path: root/dev
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev')
22 files changed, 2139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev/Makefile.common b/dev/Makefile.common
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ff5cf79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/Makefile.common
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# this Makefile contains goals common for directory and main devel makefiles
+ifndef TOPDIR
+ifndef BASEDIR
+# the following entries are used to make synchronize two source trees
+# (on big computer and on a laptop for example)
+OTHER=$(shell cat $(OTHER_FILE))
+# this is a directory of useful temporary things
+ifneq (,$(findstring n,$(MAKEFLAGS)))
+ +@(if [ "$(OTHER)" = "" ] ; then \
+ echo You must put the ssh path to the other Coq source in $(OTHER_FILE) ; \
+ echo For example: chrzaszc@ruta:coq/V7 ; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi)
+get: check_other
+ +rsync -Cauvz $(NFLAG) $(OTHER)/ $(TOPDIR)/
+ +@(if [ -d $(TOPDIR)/$(WORKDIR) ]; then \
+ rsync -auvz $(NFLAG) $(OTHER)/tmp/ $(TOPDIR)/tmp/ ; \
+ fi)
+put: check_other
+ +rsync -Cauvz $(NFLAG) $(TOPDIR)/ $(OTHER)/
+ +@(if [ -d $(TOPDIR)/$(WORKDIR) ]; then \
+ rsync -auvz $(NFLAG) $(TOPDIR)/tmp/ $(OTHER)/tmp/ ; \
+ fi)
+sync: get put
+ cvs status | grep File | grep conflicts | less
+confl: conflicts
diff --git a/dev/Makefile.devel b/dev/Makefile.devel
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3abb62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/Makefile.devel
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# to be linked to makefile (lowercase - takes precedence over Makefile)
+# in main directory
+# make devel in main directory should do this for you.
+SOURCEDIRS=lib kernel library pretyping parsing proofs tactics toplevel
+default: usage noargument
+ @echo Usage: make \<target\>
+ @echo Targets are:
+ @echo " setup-devel -- set the devel makefile"
+ @ln -sfv dev/Makefile.devel makefile
+ @(for i in $(SOURCEDIRS); do \
+ (cd $(TOPDIR)/$$i; ln -sfv ../dev/Makefile.dir Makefile) \
+ done)
+ @echo " clean-devel -- clear all devel files"
+ echo rm -f makefile .depend.devel
+ echo rm -f $(foreach dir,$(SOURCEDIRS), $(TOPDIR)/$(dir)/Makefile)
+ @echo " coqtop -- make until the bytecode executable, make the link"
+coqtop: bin/coqtop.byte
+ ln -sf bin/coqtop.byte coqtop
+ @echo " quick -- make bytecode executable and states"
+ $(MAKE) states BEST=byte
+include Makefile
+include $(TOPDIR)/dev/Makefile.common
+# this file is better described in dev/Makefile.dir
+include .depend.devel
+#if dev/Makefile.local exists, it is included
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(TOPDIR)/dev/Makefile.local),)
+include $(TOPDIR)/dev/Makefile.local
+ @echo " total -- runs coqtop with all theories required"
+ ledit ./bin/coqtop.byte $(foreach th,$(THEORIESVO),-require $(notdir $(basename $(th))))
+ @echo " run -- makes and runs bytecode coqtop using ledit and the history file"
+ @echo " if you want to pass arguments to coqtop, use make run ARG=<args>"
+run: $(TOPDIR)/coqtop
+ ledit -h $(TOPDIR)/dev/debug_history -x $(TOPDIR)/coqtop $(ARG) $(ARGS)
+ @echo " vars -- echos commands to set COQTOP and COQBIN variables"
+ @(cd $(TOPDIR); \
+ echo export COQTOP=`pwd`/ ; \
+ echo export COQBIN=`pwd`/bin/ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev/Makefile.dir b/dev/Makefile.dir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54f7bfe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/Makefile.dir
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# make a link to this file if you are working hard in one directory of Coq
+# ln -s ../dev/Makefile.dir Makefile
+# if you are working in a sub/dir/ make a link to dev/Makefile.subdir instead
+# this Makefile provides many useful facilities to develop Coq
+# it is not completely compatible with .ml4 files unfortunately
+ifndef TOPDIR
+# this complicated thing should work for subsubdirs as well
+BASEDIR=$(shell (dir=`pwd`; cd $(TOPDIR); top=`pwd`; echo $$dir | sed -e "s|$$top/||"))
+noargs: dir
+ @echo TOPDIR=$(TOPDIR)
+include $(TOPDIR)/dev/Makefile.common
+# make this directory
+ $(MAKE) -C $(TOPDIR) $(notdir $(BASEDIR))
+# make all cmo's in this directory. Useful in case the main Makefile is not
+# up-to-date
+ @( ( for i in *.ml; do \
+ echo -n $(BASEDIR)/`basename $$i .ml`.cmo "" ; \
+ done; \
+ for i in *.ml4; do \
+ echo -n $(BASEDIR)/`basename $$i .ml4`.cmo "" ; \
+ done ) \
+ | xargs $(MAKE) -C $(TOPDIR) )
+# lists all files that should be compiled in this directory
+ @(for i in *.mli; do \
+ ls -l `basename $$i .mli`.cmi; \
+ done)
+ @(for i in *.ml; do \
+ ls -l `basename $$i .ml`.cmo; \
+ done)
+ @(for i in *.ml4; do \
+ ls -l `basename $$i .ml4`.cmo; \
+ done)
+ rm -f *.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.o
+# if grammar.cmo files cannot be compiled and main .depend cannot be
+# rebuilt, this is quite useful
+ (cd $(TOPDIR); ocamldep -I $(BASEDIR) $(BASEDIR)/*.ml $(BASEDIR)/*.mli > .depend.devel)
+# displays the dependency graph of the current directory (vertically,
+# unlike in doc/)
+ (ocamldep *.ml *.mli | ocamldot | dot -Tps | gv -) &
+# the pretty entry draws a dependency graph marking red those nodes
+# which do not have their .cmo files
+ ocamldep *.ml *.mli | ocamldot > $@
+ (i=`cat $< | wc -l`; i=`expr $$i - 1`; head -n $$i $<) > $@
+ (for ml in *.ml; do \
+ base=`basename $$ml .ml`; \
+ fst=`echo $$base | cut -c1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`; \
+ rest=`echo $$base | cut -c2-`; \
+ name=`echo $$fst $$rest | tr -d " "`; \
+ cmo=$$base.cmo; \
+ if [ ! -e $$cmo ]; then \
+ echo \"$$name\" [color=red]\; >> $@;\
+ fi;\
+ done;\
+ echo } >> $@)
+ dot -Tps $< > $@
+ rm -f
+ (gv -spartan $<; rm $<) &
+# gv -spartan $< &
+# generating by tricking make to pass -i to ocamlc
+ @(cmo=`basename $@ .ml.mli`.cmo ; \
+ mv -f $$cmo $$cmo.tmp ; \
+ $(MAKE) -s -C $(TOPDIR) $(BASEDIR)/$$cmo CAMLDEBUG=-i > $@ ; \
+ echo Generated interface file $@ ; \
+ mv -f $$cmo.tmp $$cmo)
+%.annot: FORCE
+ @(cmo=`basename $@ .annot`.cmo ; \
+ mv -f $$cmo $$cmo.tmp ; \
+ $(MAKE) -s -C $(TOPDIR) $(BASEDIR)/$$cmo CAMLDEBUG=-dtypes ; \
+ echo Generated annotation file $@ ; \
+ mv -f $$cmo.tmp $$cmo)
+ rm -f *.ml.mli
+# this is not perfect but mostly WORKS! It just calls the main makefile
+%.cmi: FORCE
+ $(MAKE) -C $(TOPDIR) $(BASEDIR)/$@
+%.cmo: FORCE
+ $(MAKE) -C $(TOPDIR) $(BASEDIR)/$@
+ $(MAKE) -C $(TOPDIR) bin/coqtop.byte
diff --git a/dev/Makefile.subdir b/dev/Makefile.subdir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45358c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/Makefile.subdir
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# if you work in a sub/sub-rectory of Coq
+# you should make a link to that makefile
+# ln -s ../../dev/Makefile.subdir Makefile
+# in order to have all the facilities of dev/Makefile.dir
+include $(TOPDIR)/dev/Makefile.dir
diff --git a/dev/README b/dev/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8811bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/README
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+This directory contains informations and tools to help developping the
+Coq system
+Debugging and profiling
+debugging.txt: help for debugging or profiling
+db: to install pretty-printers from ocaml debugger
+base_db: to install raw pretty-printers from ocaml debugger
+ocamldebug-v7: to launch ocaml debugger
+include: to install pretty-printers from ocaml toplevel
+base_include: to install raw pretty-printers from ocaml toplevel
+universes.txt: help to debug universes
+univdot: produces a graph of CIC universes
diff --git a/dev/TODO b/dev/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..926861c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ o options de la ligne de commande
+ - reporter les options de l'ancien script coqtop sur le nouveau
+ o arguments implicites
+ - les calculer une fois pour toutes à la déclaration (dans Declare)
+ et stocker cette information dans le in_variable, in_constant, etc.
+ o Environnements compilés (type Environ.compiled_env)
+ - pas de timestamp mais plutôt un checksum avec Digest (mais comment ?)
+ o Efficacité
+ - utiliser DOPL plutôt que DOPN (sauf pour Case)
+ - batch mode => pas de undo, ni de reset
+ - conversion : déplier la constante la plus récente
+ - un cache pour type_of_const, type_of_inductive, type_of_constructor,
+ lookup_mind_specif
+ o Toplevel
+ - parsing de la ligne de commande : utiliser Arg ???
diff --git a/dev/base_db b/dev/base_db
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b540aed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/base_db
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+load_printer "gramlib.cma"
+load_printer "top_printers.cmo"
+install_printer Top_printers.prid
+install_printer Top_printers.prsp
+install_printer Top_printers.print_pure_constr
diff --git a/dev/base_include b/dev/base_include
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17293776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/base_include
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+(* File to include to get some Coq facilities under the ocaml toplevel.
+ This file is loaded by include *)
+#directory "parsing";;
+#directory "interp";;
+#directory "toplevel";;
+#directory "library";;
+#directory "kernel";;
+#directory "pretyping";;
+#directory "lib";;
+#directory "proofs";;
+#directory "tactics";;
+#directory "translate";;
+#use "";;
+#install_printer (* identifier *) prid;;
+#install_printer (* label *) prlab;;
+#install_printer prmsid;;
+#install_printer prmbid;;
+#install_printer prdir;;
+#install_printer prmp;;
+#install_printer (* section_path *) prsp;;
+#install_printer (* qualid *) prqualid;;
+#install_printer (* kernel_name *) prkn;;
+#install_printer (* constr *) print_pure_constr;;
+(* parsing of names *)
+let qid = Libnames.qualid_of_string;;
+(* parsing of terms *)
+let parse_com = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Constr.constr;;
+let parse_tac = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Tactic.tactic;;
+let parse_vernac = Pcoq.parse_string Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac;;
+(* For compatibility reasons *)
+let parse_ast = parse_com;;
+(* build a term of type rawconstr without type-checking or resolution of
+ implicit syntax *)
+let e s = Constrintern.interp_rawconstr Evd.empty (Global.env()) (parse_ast s);;
+(* For compatibility *)
+let raw_constr_of_string = e;;
+(* build a term of type constr with type-checking and resolution of
+ implicit syntax *)
+let constr_of_string s =
+ Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) (parse_ast s);;
+(* get the body of a constant *)
+open Declarations;;
+let constbody_of_string s =
+ let b = Global.lookup_constant (Nametab.locate_constant (qualid_of_sp (path_of_string s))) in
+ Util.out_some b.const_body;;
+(* Get the current goal *)
+let getgoal x = top_goal_of_pftreestate (Pfedit.get_pftreestate x);;
+let get_nth_goal n = nth_goal_of_pftreestate n (Pfedit.get_pftreestate ());;
+let current_goal () = get_nth_goal 1;;
+let pf_e gl s =
+ Constrintern.interp_constr (project gl) (pf_env gl) (parse_ast s);;
+open Toplevel
+let go = loop
diff --git a/dev/changements.txt b/dev/changements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1df2a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/changements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+ The module level has no effect on constr except for the structure of
+section_path. The type of unique names for constructions (what
+section_path served) is now called a kernel name and is defined by
+type uniq_ident = int * string * dir_path (* int may be enough *)
+type module_path =
+ | MPfile of dir_path (* reference to physical module, e.g. file *)
+ | MPbound of uniq_ident (* reference to a module parameter in a functor *)
+ | MPself of uniq_ident (* reference to one of the containing module *)
+ | MPdot of module_path * label
+type label = identifier
+type kernel_name = module_path * dir_path * label
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
+ | | \
+ | | the base name
+ | \
+ / the (true) section path
+ example: (non empty only inside open sections)
+ L = (* i.e. some file of logical name L *)
+ struct
+ module A = struct Def a = ... end
+ end
+ M = (* i.e. some file of logical name M *)
+ struct
+ Def t = ...
+ N = functor (X : sig module T = struct Def b = ... end end) -> struct
+ module O = struct
+ Def u = ...
+ end
+ Def x := ... <M>.t ... <N>.O.u ... X.T.b ... L.A.a
+ <M> and <N> are self-references, X is a bound reference and L is a
+reference to a physical module.
+ Notice that functor application is not part of a path: it must be
+named by a "module M = F(A)" declaration to be used in a kernel
+ Notice that Jacek chose a practical approach, making directories not
+modules. Another approach could have been to replace the constructor
+MPfile by a constant constructor MProot representing the root of the
+ Other relevant informations are in kernel/ (type
+module_expr) and kernel/ (type module_body and
+2. Library
+i) tables
+[Summaries] - the only change is the special treatment of the
+global environmet.
+ii) objects
+[Libobject] declares persistent objects, given with methods:
+ * cache_function specifying how to add the object in the current
+ scope;
+ * load_function, specifying what to do when the module
+ containing the object is loaded;
+ * open_function, specifying what to do when the module
+ containing the object is opened (imported);
+ * classify_function, specyfying what to do with the object,
+ when the current module (containing the object) is ended.
+ * subst_function
+ * export_function, to signal end_section survival
+(Almost) Each of these methods is called with a parameter of type
+object_name = section_path * kernel_name
+where section_path is the full user name of the object (such as
+Coq.Init.Datatypes.Fst) and kernel_name is its substitutive internal
+version such as (MPself<Datatypes#1>,[],"Fst") (see above)
+What happens at the end of an interactive module ?
+(or when a file is stored and reloaded from disk)
+All summaries (except Global environment) are reverted to the state
+from before the beginning of the module, and:
+a) the objects (again, since last Declaremods.start_module or
+ Library.start_library) are classified using the classify_function.
+ To simplify consider only those who returned Substitute _ or Keep _.
+b) If the module is not a functor, the subst_function for each object of
+ the first group is called with the substitution
+ [MPself "<Datatypes#1>" |-> MPfile "Coq.Init.Datatypes"].
+ Then the load_function is called for substituted objects and the
+ "keep" object.
+ (If the module is a library the substitution is done at reloading).
+c) The objects which returned substitute are stored in the modtab
+ together with the self ident of the module, and functor argument
+ names if the module was a functor.
+ They will be used (substituted and loaded) when a command like
+ Module M := F(N) or
+ Module Z := N
+ is evaluated
+The difference between "substitute" and "keep" objects
+i) The "keep" objects can _only_ reference other objects by section_paths
+and qualids. They do not need the substitution function.
+They will work after end_module (or reloading a compiled library),
+because these operations do not change section_path's
+They will obviously not work after Module Z:=N.
+These would typically be grammar rules, pretty printing rules etc.
+ii) The "substitute" objects can _only_ reference objects by
+kernel_names. They must have a valid subst_function.
+They will work after end_module _and_ after Module Z:=N or
+Module Z:=F(M).
+Other kinds of objects:
+iii) "Dispose" - objects which do not survive end_module
+ As a consequence, objects which reference other objects sometimes
+ by kernel_names and sometimes by section_path must be of this kind...
+iv) "Anticipate" - objects which must be treated individually by
+ end_module (typically "REQUIRE" objects)
+Writing subst_thing functions
+The subst_thing shoud not copy the thing if it hasn't actually
+changed. There are some cool emacs macros in dev/objects.el
+to help writing subst functions this way quickly and without errors.
+Also there are *_smartmap functions in Util.
+The subst_thing functions are already written for many types,
+including constr (Term.subst_mps),
+global_reference (Libnames.subst_global),
+rawconstr (Rawterm.subst_raw) etc
+They are all (apart from constr, for now) written in the non-copying
+Nametab has been made more uniform. For every kind of thing there is
+only one "push" function and one "locate" function.
+library_segment is now a list of object_name * library_item, where
+object_name = section_path * kernel_name (see above)
+New items have been added for open modules and module types
+Functions to declare interactive and noninteractive modules and module
+Uses Declaremods to actually communicate with Global and to register
+Internal representation of tactics bindings has changed (see type
+New parsing model for tactics and vernacular commands
+ - Introduction of a dedicated type for tactic expressions
+ (Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr)
+ - Introduction of a dedicated type for vernac expressions
+ (Vernacexpr.vernac_expr)
+ - Declaration of new vernacular parsing rules by a new camlp4 macro
+ GRAMMAR COMMAND EXTEND ... END to be used in ML files
+ - Declaration of new tactics parsing/printing rules by a new camlp4 macro
+ TACTIC EXTEND ... END to be used in ML files
+New organisation of THENS:
+tclTHENS tac tacs : tacs is now an array
+tclTHENSFIRSTn tac1 tacs tac2 :
+ apply tac1 then, apply the array tacs on the first n subgoals and
+ tac2 on the remaining subgoals (previously tclTHENST)
+tclTHENSLASTn tac1 tac2 tacs :
+ apply tac1 then, apply tac2 on the first subgoals and apply the array
+ tacs on the last n subgoals
+tclTHENFIRSTn tac1 tacs = tclTHENSFIRSTn tac1 tacs tclIDTAC (prev. tclTHENSI)
+tclTHENLASTn tac1 tacs = tclTHENSLASTn tac1 tclIDTAC tacs
+tclTHENFIRST tac1 tac2 = tclTHENFIRSTn tac1 [|tac2|]
+tclTHENLAST tac1 tac2 = tclTHENLASTn tac1 [|tac2|] (previously tclTHENL)
+tclTHENS tac1 tacs = tclTHENSFIRSTn tac1 tacs (fun _ -> error "wrong number")
+tclTHENSV same as tclTHENS but with an array
+tclTHENSi : no longer available
+Proof_type: subproof field in type proof_tree glued with the ref field
+Tacmach: no more echo from functions of module Refiner
+Files contrib/*/g_*.ml4 take the place of files contrib/*/*.v.
+Files parsing/{vernac,tac}{4,i} implements TACTIC EXTEND andd
+File syntax/PPTactic.v moved to parsing/
+Tactics about False and not now in tactics/
+Tactics depending on Init now tactics/*.ml4 (no longer in tactics/*.v)
+File moved from proofs to directory tactics
+The core of Coq (kernel) has meen minimized with the following effects:
+kernel/ split into kernel/, pretyping/
+kernel/ split into kernel/, pretyping/
+kernel/ split into kernel/, library/
+kernel/ split into kernel/, pretyping/
+the prefixes "Is" ans "IsMut" have been dropped from kind_of_term constructors,
+e.g. IsRel is now Rel, IsMutCase is now Case, etc.
+Changements d'organisation / modules :
+ Std, More_util -> lib/
+ Names -> kernel/ et kernel/
+ (les parties noms et signatures ont été séparées)
+ Avm,Mavm,Fmavm,Mhm -> utiliser plutôt Map (et freeze alors gratuit)
+ Mhb -> Bij
+ Generic est intégré à Term (et un petit peu à Closure)
+Changements dans les types de données :
+ dans Generic: free_rels : constr -> int Listset.t
+ devient : constr -> Intset.t
+ type_judgement -> typed_type
+ environment -> context
+ context -> typed_type signature
+ Il y a maintenant d'autres exceptions que UserError (TypeError,
+ RefinerError, etc.)
+ Il ne faut donc plus se contenter (pour rattraper) de faire
+ try . .. with UserError _ -> ...
+ mais écrire à la place
+ try ... with e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> ...
+Changements dans les fonctions :
+ Vectops.
+ it_vect -> Array.fold_left
+ vect_it -> Array.fold_right
+ exists_vect -> Util.array_exists
+ for_all2eq_vect -> Util.array_for_all2
+ tabulate_vect -> Array.init
+ hd_vect -> Util.array_hd
+ tl_vect -> Util.array_tl
+ last_vect -> Util.array_last
+ it_vect_from -> array_fold_left_from
+ vect_it_from -> array_fold_right_from
+ app_tl_vect -> array_app_tl
+ cons_vect -> array_cons
+ map_i_vect -> Array.mapi
+ map2_vect -> array_map2
+ list_of_tl_vect -> array_list_of_tl
+ Names
+ sign_it -> fold_var_context (se fait sur env maintenant)
+ it_sign -> fold_var_context_reverse (sur env maintenant)
+ Generic
+ noccur_bet -> noccur_between
+ substn_many -> substnl
+ Std
+ comp -> Util.compose
+ rev_append -> List.rev_append
+ Termenv
+ mind_specif_of_mind -> Global.lookup_mind_specif
+ ou Environ.lookup_mind_specif si on a un env sous la main
+ mis_arity -> instantiate_arity
+ mis_lc -> instantiate_lc
+ Ex-Environ
+ mind_of_path -> Global.lookup_mind
+ Printer
+ gentermpr -> gen_pr_term
+ term0 -> prterm_env
+ pr_sign -> pr_var_context
+ pr_context_opt -> pr_context_of
+ pr_ne_env -> pr_ne_context_of
+ Typing, Machops
+ type_of_type -> judge_of_type
+ fcn_proposition -> judge_of_prop_contents
+ safe_fmachine -> safe_infer
+ Reduction, Clenv
+ whd_betadeltat -> whd_betaevar
+ whd_betadeltatiota -> whd_betaiotaevar
+ find_mrectype -> Inductive.find_mrectype
+ find_minductype -> Inductive.find_inductive
+ find_mcoinductype -> Inductive.find_coinductive
+ Astterm
+ constr_of_com_casted -> interp_casted_constr
+ constr_of_com_sort -> interp_type
+ constr_of_com -> interp_constr
+ rawconstr_of_com -> interp_rawconstr
+ type_of_com -> type_judgement_of_rawconstr
+ judgement_of_com -> judgement_of_rawconstr
+ Termast
+ bdize -> ast_of_constr
+ Tacmach
+ pf_constr_of_com_sort -> pf_interp_type
+ pf_constr_of_com -> pf_interp_constr
+ pf_get_hyp -> pf_get_hyp_typ
+ pf_hyps, pf_untyped_hyps -> pf_env (tout se fait sur env maintenant)
+ Pattern
+ raw_sopattern_of_compattern -> Astterm.interp_constrpattern
+ somatch -> is_matching
+ dest_somatch -> matches
+ Tacticals
+ matches -> gl_is_matching
+ dest_match -> gl_matches
+ suff -> utiliser sort_of_goal
+ lookup_eliminator -> utiliser sort_of_goal pour le dernier arg
+ Divers
+ initial_sign -> var_context
+ Sign
+ ids_of_sign -> ids_of_var_context (or Environ.ids_of_context)
+ empty_sign -> empty_var_context
+ Pfedit
+ list_proofs -> get_all_proof_names
+ get_proof -> get_current_proof_name
+ abort_goal -> abort_proof
+ abort_goals -> abort_all_proofs
+ abort_cur_goal -> abort_current_proof
+ get_evmap_sign -> get_goal_context/get_current_goal_context
+ unset_undo -> reset_undo
+ Proof_trees
+ mkGOAL -> mk_goal
+ Declare
+ machine_constant -> declare_constant (+ modifs)
+ ex-Trad, maintenant Pretyping
+ inh_cast_rel -> Coercion.inh_conv_coerce_to
+ inh_conv_coerce_to -> Coercion.inh_conv_coerce_to_fail
+ ise_resolve1 -> understand, understand_type
+ ise_resolve -> understand_judgment, understand_type_judgment
+ ex-Tradevar, maintenant Evarutil
+ mt_tycon -> empty_tycon
+ Recordops
+ struc_info -> find_structure
+Changements dans les inductifs
+Nouveaux types "constructor" et "inductive" dans Term
+La plupart des fonctions de typage des inductives prennent maintenant
+un inductive au lieu d'un oonstr comme argument. Les seules fonctions
+à traduire un constr en inductive sont les find_rectype and co.
+Changements dans les grammaires
+ . le lexer (parsing/lexer.mll) est maintenant un lexer ocamllex
+ . attention : LIDENT -> IDENT (les identificateurs n'ont pas de
+ casse particulière dans Coq)
+ . Le mot "command" est remplacé par "constr" dans les noms de
+ fichiers, noms de modules et non-terminaux relatifs au parsing des
+ termes; aussi les changements suivants "COMMAND"/"CONSTR" dans
+ g_vernac.ml4, VARG_COMMAND/VARG_CONSTR dans vernac*.ml*
+ . Les constructeurs d'arguments de tactiques IDENTIFIER, CONSTR, ...n
+ passent en minuscule Identifier, Constr, ...
+ . Plusieurs parsers ont changé de format (ex: sortarg)
+Changements dans le pretty-printing
+ . Découplage de la traduction de constr -> rawconstr (dans detyping)
+ et de rawconstr -> ast (dans termast)
+ . Déplacement des options d'affichage de printer vers termast
+ . Déplacement des réaiguillage d'univers du pp de printer vers esyntax
+Changements divers
+ . il n'y a plus de script coqtop => coqtop et coqtop.byte sont
+ directement le résultat du link du code
+ => debuggage et profiling directs
+ . il n'y a plus d'installation locale dans bin/$ARCH
+ . #use "" => #use "include"
+ go() => loop()
+ . il y a "make depend" et "make dependcamlp4" car ce dernier prend beaucoup
+ de temps
diff --git a/dev/db b/dev/db
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44effd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/db
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+load_printer "gramlib.cma"
+load_printer "top_printers.cmo"
+install_printer Top_printers.prid
+install_printer Top_printers.prlab
+install_printer Top_printers.prmsid
+install_printer Top_printers.prmbid
+install_printer Top_printers.prdir
+install_printer Top_printers.prmp
+install_printer Top_printers.prkn
+install_printer Top_printers.prsp
+install_printer Top_printers.prqualid
+install_printer Top_printers.prast
+install_printer Top_printers.prastpat
+install_printer Top_printers.prastpatl
+install_printer Top_printers.pppattern
+install_printer Top_printers.pprawterm
+install_printer Top_printers.ppterm
+install_printer Top_printers.print_uni
+install_printer Top_printers.pp_universes
+install_printer Top_printers.pptype
+install_printer Top_printers.prj
+install_printer Top_printers.prgoal
+install_printer Top_printers.prsigmagoal
+install_printer Top_printers.pproof
+install_printer Top_printers.prevd
+install_printer Top_printers.prevc
+install_printer Top_printers.prwc
+install_printer Top_printers.prclenv
+install_printer Top_printers.pptac
+install_printer Top_printers.pr_obj
diff --git a/dev/ b/dev/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cee94d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Names
+let pp s = pp (hov 0 s)
+let prid id = Format.print_string (string_of_id id)
+let prsp sp = Format.print_string (string_of_path sp)
diff --git a/dev/deboguage.txt b/dev/deboguage.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eea7a0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/deboguage.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ dans Emacs. nécessite le mode tuareg.
+ Coq doit être configuré avec -debug et -local (./configure -debug -local)
+ 1. M-x camldebug
+ 2. spécifier le binaire coqtop.byte
+ 3. spécifier dev/ocamldebug-v7
+ 4. source db (pour avoir les pretty-printers)
+ 5. poser ses points d'arrêts avec C-x C-a C-b (penser "add breakpoint")
+ directement dans le source ocaml
+ 6. ensuite voir le man d'ocamldebug
+ run
+ step
+ next
+ last
+ print x
+ ...
+ Coq doit être configuré avec -profile
+ 1. Lancer Coq en natif, qui doit terminer normalement (utiliser Quit
+ ou l'option -batch)
+ 2. gprof ./coqtop gmon.out
diff --git a/dev/debugging.txt b/dev/debugging.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3fbf48a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/debugging.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Debugging from Coq toplevel using Caml trace mechanism
+ 1. Launch bytecode version of Coq (coqtop.byte or coqtop -byte)
+ 2. Access Ocaml toplevel using vernacular command 'Drop.'
+ 3. Install load paths and pretty printers for terms, idents, ... using
+ Ocaml command '#use "base_include";;' (use '#use "include";;' for a rawer
+ term pretty printer)
+ 4. Use #trace to tell which function(s) to trace
+ 5. Go back to Coq toplevel with 'go();;'
+ 6. Test your Coq command and observe the result of tracing your functions
+ 7. Freely switch from Coq to Ocaml toplevels with 'Drop.' and 'go();;'
+Debugging from Caml debugger
+ Needs tuareg mode in Emacs
+ Coq must be configured with -debug and -local (./configure -debug -local)
+ 1. M-x camldebug
+ 2. give the binary name coqtop.byte
+ 3. give dev/ocamldebug-v7
+ 4. source db (to get pretty-printers)
+ 5. add breakpoints with C-x C-a C-b from the buffer displaying the ocaml
+ source
+ 6. get more help from ocamldebug manual
+ run
+ step
+ back
+ start
+ next
+ last
+ print x (abbreviated into p x)
+ ...
+ 7. some hints:
+ - To debug a failure/error/anomaly, add a breakpoint in
+ just before "if !Options.debug" then go "back" to
+ find where the failure/error/anomaly has been raised
+ - If "source db" fails, first recompile with
+ "make dev/top_printers.cmo"
+ Coq must be configured with option -profile
+ 1. Run native Coq which must end normally (use Quit or option -batch)
+ 2. gprof ./coqtop gmon.out
diff --git a/dev/header b/dev/header
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57945e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/header
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
diff --git a/dev/include b/dev/include
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb370a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/include
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(* File to include to install the pretty-printers in the ocaml toplevel *)
+#cd ".";;
+#use "base_include";;
+#install_printer (* ast *) prast;;
+#install_printer (* pat *) prastpat;;
+#install_printer (* patlist *) prastpatl;;
+#install_printer (* pattern *) pppattern;;
+#install_printer (* rawconstr *) pprawterm;;
+#install_printer (* constr *) ppterm;;
+#install_printer (* constr_substituted *) ppsterm;;
+#install_printer (* universe *) print_uni;;
+#install_printer (* universes *) pp_universes;;
+#install_printer (* type_judgement*) pptype;;
+#install_printer (* judgement*) prj;;
+#install_printer (* goal *) prgoal;;
+#install_printer (* sigma goal *) prsigmagoal;;
+#install_printer (* proof *) pproof;;
+#install_printer (* global_constraints *) prevd;;
+#install_printer (* readable_constraints *) prevc;;
+#install_printer (* walking_constraints *) prwc;;
+#install_printer (* clenv *) prclenv;;
+#install_printer (* env *) ppenv;;
+#install_printer (* tactic *) pptac;;
+#install_printer (* object *) pr_obj;;
+#install_printer (* global_reference *) prglobal;;
+#install_printer (* fconstr *) ppfconstr;;
diff --git a/dev/objects.el b/dev/objects.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3a2694d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/objects.el
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+(defun add-survive-module nil
+ (interactive)
+ (query-replace-regexp
+ "
+\\([ ]*\\)\\(Summary\.\\)?survive_section"
+ "
+\\1\\2survive_module = false;
+ )
+(global-set-key [f2] 'add-survive-module)
+; functions to change old style object declaration to new style
+(defun repl-open nil
+ (interactive)
+ (query-replace-regexp
+ "open_function\\([ ]*\\)=\\([ ]*\\)cache_\\([a-zA-Z0-9'_]*\\)\\( *\\);"
+ "open_function\\1=\\2(fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_\\3 o)\\4;")
+ )
+(global-set-key [f6] 'repl-open)
+(defun repl-load nil
+ (interactive)
+ (query-replace-regexp
+ "load_function\\([ ]*\\)=\\([ ]*\\)cache_\\([a-zA-Z0-9'_]*\\)\\( *\\);"
+ "load_function\\1=\\2(fun _ -> cache_\\3)\\4;")
+ )
+(global-set-key [f7] 'repl-load)
+(defun repl-decl nil
+ (interactive)
+ (query-replace-regexp
+ "\\(Libobject\.\\)?declare_object[
+ ]*([ ]*\\(.*\\)[
+ ]*,[ ]*
+\\([ ]*\\){\\([ ]*\\)\\([^ ][^}]*\\)}[ ]*)"
+ "\\1declare_object {(\\1default_object \\2) with
+\\3 \\4\\5}")
+; "|$1=\\1|$2=\\2|$3=\\3|$4=\\4|")
+(global-set-key [f9] 'repl-decl)
+; eval the above and try f9 f6 f7 on the following:
+let (inThing,outThing) =
+ declare_object
+ ("THING",
+ { load_function = cache_thing;
+ cache_function = cache_thing;
+ open_function = cache_thing;
+ export_function = (function x -> Some x)
+ })
+; functions helping writing non-copying substitutions
+(defun make-subst (name)
+ (interactive "s")
+ (defun f (l)
+ (save-excursion
+ (query-replace-regexp
+ (concat "\\([a-zA-z_0-9]*\\)[ ]*:[ ]*"
+ (car l)
+ "\\([ ]*;\\|[
+ (concat "let \\1\' = " (cdr l) " " name "\\1 in"))
+ )
+ )
+ (mapcar 'f '(("constr"."subst_mps subst")
+ ("Coqast.t"."subst_ast subst")
+ ("Coqast.t list"."list_smartmap (subst_ast subst)")
+ ("'pat"."subst_pat subst")
+ ("'pat unparsing_hunk"."subst_hunk subst_pat subst")
+ ("'pat unparsing_hunk list"."list_smartmap (subst_hunk subst_pat subst)")
+ ("'pat syntax_entry"."subst_syntax_entry subst_pat subst")
+ ("'pat syntax_entry list"."list_smartmap (subst_syntax_entry subst_pat subst)")
+ ("constr option"."option_smartmap (subst_mps subst)")
+ ("constr list"."list_smartmap (subst_mps subst)")
+ ("constr array"."array_smartmap (subst_mps subst)")
+ ("constr_pattern"."subst_pattern subst")
+ ("constr_pattern option"."option_smartmap (subst_pattern subst)")
+ ("constr_pattern array"."array_smartmap (subst_pattern subst)")
+ ("constr_pattern list"."list_smartmap (subst_pattern subst)")
+ ("global_reference"."subst_global subst")
+ ("extended_global_reference"."subst_ext subst")
+ ("obj_typ"."subst_obj subst")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(global-set-key [f2] 'make-subst)
+(defun make-if (name)
+ (interactive "s")
+ (save-excursion
+ (query-replace-regexp
+ "\\([a-zA-z_0-9]*\\)[ ]*:[ ]*['a-zA-z_. ]*\\(;\\|[
+ (concat "&& \\1\' == " name "\\1")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(global-set-key [f4] 'make-if)
+(defun make-record nil
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (query-replace-regexp
+ "\\([a-zA-z_0-9]*\\)[ ]*:[ ]*['a-zA-z_. ]*\\(;\\|[
+ (concat "\\1 = \\1\' ;")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(global-set-key [f5] 'make-record)
+(defun make-prim nil
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion (query-replace-regexp "\\<[a-zA-Z'_0-9]*\\>" "\\&'"))
+ )
+(global-set-key [f6] 'make-prim)
+; eval the above, yank the text below and do
+; paste f2 morph.
+; paste f4 morph.
+; paste f5
+ lem : constr;
+ profil : bool list;
+ arg_types : constr list;
+ lem2 : constr option }
+; and you almost get Setoid_replace.subst_morph :)
+; and now f5 on this:
+ (ref,(c1,c2))
diff --git a/dev/ocamldebug-v7.template b/dev/ocamldebug-v7.template
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96c53192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/ocamldebug-v7.template
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# wrap around ocamldebug for Coq
+export COQTH=$COQLIB/theories
+export CAMLP4LIB=`$CAMLBIN/camlp4 -where`
+for op in $*
+ do case `basename $op` in
+ coq-debug-programs.out)
+ coqdebug="yes"
+ args="-is programs.coq";;
+ *coq*) coqdebug="yes";;
+ esac
+case $coqdebug in
+ yes)
+ exec $OCAMLDEBUG \
+ -I $COQTOP/config \
+ -I $COQTOP/lib -I $COQTOP/kernel \
+ -I $COQTOP/library -I $COQTOP/pretyping -I $COQTOP/parsing \
+ -I $COQTOP/interp -I $COQTOP/proofs -I $COQTOP/tactics \
+ -I $COQTOP/toplevel -I $COQTOP/dev -I $COQTOP/config \
+ -I $COQTOP/translate \
+ -I $COQTOP/contrib/correctness \
+ -I $COQTOP/contrib/extraction -I $COQTOP/contrib/field \
+ -I $COQTOP/contrib/fourier -I $COQTOP/contrib/graphs \
+ -I $COQTOP/contrib/interface -I $COQTOP/contrib/jprover \
+ -I $COQTOP/contrib/omega -I $COQTOP/contrib/romega \
+ -I $COQTOP/contrib/ring -I $COQTOP/contrib/xml \
+ $* $args;;
+ *) exec $OCAMLDEBUG $*;;
diff --git a/dev/style.txt b/dev/style.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e597dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/style.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<< L'uniformité du style est plus importante que le style lui-même. >>
+(Kernigan & Pike, The Practice of Programming)
+Mode Emacs
+ Tuareg, que l'on trouve ici :
+ avec le réglage suivant : (setq tuareg-in-indent 2)
+Types récursifs et filtrages
+ Une barre de séparation y compris sur le premier constructeur
+type t =
+ | A
+ | B of machin
+match expr with
+ | A -> ...
+ | B x -> ...
+ if condition then
+ premier-cas
+ else
+ deuxieme-cas
+ Si effets de bord dans les branches, utilisez begin ... end et non des
+ parenthèses i.e.
+ if condition then begin
+ instr1;
+ instr2
+ end else begin
+ instr3;
+ instr4
+ end
+ Si la première branche lève une exception, évitez le else i.e.
+ if condition then if condition then error "machin";
+ error "machin" -----> suite
+ else
+ suite
diff --git a/dev/ b/dev/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f92d64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Printers for the ocaml toplevel. *)
+open System
+open Pp
+open Ast
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Sign
+open Univ
+open Proof_trees
+open Environ
+open Printer
+open Refiner
+open Tacmach
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Clenv
+open Cerrors
+let _ = Constrextern.print_evar_arguments := true
+let pP s = pp (hov 0 s)
+let prast c = pp(print_ast c)
+let prastpat c = pp(print_astpat c)
+let prastpatl c = pp(print_astlpat c)
+let ppterm x = pp(prterm x)
+let ppsterm x = ppterm (Declarations.force x)
+let ppterm_univ x = Constrextern.with_universes ppterm x
+let pprawterm = (fun x -> pp(pr_rawterm x))
+let pppattern = (fun x -> pp(pr_pattern x))
+let pptype = (fun x -> pp(prtype x))
+let safe_prglobal = function
+ | ConstRef kn -> pp (str "CONSTREF(" ++ pr_kn kn ++ str ")")
+ | IndRef (kn,i) -> pp (str "INDREF(" ++ pr_kn kn ++ str "," ++
+ int i ++ str ")")
+ | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) -> pp (str "INDREF(" ++ pr_kn kn ++ str "," ++
+ int i ++ str "," ++ int j ++ str ")")
+ | VarRef id -> pp (str "VARREF(" ++ pr_id id ++ str ")")
+let prglobal x = try pp(pr_global x) with _ -> safe_prglobal x
+let prid id = pp (pr_id id)
+let prlab l = pp (pr_lab l)
+let prmsid msid = pp (str (debug_string_of_msid msid))
+let prmbid mbid = pp (str (debug_string_of_mbid mbid))
+let prdir dir = pp (pr_dirpath dir)
+let prmp mp = pp(str (string_of_mp mp))
+let prkn kn = pp(pr_kn kn)
+let prsp sp = pp(pr_sp sp)
+let prqualid qid = pp(pr_qualid qid)
+let prconst (sp,j) =
+ pp (str"#" ++ pr_kn sp ++ str"=" ++ prterm j.uj_val)
+let prvar ((id,a)) =
+ pp (str"#" ++ pr_id id ++ str":" ++ prterm a)
+let genprj f j = let (c,t) = f j in (c ++ str " : " ++ t)
+let prj j = pp (genprj prjudge j)
+let prgoal g = pp(prgl g)
+let prsigmagoal g = pp(prgl (sig_it g))
+let prgls gls = pp(pr_gls gls)
+let prglls glls = pp(pr_glls glls)
+let pproof p = pp(print_proof Evd.empty empty_named_context p)
+let prevd evd = pp(pr_decls evd)
+let prevc evc = pp(pr_evc evc)
+let prwc wc = pp(pr_evc wc)
+let prclenv clenv = pp(pr_clenv clenv)
+let print_uni u = (pp (pr_uni u))
+let pp_universes u = pp (str"[" ++ pr_universes u ++ str"]")
+let ppenv e = pp
+ (str "[" ++ pr_named_context_of e ++ str "]" ++ spc() ++
+ str "[" ++ pr_rel_context e (rel_context e) ++ str "]")
+let pptac = (fun x -> pp(Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic x))
+let pr_obj obj = Format.print_string (Libobject.object_tag obj)
+let cnt = ref 0
+let constr_display csr =
+ let rec term_display c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel n -> "Rel("^(string_of_int n)^")"
+ | Meta n -> "Meta("^(string_of_int n)^")"
+ | Var id -> "Var("^(string_of_id id)^")"
+ | Sort s -> "Sort("^(sort_display s)^")"
+ | Cast (c,t) -> "Cast("^(term_display c)^","^(term_display t)^")"
+ | Prod (na,t,c) ->
+ "Prod("^(name_display na)^","^(term_display t)^","^(term_display c)^")\n"
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) ->
+ "Lambda("^(name_display na)^","^(term_display t)^","^(term_display c)^")\n"
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,c) ->
+ "LetIn("^(name_display na)^","^(term_display b)^","
+ ^(term_display t)^","^(term_display c)^")"
+ | App (c,l) -> "App("^(term_display c)^","^(array_display l)^")\n"
+ | Evar (e,l) -> "Evar("^(string_of_int e)^","^(array_display l)^")"
+ | Const c -> "Const("^(string_of_kn c)^")"
+ | Ind (sp,i) ->
+ "MutInd("^(string_of_kn sp)^","^(string_of_int i)^")"
+ | Construct ((sp,i),j) ->
+ "MutConstruct(("^(string_of_kn sp)^","^(string_of_int i)^"),"
+ ^(string_of_int j)^")"
+ | Case (ci,p,c,bl) ->
+ "MutCase(<abs>,"^(term_display p)^","^(term_display c)^","
+ ^(array_display bl)^")"
+ | Fix ((t,i),(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ "Fix(([|"^(Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (string_of_int x)^(if not(i="")
+ then (";"^i) else "")) t "")^"|],"^(string_of_int i)^"),"
+ ^(array_display tl)^","
+ ^(Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (name_display x)^(if not(i="")
+ then (";"^i) else "")) lna "")^","
+ ^(array_display bl)^")"
+ | CoFix(i,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ "CoFix("^(string_of_int i)^"),"
+ ^(array_display tl)^","
+ ^(Array.fold_right (fun x i -> (name_display x)^(if not(i="")
+ then (";"^i) else "")) lna "")^","
+ ^(array_display bl)^")"
+ and array_display v =
+ "[|"^
+ (Array.fold_right
+ (fun x i -> (term_display x)^(if not(i="") then (";"^i) else ""))
+ v "")^"|]"
+ and sort_display = function
+ | Prop(Pos) -> "Prop(Pos)"
+ | Prop(Null) -> "Prop(Null)"
+ | Type u ->
+ incr cnt; pp (str "with " ++ int !cnt ++ pr_uni u ++ fnl ());
+ "Type("^(string_of_int !cnt)^")"
+ and name_display = function
+ | Name id -> "Name("^(string_of_id id)^")"
+ | Anonymous -> "Anonymous"
+ in
+ msg (str (term_display csr) ++fnl ())
+open Format;;
+let print_pure_constr csr =
+ let rec term_display c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel n -> print_string "#"; print_int n
+ | Meta n -> print_string "Meta("; print_int n; print_string ")"
+ | Var id -> print_string (string_of_id id)
+ | Sort s -> sort_display s
+ | Cast (c,t) -> open_hovbox 1;
+ print_string "("; (term_display c); print_cut();
+ print_string "::"; (term_display t); print_string ")"; close_box()
+ | Prod (Name(id),t,c) ->
+ open_hovbox 1;
+ print_string"("; print_string (string_of_id id);
+ print_string ":"; box_display t;
+ print_string ")"; print_cut();
+ box_display c; close_box()
+ | Prod (Anonymous,t,c) ->
+ print_string"("; box_display t; print_cut(); print_string "->";
+ box_display c; print_string ")";
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) ->
+ print_string "["; name_display na;
+ print_string ":"; box_display t; print_string "]";
+ print_cut(); box_display c;
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,c) ->
+ print_string "["; name_display na; print_string "=";
+ box_display b; print_cut();
+ print_string ":"; box_display t; print_string "]";
+ print_cut(); box_display c;
+ | App (c,l) ->
+ print_string "(";
+ box_display c;
+ Array.iter (fun x -> print_space (); box_display x) l;
+ print_string ")"
+ | Evar (e,l) -> print_string "Evar#"; print_int e; print_string "{";
+ Array.iter (fun x -> print_space (); box_display x) l;
+ print_string"}"
+ | Const c -> print_string "Cons(";
+ sp_display c;
+ print_string ")"
+ | Ind (sp,i) ->
+ print_string "Ind(";
+ sp_display sp;
+ print_string ","; print_int i;
+ print_string ")"
+ | Construct ((sp,i),j) ->
+ print_string "Constr(";
+ sp_display sp;
+ print_string ",";
+ print_int i; print_string ","; print_int j; print_string ")"
+ | Case (ci,p,c,bl) ->
+ open_vbox 0;
+ print_string "<"; box_display p; print_string ">";
+ print_cut(); print_string "Case";
+ print_space(); box_display c; print_space (); print_string "of";
+ open_vbox 0;
+ Array.iter (fun x -> print_cut(); box_display x) bl;
+ close_box();
+ print_cut();
+ print_string "end";
+ close_box()
+ | Fix ((t,i),(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ print_string "Fix("; print_int i; print_string ")";
+ print_cut();
+ open_vbox 0;
+ let rec print_fix () =
+ for k = 0 to Array.length tl do
+ open_vbox 0;
+ name_display lna.(k); print_string "/";
+ print_int t.(k); print_cut(); print_string ":";
+ box_display tl.(k) ; print_cut(); print_string ":=";
+ box_display bl.(k); close_box ();
+ print_cut()
+ done
+ in print_string"{"; print_fix(); print_string"}"
+ | CoFix(i,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ print_string "CoFix("; print_int i; print_string ")";
+ print_cut();
+ open_vbox 0;
+ let rec print_fix () =
+ for k = 0 to Array.length tl do
+ open_vbox 1;
+ name_display lna.(k); print_cut(); print_string ":";
+ box_display tl.(k) ; print_cut(); print_string ":=";
+ box_display bl.(k); close_box ();
+ print_cut();
+ done
+ in print_string"{"; print_fix (); print_string"}"
+ and box_display c = open_hovbox 1; term_display c; close_box()
+ and sort_display = function
+ | Prop(Pos) -> print_string "Set"
+ | Prop(Null) -> print_string "Prop"
+ | Type u -> open_hbox();
+ print_string "Type("; pp (pr_uni u); print_string ")"; close_box()
+ and name_display = function
+ | Name id -> print_string (string_of_id id)
+ | Anonymous -> print_string "_"
+(* Remove the top names for library and Scratch to avoid long names *)
+ and sp_display sp =
+(* let dir,l = decode_kn sp in
+ let ls =
+ match List.rev ( string_of_id (repr_dirpath dir)) with
+ ("Top"::l)-> l
+ | ("Coq"::_::l) -> l
+ | l -> l
+ in List.iter (fun x -> print_string x; print_string ".") ls;*)
+ print_string (string_of_kn sp)
+ in
+ box_display csr; print_flush()
+let _ =
+ Vernacentries.add "PrintConstr"
+ (function
+ | [VARG_CONSTR c] ->
+ (fun () ->
+ let (evmap,sign) = Command.get_current_context () in
+ constr_display (Constrintern.interp_constr evmap sign c))
+ | _ -> bad_vernac_args "PrintConstr")
+let _ =
+ Vernacentries.add "PrintPureConstr"
+ (function
+ | [VARG_CONSTR c] ->
+ (fun () ->
+ let (evmap,sign) = Command.get_current_context () in
+ print_pure_constr (Constrintern.interp_constr evmap sign c))
+ | _ -> bad_vernac_args "PrintPureConstr")
+let ppfconstr c = ppterm (Closure.term_of_fconstr c)
diff --git a/dev/translate.txt b/dev/translate.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b372c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/translate.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ How to use the translator
+ =========================
+ (temporary version to be included in the official
+ TeX document describing the translator)
+The translator is a smart, robust and powerful tool to improve the
+readibility of your script. The current document describes the
+possibilities of the translator.
+In case of problem recompiling the translated files, don't waste time
+to modify the translated file by hand, read first the following
+document telling on how to modify the original files to get a smooth
+uniform safe translation. All 60000 lines of Coq lines on our
+user-contributions server have been translated without any change
+afterwards, and 0,5 % of the lines of the original files (mainly
+notations) had to be modified beforehand to get this result.
+Table of contents
+I) Implicit Arguments
+ 1) Strict Implicit Arguments
+ 2) Implicit Arguments in standard library
+II) Notations
+ 1) Translating a V7 notation as it was
+ 2) Translating a V7 notation which conflicts with the new syntax
+ a) Associativity conflicts
+ b) Conflicts with other notations
+ b1) A notation hides another notation
+ b2) A notation conflicts with the V8 grammar
+ b3) My notation is already defined at another level
+ c) How to use V8only with Distfix ?
+ d) Can I overload a notation in V8, e.g. use "*" and "+" ?
+ 3) Using the translator to have simplest notations
+ 4) Setting the translator to automatically use new notations that
+ wasn't used in old syntax
+ 5) Defining a construction and its notation simultaneously
+III) Various pitfalls
+ 1) New keywords
+ 2) Old "Case" and "Match"
+ 3) Change of definition or theorem names
+ 4) Change of tactic names
+I) Implicit Arguments
+ ------------------
+1) Strict Implicit Arguments
+ "Set Implicit Arguments" changes its meaning in V8: the default is
+to turn implicit only the arguments that are _strictly_ implicit (or
+rigid), i.e. that remains inferable whatever the other arguments
+are. E.g "x" inferable from "P x" is not strictly inferable since it
+can disappears if "P" is instanciated by a term which erase "x".
+ To respect the old semantics, the default behaviour of the
+translator is to replace each occurrence "Set Implicit Arguments" by
+ Set Implicit Arguments.
+ Unset Strict Implicits.
+ However, you may wish to adopt the new semantics of "Set Implicit
+Arguments" (for instance because you think that the choice of
+arguments it setsimplicit is more "natural" for you). In this case,
+add the option -strict-implicit to the translator.
+ Warning: Changing the number of implicit arguments can break the
+notations. Then use the V8only modifier of Notations.
+2) Implicit Arguments in standard library
+ Main definitions of standard library have now implicit
+arguments. These arguments are dropped in the translated files. This
+can exceptionally be a source of incompatibilities which has to be
+solved by hand (it typically happens for polymorphic functions applied
+to "nil" or "None").
+II) Notations
+ ---------
+ Grammar (on constr) and Syntax are no longer supported. Replace them by
+Notation before translation.
+ Precedence levels are now from 0 to 200. In V8, the precedence and
+associativity of an operator cannot be redefined. Typical level are
+(refer to the chapter on notations in the Reference Manual for the
+full list):
+ <-> : 95 (no associativity)
+ -> : 90 (right associativity)
+ \/ : 85 (right associativity)
+ /\ : 80 (right associativity)
+ ~ : 75 (right associativity)
+ =, <, >, <=, >=, <> : 70 (no associativity)
+ +, - : 50 (left associativity)
+ *, / : 40 (left associativity)
+ ^ : 30 (right associativity)
+1) Translating a V7 notation as it was
+ By default, the translator keeps the associativity given in V7 while
+the levels are mapped according to the following table:
+ the V7 levels [ 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
+ are resp. mapped in V8 to [ 0; 20; 30; 40; 50; 70; 80; 85; 90; 95; 100]
+ with predefined assoc [ No; L; R; L; L; No; R; R; R; No; L]
+ If this is OK for you, just simply apply the translator.
+2) Translating a V7 notation which conflicts with the new syntax
+a) Associativity conflict
+ Since the associativity of the levels obtained by translating a V7
+level (as shown on table above) cannot be changed, you have to choose
+another level with a compatible associativity.
+ You can choose any level between 0 and 200, knowing that the
+standard operators are already set at the levels shown on the list
+Example 1: Assume you have a notation
+Infix NONA 2 "=_S" my_setoid_eq.
+By default, the translator moves it to level 30 which is right
+associative, hence a conflict with the expected no associativity.
+To solve the problem, just add the "V8only" modifier to reset the
+level and enforce the associativity as follows:
+Infix NONA 2 "=_S" my_setoid_eq V8only (at level 70, no associativity).
+The translator now knows that it has to translate "=_S" at level 70
+with no associativity.
+Rem: 70 is the "natural" level for relations, hence the choice of 70
+here, but any other level accepting a no-associativity would have been
+Example 2: Assume you have a notation
+Infix RIGHTA 1 "o" my_comp.
+By default, the translator moves it to level 20 which is left
+associative, hence a conflict with the expected right associativity.
+To solve the problem, just add the "V8only" modifier to reset the
+level and enforce the associativity as follows:
+Infix RIGHTA 1 "o" my_comp V8only (at level 20, right associativity).
+The translator now knows that it has to translate "o" at level 20
+which has the correct "right associativity".
+Rem: We assumed here that the user wants a strong precedence for
+composition, in such a way, say, that "f o g + h" is parsed as
+"(f o g) + h". To get "o" binding less than the arithmetical operators,
+an appropriated level would have been close of 70, and below, e.g. 65.
+b) Conflicts with other notations
+Since the new syntax comes with new keywords and new predefined
+symbols, new conflicts can occur. Again, you can use the option V8only
+to inform the translator of the new syntax to use.
+b1) A notation hides another notation
+Rem: use Print Grammar constr in V8 to diagnose the overlap and see the
+section on factorization in the chapter on notations of the Reference
+Manual for hints on how to factorize.
+Notation "{ x }" := (my_embedding x) (at level 1).
+overlaps in V8 with notation "{ x : A & P }" at level 0 and with x at
+level 99. The conflicts can be solved by left-factorizing the notation
+as follows:
+Notation "{ x }" := (my_embedding x) (at level 1)
+ V8only (at level 0, x at level 99).
+b2) A notation conflicts with the V8 grammar.
+Again, use the V8only modifier to tell the translator to automatically
+take in charge the new syntax.
+Infix 3 "@" app.
+Since "@" is used in the new syntax for deactivating the implicit
+arguments, another symbol has to be used, e.g. "@@". This is done via
+the V8only option as follows:
+Infix 3 "@" app V8only "@@" (at level 40, left associativity).
+or, alternatively by
+Notation "x @ y" := (app x y) (at level 3, left associativity)
+ V8only "x @@ y" (at level 40, left associativity).
+b3) My notation is already defined at another level (or with another
+In V8, the level and associativity of a given notation can no longer
+be changed. Then, either you adopt the standard reserved levels and
+associativity for this notation (as given on the list above) or you
+change your notation.
+- To change the notation, follow the directions in section b2.
+- To adopt the standard level, just use V8only without any argument.
+Infix 6 "*" my_mult.
+is not accepted as such in V8. Write
+Infix 6 "*" my_mult V8only.
+to tell the translator to use "*" at the reserved level (i.e. 40 with
+left associativity). Even better, use interpretation scopes (look at
+the Reference Manual).
+c) How to use V8only with Distfix ?
+You can't, use Notation instead of Distfix.
+d) Can I overload a notation in V8, e.g. use "*" and "+" for my own
+algebraic operations ?
+Yes, using interpretation scopes (see the corresponding chapter in the
+Reference Manual).
+3) Using the translator to have simplest notations
+Thanks to the new syntax, * has now the expected left associativity,
+and the symbols <, >, <= and >= are now available.
+Thanks to the interpretation scopes, you can overload the
+interpretation of these operators with the default interpretation
+provided in Coq.
+This may be a motivation to use the translator to automatically change
+the notations while switching to the new syntax.
+See sections b) and d) above for examples.
+4) Setting the translator to automatically use new notations that
+wasn't used in old syntax
+Thanks to the "Notation" mechanism, defining symbolic notations is
+simpler than in the previous versions of Coq.
+Thanks to the new syntax and interpretation scopes, new symbols and
+overloading is available.
+This may be a motivation for using the translator to automatically change
+the notations while switching to the new syntax.
+Use for that the commands V8Notation and V8Infix.
+V8Infix "==>" my_relation (at level 65, right associativity).
+tells the translator to write an infix "==>" instead of my_relation in
+the translated files.
+V8Infix ">=" my_ge.
+tells the translator to write an infix ">=" instead of my_ge in the
+translated files and that the level and associativity are the standard
+one (as defined in the chart above).
+V8Infix ">=" my_ge : my_scope.
+tells the translator to write an infix ">=" instead of my_ge in the
+translated files, that the level and associativity are the standard
+one (as defined in the chart above), but only if scope my_scope is
+open or if a delimiting key is available for "my_scope" (see the
+Reference Manual).
+5) Defining a construction and its notation simultaneously
+This is permitted by the new syntax. Look at the Reference Manual for
+explanation. The translator is not fully able to take this in charge...
+III) Various pitfalls
+ ----------------
+1) New keywords
+ The following identifiers are new keywords
+ "forall"; "fun"; "match"; "fix"; "cofix"; "for"; "if"; "then";
+ "else"; "return"; "mod"; "at"; "let"; "_"; ".("
+ The translator automatically add a "_" to names clashing with a
+keyword, except for files. Hence users may need to rename the files
+whose name clashes with a keyword.
+ Remark: "in"; "with"; "end"; "as"; "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"
+ were already keywords
+2) Old "Case" and "Match"
+ "Case" and "Match" are normally automatically translated into
+ "match" or "match" and "fix", but sometimes it fails to do so. It
+ typically fails when the Case or Match is argument of a tactic whose
+ typing context is unknown because of a preceding Intro/Intros, as e.g. in
+ Intros; Exists [m:nat](<quasiterm>Case m of t [p:nat](f m) end)
+ The solution is then to replace the invocation of the sequence of
+ tactics into several invocation of the elementary tactics as follows
+ Intros. Exists [m:nat](<quasiterm>Case m of t [p:nat](f m) end)
+ ^^^
+3) Change of definition or theorem names
+ Type "entier" from fast_integer.v is renamed into "N" by the
+translator. As a consequence, user-defined objects of same name "N"
+are systematically qualified even tough it may not be necessary. The
+same apply for names "GREATER", "EQUAL", "LESS", etc... [COMPLETE LIST
+4) Change of tactics names
+ Since tactics names are now lowercase, this can clash with
+user-defined tactic definitions. To pally this, clashing names are
+renamed by adding an extra "_" to their name.
+Main examples for new syntax
+1) Constructions
+ Applicative terms don't any longer require to be surrounded by parentheses as
+e.g in
+ "x = f y -> S x = S (f y)"
+ Product is written
+ "forall x y : T, U"
+ "forall x y, U"
+ "forall (x y : T) z (v w : V), U"
+ etc.
+ Abstraction is written
+ "fun x y : T, U"
+ "fun x y, U"
+ "fun (x y : T) z (v w : V), U"
+ etc.
+ Pattern-matching is written
+ "match x with c1 x1 x2 => t | c2 y as z => u end"
+ "match v1, v2 with c1 x1 x2, _ => t | c2 y, d z => u end"
+ "match v1 as y in le _ n, v2 as z in I p q return P n y p q z with
+ c1 x1 x2, _ => t | c2 y, d z => u end"
+ The last example is the new form of what was written
+ "<[n;y:(le ? n);p;q;z:(I p q)](P n y p q z)>Cases v1 v2 of
+ (c1 x1 x2) _ => t | (c2 y) (d z) => u end"
+ Pattern-matching of type with one constructors and no dependencies
+of the arguments in the resulting type can be written
+ "let (x,y,z) as u return P u := t in v"
+ Local fixpoints are written
+ "fix f (n m:nat) z (x : X) {struct m} : nat := ...
+ with ..."
+ and "struct" tells which argument is structurally decreasing.
+ Explicitation of implicit arguments is written
+ "f @1:=u v @3:=w t"
+ "@f u v w t"
+2) Tactics
+ The main change is that tactics names are now lowercase. Besides
+this, the following renaming are applied:
+ "NewDestruct" -> "destruct"
+ "NewInduction" -> "induction"
+ "Induction" -> "simple induction"
+ "Destruct" -> "simple destruct"
+ For tactics with occurrences, the occurrences now comes after and
+ repeated use is separated by comma as in
+ "Pattern 1 3 c d 4 e" -> "pattern c at 3 1, d, e at 4"
+ "Unfold 1 3 f 4 g" -> "unfold f at 1 3, g at 4"
+ "Simpl 1 3 e" -> "simpl e at 1 3"
+3) Tactic language
+ Definitions are now introduced with keyword "Ltac" (instead of
+"Tactic"/"Meta" "Definition") and are implicitly recursive
+("Recursive" is no longer used).
+ The new rule for distinguishing terms from ltac expressions is:
+ Write "ltac:" in front of any tactic in argument position and
+ "constr:" in front of any construction in head position
+4) Vernacular language
+a) Assumptions
+ The syntax for commands is mainly unchanged. Declaration of
+assumptions is now done as follows
+ Variable m : t.
+ Variables m n p : t.
+ Variables (m n : t) (u v : s) (w : r).
+b) Definitions
+ Definitions are done as follows
+ Definition f m n : t := ... .
+ Definition f m n := ... .
+ Definition f m n := ... : t.
+ Definition f (m n : u) : t := ... .
+ Definition f (m n : u) := ... : t.
+ Definition f (m n : u) := ... .
+ Definition f a b (p q : v) r s (m n : t) : t := ... .
+ Definition f a b (p q : v) r s (m n : t) := ... .
+ Definition f a b (p q : v) r s (m n : t) := ... : t.
+c) Fixpoints
+ Fixpoints are done this way
+ Fixpoint f x (y : t) z a (b c : u) {struct z} : v := ... with ... .
+ Fixpoint f x : v := ... .
+ Fixpoint f (x : t) : v := ... .
+ It is possible to give a concrete notation to a fixpoint as follows
+ Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat as "n + m" :=
+ match n with
+ | O => m
+ | S p => S (p + m)
+ end.
+d) Inductive types
+ The syntax for inductive types is as follows
+ Inductive t (a b : u) (d : e) : v :=
+ c1 : w1 | c2 : w2 | ... .
+ Inductive t (a b : u) (d : e) : v :=
+ c1 : w1 | c2 : w2 | ... .
+ Inductive t (a b : u) (d : e) : v :=
+ c1 (x y : t) : w1 | c2 (z : r) : w2 | ... .
+ As seen in the last example, arguments of the constructors can be
+given before the colon. If the type itself is omitted (allowed only in
+case the inductive type has no real arguments), this yields an
+ML-style notation as follows
+ Inductive nat : Set := O | S (n:nat).
+ Inductive bool : Set := true | false.
+ It is even possible to define a syntax at the same time, as follows:
+ Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop as "A \/ B":=
+ | or_introl (a:A) : A \/ B
+ | or_intror (b:B) : A \/ B.
+ Inductive and (A B:Prop) : Prop as "A /\ B" := conj (a:A) (b:B).
diff --git a/dev/univdot b/dev/univdot
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bb0dd2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/univdot
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+usage() {
+ echo ""
+ echo "usage: univdot [INPUT] [OUTPUT]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "takes the output of Dump Universes \"file\" command"
+ echo "and transforms it to the dot format"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Coq> Dump Universes \"univ.raw\"."
+ echo ""
+ echo "user@host> univdot univ.raw | dot -Tps >"
+ echo ""
+# these are dot edge attributes to draw arrows corresponding
+# to > >= and = edges of the universe graph
+# input/output redirection
+case $# in
+ 0) ;;
+ 1) case $1 in
+ -h|-help|--help) usage
+ exit 0 ;;
+ *) exec < $1 ;;
+ esac ;;
+ 2) exec < $1 > $2 ;;
+ *) usage
+ exit 0;;
+# dot header
+echo 'digraph G {\
+ size="7.5,10" ;\
+ rankdir = TB ;'
+sed -e "s/^\([^ =>]\+\) > \([^ =>]\+\)/\1 -> \2 $GT/" \
+ -e "s/^\([^ =>]\+\) >= \([^ =>]\+\)/\1 -> \2 $GE/" \
+ -e "s/^\([^ =>]\+\) = \([^ =>]\+\)/\1 -> \2 $EQ/" \
+| sed -e "s/\./_/g"
+echo "}" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev/universes.txt b/dev/universes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65c1e522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/universes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+How to debug universes?
+1. There is a command Dump Universes in Coq toplevel
+ Dump Universes.
+ prints the graph of universes in the form of constraints
+ Dump Universes "file".
+ produces the "file" containing universe constraints in the form
+ univ1 # univ2 ;
+ where # can be either > >= or =
+ The file produced by the latter command can be transformed using
+ the script univdot to dot format.
+ For example
+ univdot file | dot -Tps >
+ produces a graph of universes in ps format.
+ > arrows are red, >= blue, and = black.
+ *) for dot see
+2. There is a printing option
+ Termast.print_universes : bool ref
+ which, when set (in ocaml after Drop), makes all pretty-printed
+ Type's annotated with the name of the universe.