten ( (fun (_,(na,t)) ->
+ match t with Some x -> (pi x)@[na] | None -> [na]) tml) in
+ List.fold_right mklam nal rtn)
+ rtno
+let abstract_return_type_context_glob_constr =
+ abstract_return_type_context (fun (_,_,nal) -> nal)
+ (fun na c ->
+ GLambda(Loc.ghost,na,Explicit,GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.InternalHole,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None),c))
+let abstract_return_type_context_notation_constr =
+ abstract_return_type_context snd
+ (fun na c -> NLambda(na,NHole (Evar_kinds.InternalHole, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None),c))
+exception No_match
+let rec alpha_var id1 id2 = function
+ | (i1,i2)::_ when Id.equal i1 id1 -> Id.equal i2 id2
+ | (i1,i2)::_ when Id.equal i2 id2 -> Id.equal i1 id1
+ | _::idl -> alpha_var id1 id2 idl
+ | [] -> Id.equal id1 id2
+let add_env alp (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) var v =
+ (* Check that no capture of binding variables occur *)
+ if List.exists (fun (id,_) ->occur_glob_constr id v) alp then raise No_match;
+ (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
+ ((var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
+let bind_env alp (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders as fullsigma) var v =
+ try
+ let v' = Id.List.assoc var sigma in
+ match v, v' with
+ | GHole _, _ -> fullsigma
+ | _, GHole _ ->
+ add_env alp (Id.List.remove_assoc var sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) var v
+ | _, _ ->
+ if glob_constr_eq v v' then fullsigma
+ else raise No_match
+ with Not_found -> add_env alp fullsigma var v
+let bind_binder (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) x bl =
+ (sigma,sigmalist,(x,List.rev bl)::sigmabinders)
+let match_fix_kind fk1 fk2 =
+ match (fk1,fk2) with
+ | GCoFix n1, GCoFix n2 -> Int.equal n1 n2
+ | GFix (nl1,n1), GFix (nl2,n2) ->
+ let test (n1, _) (n2, _) = match n1, n2 with
+ | _, None -> true
+ | Some id1, Some id2 -> Int.equal id1 id2
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ Int.equal n1 n2 &&
+ Array.for_all2 test nl1 nl2
+ | _ -> false
+let match_opt f sigma t1 t2 = match (t1,t2) with
+ | None, None -> sigma
+ | Some t1, Some t2 -> f sigma t1 t2
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+let match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2 = match (na1,na2) with
+ | (_,Name id2) when Id.List.mem id2 (fst metas) ->
+ let rhs = match na1 with
+ | Name id1 -> GVar (Loc.ghost,id1)
+ | Anonymous -> GHole (Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.InternalHole,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) in
+ alp, bind_env alp sigma id2 rhs
+ | (Name id1,Name id2) -> (id1,id2)::alp,sigma
+ | (Anonymous,Anonymous) -> alp,sigma
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+let rec match_cases_pattern_binders metas acc pat1 pat2 =
+ match (pat1,pat2) with
+ | PatVar (_,na1), PatVar (_,na2) -> match_names metas acc na1 na2
+ | PatCstr (_,c1,patl1,na1), PatCstr (_,c2,patl2,na2)
+ when eq_constructor c1 c2 && Int.equal (List.length patl1) (List.length patl2) ->
+ List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_binders metas)
+ (match_names metas acc na1 na2) patl1 patl2
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+let glue_letin_with_decls = true
+let rec match_iterated_binders islambda decls = function
+ | GLambda (_,na,bk,t,b) when islambda ->
+ match_iterated_binders islambda ((na,bk,None,t)::decls) b
+ | GProd (_,(Name _ as na),bk,t,b) when not islambda ->
+ match_iterated_binders islambda ((na,bk,None,t)::decls) b
+ | GLetIn (loc,na,c,b) when glue_letin_with_decls ->
+ match_iterated_binders islambda
+ ((na,Explicit (*?*), Some c,GHole(loc,Evar_kinds.BinderType na,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None))::decls) b
+ | b -> (decls,b)
+let remove_sigma x (sigmavar,sigmalist,sigmabinders) =
+ (Id.List.remove_assoc x sigmavar,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
+let match_abinderlist_with_app match_fun metas sigma rest x iter termin =
+ let rec aux sigma acc rest =
+ try
+ let sigma = match_fun (ldots_var::fst metas,snd metas) sigma rest iter in
+ let rest = Id.List.assoc ldots_var (pi1 sigma) in
+ let b =
+ match Id.List.assoc x (pi3 sigma) with [b] -> b | _ ->assert false
+ in
+ let sigma = remove_sigma x (remove_sigma ldots_var sigma) in
+ aux sigma (b::acc) rest
+ with No_match when not (List.is_empty acc) ->
+ acc, match_fun metas sigma rest termin in
+ let bl,sigma = aux sigma [] rest in
+ bind_binder sigma x bl
+let match_alist match_fun metas sigma rest x iter termin lassoc =
+ let rec aux sigma acc rest =
+ try
+ let sigma = match_fun (ldots_var::fst metas,snd metas) sigma rest iter in
+ let rest = Id.List.assoc ldots_var (pi1 sigma) in
+ let t = Id.List.assoc x (pi1 sigma) in
+ let sigma = remove_sigma x (remove_sigma ldots_var sigma) in
+ aux sigma (t::acc) rest
+ with No_match when not (List.is_empty acc) ->
+ acc, match_fun metas sigma rest termin in
+ let l,sigma = aux sigma [] rest in
+ (pi1 sigma, (x,if lassoc then l else List.rev l)::pi2 sigma, pi3 sigma)
+let does_not_come_from_already_eta_expanded_var =
+ (* This is hack to avoid looping on a rule with rhs of the form *)
+ (* "?f (fun ?x => ?g)" since otherwise, matching "F H" expands in *)
+ (* "F (fun x => H x)" and "H x" is recursively matched against the same *)
+ (* rule, giving "H (fun x' => x x')" and so on. *)
+ (* Ideally, we would need the type of the expression to know which of *)
+ (* the arguments applied to it can be eta-expanded without looping. *)
+ (* The following test is then an approximation of what can be done *)
+ (* optimally (whether other looping situations can occur remains to be *)
+ (* checked). *)
+ function GVar _ -> false | _ -> true
+let rec match_ inner u alp (tmetas,blmetas as metas) sigma a1 a2 =
+ match (a1,a2) with
+ (* Matching notation variable *)
+ | r1, NVar id2 when Id.List.mem id2 tmetas -> bind_env alp sigma id2 r1
+ (* Matching recursive notations for terms *)
+ | r1, NList (x,_,iter,termin,lassoc) ->
+ match_alist (match_hd u alp) metas sigma r1 x iter termin lassoc
+ (* Matching recursive notations for binders: ad hoc cases supporting let-in *)
+ | GLambda (_,na1,bk,t1,b1), NBinderList (x,_,NLambda (Name id2,_,b2),termin)->
+ let (decls,b) = match_iterated_binders true [(na1,bk,None,t1)] b1 in
+ (* TODO: address the possibility that termin is a Lambda itself *)
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma x decls) b termin
+ | GProd (_,na1,bk,t1,b1), NBinderList (x,_,NProd (Name id2,_,b2),termin)
+ when na1 != Anonymous ->
+ let (decls,b) = match_iterated_binders false [(na1,bk,None,t1)] b1 in
+ (* TODO: address the possibility that termin is a Prod itself *)
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma x decls) b termin
+ (* Matching recursive notations for binders: general case *)
+ | r, NBinderList (x,_,iter,termin) ->
+ match_abinderlist_with_app (match_hd u alp) metas sigma r x iter termin
+ (* Matching individual binders as part of a recursive pattern *)
+ | GLambda (_,na,bk,t,b1), NLambda (Name id,_,b2) when Id.List.mem id blmetas ->
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(na,bk,None,t)]) b1 b2
+ | GProd (_,na,bk,t,b1), NProd (Name id,_,b2)
+ when Id.List.mem id blmetas && na != Anonymous ->
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(na,bk,None,t)]) b1 b2
+ (* Matching compositionally *)
+ | GVar (_,id1), NVar id2 when alpha_var id1 id2 alp -> sigma
+ | GRef (_,r1,_), NRef r2 when (eq_gr r1 r2) -> sigma
+ | GPatVar (_,(_,n1)), NPatVar n2 when Id.equal n1 n2 -> sigma
+ | GApp (loc,f1,l1), NApp (f2,l2) ->
+ let n1 = List.length l1 and n2 = List.length l2 in
+ let f1,l1,f2,l2 =
+ if n1 < n2 then
+ let l21,l22 = List.chop (n2-n1) l2 in f1,l1, NApp (f2,l21), l22
+ else if n1 > n2 then
+ let l11,l12 = List.chop (n1-n2) l1 in GApp (loc,f1,l11),l12, f2,l2
+ else f1,l1, f2, l2 in
+ let may_use_eta = does_not_come_from_already_eta_expanded_var f1 in
+ List.fold_left2 (match_ may_use_eta u alp metas)
+ (match_in u alp metas sigma f1 f2) l1 l2
+ | GLambda (_,na1,_,t1,b1), NLambda (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
+ | GProd (_,na1,_,t1,b1), NProd (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
+ | GLetIn (_,na1,t1,b1), NLetIn (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
+ | GCases (_,sty1,rtno1,tml1,eqnl1), NCases (sty2,rtno2,tml2,eqnl2)
+ when sty1 == sty2
+ && Int.equal (List.length tml1) (List.length tml2)
+ && Int.equal (List.length eqnl1) (List.length eqnl2) ->
+ let rtno1' = abstract_return_type_context_glob_constr tml1 rtno1 in
+ let rtno2' = abstract_return_type_context_notation_constr tml2 rtno2 in
+ let sigma =
+ try Option.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma rtno1' rtno2'
+ with Option.Heterogeneous -> raise No_match
+ in
+ let sigma = List.fold_left2
+ (fun s (tm1,_) (tm2,_) ->
+ match_in u alp metas s tm1 tm2) sigma tml1 tml2 in
+ List.fold_left2 (match_equations u alp metas) sigma eqnl1 eqnl2
+ | GLetTuple (_,nal1,(na1,to1),b1,c1), NLetTuple (nal2,(na2,to2),b2,c2)
+ when Int.equal (List.length nal1) (List.length nal2) ->
+ let sigma = match_opt (match_binders u alp metas na1 na2) sigma to1 to2 in
+ let sigma = match_in u alp metas sigma b1 b2 in
+ let (alp,sigma) =
+ List.fold_left2 (match_names metas) (alp,sigma) nal1 nal2 in
+ match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2
+ | GIf (_,a1,(na1,to1),b1,c1), NIf (a2,(na2,to2),b2,c2) ->
+ let sigma = match_opt (match_binders u alp metas na1 na2) sigma to1 to2 in
+ List.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma [a1;b1;c1] [a2;b2;c2]
+ | GRec (_,fk1,idl1,dll1,tl1,bl1), NRec (fk2,idl2,dll2,tl2,bl2)
+ when match_fix_kind fk1 fk2 && Int.equal (Array.length idl1) (Array.length idl2) &&
+ Array.for_all2 (fun l1 l2 -> Int.equal (List.length l1) (List.length l2)) dll1 dll2
+ ->
+ let alp,sigma = Array.fold_left2
+ (List.fold_left2 (fun (alp,sigma) (na1,_,oc1,b1) (na2,oc2,b2) ->
+ let sigma =
+ match_in u alp metas
+ (match_opt (match_in u alp metas) sigma oc1 oc2) b1 b2
+ in match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2)) (alp,sigma) dll1 dll2 in
+ let sigma = Array.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma tl1 tl2 in
+ let alp,sigma = Array.fold_right2 (fun id1 id2 alsig ->
+ match_names metas alsig (Name id1) (Name id2)) idl1 idl2 (alp,sigma) in
+ Array.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma bl1 bl2
+ | GCast(_,c1,CastConv t1), NCast (c2,CastConv t2)
+ | GCast(_,c1,CastVM t1), NCast (c2,CastVM t2) ->
+ match_in u alp metas (match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2) t1 t2
+ | GCast(_,c1, CastCoerce), NCast(c2, CastCoerce) ->
+ match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2
+ | GSort (_,GType _), NSort (GType _) when not u -> sigma
+ | GSort (_,s1), NSort s2 when Miscops.glob_sort_eq s1 s2 -> sigma
+ | GPatVar _, NHole _ -> (*Don't hide Metas, they bind in ltac*) raise No_match
+ | a, NHole _ -> sigma
+ (* On the fly eta-expansion so as to use notations of the form
+ "exists x, P x" for "ex P"; ensure at least one constructor is
+ consumed to avoid looping; expects type not given because don't know
+ otherwise how to ensure it corresponds to a well-typed eta-expansion;
+ we make an exception for types which are metavariables: this is useful e.g.
+ to print "{x:_ & P x}" knowing that notation "{x & P x}" is not defined. *)
+ | b1, NLambda (Name id,(NHole _ | NVar _ as t2),b2) when inner ->
+ let id' = Namegen.next_ident_away id (free_glob_vars b1) in
+ let t1 = GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id'),Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) in
+ let sigma = match t2 with
+ | NHole _ -> sigma
+ | NVar id2 -> bind_env alp sigma id2 t1
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(Name id',Explicit,None,t1)])
+ (mkGApp Loc.ghost b1 (GVar (Loc.ghost,id'))) b2
+ | (GRec _ | GEvar _), _
+ | _,_ -> raise No_match
+and match_in u = match_ true u
+and match_hd u = match_ false u
+and match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 sigma b1 b2 =
+ let (alp,sigma) = match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2 in
+ match_in u alp metas sigma b1 b2
+and match_equations u alp metas sigma (_,_,patl1,rhs1) (patl2,rhs2) =
+ (* patl1 and patl2 have the same length because they respectively
+ correspond to some tml1 and tml2 that have the same length *)
+ let (alp,sigma) =
+ List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_binders metas)
+ (alp,sigma) patl1 patl2 in
+ match_in u alp metas sigma rhs1 rhs2
+let match_notation_constr u c (metas,pat) =
+ let test (_, (_, x)) = match x with NtnTypeBinderList -> false | _ -> true in
+ let vars = List.partition test metas in
+ let vars = ( fst (fst vars), fst (snd vars)) in
+ let terms,termlists,binders = match_ false u [] vars ([],[],[]) c pat in
+ (* Reorder canonically the substitution *)
+ let find x =
+ try Id.List.assoc x terms
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Happens for binders bound to Anonymous *)
+ (* Find a better way to propagate Anonymous... *)
+ GVar (Loc.ghost,x) in
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (terms',termlists',binders') ->
+ match typ with
+ | NtnTypeConstr ->
+ ((find x, scl)::terms',termlists',binders')
+ | NtnTypeConstrList ->
+ (terms',(Id.List.assoc x termlists,scl)::termlists',binders')
+ | NtnTypeBinderList ->
+ (terms',termlists',(Id.List.assoc x binders,scl)::binders'))
+ metas ([],[],[])
+(* Matching cases pattern *)
+let add_patterns_for_params ind l =
+ let mib,_ = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let nparams = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ Util.List.addn nparams (PatVar (Loc.ghost,Anonymous)) l
+let bind_env_cases_pattern (sigma,sigmalist,x as fullsigma) var v =
+ try
+ let vvar = Id.List.assoc var sigma in
+ if cases_pattern_eq v vvar then fullsigma else raise No_match
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
+ (var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,x
+let rec match_cases_pattern metas sigma a1 a2 =
+ match (a1,a2) with
+ | r1, NVar id2 when Id.List.mem id2 metas -> (bind_env_cases_pattern sigma id2 r1),(0,[])
+ | PatVar (_,Anonymous), NHole _ -> sigma,(0,[])
+ | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),largs,_), NRef (ConstructRef r2) when eq_constructor r1 r2 ->
+ sigma,(0,add_patterns_for_params (fst r1) largs)
+ | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),args1,_), NApp (NRef (ConstructRef r2),l2)
+ when eq_constructor r1 r2 ->
+ let l1 = add_patterns_for_params (fst r1) args1 in
+ let le2 = List.length l2 in
+ if Int.equal le2 0 (* Special case of a notation for a @Cstr *) || le2 > List.length l1
+ then
+ raise No_match
+ else
+ let l1',more_args = Util.List.chop le2 l1 in
+ (List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas) sigma l1' l2),(le2,more_args)
+ | r1, NList (x,_,iter,termin,lassoc) ->
+ (match_alist (fun (metas,_) -> match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas)
+ (metas,[]) (pi1 sigma,pi2 sigma,()) r1 x iter termin lassoc),(0,[])
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+and match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas sigma a1 a2 =
+ match match_cases_pattern metas sigma a1 a2 with
+ |out,(_,[]) -> out
+ |_ -> raise No_match
+let match_ind_pattern metas sigma ind pats a2 =
+ match a2 with
+ | NRef (IndRef r2) when eq_ind ind r2 ->
+ sigma,(0,pats)
+ | NApp (NRef (IndRef r2),l2)
+ when eq_ind ind r2 ->
+ let le2 = List.length l2 in
+ if Int.equal le2 0 (* Special case of a notation for a @Cstr *) || le2 > List.length pats
+ then
+ raise No_match
+ else
+ let l1',more_args = Util.List.chop le2 pats in
+ (List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas) sigma l1' l2),(le2,more_args)
+ |_ -> raise No_match
+let reorder_canonically_substitution terms termlists metas =
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (terms',termlists') ->
+ match typ with
+ | NtnTypeConstr -> ((Id.List.assoc x terms, scl)::terms',termlists')
+ | NtnTypeConstrList -> (terms',(Id.List.assoc x termlists,scl)::termlists')
+ | NtnTypeBinderList -> assert false)
+ metas ([],[])
+let match_notation_constr_cases_pattern c (metas,pat) =
+ let vars = fst metas in
+ let (terms,termlists,()),more_args = match_cases_pattern vars ([],[],()) c pat in
+ reorder_canonically_substitution terms termlists metas, more_args
+let match_notation_constr_ind_pattern ind args (metas,pat) =
+ let vars = fst metas in
+ let (terms,termlists,()),more_args = match_ind_pattern vars ([],[],()) ind args pat in
+ reorder_canonically_substitution terms termlists metas, more_args