path: root/engine/proofview.mli
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** This files defines the basic mechanism of proofs: the [proofview]
+ type is the state which tactics manipulate (a global state for
+ existential variables, together with the list of goals), and the type
+ ['a tactic] is the (abstract) type of tactics modifying the proof
+ state and returning a value of type ['a]. *)
+open Util
+open Term
+(** Main state of tactics *)
+type proofview
+(** Returns a stylised view of a proofview for use by, for instance,
+ ide-s. *)
+(* spiwack: the type of [proofview] will change as we push more
+ refined functions to ide-s. This would be better than spawning a
+ new nearly identical function everytime. Hence the generic name. *)
+(* In this version: returns the list of focused goals together with
+ the [evar_map] context. *)
+val proofview : proofview -> Goal.goal list * Evd.evar_map
+(** {6 Starting and querying a proof view} *)
+(** Abstract representation of the initial goals of a proof. *)
+type entry
+(** Optimize memory consumption *)
+val compact : entry -> proofview -> entry * proofview
+(** Initialises a proofview, the main argument is a list of
+ environments (including a [named_context] which are used as
+ hypotheses) pair with conclusion types, creating accordingly many
+ initial goals. Because a proof does not necessarily starts in an
+ empty [evar_map] (indeed a proof can be triggered by an incomplete
+ pretyping), [init] takes an additional argument to represent the
+ initial [evar_map]. *)
+val init : Evd.evar_map -> (Environ.env * Term.types) list -> entry * proofview
+(** A [telescope] is a list of environment and conclusion like in
+ {!init}, except that each element may depend on the previous
+ goals. The telescope passes the goals in the form of a
+ [Term.constr] which represents the goal as an [evar]. The
+ [evar_map] is threaded in state passing style. *)
+type telescope =
+ | TNil of Evd.evar_map
+ | TCons of Environ.env * Evd.evar_map * Term.types * (Evd.evar_map -> Term.constr -> telescope)
+(** Like {!init}, but goals are allowed to be dependent on one
+ another. Dependencies between goals is represented with the type
+ [telescope] instead of [list]. Note that the first [evar_map] of
+ the telescope plays the role of the [evar_map] argument in
+ [init]. *)
+val dependent_init : telescope -> entry * proofview
+(** [finished pv] is [true] if and only if [pv] is complete. That is,
+ if it has an empty list of focused goals. There could still be
+ unsolved subgoals, but they would then be out of focus. *)
+val finished : proofview -> bool
+(** Returns the current [evar] state. *)
+val return : proofview -> Evd.evar_map
+val partial_proof : entry -> proofview -> constr list
+val initial_goals : entry -> (constr * types) list
+(** {6 Focusing commands} *)
+(** A [focus_context] represents the part of the proof view which has
+ been removed by a focusing action, it can be used to unfocus later
+ on. *)
+type focus_context
+(** Returns a stylised view of a focus_context for use by, for
+ instance, ide-s. *)
+(* spiwack: the type of [focus_context] will change as we push more
+ refined functions to ide-s. This would be better than spawning a
+ new nearly identical function everytime. Hence the generic name. *)
+(* In this version: the goals in the context, as a "zipper" (the first
+ list is in reversed order). *)
+val focus_context : focus_context -> Goal.goal list * Goal.goal list
+(** [focus i j] focuses a proofview on the goals from index [i] to
+ index [j] (inclusive, goals are indexed from [1]). I.e. goals
+ number [i] to [j] become the only focused goals of the returned
+ proofview. It returns the focused proofview, and a context for
+ the focus stack. *)
+val focus : int -> int -> proofview -> proofview * focus_context
+(** Unfocuses a proofview with respect to a context. *)
+val unfocus : focus_context -> proofview -> proofview
+(** {6 The tactic monad} *)
+(** - Tactics are objects which apply a transformation to all the
+ subgoals of the current view at the same time. By opposition to
+ the old vision of applying it to a single goal. It allows tactics
+ such as [shelve_unifiable], tactics to reorder the focused goals,
+ or global automation tactic for dependent subgoals (instantiating
+ an evar has influences on the other goals of the proof in
+ progress, not being able to take that into account causes the
+ current eauto tactic to fail on some instances where it could
+ succeed). Another benefit is that it is possible to write tactics
+ that can be executed even if there are no focused goals.
+ - Tactics form a monad ['a tactic], in a sense a tactic can be
+ seen as a function (without argument) which returns a value of
+ type 'a and modifies the environment (in our case: the view).
+ Tactics of course have arguments, but these are given at the
+ meta-level as OCaml functions. Most tactics in the sense we are
+ used to return [()], that is no really interesting values. But
+ some might pass information around. The tactics seen in Coq's
+ Ltac are (for now at least) only [unit tactic], the return values
+ are kept for the OCaml toolkit. The operation or the monad are
+ [Proofview.tclUNIT] (which is the "return" of the tactic monad)
+ [Proofview.tclBIND] (which is the "bind") and [Proofview.tclTHEN]
+ (which is a specialized bind on unit-returning tactics).
+ - Tactics have support for full-backtracking. Tactics can be seen
+ having multiple success: if after returning the first success a
+ failure is encountered, the tactic can backtrack and use a second
+ success if available. The state is backtracked to its previous
+ value, except the non-logical state defined in the {!NonLogical}
+ module below.
+(** The abstract type of tactics *)
+type +'a tactic
+(** Applies a tactic to the current proofview. Returns a tuple
+ [a,pv,(b,sh,gu)] where [a] is the return value of the tactic, [pv]
+ is the updated proofview, [b] a boolean which is [true] if the
+ tactic has not done any action considered unsafe (such as
+ admitting a lemma), [sh] is the list of goals which have been
+ shelved by the tactic, and [gu] the list of goals on which the
+ tactic has given up. In case of multiple success the first one is
+ selected. If there is no success, fails with
+ {!Logic_monad.TacticFailure}*)
+val apply : Environ.env -> 'a tactic -> proofview -> 'a
+ * proofview
+ * (bool*Goal.goal list*Goal.goal list)
+ * Proofview_monad.Info.tree
+(** {7 Monadic primitives} *)
+(** Unit of the tactic monad. *)
+val tclUNIT : 'a -> 'a tactic
+(** Bind operation of the tactic monad. *)
+val tclBIND : 'a tactic -> ('a -> 'b tactic) -> 'b tactic
+(** Interprets the ";" (semicolon) of Ltac. As a monadic operation,
+ it's a specialized "bind". *)
+val tclTHEN : unit tactic -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclIGNORE t] has the same operational content as [t], but drops
+ the returned value. *)
+val tclIGNORE : 'a tactic -> unit tactic
+(** Generic monadic combinators for tactics. *)
+module Monad : Monad.S with type +'a t = 'a tactic
+(** {7 Failure and backtracking} *)
+(** [tclZERO e] fails with exception [e]. It has no success. *)
+val tclZERO : ? -> exn -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclOR t1 t2] behaves like [t1] as long as [t1] succeeds. Whenever
+ the successes of [t1] have been depleted and it failed with [e],
+ then it behaves as [t2 e]. In other words, [tclOR] inserts a
+ backtracking point. *)
+val tclOR : 'a tactic -> (iexn -> 'a tactic) -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclORELSE t1 t2] is equal to [t1] if [t1] has at least one
+ success or [t2 e] if [t1] fails with [e]. It is analogous to
+ [try/with] handler of exception in that it is not a backtracking
+ point. *)
+val tclORELSE : 'a tactic -> (iexn -> 'a tactic) -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclIFCATCH a s f] is a generalisation of {!tclORELSE}: if [a]
+ succeeds at least once then it behaves as [tclBIND a s] otherwise,
+ if [a] fails with [e], then it behaves as [f e]. *)
+val tclIFCATCH : 'a tactic -> ('a -> 'b tactic) -> (iexn -> 'b tactic) -> 'b tactic
+(** [tclONCE t] behave like [t] except it has at most one success:
+ [tclONCE t] stops after the first success of [t]. If [t] fails
+ with [e], [tclONCE t] also fails with [e]. *)
+val tclONCE : 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclEXACTLY_ONCE e t] succeeds as [t] if [t] has exactly one
+ success. Otherwise it fails. The tactic [t] is run until its first
+ success, then a failure with exception [e] is simulated. It [t]
+ yields another success, then [tclEXACTLY_ONCE e t] fails with
+ [MoreThanOneSuccess] (it is a user error). Otherwise,
+ [tclEXACTLY_ONCE e t] succeeds with the first success of
+ [t]. Notice that the choice of [e] is relevant, as the presence of
+ further successes may depend on [e] (see {!tclOR}). *)
+exception MoreThanOneSuccess
+val tclEXACTLY_ONCE : exn -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclCASE t] splits [t] into its first success and a
+ continuation. It is the most general primitive to control
+ backtracking. *)
+type 'a case =
+ | Fail of iexn
+ | Next of 'a * (iexn -> 'a tactic)
+val tclCASE : 'a tactic -> 'a case tactic
+(** [tclBREAK p t] is a generalization of [tclONCE t]. Instead of
+ stopping after the first success, it succeeds like [t] until a
+ failure with an exception [e] such that [p e = Some e'] is raised. At
+ which point it drops the remaining successes, failing with [e'].
+ [tclONCE t] is equivalent to [tclBREAK (fun e -> Some e) t]. *)
+val tclBREAK : (iexn -> iexn option) -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** {7 Focusing tactics} *)
+(** [tclFOCUS i j t] applies [t] after focusing on the goals number
+ [i] to [j] (see {!focus}). The rest of the goals is restored after
+ the tactic action. If the specified range doesn't correspond to
+ existing goals, fails with [NoSuchGoals] (a user error). this
+ exception is caught at toplevel with a default message + a hook
+ message that can be customized by [set_nosuchgoals_hook] below.
+ This hook is used to add a suggestion about bullets when
+ applicable. *)
+exception NoSuchGoals of int
+val set_nosuchgoals_hook: (int -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> unit
+val tclFOCUS : int -> int -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclFOCUSLIST li t] applies [t] on the list of focused goals
+ described by [li]. Each element of [li] is a pair [(i, j)] denoting
+ the goals numbered from [i] to [j] (inclusive, starting from 1).
+ It will try to apply [t] to all the valid goals in any of these
+ intervals. If the set of such goals is not a single range, then it
+ will move goals such that it is a single range. (So, for
+ instance, [[1, 3-5]; idtac.] is not the identity.)
+ If the set of such goals is empty, it will fail. *)
+val tclFOCUSLIST : (int * int) list -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclFOCUSID x t] applies [t] on a (single) focused goal like
+ {!tclFOCUS}. The goal is found by its name rather than its
+ number.*)
+val tclFOCUSID : Names.Id.t -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclTRYFOCUS i j t] behaves like {!tclFOCUS}, except that if the
+ specified range doesn't correspond to existing goals, behaves like
+ [tclUNIT ()] instead of failing. *)
+val tclTRYFOCUS : int -> int -> unit tactic -> unit tactic
+(** {7 Dispatching on goals} *)
+(** Dispatch tacticals are used to apply a different tactic to each
+ goal under focus. They come in two flavours: [tclDISPATCH] takes a
+ list of [unit tactic]-s and build a [unit tactic]. [tclDISPATCHL]
+ takes a list of ['a tactic] and returns an ['a list tactic].
+ They both work by applying each of the tactic in a focus
+ restricted to the corresponding goal (starting with the first
+ goal). In the case of [tclDISPATCHL], the tactic returns a list of
+ the same size as the argument list (of tactics), each element
+ being the result of the tactic executed in the corresponding goal.
+ When the length of the tactic list is not the number of goal,
+ raises [SizeMismatch (g,t)] where [g] is the number of available
+ goals, and [t] the number of tactics passed. *)
+exception SizeMismatch of int*int
+val tclDISPATCH : unit tactic list -> unit tactic
+val tclDISPATCHL : 'a tactic list -> 'a list tactic
+(** [tclEXTEND b r e] is a variant of {!tclDISPATCH}, where the [r]
+ tactic is "repeated" enough time such that every goal has a tactic
+ assigned to it ([b] is the list of tactics applied to the first
+ goals, [e] to the last goals, and [r] is applied to every goal in
+ between). *)
+val tclEXTEND : unit tactic list -> unit tactic -> unit tactic list -> unit tactic
+(** [tclINDEPENDENT tac] runs [tac] on each goal successively, from
+ the first one to the last one. Backtracking in one goal is
+ independent of backtracking in another. It is equivalent to
+ [tclEXTEND [] tac []]. *)
+val tclINDEPENDENT : unit tactic -> unit tactic
+(** {7 Goal manipulation} *)
+(** Shelves all the goals under focus. The goals are placed on the
+ shelf for later use (or being solved by side-effects). *)
+val shelve : unit tactic
+(** Shelves the given list of goals, which might include some that are
+ under focus and some that aren't. All the goals are placed on the
+ shelf for later use (or being solved by side-effects). *)
+val shelve_goals : Goal.goal list -> unit tactic
+(** [unifiable sigma g l] checks whether [g] appears in another
+ subgoal of [l]. The list [l] may contain [g], but it does not
+ affect the result. Used by [shelve_unifiable]. *)
+val unifiable : Evd.evar_map -> Goal.goal -> Goal.goal list -> bool
+(** Shelves the unifiable goals under focus, i.e. the goals which
+ appear in other goals under focus (the unfocused goals are not
+ considered). *)
+val shelve_unifiable : unit tactic
+(** [guard_no_unifiable] returns the list of unifiable goals if some
+ goals are unifiable (see {!shelve_unifiable}) in the current focus. *)
+val guard_no_unifiable : Names.Name.t list option tactic
+(** [unshelve l p] adds all the goals in [l] at the end of the focused
+ goals of p *)
+val unshelve : Goal.goal list -> proofview -> proofview
+(** [depends_on g1 g2 sigma] checks if g1 occurs in the type/ctx of g2 *)
+val depends_on : Evd.evar_map -> Goal.goal -> Goal.goal -> bool
+(** [with_shelf tac] executes [tac] and returns its result together with
+ the set of goals shelved by [tac]. The current shelf is unchanged
+ and the returned list contains only unsolved goals. *)
+val with_shelf : 'a tactic -> (Goal.goal list * 'a) tactic
+(** If [n] is positive, [cycle n] puts the [n] first goal last. If [n]
+ is negative, then it puts the [n] last goals first.*)
+val cycle : int -> unit tactic
+(** [swap i j] swaps the position of goals number [i] and [j]
+ (negative numbers can be used to address goals from the end. Goals
+ are indexed from [1]. For simplicity index [0] corresponds to goal
+ [1] as well, rather than raising an error. *)
+val swap : int -> int -> unit tactic
+(** [revgoals] reverses the list of focused goals. *)
+val revgoals : unit tactic
+(** [numgoals] returns the number of goals under focus. *)
+val numgoals : int tactic
+(** {7 Access primitives} *)
+(** [tclEVARMAP] doesn't affect the proof, it returns the current
+ [evar_map]. *)
+val tclEVARMAP : Evd.evar_map tactic
+(** [tclENV] doesn't affect the proof, it returns the current
+ environment. It is not the environment of a particular goal,
+ rather the "global" environment of the proof. The goal-wise
+ environment is obtained via {!Proofview.Goal.env}. *)
+val tclENV : Environ.env tactic
+(** {7 Put-like primitives} *)
+(** [tclEFFECTS eff] add the effects [eff] to the current state. *)
+val tclEFFECTS : Safe_typing.private_constants -> unit tactic
+(** [mark_as_unsafe] declares the current tactic is unsafe. *)
+val mark_as_unsafe : unit tactic
+(** Gives up on the goal under focus. Reports an unsafe status. Proofs
+ with given up goals cannot be closed. *)
+val give_up : unit tactic
+(** {7 Control primitives} *)
+(** [tclPROGRESS t] checks the state of the proof after [t]. It it is
+ identical to the state before, then [tclePROGRESS t] fails, otherwise
+ it succeeds like [t]. *)
+val tclPROGRESS : 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** Checks for interrupts *)
+val tclCHECKINTERRUPT : unit tactic
+exception Timeout
+(** [tclTIMEOUT n t] can have only one success.
+ In case of timeout if fails with [tclZERO Timeout]. *)
+val tclTIMEOUT : int -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** [tclTIME s t] displays time for each atomic call to t, using s as an
+ identifying annotation if present *)
+val tclTIME : string option -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+(** {7 Unsafe primitives} *)
+(** The primitives in the [Unsafe] module should be avoided as much as
+ possible, since they can make the proof state inconsistent. They are
+ nevertheless helpful, in particular when interfacing the pretyping and
+ the proof engine. *)
+module Unsafe : sig
+ (** [tclEVARS sigma] replaces the current [evar_map] by [sigma]. If
+ [sigma] has new unresolved [evar]-s they will not appear as
+ goal. If goals have been solved in [sigma] they will still
+ appear as unsolved goals. *)
+ val tclEVARS : Evd.evar_map -> unit tactic
+ (** Like {!tclEVARS} but also checks whether goals have been solved. *)
+ val tclEVARSADVANCE : Evd.evar_map -> unit tactic
+ (** Set the global environment of the tactic *)
+ val tclSETENV : Environ.env -> unit tactic
+ (** [tclNEWGOALS gls] adds the goals [gls] to the ones currently
+ being proved, appending them to the list of focused goals. If a
+ goal is already solved, it is not added. *)
+ val tclNEWGOALS : Goal.goal list -> unit tactic
+ (** [tclSETGOALS gls] sets goals [gls] as the goals being under focus. If a
+ goal is already solved, it is not set. *)
+ val tclSETGOALS : Goal.goal list -> unit tactic
+ (** [tclGETGOALS] returns the list of goals under focus. *)
+ val tclGETGOALS : Goal.goal list tactic
+ (** Sets the evar universe context. *)
+ val tclEVARUNIVCONTEXT : Evd.evar_universe_context -> unit tactic
+ (** Clears the future goals store in the proof view. *)
+ val reset_future_goals : proofview -> proofview
+ (** Give an evar the status of a goal (changes its source location
+ and makes it unresolvable for type classes. *)
+ val mark_as_goal : Evd.evar_map -> Evar.t -> Evd.evar_map
+ (** Make an evar unresolvable for type classes. *)
+ val mark_as_unresolvable : proofview -> Evar.t -> proofview
+ (** [advance sigma g] returns [Some g'] if [g'] is undefined and is
+ the current avatar of [g] (for instance [g] was changed by [clear]
+ into [g']). It returns [None] if [g] has been (partially)
+ solved. *)
+ val advance : Evd.evar_map -> Evar.t -> Evar.t option
+ val typeclass_resolvable : unit Evd.Store.field
+(** This module gives access to the innards of the monad. Its use is
+ restricted to very specific cases. *)
+module UnsafeRepr :
+ type state = Proofview_monad.Logical.Unsafe.state
+ val repr : 'a tactic -> ('a, state, state, iexn) Logic_monad.BackState.t
+ val make : ('a, state, state, iexn) Logic_monad.BackState.t -> 'a tactic
+(** {6 Goal-dependent tactics} *)
+module Goal : sig
+ (** Type of goals.
+ The first parameter type is a phantom argument indicating whether the data
+ contained in the goal has been normalized w.r.t. the current sigma. If it
+ is the case, it is flagged [ `NF ]. You may still access the un-normalized
+ data using {!assume} if you known you do not rely on the assumption of
+ being normalized, at your own risk.
+ The second parameter is a stage indicating where the goal belongs. See
+ module {!Sigma}.
+ *)
+ type ('a, 'r) t
+ (** Assume that you do not need the goal to be normalized. *)
+ val assume : ('a, 'r) t -> ([ `NF ], 'r) t
+ (** Normalises the argument goal. *)
+ val normalize : ('a, 'r) t -> ([ `NF ], 'r) t tactic
+ (** [concl], [hyps], [env] and [sigma] given a goal [gl] return
+ respectively the conclusion of [gl], the hypotheses of [gl], the
+ environment of [gl] (i.e. the global environment and the
+ hypotheses) and the current evar map. *)
+ val concl : ([ `NF ], 'r) t -> Term.constr
+ val hyps : ([ `NF ], 'r) t -> Context.Named.t
+ val env : ('a, 'r) t -> Environ.env
+ val sigma : ('a, 'r) t -> 'r Sigma.t
+ val extra : ('a, 'r) t -> Evd.Store.t
+ (** Returns the goal's conclusion even if the goal is not
+ normalised. *)
+ val raw_concl : ('a, 'r) t -> Term.constr
+ type ('a, 'b) enter =
+ { enter : 'r. ('a, 'r) t -> 'b }
+ (** [nf_enter t] applies the goal-dependent tactic [t] in each goal
+ independently, in the manner of {!tclINDEPENDENT} except that
+ the current goal is also given as an argument to [t]. The goal
+ is normalised with respect to evars. *)
+ val nf_enter : ([ `NF ], unit tactic) enter -> unit tactic
+ (** Like {!nf_enter}, but does not normalize the goal beforehand. *)
+ val enter : ([ `LZ ], unit tactic) enter -> unit tactic
+ (** Like {!enter}, but assumes exactly one goal under focus, raising *)
+ (** an error otherwise. *)
+ val enter_one : ([ `LZ ], 'a tactic) enter -> 'a tactic
+ type ('a, 'b) s_enter =
+ { s_enter : 'r. ('a, 'r) t -> ('b, 'r) Sigma.sigma }
+ (** A variant of {!enter} allows to work with a monotonic state. The evarmap
+ returned by the argument is put back into the current state before firing
+ the returned tactic. *)
+ val s_enter : ([ `LZ ], unit tactic) s_enter -> unit tactic
+ (** Like {!s_enter}, but normalizes the goal beforehand. *)
+ val nf_s_enter : ([ `NF ], unit tactic) s_enter -> unit tactic
+ (** Recover the list of current goals under focus, without evar-normalization.
+ FIXME: encapsulate the level in an existential type. *)
+ val goals : ([ `LZ ], 'r) t tactic list tactic
+ (** [unsolved g] is [true] if [g] is still unsolved in the current
+ proof state. *)
+ val unsolved : ('a, 'r) t -> bool tactic
+ (** Compatibility: avoid if possible *)
+ val goal : ([ `NF ], 'r) t -> Evar.t
+ (** Every goal is valid at a later stage. FIXME: take a later evarmap *)
+ val lift : ('a, 'r) t -> ('r, 's) Sigma.le -> ('a, 's) t
+(** {6 Trace} *)
+module Trace : sig
+ (** [record_info_trace t] behaves like [t] except the [info] trace
+ is stored. *)
+ val record_info_trace : 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+ val log : Proofview_monad.lazy_msg -> unit tactic
+ val name_tactic : Proofview_monad.lazy_msg -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+ val pr_info : ?lvl:int -> Proofview_monad.Info.tree -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** {6 Non-logical state} *)
+(** The [NonLogical] module allows the execution of effects (including
+ I/O) in tactics (non-logical side-effects are not discarded at
+ failures). *)
+module NonLogical : module type of Logic_monad.NonLogical
+(** [tclLIFT c] is a tactic which behaves exactly as [c]. *)
+val tclLIFT : 'a NonLogical.t -> 'a tactic
+(*** Compatibility layer with <= 8.2 tactics ***)
+module V82 : sig
+ type tac = Evar.t Evd.sigma -> Evar.t list Evd.sigma
+ val tactic : tac -> unit tactic
+ (* normalises the evars in the goals, and stores the result in
+ solution. *)
+ val nf_evar_goals : unit tactic
+ val has_unresolved_evar : proofview -> bool
+ (* Main function in the implementation of Grab Existential Variables.
+ Resets the proofview's goals so that it contains all unresolved evars
+ (in chronological order of insertion). *)
+ val grab : proofview -> proofview
+ (* Returns the open goals of the proofview together with the evar_map to
+ interpret them. *)
+ val goals : proofview -> Evar.t list Evd.sigma
+ val top_goals : entry -> proofview -> Evar.t list Evd.sigma
+ (* returns the existential variable used to start the proof *)
+ val top_evars : entry -> Evd.evar list
+ (* Caution: this function loses quite a bit of information. It
+ should be avoided as much as possible. It should work as
+ expected for a tactic obtained from {!V82.tactic} though. *)
+ val of_tactic : 'a tactic -> tac
+ (* marks as unsafe if the argument is [false] *)
+ val put_status : bool -> unit tactic
+ (* exception for which it is deemed to be safe to transmute into
+ tactic failure. *)
+ val catchable_exception : exn -> bool
+ (* transforms every Ocaml (catchable) exception into a failure in
+ the monad. *)
+ val wrap_exceptions : (unit -> 'a tactic) -> 'a tactic
+(** {7 Notations} *)
+module Notations : sig
+ (** {!tclBIND} *)
+ val (>>=) : 'a tactic -> ('a -> 'b tactic) -> 'b tactic
+ (** {!tclTHEN} *)
+ val (<*>) : unit tactic -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+ (** {!tclOR}: [t1+t2] = [tclOR t1 (fun _ -> t2)]. *)
+ val (<+>) : 'a tactic -> 'a tactic -> 'a tactic
+ type ('a, 'b) enter = ('a, 'b) Goal.enter =
+ { enter : 'r. ('a, 'r) Goal.t -> 'b }
+ type ('a, 'b) s_enter = ('a, 'b) Goal.s_enter =
+ { s_enter : 'r. ('a, 'r) Goal.t -> ('b, 'r) Sigma.sigma }