path: root/contrib/interface/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/interface/')
1 files changed, 1899 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b265ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/interface/
@@ -0,0 +1,1899 @@
+#use "/cygdrive/D/Tools/coq-7avril/dev/base_include";;
+open Coqast;;
+open Environ
+open Evd
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Libnames
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Util
+open Proof_type
+open Coqast
+open Pfedit
+open Translate
+open Term
+open Reductionops
+open Clenv
+open Typing
+open Inductive
+open Inductiveops
+open Vernacinterp
+open Declarations
+open Showproof_ct
+open Proof_trees
+open Sign
+open Pp
+open Printer
+open Rawterm
+open Tacexpr
+open Genarg
+ Arbre de preuve maison:
+(* hypotheses *)
+type nhyp = {hyp_name : identifier;
+ hyp_type : Term.constr;
+ hyp_full_type: Term.constr}
+type ntactic = tactic_expr
+type nproof =
+ Notproved
+ | Proof of ntactic * (ntree list)
+and ngoal=
+ {newhyp : nhyp list;
+ t_concl : Term.constr;
+ t_full_concl: Term.constr;
+ t_full_env: Sign.named_context}
+and ntree=
+ {t_info:string;
+ t_goal:ngoal;
+ t_proof : nproof}
+let hyps {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh;t_concl=g;t_full_concl=gf;t_full_env=ge};
+ t_proof=p} = lh
+let concl {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh;t_concl=g;t_full_concl=gf;t_full_env=ge};
+ t_proof=p} = g
+let proof {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh;t_concl=g;t_full_concl=gf;t_full_env=ge};
+ t_proof=p} = p
+let g_env {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh;t_concl=g;t_full_concl=gf;t_full_env=ge};
+ t_proof=p} = ge
+let sub_ntrees t =
+ match (proof t) with
+ Notproved -> []
+ | Proof (_,l) -> l
+let tactic t =
+ match (proof t) with
+ Notproved -> failwith "no tactic applied"
+ | Proof (t,_) -> t
+un arbre est clos s'il ne contient pas de sous-but non prouves,
+ou bien s'il a un cousin gauche qui n'est pas clos
+ce qui fait qu'on a au plus un sous-but non clos, le premier sous-but.
+let update_closed nt =
+ let found_not_closed=ref false in
+ let rec update {t_info=b; t_goal=g; t_proof =p} =
+ if !found_not_closed
+ then {t_info="to_prove"; t_goal=g; t_proof =p}
+ else
+ match p with
+ Notproved -> found_not_closed:=true;
+ {t_info="not_proved"; t_goal=g; t_proof =p}
+ | Proof(tac,lt) ->
+ let update lt in
+ let b=ref "proved" in
+ (List.iter
+ (fun x ->
+ if x.t_info ="not_proved" then b:="not_proved") lt1;
+ {t_info=(!b);
+ t_goal=g;
+ t_proof=Proof(tac,lt1)})
+ in update nt
+ ;;
+ type complet avec les hypotheses.
+let long_type_hyp lh t=
+ let t=ref t in
+ List.iter (fun (n,th) ->
+ let ni = match n with Name ni -> ni | _ -> assert false in
+ t:= mkProd(n,th,subst_term (mkVar ni) !t))
+ (List.rev lh);
+ !t
+(* let long_type_hyp x y = y;; *)
+(* Expansion des tactikelles *)
+let seq_to_lnhyp sign sign' cl =
+ let lh= ref ( (fun (x,c,t) -> (Name x, t)) sign) in
+ let (fun (id,c,ty) ->
+ {hyp_name=id;
+ hyp_type=ty;
+ hyp_full_type=
+ let res= long_type_hyp !lh ty in
+ lh:=(!lh)@[(Name id,ty)];
+ res})
+ sign'
+ in
+ {newhyp=nh;
+ t_concl=cl;
+ t_full_concl=long_type_hyp !lh cl;
+ t_full_env = sign@sign'}
+let rule_is_complex r =
+ match r with
+ Tactic (TacArg (Tacexp t),_) -> true
+ | Tactic (TacAtom (_,TacAuto _), _) -> true
+ | Tactic (TacAtom (_,TacSymmetry _), _) -> true
+ |_ -> false
+let ast_of_constr = Termast.ast_of_constr true (Global.env()) ;;
+let rule_to_ntactic r =
+ let rast =
+ (match r with
+ Tactic (s,l) ->
+ Ast.ope (s,( ast_of_cvt_arg l))
+ | Prim (Refine h) ->
+ Ast.ope ("Exact",
+ [Node ((0,0), "COMMAND", [ast_of_constr h])])
+ | _ -> Ast.ope ("Intros",[])) in
+ if rule_is_complex r
+ then (match rast with
+ Node(_,_,[Node(_,_,[Node(_,_,x)])]) ->x
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else [rast ]
+let rule_to_ntactic r =
+ let rt =
+ (match r with
+ Tactic (t,_) -> t
+ | Prim (Refine h) -> TacAtom (dummy_loc,TacExact h)
+ | _ -> TacAtom (dummy_loc, TacIntroPattern [])) in
+ if rule_is_complex r
+ then (match rt with
+ TacArg (Tacexp _) as t -> t
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else rt
+let term_of_command x =
+ match x with
+ Node(_,_,y::_) -> y
+ | _ -> x
+(* Attribue les preuves de la liste l aux sous-buts non-prouvés de nt *)
+let fill_unproved nt l =
+ let lnt = ref l in
+ let rec fill nt =
+ let {t_goal=g;t_proof=p}=nt in
+ match p with
+ Notproved -> let p=List.hd (!lnt) in
+ (!lnt);
+ {t_info="to_prove";t_goal=g;t_proof=p}
+ |Proof(tac,lt) ->
+ {t_info="to_prove";t_goal=g;
+ t_proof=Proof(tac, fill lt)}
+ in fill nt
+(* Differences entre signatures *)
+let new_sign osign sign =
+ let res=ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun (id,c,ty) ->
+ try (let (_,_,ty1)= (lookup_named id osign) in
+ ())
+ with Not_found -> res:=(id,c,ty)::(!res))
+ sign;
+ !res
+let old_sign osign sign =
+ let res=ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun (id,c,ty) ->
+ try (let (_,_,ty1) = (lookup_named id osign) in
+ if ty1 = ty then res:=(id,c,ty)::(!res))
+ with Not_found -> ())
+ sign;
+ !res
+(* convertit l'arbre de preuve courant en ntree *)
+let to_nproof sigma osign pf =
+ let rec to_nproof_rec sigma osign pf =
+ let {evar_hyps=sign;evar_concl=cl} = pf.goal in
+ let nsign = new_sign osign sign in
+ let oldsign = old_sign osign sign in
+ match pf.ref with
+ None -> {t_info="to_prove";
+ t_goal=(seq_to_lnhyp oldsign nsign cl);
+ t_proof=Notproved}
+ | Some(r,spfl) ->
+ if rule_is_complex r
+ then (
+ let p1= to_nproof_rec sigma sign (subproof_of_proof pf) in
+ let ntree= fill_unproved p1
+ ( (fun x -> (to_nproof_rec sigma sign x).t_proof)
+ spfl) in
+ (match r with
+ Tactic (TacAtom (_, TacAuto _),_) ->
+ if spfl=[]
+ then
+ {t_info="to_prove";
+ t_goal= {newhyp=[];
+ t_concl=concl ntree;
+ t_full_concl=ntree.t_goal.t_full_concl;
+ t_full_env=ntree.t_goal.t_full_env};
+ t_proof= Proof (TacAtom (dummy_loc,TacExtend (dummy_loc,"InfoAuto",[])), [ntree])}
+ else ntree
+ | _ -> ntree))
+ else
+ {t_info="to_prove";
+ t_goal=(seq_to_lnhyp oldsign nsign cl);
+ t_proof=(Proof (rule_to_ntactic r,
+ (fun x -> to_nproof_rec sigma sign x) spfl))}
+ in update_closed (to_nproof_rec sigma osign pf)
+ ;;
+ recupere l'arbre de preuve courant.
+let get_nproof () =
+ to_nproof (Global.env()) []
+ (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate (get_pftreestate()))
+ Pprinter
+let pr_void () = sphs "";;
+let list_rem l = match l with [] -> [] |x::l1->l1;;
+(* liste de chaines *)
+let prls l =
+ let res = ref (sps (List.hd l)) in
+ List.iter (fun s ->
+ res:= sphv [ !res; spb; sps s]) (list_rem l);
+ !res
+let prphrases f l =
+ spv ( (fun s -> sphv [f s; sps ","]) l)
+(* indentation *)
+let spi = spnb 3;;
+(* en colonne *)
+let prl f l =
+ if l=[] then spe else spv ( f l);;
+(*en colonne, avec indentation *)
+let prli f l =
+ if l=[] then spe else sph [spi; spv ( f l)];;
+ Langues.
+let rand l =
+ List.nth l ( (List.length l))
+type natural_languages = French | English;;
+let natural_language = ref French;;
+ Les liens html pour proof-by-pointing
+(* le path du but en cours. *)
+let path=ref[1];;
+let ftag_apply =ref (fun (n:string) t -> spt t);;
+let ftag_case =ref (fun n -> sps n);;
+let ftag_elim =ref (fun n -> sps n);;
+let ftag_hypt =ref (fun h t -> sphypt (translate_path !path) h t);;
+let ftag_hyp =ref (fun h t -> sphyp (translate_path !path) h t);;
+let ftag_uselemma =ref (fun h t ->
+ let intro = match !natural_language with
+ French -> "par"
+ | English -> "by"
+ in
+ spuselemma intro h t);;
+let ftag_toprove =ref (fun t -> sptoprove (translate_path !path) t);;
+let tag_apply = !ftag_apply;;
+let tag_case = !ftag_case;;
+let tag_elim = !ftag_elim;;
+let tag_uselemma = !ftag_uselemma;;
+let tag_hyp = !ftag_hyp;;
+let tag_hypt = !ftag_hypt;;
+let tag_toprove = !ftag_toprove;;
+(* pluriel *)
+let txtn n s =
+ if n=1 then s
+ else match s with
+ |"un" -> "des"
+ |"a" -> ""
+ |"an" -> ""
+ |"une" -> "des"
+ |"Soit" -> "Soient"
+ |"Let" -> "Let"
+ | s -> s^"s"
+let _et () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sps "et"
+| English -> sps "and"
+let name_count = ref 0;;
+let new_name () =
+ name_count:=(!name_count)+1;
+ string_of_int !name_count
+let enumerate f ln =
+ match ln with
+ [] -> []
+ | [x] -> [f x]
+ |ln ->
+ let rec enum_rec f ln =
+ (match ln with
+ [x;y] -> [f x; spb; sph [_et ();spb;f y]]
+ |x::l -> [sph [(f x);sps ","];spb]@(enum_rec f l)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ in enum_rec f ln
+let constr_of_ast = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env());;
+let sp_tac tac =
+ try spt (constr_of_ast (term_of_command tac))
+ with _ -> (* let Node(_,t,_) = tac in *)
+ spe (* sps ("error in sp_tac " ^ t) *)
+let sp_tac tac = failwith "TODO"
+let soit_A_une_proposition nh ln t= match !natural_language with
+ French ->
+ sphv ([sps (txtn nh "Soit");spb]@(enumerate (fun x -> tag_hyp x t) ln)
+ @[spb; prls [txtn nh "une";txtn nh "proposition"]])
+| English ->
+ sphv ([sps "Let";spb]@(enumerate (fun x -> tag_hyp x t) ln)
+ @[spb; prls ["be"; txtn nh "a";txtn nh "proposition"]])
+let on_a ()= match !natural_language with
+ French -> rand ["on a "]
+| English ->rand ["we have "]
+let bon_a ()= match !natural_language with
+ French -> rand ["On a "]
+| English ->rand ["We have "]
+let soit_X_un_element_de_T nh ln t = match !natural_language with
+ French ->
+ sphv ([sps (txtn nh "Soit");spb]@(enumerate (fun x -> tag_hyp x t) ln)
+ @[spb; prls [txtn nh "un";txtn nh "élément";"de"]]
+ @[spb; spt t])
+| English ->
+ sphv ([sps (txtn nh "Let");spb]@(enumerate (fun x -> tag_hyp x t) ln)
+ @[spb; prls ["be";txtn nh "an";txtn nh "element";"of"]]
+ @[spb; spt t])
+let soit_F_une_fonction_de_type_T nh ln t = match !natural_language with
+ French ->
+ sphv ([sps (txtn nh "Soit");spb]@(enumerate (fun x -> tag_hyp x t) ln)
+ @[spb; prls [txtn nh "une";txtn nh "fonction";"de";"type"]]
+ @[spb; spt t])
+| English ->
+ sphv ([sps (txtn nh "Let");spb]@(enumerate (fun x -> tag_hyp x t) ln)
+ @[spb; prls ["be";txtn nh "a";txtn nh "function";"of";"type"]]
+ @[spb; spt t])
+let telle_que nh = match !natural_language with
+ French -> [prls [" ";txtn nh "telle";"que";" "]]
+| English -> [prls [" "; "such";"that";" "]]
+let tel_que nh = match !natural_language with
+ French -> [prls [" ";txtn nh "tel";"que";" "]]
+| English -> [prls [" ";"such";"that";" "]]
+let supposons () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> "Supposons "
+| English -> "Suppose "
+let cas () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> "Cas"
+| English -> "Case"
+let donnons_une_proposition () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph[ (prls ["Donnons";"une";"proposition"])]
+| English -> sph[ (prls ["Let us give";"a";"proposition"])]
+let montrons g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph[ sps (rand ["Prouvons";"Montrons";"Démontrons"]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+| English -> sph[ sps (rand ["Let us";"Now"]);spb;
+ sps (rand ["prove";"show"]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+let calculons_un_element_de g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph[ (prls ["Calculons";"un";"élément";"de"]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+| English -> sph[ (prls ["Let us";"compute";"an";"element";"of"]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+let calculons_une_fonction_de_type g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [ (prls ["Calculons";"une";"fonction";"de";"type"]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+| English -> sphv [ (prls ["Let";"us";"compute";"a";"function";"of";"type"]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "];;
+let en_simplifiant_on_obtient g = match !natural_language with
+ French ->
+ sphv [ (prls [rand ["Après simplification,"; "En simplifiant,"];
+ rand ["on doit";"il reste à"];
+ rand ["prouver";"montrer";"démontrer"]]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+| English ->
+ sphv [ (prls [rand ["After simplification,"; "Simplifying,"];
+ rand ["we must";"it remains to"];
+ rand ["prove";"show"]]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "] ;;
+let on_obtient g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph[ (prls [rand ["on doit";"il reste à"];
+ rand ["prouver";"montrer";"démontrer"]]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+| English ->sph[ (prls [rand ["we must";"it remains to"];
+ rand ["prove";"show"]]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+let reste_a_montrer g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph[ (prls ["Reste";"à";
+ rand ["prouver";"montrer";"démontrer"]]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+| English -> sph[ (prls ["It remains";"to";
+ rand ["prove";"show"]]);
+ spb; spt g; sps ". "]
+let discutons_avec_A type_arg = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [sps "Discutons"; spb; sps "avec"; spb;
+ spt type_arg; sps ":"]
+| English -> sphv [sps "Let us discuss"; spb; sps "with"; spb;
+ spt type_arg; sps ":"]
+let utilisons_A arg1 = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [sps (rand ["Utilisons";"Avec";"A l'aide de"]);
+ spb; spt arg1; sps ":"]
+| English -> sphv [sps (rand ["Let us use";"With";"With the help of"]);
+ spb; spt arg1; sps ":"]
+let selon_les_valeurs_de_A arg1 = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [ (prls ["Selon";"les";"valeurs";"de"]);
+ spb; spt arg1; sps ":"]
+| English -> sphv [ (prls ["According";"values";"of"]);
+ spb; spt arg1; sps ":"]
+let de_A_on_a arg1 = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [ sps (rand ["De";"Avec";"Grâce à"]); spb; spt arg1; spb;
+ sps (rand ["on a:";"on déduit:";"on obtient:"])]
+| English -> sphv [ sps (rand ["From";"With";"Thanks to"]); spb;
+ spt arg1; spb;
+ sps (rand ["we have:";"we deduce:";"we obtain:"])]
+let procedons_par_recurrence_sur_A arg1 = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [ (prls ["Procédons";"par";"récurrence";"sur"]);
+ spb; spt arg1; sps ":"]
+| English -> sphv [ (prls ["By";"induction";"on"]);
+ spb; spt arg1; sps ":"]
+let calculons_la_fonction_F_de_type_T_par_recurrence_sur_son_argument_A
+ nfun tfun narg = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [
+ sphv [ prls ["Calculons";"la";"fonction"];
+ spb; sps (string_of_id nfun);spb;
+ prls ["de";"type"];
+ spb; spt tfun;spb;
+ prls ["par";"récurrence";"sur";"son";"argument"];
+ spb; sps (string_of_int narg); sps ":"]
+ ]
+| English -> sphv [
+ sphv [ prls ["Let us compute";"the";"function"];
+ spb; sps (string_of_id nfun);spb;
+ prls ["of";"type"];
+ spb; spt tfun;spb;
+ prls ["by";"induction";"on";"its";"argument"];
+ spb; sps (string_of_int narg); sps ":"]
+ ]
+let pour_montrer_G_la_valeur_recherchee_est_A g arg1 =
+ match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph [sps "Pour";spb;sps "montrer"; spt g; spb;
+ sps ","; spb; sps "choisissons";spb;
+ spt arg1;sps ". " ]
+| English -> sph [sps "In order to";spb;sps "show"; spt g; spb;
+ sps ","; spb; sps "let us choose";spb;
+ spt arg1;sps ". " ]
+let on_se_sert_de_A arg1 = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph [sps "On se sert de";spb ;spt arg1;sps ":" ]
+| English -> sph [sps "We use";spb ;spt arg1;sps ":" ]
+let d_ou_A g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph [spi; sps "d'où";spb ;spt g;sps ". " ]
+| English -> sph [spi; sps "then";spb ;spt g;sps ". " ]
+let coq_le_demontre_seul () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> rand [prls ["Coq";"le";"démontre"; "seul."];
+ sps "Fastoche.";
+ sps "Trop cool"]
+| English -> rand [prls ["Coq";"shows";"it"; "alone."];
+ sps "Fingers in the nose."]
+let de_A_on_deduit_donc_B arg g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph
+ [ sps "De"; spb; spt arg; spb; sps "on";spb;
+ sps "déduit";spb; sps "donc";spb; spt g ]
+| English -> sph
+ [ sps "From"; spb; spt arg; spb; sps "we";spb;
+ sps "deduce";spb; sps "then";spb; spt g ]
+let _A_est_immediat_par_B g arg = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph [ spt g; spb; (prls ["est";"immédiat";"par"]);
+ spb; spt arg ]
+| English -> sph [ spt g; spb; (prls ["is";"immediate";"from"]);
+ spb; spt arg ]
+let le_resultat_est arg = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph [ (prls ["le";"résultat";"est"]);
+ spb; spt arg ]
+| English -> sph [ (prls ["the";"result";"is"]);
+ spb; spt arg ];;
+let on_applique_la_tactique tactic tac = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv
+ [ sps "on applique";spb;sps "la tactique"; spb;tactic;spb;tac]
+| English -> sphv
+ [ sps "we apply";spb;sps "the tactic"; spb;tactic;spb;tac]
+let de_A_il_vient_B arg g = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sph
+ [ sps "De"; spb; spt arg; spb;
+ sps "il";spb; sps "vient";spb; spt g; sps ". " ]
+| English -> sph
+ [ sps "From"; spb; spt arg; spb;
+ sps "it";spb; sps "comes";spb; spt g; sps ". " ]
+let ce_qui_est_trivial () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sps "Trivial."
+| English -> sps "Trivial."
+let en_utilisant_l_egalite_A arg = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [ sps "En"; spb;sps "utilisant"; spb;
+ sps "l'egalite"; spb; spt arg; sps ","
+ ]
+| English -> sphv [ sps "Using"; spb;
+ sps "the equality"; spb; spt arg; sps ","
+ ]
+let simplifions_H_T hyp thyp = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [sps"En simplifiant";spb;sps hyp;spb;sps "on obtient:";
+ spb;spt thyp;sps "."]
+| English -> sphv [sps"Simplifying";spb;sps hyp;spb;sps "we get:";
+ spb;spt thyp;sps "."]
+let grace_a_A_il_suffit_de_montrer_LA arg lg=
+ match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv ([sps (rand ["Grâce à";"Avec";"A l'aide de"]);spb;
+ spt arg;sps ",";spb;
+ sps "il suffit";spb; sps "de"; spb;
+ sps (rand["prouver";"montrer";"démontrer"]); spb]
+ @[spv (enumerate (fun x->x) lg)])
+| English -> sphv ([sps (rand ["Thanks to";"With"]);spb;
+ spt arg;sps ",";spb;
+ sps "it suffices";spb; sps "to"; spb;
+ sps (rand["prove";"show"]); spb]
+ @[spv (enumerate (fun x->x) lg)])
+let reste_a_montrer_LA lg=
+ match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv ([ sps "Il reste";spb; sps "à"; spb;
+ sps (rand["prouver";"montrer";"démontrer"]); spb]
+ @[spv (enumerate (fun x->x) lg)])
+| English -> sphv ([ sps "It remains";spb; sps "to"; spb;
+ sps (rand["prove";"show"]); spb]
+ @[spv (enumerate (fun x->x) lg)])
+ Traduction des hypothèses.
+type n_sort=
+ Nprop
+ | Nformula
+ | Ntype
+ | Nfunction
+let sort_of_type t ts =
+ let t=(strip_outer_cast t) in
+ if is_Prop t
+ then Nprop
+ else
+ match ts with
+ Prop(Null) -> Nformula
+ |_ -> (match (kind_of_term t) with
+ Prod(_,_,_) -> Nfunction
+ |_ -> Ntype)
+let adrel (x,t) e =
+ match x with
+ Name(xid) -> Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) e
+ | Anonymous -> Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) e
+let rec nsortrec vl x =
+ match (kind_of_term x) with
+ Prod(n,t,c)->
+ let vl = (adrel (n,t) vl) in nsortrec vl c
+ | Lambda(n,t,c) ->
+ let vl = (adrel (n,t) vl) in nsortrec vl c
+ | App(f,args) -> nsortrec vl f
+ | Sort(Prop(Null)) -> Prop(Null)
+ | Sort(c) -> c
+ | Ind(ind) ->
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif vl ind in
+ mip.mind_sort
+ | Construct(c) ->
+ nsortrec vl (mkInd (inductive_of_constructor c))
+ | Case(_,x,t,a)
+ -> nsortrec vl x
+ | Cast(x,t)-> nsortrec vl t
+ | Const c -> nsortrec vl (lookup_constant c vl).const_type
+ | _ -> nsortrec vl (type_of vl Evd.empty x)
+let nsort x =
+ nsortrec (Global.env()) (strip_outer_cast x)
+let sort_of_hyp h =
+ (sort_of_type h.hyp_type (nsort h.hyp_full_type))
+(* grouper les hypotheses successives de meme type, ou logiques.
+ donne une liste de liste *)
+let rec group_lhyp lh =
+ match lh with
+ [] -> []
+ |[h] -> [[h]]
+ |h::lh ->
+ match group_lhyp lh with
+ (h1::lh1)::lh2 ->
+ if h.hyp_type=h1.hyp_type
+ || ((sort_of_hyp h)=(sort_of_hyp h1) && (sort_of_hyp h1)=Nformula)
+ then (h::(h1::lh1))::lh2
+ else [h]::((h1::lh1)::lh2)
+ |_-> assert false
+(* ln noms des hypotheses, lt leurs types *)
+let natural_ghyp (sort,ln,lt) intro =
+ let t=List.hd lt in
+ let nh=List.length ln in
+ let ns=List.hd ln in
+ match sort with
+ Nprop -> soit_A_une_proposition nh ln t
+ | Ntype -> soit_X_un_element_de_T nh ln t
+ | Nfunction -> soit_F_une_fonction_de_type_T nh ln t
+ | Nformula ->
+ sphv ((sps intro)::(enumerate (fun (n,t) -> tag_hypt n t)
+ (List.combine ln lt)))
+(* Cas d'une hypothese *)
+let natural_hyp h =
+ let ns= string_of_id h.hyp_name in
+ let t=h.hyp_type in
+ let ts= (nsort h.hyp_full_type) in
+ natural_ghyp ((sort_of_type t ts),[ns],[t]) (supposons ())
+let rec pr_ghyp lh intro=
+ match lh with
+ [] -> []
+ | [(sort,ln,t)]->
+ (match sort with
+ Nformula -> [natural_ghyp(sort,ln,t) intro; sps ". "]
+ | _ -> [natural_ghyp(sort,ln,t) ""; sps ". "])
+ | (sort,ln,t)::lh ->
+ let hp=
+ ([natural_ghyp(sort,ln,t) intro]
+ @(match lh with
+ [] -> [sps ". "]
+ |(sort1,ln1,t1)::lh1 ->
+ match sort1 with
+ Nformula ->
+ (let nh=List.length ln in
+ match sort with
+ Nprop -> telle_que nh
+ |Nfunction -> telle_que nh
+ |Ntype -> tel_que nh
+ |Nformula -> [sps ". "])
+ | _ -> [sps ". "])) in
+ (sphv hp)::(pr_ghyp lh "")
+(* traduction d'une liste d'hypotheses groupees. *)
+let prnatural_ghyp llh intro=
+ if llh=[]
+ then spe
+ else
+ sphv (pr_ghyp (
+ (fun lh ->
+ let h=(List.hd lh) in
+ let sh = sort_of_hyp h in
+ let lhname = ( (fun h ->
+ string_of_id h.hyp_name) lh) in
+ let lhtype = ( (fun h -> h.hyp_type) lh) in
+ (sh,lhname,lhtype))
+ llh) intro)
+ Liste des hypotheses.
+type type_info_subgoals_hyp=
+ All_subgoals_hyp
+ | Reduce_hyp
+ | No_subgoals_hyp
+ | Case_subgoals_hyp of string (* word for introduction *)
+ * Term.constr (* variable *)
+ * string (* constructor *)
+ * int (* arity *)
+ * int (* number of constructors *)
+ | Case_prop_subgoals_hyp of string (* word for introduction *)
+ * Term.constr (* variable *)
+ * int (* index of constructor *)
+ * int (* arity *)
+ * int (* number of constructors *)
+ | Elim_subgoals_hyp of Term.constr (* variable *)
+ * string (* constructor *)
+ * int (* arity *)
+ * (string list) (* rec hyp *)
+ * int (* number of constructors *)
+ | Elim_prop_subgoals_hyp of Term.constr (* variable *)
+ * int (* index of constructor *)
+ * int (* arity *)
+ * (string list) (* rec hyp *)
+ * int (* number of constructors *)
+let rec nrem l n =
+ if n<=0 then l else nrem (list_rem l) (n-1)
+let rec nhd l n =
+ if n<=0 then [] else (List.hd l)::(nhd (list_rem l) (n-1))
+let par_hypothese_de_recurrence () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> sphv [(prls ["par";"hypothèse";"de";"récurrence";","])]
+| English -> sphv [(prls ["by";"induction";"hypothesis";","])]
+let natural_lhyp lh hi =
+ match hi with
+ All_subgoals_hyp ->
+ ( match lh with
+ [] -> spe
+ |_-> prnatural_ghyp (group_lhyp lh) (supposons ()))
+ | Reduce_hyp ->
+ (match lh with
+ [h] -> simplifions_H_T (string_of_id h.hyp_name) h.hyp_type
+ | _-> spe)
+ | No_subgoals_hyp -> spe
+ |Case_subgoals_hyp (sintro,var,c,a,ncase) -> (* sintro pas encore utilisee *)
+ let s=ref c in
+ for i=1 to a do
+ let nh=(List.nth lh (i-1)) in
+ s:=(!s)^" "^(string_of_id nh.hyp_name);
+ done;
+ if a>0 then s:="("^(!s)^")";
+ sphv [ (if ncase>1
+ then sph[ sps ("-"^(cas ()));spb]
+ else spe);
+ (* spt var;sps "="; *) sps !s; sps ":";
+ (prphrases (natural_hyp) (nrem lh a))]
+ |Case_prop_subgoals_hyp (sintro,var,c,a,ncase) ->
+ prnatural_ghyp (group_lhyp lh) sintro
+ |Elim_subgoals_hyp (var,c,a,lhci,ncase) ->
+ let nlh = List.length lh in
+ let nlhci = List.length lhci in
+ let lh0 = ref [] in
+ for i=1 to (nlh-nlhci) do
+ lh0:=(!lh0)@[List.nth lh (i-1)];
+ done;
+ let lh=nrem lh (nlh-nlhci) in
+ let s=ref c in
+ let lh1=ref [] in
+ for i=1 to nlhci do
+ let targ=(List.nth lhci (i-1))in
+ let nh=(List.nth lh (i-1)) in
+ if targ="arg" || targ="argrec"
+ then
+ (s:=(!s)^" "^(string_of_id nh.hyp_name);
+ lh0:=(!lh0)@[nh])
+ else lh1:=(!lh1)@[nh];
+ done;
+ let introhyprec=
+ (if (!lh1)=[] then spe
+ else par_hypothese_de_recurrence () )
+ in
+ if a>0 then s:="("^(!s)^")";
+ spv [sphv [(if ncase>1
+ then sph[ sps ("-"^(cas ()));spb]
+ else spe);
+ sps !s; sps ":"];
+ prnatural_ghyp (group_lhyp !lh0) (supposons ());
+ introhyprec;
+ prl (natural_hyp) !lh1]
+ |Elim_prop_subgoals_hyp (var,c,a,lhci,ncase) ->
+ sphv [ (if ncase>1
+ then sph[ sps ("-"^(cas ()));spb;sps (string_of_int c);
+ sps ":";spb]
+ else spe);
+ (prphrases (natural_hyp) lh )]
+ Analyse des tactiques.
+let name_tactic tac =
+ match tac with
+ (Node(_,"Interp",
+ (Node(_,_,
+ (Node(_,t,_))::_))::_))::_ -> t
+ |(Node(_,t,_))::_ -> t
+ | _ -> assert false
+let name_tactic = function
+ | TacIntroPattern _ -> "Intro"
+ | TacAssumption -> "Assumption"
+ | _ -> failwith "TODO"
+let arg1_tactic tac =
+ match tac with
+ (Node(_,"Interp",
+ (Node(_,_,
+ (Node(_,_,x::_))::_))::_))::_ ->x
+ | (Node(_,_,x::_))::_ -> x
+ | x::_ -> x
+ | _ -> assert false
+let arg1_tactic tac = failwith "TODO"
+let arg2_tactic tac =
+ match tac with
+ (Node(_,"Interp",
+ (Node(_,_,
+ (Node(_,_,_::x::_))::_))::_))::_ -> x
+ | (Node(_,_,_::x::_))::_ -> x
+ | _ -> assert false
+type nat_tactic =
+ Split of (Coqast.t list)
+ | Generalize of (Coqast.t list)
+ | Reduce of string*(Coqast.t list)
+ | Other of string*(Coqast.t list)
+let analyse_tac tac =
+ match tac with
+ [Node (_, "Split", [Node (_, "BINDINGS", [])])]
+ -> Split []
+ | [Node (_, "Split",[Node(_, "BINDINGS",[Node(_, "BINDING",
+ [Node (_, "COMMAND", x)])])])]
+ -> Split x
+ | [Node (_, "Generalize", [Node (_, "COMMAND", x)])]
+ ->Generalize x
+ | [Node (_, "Reduce", [Node (_, "REDEXP", [Node (_, mode, _)]);
+ Node (_, "CLAUSE", lhyp)])]
+ -> Reduce(mode,lhyp)
+ | [Node (_, x,la)] -> Other (x,la)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let id_of_command x =
+ match x with
+ Node(_,_,Node(_,_,y::_)::_) -> y
+ |_ -> assert false
+type type_info_subgoals =
+ {ihsg: type_info_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro : string}
+let rec show_goal lh ig g gs =
+ match ig with
+ "intros" ->
+ if lh = []
+ then spe
+ else show_goal lh "standard" g gs
+ |"standard" ->
+ (match (sort_of_type g gs) with
+ Nprop -> donnons_une_proposition ()
+ | Nformula -> montrons g
+ | Ntype -> calculons_un_element_de g
+ | Nfunction ->calculons_une_fonction_de_type g)
+ | "apply" -> show_goal lh "" g gs
+ | "simpl" ->en_simplifiant_on_obtient g
+ | "rewrite" -> on_obtient g
+ | "equality" -> reste_a_montrer g
+ | "trivial_equality" -> reste_a_montrer g
+ | "" -> spe
+ |_ -> sph[ sps "A faire ..."; spb; spt g; sps ". " ]
+let show_goal2 lh {ihsg=hi;isgintro=ig} g gs s =
+ if ig="" && lh = []
+ then spe
+ else sphv [ show_goal lh ig g gs; sps s]
+let imaginez_une_preuve_de () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> "Imaginez une preuve de"
+| English -> "Imagine a proof of"
+let donnez_un_element_de () = match !natural_language with
+ French -> "Donnez un element de"
+| English -> "Give an element of";;
+let intro_not_proved_goal gs =
+ match gs with
+ Prop(Null) -> imaginez_une_preuve_de ()
+ |_ -> donnez_un_element_de ()
+let first_name_hyp_of_ntree {t_goal={newhyp=lh}}=
+ match lh with
+ {hyp_name=n}::_ -> n
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec find_type x t=
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t)) with
+ Prod(y,ty,t) ->
+ (match y with
+ Name y ->
+ if x=(string_of_id y) then ty
+ else find_type x t
+ | _ -> find_type x t)
+ |_-> assert false
+Traitement des égalités
+let is_equality e =
+ match (kind_of_term e) with
+ AppL args ->
+ (match (kind_of_term args.(0)) with
+ Const (c,_) ->
+ (match (string_of_sp c) with
+ "Equal" -> true
+ | "eq" -> true
+ | "eqT" -> true
+ | "identityT" -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+ | _ -> false
+let is_equality e =
+ let e= (strip_outer_cast e) in
+ match (kind_of_term e) with
+ App (f,args) -> (Array.length args) >= 3
+ | _ -> false
+let terms_of_equality e =
+ let e= (strip_outer_cast e) in
+ match (kind_of_term e) with
+ App (f,args) -> (args.(1) , args.(2))
+ | _ -> assert false
+let eq_term = eq_constr;;
+let is_equality_tac = function
+ | TacAtom (_,
+ (TacExtend
+ (_,("ERewriteLR"|"ERewriteRL"|"ERewriteLRocc"|"ERewriteRLocc"
+ |"ERewriteParallel"|"ERewriteNormal"
+ |"RewriteLR"|"RewriteRL"|"Replace"),_)
+ | TacReduce _
+ | TacSymmetry _ | TacReflexivity
+ | TacExact _ | TacIntroPattern _ | TacIntroMove _ | TacAuto _)) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let equalities_ntree ig ntree =
+ let rec equalities_ntree ig ntree =
+ if not (is_equality (concl ntree))
+ then []
+ else
+ match (proof ntree) with
+ Notproved -> [(ig,ntree)]
+ | Proof (tac,ltree) ->
+ if is_equality_tac tac
+ then (match ltree with
+ [] -> [(ig,ntree)]
+ | t::_ -> let res=(equalities_ntree ig t) in
+ if eq_term (concl ntree) (concl t)
+ then res
+ else (ig,ntree)::res)
+ else [(ig,ntree)]
+ in
+ equalities_ntree ig ntree
+let remove_seq_of_terms l =
+ let rec remove_seq_of_terms l = match l with
+ a::b::l -> if (eq_term (fst a) (fst b))
+ then remove_seq_of_terms (b::l)
+ else a::(remove_seq_of_terms (b::l))
+ | _ -> l
+ in remove_seq_of_terms l
+let list_to_eq l o=
+ let switch = fun h h' -> (if o then h else h') in
+ match l with
+ [a] -> spt (fst a)
+ | (a,h)::(b,h')::l ->
+ let rec list_to_eq h l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> []
+ | (b,h')::l ->
+ (sph [sps "="; spb; spt b; spb;tag_uselemma (switch h h') spe])
+ :: (list_to_eq (switch h' h) l)
+ in sph [spt a; spb;
+ spv ((sph [sps "="; spb; spt b; spb;
+ tag_uselemma (switch h h') spe])
+ ::(list_to_eq (switch h' h) l))]
+ | _ -> assert false
+let stde = Global.env;;
+let dbize env = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty env;;
+let rec natural_ntree ig ntree =
+ let {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh;t_concl=g;t_full_concl=gf;t_full_env=ge};
+ t_proof=p} = ntree in
+ let leq = List.rev (equalities_ntree ig ntree) in
+ if List.length leq > 1
+ then (* Several equalities to treate ... *)
+ (
+ print_string("Several equalities to treate ...\n");
+ let l1 = ref [] in
+ let l2 = ref [] in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (_,ntree) ->
+ let lemma = match (proof ntree) with
+ Proof (tac,ltree) ->
+ (try (sph [spt (dbize (gLOB ge) (arg1_tactic tac));(* TODO *)
+ (match ltree with
+ [] ->spe
+ | [_] -> spe
+ | _::l -> sphv[sps ": ";
+ prli (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="standard"})
+ l])])
+ with _ -> sps "simplification" )
+ | Notproved -> spe
+ in
+ let (t1,t2)= terms_of_equality (concl ntree) in
+ l2:=(t2,lemma)::(!l2);
+ l1:=(t1,lemma)::(!l1))
+ leq;
+ l1:=remove_seq_of_terms !l1;
+ l2:=remove_seq_of_terms !l2;
+ l2:=List.rev !l2;
+ let ltext=ref [] in
+ if List.length !l1 > 1
+ then (ltext:=(!ltext)@[list_to_eq !l1 true];
+ if List.length !l2 > 1 then
+ (ltext:=(!ltext)@[_et()];
+ ltext:=(!ltext)@[list_to_eq !l2 false]))
+ else if List.length !l2 > 1 then ltext:=(!ltext)@[list_to_eq !l2 false];
+ if !ltext<>[] then ltext:=[sps (bon_a ()); spv !ltext];
+ let (ig,ntree)=(List.hd leq) in
+ spv [(natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g (nsort gf) "");
+ sph !ltext;
+ natural_ntree {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro=
+ let (t1,t2)= terms_of_equality (concl ntree) in
+ if eq_term t1 t2
+ then "trivial_equality"
+ else "equality"}
+ ntree]
+ )
+ else
+ let ntext =
+ let gs=nsort gf in
+ match p with
+ Notproved -> spv [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ sph [spi; sps (intro_not_proved_goal gs); spb;
+ tag_toprove g ]
+ ]
+ | Proof (TacId _,ltree) -> natural_ntree ig (List.hd ltree)
+ | Proof (TacAtom (_,tac),ltree) ->
+ (let ntext =
+ match tac with
+(* Pas besoin de l'argument éventuel de la tactique *)
+ TacIntroPattern _ -> natural_intros ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacIntroMove _ -> natural_intros ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacFix (_,n) -> natural_fix ig lh g gs n ltree
+ | TacSplit (_,NoBindings) -> natural_split ig lh g gs ge [] ltree
+ | TacSplit(_,ImplicitBindings l) -> natural_split ig lh g gs ge l ltree
+ | TacGeneralize l -> natural_generalize ig lh g gs ge l ltree
+ | TacRight _ -> natural_right ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacLeft _ -> natural_left ig lh g gs ltree
+ | (* "Simpl" *)TacReduce (r,cl) ->
+ natural_reduce ig lh g gs ge r cl ltree
+ | TacExtend (_,"InfoAuto",[]) -> natural_infoauto ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacAuto _ -> natural_auto ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacExtend (_,"EAuto",_) -> natural_auto ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacTrivial _ -> natural_trivial ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacAssumption -> natural_trivial ig lh g gs ltree
+ | TacClear _ -> natural_clear ig lh g gs ltree
+(* Besoin de l'argument de la tactique *)
+ | TacSimpleInduction (NamedHyp id,_) ->
+ natural_induction ig lh g gs ge id ltree false
+ | TacExtend (_,"InductionIntro",[a]) ->
+ let id=(out_gen wit_ident a) in
+ natural_induction ig lh g gs ge id ltree true
+ | TacApply (c,_) -> natural_apply ig lh g gs c ltree
+ | TacExact c -> natural_exact ig lh g gs c ltree
+ | TacCut c -> natural_cut ig lh g gs c ltree
+ | TacExtend (_,"CutIntro",[a]) ->
+ let c = out_gen wit_constr a in
+ natural_cutintro ig lh g gs a ltree
+ | TacCase (c,_) -> natural_case ig lh g gs ge c ltree false
+ | TacExtend (_,"CaseIntro",[a]) ->
+ let c = out_gen wit_constr a in
+ natural_case ig lh g gs ge c ltree true
+ | TacElim ((c,_),_) -> natural_elim ig lh g gs ge c ltree false
+ | TacExtend (_,"ElimIntro",[a]) ->
+ let c = out_gen wit_constr a in
+ natural_elim ig lh g gs ge c ltree true
+ | TacExtend (_,"Rewrite",[_;a]) ->
+ let (c,_) = out_gen wit_constr_with_bindings a in
+ natural_rewrite ig lh g gs c ltree
+ | TacExtend (_,"ERewriteRL",[a]) ->
+ let c = out_gen wit_constr a in (* TODO *)
+ natural_rewrite ig lh g gs c ltree
+ | TacExtend (_,"ERewriteLR",[a]) ->
+ let c = out_gen wit_constr a in (* TODO *)
+ natural_rewrite ig lh g gs c ltree
+ |_ -> natural_generic ig lh g gs (sps (name_tactic tac)) (prl sp_tac [tac]) ltree
+ in
+ ntext (* spwithtac ntext tactic*)
+ )
+ | Proof _ -> failwith "Don't know what to do with that"
+ in
+ if info<>"not_proved"
+ then spshrink info ntext
+ else ntext
+and natural_generic ig lh g gs tactic tac ltree =
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ on_applique_la_tactique tactic tac ;
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="standard"})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+and natural_clear ig lh g gs ltree = natural_ntree ig (List.hd ltree)
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (prl (natural_ntree ig) ltree)
+ ]
+and natural_intros ig lh g gs ltree =
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (prl (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="intros"})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+and natural_apply ig lh g gs arg ltree =
+ let lg = concl ltree in
+ match lg with
+ [] ->
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ de_A_il_vient_B arg g
+ ]
+ | [sg]->
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh
+ {ihsg=ig.ihsg; isgintro= if ig.isgintro<>"apply"
+ then "standard"
+ else ""}
+ g gs "");
+ grace_a_A_il_suffit_de_montrer_LA arg [spt sg];
+ sph [spi ; natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="apply"} (List.hd ltree)]
+ ]
+ | _ ->
+ let ln = (fun _ -> new_name()) lg in
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh
+ {ihsg=ig.ihsg; isgintro= if ig.isgintro<>"apply"
+ then "standard"
+ else ""}
+ g gs "");
+ grace_a_A_il_suffit_de_montrer_LA arg
+ (List.map2 (fun g n -> sph [sps ("("^n^")"); spb; spt g])
+ lg ln);
+ sph [spi; spv (List.map2
+ (fun x n -> sph [sps ("("^n^"):"); spb;
+ natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="apply"} x])
+ ltree ln)]
+ ]
+and natural_rem_goals ltree =
+ let lg = concl ltree in
+ match lg with
+ [] -> spe
+ | [sg]->
+ spv
+ [ reste_a_montrer_LA [spt sg];
+ sph [spi ; natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="apply"} (List.hd ltree)]
+ ]
+ | _ ->
+ let ln = (fun _ -> new_name()) lg in
+ spv
+ [ reste_a_montrer_LA
+ (List.map2 (fun g n -> sph [sps ("("^n^")"); spb; spt g])
+ lg ln);
+ sph [spi; spv (List.map2
+ (fun x n -> sph [sps ("("^n^"):"); spb;
+ natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="apply"} x])
+ ltree ln)]
+ ]
+and natural_exact ig lh g gs arg ltree =
+ [
+ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (let {ihsg=pi;isgintro=ig}= ig in
+ (show_goal2 lh {ihsg=pi;isgintro=""}
+ g gs ""));
+ (match gs with
+ Prop(Null) -> _A_est_immediat_par_B g arg
+ |_ -> le_resultat_est arg)
+ ]
+and natural_cut ig lh g gs arg ltree =
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="standard"})
+ (List.rev ltree));
+ de_A_on_deduit_donc_B arg g
+ ]
+and natural_cutintro ig lh g gs arg ltree =
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ sph [spi;
+ (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro=""}
+ (List.nth ltree 1))];
+ sph [spi;
+ (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=No_subgoals_hyp;isgintro=""}
+ (List.nth ltree 0))]
+ ]
+and whd_betadeltaiota x = whd_betaiotaevar (Global.env()) Evd.empty x
+and type_of_ast s c = type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty (constr_of_ast c)
+and prod_head t =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t)) with
+ Prod(_,_,c) -> prod_head c
+(* |App(f,a) -> f *)
+ | _ -> t
+and string_of_sp sp = string_of_id (basename sp)
+and constr_of_mind mip i =
+ (string_of_id mip.mind_consnames.(i-1))
+and arity_of_constr_of_mind env indf i =
+ (get_constructors env indf).(i-1).cs_nargs
+and gLOB ge = Global.env_of_context ge (* (Global.env()) *)
+and natural_case ig lh g gs ge arg1 ltree with_intros =
+ let env= (gLOB ge) in
+ let targ1 = prod_head (type_of env Evd.empty arg1) in
+ let IndType (indf,targ) = find_rectype env Evd.empty targ1 in
+ let ncti= Array.length(get_constructors env indf) in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let ti =(string_of_id mip.mind_typename) in
+ let type_arg= targ1 (* List.nth targ (mis_index dmi)*) in
+ if ncti<>1
+(* Zéro ou Plusieurs constructeurs *)
+ then (
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (match (nsort targ1) with
+ Prop(Null) ->
+ (match ti with
+ "or" -> discutons_avec_A type_arg
+ | _ -> utilisons_A arg1)
+ |_ -> selon_les_valeurs_de_A arg1);
+ (let ci=ref 0 in
+ (prli
+ (fun treearg -> ci:=!ci+1;
+ let nci=(constr_of_mind mip !ci) in
+ let aci=if with_intros
+ then (arity_of_constr_of_mind env indf !ci)
+ else 0 in
+ let ici= (!ci) in
+ sph[ (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=
+ (match (nsort targ1) with
+ Prop(Null) ->
+ Case_prop_subgoals_hyp (supposons (),arg1,ici,aci,
+ (List.length ltree))
+ |_-> Case_subgoals_hyp ("",arg1,nci,aci,
+ (List.length ltree)));
+ isgintro= if with_intros then "" else "standard"}
+ treearg)
+ ])
+ (nrem ltree ((List.length ltree)- ncti))));
+ (sph [spi; (natural_rem_goals
+ (nhd ltree ((List.length ltree)- ncti)))])
+ ] )
+(* Cas d'un seul constructeur *)
+ else (
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ de_A_on_a arg1;
+ (let treearg=List.hd ltree in
+ let nci=(constr_of_mind mip 1) in
+ let aci=
+ if with_intros
+ then (arity_of_constr_of_mind env indf 1)
+ else 0 in
+ let ici= 1 in
+ sph[ (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=
+ (match (nsort targ1) with
+ Prop(Null) ->
+ Case_prop_subgoals_hyp ("",arg1,1,aci,
+ (List.length ltree))
+ |_-> Case_subgoals_hyp ("",arg1,nci,aci,
+ (List.length ltree)));
+ isgintro=""}
+ treearg)
+ ]);
+ (sph [spi; (natural_rem_goals
+ (nhd ltree ((List.length ltree)- 1)))])
+ ]
+ )
+(* with _ ->natural_generic ig lh g gs (sps "Case") (spt arg1) ltree *)
+ Elim
+and prod_list_var t =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t)) with
+ Prod(_,t,c) -> t::(prod_list_var c)
+ |_ -> []
+and hd_is_mind t ti =
+ try (let env = Global.env() in
+ let IndType (indf,targ) = find_rectype env Evd.empty t in
+ let ncti= Array.length(get_constructors env indf) in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ (string_of_id mip.mind_typename) = ti)
+ with _ -> false
+and mind_ind_info_hyp_constr indf c =
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let p = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let a = arity_of_constr_of_mind env indf c in
+ let lp=ref (get_constructors env indf).(c).cs_args in
+ let lr=ref [] in
+ let ti = (string_of_id mip.mind_typename) in
+ for i=1 to a do
+ match !lp with
+ ((_,_,t)::lp1)->
+ if hd_is_mind t ti
+ then (lr:=(!lr)@["argrec";"hyprec"]; lp1)
+ else (lr:=(!lr)@["arg"];lp:=lp1)
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "mind_ind_info_hyp_constr")
+ done;
+ !lr
+ mind_ind_info_hyp_constr "le" 2;;
+donne ["arg"; "argrec"]
+mind_ind_info_hyp_constr "le" 1;;
+donne []
+ mind_ind_info_hyp_constr "nat" 2;;
+donne ["argrec"]
+and natural_elim ig lh g gs ge arg1 ltree with_intros=
+ let env= (gLOB ge) in
+ let targ1 = prod_head (type_of env Evd.empty arg1) in
+ let IndType (indf,targ) = find_rectype env Evd.empty targ1 in
+ let ncti= Array.length(get_constructors env indf) in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let ti =(string_of_id mip.mind_typename) in
+ let type_arg=targ1 (* List.nth targ (mis_index dmi) *) in
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (match (nsort targ1) with
+ Prop(Null) -> utilisons_A arg1
+ |_ ->procedons_par_recurrence_sur_A arg1);
+ (let ci=ref 0 in
+ (prli
+ (fun treearg -> ci:=!ci+1;
+ let nci=(constr_of_mind mip !ci) in
+ let aci=(arity_of_constr_of_mind env indf !ci) in
+ let hci=
+ if with_intros
+ then mind_ind_info_hyp_constr indf !ci
+ else [] in
+ let ici= (!ci) in
+ sph[ (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=
+ (match (nsort targ1) with
+ Prop(Null) ->
+ Elim_prop_subgoals_hyp (arg1,ici,aci,hci,
+ (List.length ltree))
+ |_-> Elim_subgoals_hyp (arg1,nci,aci,hci,
+ (List.length ltree)));
+ isgintro= ""}
+ treearg)
+ ])
+ (nhd ltree ncti)));
+ (sph [spi; (natural_rem_goals (nrem ltree ncti))])
+ ]
+(* )
+ with _ ->natural_generic ig lh g gs (sps "Elim") (spt arg1) ltree *)
+ InductionIntro n
+and natural_induction ig lh g gs ge arg2 ltree with_intros=
+ let env = (gLOB (g_env (List.hd ltree))) in
+ let arg1= mkVar arg2 in
+ let targ1 = prod_head (type_of env Evd.empty arg1) in
+ let IndType (indf,targ) = find_rectype env Evd.empty targ1 in
+ let ncti= Array.length(get_constructors env indf) in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let ti =(string_of_id mip.mind_typename) in
+ let type_arg= targ1(*List.nth targ (mis_index dmi)*) in
+ let lh1= hyps (List.hd ltree) in (* la liste des hyp jusqu'a n *)
+ (* on les enleve des hypotheses des sous-buts *)
+ let ltree =
+ (fun {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh;t_concl=g;t_full_concl=gf;t_full_env=ge};
+ t_proof=p} ->
+ {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=(nrem lh (List.length lh1));
+ t_concl=g;t_full_concl=gf;t_full_env=ge};
+ t_proof=p}) ltree in
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (natural_lhyp lh1 All_subgoals_hyp);
+ (match (print_string "targ1------------\n";(nsort targ1)) with
+ Prop(Null) -> utilisons_A arg1
+ |_ -> procedons_par_recurrence_sur_A arg1);
+ (let ci=ref 0 in
+ (prli
+ (fun treearg -> ci:=!ci+1;
+ let nci=(constr_of_mind mip !ci) in
+ let aci=(arity_of_constr_of_mind env indf !ci) in
+ let hci=
+ if with_intros
+ then mind_ind_info_hyp_constr indf !ci
+ else [] in
+ let ici= (!ci) in
+ sph[ (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=
+ (match (nsort targ1) with
+ Prop(Null) ->
+ Elim_prop_subgoals_hyp (arg1,ici,aci,hci,
+ (List.length ltree))
+ |_-> Elim_subgoals_hyp (arg1,nci,aci,hci,
+ (List.length ltree)));
+ isgintro= "standard"}
+ treearg)
+ ])
+ ltree))
+ ]
+(* Points fixes *)
+and natural_fix ig lh g gs narg ltree =
+ let {t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh1;t_concl=g1;t_full_concl=gf1;
+ t_full_env=ge1};t_proof=p1}=(List.hd ltree) in
+ match lh1 with
+ {hyp_name=nfun;hyp_type=tfun}::lh2 ->
+ let ltree=[{t_info=info;
+ t_goal={newhyp=lh2;t_concl=g1;t_full_concl=gf1;
+ t_full_env=ge1};
+ t_proof=p1}] in
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ calculons_la_fonction_F_de_type_T_par_recurrence_sur_son_argument_A nfun tfun narg;
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro=""})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+ | _ -> assert false
+and natural_reduce ig lh g gs ge mode la ltree =
+ match la with
+ {onhyps=Some[];onconcl=true} ->
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (prl (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="simpl"})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+ | {onhyps=Some[hyp]; onconcl=false} ->
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (prl (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=Reduce_hyp;isgintro=""})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+ | _ -> assert false
+and natural_split ig lh g gs ge la ltree =
+ match la with
+ [arg] ->
+ let env= (gLOB ge) in
+ let arg1= (*dbize env*) arg in
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ pour_montrer_G_la_valeur_recherchee_est_A g arg1;
+ (prl (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="standard"})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+ | [] ->
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="standard"})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+ | _ -> assert false
+and natural_generalize ig lh g gs ge la ltree =
+ match la with
+ [arg] ->
+ let env= (gLOB ge) in
+ let arg1= (*dbize env*) arg in
+ let type_arg=type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty arg in
+(* let type_arg=type_of_ast ge arg in*)
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ on_se_sert_de_A arg1;
+ (prl (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro=""})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+ | _ -> assert false
+and natural_right ig lh g gs ltree =
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="standard"})
+ ltree);
+ d_ou_A g
+ ]
+and natural_left ig lh g gs ltree =
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="standard"})
+ ltree);
+ d_ou_A g
+ ]
+and natural_auto ig lh g gs ltree =
+ match ig.isgintro with
+ "trivial_equality" -> spe
+ | _ ->
+ if ltree=[]
+ then sphv [(natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ coq_le_demontre_seul ()]
+ else spv [(natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ (prli (natural_ntree {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro=""}
+ )
+ ltree)]
+and natural_infoauto ig lh g gs ltree =
+ match ig.isgintro with
+ "trivial_equality" ->
+ spshrink "trivial_equality"
+ (natural_ntree {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="standard"}
+ (List.hd ltree))
+ | _ -> sphv [(natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ coq_le_demontre_seul ();
+ spshrink "auto"
+ (sph [spi;
+ (natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro=""}
+ (List.hd ltree))])]
+and natural_trivial ig lh g gs ltree =
+ if ltree=[]
+ then sphv [(natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ ce_qui_est_trivial () ]
+ else spv [(natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs ". ");
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="standard"})
+ ltree)]
+and natural_rewrite ig lh g gs arg ltree =
+ spv
+ [ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);
+ (show_goal2 lh ig g gs "");
+ en_utilisant_l_egalite_A arg;
+ (prli(natural_ntree
+ {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;isgintro="rewrite"})
+ ltree)
+ ]
+let natural_ntree_path ig g =
+ Random.init(0);
+ natural_ntree ig g
+let show_proof lang gpath =
+ (match lang with
+ "fr" -> natural_language:=French
+ |"en" -> natural_language:=English
+ | _ -> natural_language:=English);
+ path:=List.rev gpath;
+ name_count:=0;
+ let ntree=(get_nproof ()) in
+ let {t_info=i;t_goal=g;t_proof=p} =ntree in
+ root_of_text_proof
+ (sph [(natural_ntree_path {ihsg=All_subgoals_hyp;
+ isgintro="standard"}
+ {t_info="not_proved";t_goal=g;t_proof=p});
+ spr])
+ ;;
+let show_nproof path =
+ pp (sp_print (sph [spi; show_proof "fr" path]));;
+vinterp_add "ShowNaturalProof"
+ (fun _ ->
+ (fun () ->show_nproof[];()));;
+debug sous cygwin:
+export CAMLLIB
+export COQTOP
+export CAMLP4LIB
+cd d:/Tools/pcoq/src/text
+d:/Tools/coq-7avril/bin/coqtop.byte.exe -I /cygdrive/D/Tools/pcoq/src/abs_syntax -I /cygdrive/D/Tools/pcoq/src/text -I /cygdrive/D/Tools/pcoq/src/coq -I /cygdrive/D/Tools/pcoq/src/pbp -I /cygdrive/D/Tools/pcoq/src/dad -I /cygdrive/D/Tools/pcoq/src/history
+Lemma l1: (A, B : Prop) A \/ B -> B -> A.
+Elim H.
+#use "/cygdrive/D/Tools/coq-7avril/dev/base_include";;
+#load "xlate.cmo";;
+#load "translate.cmo";;
+#load "showproof_ct.cmo";;
+#load "showproof.cmo";;
+#load "pbp.cmo";;
+#load "debug_tac.cmo";;
+#load "name_to_ast.cmo";;
+#load "paths.cmo";;
+#load "dad.cmo";;
+#load "vtp.cmo";;
+#load "history.cmo";;
+#load "centaur.cmo";;
+Xlate.set_xlate_mut_stuff Centaur.globcv;;
+#use "";;
+let pproof x = pP (sp_print x);;
+Pp_control.set_depth_boxes 100;;
+#install_printer pproof;;
+let bidon = ref (constr_of_string "O");;
+#trace to_nproof;;
+let ep()=show_proof "fr" [];;