path: root/ide/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f399070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+type insert_action = {
+ ins_val : string;
+ ins_off : int;
+ ins_len : int;
+ ins_mrg : bool;
+type delete_action = {
+ del_val : string; (** Contents *)
+ del_off : int; (** Absolute offset of the modification *)
+ del_len : int; (** Length *)
+ del_mrg : bool; (** Is the modification mergeable? *)
+type action =
+ | Insert of insert_action
+ | Delete of delete_action
+ | Action of action list
+ | EndGrp (** pending begin_user_action *)
+let merge_insert ins = function
+| Insert ins' :: rem ->
+ if ins.ins_mrg && ins'.ins_mrg &&
+ (ins'.ins_off + ins'.ins_len = ins.ins_off) then
+ let nins = {
+ ins_val = ins'.ins_val ^ ins.ins_val;
+ ins_off = ins'.ins_off;
+ ins_len = ins'.ins_len + ins.ins_len;
+ ins_mrg = true;
+ } in
+ Insert nins :: rem
+ else
+ Insert ins :: Insert ins' :: rem
+| l ->
+ Insert ins :: l
+let merge_delete del = function
+| Delete del' :: rem ->
+ if del.del_mrg && del'.del_mrg &&
+ (del.del_off + del.del_len = del'.del_off) then
+ let ndel = {
+ del_val = del.del_val ^ del'.del_val;
+ del_off = del.del_off;
+ del_len = del.del_len + del'.del_len;
+ del_mrg = true;
+ } in
+ Delete ndel :: rem
+ else
+ Delete del :: Delete del' :: rem
+| l ->
+ Delete del :: l
+let rec negate_action act = match act with
+ | Insert act ->
+ let act = {
+ del_len = act.ins_len;
+ del_off = act.ins_off;
+ del_val = act.ins_val;
+ del_mrg = act.ins_mrg;
+ } in
+ Delete act
+ | Delete act ->
+ let act = {
+ ins_len = act.del_len;
+ ins_off = act.del_off;
+ ins_val = act.del_val;
+ ins_mrg = act.del_mrg;
+ } in
+ Insert act
+ | Action acts ->
+ Action (List.rev_map negate_action acts)
+ | EndGrp -> assert false
+type source_view = [ Gtk.text_view | `sourceview ] Gtk.obj
+class undo_manager (buffer : GText.buffer) =
+ val mutable lock_undo = true
+ val mutable history = []
+ val mutable redo = []
+ method with_lock_undo : 'a. ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit =
+ fun f x ->
+ if lock_undo then
+ let () = lock_undo <- false in
+ try (f x; lock_undo <- true)
+ with e -> (lock_undo <- true; raise e)
+ else ()
+ method private dump_debug () =
+ let rec iter = function
+ | Insert act ->
+ Printf.eprintf "Insert of '%s' at %d (length %d, mergeable %b)\n%!"
+ act.ins_val act.ins_off act.ins_len act.ins_mrg
+ | Delete act ->
+ Printf.eprintf "Delete '%s' from %d (length %d, mergeable %b)\n%!"
+ act.del_val act.del_off act.del_len act.del_mrg
+ | Action l ->
+ Printf.eprintf "Action\n%!";
+ List.iter iter l;
+ Printf.eprintf "//Action\n%!";
+ | EndGrp ->
+ Printf.eprintf "End Group\n%!"
+ in
+ if false (* !debug *) then begin
+ Printf.eprintf "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n%!";
+ Printf.eprintf "==========Undo Stack top=============\n%!";
+ List.iter iter history;
+ Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (List.length history);
+ Printf.eprintf "==========Undo Stack Bottom==========\n%!";
+ Printf.eprintf "==========Redo Stack start===========\n%!";
+ List.iter iter redo;
+ Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (List.length redo);
+ Printf.eprintf "==========Redo Stack End=============\n%!";
+ Printf.eprintf "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n%!";
+ end
+ method clear_undo () =
+ history <- [];
+ redo <- []
+ (** Warning: processing actually undo the action *)
+ method private process_insert_action ins =
+ let start = buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET ins.ins_off) in
+ let stop = start#forward_chars ins.ins_len in
+ buffer#delete_interactive ~start ~stop ()
+ method private process_delete_action del =
+ let iter = buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET del.del_off) in
+ buffer#insert_interactive ~iter del.del_val
+ (** We don't care about atomicity. Return:
+ 1. `OK when there was no error, `FAIL otherwise
+ 2. `NOOP if no write occured, `WRITE otherwise
+ *)
+ method private process_action = function
+ | Insert ins ->
+ if self#process_insert_action ins then (`OK, `WRITE) else (`FAIL, `NOOP)
+ | Delete del ->
+ if self#process_delete_action del then (`OK, `WRITE) else (`FAIL, `NOOP)
+ | Action lst ->
+ let fold accu action = match accu with
+ | (`FAIL, _) -> accu (** we stop now! *)
+ | (`OK, status) ->
+ let (res, nstatus) = self#process_action action in
+ let merge op1 op2 = match op1, op2 with
+ | `NOOP, `NOOP -> `NOOP (** only a noop when both are *)
+ | _ -> `WRITE
+ in
+ (res, merge status nstatus)
+ in
+ List.fold_left fold (`OK, `NOOP) lst
+ | EndGrp -> assert false
+ method perform_undo () = match history with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | action :: rem ->
+ let ans = self#process_action action in
+ begin match ans with
+ | (`OK, _) ->
+ history <- rem;
+ redo <- (negate_action action) :: redo
+ | (`FAIL, `NOOP) -> () (** we do nothing *)
+ | (`FAIL, `WRITE) -> self#clear_undo () (** we don't know how we failed, so start off *)
+ end
+ method perform_redo () = match redo with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | action :: rem ->
+ let ans = self#process_action action in
+ begin match ans with
+ | (`OK, _) ->
+ redo <- rem;
+ history <- (negate_action action) :: history;
+ | (`FAIL, `NOOP) -> () (** we do nothing *)
+ | (`FAIL, `WRITE) -> self#clear_undo () (** we don't know how we failed *)
+ end
+ method undo () =
+ Minilib.log "UNDO";
+ self#with_lock_undo self#perform_undo ();
+ method redo () =
+ Minilib.log "REDO";
+ self#with_lock_undo self#perform_redo ();
+ method process_begin_user_action () =
+ (* Push a new level of event on history stack *)
+ history <- EndGrp :: history
+ method begin_user_action () =
+ self#with_lock_undo self#process_begin_user_action ()
+ method process_end_user_action () =
+ (** Search for the pending action *)
+ let rec split accu = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found (** no pending begin action! *)
+ | EndGrp :: rem ->
+ let grp = List.rev accu in
+ let rec flatten = function
+ | [] -> rem
+ | [Insert ins] -> merge_insert ins rem
+ | [Delete del] -> merge_delete del rem
+ | [Action l] -> flatten l
+ | _ -> Action grp :: rem
+ in
+ flatten grp
+ | action :: rem ->
+ split (action :: accu) rem
+ in
+ try (history <- split [] history; self#dump_debug ())
+ with Not_found ->
+ Minilib.log "Error: Badly parenthezised user action";
+ self#clear_undo ()
+ method end_user_action () =
+ self#with_lock_undo self#process_end_user_action ()
+ method private process_handle_insert iter s =
+ (* Save the insert action *)
+ let len = Glib.Utf8.length s in
+ let mergeable =
+ (** heuristic: split at newline and atomic pastes *)
+ len = 1 && (s <> "\n")
+ in
+ let ins = {
+ ins_val = s;
+ ins_off = iter#offset;
+ ins_len = len;
+ ins_mrg = mergeable;
+ } in
+ let () = history <- Insert ins :: history in
+ ()
+ method private handle_insert iter s =
+ self#with_lock_undo (self#process_handle_insert iter) s
+ method private process_handle_delete start stop =
+ (* Save the delete action *)
+ let text = buffer#get_text ~start ~stop () in
+ let len = Glib.Utf8.length text in
+ let mergeable = len = 1 && (text <> "\n") in
+ let del = {
+ del_val = text;
+ del_off = start#offset;
+ del_len = stop#offset - start#offset;
+ del_mrg = mergeable;
+ } in
+ let action = Delete del in
+ history <- action :: history;
+ redo <- [];
+ method private handle_delete ~start ~stop =
+ self#with_lock_undo (self#process_handle_delete start) stop
+ initializer
+ let _ = buffer#connect#after#begin_user_action ~callback:self#begin_user_action in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#after#end_user_action ~callback:self#end_user_action in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:self#handle_insert in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#delete_range ~callback:self#handle_delete in
+ ()
+class script_view (tv : source_view) (ct : Coq.coqtop) =
+let view = new GSourceView2.source_view (Gobject.unsafe_cast tv) in
+let completion = new Wg_Completion.complete_model ct view#buffer in
+let popup = new Wg_Completion.complete_popup completion (view :> GText.view) in
+object (self)
+ inherit GSourceView2.source_view (Gobject.unsafe_cast tv) as super
+ val undo_manager = new undo_manager view#buffer
+ method auto_complete = completion#active
+ method set_auto_complete flag =
+ completion#set_active flag
+ method recenter_insert =
+ self#scroll_to_mark
+ ~use_align:false ~yalign:0.75 ~within_margin:0.25 `INSERT
+ (* HACK: missing gtksourceview features *)
+ method right_margin_position =
+ let prop = {
+ = "right-margin-position";
+ conv =;
+ } in
+ Gobject.get prop obj
+ method set_right_margin_position pos =
+ let prop = {
+ = "right-margin-position";
+ conv =;
+ } in
+ Gobject.set prop obj pos
+ method show_right_margin =
+ let prop = {
+ = "show-right-margin";
+ conv = Gobject.Data.boolean;
+ } in
+ Gobject.get prop obj
+ method set_show_right_margin show =
+ let prop = {
+ = "show-right-margin";
+ conv = Gobject.Data.boolean;
+ } in
+ Gobject.set prop obj show
+ method comment () =
+ let rec get_line_start iter =
+ if iter#starts_line then iter
+ else get_line_start iter#backward_char
+ in
+ let (start, stop) =
+ if self#buffer#has_selection then
+ self#buffer#selection_bounds
+ else
+ let insert = self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT in
+ (get_line_start insert, insert#forward_to_line_end)
+ in
+ let stop_mark = self#buffer#create_mark ~left_gravity:false stop in
+ let () = self#buffer#begin_user_action () in
+ let was_inserted = self#buffer#insert_interactive ~iter:start "(* " in
+ let stop = self#buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK stop_mark) in
+ let () = if was_inserted then ignore (self#buffer#insert_interactive ~iter:stop " *)") in
+ let () = self#buffer#end_user_action () in
+ self#buffer#delete_mark (`MARK stop_mark)
+ method uncomment () =
+ let rec get_left_iter depth (iter : GText.iter) =
+ let prev_close = iter#backward_search "*)" in
+ let prev_open = iter#backward_search "(*" in
+ let prev_object = match prev_close, prev_open with
+ | None, None | Some _, None -> `NONE
+ | None, Some (po, _) -> `OPEN po
+ | Some (co, _), Some (po, _) -> if co#compare po < 0 then `OPEN po else `CLOSE co
+ in
+ match prev_object with
+ | `NONE -> None
+ | `OPEN po ->
+ if depth <= 0 then Some po
+ else get_left_iter (pred depth) po
+ | `CLOSE co ->
+ get_left_iter (succ depth) co
+ in
+ let rec get_right_iter depth (iter : GText.iter) =
+ let next_close = iter#forward_search "*)" in
+ let next_open = iter#forward_search "(*" in
+ let next_object = match next_close, next_open with
+ | None, None | None, Some _ -> `NONE
+ | Some (_, co), None -> `CLOSE co
+ | Some (_, co), Some (_, po) ->
+ if co#compare po > 0 then `OPEN po else `CLOSE co
+ in
+ match next_object with
+ | `NONE -> None
+ | `OPEN po ->
+ get_right_iter (succ depth) po
+ | `CLOSE co ->
+ if depth <= 0 then Some co
+ else get_right_iter (pred depth) co
+ in
+ let insert = self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT in
+ let left_elt = get_left_iter 0 insert in
+ let right_elt = get_right_iter 0 insert in
+ match left_elt, right_elt with
+ | Some liter, Some riter ->
+ let stop_mark = self#buffer#create_mark ~left_gravity:false riter in
+ (* We remove one trailing/leading space if it exists *)
+ let lcontent = self#buffer#get_text ~start:liter ~stop:(liter#forward_chars 3) () in
+ let rcontent = self#buffer#get_text ~start:(riter#backward_chars 3) ~stop:riter () in
+ let llen = if lcontent = "(* " then 3 else 2 in
+ let rlen = if rcontent = " *)" then 3 else 2 in
+ (* Atomic operation for the user *)
+ let () = self#buffer#begin_user_action () in
+ let was_deleted = self#buffer#delete_interactive ~start:liter ~stop:(liter#forward_chars llen) () in
+ let riter = self#buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK stop_mark) in
+ if was_deleted then ignore (self#buffer#delete_interactive ~start:(riter#backward_chars rlen) ~stop:riter ());
+ let () = self#buffer#end_user_action () in
+ self#buffer#delete_mark (`MARK stop_mark)
+ | _ -> ()
+ method complete_popup = popup
+ method undo = undo_manager#undo
+ method redo = undo_manager#redo
+ method clear_undo = undo_manager#clear_undo
+ method private paste () =
+ let cb = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard in
+ match cb#text with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some text ->
+ let () = self#buffer#begin_user_action () in
+ let _ = self#buffer#delete_selection () in
+ let _ = self#buffer#insert_interactive text in
+ self#buffer#end_user_action ()
+ initializer
+ let supersed cb _ =
+ let _ = cb () in
+ GtkSignal.stop_emit()
+ in
+ (* HACK: Redirect the undo/redo signals of the underlying GtkSourceView *)
+ let _ = self#connect#undo ~callback:(supersed self#undo) in
+ let _ = self#connect#redo ~callback:(supersed self#redo) in
+ (* HACK: Redirect the paste signal *)
+ let _ = self#connect#paste_clipboard ~callback:(supersed self#paste) in
+ (* HACK: Redirect the move_line signal of the underlying GtkSourceView *)
+ let move_line_marshal = GtkSignal.marshal2
+ Gobject.Data.boolean "move_line_marshal"
+ in
+ let move_line_signal = {
+ = "move-lines";
+ classe = Obj.magic 0;
+ marshaller = move_line_marshal; }
+ in
+ let callback b i =
+ let rec start_line iter =
+ if iter#starts_line then iter
+ else start_line iter#backward_char
+ in
+ let iter = start_line (self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT) in
+ (* do we forward the signal? *)
+ let proceed =
+ if not b && i = 1 then
+ iter#editable ~default:true &&
+ iter#forward_line#editable ~default:true
+ else if not b && i = -1 then
+ iter#editable ~default:true &&
+ iter#backward_line#editable ~default:true
+ else false
+ in
+ if not proceed then GtkSignal.stop_emit ()
+ in
+ let _ = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:move_line_signal ~callback obj in
+ ()
+let script_view ct ?(source_buffer:GSourceView2.source_buffer option) ?draw_spaces =
+ GtkSourceView2.SourceView.make_params [] ~cont:(
+ GtkText.View.make_params ~cont:(
+ GContainer.pack_container ~create:
+ (fun pl ->
+ let w = match source_buffer with
+ | None -> GtkSourceView2.SourceView.new_ ()
+ | Some buf -> GtkSourceView2.SourceView.new_with_buffer
+ (Gobject.try_cast buf#as_buffer "GtkSourceBuffer")
+ in
+ let w = Gobject.unsafe_cast w in
+ Gobject.set_params (Gobject.try_cast w "GtkSourceView") pl;
+ Gaux.may ~f:(GtkSourceView2.SourceView.set_draw_spaces w) draw_spaces;
+ ((new script_view w ct) : script_view))))