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-\achapter{Extraction of programs in Objective Caml and Haskell}
-\aauthor{Jean-Christophe Filliātre and Pierre Letouzey}
-We present here the \Coq\ extraction commands, used to build certified
-and relatively efficient functional programs, extracting them from
-either \Coq\ functions or \Coq\ proofs of specifications. The
-functional languages available as output are currently \ocaml{},
-\textsc{Haskell} and \textsc{Scheme}. In the following, ``ML'' will
-be used (abusively) to refer to any of the three.
-\paragraph{Differences with old versions.}
-The current extraction mechanism is new for version 7.0 of {\Coq}.
-In particular, the \FW\ toplevel used as an intermediate step between
-\Coq\ and ML has been withdrawn. It is also not possible
-any more to import ML objects in this \FW\ toplevel.
-The current mechanism also differs from
-the one in previous versions of \Coq: there is no more
-an explicit toplevel for the language (formerly called \textsc{Fml}).
-\asection{Generating ML code}
-\comindex{Recursive Extraction}
-\comindex{Extraction Module}
-\comindex{Recursive Extraction Module}
-The next two commands are meant to be used for rapid preview of
-extraction. They both display extracted term(s) inside \Coq.
-\item {\tt Extraction \qualid.} ~\par
- Extracts one constant or module in the \Coq\ toplevel.
-\item {\tt Recursive Extraction \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$.} ~\par
- Recursive extraction of all the globals (or modules) \qualid$_1$ \dots\
- \qualid$_n$ and all their dependencies in the \Coq\ toplevel.
-%% TODO error messages
-All the following commands produce real ML files. User can choose to produce
-one monolithic file or one file per \Coq\ library.
-\item {\tt Extraction "{\em file}"}
- \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$. ~\par
- Recursive extraction of all the globals (or modules) \qualid$_1$ \dots\
- \qualid$_n$ and all their dependencies in one monolithic file {\em file}.
- Global and local identifiers are renamed according to the chosen ML
- language to fulfill its syntactic conventions, keeping original
- names as much as possible.
-\item {\tt Extraction Library} \ident. ~\par
- Extraction of the whole \Coq\ library {\tt\ident.v} to an ML module
- {\tt\}. In case of name clash, identifiers are here renamed
- using prefixes \verb!coq_! or \verb!Coq_! to ensure a
- session-independent renaming.
-\item {\tt Recursive Extraction Library} \ident. ~\par
- Extraction of the \Coq\ library {\tt\ident.v} and all other modules
- {\tt\ident.v} depends on.
-The list of globals \qualid$_i$ does not need to be
-exhaustive: it is automatically completed into a complete and minimal
-\asection{Extraction options}
-\asubsection{Setting the target language}
-\comindex{Extraction Language}
-The ability to fix target language is the first and more important
-of the extraction options. Default is Ocaml.
-\item {\tt Extraction Language Ocaml}.
-\item {\tt Extraction Language Haskell}.
-\item {\tt Extraction Language Scheme}.
-\asubsection{Inlining and optimizations}
-Since Objective Caml is a strict language, the extracted
-code has to be optimized in order to be efficient (for instance, when
-using induction principles we do not want to compute all the recursive
-calls but only the needed ones). So the extraction mechanism provides
-an automatic optimization routine that will be
-called each time the user want to generate Ocaml programs. Essentially,
-it performs constants inlining and reductions. Therefore some
-constants may not appear in resulting monolithic Ocaml program.
-In the case of modular extraction, even if some inlining is done, the
-inlined constant are nevertheless printed, to ensure
-session-independent programs.
-Concerning Haskell, such optimizations are less useful because of
-lazyness. We still make some optimizations, for example in order to
-produce more readable code.
-All these optimizations are controled by the following \Coq\ options:
-\item \comindex{Set Extraction Optimize}
-{\tt Set Extraction Optimize.}
-\item \comindex{Unset Extraction Optimize}
-{\tt Unset Extraction Optimize.}
-Default is Set. This control all optimizations made on the ML terms
-(mostly reduction of dummy beta/iota redexes, but also simplifications on
-Cases, etc). Put this option to Unset if you want a ML term as close as
-possible to the Coq term.
-\item \comindex{Set Extraction AutoInline}
-{\tt Set Extraction AutoInline.}
-\item \comindex{Unset Extraction AutoInline}
-{\tt Unset Extraction AutoInline.}
-Default is Set, so by default, the extraction mechanism feels free to
-inline the bodies of some defined constants, according to some heuristics
-like size of bodies, useness of some arguments, etc. Those heuristics are
-not always perfect, you may want to disable this feature, do it by Unset.
-\item \comindex{Extraction Inline}
-{\tt Extraction Inline} \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$.
-\item \comindex{Extraction NoInline}
-{\tt Extraction NoInline} \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$.
-In addition to the automatic inline feature, you can now tell precisely to
-inline some more constants by the {\tt Extraction Inline} command. Conversely,
-you can forbid the automatic inlining of some specific constants by
-the {\tt Extraction NoInline} command.
-Those two commands enable a precise control of what is inlined and what is not.
-\item \comindex{Print Extraction Inline}
-{\tt Print Extraction Inline}.
-Prints the current state of the table recording the custom inlinings
-declared by the two previous commands.
-\item \comindex{Reset Extraction Inline}
-{\tt Reset Extraction Inline}.
-Puts the table recording the custom inlinings back to empty.
-\paragraph{Inlining and printing of a constant declaration.}
-A user can explicitly ask for a constant to be extracted by two means:
-\item by mentioning it on the extraction command line
-\item by extracting the whole \Coq\ module of this constant.
-In both cases, the declaration of this constant will be present in the
-produced file.
-But this same constant may or may not be inlined in the following
-terms, depending on the automatic/custom inlining mechanism.
-For the constants non-explicitly required but needed for dependency
-reasons, there are two cases:
-\item If an inlining decision is taken, whether automatically or not,
-all occurrences of this constant are replaced by its extracted body, and
-this constant is not declared in the generated file.
-\item If no inlining decision is taken, the constant is normally
- declared in the produced file.
-\asubsection{Extra elimination of useless arguments}
-\item \comindex{Extraction Implicit}
- {\tt Extraction Implicit} \qualid\ [ \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ ].
-This experimental command allows to declare some arguments of
-\qualid\ as implicit, i.e. useless in extracted code and hence to
-be removed by extraction. Here \qualid\ can be any function or
-inductive constructor, and \ident$_i$ are the names of the concerned
-arguments. In fact, an argument can also be referred by a number
-indicating its position, starting from 1. When an actual extraction
-takes place, an error is raised if the {\tt Extraction Implicit}
-declarations cannot be honored, that is if any of the implicited
-variables still occurs in the final code. This declaration of useless
-arguments is independent but complementary to the main elimination
-principles of extraction (logical parts and types).
-\asubsection{Realizing axioms}\label{extraction:axioms}
-Extraction will fail if it encounters an informative
-axiom not realized (see Section~\ref{extraction:axioms}).
-A warning will be issued if it encounters an logical axiom, to remind
-user that inconsistent logical axioms may lead to incorrect or
-non-terminating extracted terms.
-It is possible to assume some axioms while developing a proof. Since
-these axioms can be any kind of proposition or object or type, they may
-perfectly well have some computational content. But a program must be
-a closed term, and of course the system cannot guess the program which
-realizes an axiom. Therefore, it is possible to tell the system
-what ML term corresponds to a given axiom.
-\comindex{Extract Constant}
-\item{\tt Extract Constant \qualid\ => \str.} ~\par
- Give an ML extraction for the given constant.
- The \str\ may be an identifier or a quoted string.
-\item{\tt Extract Inlined Constant \qualid\ => \str.} ~\par
- Same as the previous one, except that the given ML terms will
- be inlined everywhere instead of being declared via a let.
-Note that the {\tt Extract Inlined Constant} command is sugar
-for an {\tt Extract Constant} followed by a {\tt Extraction Inline}.
-Hence a {\tt Reset Extraction Inline} will have an effect on the
-realized and inlined axiom.
-Of course, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the ML
-terms given to realize the axioms do have the expected types. In
-fact, the strings containing realizing code are just copied in the
-extracted files. The extraction recognizes whether the realized axiom
-should become a ML type constant or a ML object declaration.
-Axiom X:Set.
-Axiom x:X.
-Extract Constant X => "int".
-Extract Constant x => "0".
-Notice that in the case of type scheme axiom (i.e. whose type is an
-arity, that is a sequence of product finished by a sort), then some type
-variables has to be given. The syntax is then:
-\item{\tt Extract Constant \qualid\ \str$_1$ \ldots \str$_n$ => \str.} ~\par
-The number of type variables is checked by the system.
-Axiom Y : Set -> Set -> Set.
-Extract Constant Y "'a" "'b" => " 'a*'b ".
-Realizing an axiom via {\tt Extract Constant} is only useful in the
-case of an informative axiom (of sort Type or Set). A logical axiom
-have no computational content and hence will not appears in extracted
-terms. But a warning is nonetheless issued if extraction encounters a
-logical axiom. This warning reminds user that inconsistent logical
-axioms may lead to incorrect or non-terminating extracted terms.
-If an informative axiom has not been realized before an extraction, a
-warning is also issued and the definition of the axiom is filled with
-an exception labeled {\tt AXIOM TO BE REALIZED}. The user must then
-search these exceptions inside the extracted file and replace them by
-real code.
-\comindex{Extract Inductive}
-The system also provides a mechanism to specify ML terms for inductive
-types and constructors. For instance, the user may want to use the ML
-native boolean type instead of \Coq\ one. The syntax is the following:
-\item{\tt Extract Inductive \qualid\ => \str\ [ \str\ \dots \str\ ]\
-{\it optstring}.} ~\par
- Give an ML extraction for the given inductive type. You must specify
- extractions for the type itself (first \str) and all its
- constructors (between square brackets). If given, the final optional
- string should contain a function emulating pattern-matching over this
- inductive type. If this optional string is not given, the ML
- extraction must be an ML inductive datatype, and the native
- pattern-matching of the language will be used.
-For an inductive type with $k$ constructor, the function used to
-emulate the match should expect $(k+1)$ arguments, first the $k$
-branches in functional form, and then the inductive element to
-destruct. For instance, the match branch \verb$| S n => foo$ gives the
-functional form \verb$(fun n -> foo)$. Note that a constructor with no
-argument is considered to have one unit argument, in order to block
-early evaluation of the branch: \verb$| O => bar$ leads to the functional
-form \verb$(fun () -> bar)$. For instance, when extracting {\tt nat}
-into {\tt int}, the code to provide has type:
-{\tt (unit->'a)->(int->'a)->int->'a}.
-As for {\tt Extract Inductive}, this command should be used with care:
-\item The ML code provided by the user is currently \emph{not} checked at all by
- extraction, even for syntax errors.
-\item Extracting an inductive type to a pre-existing ML inductive type
-is quite sound. But extracting to a general type (by providing an
-ad-hoc pattern-matching) will often \emph{not} be fully rigorously
-correct. For instance, when extracting {\tt nat} to Ocaml's {\tt
-int}, it is theoretically possible to build {\tt nat} values that are
-larger than Ocaml's {\tt max\_int}. It is the user's responsability to
-be sure that no overflow or other bad events occur in practice.
-\item Translating an inductive type to an ML type does \emph{not}
-magically improve the asymptotic complexity of functions, even if the
-ML type is an efficient representation. For instance, when extracting
-{\tt nat} to Ocaml's {\tt int}, the function {\tt mult} stays
-quadratic. It might be interesting to associate this translation with
-some specific {\tt Extract Constant} when primitive counterparts exist.
-Typical examples are the following:
-Extract Inductive unit => "unit" [ "()" ].
-Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
-Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
-If an inductive constructor or type has arity 2 and the corresponding
-string is enclosed by parenthesis, then the rest of the string is used
-as infix constructor or type.
-Extract Inductive list => "list" [ "[]" "(::)" ].
-Extract Inductive prod => "(*)" [ "(,)" ].
-As an example of translation to a non-inductive datatype, let's turn
-{\tt nat} into Ocaml's {\tt int} (see caveat above):
-Extract Inductive nat => int [ "0" "succ" ]
- "(fun fO fS n => if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))".
-\asubsection{Avoiding conflicts with existing filenames}
-\comindex{Extraction Blacklist}
-When using {\tt Extraction Library}, the names of the extracted files
-directly depends from the names of the \Coq\ files. It may happen that
-these filenames are in conflict with already existing files,
-either in the standard library of the target language or in other
-code that is meant to be linked with the extracted code.
-For instance the module {\tt List} exists both in \Coq\ and in Ocaml.
-It is possible to instruct the extraction not to use particular filenames.
-\item{\tt Extraction Blacklist \ident \ldots \ident.} ~\par
- Instruct the extraction to avoid using these names as filenames
- for extracted code.
-\item{\tt Print Extraction Blacklist.} ~\par
- Show the current list of filenames the extraction should avoid.
-\item{\tt Reset Extraction Blacklist.} ~\par
- Allow the extraction to use any filename.
-For Ocaml, a typical use of these commands is
-{\tt Extraction Blacklist String List}.
-\asection{Differences between \Coq\ and ML type systems}
-Due to differences between \Coq\ and ML type systems,
-some extracted programs are not directly typable in ML.
-We now solve this problem (at least in Ocaml) by adding
-when needed some unsafe casting {\tt Obj.magic}, which give
-a generic type {\tt 'a} to any term.
-For example, here are two kinds of problem that can occur:
- \item If some part of the program is {\em very} polymorphic, there
- may be no ML type for it. In that case the extraction to ML works
- all right but the generated code may be refused by the ML
- type-checker. A very well known example is the {\em distr-pair}
- function:
-Definition dp :=
- fun (A B:Set)(x:A)(y:B)(f:forall C:Set, C->C) => (f A x, f B y).
-In Ocaml, for instance, the direct extracted term would be:
-let dp x y f = Pair((f () x),(f () y))
-and would have type:
-dp : 'a -> 'a -> (unit -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('b,'b) prod
-which is not its original type, but a restriction.
-We now produce the following correct version:
-let dp x y f = Pair ((Obj.magic f () x), (Obj.magic f () y))
- \item Some definitions of \Coq\ may have no counterpart in ML. This
- happens when there is a quantification over types inside the type
- of a constructor; for example:
-Inductive anything : Set := dummy : forall A:Set, A -> anything.
-which corresponds to the definition of an ML dynamic type.
-In Ocaml, we must cast any argument of the constructor dummy.
-Even with those unsafe castings, you should never get error like
-``segmentation fault''. In fact even if your program may seem
-ill-typed to the Ocaml type-checker, it can't go wrong: it comes
-from a Coq well-typed terms, so for example inductives will always
-have the correct number of arguments, etc.
-More details about the correctness of the extracted programs can be
-found in \cite{Let02}.
-We have to say, though, that in most ``realistic'' programs, these
-problems do not occur. For example all the programs of Coq library are
-accepted by Caml type-checker without any {\tt Obj.magic} (see examples below).
-\asection{Some examples}
-We present here two examples of extractions, taken from the
-\Coq\ Standard Library. We choose \ocaml\ as target language,
-but all can be done in the other dialects with slight modifications.
-We then indicate where to find other examples and tests of Extraction.
-\asubsection{A detailed example: Euclidean division}
-The file {\tt Euclid} contains the proof of Euclidean division
-(theorem {\tt eucl\_dev}). The natural numbers defined in the example
-files are unary integers defined by two constructors $O$ and $S$:
-Inductive nat : Set :=
- | O : nat
- | S : nat -> nat.
-This module contains a theorem {\tt eucl\_dev}, whose type is:
-forall b:nat, b > 0 -> forall a:nat, diveucl a b
-where {\tt diveucl} is a type for the pair of the quotient and the
-modulo, plus some logical assertions that disappear during extraction.
-We can now extract this program to \ocaml:
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Euclid Wf_nat.
-Extraction Inline gt_wf_rec lt_wf_rec induction_ltof2.
-Recursive Extraction eucl_dev.
-The inlining of {\tt gt\_wf\_rec} and others is not
-mandatory. It only enhances readability of extracted code.
-You can then copy-paste the output to a file {\tt} or let
-\Coq\ do it for you with the following command:
-Extraction "euclid" eucl_dev.
-Let us play the resulting program:
-# #use "";;
-type nat = O | S of nat
-type sumbool = Left | Right
-val minus : nat -> nat -> nat = <fun>
-val le_lt_dec : nat -> nat -> sumbool = <fun>
-val le_gt_dec : nat -> nat -> sumbool = <fun>
-type diveucl = Divex of nat * nat
-val eucl_dev : nat -> nat -> diveucl = <fun>
-# eucl_dev (S (S O)) (S (S (S (S (S O)))));;
-- : diveucl = Divex (S (S O), S O)
-It is easier to test on \ocaml\ integers:
-# let rec nat_of_int = function 0 -> O | n -> S (nat_of_int (n-1));;
-val i2n : int -> nat = <fun>
-# let rec int_of_nat = function O -> 0 | S p -> 1+(int_of_nat p);;
-val n2i : nat -> int = <fun>
-# let div a b =
- let Divex (q,r) = eucl_dev (nat_of_int b) (nat_of_int a)
- in (int_of_nat q, int_of_nat r);;
-val div : int -> int -> int * int = <fun>
-# div 173 15;;
-- : int * int = (11, 8)
-Note that these {\tt nat\_of\_int} and {\tt int\_of\_nat} are now
-available via a mere {\tt Require Import ExtrOcamlIntConv} and then
-adding these functions to the list of functions to extract. This file
-{\tt ExtrOcamlIntConv.v} and some others in {\tt plugins/extraction/}
-are meant to help building concrete program via extraction.
-\asubsection{Extraction's horror museum}
-Some pathological examples of extraction are grouped in the file
-{\tt test-suite/success/extraction.v} of the sources of \Coq.
-\asubsection{Users' Contributions}
- Several of the \Coq\ Users' Contributions use extraction to produce
- certified programs. In particular the following ones have an automatic
- extraction test (just run {\tt make} in those directories):
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Bordeaux/Additions
- \item Bordeaux/EXCEPTIONS
- \item Bordeaux/SearchTrees
- \item Dyade/BDDS
- \item Lannion
- \item Lyon/CIRCUITS
- \item Lyon/FIRING-SQUAD
- \item Marseille/CIRCUITS
- \item Muenchen/Higman
- \item Nancy/FOUnify
- \item Rocq/ARITH/Chinese
- \item Rocq/COC
- \item Rocq/GRAPHS
- \item Rocq/HIGMAN
- \item Sophia-Antipolis/Stalmarck
- \item Suresnes/BDD
- \end{itemize}
- Lannion, Rocq/HIGMAN and Lyon/CIRCUITS are a bit particular. They are
- examples of developments where {\tt Obj.magic} are needed.
- This is probably due to an heavy use of impredicativity.
- After compilation those two examples run nonetheless,
- thanks to the correction of the extraction~\cite{Let02}.
-% $Id: Extraction.tex 13153 2010-06-15 16:09:43Z letouzey $
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